I Built A Massive Factory To MINE An ALIEN PLANET

I Built A Massive Factory To MINE An ALIEN PLANET

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so this will be fun we've woken up inside of some sort of research facility on an alien planet it's our job to build up some sort of really cool factories by mining iron and copper and then putting a bunch of stuff together to start at the end well that's the basic rule anyway but today we're going to be gathering the things out of this Supply chest and then grabbing our pickaxe and Mining through the game's destructible environment as we play the game called tectonica and if you guys want to check this out this is a sponsored video the game comes out on Early Access on July 18th and there's a link Down Below in the video description now let's head out an environment oh hi can you hear me I can hear you so she can't hear me and then we can gather mushrooms first things first check in at that production all right that one right over there with that with a giant exclamation point I'll do that also the game has like a really cool storyline so you guys can check that out I'm gonna try to do the best I can to avoid spoilers for you but I will build up a really cool Factory and hopefully make a lot of money all right so we need to repair this with some iron ore and some copper ore and then we're gonna build up three mining drills because that's what the game wants us to build also we need to use these mushrooms to power those because they're biomass and that means we can destroy the environment even faster all right the first drill is put down so let's throw that right into the iron organ drill then we'll open it up and throw in our plant matter inside and the mining process will begin I'm gonna actually build a second iron ore mine right next to it and we'll put in the rest of the ore into that or the plant matter I mean also I'm gonna break this rock because it's kind of in my way I don't like it it was limestone I'm not sure what I need that for yet but I'm sure I'll use it eventually and then there's a beautiful copper ore vein over here we're gonna place in that drill right over here and then do the same thing and put in a bunch of plant matter awesome so there's 19 ore on that side and there should be close to I'm guessing about 60 over here come on give me something cool 36 plus 44 that's actually 80 isn't it all right that's fine because now we should be able to upgrade these got it repair that terminal good work nice look at that terminal groundbreaker they want me to build a must be equipment yeah scanner so that's going to scan and I can scan things I want you to restore Tech Tree access oh nice so I can build things with Tech Tree access nice Okay cool so we got a light stick can I scan the mushroom I totally can I don't think I can build a mushroom though that'd be kind of weird I can scan whatever that plant is and I can't gather it oh I got Kindle Vine seeds out of the deal interesting so we should be able to plant with it oh there we go a creeping Hydra and try to break this too and see what happens come on give me something cool plant manner so I'm going to scan up the rest of these tools there's another mining drill that's broken another light stick and what is this uh Fastener I need to scan three of those oh nice the scan's complete the smelter is now available oh fun I found chest too what is this can I scan this oh I can't I don't know what it is oh suit Speed visual Tech tears Workhorse may be required cool and now the game wanted me to build a smelter no I had to uh research it first warning research core is required for it technology so let's build some of these and those take copper wires so I need some more copper wires let's go explore maybe I can get some from here yeah give me copper wires no a tool belt okay oh what's back here I'm not sure inspect steel there's the copper wires I needed and it looks like a whole bunch more plants in the background so I'm guessing we placed down these research cores okay I'll just hide them alongside the building here seems like a good spot for him that's six and number seven smelter technology available technology available for Activation in Tech Tree there we go now I should be able to build those cool all right if I build two one for each side that should be good and probably placing them over here would be a good idea I don't know which is the Indian which is the audio though ingots requires blank matter for fuel so let's grab the ore out of here we'll slap the ore inside of here and start smelting it good we'll do the same thing on the other side and we'll fuel that with even more and I guess we can gather the remainder out of here I'm hoping we can automate these with conveyor belts pretty soon actually I know we'll be able to that's the next task so that's 20th cup Ringgit and the 20th iron ingot put that down here and we put this in here to upgrade our terminal what again there we go fellas okay cool new technology uh what do we get next two containers four inserters 30 ingots and conveyor belts so I'm guessing oh actually we can just make them right away okay and then inserters required to transfer items we tweak in variables machines so we need to have a couple of these all right let's try to insert this thing right into there okay a few moments later all right so does that work now I hope so or I probably need one of the inserters good so it's working it's pulling it out and it's putting it in this filter beautiful all right we're gonna do the same thing here just deconstruct that and then put this in here good look at it working they're so adorable when they do things properly now if I build a couple of these storage boxes and a few more inserters we can have that one pull it out of here and put it directly inside of storage box I think that's how it works yes it's pulling it out and putting it in beautiful oh we're doing it we're doing the automation it's glorious we're gonna do the same thing