Data driven Energy Efficiency Management

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[Music] in today's rapidly changing manufacturing environment companies and engineering professionals have to keep themselves abreast of the latest advancements in technology to maintain their competitiveness and professional competency in the shortest time possible in such a dynamic environment the need for real-time and forward-thinking training is crucial to address this immediate needs the a-star singapore institute of manufacturing technology or simtec and skills future singapore have come together to provide relevant technology-based training for the manufacturing industry singapore institute of manufacturing technology or simtech is a public research institute under the agency for science technology and research of a-star symtech's mission is to develop high value manufacturing technologies and human capital to enhance the competitiveness of singapore industry through strategic collaboration with industry partners and r d efforts over the years simtec has generated in-depth knowledge and capabilities through over 300 industry projects annually this know-how and experience allow our researchers to transfer and upgrade workforce skills aim at productivity improvement and business transformation in partnership with the skills futures singapore simtec has been upskilling and rescuing the industry since 2008 through a wide range of industrial training programs under the skills framework using an innovative learn practice and implement training model through more than 10 years of growth we now train more than a thousand professionals annually this program helped the industry to be future ready in today's technology workforce where digital transformation has accelerated and the key to adopting new technologies is through workforce reskilling and up skilling other than delivering timely case study based curriculum the knowledge transfer office also provides hands-on practical training combined with industry best practices participants also have access to simtec's state-of-the-art labs to learn about the latest technological advancement to equip themselves with new skills for example wsq operation management innovation program or omni which helps companies align process to company strategies and helps many companies to make significant improvement in operational productivity efficiency and effectiveness the team has further developed the digital transformation and innovation or dti program to train and guide key personnel of organizations to be digital transformers in leveraging digital technologies to accelerate business model changes and achieve meaningful digital transformation using the dti methodology participants will learn to analyze and redesign your strategies business model value streams and system architecture to ensure greater alignment unlock new business growth and achieve sustainable competitive advantage as companies continue to benefit from simtec's unique courses and manufacturing expertise the knowledge transfer office at simtec is fast becoming recognized as singapore's one-stop destination for manufacturing skills competency training by offering a wide range of courses and modules the knowledge transfer office helps industry in continuous education of their manufacturing professionals managers engineers and technicians in the manufacturing sector by collaborating with ssg the knowledge transfer office of syntec offers a number of ssg certified wsq courses each designed to cater to the respective local industry sector [Music] skills futures singapore is happy to partner simtec for the last 13 years to provide industry relevant training programs for the manufacturing sector through their learn practice implement methodology syntax training programs incorporate skills training mentorship and project implementation these three elements coupled with syntax model factory and innovation factory come together in a synergistic way to benefit many smes across different industries i'm heartened to know that simtec is working closely with our institutes of higher learning to enable expertise transfer and to share best practices even beyond the manufacturing center i look forward to our continued partnership with simtek to drive skills development in advanced manufacturing and to support industry transformation in singapore hello hi everyone thank you so much for watching the video a very good morning to say to every one of you i personally want to express my welcome to everyone who spend investing your time this morning to for this webinar firstly i introduce myself i'm a joshua tong report under the syntax side with the sustainable and emerging application center so firstly uh i uh today webinar basically we have invited uh two speaker to provide you a very good briefing on the benefit of the skill transfer related to this data-driven energy efficiency management firstly we have uh our speaker dr chao eats so he is actually working uh doing a lot of research on data analytics methodologies and also the methods to optimize resource efficiency and also converting many uh manufacturing industry into a digital factory the second speaker we have prof q chun ming uh he's also uh another it iot expert all right so today we actually he is also teaching uh in the so-called sit university to transfer a lot of new methods of sensing together because they are also we are very closely uh collaborators and then this uh course actually is put up together uh together by both capability to actually complement each other and also create a new breakthrough for industry to roll up this skill without further ado let me uh invite dr chao to take on this presentation to you dr john okay uh good morning everybody