heute journal v 02 03 23 G20-Treffen Indien Bilanz der Zeitenwende Erdogan unter Druck english

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{\an2}G20 FOREIGN MINISTERS MEET IN INDIA RUSSIA'S WAR AS A TEST OF ENDURANCE {\an2}GOVERNMENT ON THE "WATERSHED MOMENT" QUESTIONS FOR MILITARY EXPERT MASALA {\an2}WOMEN IN POWER BLANCHETT AS CHIEF CONDUCTOR IN "TÁR" {\an2}And now, the "heute journal" with Heinz Wolf and Marietta Slomka. {\an2}Good Evening. There has been a lot of discussion {\an2}coming from Russia on one side and Ukraine and its supporters on the other. {\an2}There has been no shortage of public speeches.

{\an2}Direct encounters, on the other hand, have been practically non-existent. {\an2}At the last G20 summit in Bali, the Russian foreign minister left early. {\an2}His boss, Vladimir Putin, was not even in attendance. {\an2}Lavrov at least stayed until the end of today's meeting in New Delhi. {\an2}He heard what the German foreign minister had to say {\an2}and even spoke briefly with the American representative. {\an2}This may be interpreted as Russia not wanting to upset its Indian hosts.

{\an2}And that Moscow views it as important to show its alliance with China: {\an2}"Look here, we have powerful friends. We are not isolated." {\an2}Normen Odenthal reports from New Delhi. {\an2}Curious things went on in New Delhi today. {\an2}Before India's final press conference began, the chairs were carried out.

{\an2}Though it was unlikely that the message that followed would shock anyone. {\an2}The G20 nations were able to reach agreement on most issues, {\an2}but there was not enough agreement today to deliver a final joint declaration, {\an2}as some of our partners hold very different positions on the Ukraine question, {\an2}which we were unable to reconcile here. {\an2}The lack of a joint declaration may be disappointing, but it is not surprising. {\an2}Not for the Federal Foreign Minister, who was not in India to beat around the bush. {\an2}She was there to deliver a clear message to Lavrov, her Russian counterpart.

{\an2}In a speech behind closed doors, {\an2}Annalena Baerbock told Lavrov directly several times to stop the war. {\an2}Baerbock sees the Russians as more isolated than ever. {\an2}Here at this G20 table, 19 countries have emphasized {\an2}that this war must end, and that they all ultimately want peace. {\an2}The host country, India, wanted to avoid direct confrontation. {\an2}The prime minister tried to set the tone early in the morning. {\an2}"These talks are being held in the context of the current geopolitical tensions," Modi said.

{\an2}"But we shouldn't let the issues we can't solve together {\an2}get in the way of the issues we can." {\an2}Economic development, disaster relief, energy and food security: {\an2}India is struggling to centre the interests of the global south, {\an2}and to be its most prominent voice. {\an2}However, it was inevitable that the war would overshadow other topics. {\an2}Two of its key players, Russia and China, shook hands today. {\an2}"I am sure that our cooperation will continue in all areas {\an2}agreed upon by our leaders", Lavrov said.

{\an2}What this means, and how far it goes, is a matter of further speculation. {\an2}But there will be no arms deliveries. {\an2}At least this is how Germany interpreted China's statement. {\an2}They implied that arms deliveries would not occur, which would be good news. {\an2}Sounds more like caution than confidence. {\an2}But you have to take what you can get at the moment.

{\an2}Certainly not a good starting point for achieving understanding. {\an2}Something which was, in the end, not achieved. {\an2}As we look at the current state of the war, {\an2}Russia is reporting more frequently about attacks on its own territory. {\an2}Sometimes about drone attacks, today about enemy fighters, who have infiltrated Russian villages. {\an2}The latter, however, was dismissed by Ukrainians as a Russian propaganda operation.

{\an2}The city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine {\an2}and the region around Zaporizhzhia in the south remain fiercely contested. {\an2}Russian missiles devastated a multi-story apartment there at night. {\an2}There were injuries and deaths. {\an2}Chancellor Scholz will discuss the war with Joe Biden tomorrow {\an2}in a face-to-face meeting in Washington. {\an2}Before his departure, he delivered a statement from the Bundestag.

