Building sustainability into our infrastructure your goals and new products Cloud Next 19

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Now. I imagine you're. Here this week to talk about what's going on in the cloud but, I hope while you're here you're still considering, making. Smart use of the, resources, down here on earth. You, know I'm personally a big fan of our planet and I can't I can't, believe I'm actually gonna say this even though there's a there's. A NASA display, about fifty yards that way about finding, the next planet with life on it we, need to consider. That we're probably gonna be here for a little while so. Even. Though our cloud is not white or fluffy, and and unpredictable. Moisture is usually. A bad thing it has, real impact, here, on earth the, resources, that we use, so. This session today is all about focusing. On a commitment to the environment what. Does it mean to prioritize, sustainability. As we, make decisions, as. IT practitioners. As we set goals for, our organizations, and ultimately. In the products, that we design, and develop. You're. Gonna hear from three, companies, that care a lot about the smart use of the earth's resources, my. Name's Chris Talbott I work, in Google cloud I. Work, with customers across, the globe helping. Them understand, how a move to the cloud can help them become. More sustainable and. I'll share some of that experience and why Google cloud is sustainable, platform but, I'm honestly. Really excited, about what my friends are going to share about. A company that is literally. An icon, for environmental. Stewardship, and how, do they, incorporate, that into their organization, and, then a solar. Company who is you, know effectively using, cloud technology. To. Make renewable energy accessible. For all. So. Let's get right into it at, Google, similar. To our mission of making information. Universally. Accessible, and useful, we. Also have a mission, to build sustainability. Into. Everything, that we do as a company. You, know breaking down what does sustainability. Built-in. Mean it, means from, hardware. To the offices, that we build to the data centers that we build we're, gonna prioritize. Sustainability. In that, value chain that, could mean incorporating. As much as. 75. Percent post-consumer recycled, plastics. In our hardware, to. Focusing. On buying ugly, produce in our cafes, buying. All the funny-looking fruits. And vegetables, that would otherwise not, be purchased by you, know restaurants, and food providers, but, I'm gonna focus on the, two areas that are. Probably most impactful for you as a as a cloud user or a potential cloud user and that's data centers and renewable, energy and. You. Know within these two areas we've really taken that sustainability. Mission, to heart by. Innovating. And building more technology. Back into, our environmental, practices, to effectively, make them more sustainable, by. Pushing, our innovation, kind of upstream, you as a user downstream. Get a better experience so, I'll take a second to highlight some of those areas that you know essentially the stuff that you can only get from from, Google cloud. First. Data, centers are at the heart of our, company, and everything. That we do it powers, Google, cloud platform it, powers, all the other Google products, that. Billions, of users throughout, the world use, and you. Know this is really the critical part of the sustainability, story, for you as a user. Because. All of us are increasingly, going digital and digital. Transformation, isn't about just using new. Technology. Stuff it's honestly about betting your business on a digital future, and ultimately. You're going to use more technology stuff, which means more data. Center use and more energy and with, two percent, or. More of the world's electricity already. Going to data centers this is only going to grow but. It's actually one area where innovation. Can have an incredible impact, compared. To five years ago we actually deliver, seven times, the compute, per, watt of energy that we use in our data centers. Google. Clouds actually the, best at using, getting. The most out of the energy that we draw, the. Way that you measure this is something called power, usage effectiveness or, PUA, it's, calculated, by taking you, know the total energy that you use in your data center and dividing. That by only, the stuff that you use to actually provide, computing, power for. Every kind. Of watt of energy that you use how. Much are you gonna have to use. For all the other stuff like facilities, and cooling, and all the things that make a datacenter work for. Us we, only need 11, percent extra stuff to do that so, it comes down to an average PUA across. Our fleet of 1.1. One and. You. Know you as a user of, Google cloud products, and services, you, get to take advantage of that as 50% better than the average data center out there and that's efficiency, that we deliver to you and using our services, and.