uh i assume that right now you can see the first slide just a a bit a so-called logic uh during the course uh you got the two-way so ask the question uh in the qra box you actually can type your question all through the uh sorry we are not seeing your yours oh is it oh okay so probably just now give me a second okay i can see now [Music] yes it's good yes thank you uh good morning so just i mentioned that actually there are two ways to ask a question by either typing a question in the qrn box uh in your zoom webinar screen or you can actually uh click the response button and the host will invite you to speak so without further ado uh let's go to the uh the cause so called the contents uh so this course as uh introduced by joshua is called the data driven energy efficiency in short called d-square double e m in short name so this class will be jointly conducted by a sim type a-star and i-i-t and have the two days uh two days cost that this two days cost basically covering the contents uh uh from the so-called this basic scheme that learn practice and implement yeah this is the so-called methodology we adopted yeah so uh basically we also use this necessarily to uh throughout the course uh okay so uh the first day actually uh i will briefly introduce the the outline of the first day's course contents uh [Music] but before that actually uh i i want to highlight that this two days cos actually equip the participator with some special knowledge like the uh led efficiency management uh uh and also uh before that actually we actually uh talked about the uh key concept and methodology and analysis skill technologies and also in enabling a system for you to do this a data-driven energy efficiency environment so the right side diagram actually is one of the so-called major methodology which composed of the fourth step we call the e2 maps later on in the course i will introduce this part and after that basically that the cost actually composed of the fundamental knowledge and also the practical approaches and also the iot internet of the things specialized hands-on skills on energy data collection monitoring analysis and promote them uh to lead the uh this anti-deficiency management initiative of the company at the end of the course okay so uh yeah earlier i mentioned that this one uh jointly organized by uh a star simply on the rsit and uh so the facility here later on for the uh uh the day one day two and also uh facilities that the cost uh is also either both sides uh okay so actually outside there are lots of uh maybe similar type of cost but actually what are the differentiator uh our cost actually different from the other cost here actually uh we listed the major so-called differentiator the first one is we actually have the holistic fundamental concept knowledge and methodology to address energy efficiency management then we're actually also introducing enabling technologies and the practical iot-based hands-on skill for energy data collection monitoring and the data-driven analysis meaning that we are not only stopped at the methodology or the knowledge but actually we also introduced the enabling technology how to do it to guide you and also the uh this i actually is the premium course for you to start iot based on efficiency management journey both actually for your companies initiate if the you are assigned to do something in your company or for your own career development uh if you probably right now looking for some a new area to explore in your career development path probably this is one of the options for you to consider and this course actually equip you with a knowledge skill for the digital transformation in the area of the identification management government actually talked about the digital transformation from the different angle different perspective with the full spectrum of the support so this is one of the areas for for you to actually realize the digital transformation related with the energy efficiency monument yeah okay and this slide actually show us the uh major topic and the sessions of the day one of the day one okay so uh this uh day one actually we will introduce the uh e2maps methodology and also the monitoring analysis uh two keys okay so uh before that actually uh i will introduce the uh basically the overall uh of the data-driven iony diffusion management uh using one hour which actually covered there are several uh so-called uh subject like that what is the current status of any division management a market drivers for energy amendment and uh registration of energy efficient policy in singapore uh talking about a lot of our funding to support the company's effort in the antidepressant environment and also the top factors for the energy consumption on the greenhouse gas emission topic also i mentioned there are challenges and opportunities uh facing during uh an if we actually a so-called impact our journey in this area then after that uh i will focus on the introduction of this e2 mass e2 maps methodology now this is necessarily basically that energy efficiency monitoring analysis and planning for solution in short called the e2max framework so earlier on the diagram actually briefed the so-called four basically stack so in the class later on i will introduce more detail and then we also actually introduced a step by step illustration of this methodology so after the message knowledge then uh we will introduce this uh e2max system uh any diffusion monitoring analysis system in short e called the e square mass e2 mass so this one basically uh we will touch on the system overall and also the approach and architecture of the system capability functionality and the feature of the system and also uh enable you to generate the energy report so this this uh introducing