{\an2}One year since his "Zeitenwende", or "watershed moment" speech. {\an2}Patricia Wiedemeyer reported on the debate. {\an2}It's been almost exactly one year since Olaf Scholz {\an2}gave his speech in the German Bundestag, {\an2}We are experiencing watershed moment.

{\an2}Which means the world is no longer the same as it was before. {\an2}Much was assessed today. {\an2}Much has changed in this single year. Too much for some, too little for others. {\an2}"Watershed moment," shouldn't have been the phrase of the year, but the deed of the year. {\an2}That didn't happen. {\an2}It's clear that the chancellor sees things differently.

{\an2}German security policy especially has undergone significant changes. {\an2}Special funds for the Bundeswehr, arms deliveries to Ukraine: a breach of taboo. {\an2}Scholz promised the Ukrainian ambassador, sitting in the visitors' gallery, {\an2}that he would not slacken his military support. {\an2}One cannot negotiate with a gun to the head, without subjugating oneself.

{\an2}That is why we are providing humanitarian, economic and military aid to Ukraine. {\an2}Its citizens have received more than 14 billion euros in the past 12 months. {\an2}The CDU/CSU also supported the special fund for the German Bundeswehr.

{\an2}But it is moving far too slowly. {\an2}Of the hundred billion, only 600 million have been spent so far. {\an2}The troops themselves are not in a position to defend the Federal Republic.

{\an2}The state of affairs is so dire {\an2}that the Defence Minister is not alone in his complaints. {\an2}We will need years, if not decades, to organize security in Europe, {\an2}not with Russia, but security in Europe against Russia. {\an2}And for this, Mr Chancellor, decisions must be made, {\an2}not just government statements. {\an2}Strong criticism from Merz and Scholz, but also from the Greens and the FDP {\an2}at the demonstration against arms deliveries and pro negotiations, {\an2}which Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer called for last Saturday.

{\an2}"Diplomacy or weapons." No, dear leftists, that is not the point. {\an2}Ukraine needs support: {\an2}humanitarian, economic and armed support. {\an2}Otherwise, they cannot not defend themselves. {\an2}And they have every right in the world to do so.

{\an2}If you don't share the same opinion as right-wing thinkers, {\an2}you have to distance yourself from these forces within your party, dear colleagues. {\an2}You have to distance yourself from them. {\an2}The parliament's centre is unusually united against its two fringe parties. {\an2}Those who are against armed shipments and demand diplomacy {\an2}are called naive and pro-Russia by a vast alliance in politics and the media. {\an2}Mr Merz and Haselmann, your war rhetoric, which you have again displayed here today, {\an2}is dangerous for Germany and for Europe.

{\an2}A year of watershed moments, a year with many shifts, {\an2}differences, unexpected alliances and new challenges. {\an2}Let's explore further with Professor Carlo Masala {\an2}from the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich. {\an2}Good evening, Mr Masala. -Good evening, Ms Slomka.

{\an2}if you followed the Chancellor's speech today in the Bundestag, {\an2}there were some interesting opening statements. {\an2}Namely, "How will Ukraine achieve justice and peace?" {\an2}Am I mistaken? Or is that precisely the question {\an2}to which nobody has an actual answer at the moment? {\an2}That is the crucial question that no one can answer, {\an2}because it is about getting Russia to the negotiating table without preconditions. {\an2}Unlike what Russia has been saying for weeks. {\an2}"Negotiations, yes, but only if you accept the territorial conditions." {\an2}Which means Russia wants to permanently transfer the four annexed regions, {\an2}plus Crimea into its state territory. This is not a basis for negotiations. {\an2}So the question is, how do you get Russia to the negotiating table without any demands? {\an2}Actually, you can get the party to the negotiating table {\an2}only when they believe they have nothing left to gain on the battlefield.

{\an2}This is exactly the central point. {\an2}So you have to change the Russian cost-benefit calculations to change the military. {\an2}Russia still believes it can win this war. {\an2}As long as Russia believes it has more to gain then to lose by continuing the war, {\an2}Russia has no incentive to come to the negotiating table. {\an2}That's why military support for Ukraine is so important. {\an2}Because only Ukraine's military successes {\an2}can possibly change this Russian cost-benefit calculation.

{\an2}This military support you're talking about is not unlimited. {\an2}So the limits continue to be extended. {\an2}We have seen that through protective helmets and now battle tanks.

