HelloAlex Smart Real Estate Chatbot AI Inman Connect New York

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Hello. And well my, name is Benjamin Brussels the founder, of hello Alex and CEO. I'm glad. You're on this page because it means you're interested to find out more about what hello Alex can do to you and how it can help you become the agent you always wanted to be we, call you a super. Hero, agent, Alex's. Main goal is to take you from awesome. To super hero and we want to help you start more connections, more, conversations. And earn more commissions, than ever before, with. Automation. And on, autopilot. We're. Really excited about hello Alex and right now we're getting a lot of press, in media, now one of the really exciting things is we're getting all of this attention as, part, of L version, 1 release that's right we've been in beta and prototyping. The, concepts, the technology. For, the last 2 years as a matter of fact this is a culmination of over 6 years work, from our team we've consulted, to billion, dollar corporations. We've helped run and the lead. Multi-million. Dollar financial, corporations, and financial, services, companies our strategies. Have been used to grow companies from 3 million dollars a year to over 80 million, dollars a year in a, few, short, years our, team has consulted, 2 billion, dollar companies and spoken. All around the world we've got a team of over 1,500. People in our call center 24. Hours a day seven. Days a week and that, means we're able to call your leads outbound. Or also, receive. Calls, within 3 seconds, to, do that we. Had to create cutting-edge. Technology. That didn't exist and you. Get access to this, when, you sign up and become a member of hello Alex, hello, this is really simple it's a platform. That allows you to connect and converse. With, your leads on multiple, channels in fact, we. Will actually stop, the conversations, with your lead on multiple. Channels and what do I mean by that we, can sell conversations, by email by, text, message on facebook. On Twitter on WeChat, unviable, and if people don't respond, we can be on the farm in, a matter of seconds, that's right it can be as little as, 30 seconds, from clicking a button on a website to their phone ringing and actually connecting, with a live human. 24. Hours a day seven. Days a week or what. About just engaging, your, cold leads, hello. Alex we believe conversations. And connections is, what creates, commissions, that's, why we believe in engaging. The lead for the entire, lead, cycle, we have to lead cycles, that we focus on we focus on pre closing so this is when they go from lead to, actually, buying or selling a, house and then. The second, cycle being, from, closing. To, when they do the next transaction or the next referral, that's why with hello Alex you can work your leads for the life the. Entire lifecycle. Of your. Client. Relationship, you'll lead the client relationships, so we go from lead to client and then from client, beyond, we're, looking for referrals, we're, helping them with their next transactions, we're making sure that you, stay top. Of mine so they want to work with you hello, Alex, as many things our platform is constantly, evolving we, are actually pushing, updates to our platform almost. Daily. At the moment and when working with some of the best agents around. The country that's in the US and yes. We're, getting demand from all around the world and but right now hello alex is purely focused, on the, USA.

We, Will be expanding, internationally, in due course so if you want to scale and grow your team internationally. You will be able to do that with HelloWallet but, right now we are perfecting. The systems, that technologies. And the system, it's, our goal that our company will grow to well over 100,000. Agents very quickly and that's, not, a challenge when we have some very, large, companies, approaching, us wanting, us to help them to their agents, from Awesome to superheroes and providing, them with AI, based, machine. Learning. Automated. Marketing. I know there's some big buzz words and it does mean yes we have our own artificial, intelligence, platform, we've used it and designed it from thousands. And I mean that tens of thousands. Of real-life, real. Estate. Conversations. By email by text message and phone, chat logs from, some of the best agents around the country we, also work. With some of the best real estate training. And sales professionals, to help optimize the, scripts the languaging, and our, messaging, but what's really exciting is that our AAI is self. Learning that, means it learns and, evolves. Itself from, every, conversation. That happens on the platform, and that means the conversations, are dynamically. Changing. We. Will never say the same thing to a lead it twice we. Want to make sure we can continue the conversation engage. The conversations, in remember. Previous. Context, l.a, i does, work on facebook by text message we're expanding it to our own IVR. System, and, phone, system, and it layers in with our humans, and it'll layer in with you with. Hello Alex you'll get a complete, web, portal, dashboard, that means you'll get access in real times to see your leads but you'll also be able to get access to your own iOS. And Android. And, soon-to-be. Chrome. Browser, extension. So you can answer the phone from, anywhere in the world you'll be able to turn any mobile, device into, your mobile, office and you'll, be able to see every, single lead and hot. Lead cold lead warmly, or just, frozen, leaves, you'll. Be able to see what's happening with them in real time as our marketing, assistance, works conversations. Online, and offline we. Have a fully integrated. Postcard. And letter mailing, service that. Means we can activate, birthday. Campaigns, postcard. Campaigns, geo farming, campaigns, all automatically. For you we've, even got a database, of over 140. Million, consumers. Around the USA, so, if you're looking to do geo farming, our systems, built-in with that with, hundreds. Of variables, so you can segment and filter your list but, unlike other systems you can actually use, analysts. To then lay a postcard, marketing in. Conjunction, with, Facebook. Remarketing as well as soon goggle. Ad marketing, as well and did I tell you that L a I can. Write your, Facebook, ads and automatically. Place your Facebook ads based, on the, conversation. You're having with, your, leads that's, right l a I can. Automatically. Create ads, using. Our proven Facebook. Ad templates, l a I can, create your postcards. That you're going to be using for mailings, on birthdays, follow-up, campaigns, you buy campaigns, for Sale By Owner campaigns. And the. Hundreds, of other campaigns. That we have available and did. I mention that Alex, has pre-built. Ready. To implement marketing, campaigns, that you can use right now this, very, second. That's right we give you Alex. 100%. Pre-configured. That means the conversations. That our platform is happening on Facebook with your leads we're, identifying and. Qualifying. Are, they our buyer are they or seller are they a renter, when, are they looking to take action what's motivate to take action where are they with the finance, are they looking for a finance referral, do, they need to sell their current house do they know where are they looking to buy on the conditions, they're looking to buy and. We can do a lot more other very, cool stuff we're, going to be working on augmented, reality we're, working on many cool, systems, to help you as an agent, close, more, deals which, results in you generating, more commissions and if you are a broker, or you're looking to scale them on your team we're, going to be able to provide your team with complete turnkey, management. Solutions. That, allows, you to automate, and guarantee. That, your lead nurturing and your lead follow-up, is happening, because, we believe that if, you, don't, connect, with your leave speed, to lead means absolutely.

