How will IT job market look like in 2024

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Somewhere hiring is going on, Somewhere people are getting fired. I get a call from somewhere that Come back to Google And I get to hear from someone that Google has made layoffs again Those layoffs have been filed to software engineering So whenever you hear such news Look, I'm not saying that Recession is over or the layoffs are not happening Online interviews were going on, offline culture is over Some people got shortlisted Not even if they are not skillful, they got shortlisted Hired wrongly What are the hopes in the future? In the coming time, in 2024 What it looks like? When will the hiring start? The company will provide you with time 4 months, 5 months, 6 months I will say it clearly If there is a person who got a job and you didn't get it There will be 3-4 things in that person Which you didn't have That's why you got it When I started, my package was 3.2 lakhs There are many Cloud, Salesforce, software testing Front end, back end, full stack DSA, if you want to crack interviews And is the hiring trend is going to change? Like before, a lot of focus was done on DSA If I talk about DSA I think whether it's a service based person Or product based person If they are in college time, they should do DSA Interview Look, DSA is not something Let me tell you first I didn't tell you to say this No Because I do podcasts And DSA pops up as a topic Because we are engineers We are talking about hiring If you don't do DSA, is it okay? Yes, it's okay Absolutely Hi everyone Welcome to a new episode And today we have Ajay So how are you Ajay? How are you? I am good Fraz. Tell me how are you? And thank you so much For having me again In your own studio So today we are shooting this podcast in his studio We are going to talk Regarding the job scenario Market scenario What is going to happen in 2024 And what is happening Means it is very tense Hiring is going on somewhere And somewhere people are getting fired.

I have a video Come back to Google And I also get to hear that Google layed off few of its employees Recently this month Correct First week of this month There are more than 30 companies Who have laid off 5000 people Absolutely Because of this Our freshers It affects their minds a lot They are preparing And as soon as some news comes That there are layoffs They feel that everything is over But those who have been laid off They are not from software engineering profile We will discuss about everything in detail So watch the podcast till the end Listen carefully Open your ears So let's start First of all Give a small introduction To those who don't know about you They will know At one time When you give introduction You forget yourself Who are you? So yes My name is Ajay Suneja And I have been in IT for 6-6.5 years And I started my career From a service based company Koforge was my first company After that I took a lot of offers When I thought of changing So Everyone was getting offers We also got it 300% hike 400% hike It was in 2022 And when recession had not started Then I joined ITC Infotech But I spent less time there I couldn't spend more time Because there are bench policies In service based companies I didn't have that much experience There Neither did I get settled Then I cracked Paytm Then I cracked Adidas And in Adidas Now I am working full time As a front end developer My role is only front end Before this I have worked in Java I have worked in Fullstack I have worked in support I have done a lot of mixture roles in IT I have done all of that And along with that We have a small YouTube channel Technical Suneja We keep uploading content there So brother told us That he has worked in a lot of roles That's why he is the best person To answer all the questions That you have What is going on in service based companies What is going on in product based companies There are different roles Which role is important But before that You have missed one thing in your introduction That you are from BCA MCA background Oh Now What did I say That we tend to forget ourself when we give too many introductions Yes You have highlighted a good point My background is of commerce I had done commerce with maths And in science Although I wanted to get science But fine Whatever is written in destiny Let's move forward according to that And then I did commerce with maths Then I did BCA And then I did MCA Then after MCA I got my placement And when I started My package was 3.2 lakhs And from there I worked a lot I understood Learned to speak How to speak in meetings There is a big challenge Normally we speak in Hindi But when you go to the office You learn things How to talk So I worked a lot on my own And today I am sitting in front of you Okay brother tell me Do BCA and MCA people face any struggles When they want to enter into job scenario And compete with B.Tech and M.Tech