{\an2}Now, for example combat aircrafts, {\an2}which can also be used to bombard Russian positions on their own territory {\an2}or attack Crimea. {\an2}The West has been against this so far. {\an2}How far does the West's support actually go? {\an2}And where does it then end? {\an2}I don't think the question is, "Which new weapons systems {\an2}are going to be delivered to the Ukraine?" {\an2}The much more urgent task that needs to be addressed with full force {\an2}is providing sustained military support to Ukraine, {\an2}such as ammunition, more of the systems that Ukraine already has. {\an2}Those are the important questions. {\an2}Of course, we can talk about whether or not fighter jets make sense.

{\an2}Militarily, they do. {\an2}But if we are not able to consistently sustain our supplies to Ukraine, {\an2}then they will eventually face the problem of possessing very modern weapon systems {\an2}from NATO countries, but lack ammunition to ultimately operate these systems. {\an2}Logistics is everything.

{\an2}The historian Herfried Münkler recently said in an essay for the "Spiegel", {\an2}"This is a war of exhaustion that will not end quickly." {\an2}What's your take of that? {\an2}I think it depends on what happens with the announced Ukrainian counteroffensive. {\an2}We don't know when that will take place. I believe it will in late March or early April.

{\an2}How successful will it be? {\an2}if Ukraine manages to separate the southern front from the eastern front, {\an2}and in doing so, increase pressure on Crimea, {\an2}then the tide can turn very quickly, {\an2}because Crimea, I believe, is the key to ending the war. {\an2}The Secretary of the National Security Council tweeted today {\an2}that they need to reprioritize with Crimea in mind. {\an2}I think Crimea is central to changing the Russian cost-benefit calculus. {\an2}Putin speaks of Crimea as almost sacred. {\an2}This could possibly be the place where it could also dangerously escalate. {\an2}There is also fear.

{\an2}The fear of danger or escalation is quite justified. {\an2}But why has Putin drawn red lines here? {\an2}If it comes to a use of nuclear weapons, the consequences for Russia will be disastrous. {\an2}It's not as if we are talking about the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. {\an2}We are talking about what would happen with use of tactical nuclear weapons within 15 minutes. {\an2}First we have to get warheads to delivery systems. {\an2}They have to be connected, so to speak.

{\an2}Then deployment can take place. {\an2}We'd know if they were being deployed. {\an2}And then, of course, diplomatic military intervention for Russia would follow, {\an2}to take a hard-line against Russia's use of nuclear weapons. {\an2}India and China have said very clearly several times {\an2}that they categorically reject such a deployment. {\an2}With such a deployment, Putin would have achieved what the US and Europe couldn't, {\an2}the complete isolation of Russia.

{\an2}This was also said today at the G20 in New Delhi, {\an2}and by the German Chancellor's Office. {\an2}At least the Chinese, otherwise possibly unsure Cantonists, {\an2}stated that nuclear weapons are a no-go. {\an2}If we consider the phrase "watershed moment" in regards to the army, {\an2}this shift is actually happening in slow motion.

{\an2}Has something changed, or is this idea starting to gain momentum? {\an2}It's starting to gain momentum with the new defence minister. {\an2}However, it must also be said that the problems facing them are large. {\an2}But he has at least recognized them and is now trying to tackle them with full force. {\an2}Simply put, with regard to the armed forces, it's been a lost year. {\an2}Mr Masala, thank you for the interview. -Thanks as well.

{\an2}Later in the "heute journal update", we'll speak to military expert Gustav Gressel. {\an2}Right after our broadcast, Maybrit Illner and her guests will discuss {\an2}timing and methods for conducting peace negotiations. {\an2}In Berlin, coalition negotiations are taking place. {\an2}Over to you Heinz. {\an2}Yesterday, the SPD's state executive committee spoke out in favour. {\an2}Today, the CDU's state executive committee did as well.

{\an2}The coalition negotiations of the two parties will begin in the coming week, {\an2}announced the CDU's top candidate, Wegner, who could become mayor. {\an2}The CDU has become the strongest elected party in the House of Representatives. {\an2}Gerhard Schröder may remain in the SPD. {\an2}The arbitration commission of the SPD district in Hanover {\an2}has rejected the applications for sanctions against him for a second time, {\an2}which is legally equivalent to an acquittal. {\an2}The federal party's leadership has stressed {\an2}that the ex-chancellor stance on Russia politically isolated him within the SPD.