Nothing, And in today's world where timing, matters and we're all getting busier and busier and, more overwhelmed. We. Know that it's hard to follow up and sometimes. Create, a connection because, let's face it you've got a lot of leads to follow up with and you had a lot of leads to follow up with yesterday and we know that you need help and that is where elq's can help you we believe in 3d dimensional, market we call it 3d because it's online and offline in both. Work together and they interact we've, got our own phone system that means we provide you with a phone dialer, that works on multiple devices, as well as the web but, it allows us to also have fully integrated, in soon to be the release. Exclusive. Video, streaming. Technology. That allows you to instantly, Skype, in or video. Into somebody who's having a facebook, conversation we're. Working on many world-first. For the real estate industry and Intel promise to you that we're gonna transform, the real estate industry we're, gonna transform, the way that conversations. And connections happen. And we're gonna transform, the way that it helps you generate more commissions and it's our goal to provide you with a complete fully, functioning, assistant. An assistant. It can help you all the way through the transaction closing, and beyond just as there you have a real assistant, in the real world that's what alex is gonna be to you and you, might be going Weiss Weiss of course hello Alex because, everybody, in our company is called Alex, that. Means that when somebody picks up the farm or when, they're talking to somebody your website live chat that we provide you with all, Twitter. Or email they're, all Elex because, we believe if your leads can submit to one representative. Who's your assistant, Alex, you'll build rapport and with that rapport, that's been created and transfers, to you we. Provide you with a lot of world first technology and we make it super, simple for you to implement and integrate it into your business we provide it to you fully configured, ready to use and what, gets better than that is that we provide you with world Clark's, training, 24. Hours a day seven, days a week and we will. Even fight, to your offices, sit down with your team and train. Everybody. We'll make sure people's campaigns, are implemented, we'll make sure they're loading their leads another system will, help them load their legs another system will help them convert their partial, data into useable data and optimize, their marketing, campaigns, that's, just the tip of the iceberg, wait another company, that just wants to provide you with the technology you're not going to use we, want to provide you with the technology you use and love and can't live without and what, committed to, providing you with a, turnkey. Solution and helping. You maximize, and, make the most of it that's why when we offer the hello Elex pricing, we wanted to make it very simple and we know that, every agent, has got a different goal or agenda with their marketing and their ads spin that's. Why we created a very simple plane the price of a hello Alex starts at $2.99, a month it's. $2.99 a month for access, to the entire, platform. We don't charge you a pearl easy we let you load unlimited. Amounts of leads in our system and then we give the choice of how you work those leads of what you want to happen with those leads that's, what we call credits, Alex system users credits to apply the enhanced, marketing strategies. Enhance. Marketing, strategies include, things like the lead verification.