You. Know unique to Google one, of the ways we're able to achieve that, efficiency is we actually use our own machine learning technologies, in our data centers. You. Know when it comes to controlling a data center it's, actually a really you know complicated and unique beast there's millions of components that are, relatively. Fickle, to unpredictable. Changes. In the environment, so, when, you're managing a data center trying, to manage these components, in a very manual way is is really inefficient and kind. Of out of the box you. Know manufacturing or, control, systems, industrial control, systems, they. Aren't universally, applicable across, the data center so. When. You're facing a challenge, of trying, to get better at predicting unpredictable. Things from millions, of inputs neural. Networks can do a really good job at doing that, that's. What they're designed to do essentially, learn from millions of inputs and get better about predicting, the future so, our our machine learning actually, controls, the cooling, which is the major part of the, energy draw within a data center across our fleet. You, know I mentioned the other area being renewable, energy and energy in general that's. Critical to you as a user of Google Cloud, you, know running our business across. Google, requires. Us to use a lot of electric, city and, you. Know combating. Climate change requires. All, of us to transition, to a you, know clean energy future so. At, Google we match every, unit of electricity, that we use across our company with. A unit of renewable. Energy that we've purchased somewhere, from. A zero carbon source, in. Pursuing. This goal to reach a hundred percent match of our energy we, became the largest corporate purchaser, of renewable, energy in history. And. Some. Of that investment, in renewable energy actually. Goes to wind, power and. Similar. To our data centers we found ways to make unique, use of the. Google technology, to, help make wind power more valuable so the thing with renewable energy is it, has to make financial, sense to that, hundred percent match, that I just showed you it represents, over five, billion dollars, in investment from. Google and. In. Order to make financial sense. The. Energy that we use it has to be more predictable, to be more valuable to the grid energy, that you can't predict is actually less, valuable, that energy that you can get consistently. Contributing, to the grid so, we. Applied the m/l to, our. Wind. Farms to predict how, they're going to produce energy 36. Hours in advance and this. Machine, learning algorithm. Was essentially trained on weather forecasts, and by integrating. This into our wind farms we're actually able to increase the value of the wind energy that we were producing by, 20%. So. With, Google working, to make renewable energy, a viable, and cost-effective, source for our operations. You. As a user, get, that benefit, the. Benefit, essentially, of being carbon neutral so. Any organization. That moves. Infrastructure. Or, applications. To Google cloud platform. You. Reduce, the net carbon emissions associated with, your usage, to, zero. Everything. That runs in our cloud is net, carbon, free I know I just, said the same thing three times but I want to get this point across it's critically, important, if your, organization's. Any sort of, emissions. Or sustainability, goals. You. Know this is the part that enables you as a developer or an IT infrastructure, person to, participate. In that goal setting and to actually be. A champion, for sustainability. And a champion for change within your organization. You. Know ultimately we. At Google invest, in sustainability, to empower, all of you, organizations. Governments. Nonprofits. Individuals. To, use the technology. In our cloud and our other applications, to, create a more sustainable world, you. Know one part is the, platform Google, cloud platform available. To you to build on and we actually we really believe that you. Know in addition to you, know price and, high performance, and reliability of, our systems, you should get sustainability. Built into the platform that you use. One. Of the other ways you, know we're really focused on empowering.

You As customers, is through. Data, we, all know information, can make that, can help us make better decisions, about our future, so. Lots. Of the other teams throughout Google the Geo team in particular works. With research, and environmental organizations. To, get the information, that we have into, the hands of scientists, and policy. Makers that can make a difference Earth. Engine the example here has, enabled. You. Know a hundred thousand, plus scientists, throughout the the globe to get a deeper understanding of, our planet so, there are opportunities available, like this to you too as a cloud user, bigquery. In particular, has lots of publicly available geographic. Data sets that you can use and help, make better decisions, about our future. But. Honestly, the rest is is, up, to you to take this platform to take the data to, take the partnership, that we have and and, build, for the future and I. Honestly, hope you do because we've. All seen through. You. Know the beautiful very high definition, lens, of our next presenter, what's, at stake for our, planet, so, without. Further ado I'd like to invite Melissa Wiley from National Geographic partners. Up to the stage thank you. Thanks. Great. So. Thank, you Chris and thank you to Google for having me here today. So. I thought, before I jumped. Into this I'd offer you guys a little bit of inspiration to get started I think that's what we do best at National Geographic is we inspire, people. Don't. Worry. I'm. A professional. Photography. Has the power to good. Photography. Has, the power power, power the, power to undo, your assumptions. About the world change your perspective on life and surprise people with something that they had no idea existed, inspired, horrify. Stop, time for a moment there's an incredible, passport, to, people's lives images, are so powerful that they can change the course of people's lives they. Can change the course of history photography, can change the world, never. Underestimate, the power is still frame how can we make. The, horror that we see in these pictures stop. When. People see this photograph I hope, that, they are overcome. With, a sense of urgency I want them to ask and scream for change to see that oh that could be me and make connections between people, it's. A universal, language one, little hammer, a weapon against what's wrong out there you, have to care, you really have to care it sounds simple Brett I, even. Get emotional, sometimes when I talk about you cannot do superior, work if you're indifferent how are you gonna do that it's not the individual, photograph, it's what you did with it and who you, engage with it that makes it powerful well we live in a world where it's easy to say that people don't care anymore has been proven to me time and again that people do care how could you ever be done no you, don't ever think you know you, just have to do it there's always one more picture just two things it takes like years.