these tools that doesn't mean that uh promote our tools to you but just give you the overall if you for example evaluate any uh tools for the energy monitoring analysis outside there or you want to determine your own one what are the relevant concepts or the uh things special things that you need to pay attention from the masculinity point of view or from the unit enabling a technology point of view okay then in the afternoon session of day one uh my uh ishii will introduce the smart engine smart energy uh management system in two hours majorly focus on the uh certain standard uh guiding the ind monument system and also talk about the benchmarking relevant content then she will actually introduce this analytical approach for the smart energy management system so that in the last part of the day one actually uh i will touch up on the uh in order for you to set up the energy efficiency monitoring system for this case i use this e2mas as an example to illustrate that what are the so-called step for you to set up the server for the data collection et cetera et cetera okay so this is roughly the day one contents then the in the day two uh uh this one will uh conduct by uh professor trungman and uh also a participation into a morning and afternoon so i will not go to uh detail later on two million actually uh got some slides to illustrate the contents of this product uh this day two more focus on the iot based architecture and the implementation including the theory and the hansa okay and these two uh picture actually show us the so-called learning factory uh and also the model factory at the syntax learning factory at the site side and the model factory at the same time to facility uh for us actually to build up certain things uh also for the uh uh hansa yeah if the the car uh the the the cars actually conducted uh face by face physically and then you actually got the chance to uh to visit this facility okay uh these are the two major speakers uh myself and the doctor truman i might not go to the detail uh of this one because of the time uh by the way uh who should attend this course actually is a quite uh wide uh spectrum including the business owner energy monitor in the company facility manager senior middle managers uh engineering and uh supervisor and also some people doing the maintenance and uh uh yeah this uh actually uh addressing a uh quite a broad uh perspective of the [Music] contents okay uh in terms of the cost fee actually these are the standard uh sponsored by the government funding and if i mean the most of the for example uh participated if it is a citizen uh then that actually after the funding support uh you each if you actually only pay uh such a 193 dollars yeah and also uh yeah i mean this this slide actually you can get it from the uh our kto website uh to uh understand the uh more detail so i'm not go to uh this uh very detail yeah because uh most of the actually participatory uh kind of sponsored by the government funding so you can actually elaborate this uh skill future critic to to participate this course okay this slide basically show that the planted a day uh two days for the course uh for this year first batch and a day one is the 25th august then day two is uh uh this one is a wednesday and the day two is a 30 august in the two extractor location uh by the way uh uh because of the current kuwait 19 situation uh we actually highlight this one the class that might be conducted virtually online or postponed even depending on the government's safety management measure for the kobe 9 situation the reduced participator will will be updated on the training format when the class is confirmed to our commerce okay so this link actually uh is for registration you also can actually get a link from the kto website okay uh this should be my last slide uh uh show the testimony from the purpose of participate of the course uh of course uh this testimony actually uh from the uh the participant actually join us the the long hours cost and this two days cost actually is the entry of the led efficient environment so if you want to pick up more skills etc you actually can join the uh 40 uh that that causes 48 hours cost so without further ado i i will show you the uh one of the uh testimony that previously participated who joined our course love for this course to pick up new methods in assessing my company by the way uh can you see the video and hear the voice hotel singapore needs in managing energy usage and determining the correct load profile for the upcoming shiller's replacement work through this course i learned how to perform more accurate data collection and analysis for counters existing chillers operation load profile and each killer's efficiency i also learned how to make use of sim tech's e2mask and sim prop software to calculate the refrigerant tonnage required to prove the hotel in an efficient manner with this skill i can forecast cooling loads based on past hotel occupancies and activities to optimize the children's operation reducing energy wastage and lowering the maintenance costs i started to optimize the chili's operation by switching off some chillers in the night and the average savings per day is about five percent which is equivalent to approximately thirty six thousand dollars per annum based on the tariff of 15 cents per kilowatt hour [Music] okay uh so this uh this testimony is just a softly showcased uh one of the participatory experience line okay so the table actually is that the concrete figure uh okay this side is a just a kind of a path uh many years like this the number of the participator or from the company or from the government organization actually participate the different causes of the syntax uh conducted by the same time yeah so we