Lead Lookup so for example when you get a phone number we, will automatically. Look it up we'll be able to identify the, name on that phone plan we'll be able to turn any phone number you know a mailing, and extract that date of birth so when you look at that lead you can see it's fully verified you might be able to see their entire LinkedIn, social. Media profiles, it'll be all fully mapped in one very simple dashboard that we give you access to and all this has happened in the less than 120. Seconds, we. Then can extract, a lot, more data and help, you turn that data into something but that's an enhanced, marketing jokes, you, only pay for what you use if, you want to use postcards, you activate, the postcard, marketing templates. And campaigns as part of your resources, and you only pay for the postcard, that you see imagine, that only, having, to pay for if you said one postcard this month now, if you send 100, or 10,000, you only paid for that we, handle, all your printing. And, postage that, means we, have an alux person printing. And taking. Postcards. To the post office every, single day oh did, I mention we do letters that's right if you've got letters or marketing, brochures. You want to send to people we'll take care of all of that for you we'll, also automate, your Facebook ad spend and automate. Your Facebook, remarketing all, that happens and if you want to enable that you set the budget you, set the amount of credits you want to use and you only pay for what you use our. Platform works, on a month-to-month basis. That's what makes it very powerful we are not locking you in to any contracts, or craziness, and here's, the even bigger kick up our credit system, allowing, you to pre-purchase, credit at out bundles so you get maximum value and, then, those credits, do not expire so, if it takes you one month, six, months or twelve months to use those credit that's great it, takes you as long as you need to use it we even run promotions from time to time that, allow you to maximize and, increase. The ROI you, get from, your credits, and you get access to all of this pre-built. Marketing, campaigns, pre-built. Templates, around-the-clock. Training, and support from multi-million. Dollar real estate agent producers, and here's what's even more exciting, hello, elet is not a competitor, to you hello, elet's itself is not, a real estate agent, does not have a real estate agency brokerage, license. We are not a competitor. To you it's, our goal to work for you and help you to create as I said connections. Conversations. And commissions we make sure your data is accurate and as, valid, as possible. And we're, constantly launching. New features all the time but I'm super excited and I'm sure you're excited now to get access to the demo Oh, you might be thinking is, hello, Alex right to you and that's a very simple question and it's a great question and I promised you episode of this video that, you'd be able to answer that question if you purchase, late or buying, leads or have a co marketing, program where somebody, buys leads for you and you have new leads coming into your inbox your voicemail, your phone calls or text messages every single. Month then. Hello. Alex is for you if, you're looking to grow and increase your team hello, alex is for you if you're wanting to hire an ISA, or OSA. Or an assistant, but don't have the time the resources or, the energy to manage, them train them get them the scripts get them everything, they need to be effective that. Hello alex is for you if you feel tired, overwhelmed. And frustrated. With. The demands and pressures of, being a real estate agent. Lol access to you if you're looking to increase your commissions, then. Hello alex is for you if you're looking to grow and scale your team and increase, the effectiveness, that. Your team has on a minute-by-minute, basis. And, hello Alex's team if you're looking for more automation, in simple, systems that you can have implemented. Into. Your business then hello Alex SP and here's who, alex is not for if you think that Alex is going to be a get-rich-quick scheme.

For You to make fast money from your leads this, is not for, you if you are not purchasing. Leads and think. That you can run your business a hundred percent on referrals, then, hello alex is not for you if, you've got no interest in creating a team and scaling and growing your business then, Helliwell is not for you if you don't spend any money on lead generation and are, not interested, in spending any money on lead, generation then. Hello alex is not, for you if, you, are not, able to spend two hundred and ninety nine dollars a month plus. Whatever credit, you use on your. Business and using. Enhanced, marketing services, that are custom, designed tested and proven to work then. Hello alex is not, for you so, you now two options, you are either sitting there going either. Love, the sound of what hello Alex can do and how it can help me grow my business and I really want to schedule a demo because you've got questions, you want answered then click the button below and schedule. Your demo and ask, your questions, and we'll show you exactly how. You can get started and get effective, and get results within the next seven the next fourteen the next twenty one the next thirty days and we'll show you how to onboard your team and scale, your success. This, year and you might be sitting there going wow this sounds expensive, and I'm not sure this is going to be right for me well, the reality is is probably not right for you and I'm okay and saying that, this is probably not the right solution for you we, provide them with the world-class artificial. Intelligence, we provide you with real humans, who, want, to work for you who, want and love, to talk to your leads and engage, your leads and conversations, to qualify, them so you don't. Waste time talking to the wrong people we, love, engaging. And reactivating. Leads we love working, on marketing, campaigns, to help you make, more Commission's that's what we love to do but, we can understand, that hello alex is not for everybody and I thank you for taking the time and right, now what, would be awesome is if you recommended, us to somebody who, you think this would be rightful, somebody, who does want to grow their business somebody, who is tired overwhelmed, and frustrated with what it takes to be one of the agents, that other agents, talked about, but. My name is been dressing tan and I'm the founder of hello Alex and I, want to thank you for taking the time and I totally respect your choice and if you have any questions, at all we. Would love to answer them there's a live chat box underneath, which is where you can experience, Alex. First in there's, going to be some videos under this where you can experience, and watch what Alex can do first. Hand and we're going to be updating this page regularly, to help you understand, the true raw, power, potential, that, having an automated, income assistant. Can do for you and your business and I. Can't wait to, see the results, you get once. You've scheduled your demo or activated. Your account because, that's your third option you might have just seen this video too, damn I, like. What, I'm hearing and I'm willing to get started right now, and get Alex working, for my business and that means we're, going to be talking to you, ridiculously. Fast to help you get your account activated, set up and install and help, you knew everything, humanly possible to make sure you become a successful, client. And. Get welcomed, into the hello Alex family so I wanted to thank you once again for taking the time to watch this video to the end as, part of watching this video to the end you're. Going to get access to, a super, exclusive. Special, bonus and now. I'm, going to tell you about that so you got to the end of this video and I'm really excited that you're here because I'm going to announce to you a super, exclusive, bonus that's available for the month of January, 2018.