Of Working just wait a minute one more just, to hone your vision. That'll be done no, it won't if. You want to be a photographer a particularly a photojournalist. You want to learn about the world and you want to learn about yourself and. You want to find things that you genuinely care, about, because. That would be the source of the greatest work you'll do. Great. So, I hope everybody enjoyed that my name is Melissa Wiley and I am vice president, of digital products, at National Geographic and. I'm. Sure as you can probably all guess after watching that video I've got just. About the best job in the world I, get to work with photographers. Scientists. And explorers who. Just, like all of you who have gathered here care, deeply about the planet and today, I just want to offer you a brief, glimpse into. How. We, take our own public message, about creating a public of sorry, a planet in balance and we, also, look. At ourselves in words to see how we, can incorporate, that message into our own corporate, responsibility. So. The. Spirit of exploration has. Always, really been at the heart and soul of everything we do at National Geographic, before. There was Pinterest. Instagram Facebook. National. Geographic was, really, how we connected. The world to people, cultures. And, critical, changes, in the planet. But. Now more, than ever we understand. The importance of using photography, and storytelling. To inspire people to take action. For. Us it. All starts with a sense of purpose. National. Geographic believes. That when, people understand. About the world around them they, care, deeply, about, it and they want to take responsibility for. It. On. Top of our television. And our magazine National, Geographic reaches. Approximately, half a billion people, across our social channels and, with. That, scale, comes, the opportunities, to really bring, communities, together to drive change. And. That's. Why weeds, how the stories, of our, photographers, and our scientists, and our explorers, who, are documenting. Our world and in. Order to inspire everybody, here to go out and make change but. Not, only does National Geographic have, a long history of being a leader at. Inspiring. All of you we've long been a leader looking, inward, at ourselves to, understand, what actions, we can take towards. Sustainable. Business practices so. We've, adopted, a corporate, responsibility policy. That. We. Share with pretty, much everyone we work with we share this with employees, we share it with vendors partners, and all of our suppliers so. We. Want to work towards carbon, neutrality. We're. Working towards a zero landfill, waste. We. Want to practice wise. Resource. Stewardship, and most importantly, we really want to have a healthy and engaged workforce. Not. Geo we're committed, to operating our. Estate. Our facilities, as sustainably, as possible, our, headquarters, in Washington, DC first, became LEED certified, in 2003. Through. Our efforts of tracking energy, maintenance. Waste. And office supplies we were able to increase. That from silver to gold in 2009. And we. Actually achieved our sixth, certification. Just last year in 2018. In. Addition, to this great work, National, Geographic also. Now receives, 50% of, our, energy from, solar a. Few. Other accomplishments. That we achieved in just 2018. We, earned Energy, Star certifications. For our headquarters, we've, also been going through a process to renovate our buildings, as. Part of that renovation we're now putting a kitchen on every floor that, offers things like reusable.

