I bought FAKE Tech from Temu

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- Temu is the fine purveyor of many high-quality, very authentic goods, but today, we're gonna take a look at the seedier parts of the site. Yes, my friends, let's buy some fake tech from Temu. Normally, we accidentally get fake tech on a regular basis, but today, I'm going to go specifically in search of it to see, are there hidden gems being sold by that sketchy dude in the alley with the trench coat? Or are there hidden gems in the rough being sold by Adam Sandler's character? - But these, now you can't get your hands on these things, you understand? - The thing is, to buy a fake product almost always means it's gotta be a little different, right? Because if it was actually like, branded as an iPhone, that thing would get zapped by Apple lawyers immediately. But if you sell a mobile cellular phone, fruit-themed edition, then you might be able to skirt by. Wait, what the hell? It's a Smart Ink phone screen case. It's not fake at all.

Apparently, it doesn't use your phone's battery, just the NFC. That actually, it says full E-ink screen, too. I'm trying to find fake stuff, and I'm actually finding like the, oh! Jackpot, baby! Mobile phone, 3G RAM, 32-gig ROM. Boy, does this phone remind you of anything at all? If you gently caress those three camera bumps, would that make you think of any kind of fruit-themed company you've ever seen? And for $72, there's like, no shot this is good, right? U24 Ultra? Now that iPhone looked like a poor copy. This is ridiculous. This is the U24 Ultra with built-in pen.

Oh, I'm excited, that's wild. That is not what I thought I was gonna get. Okay, so this looks like a real Samsung phone. So this is a Galaxy A55.

It's Awesome Lemon. Mm, okay. This has gotta be a real phone, right? Authorized to sell by Samsung, 100% authenticity guaranteed. Oh really? Let's like a closer look, shall we? Blackview unlocked flippy foldy phone.

108 megapixel camera? That's more than my Z Flip. Do I need a Blackview flippy boy? Maybe. There's one review, one star, quote, "Poorest quality I have ever ordered."

Well, how bad could it be? You know, if you offer me a flippy boy, it would be rude not to evaluate. All right, with that, my friends, it is time to place our order with Temu to see if any of the various items we've gotten are real. More importantly, if any of them are actually good. Probably not. Why, hello there! - Peekaboo. - So we have, what'd you say? - Peekaboo.

I'm not peeka-booing, I am professionally unboxing fake stuff from Temu. Well, presumably fake. Some of this stuff I hope is actually real.

So this, my friends, is a Blackview Hero 10. What was, this was 500 bucks or something, you know? - [Ken] Wait, it's the same price as like, a Moto Razr? - It's actually more expensive. So since I ordered this- - Great start. - The regular Moto Razr, the 2023 version, was on sale for 400 bucks.

I actually bought one and made it short on it. So yes, this is, in fact, more expensive than the Razr. - [Alex] Yeah, we bought it for $523. - Oof. - Ooh. - I do like the lilac color. I think this is actually supposed to be the right color. - Lilac.

- Yeah, pink. - Oh. - You don't like little pink action? - [Matt ] I thought lilac was like, a purple. - Purple, yeah. - I'm color blind, so it doesn't matter.

- [Matt] With that shirt. (all laughing) - Ooh, it's kind of heavy, wow, it's surprisingly heavy. All right, so open and- - Ooh! - Okay, okay. - Okay. - Okay, alright.

So hinge is fine, although it does feel a little cheapy, right? So if I kinda hold it, well, it's not actually too bad, it does hold most sort of directions. So my friends, on the left, I have the Blackview, and on the right, I have the 2023 Moto Razr. So at first glance, they look very similar, especially when you look at the backs. While it's a slightly different shade of pink, it's definitely the same kind of vibe that they're going for. The first thing I'm try is the camera, 'cause they're hyping up a 108 megapixel camera.

The bet is gonna look bad. Okay, three, two, one. Now we got 108 megapixel still.

