Answering Questions We’ve Avoided babies money God

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a big thanks to Dell for sponsoring today's video Oso off come on this feels long overdue it has been five years since our last q and a video and you guys have a lot of questions we took to Instagram go go go go go go go go go and the questions are juicy so let's just Jump Right In the number one question is are you already married I've noticed wedding bands yeah married we got secretly married we are not legally married in 2017 Eamon proposed it was a beautiful proposal and I think honestly the idea of planning a wedding just sounded like a lot of work so we just sort of casually never decided to put the effort in to get married priorities were focused on growing our business and and we were broke we had no money to really make a wedding that's true and then this past year right as I was finishing chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer Eamon attempted a surprise wedding obviously BEC was sick and looked sick and felt sick but I really just thought like you know what let's just do it and it'll be like a 15-minute wedding will surprise her with the Rings and her girlfriends will have dresses in the van and she'll throw on the dress guy will marry us and it'll be like 15 minutes long story long I asked probably too many people advice and the overwhelming response was like I don't think that's what you would want so I got her a new ring and bands and I had it all planned and then I surprised her with another engagement kind of because I was like yo like what do I do with all these rings foreign [Music] [Music] okay I do and I guess we consider ourselves married so we started wearing our wedding bands oh so we're filming a video I also got into the garbage so we are not legally married we are potentially planning something for 2023 but so I make breakfast Yeah question number two will you ever travel with Oso miss seeing him in the Vlogs oh come here the main reason we're home is because we miss him so much and we are packing up the van today and going to Mexico like driving to Mexico you just gave that away like that that's a good boy we were looking for you to teach you to not do this sometimes we allow you I know it's confusion okay question number three how did you two meet and what were your first impressions of one another Eamon and I met at our jobs let's keep it real Eamon was technically my boss not technically Eamon was my what do you mean technically you were technically my boss but I was totally the boss so it was 2012. my first impression was love at first sight baby he's so cute he's so smart honestly my heart stopped when I first saw Eamon which sounds come on so cheesy it's not at all and I was not the girl to go around being like Oh I met this really cute boy or whatever but I went home and I told my best friend I told my sister I told everyone like I met the cutest guy but he's my boss like looking back on it's crazy because it was like immediately like wow she would be the most amazing mother you know it was like it was like if I could ever build a family with this woman like I'm sad stop stop it I swear The Story Goes that Eamon and I went on to travel together as friends then one fateful night in Thailand I made the first move and the rest is history I can't imagine if I had never tried with you like look at where we are now I would have done something at some point what happened to Freestyle Fridays and will you bring them back I will bring for yourself right back I'm thinking about bringing them back on shorts let us know what you guys think about shorts do you want shorts now that it's on a separate page I think we could do a first off Friday on shorts you guys want to see how to cut a pound welcome back to another Freestyle Friday every single week we're gonna cook it my way the recipes are free I don't know where I learned this but you just go like this I'm gonna create like a little X on top like a little Hat Pop That guy off and you'll just score and you just break it open and then you still need to kind of it's okay best part of living with amen he's a chef oh this is a heavy one when losing Lee did you re-evaluate that there could be a God I never grew up really that religious but I've always kind of been interested in religion just like because it's such a fascinating topic when people would say different religious things it kind of made me feel uncomfortable but now I have reframed that into more of like a spiritual like God is love and and the more I learn about different religions whether you're Muslim or Jewish or Christian it is all really the same thing everyone's wants to believe in the same thing and have similar morals and just be a good person you know after Lee's passing I believe so much more in energy and you know how can he not believe in energy this dog picks up on our energy and he's just a dog I mean he's pretty cool dog I learned a lot from Lee's passing and it was obviously a very traumatic experience for both of us but feeling her every day with us strongly like I I don't just say that and I think if you haven't experienced this you might think that it's frou-frou and too hippie of someone to say but even the other night I was thinking about her and I just felt this in my heart like a strong like a hand on