{\an2}The German Catholic bishops have concluded their spring plenary assembly, {\an2}The synod electoral assembly on central reform projects will be held in a week. {\an2}Bätzing, The Chairman of the Bishops' Conference, expressed confidence {\an2}that the majority of the German bishops are striving for sustainable change {\an2}and support the reform promoted by the Synodal Path, {\an2}despite criticism from the Vatican. {\an2}The Synodal Path was founded in 2019 {\an2}by the Bishops' Conference and the Central Committee of German Catholics {\an2}as a reform process. {\an2}They plan to adopt proposals in the coming week. {\an2}Attacks on refugee shelters in Germany increased again in 2022, {\an2}despite declining in the years prior. {\an2}In 2022, there were 121 attacks on refugee shelters.

{\an2}It was 70 the year before, according to a response from the Interior Ministry {\an2}to a question from the left-wing parliamentary group. {\an2}Greek authorities have increased the death toll of this week's train accident. {\an2}At least 57 people have died and emergency workers suspect {\an2}that there are more victims still to be found in the wreckage.

{\an2}The trains had been traveling on the same track on the twinned line {\an2}and collided head on. {\an2}It's reported that the stationmaster arrested yesterday has admitted to mistakes. {\an2}There has also been criticism of the signal system on the accident's route. {\an2}Railroad workers are on strike today across the country.

{\an2}They complain that rail infrastructure is neglected. {\an2}Parliamentary and presidential elections are planned in Turkey for mid-May. {\an2}President Erdoǧan is sticking to the date. {\an2}In light of the recent earthquake, there couldn't be a worse time for him. {\an2}Anger and despair grow with each passing day.

{\an2}At the moment, Erdoǧan can still make promises. {\an2}But it's clear that the disaster has damaged him politically. {\an2}It could have been different. Crises can be opportunities for politicians. {\an2}But not if you've been governing a country that lies in a known earthquake zone for 20 years. {\an2}The foundation of his power has cracked. {\an2}Diana Zimmermann reports.

{\an2}Bitter irony. {\an2}Recep Tayyip Erdoǧan is a president known for gigantic construction projects {\an2}and his glamorous inaugurations of dams and bridges. {\an2}But he will run what may be his last election campaign {\an2}on the rubble of the worst earthquake of the last 100 years. {\an2}The only response he's managed to make is to simply hand out cash, {\an2}here to children in the earthquake zone. {\an2}The opposition claims it's the same thing he's done for the last 20 years {\an2}with his friends in the construction industry.

{\an2}Some of these buildings involved contractors and parliamentarians {\an2}working closely with the ruling party. {\an2}This clear triangle of politicians, contractors and profiteers {\an2}shows that self-interest has long been the prevailing attitude in Turkey. {\an2}We need to get away from that as soon as possible. {\an2}The alliance of six opposition parties met today for the first time since the quake. {\an2}The election date has not yet been officially announced. {\an2}But Erdoǧan seems to want to stick to May 14.

{\an2}His strategy is to promise the world, {\an2}and get elected before anyone realizes how long it will take to return to normal. {\an2}Our goal is to finish the majority of new houses for the earthquake victims within one year. {\an2}But his time is running out. {\an2}Polling suggests that 35 percent of Turkish voters would vote for Erdoǧan.

{\an2}While 46 percent would vote for the opposition alliance. {\an2}They want Erdoǧan out, and to revive democracy in Turkey. {\an2}We want to strengthen parliamentary democracy and end authoritarian leadership. {\an2}Turkey is at the bottom of the G20 when it comes to corruption, justice and freedom of the press. {\an2}We can't accept that.

{\an2}The devastating effect of corruption is made obvious by the earthquake. {\an2}Buildings sold as earthquake proof simply collapsed. {\an2}Some 200 contractors have already been arrested.

{\an2}But the problem has deeper roots. {\an2}Under Erdoǧan, hundreds of billions of dollars have been pumped into the construction sector. {\an2}But much of it has been kicked back into the president's party. {\an2}Economic growth and politics here depend on the health of the construction industry. {\an2}For its continued support, the president doesn't allow interest rates to rise, {\an2}no matter how badly his population suffers from inflation. {\an2}Our growth is based on the fact that through credit expansion, {\an2}by that I mean debt, one sector was kept alive: construction.