All right, now before we look at that, let's switch over to Video mode and see what we've got. So I will say that looking at the viewfinders, the Blackview looks like it is a fraction of the actual dynamic range. Like, the Razr, it's not blowing you out. You guys look like you've got like a MySpace 2006 filter on with the Blackview, and on the Moto Razr's actually like, detail in, like, your shirts and whatnot. I don't think this is the move. I would rather go with the Moto Razr, or if I'm being really real with you, a used Z Flip is probably also a bad move. - Okay!

- You can get a used Z Flip 3 or 4 for way less than either of these phones. We have a carbon fiber package of some kind. I dunno what kinda- - I like carbon fiber squares.

- I like carbon fiber in general. Oh! That's why it's all fancy. So it's magnetic, which actually, that's pretty nice.

It's plastic on the inside with metal on the outside and it's got film. Alex, can you fill me in? What was the pitch on this? 'Cause I thought it was gonna, like, supposed to make your phone look like a newer phone or something. - [Alex] I mean, yeah, that is basically the pitch. The pitch is that you encase your phone into this thing, and it's supposed to look just like a regular iPhone. So it looks like you don't have a case on it, even though you do. - Okay, so this is actually a kind of decent case, is my first impression of it.

It feels very premium. It feels like it should cost a lot of money. I don't think it was that bad.

- As someone that looks at cases on Amazon all the time, when the newer iPhones come out, this is actually not all that special. You can find these on Amazon for like 10 bucks, pretty easy, yeah. - Really? - How much did I pay for this super premium Temu iPhone case? - [Alex] 30 whole dollars. - [Ken] Oh, that's a ripoff. - [Matt] I would've said like, 15 bucks. - [Ken] Yeah.

- I still don't think it's that bad, honestly. It's not the worst thing- - Thank God it came with a carbon fiber box. - I'm stealing screen protector.

And we've got ourselves a Galaxy A15. Now, is this legitimate or not? Okay, well first of all, it's all in Spanish, so that's interesting. - Pourquoi? - Mm-hmm. But it does look real, and like, the seal's still on here. So we've got ourselves USB cable and some paperwork. This all looks, yeah, this is a real phone.

Pretty sure it's a real phone. I do like this yellow. This yellow is delightful, look at that. It's just a fun color.

Ooh, oh, it says you got a little bit of like, an iridescent finish. Can you see that when it catches the light? That's actually really cool, almost looks like a holo pattern on like a card or something. - [Ken] God, of course it goes back to Pokemon cards. - That's pretty good though, man.

- [Matt] I liked the yellow until you compared it to a Pokemon card. - This actually is, at first glance, a decent display. First, I thought it was gonna be 720, but it actually, it's a 1080p OLED, which is decent.

Now, it's certainly a lower-end OLED, like, you definitely see a little bit of like, color, like, banding off axis and whatnot, but like, come on, we're talking about a much more affordable phone than like, an S24 or something. So you really can't judge it by that same criteria. Y'all wanna take some photos and take a look at what 12 megapixels looks like? Yeah, you're gonna get a little closer on this one. All right, ready? And ca-chow. (camera clicking) Also, I like that there's a fun button. What's the fun button? It's Snapchat lenses in the camera. What?

Oh, you're adorable, Matt. - I know I am. - [Austin] It does look like it's like 5 FPS, though. Yikes. I don't know if this is the filter I was looking for. - This is literally the best filter ever.

(Austin laughing) Yeah, I'm well aware how cute I look right now. - So the Galaxy A15, I think is very clearly a legitimate, real device that we bought from Temu. And it does seem okay, but with the caveat of how much was it? - [Alex] So if you bought- - [Matt] I love when he starts with, "So." - [Alex] If you buy one of these brand new from Samsung themselves- - It's brand new. - [Alex] It's 200 bucks.

- [Austin] $200, so I can go on samsung.com right now and buy one for $200 exactly like this? - [Alex] Yes. - Cool, okay, great.

How much did I pay on Temu? - We paid $132. - Better? - Okay, that seems good. That seems like we've got a deal. - It seems good. - Do we have a warranty? - No.

- [Alex] I don't know, only because Temu took the listing down. So who knows, maybe they're stolen from Brazil or something. - [Ken] Yeah, these fell off a truck.

