55 Aruna Pattam - Top 5 AI Trends to Watch for in 2023

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welcome welcome to another episode of the  impact of data and AI this week this episode   is sponsored by Wilde women leaders and data  and artificial intelligence Our Guest today   um if you're following her on LinkedIn  Aruna betham she is the head of AI   and analytics and data science for the  asia-pacific region at capgemini welcome   hi Melissa I'm glad to be here morning yes  so that's important because you're calling   in from Sydney New South Wales I'm on the  Eastern time zone of the United States so   it's 6 p.m here and 10 a.m for you yeah funny my  uh my daughter says that you are in the future   and I am in your past I mean it can be taken  good and bad because I'm in I'll call it down   under so uh you know timing with global  becomes a challenge all the time but yeah   but you have been really busy um in 2022 you were  linkedin's top voice and AI um in 2023 which is   just now come you have been highlighted as one  of the top 100 billion women in Ai and ethics   and you just recently within the last year become  a group member for the responsible Think Tank a   um excuse me correction responsible AI  Think Tank yes yes got it thank you yeah   she's she what you can't see for those that are  watching this via audio podcast is this really big   big grin from ear to ear yeah I mean uh I mean you  know to be honest uh when I started this journey   this is not what I had in mind uh I was I'm very  passionate about Ai and data science and um you   know while I was working and going and doing this  you know a job and coming back I thought there   was something missing in me uh you know got a bit  monotonous so I thought after all these years of   experience I need to give it back to the community  so that's what started this um Journey a few years   ago and without any expectations I just did what  I um passionately believed in doing and uh I   think if you just do it what you need to do things  will come by itself and that's what happened I'm   very glad about it and definitely and I'm very  happy and gives me more motivation to do more   perfect as long as you've got the 24-hour  cycle to do that that's been my problem is I   want to do a lot of things I want to give back I'm  actually limited by the time the concept exactly   I mean that is still a challenge uh I tried to  scrape and I wouldn't say it's it's been easy   um a little bit you know definitely support from  the family my husband and all helps to the cause   but I would say it's not it's not easy at all  yeah I I asked you to be a guest and you accepted   um primarily because I want to combine  you know the the combination of   um the role you have as head of AI and data  science and Asia Pacific but you also have   visibility into the rest of the world um but  in focusing also in the combination of your   top LinkedIn voice and Ai and then also what's  going on with the responsible AI think tank and   all of that I think you've pulled together  just recently in your posting around the   top five Trends in AI Technologies I think that's  something that we can absolutely unpack for today   yeah sure sure you know definitely and thanks for  having me here and hello to your audiences uh and   um yeah um so as we know now uh AI you know has  been there for many many decades and most recently   it's been coming into mainstream uh you know a  lot of people are talking about it and using it   um but one of the things with AI is that  it is an evolving field while there are   a lot of people uh looking into implementing  it it is still evolving day by day right so   um so it is important that we keep up to date  with the latest and the greatest that happens   in the Air Technology and it's actually changing  from years to months to weeks I don't know maybe   it will go to days where it'll become very hard  to keep up with what's happening in AI even   um for people like us but um I think that is  very important so you know what's out there and   how I can use it for you know the benefit of  you know business individuals as a society so   um if I have to sort of highlight the top five  Trends the first would be the AI and cyber   security which is a no-brainer I think because  cyber security has been such a huge challenge   um for everyone across the globe because of  the constant threat that we get with the with   the cyber attacks that happens uh especially it's  more more practical or real for Australia because   2022 has been a really bad year for us um as a  community we had two major cyber attacks happen   one with Optus which is a you know biggest Telecom  in here and another one with medibank which is   again a biggest um ielt Insurance um and I see  you know the industries that are vulnerable uh   in the top industries is a government sector  and Health Services because of the rich data   that have and and the amount of uh you know money  that people can make with those data so uh that is   where I think AI can play a very key role in fact  I just did a Blog on the data protection day which   came about uh last week or a week before on the  importance of AI powered cyber security right so   um you have the technology that has complicated  complex algorithms that can uh track through the   you know millions of data points and find out  what their relationships