Dishware Low, landfill, coffee. Bottle. Bottleless, water fountains. As. Part of our renovations, we've been. Recycling. Tons, of office furniture art, supplies. As. Well as. Electronics. And metal from the renovations. And. With. That money that we save as well as the proceeds, from our products, we're then able to reinvest. Back into our. Nonprofit. Arm who. Has awarded. Over. 14,000. Grants so that more curious, people can go out into the world and inspire. All of you to take action our. Goal is to identify. Cultivate. And develop the, change makers of today and tomorrow. One. Example of this is our planet or plastic, initiative, that we launched in May of 2018. This, is a multi-year. Effort about, raising, awareness around, the. Global, plastic, crisis in order, to help reduce. The amount of similar use plastics, that's making it into the world's oceans. As. Part of this initiative not. Only as National Geographic asking. All of you to go out and take a look at your own usage, of single-use plastic, and pledge. To reduce that use we're also taking a look inward, and we have, initiated. A plastic, audits across our entire organization, so. That we can understand, the extent, of our use across our supply chain as well, as work towards eliminating, it. So. At National Geographic we, also understand, the power of technology to create, connections. And drive empathy, and. Most importantly, increase, our awareness and understanding of, one another so this, is one of my favorite, videos what you're taking a look at here is. An example of our VR theater that we launched in, October, of last year, so, we. Now have an oculus Go headset, that is hooked up to all 400, seats in the room so that everybody, can have the same 360. Experience at the same time, it's. Really fun so however, we realized that not only do we have the opportunity, and responsibility to, connect our consumer. Towards environmental issues but, we realize that we need to take a look at our, internal, infrastructure, as well. So. The National Geographic image, collection. The. National Geographic image, question is the record of truth for all photography. Assets, at National Geographic this. Database. Not only holds the photographs themselves but, it holds, information. About contracts, rights, and. Actually the physical location so if you want to go down and actually find, that original Afghan, girl print you're, going to take a look in the image collection, and that's going to tell you where to go and actually pull, that print off the shelves. Last. Year we found ourselves in a situation where that system had to be taken offline. And, while that was, extremely. And extremely, is an understatement, it was extremely inconvenient, for everyone who uses the system it, gave, us an opportunity to, take a step back and really take a look at that 20 year old system, and make, some critical decisions about how we wanted, to move forward with it. As. A result we decided to partner with Google we know that Google. Shares. Similar, passions, as National Geographic around, sustainability. The. Actions, that took this system, offline unfortunately. Really didn't, earn us a lot of good will with our photographers, and we. Knew that the steps that we took to bring the system back online and we really wanted to be able to say that, we were storing, their photographs, as sustainably, as possible we wanted to be able to prove to our photographers, that we recognized, the importance, of their collections. And that we share common values with them so. We.

Partnered With Google and we moved this system to the cloud and just over two months so this was an exciting, process for us and it's really been a huge success story for us to bring this back online. We're. Now in the process of, partnering, with Google to, really, try and understand, those energy, savings, that we took when we migrated, this system from our on-premise, facility, into the cloud so, we've been able to provide, Google, with a bunch. Of statistics, about our legacy system, and. Then Google is helping us to calculate, that to really understand, what savings that we've earned, so. This. Study is still ongoing we're, still we're just starting to get in some early learnings but, some of the things that we are seeing is that we. Are, going, to incur greenhouse, emission savings over the course of the year that equal. Of around, heating, an average sized home for about 30 to 40 months or driving a car for about 25,000. Miles and. Those those thefts are exciting to us they are relatively. Small but the image collection it is also a very small portion of our overall infrastructure. And. We feel like this is going to make a great case study for us to then go to our executives, and say that we, think sustainability needs. To be part of our. Benchmarks. In all of our infrastructure. It's gonna help get us towards that carbon-neutral goal that we talked about earlier. So. That's just a brief look, gonna. Now hand. This over to Jake. Who have talked to you a lot about the, work National Geographic has done to, look at our own Corporation and Jake's going to come up here and talk about products. That you all can use to take a look at your, own footprint. Hi. Everyone I'm, Jake walkman I run software, product and engineering for SunPower and if. You're not familiar with Sun power maybe if you are you. May know that we make the world's most efficient, solar cells and panels and we offer those all around the world to, customers everywhere as well, as in the US where we package them as solutions, for, residential, and commercial customers, and. So. It's. My team's job to. Make our, software. At Sun power as amazing, as our hardware we're. Here today to talk about a, new, technology we've, built on top of Google cloud that, we think does that but, first let's, talk hardware. So. This is the solar Stratus, plane that, will soar to 80 thousand feet into the stratosphere powered. Just on solar, cells. Specifically. SunPower. Solar cells, why. Because. Our cells are up to 22.7%. Efficient, and that's, exactly the kind of power output, you need when you have a limited wingspan, with which to power a plane. This. Plane and, this, team prove that Solar is here it's ready now it's. Ready for the, most difficult. Applications. You can throw at it and it's. Powerful. It's. Also powerful enough for Google or rather Google, and alphabets spin-out, project, loon project. Loon if you're not aware. Sends. Balloons aloft for. Months on end to provide Internet service, to remote parts of the world and you, can see down here it's. Running on SunPower solar panels. In. Very low temperatures, all. Times. Of the day. And. Those. Are the very same cells that, go on homeowners roofs here in the US and. Around the world, you. Can see them up there kind of looks like a skylight. We've. Made 10 gigawatts, of, solar power, since. Our first factory opened, that's. Equivalent, to setting up, two offsetting, 40. Million, metric. Tons, of carbon dioxide or. Roughly, taking, 9 million, cars. Off the road, for a year that's. A lot of solar. But. Even, as Soler's taken off we've, only reached about 3% of American, homes we. Have 97 percent to go and. I think that we have kind of two big problems, that we. Need to solve to get to that hundred. Percent, first. I'd say we have an awareness problem, homeowners. And businesses don't realize the extent to which solar, can save them money can.