my heart physically physical um yeah and it was just like her saying I'm always here um I'm a lot less afraid of death because I believe very strongly in the soul and the Soul continuing after this body is gone and that's a gift from Lee for sure she's here right now yeah she's always here she's always here love you Lee love you so much Lee I don't even feel hungry anymore that's so deep okay let's have breakfast we are driving to Mexico tomorrow there's a lot to do I saw a question about short hair first long hair I would say as a female who always had really really long hair you don't know what you're missing out on until you've gone short it is so easy so flexible go for a swim why not your hair will dry in two seconds like I used to let that stop me from doing things but the worst part for me is that I still don't match up my actual visual identity with like how I think of myself so I have really hard times when I look in the mirror and I'm like is that what I look like and what's going on with that hair and I think a huge part is that this was not my choice for sure I think I'll grow my hair back to about Bob and I'm open to the idea that I would shave it again on my own terms or just keep it short forever I don't know that I'll ever go back too long what do you guys think do you like short a lot I like shaves wait buddy before you go yes the people want a tattoo tour what are eamon's tattoos how many does he have and what are the meanings behind them this one is my newest one probably my favorite uh it's obviously got like a thing on it right now but this one is all about mindset and the soul and slowing down in perspective Shout Out Mr coo uh this is my lead tattoo she was a Scorpio I was a Scorpio over Scorpio babes this one is my chemo tattoo liquid Sunshine let this is for all the uh negative comments let um talk I got that matching with Craig Holmes and Amy Bannister this one here I got in Morocco it's a lantern Moroccan Lantern sort of to mimic these guys here we love the light they give off we love Morocco this is my first tattoo I got this when I was 19. it's my family crest but then I added a few different elements so I added like love honor luck and health and it's got a little monkey with a crown this one here is like a van Life tattoo it's got a van down by the river you know what I mean this one here is a girlfriend of mine her name's Stacy this one here is Freestyle Friday this one here is Rojo he's a little Mexican dog We rescued and then this one here I met this dude tattoo surf Nomad lives in his van tattoo artist and he whipped that up it's pretty sweet the stick and poke that um my brother Cameron's roommate did in his apartment and it's three mountains we got it in Vancouver and I have two brothers so like three of us and just kind of jealous of that one so yeah how many is that 11 or so yeah I'm sure we'll put up and that's been your tattoo tour more coming soon my vision is when I'm old like old old like like 99 and my grandkids are like jumping on my lap and stuff and I'm and they're like What's this one and I'm kind of can barely remember but I know it was a good time and so I get tattoos as like a way to kind of map my life and as for me I still only have four tattoos four little dots from radiation yeah it's dump time [Music] thank you okay so I saw a question about alone time and I figured this might be a good opportunity to talk about it Beck and I are very different so she really enjoys her alone time and that doesn't necessarily mean alone for me it just means a loan from other people so she's an introvert and likes to recharge solo I think it's healthy in a relationship to do your separate tasks and I'm learning to not fill our social calendar so much and to go do things on my own and I think that's something I struggle with is because I love being with people but I'm working on it look at me right now going out to the dump [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] come into my office to answer the question how do we make money so a few years ago Amy and I were able to monetize our YouTube channel in a meaningful way and we have what we'd call three streams of income number one being products that we sell so things like our tea our cookbooks and merch merch that's right March we like to donate and give back to more than make money and our tea company we've actually never paid ourselves from but theoretically we make money in those ways number two is through Google AdSense which are the ads that run before during or after our videos we don't have any control over whether those get filled or who fills the slots but every single month if we meet the threshold we're paid out from Google and number three is through brand sponsorships like today's sponsor Dell we'd like to thank Dell again for working with us it feels like a huge achievement as creators everybody meet Dell's new XPS 13 plus does everything you needed to do all while looking beautiful being super lightweight and extremely durable all things that we look for for the products that we bring on the road and on the move with us look it's so durable whoa that's solid I want to quickly point out some of the features that set this laptop apart from the rest one of the biggest changes from the other models here is the Palm rest it's a seamless glass touch with haptic feedback which means it feels the pressure from your fingers and immediately gives you accurate and responsive feedback another major point of change with this laptop is the new keyboard the keys are larger and there's no spaces between them it makes for a really nice typing experience plus the XPS 13 plus uses an Intel Evo platform making it the most powerful XPS 13 yet and again just look at this beauty if you want to learn more you can head to XPS starting to get a bit concerned it is 3 P.M that is