got the uh broad training cost in the different area this one actually is from the our knowledge transfer office okay i think that's all from me i stopped here thank you thank you dr zhao hi everyone yes thank you dr john for the very informative presentation uh before i invite uh prof q to give his presentation i would also like to inform everyone that you all can prepare your question q a at the bottom of the bar you can see there's a q a there for the open question you can address to any of the speakers at the end of the presentation and then if you there's another way just to remind that you can raise your hand so that we take note that you have a question to raise so we will give you a chance to share your question uh in this webinar thank you so much so without further ado let me invite uh prof q thank you all right thank you thank you joshua all right a very good morning to all of you all right thank you once more for spending time this morning to join us in this webinar and uh before i proceed further i would like to just do some visual check i hope you are seeing the powerpoint slide showing day two sequence all right are you ready to see that just a quick one anyone can see yeah okay thank you joshua all right so with this um this is the slide that i will first of all to run through with you so that you have an idea what you will be going through on the actual day for day two just to highlight that day two will be at the sit at nyp so it's a different venue and on the day two itself when you come to nyp campus to our sit building just a note all right we would be providing an iot kit and this kit is to facilitate your learning and hands-on activities and more about this i will explain as we go through all the different uh details so first of all in the morning all right i hope that you all would be able to come in on time because uh this is the part that i will talk about the overview of iot implementation and what exactly is in iot architecture all right i will share more on the actual day but in today's context i have some slides to run through with you so that you can have a brief understanding also so in the course itself i'll break down the implementation into four key components and during the activities we will see how these key four key components fit into the architecture and as you have seen in the photo that george have showed earlier all right in sit learning factory we have a small skill yet comprehensive layout to demonstrate to our students and also to participants how a system like that could be fully automated from the ordering of the products that you would like to have towards the end product that will deliver out from the plant and in this particular learning factory uh the focus will be on the energy monitoring and i will share with you what the hardware that is used and in terms of the software analytical tools how should they be designed so that it can be used to help you with understanding the consumption of your system all right hopefully after lunch all right we would be able to continue to work on exactly how would you go about doing all right if you are wanting to start off something small all right can you actually do it all by yourself so in the afternoon we will be using our left kick that we will distribute to each and every participants you will first of all learn about what exactly embedded system is all about in terms of the use of microcontroller which is the brain of the system the use of sensors and actuators all right in terms of energy monitoring uh some of the commons actuators are like relays all right the relay switch that will help switch on or off your equipment so that this is the means of you controlling the uh the uh turning on off the equipment right but uh if we look at the implementation of iot i think the connectivity to the internet is crucial all right and in our lab kit the microcontroller is equipped with the wi-fi function all right i will share with you how you can actually program it and get your microcontroller to get connected to the internet all right so for the first hands-on we will be looking at how to build a smart lighting control where you can actually turn on and off a small led on this embedded system then uh moving forward we would also introduce the use of a cloud platform for iot implementation why do we need a cloud platform all right this is to be used as a bridge from the remote access all right as a user if you are remotely located how would you be able to now continue to talk to your system which is either in your office in your factory or in any other places of the world all right as long as it is connected to the internet then having it bridging through this platform all right you will see how clock technologies will be useful in such application and to ease the use of accessing the data for monitoring or even for control i will briefly run through with you how mobile apps can be used and uh in the course itself i will share with you how you can develop mobile apps for such implementation to be used as a gui or a control dashboard all right and uh in the activity itself i think uh what uh matter most all right is the experience that you will go through and this is the part of the hands-on activity where i will guide you um to extend your earlier light control solution to be a cloud-based solution what does that mean it means that now with it connected to the clock as a bridge you can remotely control over your phone uh you need not be in the same local area network all right so this would be the two key hands-on activities that i will be running through with you and towards the end of the day all right this is the part that i hope uh and based on our last run all right there are active or there were