Help The environment and, also, decentralized. Energy can, provide a degree of energy independence and, secondly. We have a workflow problem getting. That solar panel on the roof and. Getting it design to get aget installed is actually. A very difficult thing to solve and. So we. Try to solve both with software, we. Want to make solar as easy, to buy and install, as, any other consumer electronics. So. Who, here remembers televisions. Raise your hand, yeah. Not quite a relic of the past yet right but buying a TV is pretty simple and pretty easy they. Come in some pretty standard sizes, right you. Got 65 inches, 55. Inches, all, the way down to 32, and so. When, you're going through the process of buying a television as a consumer, you think I have a wall I have, a credenza I have a, media center does the TV fit can, I see it from my couch it's pretty simple right. Understanding. What size of television, how much TV you need well. Solar, is not. That simple. Every. House is different every. Roof unique, we're. Pointed in orientation. Toward the Sun in different ways they're, pipes and chimneys, you can't see here in this simplified diagram and. It becomes a very complex. Process it becomes a custom, widget for every homeowner and. So that's our challenge how. Do we simplify that. And. I'll, show you the state-of-the-art I'll show you how we actually quote. Today, the, quote is so important, to. Understanding, the value proposition, to the homeowner and to providing them an accurate estimate, of how much energy they'll save and how much money we'll save, and. So, here's. How we do it today we take a look at the roof this this is actually deceptively, complex, and. We say okay there's a chimney down there, there. Five skylights. Can't put solar there and I. Don't know if you see this right. There but those are little pipes they're really hard to see actually hard for our design team to see and. They're about nine of them at least nine of them that I can see with my naked eye. But. That's not all there's also local, jurisdictions. And, either take those into account as you're designing a solar power system as well and so most, most, towns and cities and counties require walkways.

Along. The ridgeline and along the, front in the back of the house you can actually access the roof at any time, and. So it, gets it gets even more complex their trees and bushes all, around the house and, those are shading the house so. It's kind of like hard to know where exactly should I put those solar panels and how tall are these trees because this isn't just a two-dimensional, problem this. Is a three-dimensional problem this. House actually happens to be on a hill and the. Trees some, are higher some are lower can't, tell that from the overhead view alone and so. Our designers. Spend, 30. Minutes per. House. Thousands. Of times a week to. Generate a solar design, I'll. Show you a sped-up video of how that works. Here. It is they're, outlining the roof this is the current state of the art sped, up 50x. This. Is what they do 2,000, times a week to generate solar designs for our customers, making. Sure all the roof planes are in the right spot putting. In those walkways getting, the roof plane just right. Putting. In more. Walkways, so we're, about five minutes in right now, getting. The pipes and the skylights. So. They're a hundred million, future. Solar homes the United States. At. Our current pace it would take us a century, to. Design them all who. Has time for that, I don't, have time for that the, planet, certainly doesn't have time for that so. There must be a better, way and we, are here today to talk about it and announce it. We. Call it Sun power instant, design, and. It's. Built on Google cloud a homeowner. Enters an address and within 60. Seconds, gets. A design back, we're. Using all the best machine learning the Google cloud has to offer and. Running. It on GPUs. I'll get it a little bit more into how we're doing it but. We're very excited about this we think this will change how people go solar. So. Here's how we're doing it we're, taking some, powers years, of. Design. Expertise, the, hundreds, of thousands of solar designs we've created along. With our world-class sales platform that we use today called. The Eddy and. We're mashing it together with. What Google brings to the table which, is GCP. Which. As you heard is a zero, carbon emission platform, which is great we got zero carbon emission making more zero carbon emission as, well as Google Maps and Sun roof data Google, has great imagery of the world and we use that as our raw data to, make this all happen. Let's. Go a little deeper let's go deeper under the hood so, Sun. Power has those hundreds of thousands, of designs per year Google. Has the raw data. We. Train, a model using. An annotate, roofs put, them in a cloud storage bucket trained, the model in cloud, ml engine.