on this side now nice so both of these are turned on again I need to craft up two more of those but I can do that after building more intermediate Parts just kidding I can't because I need more iron ingots thankfully there's plenty of them stored away from me and then we'll connect both of these to start storing the copper in there beautiful automation is amazing love it all right so let's see what we need for the next tier I'm guessing yep we needed quite a few things a bunch of conveyor belts how many 45 total so I crafted up the rest of the things I need and I should just be able to plop those generically into the right locations to upgrade the terminal to four oh more technology is unlocked I like that one oh nice a new location added to HUD life science oh I'm concerned about that local facilities should be restored all right this isn't good unlock code to the door maybe oh okay you're gonna like Tech I do like Tech I dream of leaving without me well here we go there is another doorway here interesting okay so please open up don't lock me in here though I'm a little concerned to get you out of a situation like this is Sparks an AI instead of the other way around might be but I'm not good at all that's how I know it's still so Sparks might have been an AI or a human turned to AI is this Sparks detected that Sparks oh no what you've never seen someone stuck inside an alien I knew she would be an AI dead body before whatever I was trying to do here oh this is a wild guess and say it didn't work out yeah and then you shut down the entire plant it was worth a shot let's go I'm working on going already if you were wondering lady stop oh scan the fragment in that cage by the stairs before we go I don't know if I trust you to get out of the sector okay scan that mold Tech is that like a digging machine oh plus lots of treasure I like that anything else to scan in here not really now we get to activate the mole in the tech tree where would that be at terraforming the mole okay I need to go do that I need to put more research pods down so one of the interesting things is that we could literally mine our way over to that because like everything in this game is deformable and we can mine literally everywhere yeah it would take a long time but you can totally do that especially if we need like to build a conveyor belt somewhere along good news is that uh new location added and we can place down more of the research pods do I want to play some up there breaker not really this is the time to activate the mole in your Tech Tree and build one okay we won't be able to cut through to sector Victor without it ah so that's better mining device I bet can you go back one please thank you so we need to research the mole now which we should be able to do cool and then there's the flattened mole which is like a modifier okay okay there it is so that'll be up here on five as soon as it's done right nope seven oh yeah is this a black hole gun okay oh that's amazing oh hot dang using a black hole to form the world yes yes well remember that think about like drilling through holes yeah that's gonna be so much easier now I don't even know why I'm gonna do that okay use the mold to locate the inspection production terminal Victor where oh that's this way don't worry I'm on the way Victor I'll rescue you with my black hole science all right the game's like here use the black hole in this General location don't worry I will I don't know if you asked twice surprisingly well I mean it is a giant Blackstone thank you for getting me out of that facility you're welcome Sparks appreciate it okay I broke through one of the two walls oh maybe maybe I can just sneak through the river maybe I'll make my own River oh yeah I totally made it through do I need to make it through again I will oh my goodness look at this place hot dang those are cool looking trees okay I'm all about this what don't you understand a factory the size of a city is supposed to be here um it was right here what happened to it I know it was I I don't where is that but I'll gladly make a factory the size of a city I definitely will after I scan this and then steal the materials from inside of here oh those are fun looking things now that you've got a core composer all you need is a big enough power floor and a few crank generators to power it okay after that you'll be able to dump cores into it and never worry about placing them one at a time again neat all right so I need to repair this terminal with 500 ingots so the game wants me to build a power floor and this is interesting a lot of things can be attached to that building too the power floor is way over here and I think I yep I can fit it in okay we're gonna make it just a little bit away right there oh nice okay the core composer and then the power floor is here so I can build up a building yeah this is good from Crank generators okay it transfers electricity so if I connect these here I'm wondering if that's going to work then we're probably going to need to have some crank generators so we'll just unlock them and I'll build four of them up just for scientific purposes okay great generator and then I'll inspect it activate the crank I'll build another one and activate this one hey they're working okay so we have to activate them every once in a while interesting local signal deciphered okay neat report to production terminal radio for triangulation triangulation achieved signal triangulated new location where exceptional Dimensions uh-oh must be large it's going to be another broken down City isn't it right over there now this is interesting the map shows that there's a bunch of green stuff back here somewhere I'm just gonna open it up and see what I can find oh my goodness okay I'm back where's those stairs that I had accumulator substation I'll try to go easier on the Recon slang it might help you guess that what those signal names are short codes for accumulators won't matter for a while but you get in the habit of scanning