active uh discussions on how they would like to actually use this knowledge they have acquired and at the same time uh to be shared among the classmates so that we can have uh different perspective to some of the problem statements and also possible solutions to it and to end off i hope this will not scare you away it's just to do a quick survey through an online quiz all right mcqs and i prepare one quiz later on to let you have a few exactly how is it going to be like this is just to help us understand your understanding of the content itself at the end of the day and also for you to have a quick review whether you have acquired the necessary learnings okay and uh moving on uh this would be a short survey because i think it is important for us to understand um your understanding about the term iot all right so here i hope that you would be able to pull out your handphone all right or even using your laptop or desktop can you access to this particular web page all right this is an app online app which uses a cloud technology where you will use your web browser all right to select your choice and then subsequently all the responses will be uh given back to me all right so this first survey that i'm trying to conduct over here is to get information about your understanding about the term iot all right internet of things so i'm going to launch the survey all right so in this survey i'm trying to gather whether is this your first time hearing about the term if so you can select a right if it's something that we've heard about but you're not too sure you can select b right likewise for c and d for d i think i would term you as an expert because for this case you are familiar and you have developed solutions right so uh let me have a an idea about your level of understanding and then if i describe and cater the rest of my presentation towards the understanding or the needs of the dispensary i can see that there are six of you all right in case you are wondering how do you go about going in all right you have to use this uh quote four five zero five nine right you to use this foot to go in right i will attend another couple of seconds so that i can gather enough input from all of you apparently i have about five of you looking at it right maybe i minimize this so that you can read the questions again so the questions you should be able to see on your phone right let me know in what level of understanding do you have today okay i think i will close the submission um okay this is a good mix all right i have uh 50 who have participated in this survey that you have heard about it all right you have some knowledge which is good and some of you have even used it all right so i think you are not new to the system and this is the part that i feel that uh most of you are already in line with uh the national agenda to to move on into the digital era of our economy all right so good i know it will be uh let me move on to the next slide all right so in this case uh what you would be seeing all right in terms of the cost content on day two i will share with you how we can classify a typical iot solution into four broad areas uh which you will hear in the class itself and i would also highlight to you about the characteristics of the use of microcontrollers which is part of the lab kit so that with the lab kit you know what it can function and what it can do for you and to the network connection all right i would uh make the embedded system connect to the cloud and using your smartphone all right through smartphone apps development how you can use it as a user interface last but not least all right the cloud technologies as the bridge which i've mentioned to you and also what are their roles in iot and ultimately all right through the hands-on you would have acquired how to implement a simple iot based control and monitoring solution but you may come from different background in your own context you may have your own different iot problems all right that's the part i hope that uh towards the end of the day too you could share exactly the situation that you are in and with the whole class discussion we can actually see how we can address those issues all right carrying on now are more of you joining the class point uh what i want to do next is to share with you that with the embedded system uh it is just a closed loop control it could be localized right but what is needed for us is that we need to connect to the internet and that's why we are looking at the wireless communication some of you may find that do we really need internet connectivity it really depends on your application if you want it to be localized then you may not need your wireless communication to go and reach out to the worldwide web all right you can have it within your office or your shop floor but uh it can still be wireless connectivity but when we talk about iot all right we want it to be remotely accessible then definitely we will want that connection to the world wide web end of the day if you don't have something useful or easy to use in terms of uh user interface then a lot of time the solution that you come up with being too troublesome to use very difficult and complex for end users then the solution that you have spent a lot of time in may become a white elephant all right so we will look at how to implement mobile apps so that you become easy to use and you can distribute your mobile apps to your colleagues now i will move on to the last question all right this is more of a mock quiz uh to wrap up what you have learned so far over the slides uh some of you please don't feel stressed this is uh i will not record exactly uh who have given what uh entry but it's more for you to gauge all right your understanding about the use of iot