- Yeah, that's what happened actually, isn't it? Well, at least it's a real phone, right? - [Alex] It is a real phone, and the price seems good until you look on Amazon. - What is it on Amazon? - [Alex] It's 150 for a new one on Amazon. - [Austin] ] And that's where the actual warranty and not stolen? - [Alex] Well, I don't know if it's not stolen, but- - Also, the camera closed. The camera app crashed and didn't save my recording! Now you're just gonna see a bunch of me looking at a phone without it saving. - [Matt] I mean, but we got me looking cute as hell, so.

- This next item I really want to experience, because on the surface, it seems like a lovely, little console to enjoy your amazing titles on the big screen television. What it actually is, is two controllers. And you might be asking, "Austin, where's my PS5?" Don't worry, it's not the controllers, because the PS5, this is the PS5. - [Matt] Damn, Phil Spencer's malding right now.

The they beat him to it. - It is, in fact, a HDMI dongle. I think this is egregious, 'cause like, in the listing, this looks like a PS5, except when you realize it's a freakin' stick. Alright, let me get the TV in here. Let's plug in our game stick and find out. Yep, I've got my HDMI dongle, my micro USB for charge, and it actually comes with a little USB-A adapter for your wireless controllers.

So let's plug this thing in and see what it does, shall we? So it just immediately launches. We have "Arcade Classics," "FinalBurn Neo," "Mame," 2600, 5200, 7800, Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket. PlayStation, see? I said the PlayStation.

I told you, PlayStation. Alright, we're playing "Pepsi Man." - Y'all know "Pepsi Man?" - No. - [Matt] Oh, it's a good game. - [Austin] Oh my God, okay, let's do it. - [Alex] Whoa! - [Austin] All right, so- - Oh, I see, it's like "Temple Run."

- [Austin] Yeah, all right, I'm gonna jump. Okay, I ran over her. - [Alex] She just ran. - [Austin] Yeah, like, you know what? The Pepsi needs to be delivered, all right? I am doing a great job of select, oh no! - Slide! - Slide! - Slide! - [Austin] Oh no! The Pepsi truck killed Pepsi Man! - [Matt] Slide next time. - I don't know what slide is! - Other button, yeah. - Oh, there it is. Yeah, I found, I found it.

I'm running through your house, sorry. Don't mind me, it's Pepsi Man. Oops. - There's a roof there. - Yeah, I didn't notice that part.

Well, we can confirm that this goofy fake PS5 actually does, in fact, play a PlayStation game. I can't be mad for 31 bucks. I actually can't. What's? I don't- - [Matt] That's some pistachio-ass envelope right there.

- Well, I think I know what this one is, I think. - [Alex] Well, you should, you ordered it. - What? You think I remember five minutes ago? That's why this show works, 'cause we can accidentally do the same content over and over again and I never realize. Next up, we have a very nefarious-looking, squashed black box. There is nothing on this besides a label that says Gold White. - [Alex] Dude, that's definitely an S24 Ultra.

- What makes you say that? - [Alex] The box, it's the exact one that it ships in. - Behold, my friend. It's not a Galaxy S24 Ultra, oh no, it is a fact a Galaxy U24 Ultra. The U stands for- - [Matt] You got scammed. - That's better than what I was gonna say. - 22 times 03.

- So out of the listings that we purchased today, at least based on the photos, this one looked the most legit. And at first glance, oh, snap, son. - [Matt] No, that can't be, that can't be genuine, the battery is still intact.

- It's not smoldering it. I gotta say- - It's not real. That looks girthier.

- Now, I can tell that it's not real. The feeling on the hand is a little bit plasticy. The USBC port's not perfectly aligned, but man, this is pretty close.

Wait, what the? Wait, hold on a second. Here's the actual upgrade, USBC earbuds in the box. What the hell? - [Alex] Yo! - Alex daily drives an S24 Ultra. - There's no titanium. I think it would fool people.