anything and everything you find in places like this okay I will gladly scan everything and I'm gonna rip it all apart and get all of the resources can I even get the floor I might be able to disconnect the what's in here if anyone else is still around I need it they wouldn't be here these places were pretty much built and left alone more generators what is that another suit yeah suit Tech hover pack computer's terminal the sector was a dream come true for hydroelectric power a hydraulic I'm surprising that we took accumulator construction seriously down here I wonder if we shh in the future can like reconnect this power floor to our main base that'd be kind of neat because I can't de-race these things which is kind of sad Okay cool so here's that giant uh I guess power line yeah high voltage cables that ran to the the hydropower Dam let's see if I can find it somewhere okay I see a lot of structure over here let's see if I can get a good way to it no it's got to be right over here we're gonna bust through the wall and right here yeah that could be good oh okay I made it in one more very nice I don't even know what this place is you may need to go up okay I do need to go up maybe I can find a better way in oh it's pretty though okay I can't find a better way in I did find this area that we can scan are you guessing these are like a if anything else is right where we left it right now you were part of my crew you'd probably recognized this place I also try to go up and over the top but the game was like no you can't do that that would be too easy maybe I'll just deconstruct it never mind how about in here can I get in oh I think I got in I did get in I'll put some lights down yeah just a light stick every once in a while this looks good okay there's another pipe I can scan here kind of excited about whatever this is inspection oh shut up I guess we have to do that crane generator to lift the door I have a few of those thankfully the floor is powered so we can activate the crank is that enough power restoring it was okay thank you I'll delete that one and now we can open the door beautiful [Music] oh yeah this looks good in here a warehouse door was a good sign ooh conveyor belt this place for some basic electrical machines especially those Planters and brushers on the racks there's so many things here you can find what are these things is that uh oh the Planters okay so we can start building plans oh this is the life we're just stealing all of the old materials now what is this big thing I'm gonna scan it is that like some sort of generator monorail system okay neat I need that I like how the conveyor belt's still working after all these years I'm not sure where else to go in here but that door looks like I can maybe get inside facility access door unavailable refer to display panel for self repair requirements okay it needs processor units I don't think I can build those yeah with self-repair materials look through the window breaker I can literally see the mining charge Tech fragment on that table oh that's what we need kind of miserable bureaucrat puts High explosives behind a securely locked door yeah I know right simply would be here if we didn't know what we were doing uh-huh I wish I could have high explosions as soon as possible okay so that's the tier four okay and they want to blow things up give me all this so let's check in on our smelters here we need 500 of each oh that's really stinking good timing how much uh Power do you guys have not enough so we'll store that up a little bit better oh we ran out of juice here all right we'll repower that what do you have oh 448 okay so we're really close on that too so that should be enough we have 500 of each of these I feel like we need to develop this mine a little bit better or find another mine a little bit closer to home so let's quickly throw these things into the proper location repair that terminal and now we should unlock the next tier of technology and recommended tasks available oh my goodness there's so many things to do generators there's a little problems to use breaker I will to make plant matter frames you'll need Planters and Threshers Planters and Threshers electricity I got that after you grow and thresh Kindle Vine you'll need to thresh the Kindle Vine stems it produces oh boy to turn them into plant matter plant fiber and then you can either craft the plant matter frames by hand or build an assembler to do it for you build an assembler so if you haven't built a core composer yet I'm working on that right now the power floor needs to come down we'll put that right about here so my six comes in and then we can start building does it work if I do this yeah it works quite well actually oh everything gets destroyed and then there's the core composer that we obviously need to have we'll put that in here okay and I want it to be like close but not okay if that works actually really well cool so all I should need to do is place down a storage container then grab an inserter to uninsert and then we'll have another one pull into that way and then we'll put down a conveyor belt like such as and I'm hoping this will work wrong button and we'll add these into the box so it should pull it out move it across and then we're gonna start feeding into there also we're out of power so we'll activate that crank and I'll be in uncle's monkey it's working look at it go eight okay yeah so we're getting all of the cores that we need oh yeah it's totally working now the question is can I make the processor units that the door needs I'm not sure where that's going to be in here but the game wants me to build Threshers and I have to find those also some assemblers now we did get the Planters but we need to try crafting a few bio bricks and they'll burn a lot longer than plant matter at some point you'll probably want to set up a production line that can feed them directly into machines that makes small inserters might be your friends on that one all right so there's another