2022 Southern NCSS Technology Committee

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Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: It means being recorded okay. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Great well, welcome to the 2022 South region Technology Committee meeting. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: My co host brianna why it's out in the field, this week so she's not able to join us, but she's from Texas a&m and. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And we've put together this agenda, we met previously on may 4 and that'll be one of the things we'll review is some topics we discussed during that previous meeting.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And I have some an outline or PowerPoint from Joe kinney from the national survey Center and Lincoln and present some of some updates he's provided and then we'll. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I was hoping to get a few more people excited right wide variety folks so we could talk about maybe some suggestions we could push up whether they'll be ignored or not, but for for web soil survey as we'll see in June kenny's outline that is on the table to be updated shortly. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And so I thought it'd be interesting if we had provide some perspectives on what we think can be done to improve it, as they re engineer that that platform, and then we would have our open discussion on any other topics that anyone else wanted to bring up and. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: We can look at chair nominations for next time. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah so last time MIA pull up the Minutes from that ready minutes from last time let's see here would be this document, let me zoom in on that because that's awfully small.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Alright, so last time we spoke about we had Adolfo this he. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: did a demonstration on nasa's add ons, which is a both a toolbox, and also a data source that's available through our GIs online where one can, through various ways query pet ons for a geographical extent and and. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: nice thing is, is that those it's not just a site, you know point on the map, but it actually has all the relational tables tied together. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: For you know for the myriad of tables or 80 plus tables that make up a pet on.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: As quite a company even that part of nasa's is complex and even the pet on part just a little anybody pet on has quite a bit of complexity, as far as table relations are concerned, so anyways hit his. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: tool that he developed takes takes a lot of that work it, Mrs puts it all together it's really nice and also provides a link of a summarized report for each pet on and that allows. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: You to access the 700,000 plus patterns that are in in the NASA database even mind that these add ons haven't all been QA QC to the fullest level, so there are varying quality levels.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And that needs to be considered both the patents themselves and their location, so that was that that was a very nice demonstrations, you gave and. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I have the tool, I can quickly demonstrate it, but I wouldn't be able to go this because of time and probably wouldn't be able to go in as depth as heated but that's something, and when we get to the open discussion, I am willing to do a subject myself to a live demonstration of that. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: related will is pat on entry lana Stevens presented work that she and others have done on trading a pet on entry form in survey 123, and this is. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: done to as an alternative to using pet on PC if anyone's familiar with that on PC that's a Microsoft access application or or or he uses Microsoft that access. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: To enter pet ons, which is actually still it still works.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: But uncertain devices such as a an apple iPhone or an iPad that may not be as convenient so survey 123 wow is designed more for a handheld devices and has some other advantages but that that she presented that. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And then there's a methodology. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: for importing those patterns in the masses. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And if you have access to us to do here's this link will be included, that you can there's all kinds of help documentation and examples there. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So that was the second topic that we discussed on May, the fourth, by the way, may the fourth was intentionally picked because technology is supposed to be a bunch of geeks and may The fourth is may the fourth be with you. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah so go on demand and.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: This one is another great tool that a Charles are those my Chad Ferguson. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Developed it's it's an alternative to sell development toolbox that's useful in our can only be used in our roadmap, so are sort of on demand is. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: For all for use in our GS pro it's a little it's a much leaner version than self development toolbox, but it's a very powerful tool it sends essentially what it does behind the scenes, is it creates big nasty long sql queries and sends them to the soul data access. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: database which allows you to query all kinds of information so properties at various depth ranges. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So interpretations and if it has option to it for to return a geography or actual actual. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So Polygon lines with the attached information requested or for larger areas because it has a limitation on how much data which back to you, you can just get the tag with information that you can enjoy into your own.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So sort of a Polygon a raster layer and it runs very efficiently for county you may run a request is that promise cameo. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Wayne welcome bye. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So um yeah so that would do like a county level request like a minute or two or last actually and then you can actually run a query on the whole entire United States within about 1214 minutes for a single property more if you request multiple properties so it's a very efficient tool. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And it's great assets to. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: The general public who were user insurance providers.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So that those are the the three main things that we talked about there was smoking discussion. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Points and some of these points are actually covered quite well within the PowerPoint that drew Kenny provided so i'm going to go to that right now i'm just gonna leave it in this you all. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Now, listening to something there's not a lot of detail here it's pretty brief So these are some of the projects that the small business.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: branch of the national survey Center is working on so number one it's been in the works for a while. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: CPC before he retired worked on this adult this is working on this and I know others are two it's the circle template database. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Currently, the pseudo template database is a it's an access data format or mtb. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: it's limited to two gigabytes in size it doesn't play well archie has pro.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And it doesn't include spatial data and. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And so they've been working on updating this has been it's quite a complex process it's been at least a couple of years, I believe in the works. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And so it was designed to work with so data viewer APP which requires a license that's another kind of Samaritan perhaps for it, so the new circle template. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: won't be limited to two gigabytes so you can you could put a whole entire state within it, besides the small smaller states like Delaware Rhode island, it will include spatial data within the database that'll be pretty exciting.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: It will be licensed free mean it's to assume that means what he's getting is open source and. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And it can be easily updated as. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Which i'm not entirely sure how much work previous version take took today, but apparently was quite a bit so and. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: This will be designed to work with a licensed version of sale data viewer which I think he has a slide on right here so so data viewer. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: it's currently an extension and archie is an art map I believe it's currently pretty cumbersome to the madness is I think what it means to make a magic map or.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: From. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: It something more than the extent of one survey area, which would be essentially a county level. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And the soul date of your platform is the new one that they're divided devising is going to be independent of platform, so will not require it as a license to use and you'll be able to do multiple surveys to treat thematic maps. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Essentially extracting that those properties there's interpretations that are within the circle database, so the idea here is to tie these two things together so that's the sole data viewer. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Related to to that in that not related but similar to that I should say the soul data developer toolbox, which I referenced earlier.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So we go on demand kind of acts as a stand in for this it's just a more elegant efficient version of this but it doesn't have nearly as many bells and whistles as the sole data development toolbox, which was developed to us and our map. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: As folks are moving more and more chart yes pro. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: that people are wanting to have a version that's supported in that platform, and so it appears that they that's become a priority and sometime.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: This fiscal year early next fiscal year so fiscal years in federal government began and ends on October 1 that will probably come out i'm imagine that is adult for this, who is probably reading that after but i'm not exactly sure, but that doesn't seem logical. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: um. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So circle web feature class so. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Researchers began to look at creating or further developing a circle web feature class, so this would be what feature class or leave with the referring to here is being able to load circle, the server into your jazz platform.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: could be. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: could be mistaken, but so work is be beginning hopefully sometime by this year that will be available there a the researching if. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: They have the capability to us so that access and upgraded if to a functional website feature service if it isn't feasible, we would need to request funding through the IRB. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Is what he's saying so so request for pseudo web feature services coming from the nlcs geospatial advisory committee jack in private industry so that's the where the demand is coming for for that, so I just be another way of delivering souls data, besides.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: downloading so you know there's many ways, you can get Sir good data such as this tool box, this is is providing another way of getting that appears. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And of course web self service is a people like to talk about web so serving both good good and bad, but it actually is quite a. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: quite impressive web page when you consider its agent pedigree it's it's it's still quite useful, but it could be modernized obviously there's some things that can be added so redesign is underway. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: look forward to that sometime next fiscal year mid next is going to be about right now, next year, so maybe by the time we're meeting in.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: where's the national. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And CSS meeting next year. North. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: North North Dakota all right. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So maybe. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: we're in North Dakota we can may may be getting showcased I don't know we'll find out projects as ambitious these often there's Hobson complications so and that is a very as a lot on the webpage and imagine they're considering putting more into it, I don't know specifics.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So lab data Mart is also being worked on and it appears sometime this month, it might be ready. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I don't have any sneak peeks here. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So data Mart is, it will be released to coincide with. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: website soil survey again that's tentatively next fiscal year about this time. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And then so data access looking at some updates and upgrades scheduled to coincide again with so Dana Martin web soil survey.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So, as you can see there they're trying to update three systems at once, or three. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: delivery systems at once, and so I imagine there's a lot of complications and putting those together but i'm excited to they're working on that and thinking holistically about that update so that's that's great. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: um and then interpretation and generators is uh I think this is this is pretty interesting I don't know I don't know the details, but i've seen some presentations on this, but um. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I don't know if anyone else knows about this, but I think it relates to being able to like, for example, slope, if you have your own slope surface creating more. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: tenuous interpretations versus like you know, a core a plethora of semantic we represented slope by mapping I don't know i'm not really that's just an example, but you. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: But i'm wondering if that's what's related to that I know there's been some ongoing research there but looks like in the next year, two we might be able to see some results from that so that's the update that I have from from drew.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I I honestly don't have any more, I have no more specifics beyond what's here so but I i'd be more than glad to to relay questions directly to drew and try to get answers, if you have any. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: fact I can pause briefly if anyone has questions he would like to put out there, I like they say i'm uncomfortable doing that. Dara Park: Alex kid, is it possible to share those. Dara Park: Three links that you had in that first word document or maybe just the word.