See according to me As such There is one edge With B.Tech people That they get free within 4 years But the BCA and MCA people 3 years BCA Like I did BCA for 3 years And same subject I studied in MCA for 3 more years? Yes same subjects There was a very slight difference The rest was the same I thought what is happening Then I said After 18 years After 18 years 3 years Then 21 years Then 23 years My age was around 24 years by then My MCA was about to complete So it remains That you have spent 6 years But now Dual degree has come BCA and MCA You can do it together That option is also available But if there is no option To do B.Tech then this is a good way To come in engineering To enter software engineering Although you can do BCA Then you can do MCA There are multiple options With which you can enter But in my case I was a little passionate The subjects that I had Like operating system Networking And CE C++ I studied every subject well I used to make projects on them Got it And this should be a mindset Don't think so far What will happen in the final semester You have to make preparations But the current time What ever you have First understand it You don't have to hurry in this It's all about patience And the seniors See where the seniors are being placed What is the pattern What is the demand of the company What is the ask According to that Your mind will mature Slowly So there is no such competition Now there was no other way If you couldn't do B.Tech Then you had to go through BCA and MCA So this thing Don't have to think about it And now he is better Or he is going after doing B.Tech

There is nothing like that Whatever you have According to that You see And the companies that are coming In your college According to that Do your preparations Either service-based or product-based Absolutely And there are many such examples In fact, I did a podcast with Neeraj Our EzSnippet brother He is also from BCA background So I have seen many examples Who have started from BCA Didn't do MCA But then eventually They are working at good places So it's not like If you have to choose BCA Or if you have chosen BCA Then you won't get a job There are a lot of opportunities Once you start working In companies It doesn't matter That you did BCA MCA Did B.Tech Did Whatever I have seen examples In Google BCA, MCA They are working in Google They are working in Amazon So there are a lot of examples You don't have to get discouraged That your studies are in any field Anyway, all these things will happen Now we come to the topic What do you think in 2024 Job strategy How is it going to be And what is the mixture Of hiring and firing Let's talk a little about it Brother Look, I will talk to you In detail And in this podcast I will try to give you an honesty That if this situation comes What mindset should be there Look, first of all I remember December 2019 When COVID started I think you can relate From my point Then in 2021 A lot of wave 1 came 2 came 3 came In 2022 Because when this COVID came A lot of business impact happened Even I was in a service based company Our client was British Airways I was in the airline domain So we were developing The product The service The service On which we were working We were developing Because in the service base What happens is You are giving service to someone Right You are not working on your product So what happened there We were 68 in the team In which there were support persons There were also development people Who worked for the airline They worked for the airline We had two airlines British Airways and Iberia These are two airlines So what happened suddenly Took out 3 people First took out the seniors We are fine 2 years 3 years It didn't impact so much Whose packages were more 20 lakhs 25 lakhs Maybe 30 lakhs So they were taken out So we didn't understand at that time That there is a wave like COVID And it will become so big We didn't think Then slowly it started coming out 22 came If I tell you the overall in 22 2.5 lakhs people were taken out In services and products Everything 2.5 lakhs You can check this data On the internet And in 2023 This number was down to 1.65 lakhs Now hiring was going on at that time But now when COVID ended Like when 22 started After the mid Like I joined Adidas I gave a lot of interviews Then I took 11 offers TCS, Birlasoft,Mindtree ,ITC Infotech Till then it was fine After mid 22 Things started getting worse When there was a lot of firing 1.65 lakhs people were taken out in 2023

In 22 ,It was around 2.5 lakhs The figures you are telling 2.5 lakhs And 1.65 lakhs So were all these software engineers? No It's not like that You also need to understand this When you work in a company There are a lot of domains There is a marketing domain There is an ad domain Now in 2023 If you look at In the first week You must have read an article Google, Microsoft All the product based companies They have fired now It's not like that In the beginning of 2024 Yes, now Recently I am talking about this year So the firing they have done now Basically the layoff That There is no domain of software engineering I was reading an article Inside Amazon ,the device Alexa The hardware unit People have been removed from that There is a team of Google Sales ad team They have removed the thousands of people They have removed So They are not engineers They are not engineers Some engineers are leaving themselves Like if someone has to switch That is a different case So whenever you hear such news Look, I am not saying that This session The thing is over now Or it is not being laid off But you also need to understand If you are a front-end developer Is Google removing or they want people Or Microsoft wants people According to that, you have to go for a job Whether you are going through LinkedIn Or you are taking a referral from someone So absolutely I will definitely say that Yes, it is being laid off But you need to understand Which business unit is being laid off Because when