are identify threads   um and to be able to prioritize and  those threads and address them so   um AI has a huge role to play uh when it comes  to cyber security also also I can also get into   bad bad people as well they also can use it  for their advantage you know sniffing through   looking for uh you know opportunities for  weaknesses that can they find in the systems   and all the networks and then just immediately  automatically you know send something out to to to   um so that is why I think it's more  important that you know it's how you use it   um but either way AI has a role to play in  cyber security so that's the first thing so Aruna when we think of cyber security it's  identify protect detect respond recover but   cyber security is is really the security around  the electronic aspects of data information the   electronic version of information so then with  the discussion of this this first Trend how is   AI really helping how is it how is AI working  with that cyber security industry and why did   you list that as one of your trends yeah so  uh you know as I was saying that you know AI   um has got complex algorithm it can serve through  millions of data points it can see how they are   detailed how they are linked together uh UK there  is anomaly detection that happen you know what is   the normal way behavior of these networks and  systems and you know sometimes you know when   those things can go up hazard you know anomaly and  those can be automatically detected while a few   um you know a few years ago we did have uh anomaly  detection but that's more rule based right now the   ma with AI and machine learning they can learn  from the data on the go in real time and find out   these anomalies find you know because people tell  that's what we also see in fraud uh spices well   people tend to the Bad actors there tend to know  what you're trying to um you know protect and they   go look for a different set of behaviors to bypass  that now with the AI it can learn from those   behaviors and you know automatically try to  prevent them so that's why I think AI has   got a much more scope because it can handle the  volume it can be uh quite you know speed and uh   can instantaneous all of these uh I would say  would be a great power in in attacking cyber   threats thank you that makes a lot more sense  for me yeah I appreciate that so let's move on   to number two okay so then the number two I I see  is democratization of AR so this comes as AI has   become mainstream you know people are starting  to understand what AI is what is potential and   how it can be applied in different Industries  uh what that means it opens up opportunities   everyone wants to be part of the bandwagon  everybody wants to want it use its potential   but there is uh you know challenge in terms of  the resources and the skills that is required   um to be able to uh you know for everyone to  get into it it you know small medium firms you   know do they have the um you know funding to do  all this so now what we are seeing the trend is   um automl no code low code platforms are coming up  uh you're looking at citizen data scientists who   um you know people who have got the subject  matter expert who have been in Industry they   know what is what they want but they don't  know the technical expertise to be able to   use this sophisticated AI systems and that's  where uh you know these tools are coming in   um uh so which care where you can feed in the data  um you know you've got to find out which data is   um you know relevant for the problem that you're  trying to solve feed in it and automatically   looking at the data structure of the data nature  of the data I'd come up decide what algorithms to   choose and then it comes up with predictions  which you can then look at it and provides   nice reports and stuff which gives you enough  information to have the confidence that it is   doing the right thing and then you can review and  then make the decision so that means that it has   AI systems is now you know coming to everybody's  hands and they can use it for the advantage so   that is evolving and it I see more and more the  tools will be developed um to actually tap into   that uh huge Market that is out there who is  very keen to use AI so that's my number two   yeah I do have one question when it comes to  you mentioned the comment about uh resources   um so when I think of resources I think of both  the individual resources skill sets but I also   think of that computing power you know yes you  know there are companies like IBM who've just   recently pushed out you know faster silicon  chips they can sift through the state even   faster but we're still finding that's not fast  enough so is is that kind of what you meant by   resources that kind of wrap in your arms around  resources primarily more on the skill sets of   the individuals uh of course where you know  democratization AI when it comes to Technical   Resources we're talking about the power and  all that that's probably similar in my view   whether you're doing a heavy and data science  platform or I think they are try they they are   getting more mature in that space I don't see a  major difference but it's more primarily on the   skill sets you know having um you know thousands  of data scientists which is hard to come by uh   and all of that you know unicorn uh technical  people we