{\an2}It's an industry that can't survive with high interest rates, {\an2}so instead they give credit to everyone. {\an2}This is how politics works here. {\an2}The construction industry bookends the start and now potentially the end, of Erdoǧan's career. {\an2}At first, he brought them prestige, and it brought him riches.

{\an2}But the love affair brought with it inflation and sloppy standards. {\an2}Thousands paid for it with their lives. {\an2}But the president might only lose his job. {\an2}Now, back to you Heinz.

{\an2}Apple has long been associated with California. {\an2}But now, one might also think of Munich. {\an2}Because today, Apple made a big announcement worth billions. {\an2}Valerie Haller, what are their concrete plans? {\an2}Munich is already Apple's largest development centre in Europe.

{\an2}But now they want to make another massive addition. {\an2}Another billion euros over the next six years totalling two billion euros, {\an2}that Apple wants to spend on the Munich site. {\an2}This means new buildings and chip designers. {\an2}And they don't have to work in a dreary industrial park.

{\an2}The development centre is located in the heart of the city, near the main train station. {\an2}Spread over several streets, more than 2,000 employees will develop chips {\an2}that are more powerful and consume less electricity. {\an2}Apple CEO Tim Cook describes himself as a Munich fan.

{\an2}But it is likely even more important for him to have access to a dense network {\an2}of chip experts in the region, which has grown tenfold over the years. {\an2}Mostly around the local chip company Infineon, universities and research institutes. {\an2}Apple wants to make itself independent of suppliers {\an2}and develop all key technologies itself in the future. {\an2}Because chips determine {\an2}whether a company is leading or lagging behind the competition.

{\an2}So the Munich site will fulfil an important function for Apple. {\an2}Another American tech giant is setting up shop around the corner. {\an2}Google is currently expanding its location there.

{\an2}Presumably not just because of the high quality of life in Munich. {\an2}Thank you, Valerie Haller. {\an2}US company SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket this morning {\an2}on a mission to the International Space Station, ISS. {\an2}On board are two US astronauts, a Russian cosmonaut {\an2}and a private traveller from the United Arab Emirates. {\an2}The launch had originally been scheduled for Monday, {\an2}but was postponed due to a technical problem. {\an2}The Dragon spacecraft is scheduled to dock with the ISS tomorrow.

{\an2}The German cross-country skiers won silver in the relay {\an2}at the World Championships in Planica, Slovenia. {\an2}Only the Norwegians were faster in four laps of the five-kilometre course. {\an2}A silver medal and celebration at the finish line.

{\an2}The result Victoria Karl hoped for, but didn't necessarily expect. {\an2}I couldn't believe it at first. {\an2}I was just so focused and thought to myself, "You haven't won yet". {\an2}After a surprise silver win at the Olympics last year, {\an2}the German women's relay team wins silver again.

{\an2}It's been 12 years since the last World Championship medal. {\an2}I'm super happy and super proud of today's result. {\an2}We came together once again to win a medal. {\an2}In the first lap, Katharina Hennig fought her way to first place.

{\an2}Later, third skier Pia Fink surprised everyone and fought off attacks from Sweden and Finland. {\an2}Finally, a strong finish by Victoria Karl won second place for the German cross-country skiers. {\an2}A research team has detected a previously unknown chamber {\an2}in the Great Pyramid of Giza. {\an2}It was discovered with the help of an endoscope.

{\an2}Measurements had indicated a hidden cavity for years. {\an2}At five meters long, it is even larger than suspected. {\an2}A team from the Technical University of Munich was also involved in the discovery.

{\an2}He was considered one of the most influential composers and saxophonists in jazz. {\an2}Wayne Shorter died today in Los Angeles at the age of 89. {\an2}Shorter studied music in New York and played with jazz greats such as Miles Davis. {\an2}He was an award-winning artist, and a 12-time Grammy winner.

{\an2}Cate Blanchett is reason enough to go to the movies. {\an2}Nina Hoss is another. {\an2}Both together in one film? {\an2}Who needs more reasons than that? {\an2}This film takes place in Berlin. {\an2}Specifically, at the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. {\an2}The film's main character is Lydia Tár, its chief conductor. {\an2}Her last name is also the title of the film.