At the end The company will not remove them I am sorry I want to talk about one more thing Which is very important for your audience What happened was After Covid All the businesses shut down Do you believe that? Now what happened is at that time After the shutdown, people were removed And after that People's hiring started again very fast Absolutely There are a lot of aggressions Even I got a lot of offers A lot of engineers got a lot of offers 300% hike 400% hike 500% hike Will you believe when I saw LinkedIn It was full Every other post used to be I went in this I went in that Now what happened During that time Some people Were doing online interviews Offline culture got over Some people got shortlisted Even if they are not skillful They got hired wrongly They got hired wrongly They went to the company So there you can make one month Two months You can make three months Or you can try to adjust Some people want to do Some people are not able to do So now what is being laid off There are multiple reasons for that This is fine There is a business unit Where there is no ROI ROI means return of investment If there is no ROI Then what is there They will fire you For example They are working on a product Or sales ad team I talked about Google They need 10 people They have 20 They will not give salary of 10 They will have to cut down Absolutely So Such people are being laid off Who are not skillful And who are not able to fulfill And they are being fired Got it So there is a lot of experience There is a lot of experience This is the thing So this does not mean That the company wants to Let's raise a thousand And lay off Let's raise a thousand There are certain businesses Which are not running Which are being shut down First of all their people They are adjusted in different places In the same company they are adjusted They take requirements and after that The people who are saved They have to let them go And Google, Microsoft ,Amazon The companies which are laid off I think they get caught somewhere Very quickly They do not sit idle They do not sit idle Secondly I want to say one more thing Because majority of audience Which is watching you What do you know Most of the kids are in service And definitely They want to target Every product-based Even when I was working In Coforge For 4 years I was in a service-based company Then I cracked the Paytm Went to Adidas So The culture is a little different You know Work culture is a little different You will not see any news That now Accenture Or TCS Or Wipro Whatever service-based companies They have just laid off So there That's the good news If you are not getting a job Suppose you have a product-based company It's better to go to a service-based company than to sit idle You will learn a lot there There will be a lot of grooming You will get money there You will get comparatively less But you can start Your year will not be ruined If you are a learning person You will learn things anywhere Absolutely You said a very good thing If you are a learning person You will learn things anywhere People sitting on bench learning new technologies which are sitting idle So this is the scenario for now What are the hopes means In the coming time In 2024 ,How will it be When will the hiring start I will definitely answer this question But, first of all What I feel bad When I see In my comment section Or generally What I see That is freshers are very worried at this time,the college students The company is coming and they think 2 months ,3 more months are being wasted Although Even after getting skills The companies are not visiting They are not Correct Now ,What happens is The companies that run they run on a quarterly basis Business is analysed That this much was done in this quarter and this much was done in this quarter Okay .So now, It is going to close It will close on 31st of March And the hope is from 1st of April Business will resume, hiring will start It will not happen suddenly That 200% hike 100% hike Or 300% hike Those things will not happen But yes ,because In the IT industry When we talk about software engineering So ,what happens here is demand supply Okay So if the business is coming Very fast Engineers will hire a lot You know in service based companies Bench hiring happens because when the business resumes They will pick up the person from the bench And put him in the project It is basically Hired on the expectation That Tomorrow Business will come to us For that also we should be ready Yes And if it does not come then it becomes a problem So ,the company will give you 4 months ,5 months ,6 months No I will say it clearly I will not say anything straight 6 months 7 months 8 months But I always say If you reach the bench In 6-7 months Or 8 months Don't wait Hit your hands and feet And I Just to speak If you hit your hands and feet You put some effort You make a good LinkedIn profile Not only Looking for a job Other things also matter There is a person Who If you got a job You didn't get There will be 3-4 things In that person Which you didn't have He got it because of that Whether he got it through the referrer Whether he reached out to 100 people You will not benefit From reaching out the time 10 ,20 ,30 ,40 Even after 40 No one should acknowledge But you have to keep learning So all the college students Freshers ,I will tell you Look There is no need to worry Look there is nothing above life Right Now you will overthink And will