are looking to solve world problems   so I think democratization will definitely make  it much more common and accessible by everyone   and two others to just answer your  question about the computer power   um you know Edge AI I see it's the um third Trend  that I see will get more and more um leverage in   the future uh because we are seeing uh more and  more smart devices and handheld devices being   used and we also want um insights and decisions  to be made uh when we are using those devices now   um you know it'll be very hard if you have  to rely on sending all the data back to the   servers or have this High processing power and  and bandwidth the the good thing about the edge   AI technology is that it doesn't require a huge  processing powers or the bandwidth it is on the   uh device uh the machine learning models runs  in the device where um what you're using and   for example we are seeing it getting used in  medical devices like if you are doing scanning   uh you know you could then and there uh you know  run some algorithms and detect um you know results   uh from those devices rather than you have to  wait for I need to send to the server and come   back with the reports and with all these smart  appliances we are using uh phones we are using   um and self-driving cars you know iot anything  with iot devices you could use AIG technology to   actually uh you know make those uh predictions uh  faster quicker and the decisions also can be made   into instantly so that is an industry I would  see definitely really picking up because uh we   are getting more used to handheld devices now and  we want Smart Homes everywhere so I can see a huge   huge market for that the next one um I would say  is generative AI so which is a Hot Topic uh at the   moment so so generative AI just to give a bit of  a blurb it's either artificial type of artificial   intelligence where you give a existing input and  it can generate new images new videos new data   data sets and so on with that by understanding  the features of the input data that you fed in   um right so it has got huge um opportunities and  potential uh example synthetic data which have   been talked about a lot and with the technology  getting Advanced you know you could use uh your   existing data points and then get new data created  and it's very useful when you don't have the right   level of data or you don't have the right level  of diverse data which is required to build the   AI system or if you if you think that those data  are very sensitive that you can't use them in in   building the AI system so they can become super  super important you can use synthetic data don't   need to worry about privacy challenges regulations  and all of that but still be able to provide the   similar outcome because the characteristics of the  data points have not changed right it's the value   of those data inside has been changed right so so  I see um that is one area again uh we are seeing a   lot of applications you know you know mushrooming  out you know you give a text it comes up with   the images you give a text it comes up with the  videos which is you know making it more easy for   the content marketing um people to be much more  productive in in what they're trying to deliver a   message and and the last one is chat GPT which um  I don't need to say well how why it is important   and how it is important it's been soon Army uh  or I would say you know nothing has exploded   that that quicker as compared to chat GPT again  there are you know yes you know it's used in uh   marketing and but I can see a lot of applications  in business spaces uh using chap GPT technology   um right using in customer service while we've  been using traditional Bots to actually help   with the customer service um but they are much  more rules driven um much more not as aesthetic   or human-like if I have to say um with this chat  GPT um you know because it's been trained with um   gigabytes and gigabytes of data and you could use  it customize it and use it for customer service   where the responses will be very human-like as if  you are talking to a human support team person and   it can customize the responses based on um you  know what the conversation is happening instant   stationary so it can take conversational other you  know customer service chatbots to the next level   um where it doesn't look as if you're talking to  some computer trying to solve your problem so that   you know call center Analytics where well you are  doing a call center you know taking customer calls   um behind the scenes it can summarize all the  transactions highlight key points identify   the sentiments of the person who is uh who's  sitting there and requesting those services so   um in processing process optimization mortgage  processing you know all of that I see a lot of   um potential um you know you could use uh digital  avatars uh human like uh yeah avatars are coming   up with human-like conversation uh you know you  could um if you've done correctly uh and if it   is Advanced well you know Financial advice you  know you can have someone giving some initial   financial advisors or if you want to diagnose  you know something you have some uh you know   um what you can call um you can diagnose the  symptoms if you have some symptoms and you   wanted to talk initially uh you know it can help  in the health system as well