Dara Park: document first part of that word. Dara Park: document yeah anybody can use those it's not just. Dara Park: An rcs employees. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah so you're referring to. Dara Park: The service.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah So these are absolutely this is, these are all available to the public, and this is it not, that. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: there's anything that. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: wouldn't be available to the public i'm not really sure, because the way this particular tool works for updating data to. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Our she is online database i'm not really sure how this will enter finger with co operators are not that I would have to escalate to Stevens, but you can try this link, but I don't know what the results will be and then yeah he is this is also. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Definitely available to public these to both our art which you'll see when you get the links i'll put them on right now i'll be. Kristine.Ryan: There, if you want like me to show you how to use those me and George can definitely show you how to navigate those tools can download and use them we've used them before.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: awesome yeah I had I even had. Dara Park: github on my phone because we use it for our PSA grant. Kristine.Ryan: But it's great. Kristine.Ryan: yeah.

Dara Park: I know it's awesome. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: don't give me an option to see the chat oh it's probably right here. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: This window alright shadow chat here only put in. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I have a pet owns tool here.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So there's ncs pat ons and then we try to get this to work. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: entry. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: that's a that's a nice link nice have long nothing no unit that one then. Think. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: You go on demand, also referred to Assad. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: There you go so there's those three, of course, these Minutes will be published once I add the Minutes from this meeting to it so.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Okay cool Thank you. Dara Park: you're welcome. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: let's see here let's look at the agenda. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: That we have to stick strictly to it Okay, so there are a few of us who've had, I can see a couple folks.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Have couple of folks macadamia they have a couple folks from. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: The program side of the inner CS so that's good we have some different representation. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: What I thought we could do if if there's interest and since I do believe we have the time to do it is.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: is to talk, you know. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: let's let's look at the current web soil survey and let's let's brainstorm some things that we would want to see in a new design redesigned version, and we can put them forward as suggestions, they and they might even get listened to. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: But I thought that, with this kind of group, you know. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: That would be something maybe we could might come up with some interesting ideas, so this is the current format of a web soil survey. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: General you know there's all kinds of I use it periodically, I honestly don't use it near as much as probably some of you, because i'm usually dealing with the raw data itself.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So i'm probably not the most expert and using this web page, but I have, I do use it quite a bit. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: But generally speaking, you know you draw an area of interest through various ways, you can draw. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And then you would get a summary of the souls data, you can also directly download souls data by survey area and and whatnot and then there's ways to access interpretations and so properties and so polygons and you can see, all these various options so um. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Another I also brought up a couple other more modern applications that maybe we could use as examples these applications, of course, have their various purposes they're different than ours as far as.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Delivering data, but you have a couple state portals that I feel that are really well designed for delivering GIs data and then, of course, you have the usgs national map So these are three platforms that are that are quite modern are kept up to date. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And we can explore those to like to find examples of how those are presented, but we're obviously going to get into nitty gritty details. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And so, if there's interest we can do that, otherwise, or we can do that later if there's more interest in the back to the agenda here. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: To talk more openly about some other topics, and let me open up the notes from the previous meanness to see some of the open ended discussion we had last time because there's actually not a lot of overlap fact I might be the only common denominator from May 4 meeting. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So there was some discussion on the cell data development to about two blocks Eric mentioned that's already getting updated so that's kind of not really. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: An issue that needs to be discussed further we discussed about asking to Kenny did provide some updates and things he did provide an update on these two and he didn't mention gene that's good, but if you're not familiar with genesco I can Google web page, and I can show it to you would.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: talk to you about that there was some discussion um but with with the converse being cancelled it we didn't really follow up on this, but. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: You know, looking at having some xrs technology there in the room, and just kind of this kind of look at and maybe. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Ask Christina talk a little bit about it, but since we're not there that's not as we can still talk about it Christina, if you like, but there's really. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: It would be more interesting if we actually like seen it work, you know, like a little sample but.

Kristine.Ryan: yeah well, we were going to have a demonstration of it. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Oh well, we see him look at us, we were we were synchronized. Kristine.Ryan: yeah I mean that that there were so many things that we were going to do, and so. Kristine.Ryan: And so, new technology, we had a. Kristine.Ryan: Brian Sharon bra coming down from uw Stevens point we were able ours or oil order discussion we had a paper have that.

Kristine.Ryan: So. Kristine.Ryan: i'm hoping that in Louisiana I know that Mitchell is interested in taking some of that I told him, he can take our whole agenda and modify if he wants to, but one of the people that can model this where they can show this I mean he has this she has her right there. Kristine.Ryan: On a policy, though who's at the University of Louisiana Lafayette, so this is something that. Kristine.Ryan: We could definitely we can do these we can show this technology, because it's becoming more prevalent. Kristine.Ryan: So Louisiana be a good place to do it, I don't know if Brian would go to the name I don't know I mean he there they do have these I know Wade has some of these up in North Dakota so that's a possibility, too, so we can still.