mentally disturb yourself This is not a right way Right The point is Like Fraz asked a question When do you think hiring can start I think The new financial year Will start From 1 April 2024 Definitely hiring will start For freshers The company will visit Because It's not like now many people From AI I will not go out of the topic If you have a question We will definitely talk Connecting from AI I see because of AI Our recession has become too much You know It's not like that Once you, If you read from the right source You will understand That if Google Is reaching out to 100 people 200 people Why are they reaching out What is the reason And from which business unit Absolutely This is a very important word Which business unit From which segment Are they reaching out Is it an engineering team Or is it a support team Or is it a hardware team You need to understand first this You have to understand this So, hiring will definitely start But from the new financial year There are definitely chances of starting This big hiring which happened recently in Google When I was a part of Google At that time, so many teams Many businesses were like this which were made from future perspective That things will work in the future after 20 years Now When I felt that Right now the situation is that we need to focus on The current product areas rather than future So those projects were stopped Because of which firing happened For example There are many futuristic projects They are called Moonlight projects I don't remember the exact term So ,In such projects There was a lot of firing whether product based companies Or service based companies So what happens is where did they add the money from like I am working on this product based We work on our internal projects Maybe It is not available on the internet We have our own Adidas internal products Now there will be development on that product honor So ,Money circulation will be from above Now suppose a new product will come tomorrow Start POC POC means Proof of concept You are not working on the actual product You are implementing an idea which you got If it is successfully Executed Then this project will be made Then we will make a team In this way The team is formed So Whether it is service based Company Or service based Then money will come from above So you have to plan That tomorrow this project can come So we need engineers Because engineers are not available at last moment If someone is talking About their HR Then it is a time taking process Hiring an engineer So make a team Hire 3-4 engineers In advance So that When the project comes Use it there Correct There is one more thing Like I told you Recently I got a call from Google And like me many people got a call That we are hiring I got very happy After hearing this Although I didn't want to go again I even explained that I have quit to do something So ,I got hopes at that time That hiring is happening again Recently I got to know That firing has started again So again I think there is an equilibrium between hiring and firing ,firing is going on Firing is going on some are in performance business Some are in business This session layoff is not a new thing It keeps happening And if you are in IT then you have to Get used to it I will be very honest I told Fraz When we talked We want to talk about this I told him ,I want to talk about all this because this is a very very important topic and this is not a like that This is today Not tomorrow It can happen It can happen again So you have to be ready And the most important thing Skills In which ever you are Stay in it When the right time comes Showcase your skills Absolutely So basically Don't be afraid Of this situation Don't be afraid And It is easy for us to say Wherever you are You are a fresh person You are in college Thoughts will come So ,you have to talk to yourself that It will happen but It's not like you overthink You have a different thought In your mind that I will do this Don't do all that nothing happens With all these things Okay It's your loss I don't want to use That word directly But Please Take care of that Don't think Nothing will happen Just have patience The right time will come Why are we talking So that we can give you Motivation Because it's my experience Fraz's experience We are giving you A message That these things will be sorted These are not new things Recession has happened before It will happen in the future So don't worry If not today Then tomorrow You will get a job See It's a matter of time There are some problems Problems But after that Things will be fine Don't take so much pressure Otherwise ,If you go for a job There will be more pressure There will be more pressure These things are there So we have to be cool These coolness things Comes from experience When I was in my time Six years ago I didn't have patience I wanted to give you The code I got Quickly But coding is not like this You have to cover every edge scenario You have to understand Functional requirements Then you connect dots in your mind Then you see the existing code Okay These functions are made I can reuse it like this It's not just I said it And I started writing code It's not like this Correct So gradually Increase the patience level Understand Don't give an immediate answer Listen Okay, I'll get back Very You will get slow Not slow There will be energy But how to work Yes This is very important If you are going in that direction Then you