so I you know if you   keep exploring there's quite a lot of potential in  chapter um always you need to be cautious and in   fact I put a post today on chapter Advantage  but with a word of caution right it's a it's   a new evolving technology it's in the hands of  everyone which is good and can be dangerous so   how do you make sure you use it responsibly so a  generative AI is is going to go next level gpt4   I'm told it's going to be 100 volts powerful than  gpt3 so we'll have to wait and watch but you know   you can see an explosion of advancement in that  space I do have one question for clarification   the difference between the general the generative  Ai and the chat GPD because in in both in both   examples it's generating content um so is is the  difference because generative AI is more visual within that generative AI you could have  generating pictures uh you know Dali is one of   the example where you you are able to provide  a text and it's able to generate videos and   images then you have things like code it can also  generate code um for you so that's another type   of generating AR then you have this chat GPT which  is a conversational chatbot which is generative so   they all come under the family of generative  AI got it I understand thank you so much yes going to the number five and the  most important and passionate topic   of mine and quite relevant with the  chat gpt's uh thing is responsible AI   um you know as I said responsible AI was very  important always embed up with chat GPT where   it has gone to uh you know everyone even my um  my son uh tried chapter GPT I said Mom you do you   know there's this charge Deputy it can generate  uh text and everything cool and he's trying to be   excited to do his uh School assignment with all of  that stuff so um you know it's become so so common   uh and that is why I think it's important to have  responsible AR because there is a tendency uh if   not used rightly you can spread fake information  misinformation and steer the community towards   um you know particular um uh opinion which  which might become danger right in the long   term so you got to be very mindful of that that's  why responsible AI has been a long-term passion   topic of me and also that is what we are  trying to do as part of the think tank group   um in Australia's you know csiro which  is our research organization they've   got a national AI Center established so one of  the objective of the national AI Center is to   um you know spread the awareness of AI and  responsibly and how do we ensure all the   businesses we want to use we want the community to  use AI we want Australia to be Forefront in using   AI at the same time we want to be very responsible  in the use of it so how do you spread awareness of   what is the responsible AI what are the tools what  are the you know Frameworks that you need to know   and you know spreading the awareness educating  community and making it much more uh a must to   do in the business organization that's what we  are trying to do so responsible AI will become   even more important and if if it wants if AI needs  to be mainstream responsibly I should be by Design   and not something that you do later on even before  you're thinking about Ari first thing is what is   the impact of that AR you know what are the things  got shoes that I need to be mindful of so when you   design when you do it by Design then things uh can  fall in place so that is my last prediction um in   fact it's not a prediction it is a must do yes to  ensure that we are able to use it more responsibly   as we look to wrap up what are the what are the  leave behinds you know somebody listening to   this says oh great this is good I've got these  five Trends okay now what what are some things   that maybe they could start doing tomorrow  that would help put them in the right mindset   so I think uh um you know it's all about awareness  and knowledge I guess depending upon uh which   industry so that is which industry they are  in um uh you know trying to uh well that is   what I always you know you need to understand  the technology but one of the things I aim to   do is understand the technology simplify into  business terms and see how it can be applied to   your day-to-day problems either in your personal  or in the business right that's that's what even   prompted me to create this AI in business Series  where I talk about how AI could be used in across   various Industries I've taken 10 Industries you  know banking Insurance retail Telecom government   services agriculture Healthcare oil and gas  right the potential of applications of AI   it's there everywhere and what I would say is if  if someone is wanting to use this technology for   the advantage age understand which sector you even  have a good understanding of um AI generally high   level and see how it can be used in your specific  industry and and that's where that's what I would   um advise them so um some applications are across  the customer service across the board in every   industry but fine tune your specific you know  sector um but you have the technology but you need   to sort of customize and fine-tune for your own  requirements well I appreciate your time thank you   so much for joining our our podcast today thank  you so much thanks always pleasure to talk to you


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