Kristine.Ryan: put this if this is something that we want to put forth in the business meeting as a recommendation. Kristine.Ryan: We can have that because I know Wayne has about. Kristine.Ryan: Oh geez I don't know he's got he has a bench top X or up, I feel like they've got portable ones too so. Kristine.Ryan: We bought his States all scientist in North Dakota believe it's him and he.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: said oh sorry go ahead. Kristine.Ryan: No, I was gonna say son he's they bought this technology and they're they're using it. Kristine.Ryan: So it would be a good point to bring up say hey you know, we should probably talk about this and show this. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah I know Texas has.

Kristine.Ryan: Six of them. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah six of those little handheld ones. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So ya know I think it's fascinating I think that it would would have like you say, would you already on it and. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: It would have dovetail so well with the the overarching theme of this conference so i'll look forward to seeing them in action either a North Dakota or two years Louisiana because Maybe someone will take me out in the field and. mitchell.mouton: This is Mitchell arm in Louisiana yeah we'll definitely definitely will take Christine advice as far as kind of using her agenda and we'll be in honors backyard, so in my backyard so, so to speak, so they'll definitely be an opportunity for that, I mean.

mitchell.mouton: With it goes without saying, I guess. Kristine.Ryan: i'm not telling you what to do, i'm just saying listen to my stuff. Kristine.Ryan: yeah you work so hard. mitchell.mouton: yeah i'll pass that up for sure so. Kristine.Ryan: And I think you know she's in greenville right now she's still she she couldn't she didn't cancel anything so she's the only one from the conference she's like I really like it here i'm like yeah it would have been really nice.

Dara Park: yeah. Dara Park: i'm gonna spend some time with her tomorrow i'm really looking forward to that because I really don't know her and so yeah she I feel bad because we had a moderate all these zoom meetings we couldn't spend any time with her, but. Dara Park: she's having a little fun. Kristine.Ryan: yeah she emailed me she's like it's beautiful here i'm like I know. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Who is that you're talking about. Kristine.Ryan: Paul siva she's.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: she's there in South Carolina. Kristine.Ryan: yeah she's there now she was going to be or she was going to be the keynote speaker. Kristine.Ryan: And she was gonna just just share the stuff that she's been doing, she has a delta urban soils lab. Kristine.Ryan: And so she's got.

Kristine.Ryan: she's doing all this great work and she does a lot of research on px rf. Kristine.Ryan: The applications for soil survey and the applications for conservation planning, I mean there's so many aspects that you know, we could have talked about so. Kristine.Ryan: The uses and soil survey the technology, but the differences in both as a screening tool and also to help with. Kristine.Ryan: quantifying soil properties, like in the field like like content carbonate content things like that. yeah.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I look forward to Okay, so I noted that down, then it sounds like mitchell's already taking mental notes on that so that's great i'm. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Good I know i'll come back to your harper we get back to the web server discussion all we'll talk about your your suggestion there. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Okay, so that was that sex rf and we're looking forward to that, but we'll look forward to in the future. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: We talked about. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: already mentioned i'm willing to do some demonstration of either those tools mentioned above, and then we were going to have a couple of demonstration tablets with survey 123 just you know, let people play around this data. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And then yeah we wanted to talk about web soil survey, which will will will return to that now now i've kind of discussed all the previous minutes.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So yeah web still surveys that back open. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And so harper you're saying the ability to zoom in with the mouse roller set of okay so you're right it only goes up and down when I scroll so good point you have to use it to click and drag. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And then yeah okay i'm almost positive because almost any modern um Web. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: mapping will incorporate that but i'll make sure that that's mentioned because yeah that'd be terrible no, so this is corporate.

Harper: Even harper out of Virginia so i'm not per se fish but yeah I. Harper: went on serving. Harper: Explain stuff from foods, because that's what i'm doing sustainable scientist outside of you know, Mr ethan's me that there are a lot of improvements that could happen, especially aerial photography there's areas of the state that are using being photography and then have clouds and. Harper: The ground.