so the question is what is the main reason for using wireless communication in iot deployment all right there are four options i will launch the quiz now so that you can have a look at it so basically there are four options are a to save cost because you feel that couple wires are too expensive that's why you're going wirelessly or do you want to provide local wireless access uh for option c do you want to gain access to the world wide web and for option d you have a better bandwidth as compared to the using of lan k bandwidth refers to data transfer for wi-fi do we really have a faster data rate right so these are the four options to test your understanding on what i've covered so far and this would be quite similar to the quiz that i will provide at the end of day two so that you can make use of the quiz to do a quick test and a review of the understanding of the day so that you can actually highlight and improve for those learnings all right i'm seeing that uh people joining all right 13 of you right in case you are wondering we are using class point dot f and the code is four five zero five nine right i will have five second more four three two one right i'll close so here um you would be able to see that there is a well spread of option all right some of the answers are there to actually create a challenge for some of you all right um in a way all right let's review the option first let me just move the uh these results to one side so first of all all right first of all when we talk about internet of things i think it is important for us to understand why we want to term it as iot when we use iot all right uh we want it really to get into access with the world wide web all right so this is one of the key if you have no internet access your localized control or feedback solution will still work if you want it to be localized all right so there's nothing wrong with not going uh connected with the internet but uh what is important is the use of the term right so in this question all right in this question uh what i have put up is a iot solution then definitely the answer c would be the most appropriate one all right so uh here if you look at it that we have one participant all right selecting c the rest of you all right a b and c especially point b or option b there is more selecting to provide wireless access are you all right all right i'm not saying that you are wrong definitely wireless communication provides warrant access but uh when we term our solution to be iot then definitely you want it to be connected to the internet all right so this is a trick questions but it is important because a lot of times when we look at the solution out there when they over click right when they talk about having their solution being smart having their solution tying to iot base if they if their solution is not able to even connect to the internet then i think all these are just nonsense that they are talking about all right so be mindful as you look at the solution or sourcing for solution some of the use or the abuse of some of these terms are badly utilized and you need to really understand what these terms really means okay moving forward right moving forward uh i would quickly run through with you another demo all right in this demo this is the platform that i'll be using in class also which is uh thinkspeak and thinkspeed is actually a subsidiary from mac works for those who have used matlab before probably you will be familiar with networks but in this particular platform thingspeak it really allows us all right to collect data and this is why we are using embedded modules to send the data to thingsfield so that they can store for us as a data lake um going further which i will not be able to cover in class is that this platform allows you to analyze your data also through the use of matlab script and in fact it can also trigger action and this is the part that i i will now stop this powerpoint share and i will do a quick uh demo to show you how exactly this can be used all right so let me pull up my give me a second i will share my web browser screen all right at the same time let me also copy the link so that you can have access to the channel so for those who are wanting to know more about thingspeed all right you can just type in it will lend you to this page you can learn a lot more on your own exactly how to use but i think for day two all right what we would like to do is actually to couple with the hardware and uh introduce and guide you along in using this particular iot platform all right the channel that i'm getting you to look at all right in case some you scramble over trying to uh recall what is the link all right i'm going to uh put it in the group chat so that you can get to see i'm pasting the url all right which is which is now available in the group chat you should be able to see

uh slash channel 145 6338 and you will be landed on this page all right what is this page all about with um iot platform all right being on the internet anyone with access and i have made it accessible to the public so any one of you would be able to come to this particular page and in field two all right if you are monitoring some status of your plan and in this case i put up a ldr light sensitive sensor and i was covering it all this well so the level in terms of the value are actually quite low all right so i've removed the cover and what i'm going to do now all right is to allow the system to update itself based on the latest information right for those who are struggling with getting the data all right let me know by right you should be able to access as long as you have internet access so you can see that on your own browser you can mouse over the data point and it will give you the timestamp