machine here okay cool that is the assembler oh nice there's plenty of iron ore back here too Supply quantities and I believe this is another iron or a copper ore over here all right so I've been making up a little bit of copper in here because I need to build a few more smelters and I got a little copper mine going which is kind of cool I just really need more smelters to make this work a little more efficiently okay we'll have it come out that way and we'll have it come in that way I need to grab some more plants which is super easy to do because there's plants literally everywhere hello there freebie I didn't know you were hanging around just little fellas hanging down in the ground thank you long inserter interesting now here's the real question can I scan the lily pad if I can can I gather it I want to gather it oh yeah those are 35 those are good ones it's not all about it it's destroying the environment today I wonder if they grow back it doesn't matter because my next job is to make the uh the other thing the plant grower machine but we'll power this up with the plenty of juice and while that's doing it I'm gonna gather more of these so I should be able to craft another smelter and as soon as that smelter's crafted I can put it down and we'll grab four more of these things to pull it off of there and put it over here we'll fill it up with more juice and it's working then we'll build another smelter and play smelter number two on the ground do the same thing here I feel like I only need one inserter into here because they're not really I mean they're keeping up just fine or maybe they're not here have another inserter I'm gonna do something a little dangerous too let's put that down there and then we'll put this around here we're gonna rotate that to come this way and then we'll rotate it to come this way oh I'm out of conveyor belts that's okay if I had one oh I do have one more cool we'll do the four so I'll turn it like that and we should be storing a lot of it which is great because I need two more smelters to finish off my line of smelter stations what was it gonna fit um you know what that's actually not gonna quite fit the way it's built but that's okay that's plenty of it and that's looking really nice right there a lot of things working and we should have a lot of copper going in good one is completed so now that we have the copper mine going over there it's time to start mining the iron ore now I found a little bit of it right here and I think I might be able to get it placed in so I can get like three or four going so we'll try one there we'll bring another one back there come on come on you can fit oh you gotta get a little closer Bud all right and then I think that's it does that work it might work all right let's uh do a little bit of you know remodeling here with the black hole oh good one we'll do another one [Music] okay I don't want to know I know you can't mine horror but can you mine yeah there's the end of it there's something back there all right for the next step we are gonna run a conveyor belt across here and then I think we should move it this way cool and then we'll take it around that way then we'll draw out the copper out of these things onto the conveyor belt just like we did on the other one we'll slap some good old-fashioned well I guess green slimy plant junk into here I kind of feel like I should maybe make this melting a little more efficient but I don't know it's a lot of work right now all right you talked me into it a little bit more efficient going on I mean we do have plenty of space after all so let's just do this and that one and that one and oh ran out thankfully I can build plenty more and we can start powering these up like so all right that's gonna go for a little while I need a little bit more power juice in here I can't wait to automate this with real power and of course we need to take these out to oh and I want to go downhill I also don't want that rocket Place wrong button and got it oh look at what I just made I didn't even know I could make that that's how cool it is all right we'll put that in there and we'll tell it to start ticking out of here like that and then you can start taking out right here oh no I'm out of them again that's okay you guys are actually backwards right now you're supposed to go the other way uh huh like though perfect and we're starting to get some in here great that's not storage I need this to go the other way I thought I made storage things but I did make a storage thing so we can do that right now let's craft up a few more of these okay this is kind of fun I just made a really big circle around this and it should be pulling them all into the middle of it I don't know if it's gonna work but I kind of hope it does because it looks cool it's just gonna pull in all of the iron ore and now the game wants me to make 2 400 iron ingots and copper ingots that's actually kind of a lot you also need to make an assembler now I believe I have some of them because I picked them up that's an accumulator all right so if I was in the simulator assembly machine whatever it's called where would I be I could also make the bio brick which would be cool there's the assembler okay so we need eight more of the the thingies thankfully I can make eight right now and we'll go ahead and place those down on top of the table that's the wrong spot you don't get to go there all right very nice I can build the assembler now also I can build a bio brick which is great so the assemblers take the mechanical components and iron components which are both fairly straightforward I just need to grab iron and copper thankfully I have a 150 of those and this machine is working nicely as well so I'll build up my first assembler it does take a bunch of power but that's fine and then we'll place that down okay so this is gonna be interesting we probably need to bring the iron and the copper over here a little bit concerned because I haven't done that before in this game but I