are going right Absolutely Absolutely Okay brother Tell me Is hiring going on in Adidas? Hiring in Adidas is not going on now I will be honest Absolutely Not working now But yes Like in our country Actually Very fast Like a role is coming out It gets filled very quickly Means it gets filled very quickly It starts First we get a chance for internal referrer If someone is in your known then you can tell But yes ,In the meantime I had put 3-4 LinkedIn posts when hiring started Many applications came Now look at the interview You don't have to take it out I can only be a tool for you Look at the interview You don't have to give So now it's a stop But yes As soon as the new financial era starts Then hiring will start in Adidas Data profile hiring will start Front end engineers Hiring will start on React Because our projects go on React Okay So hiring will start Nice Experience is also going on 8 years Scrum Master I am telling you some roles which are going on now Experience is also going on ,Scrum Master ,Team lead 8 -10 years In this, there are roles in Adidas But for fresher Now DTU Last year we covered DTU Your college only Okay you went to DTU Adidas went there And the students came there And I am remembering one college DTU There was another college There is a college near Kashmir gate IGDTU Yes We visited there So we went to these colleges last year And Now As soon as the new session starts Then maybe hiring will start Very good It's a good news for everyone Now start preparing And Bring your mind back on track And tell me You talked about technology ,React So ,What kind of technology is going to be relevant like high paying skills What is going to be in demand in 2024 Going forward You know what I will tell you some things from my experience When it comes to technology There is a lot Cloud ,Salesforce Software testing ,Front end ,Back end Full stack,DSA If you want to crack an interview So all these discussions are very much See I say one thing Like now Like now I won't be able to tell you About the product Because of I can't share everything But talking about technology Now I Now we design different patterns We keep working design the product So ,We don't do it the solution designer Who is the solution architect We are only developing So React is very much on the boom If you are in front end If you have interest There is a lot of demand for angular framework View JS will be in demand But yes compared to React demand Is going to increase Not only React We call it React But there are a lot of things That you Sometimes When you go to the company You will learn Like you should have knowledge of webpack Redux We have implemented Redux We will migrate it To React Query Right Now basically You see any application You see this data What is the data That is the state To manage the state You have to learn That is Redux React Query Now we use context API A lot So all these things You have to bring additional for designing Okay There is HTML There is CSS And you have learned The framework of CSS So if you If you want to come in web development There are a lot of like node in backend and for Javascript Mean and Mern are good options There are a lot of technologies in backend like Java ,Python They have equally demand But what will happen You will get a call from the same company Where they will ask Now you are doing front-end Your profile is not made In that way Resume is not settled In that way So you are thinking I am getting a call from Java Why is it coming So if there is a flaw You will filter out You will get right calls Software testing has a lot of demand Because we have to test a product So to test it We need testers So automation Nowadays On a lot of demand With AI You can integrate And automate things Like automation of web there is Selenium So if you are a manual tester If you go as a tester There is manual testing But if you know the automation tool Chances are high That you can put it in a project So there will be more growth Similarly you have data science There is a lot of demand So ,the importance of every role You have to see yourself Where you sit ,where you enjoy So all this demand will remain in 2024 And companies need engineers Okay And is there going to be a hiring trend change Like before A lot of focus was done on DSA A lot of projects were asked And computer fundamental Subjects and DBS Operating system Were asked Is there going to be a change in this? Ask a good question For freshers As such there is no change See If you Here, If I talk about DSA So I think whether it is a service based person Or a product based person If both are in college time Then DSA should be done Interview See DSA is not something Let me tell you first I didn't tell you No Because you know I do podcast And I mean DSA comes up somewhere In the topic Because we are engineers We are talking about hiring Let me tell you first See what is the meaning of DSA Let's understand When we talk about data structure algorithm So it is not Okay You are writing an algorithm Either you are picking up An existing algorithm And making logic from it So these concepts they help me logically to be better when I my company gave me a use case Okay This is it So there Should I put a set ,map ,array What is all this to manipulate data We are using this concept Correct Either linear data structure Or non-linear Right So its Okay I have never used it in the graph Because it didn't have such a use case But it