{\an2}She's as tough as her name makes her sound. {\an2}She has an unparalleled ear for music, {\an2}but struggles to listen to those around her. {\an2}The other main character is Sharon, the concertmaster. {\an2}As first violinist, she lives the life of a maestro.

{\an2}And did I mention it's been nominated for six Oscars? {\an2}Gundula Moritz reporting on "Tár". {\an2}Lydia Tár is the chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic. {\an2}A superstar in a man's world, and at home in the spotlight {\an2}Tempo is the be-all and end-all.

{\an2}Tempo, time, is the essential point of interpretation. {\an2}It can't start without me, because I start the clock. {\an2}My left hand shapes. {\an2}But my right hand, the second hand, sets the tempo. {\an2}At 50 years old, she's achieved it all. {\an2}The perfect role for the versatile Cate Blanchett.

{\an2}Just let a little crescendo. Let it pass... {\an2}I've never spent time in the classical music world. {\an2}That, to me, as with most of the high arts, is a hermetically sealed world dominated by men. {\an2}It has an incredibly deep history, full of secret handshakes and traditions.

{\an2}Lydia Tár has as tight a grip on her orchestra as she does on her private life. {\an2}She lives with Sharon, the first violinist of the orchestra, {\an2}in a hip Berlin apartment. {\an2}Together with Sharon, played by Nina Hoss, {\an2}she takes care of their adopted Syrian daughter Petra. {\an2}A facade that distracts from Tár's dark side. {\an2}Please.

{\an2}I imagine it sounds like someone singing their soul out. {\an2}And... you're playing it like an étude. {\an2}Tár abuses her position of power. {\an2}She exploits the addictions of young musicians and promotes them in exchange for sexual favours. {\an2}Behind the celebrated artist is a monster. {\an2}Yet in real life, women conductors are a minority.

{\an2}To portray a female chief conductor as abusive has also brought criticism. {\an2}But Cate Blanchett believes power is not gendered. {\an2}I don't think Lydia thinks about gender at all. {\an2}Maybe she thought about it at the beginning of her career. {\an2}But by now she's in a position where she feels unassailable.

{\an2}She believes her power is unshakable because of her talent and her ability, {\an2}and because she's been appointed. {\an2}Director Todd Field skilfully plays with horror film elements in this musical drama. {\an2}Roman Polanski and Stanley Kubrick send their regards. {\an2}"Tár" steps elegantly into the milieu of classical music, which is rare in film. {\an2}It's a multi-layered and exciting film that is definitely worth watching. {\an2}Starting today in theatres.

{\an2}Coming up next is Maybrit Illner. {\an2}And join Christopher Wehrmann for the "heute journal update" at 12:30 AM. {\an2}Good night and see you tomorrow. {\an2}Good evening and welcome to the weather.

{\an2}This is the view of the South Pole and the Antarctic. {\an2}This line is a 30-year average. {\an2}It should be full of ice.

{\an2}But it isn't. The sea ice is missing, because it is at a record low level. {\an2}So little sea ice in February has never been seen before. {\an2}Let's look at Europe. No ice there, and no rain either. {\an2}This high over Britain is drying out the air, {\an2}so it will continue to be mostly dry over Germany, France and Spain.

{\an2}During the night, fog forms in the north. {\an2}This could be high fog, and therefore quite dense. {\an2}We see the same in the south.

{\an2}In between, it clears up for a starry night. {\an2}Lows of minus eight degrees in the eastern low mountain ranges. {\an2}Elsewhere minus five to plus two degrees, but mostly below the zero degree mark. {\an2}Tomorrow, the high fog cover will break, and the sun will make an appearance.

{\an2}Temperatures will hardly rise where it remains foggy, {\an2}In the very south, there will be a few flurries {\an2}interspersed with lots of sunshine. {\an2}Temperatures range from three to eleven degrees. {\an2}Highs in the north will come with the sun, otherwise it will remain colder. {\an2}Rain, but likely no snow in the next days, and it will feel colder.

{\an2}Temperatures between two and nine degrees on Saturday. {\an2}And even colder thereafter. {\an2}Have a nice evening.


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