did make an assembler alright so let's inspect this no recipe selected I need to make the accumulators from this right I only need to make one mole is that an accumulator the shiver Shrine coolant oh boy things are gonna get very dangerous here in the future so I don't actually have the accumulators even researched it takes 40 more cores thankfully I can build a whole buttload of them so I might have made a little bit of a floor over here from the mining area back up to my main area I'm hoping it contains the power all the way through it but I did make some assemblers so if I put these things in I'm gonna try to do like three in a line together and I don't know if this is gonna work right but we're gonna go with it all right so they're like hey we want to do something I want something to make the copper frames because well I mean it needs it I guess is it gonna work oh it doesn't have power the other thing I want to do with my new found research pods is uh make this the crank connect we're gonna make a crank connect we're also gonna make an accumulator so the crane connect accumulator yeah yeah yeah storage electrical power that's awesome so if I erase that and then rebuild it it should automatically connect to its front perfect oh these ones did on its own awesome we'll just activate that crank and you know what let's just get rid of these and we'll rebuild them all in the series are parallel I guess all right activate one that activates all of them beautiful now we have to do that same thing down here and then we can activate those oh beautiful okay so these things are actually making that wireframe output is full no I need to get the they need to Output the output all right this is gonna be my output line if I have enough conveyor belts yeah I do but I just can't walk on the thing I'm trying to place cool that'll work and that should pop out like such as very nice those are being made we also need to make the copper wire and copper components we'll start with the copper components on this one and then the copper wire on this one oh they're working it's great all right so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna bring that copper pipe from down here so it'll feed all of these cool we're gonna turn that so it pulls from there and now it should be automatically feeding copper to our station as soon as I pull it out of here I like it I like it we're starting to automate things oh we also need uh probably a place to store all this garbage it's not garbage but you know what I mean so I'll place it right about there and then we're gonna delete a few of these very good so this should be holding all of our copper components that we need to craft other things and I'm gonna do the same thing with the iron so it'll mostly be the iron frames and the iron components here and the last one we're gonna need is the mechanical components so we're gonna double this one up by doing this kind of weird we're gonna run this thing through like so all the way here and they're gonna come together which is fine because we'll bring both the components in wrong button turn turn turn good so we're gonna have iron and copper both going in here to build up the mechanical components that we need all right so anything extra should be coming through here and it'll clog up that line I really don't need to store all of it I guess but it should work out all right yay our our iron frames are coming through so that's the first thing those should be going in the crate and now we have all of the base materials being crafted so I built up some more floor in here and our machines are crafting nicely only eight of these gears right now but that's okay because I don't have it fully feeding all of the iron in we're gonna need 2400 to complete this next stage now I did want to open up this and we're gonna start making the planter because well I need the planting stuff also the thresher would be a good idea but I'm gonna have to find two of those to scan it before I can get it Supply with seats to rapidly reproduce fully grown flooring yeah this is going to be good electrical power required all right so let's see where that would be under here there's the plants okay uh soil it requires soil I have nine soils somehow I can also make soil with plant matter and Limestone interesting I'm just gonna make a bunch of soil in my pants didn't come out right and thankfully we do have a bunch of these iron components that we can start building up some of these I don't know how many to do maybe like five oh delicious Planters now let's maybe do it in line so one okay we're gonna give a little bit of a break in between so we can put in the different things and then one more oh perfect if I was the right amount cool right these need to have seeds all right we have a shiver Thorn we also have Kindle Vine why can't I use a Kindle Vine well we will put these in okay they do grow pretty fast nine ten percent oh okay okay it got harvested it got it got that's awesome now does it re-plan it didn't look like it replanted that's what the thresher's for right yeah the thresher processes into other goods and additional byproducts which would be the seeds and it unlocks the Kindle Vine seed that I need too so I have to go find some of those where would that be at I thought I should go back into that other room that we were scanning things before and I found them there's the Threshers hiding out in here now I can scan them in the tech tree and it's all better in the world there's actually quite a few of them which are giving me a ton of iron components I guess I never just looked at the top floor which is interesting because I literally walked right underneath of it so after building a bunch more research cores it's time to activate the thresher wow okay they're kind of expensive we can deactivate these too if I really wanted to oh okay Supply it with resources the electrical power required I'm going to craft up two of them and I'm actually gonna disconnect this and by