Harper: But that would be. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Sure word hmm so cloud free imagery okay. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: All right. Harper: And then, this is neither here nor there Tony knows about it they're not going to update it, but since we're not in charge of that later, but seldom room some of the room numbers are actually wrong. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah I am pretty sure this is a static layer of yeah I thought I was noting that, too, and also there over emphasize mccarter graphic perspective i'm like why why our roads, the most salient feature in this map like like I don't I don't know that's it that's that's just style thing.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: doesn't take away from the content um yeah. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: that's you i'm almost positive will be resolved automatically with with the update so but yeah all. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: But thinking like what kind of information, like again, I have no idea what what is in the works for web soil survey and how to be reformat and I imagine there's some pretty creative. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: sharp minds working on I just don't know, but one thing that i've noticed about these more modern pages, is that. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: There they don't immediately go to a map view like this does, because sometimes you're not wanting to put an AOL which they were they do that here we have these tabs he. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: goes to download so data, and you can.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: bypass that but i'm more almost except for the national map, most of these are thematically divided like you know you online or data, do you want. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: aerial photography do own light or whatever it is they more thematic we're delivering more of a specific suite of of material, but we still have multiple types of data that we're delivering we have G nassco we have Sergio we have. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: i'm not sure what else we would want to deliver on this, but we also I like the here here's Joe api's this is for are more advanced users but but. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: They have these applications are tools, well, we have applications and tools to that we have available to the public, like the three. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: already mentioned, you know we have a pet on entry forms, we have circle on demand, we have and CSS patterns and there's actually if you go to the our github page there's dozens of others, and so that would be another thing that I think it'd be nice if if we had kind of a launch page. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And that was available, I know, that was a little more comprehensive than this, which is very focused on.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Just so certain that i'm so sorry i'm. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So polygons sorry but that's just one thought I had. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Great so I got a couple add other thoughts, we go out on this check, yes, David idea.

Aaron.Friend: hey Alex this is Aaron. Air. Aaron.Friend: hey just a thought I recently had a meeting with some players here in Tennessee regarding the development of the usgs 3D HP layer hydrotherapy. Aaron.Friend: layer that they're working on with Z values tied to every node. Aaron.Friend: That would obviously be a little overkill to have the Z values in this in this. Aaron.Friend: viewer but the accuracy and consistency of that line work once it's developed.

Aaron.Friend: would be great to have integrated into this so that the streams actually felt. Aaron.Friend: Where they where they belong. Aaron.Friend: Sunni imagery. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So not quite so you're suggesting which. Aaron.Friend: i'm just suggesting that once that it's it's not readily available, right now, but once it is available to make sure that we would integrate that higher resolution hydrotherapy layer Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Oh okay so you're.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: you're suggesting that we have. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Because currently we have right now is default baseless I don't think there's any way to change the base layers. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So you're saying we would maybe. Aaron.Friend: go into the legend and turn them off and on. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Oh, here we are you right. Aaron.Friend: I don't want no.

Aaron.Friend: No that's for the units, but if you go and click on legend their side tab. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: You know, this would allow. Aaron.Friend: For us so between the the. Aaron.Friend: The quick navigation and the map there's the legend. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Oh yeah there it is. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: OK, we have, we do have open.

Aaron.Friend: But that layer Richard. Aaron.Friend: The layer that i'm talking about isn't readily available, right now, but as it is, which should be nice to have the most recent in here. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Oh it's available at zoom scale I see. Aaron.Friend: yeah but you're also talking a double edged sword that if the the hydrotherapy is extremely accurate, it would start to show the issues with our soil polygons and how they don't align. Aaron.Friend: But.

Aaron.Friend: You know, we already have, that in this product so just. Aaron.Friend: I think for our users to have the best data available would be great. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah, I imagine, I don't know how often these layers are updated but.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I never that would be web soil survey itself as much as just updating the data and its back end which I don't think will be very difficult. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And the. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: But yeah I know they do have quite a selection of feature layers you can add to map so. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And it sounds like this, by looking at those slides that you presented your gave to us. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: It sounds like that this the new version of web server will be more integrated with some other systems that sounds like so data access will be more integrated. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: sounds like so data view will be more integrated and so sounds so that already sounds promising that there's gonna be a greater level of integration of things.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I just don't know how and i'm very curious to see how so. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: um okay so ready. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Oh, I see so only so anyways um what uh any any other ideas.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: In Aaron going along that are there other layers other supportive layers that we feel our need to be added. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I think. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Over there.

Aaron.Friend: But no, I was just going to say that I think is we we move forward with a model and product, you know how how transparent, do we want to be with pushing. Aaron.Friend: The ancillary data or those covariance out there, but. Aaron.Friend: You know I think I don't know that for this this vector based product that we. Aaron.Friend: You know that there's a lot of other information that movement and push out. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: In wayne's targeting that rasp new roster so service will be delivered in this new format, but i'm not I can't say that no knowledge I just imagined they would be. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And I don't know, though, if whether they'll include the uncertainty layers that are behind you know, meaning when you create a raster so survey with predictive spatial model or model, you get.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: A measure of uncertainty as to that prediction about pixels so class I don't know if that will be. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: presented the covariance probably will not just because there's hundreds of them, and that would be probably too cumbersome for a web page. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: to display. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: But.