- [Matt] Yeah, I think so, too. - [Alex] It wouldn't fool like, somebody who owns one. - But if you bought this from Temu thinking it's a Galaxy U24 Ultra, the thing is, the back looks good. Like, this is its best angle, is like, from the back, you flip it around to the front, and that don't look very Samsung-y to me.

Those look very bright. - [Alex] You wanna try that one again? - What? - [Alex] Doesn't look too Samsung-y? - Samsung-y, you know, the act of being like Samsung. They've copied the icons over.

I mean, it looks relatively close. I mean, it looks like it also reads like, seven FPS. Look at that.

That is not the performance of an S24 Ultra. But again, it's easier, I think, in a lot of ways, to fake Android phones, because most of the fake iPhones out there are just running Android with a scan, which doesn't feel as authentic. But it's not that hard to take a basic core version of Android, throw a Samsung icon pack on it and sort of call it a day. So this is not good, I will tell you. I also don't think any of these cameras that on the back are real.

I think one of them is, I'm not sure which. Okay, is it this one? No. This one? No. This one! It's the smallest (toy squeaking) looking one. Lovely. Alex, would you be so kind as to illuminate us on the situation for this particular high-quality device? - [Alex] What an odd way of asking how much it costs.

This phone costs $143. - [Austin] Huh, I mean- - [Alex] That is twice what you should have paid for that. (Austin laughing) - Well, Temu, this one's just nefarious.

All right, and there we go, yeah, look at that. This is an Amazon shipping label from Shenzhen, oh good lord, why is there no spaces in that? It literally is such a long name. It goes over the barcode by a lot. So this is an Amazon little label for our Rock (duck quacking) Dock I15 Ultra. - [Alex] Wait, huh? You wanna roll that by me again, sir? - [Matt] Gotta censor that one. - Rock (duck quacking) Dock.

- [Alex] Wait, can you show that to me? - [Matt] Where's the button? (Alex laughing) - None. - There you go, you got it. - There you go. - I saw this listing and I was like, y'all are tripping. This is a fusion of a Galaxy S24 Ultra and an iPhone 15 Pro, I think.

Okay, oh my God, it really does look like this! So if you look at it from the side, right? So you got like, you know, from the front and the side, it all looks very Samsung-y. But what the hell is that? It's like you just stuck the iPhone camera bump on a Galaxy S24 Ultra. I will say, it does feel better though. It does feel better than the U24 Ultra.

Boy, this is finger lock. Guys, guys, it's an actual fake fingerprint sensor. Hang on, wait, let's lock it, and let's see if the fingerprint works. I'm gonna use my knuckle. - [Matt] Hey. - It's a fake fingerprint sensor.

What do y'all think about this? I'm just curious, besides the fact that it's gross and disgusting. - Oh, this is the finish that the U24 Ultra should have had. - [Director] And while they took a look at that, here, you can have this. - A second device? Okay. - [Director] Do you notice anything interesting about that label? - About the label? Why does it say Valerie (duck quacking) on this? What? - [Director] Well, what's inside the box? - Another one? - [Director] Yeah, yeah. So for whatever reason, Temu decided to send us two of the exact same thing, but one box had a different name, I don't know.

- Wait- - But it is addressed to us. - So it's our address. The same phone, different Amazon seller, different brand name. This is unfortunately not a Rock Cock Dock, but it is the exact same phone, right? Wait, wait, this is an S24. - [Alex] What is happening? Temu! - So, okay, how much did we pay for our single iPhone 15 Ultra Pro Galaxy edition? - [Alex] The I15 Ultra, the unholy combination of a Samsung and Apple product was $150.

- So they're all also basically the same price. It's like 150 fake, oh and I'm taking photos apparently. Oh boy. Look at that beautiful iPhone image quality. I don't think I need to explain myself too much when I say don't buy fake phones on Temu.

Seems like a pretty bad idea. My real question is, is this the exact same thing? 'Cause it looks so similar. I actually really think that this is just clearly like a fake bump, right? Like it's actually not, it doesn't do anything, right? I will say it's coming up some, but there actually is something underneath it. I think that these lenses might actually be on, it might just be the actual camera surround.