As, Part of our version 1 launch of Inman in New York we're, actually offering what we call a foundation. 1000, special what's, so exciting about this foundation 1000. Special is that for the first 1000. People that's right 1,000 people and I don't know if you're the 1,000 on one person, watching this video right now and I'm sorry if you are because. If this offering has expired well you have to see the second, part of this offer the, offer number one is being part of a foundation, 1000, special and that, means instead, of paying $2.99, a month you're, going to get a discounted. Price of, hello, Alex, access, for $1.99. A month you're, going to get access to hello. Alex and the entire suite of tools for 199. Dollars a month full. Life. That's. Right you're going to be saving over 1200, dollars that's, 1200. Dollars per, year, you can put back into your business to, apply the enhance, marketing, services, or to be honest wherever you want we're, doing this is part about foundation, 1000. Series offer to, invite you to be part of our foundation. 1000 what that means is you get VIP access you get access to special trainings and events, that we hold every single month you get first, person. Access, to, our VIP marketing. Campaigns, will custom, build marketing, campaigns around you and you get priority. Support and access over everybody. Else where they'll be working with you, hands-on to, make sure you become a successful, case study in. Client. Of hello. Alex and this is just the tip of the iceberg of what you're getting so, that's, access, that for the first 1000, people we have release that we do have a 1,500. Person waiting list and that list is growing every, single day but, it's only available for the people who jump in and get started with hello well that's what it does require you to do is it requires you to do with purchase of, $1,000. In credits, to activate, your account and that'll, lock in your. $199. A month foundation. 1000. Access, to hello Alex full block so it's going to be 199, dollars a month instead of the, $2.99, that, everybody else is paying so, the, other super exclusive, bonus that we're doing to January is we're doing at twenty five percent credit, bump then what that means is if you put in $1,000. And to, purchase credits you'll get a twenty five percent bump, on whatever you spend so that means we're gonna give you give you two hundred and fifty dollars worth of credits that you can use absolutely any form, of marketing, that you want in, the, hello Alex platform so if you put in $5,000. You'll get a 25%. Bonus you, put in $10,000. You're gonna get. $12,500. In credits instead of. $10,000. So, what, that means is that we're putting our money where our mouth is and we want to help your marketing, dollars get, enhanced. Even. Further than they will by using in the hello Alex system so we're putting a 25. Percent credit match so, whatever you put up in the month of January is getting a 25, percent credit, match and that's part of our office so there's two offers right day there's our foundation, 1000 you might be unfortunately, watching this video I'm the the foundation 1000, program is built I'm sorry, for that you're, gonna have to pay the $2.99, a month but.

The Next exciting part of this is we have our 25, percent credit bump and for all the credits you purchase over 1000, dollars worth in, the. Month of January you will get a 25%, bump, on those credits that offer it's gonna be a hundred percent explain, to you below it is accessible, to people who do, register - hello Alex and get their account activated, in the month of of 2018. And, I'm super excited that you here and I, can't wait to help you grow and expand your business so once again thank you very much I look, forward to getting any, of your questions answered while, you, have your live, demo, scheduling. Your demo you can ask your questions in the chat below and if. You want to be part of the foundation 1000. I would act fast. Because, we. Are getting attention, from companies, all around the world and we have a massive, waiting, list just seems to be growing every. Single day and right now we're activating, people on their, pre pre-order, and then personally, our team are activating. Your accounts one-by-one, and making. Sure your account gets set up and that's part of our VIP program, that's offered for you at no additional cost as part of the foundation 1000, so, I look forward to talking soon hopefully, you've made the decisions of signing you up and I'm the first to welcome you to the lol X family and I can't wait to, help make. You the. Agent, you always, wanted to be here's. To you go, from awesome to super hero within, the next 12 months.


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