What about having. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: administrate administrative units related to programs like state zones and areas. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I don't see any that would be nice, is there a way to summarize. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: This right now, because they probably don't usually use websites I don't know how often do you use web soil survey to get information there it is it.

Kristine.Ryan: or programs. Kristine.Ryan: yeah I don't I would venture to guess the leadership team here doesn't know how to use it. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: that's what I was going to ask because usually it's already delivered on to on a server by you know other say GIs specialist or they're going to use. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Some other habits, maybe it's not. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: an avenue, which are what the program site is going to be.

Kristine.Ryan: I don't think they're overly concerned with themselves. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Okay well that's good to know. Harper: This. Harper: Product is public facing not so much just for interesting as I get 8000 right knew he was a month or two metrics and most of them are from engineers for the hydrological groups for store management oh. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah yeah that's kind of what I understood to this is more for the.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: general public would we use it every now and then we use it, because there's some quick easy access it, you know, like soul survey boundaries and things like that um but yeah. Kristine.Ryan: One thing that could be helpful and I kind of already and I don't know if we can actually do this but i'm. Kristine.Ryan: Having like you can't get these. Kristine.Ryan: Their color their layers that you can get I have to put the link in the chat, but you can basically get.

Kristine.Ryan: Those impervious surfaces, but I don't know if there's a way to get that layer and meaningful because you'd have to like reclassify either and classify it to based on the percentages like less than 15% in you know. Kristine.Ryan: Less than 15% impervious surfaces, you know you can map you develop a survey based on that. Kristine.Ryan: I can drop it in the chat I can try to find it and I don't know if you can do that, but that would be something if we could might it couldn't prove useful it we have context to soil series and map units that are mapped and. Kristine.Ryan: Are mapped in cities and give yep that one So if you go to. Kristine.Ryan: go up I think that's what I was going to tell you, if you scroll up there is a there's a. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: They have it somewhere I.

Kristine.Ryan: yeah go under data me. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah I think it is. Kristine.Ryan: And then you could go to land cover and. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I went over and impervious. Kristine.Ryan: surfaces somewhere down in here you go mm hmm Now I know it gets updated, but once all surveys refreshed every year, I mean.

Kristine.Ryan: I don't know it might. Kristine.Ryan: might be helpful if you have it on there, and people in cities can start looking at it. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: ya know it could be useful air to blue.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: As background layers. Kristine.Ryan: or something yeah. Aaron.Friend: here's a thought, what about a.

Aaron.Friend: Some reference or a layer that would direct people for. Aaron.Friend: assistance with web soil survey like a point of contact or administrative assistance with regards to. Aaron.Friend: You know, stay solo scientists, where we all we get these inquiries.

Aaron.Friend: You know, for some map unit, and you know pick a pick a location, and you know what does this mean or. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: or low I. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: mean like explicit contact us almost. Aaron.Friend: yeah yeah yeah. Aaron.Friend: And that.

Kristine.Ryan: question that I get the most is you know always brings people back, I actually created my own how to guide was like. Kristine.Ryan: screenshots step by step, how to use it, and so I just give that to me I get a lot of myrtle beach is getting developed like crazy, so I get a lot of realtors and other people asking you know I get a lot of people every week guy need a perk desk can you do it no, but this is, you know. Kristine.Ryan: Direct family and also them talk to them about web soil survey. Kristine.Ryan: So yeah you're right I don't think they know where to go. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah they have a link to the appropriate state office, I guess, they do have that much in this compost.

Aaron.Friend: yeah but that's. Aaron.Friend: It may be better somebody may be better served, depending on what the question is to the soul search directly to the soul survey office or to the area resourceful scientists or. Aaron.Friend: You could go on down the list you know ecological site specialist depending on what the question is there, somebody to better serve their question. Aaron.Friend: Is there in that. Aaron.Friend: In the help section or their videos.

Aaron.Friend: In there. Aaron.Friend: Because there we get so many we get so many to the far right there. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Oh yes. Aaron.Friend: We get so many questions related to well how do I even start with web soil survey and they the people aren't digging into the help section, you know at all and i'm wondering if there was literally a 32nd video that they could click on from this main page. Aaron.Friend: That would say Okay, welcome to web soil survey click here click there draw this do that okay now you're on your own. Aaron.Friend: So.