So underneath their camera bump is, oh, that's really weird. Okay, so I think what's going on is Rock (duck quacking) Dock or whichever the real name of this company is, they basically make the chassis, right? So they make a fake S24. What they do is they then decide to put on some stickers and some fake camera lenses and a skin with a fake dynamic island to make it look like an iPhone, or they put a little bit of a Samsung array of fake lenses on it and a Samsung icon pack, or they accidentally send you two, because Temu. I don't think I can recommend anyone to buy any of these. What I can recommend is if you're buying a used iPhone or definitely a Galaxy S23, S24 Ultra, take a little bit of a closer look.

Hardware-wise, these are not far off the real thing. They're definitely not right. But if you don't have a real one on hand to compare, you might not totally notice. Although I don't think anyone's gonna be fooled by the iPhone. (laughs)

So I know strictly speaking, this doesn't really belong in this video, right? There's no phone activities. But I would say that as I was scrolling the deep dark inter workings of Temu, I saw RFID and said, "That's close enough, I'm gonna put in the phone video." 'Cause it's a fake Soda Stream! So it doesn't come with anything to make soda, it just is a carbonation device. So you add syrup, fruit, or Fireball at your own peril. - Wait- - Did you just say carbonated Fireball? - [Matt] Yo, wait a minute.

- Holy, what the, what? That is not Fireball. What the? - No, no, no. - So you got Jasmine green tea and Boss Coffee, which is delicious, what the hell are we about to make right now? Are we making carbonated coffee? - [Alex] Aaron calls them crinks. (Austin and Alex laughing) - [Matt] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - Yeah, man. I'm not sure, where does this one go?

(all laughing) So take off the cap. - No- - Activate, okay. I'm making sure it's not leaking! - Okay. - Can smell carbon dioxide. - [Alex] Okay. Nobody do what he just did at home. - So let me just take some water, I'm gonna put it in here, and then we're gonna just try to juice it up. - Is it lined up? - Oh! - Oh, okay, okay. - Okay, okay.

- All right, I got it. You push it all the way down, okay. So we're gonna do it two to three seconds, one to two times. So one, two, that sounds cool as hell.

All right, one more time. (soda maker whirring) - Wow. - That's some Darth Vader breathing over there. - Yeah! I mean, it does look a little nefarious in this bottle. - Drink it! - Okay, okay, okay, I'm drinking, I'm drinking. - [Matt] It's not gonna taste like anything.

- [Alex] Yeah, it's just water. - [Matt] Is it carbonated? - Holy (duck quacking), that's carbonated. (Matt and Alex laughing) - [Alex] Yeah! - [Matt] This is what British people do. - Okay, I'm gonna make myself a carbonated tea. All right, ready? (soda maker whooshing) Ooh, okay. Little too spicy on that one.

- [Matt] Had a little bit of an accident. - [Matt] Man learns how to twist off- (all laughing) - Oh my God, that's amazing! - Wait, let me, wait, wait- - Wait! Try that. - All right, all right. Let's see what the deal is.

- Wait, really? - Right? - Wait, it's actually good. - Carbonated cold sweet Jasmine tea. - Wait, that made that tastes better. Wait, what the? (duck quacks) - So how much did we pay for our Ultima Cosa Presto Frizzante? - [Alex] Okay, so for reference, a actual Soda Stream- - Yep.

- [Alex] It ranges, it can go all the way up to like 250, but they're like on average, like 150ish or something like that. - Wow, that's a lot. Okay. - [Alex] So for this fake one that we got- - Yep. - It was-

- With the actual CO2 canister inside. - [Alex] Yep, that monstrosity of a giant thing. - That's what I need in my life.

- [Alex] We paid $61. - You know what Temu, that ain't bad. - I just realized- - Yeah.

- What about- - Yeah, go ahead. - If you use this on flat soda? - Yes. - To recharge it. - That's like saying- - Yes, that's ex- - That's like we're saying when your car dies, what if you put more gas in it? - No. - Yes, that's exactly what it's saying. - No!


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