comes inside Non-linear You learn So to take out the interview What is the mindset of the company Not of all companies Some companies Hire only on web dev Whether it is for app development Or for web But some companies are very clear That our starting two rounds Like in Google ,the starting two rounds will be on your DSA Further, the domain round will be on the system design So You have to see yourself The company you are targeting What are their requirements If you are not good in DSA If you are good in web dev Then you will make your way Absolutely Absolutely So If you don't do DSA Then your work will go on Work goes on Absolutely The same thing DSA If you are doing it happily Then well and good Then do it Free resources Work will go on But you have to do some concept Like we talk about front end So ES6 concept I set I use I am using the app So There is a data session party I am using it very frequently And all the concepts of ES6 Which are front end people You can understand I am using all that So some concepts If not now Then you will have to learn on the job Yes You will have to learn later As simple as that Rest I was saying If you are doing DSA Then do it happily Don't do it forcefully That you have to do it If you are more interested in development You are very good in dev Go ahead But you should At least basic understanding Should be there whether you are in web dev So,but to interview you should know all these things Alright ,our DSA course has started If anyone wants to learn then go and learn So Ok brother Now I have to ask you One very important thing These platforms We have a lot Where we can go And see the job Among them which are most frequently visited by the recruiters Means I have talked to some recruiters You must have done it Right So on which platforms recruiters search for candidates Look,what I understand Different people Different experiences But my personal experience Is LinkedIn Like Where This doesn't happen Here I feel it doesn't happen Right Like on LinkedIn Now what happens Why will anyone reach out to you LinkedIn asks you for some effort Like if you are posting regular posts What will you post The question first comes What to put Your LinkedIn profile Should be Optimized Correct Should be visible Should be visible It should look like You are a front end developer Looking at your profile To understand And there You are putting some content Like nowadays ,for students I would like to say 30 days challenge You can do learn by doing approach Put what you are learning If you will practice for 30 days You get inspired from Fraz You get inspired from me You can You will put a name Tag If they like your post They will like They will also comment So their audience will come to see you Reach will increase and visibility will increase So this ,LinkedIn has a simple hack I am very clear LinkedIn doesn't have a big hack If you do it like this Your profile will grow And you send requests to people And pitch yourself Cold emails You must have heard When you don't go to someone Informally You know informally Then you send him an email So there clearly mention My experiences Same message Stick everything And there is an opportunity I got a pay time opportunity Like this I got a Google opportunity You got a Google opportunity Like this So how did I get them Because our profile If you look at Fraz's profile Or look at my profile You will get to learn 4 things I can do this too And you can do it I am telling the truth Everything is possible Correct So from today If you look at yourself 1.5 years before today And look at yourself today What are the differences Absolutely I keep updating Those things as well I still feel that from this month to this month These changes have come this is how I can modify my LinkedIn profile You can improve it this way So like As in

We are not promoting But yes It's a very good platform Where if your profile Is 100% updated And you Many jobs Ok Now you think You want a good package It doesn't happen You try And then move forward Everyone's journey Everyone's path doesn't become the same How do some people start and some people One engineer is earning 20,000 And one engineer is earning 2 lakhs So both the experiences are different in life We don't have to mix We often do comparison He is earning 2 lakhs We are lost at his level As you do No This is true I have seen This is very common That he is earning so much The feeling of comparison Comes very soon Others get tension See Their potential is different My potential is different My own way Is to work Their own way Yes I will learn Without telling them And they will learn And they will apply In their real life And I will apply So you have to learn From each other And move forward Don't feel jealous from anyone And with that If you move forward Then you will be successful Absolutely Absolutely Ok It was a very insightful podcast Learned a lot from you Learned a lot And I hope You got the motivation Again So thank you so much For coming on my channel And sharing this information And we will meet again In another podcast Till then Bye Bye Thank you so much Fraz And thank you everyone I want to say one thing While leaving Don't take tension This time will also pass New time will come And you have to be ready At that time If you are not ready Then 10 people are standing To take that opportunity Right Wish you all the best Thank you


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