Aaron.Friend: They literally just you know they freeze as soon as they see the website, and you know my first comment to them as well if you're familiar with Google earth or you know, Google maps or you know, one of those it works very similar to that so let's walk through the process and. yeah. Aaron.Friend: I think. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Go ahead Oh, I was no answer says great it keep going. Aaron.Friend: When I just if there was just a 32nd video that summarized exactly what they've said here, define your area of view explorer check out. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah no I think it'd be great to have a couple links to YouTube or something that that demonstrated efficient use of the web page, I mean they have these the I mean this is not bad, but it's still.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: people to be nice to have goal. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: And I imagined the newly designed web page will be a little. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Follow more in the vein of other modern portals.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: That might be more intuitive to a more modern current user but. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: No. Aaron.Friend: Well here's a here's a question and it came up because the agency's. Aaron.Friend: migrating to drupal as their platform. Aaron.Friend: So would web soil survey be required, are we required to take it to drupal as the next platform for web design.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I don't even know. Aaron.Friend: drupal and yeah it's the latest that the Agency is going to use for all of their web websites were migrating our. Aaron.Friend: Our state websites over to it. Aaron.Friend: or I should say they are at headquarters that's. Aaron.Friend: An initiative, but the other part of something that i've learned about through this migration that they're doing is there's all kinds of like compliance Ada compliance and all of that associated with these websites that.

Aaron.Friend: That I never even gave a lot of thought to but regarding you know website readers and and the size of the font and there's all kinds of specifications there that we. Aaron.Friend: have to follow so i'm sure whoever's leading that charge will. Aaron.Friend: Make sure that those guidelines are followed, but. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: here's if there's a way to. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: See control plus on the West web page that's assuming it's assuming the page will change the font size, I don't know.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: This curious if if the usgs is savvy, as you mentioned, with that or not. Aaron.Friend: And that's timmy achievers the one that i've talked to that's up on all of this, so. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah tammy is definitely. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: We had tammy here, we might have a real meeting.

Aaron.Friend: She would she do dig a hole this week and hide. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: me well you know. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: She she shows up the national regional. Aaron.Friend: Oh yeah. Aaron.Friend: That you should have invited her. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah she can spend four weeks out of her summer.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: agency would fall apart um. Aaron.Friend: Yes, absolutely. Richard.Reid: yeah everything would crash if tammy. Richard.Reid: took a vacation on regional conferences i'm pretty sure. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: We would be on life support for sure um yeah.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Okay yeah i'm like Sam managing the looking at, but i'll make a note of Ada compliance. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah cuz you have font size, you have maybe. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: You have various colorblindness.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: You you have hope sorts of things that need to be considered, especially when displaying symbolic data. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah it's good points. Kristine.Ryan: I have a question I was just thinking about this github how ubiquitous or how much is our studio so for being used. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: A lot. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Is various folks.

Kristine.Ryan: I guess I do cover it and some of the training. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Oh, as far as within the Agency itself. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah we have. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: two courses, specifically that are. Kristine.Ryan: The first one. Kristine.Ryan: Logistics yeah.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah there's there's part one and part two, for that, for those who aren't familiar there's just she's referring to statistics for so scientists. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: That offer to. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Our to enter CS employees and our other federal operators that are on kind of on the job training, if you will bow bow with instructors um yeah quite a few use it um I was just using it before this meeting started, I prefer Python but that's just another.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: doesn't matter but um. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So yeah that that you'll notice that the github page there's quite a few tools in both Python and are those the two most common language is used Python because that's what integrates most with. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Using the ESRI suite of software are because a lot of the there's quite the scientific community as a whole. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: At least in the natural resources, around a lot of folks use are also some in. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Other disciplines to us are quite a bit, but. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: That that's what that's that's probably the main reason why.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So a lot of the digital so mapping, which were referring to digital so i'm happy we're talking about the development of. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Soil maps using predictive modeling approaches data, you know. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: think like a random forests or other machine learning algorithms a lot of those. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Projects are being done using our but one could easily use Python or any other application to to perform those two. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: All right.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: What seems like the just I mean unless someone has some other thoughts didn't sound like there's. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Too many other. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: ideas coming up for how to improve web soil survey. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: unless someone does anyone have any last other night no that'd be last you want to have any other additional comments to make before we move on from that. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Okay sounds like a i'll pass on those put those in the notes, but also pass those on directly to to drew. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I imagine a lot of those have already been might hopefully been considered already, but some of those I think might be.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Maybe they haven't. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: um. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So we have we there's nothing that says that we have to fill the full measure of our. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Time, but we do have more time.

and Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Looking at what we've already discussed is there anything here as far as these apple vacations that anyone would like to see more of. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Alright, so shape specifically and CSS add ons. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: or circle on demand, the former version was nasa's pedals now it's called dead CSS. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Excellent alright. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Well, that case there any other topics in general, you want to would like to to bring on.