a pile of laundry things we need to sort for the van the van has not even been touched I think our pipes are frozen and instead of doing anything van related to leave for Mexico in the morning lots of questions about chai Walla do we still own the company what is going on a lot is going on T is still a big part of our lives and we can't wait to bring this new thing to all of you very soon let's go five minutes late for the call we only showered because we're filming today so it's all facade it's all fake especially those earrings thank you girl this is why our company has taken two years to do this because we just get on Zoom calls and just talk about how good looking we each other are bye [Music] that was awesome Packaging you excited we don't usually buy special treats like meat and cheese for Oso but my dad does so he made him these sausages like yeah real meat sausages also come sit what's a good spot he just doesn't miss good boy what is the biggest fight we've ever had put it on tripod for this one it's a big one we're having a leftover bowl of tofu scramble potatoes and micro arugula with some salsa and hummus on top okay well our biggest fight was when we were working at a cafe we were both managing it technically I was managing it but you know we're about to have our bigger and basically a customer did something really rude I can't even remember what it was now do you know yeah I kind of snapped back at the customer yeah and Beck went went and like corrected me she's like Amen in front of like our staff as if like I didn't have the authority I wasn't making the decisions and it just felt like you weren't on my team in that moment and I think that's what's really important is that we're always even if we know each other is wrong we're on the same team so I think to me it was like two separate things the customer's always right and I didn't see it as like I don't have your back but then I understood what you meant and I feel like now we move through life we're a united front and a team before anything else because at the end of the day like you're my number one put her here pal how do we navigate being vegan when invited into someone's home when we're abroad I think as we get older we have chilled out a little bit Yeah like we're just a lot more flexible especially if we're in someone else's home and they've obviously got a different culture and this is their tradition you know if something has a little bit of egg or was made with dairy we'll still try it it's not something we purchase in our own home but I really think as a sign of respect towards that person who made that meal we would try it and we're also like curious to see like what those the way they make their food and and learn about different cultures did that answer that yeah this next question I'm gonna flip my hat into dad mode buddy I flipped my hat into dad mode oh so bear not just you we're talking about our children good boy the second most common question is about ninos El ninos El ninos little kids and we've got some news we're gonna tell them right now we're not pregnant not yet not yet so after our time was selling like we've always wanted kids and meeting Lenny and Darwin and seeing Elena and Riley how it hasn't let them stop their travels and their life and their vlogging yeah we're ready we were so ready and then obviously we got the news about cancer and that slowed us down I got my period back which is sort of a miracle in and of itself and to both of us was a sign that my body was ready to carry a baby and then we came back from our recent travels in Europe to meet with my oncologist and my oncologist suggested I did not go on to mock spin which is the drug that would suppress my estrogen and stop me from having babies so that we could get pregnant so I guess this is a doctor's order basically said like you know bang them out 2023 2024 2025 2026 20 27 2028 we are putting no pressure on yourself kids how many you want and I know that sharing this is maybe like a taboo thing but we are open and we are hopeful and we are excited to have babies we actually tried the other day also how do you feel about this news oh my baby my mom recently asked us what my biggest bucket list dream for 2023 is because we're hoping to achieve everyone's dreams and mine is to have kids like I want to share this life with babies and I'm just so ready and really great don't put any pressure on us guys we're having kids when we're having kids yeah and if it comes down to it we have five embryos still so we're really open to using that but we're gonna try naturally first because my body is ready oh baby this is why it's taking so long to get anything done [Music] I saw a question about my underwear they said someone knows us so well they said how come you're not rocking the calvins don't worry baby I'm Still rocking the Calvin's