And. Then every time a homeowner enters an address. We. Run it through that engine, to detect. The roof and look. For the obstructions, basically. Just what you saw before that we did manually 2,000, times a week. We. Then once we have the environment, characterized. We. Lay out the solar panels we, do a shade analysis. We. Create an energy estimate, and, then out. Pops a design that, actually is a computer-generated. Design. So. I'll show you instant. Design now. I have to say we're a little scared of the curse, of the live demos this is a video it's. Actually, at real, time not sped up but, you can go check it out for yourself the, working software all. The way over there at the, industry pavilion, where. We'll have people to demo it all week so. Here it is, and. This, is a test environment this isn't really what the homeowner would see but, we got the technology up and working and we're pretty excited to share it. Home. And are interested address. Our. Favorite, test house clicks. Create design we're doing all the same stuff you saw before this is a however in real-time outlining, the roof looking, for the obstructions, looking for the trees laying. Out the panels figuring, out the shade that which then lets us get to the energy and then, you know 60 seconds later we. Get a design so it might be a little bit of a way actually it's faster than that, that's. Real time that's. About 17, seconds for that particular house, and. You can see it isn't 3d well maybe I'll show it one more time Oh. So, it. Actually takes almost as long to enter the address as it does to run this and. We're very fortunate, to. Be using platform, that lets us go really, fast, I've never appreciated, GPUs, as much as I do today, and, how fast they can actually process all this very intensive data really. Quickly to, get answers for homeowners fast, so. You see the 3d model there we, have all the obstructions and. Then. We have the energy data as well as much more up behind that so. Let me show you these. Are all designs. Made with. Instant design these. Are all computer-generated. No. Human, involved whatsoever. And. You'll notice that they're not perfect you know a couple panels might be a skew, or we might be missing a spot where we could place another, couple and that's, okay as we, do this more and as we train the model more it will only get stronger you'll. Also notice if you're an expert and solar that we have panels on the north side of the roof we have some panels facing northeast, we've. Got a lot of panels everywhere and, that's also intentional. Because. We want to give, homeowners. The. Choice, to choose, the aesthetic, and also. System, size that meets their energy needs they. Get to down select, from. These what we call maximum. Fit designs. Because. Some.

Homeowners May, want solar on the back of their house. If. It were me I'd, want it on the front, be. Really proud about it on my house. Some. Homeowners, only. Need SunPower, solar a, little. Bit of it because they have a very energy-efficient. House. And. Then some homeowners need, a lot of solar because, they've got an e V TVs. Pool. Etc. And, they need to run a lot of energy through their house. So. Let's zoom up this, is why we're doing this if, Google wants a cloud, computer, in every hand or on every desk Sun. Power is, interested, in, solar. On every, roof and. To. Me. You know applications. Like this to better. The. Human condition and our health and the health of our environment are really the best uses, of machine learning so. We see, some. Power instant design as an. Early example of everything, that we can do to. Move you know the, planet and the environment forward, I. Also. Think it's. One. Of the finer examples, of what we can do with GPUs. So. Imagine if we took all those GPUs, currently, mining, for. Bitcoin. And, redirected. Them to. Mined for solar in the cloud, could. We design, all those hundred million future solar homes in, an, afternoon potentially. So. We're very excited to launch this. It's. Arriving this summer and, people. In select California cities can go to our website and. Enter in their address and then, get a solar design for. Their home, until. Then go to Sun power calm slash design, to. Learn more and to find out what its coming to your area and. Of course for. Everyone here in the audience and at the at the expo you, can go actually check, it out yourself at the Sun power booth in the energy section. Very, excited to launch this and thank you everyone for coming to our talk, the. Three of us will be around. After. Four questions and then, I was told also to move one forward ahead to, say complete, the survey. So. Thank you.


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