Kristine.Ryan: Now, this one is less contentious. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Well, we can we can start a fight about something. sure. Kristine.Ryan: No it's good. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Your MAC MAC versus PC but that's kind of an old debate from the 90s.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Okay, then i'm typically when we do meet in person that's usual we take us 15 minutes we just like say we don't have. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: wax philosophical like the taxonomy Committee does. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So. Let me get this. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So with that then.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Is there anyone here who would like to do a better job next in two years, because I wouldn't be that the i'm sure you could and and share this. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: We would. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Again, as is typical we would have some from then or CS and then. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: One of our other Co operators, either from academia, or simply another agency, who could co chair this together. Kristine.Ryan: Now is this for the these are for the regional ones and that's the national.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: that's correct yeah. Kristine.Ryan: Just double checking. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah I don't I don't quite know how the national one is selected but um yeah so in Louisiana. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Second, to be in Lafayette Mitchell Mitchell still on Mitchell slipped off. Kristine.Ryan: i'm not sure I mean I don't know if he's decided, as you. Kristine.Ryan: Can in conjunction with like the land grant school Richard might know.

Kristine.Ryan: So, is that I don't know what school, that is, that university that you are see Louisiana Lafayette. Charles Stemmans: hello, she was the land grant. Charles Stemmans: Okay, but as far as I don't think there's been a decision made where. Charles Stemmans: would be best to host it. Kristine.Ryan: You know you have another year at least before you start thinking about it. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: yeah.

Kristine.Ryan: And whenever you guys do that Charles I mean i'm more than happy to help out as much as possible. Charles Stemmans: me too i'm sure i'm sure you will be taken up on that both. Kristine.Ryan: Right, I have I had a lot of fun doing.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: This it's. Kristine.Ryan: Really deflating that it turned into this, but. Kristine.Ryan: At least we're you know it's good to get the information out.

Dara Park: And the Steering Committee was amazing Charles everybody was so helpful. Dara Park: i've never had i've never done anything like this before so everybody was just really helpful. Kristine.Ryan: And we had a really good Community richards on here, Richard everybody was just so it was a lot of fun, it was, we had a good time we worked well together great.

Richard.Reid: Talk about. Richard.Reid: talk, talk about a learning curve. Dara Park: Exactly yeah.

Kristine.Ryan: I think all of us, the only one, maybe had done it really before. Kristine.Ryan: Was Joe maybe. Kristine.Ryan: That was her Edgar was really helpful to. Charles Stemmans: You. Because there's no job.

Kristine.Ryan: Thanks. Kristine.Ryan: I think we all. Kristine.Ryan: We all are on the same page we just really wanted to get everybody was excited to be in person. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: I have one question Christine what was going to be the you know we have that last feast day together what was going to be the South Carolina delicacy you're going to give us. Kristine.Ryan: You know, like.

Virtually. Kristine.Ryan: um you mean like the food on site. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Well, usually though there's like a dinner on Thursday night that's put on. Dara Park: You know, we were doing the lunch on Tuesday, because it was a farm to table lunch at the farm that we were visiting. Kristine.Ryan: yeah I can only talk about that that makes me so upset and that was a beautiful for me that was going to be our.

Kristine.Ryan: Soil health like champion, and I mean it was just it was awesome like hit that we, the facilities is huge barn with the kitchen and had garage doors all around and open. Kristine.Ryan: And patios outside I mean it was it was great Thursday was going to be a field trip to an urban farm and that's we're gonna have a pit and the px rf demonstration and then. Kristine.Ryan: Tuesday, you know, Tuesday, was the big. Kristine.Ryan: You know meal, I guess, but then all in town, you know darragh had put together.

Kristine.Ryan: Something that Charles you know just could do is she put a getting around town guide. Kristine.Ryan: All the restaurants events that were going on in greenville this week so families is really family friendly. Kristine.Ryan: So that's something that you know you were showing everybody that you know, Charles can definitely.

Kristine.Ryan: We were worth doing you know people an idea if they want to make a vacation out of our family's. house. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: My wife along for the trip. Dara Park: To come, let me know i'll be happy to show you around and tell you where my favorite places to eat up the places on there, and my favorite places to eat there's there's a lot of good food around here we're starting to become known as a foodie have a special. Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: Local foods.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: it's awesome. Kristine.Ryan: And if you do make it there's also a wonderful candy shop downtown greenville we load up on non praise and whatever dummies, if you like eating. Dara Park: Okay i'm stopping the recording.

Alex Stum, USDA-NRCS: So.


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