it's just when I went to pack to go to Spain I actually like forgot all man to wear and had to buy new underwear speed round the last text you sent and to who mine I think is to Bob that says can you send me the Box guys info again yeah my last message was to our manager Parker he was talking about not getting us a Christmas gift and donating it instead and I said oh yeah and thanks for being the best he's just like our guy shut up Pete love you Parker what was your last Google search yikes that's dicey for me Japan in February best compliment you've ever received mine was this summer when Adam was like yo you're looking Jack ah the last lie you told it's saying that your hair looks good when it doesn't always look good uh you're always pretty because I asked you should I wear my wig or not and you said no I like your normal hair no I do like not lying I knew that was gonna be your answer I can't think of mine I really try to be super honest I'm not a great liar anyway yeah I'm a terrible liar oh my gosh do you guys ever burn one down [Music] what ticks you off the most about the other person I'll answer for you about me I already know when I don't put something back in the right spot you can only wear one color of clothing for the rest of your life what color is it it's black I actually think you'd go green you wear a lot of this yeah they're all green have you ever felt jealous towards someone for sure yeah I think that's like a show this is a human thing why do you sleep in separate beds you sleep in the same bed 99 shows I've been pushing for separate duvet covers for 20 years I haven't even known each other for 10 years I can't wait till we can say that um because that's what they do in uh it was in Iceland Iceland they have like a queen bed with two separate duvets I think it's genius I love the cold side of the duvet where you can like tuck your foot under like this and I wish I could like flip and do it on both sides and it just hasn't happened yet also is that how you're gonna parent your children he's ignoring me dude he's down at backspace or the beach is he look there he is there he is where were you hey is that where you belong where were you oh so snow dog pretty warm in here oh no this guy's really cooked sorry dude okay okay stay stay come on just stay for me for one second come on no oh you're moving in go to Mexico it's so cold yeah R.I.P no yeah because we didn't have the heater on the other two nights what dummy yeah do you want to have a ceremony no I'm gonna bring him in and try to fix them revive them oh my gosh that's terrible is YouTube a part of your long-term plan and how long do you think you'll do it for excellent question um YouTube is part of a hey wait a second which drawers are mine front one this one yeah why is there a bunch of yourself mine spilled over a little a little oh even this is halfway drawer yeah I mean I think YouTube is gonna look a lot different as we evolve you know we even catch ourselves tuning in to more of like vloggy style kind of content so I could see that being a big change and shift for us yeah I hope to release vids when I'm 75. too just like a catch-up video here and for me I agree that it won't be the long-term play but there's no end in sight currently it's just I'm working on finding a healthy balance between letting it stress me out and just enjoying it why does it stress you out because you have an issue with putting too much pressure on myself and the way YouTube is set up you're always comparing your views and your performance to the last 10 of your episodes so when all of a sudden you're like performing 10 out of 10 week after week I just take it so personally and it's so hard for me to just separate that from I'm really proud of my work and I think we did a great job I'm working on it because I love all the positives but once the positives don't outweigh the negatives I think that'll be the end of YouTube for me hopefully that won't come a time I don't know subscribe don't let this be 10 out of 10. craziest part about this time of year it's only 4 20 and the Sun is setting so we're just taking in our last sunset at the cabin for a while whenever we leave we really really miss this place even if it is bitterly cold and I know there's one more question that you're all really dying to hear the answer to what's going on with our illegal stairs still 100 illegal basically the township has had a ton of turnover in the last two years or a year or however long we've been dealing with it plus we went through my cancer treatment and basically asked for a bit of an extension on everything we have taken steps to get drawings proper engineered drawings yeah engineered drawings brought up to code so they had to like decide how many more Beams I needed and you need a lot of beams so yeah we're on our way but it's just happening very very slowly yeah but thanks for your concern about that and thanks for watching us I saw one about um sexy time in the van yeah you're right I am uncomfortable talking about intimacy so I think that's where we cut this video thanks for watching come on there was that one time you remember no good thing you're blurry we can't use any of this no way yeah I screwed up the blurriness yeah thanks again to Dell for sponsoring this video [Music]


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