disconnecting me just erase it and then we're gonna place a thresher inside of that as soon as it gets constructed hello beautiful thresher let's put you right here oh you're a little bigger than I thought you would be so let's place you right here instead okay that looks good we'll force feed him with these things cool and then inspect so if I put in say this what does it Thresh it's threshing the threshing is being thrusted oh we're getting seeds out of it sweet and it's one seed per thingy it looks like all right so let's see can I oh yeah here we go here we go this is what I was wanting we'll put those two in we'll put those two in and then we can just start Mass producing because somehow I have a ton of these seeds and I'm all about it right now so I'm going to connect these over here oh oh other power all right that's fine all right I just need to build a few more of these flooring pieces and then slap in another generator activate the crank on all of them and good we have power again all right these are actually working is it too slow though I don't know hmm but these don't replant themselves which is unique be advised that all generated outputs must be relieved for production without disruption okay that that's good news thank you for saying that I appreciate you all right and then this thresher is being pulled out so we can just take this one out like such as okay that's working quite efficiently oh what is this one making there's like sticks here what are these called I'm not sure I'm just gonna call them sticks because they're brown and sticky seems as if the Threshers are working nicely I wonder if I can feed stuff back into it I don't know that's a lot of brain thinking for right now though so I had a large Brain idea my large Brain idea was this we're gonna sort everything in here so I can collect the seeds and then you see these little things if we push these out into a filter we get these plant matter fibers now if we take that and we filter that into an assembler I'm hoping that after I build up like four of these oh no any metal components again thankfully there's plenty of them built we can take it out of here put it on a conveyor belt shoot we need to sort certain ones all right so we're gonna delete you and we're gonna delete you and we're gonna switch you out with one of these wrong button this one okay and then we're gonna take that to go across now I'm going to tell this thing to grab the plant matter fiber that is going to feed it into that machine and then this one is going to build it into frames yes the plant matter frames now I'm hoping that thing can keep up I don't think it's going to be able to but I can feed it from over here too now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this out and we're gonna filter it back like this right over here nah you know what let's do this and we'll turn it over to go into here now we're going to tell that to bring out the Kindle Vine extract out of here and we'll just store that in this chest for indefinite amount of time oh no ran out of power again time to crank that crank again now the question is is it keeping up and I don't know if I know the answer to that output is full okay so we'll just give it a chest and that's going to put in the crates back into here perfect that's exactly what we need and we'll tell this one to bring out the sticks again and if there's any sticks left over nope I don't want the sticks I want these things cool all right that's working really well beautiful now we already have 10 of the crates up we need a 180 to go to the next stage we also need 2 400 iron ingots and copper ingots thankfully we do have nearly 2 000 of them and another considerable amount of iron going on oh that thresher actually looks pretty cool so let's just see what we can actually put into here all right we need have a few large quantities of things oh yeah and then one of those all right I guess I'm gonna pause a little bit until that's completed oh my goodness all right so I've been babysitting this thing for quite a long time now and I'm pretty sure I have enough materials and it does occasionally run out of seeds because well you know what I was watching YouTube videos instead of just putting the things in the thing again or you know I could have like fed the seeds back in that would have worked and I also ran out of those things because these stupid mushrooms are hard to pick and I don't like them so I'm just gonna grab everything from here and we should have all of the materials I need I did double check and we have enough frames so we'll grab these oh I need a 180. didn't I oh there's already like 13 in there so perfect okay we'll run this over and this should be the end of this tier as well come on get in there and doink and doink nice got it and then we then we upgrade the terminal terminal upgrade new technologies and recommendations available oh wow Atlanta is really opening up now breaker oh great water wheels and Mining charges are both going to be water wheels mining charges that's how you got this far without oh that's amazing cooling systems will probably help you open up a lot of broken overheated facility doors in the sector too okay and keep an eye out for those blue research core fragments blue research that would be a lot easier than these ones anyway my friends that'll do it for this video of tectonica I hope you enjoyed our adventure today this is uh quite a crazy game and I know a lot of you are gonna like this one so make sure you do click on the link Down Below in the video description to get this game for yourself and again this was a sponsored video so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including Auto day Ben Nicky J Teddy hippies ninja General Harris Trent M code I know Riddler Warrior 7 zarnoff maxer Raul BC engineer so cars more X Spencer T whiskey endless games Spider sacks Doug rules scotches bread Dalton seeds canopy bracelet

2023-07-14 20:43

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