and the value and over here you can see that it's about 158 for the light intensity that is capturing by the light sensor so this is just to illustrate with uh to all of you that implementing such thing is actually doable within a day especially in our training day too i'll show you how this can be done and how can this be useful if you are talking about energy efficiency reducing energy wastage a simple light sensor being implemented in classrooms or offices you can actually monitor right end of the day whether the lights can be left on and so on this kind of monitoring will serve its purpose so that you have awareness like the culture of the office or factories whether they are looking into some of these things to help companies in terms of energy saving and beyond that we could tie this sensor to a current cram or energy monitoring system and push data to this platform also all right uh looking at the time all right i think i will not drag on uh pertaining to the demo uh in fact this is just not monitoring all right you can also implement manual control if you have a plan or equipment that you want to remotely switch on and off in our class i will guide you how can we do that and also through the use of mobile apps how can we actively control some of this system or relay through the use of your phone all right with this i end my uh sharing and if there's any questions i welcome you to unknow yourself and speak up if not you can use the q and a option uh given in the uh zoom meeting panel okay thank you so i'll pass back to uh joshua hey thank you so much prof q yes really uh it's uh thanks for all your attention it's a lot of information to digest yeah so this this two-day course basically is yeah it will be quite short and very very much catered for working people like all of you professionals uh and also want to have a very overview and understand the entire architecture of how digitization in the building or even in a factory can be implemented so if we during this two-day course you will be able to benefit a lot a lot of the uh the overall learning you and and knowing what to do for your premises yes so feel free to go down to the q a yes i'll raise your hand so that we can see you to ask some question yes so maybe i was i will start the ball rolling i will ask uh so-called the first question to dr chow is like let's say my my building is heading towards uh smarter because now label uh challenge is a key issue in singapore contacts due to the covet so a lot of workers are over work so how can we use data to reduce their loading and also do a bit of remote monitoring and analyze for improvement okay uh thank you for the question so this question actually is related with the uh uh type of enabling technology that you know that nowadays the the software system once the hook up is no matter the a sensor or simply a power meter and now this is a digital parameter we actually can get the data in real time john the software actually allows you to remotely access the software that of course installed in your server then you just a browser with a certain energy data real-time consume your facility to know the what's going on in real time on your facility or premise so that way actually uh you can get raw data you also can get a different plot uh deriver from the raw data to give you a certain analysis that uh meet your requirements yeah so the kobe 19 actually uh actually a so-called broken asa for the distance but actually the technology actually enables us to connect it okay thank you dr jeff so let me see is there any uh question uh joshua i think there's a questions asking for slides um they are wondering whether slides will be available to them maybe you can address that uh okay um not social peter is here but normally yes i would say that uh you can go to the link because in our kto office we have a is very informative most of the links are there uh likelihood you don't have an issue to get information that you need if you encounter any issue you can drop me an email also stated in the website as well and also yes yes for the for this we've been a slide actually already uh uh put into the link that uh provided early on by a singer by peter ryan we will share the video with all the attendees okay for the slides i think it's more for based on the individual requests if a speaker i said okay no confidentiality is you i think we should be able to send to you is more based on one to one okay but the video we can send we will send to all yeah we have a question from uh johnny thing johnny thank you uh is it uh peter is it possible to yeah allow uh johnny to unmute yeah that way it may be mostly forward no need to type too many things yeah thank you peter hi johnny thank you johnny see whether you can unmute uh maybe i can uh yeah i can read up the question uh we are able to make use of the existing fuel sensor or we have to install new sensor to capture the data okay maybe i addressed this question first uh later on if a professor got any idea maybe also can attract so for the uh okay just now you use the term sensor uh in general for example in order for us to uh managing the any consumption of the uh a whole enterprise including the for example office or building or even shop floor we actually deployed the so-called digital parameter uh i'm not quite sure you use this sensor also reference to uh at least one category of the device or a digital meter so uh in general that uh the digital meter actually got a different standard to follow a lot so in terms of communication protocol in terms of the uh uh uh the data format et cetera so we our software utmost earlier i mentioned are actually basically kind of a hook up with all uh different type of the protocol uh sorry the the digital meter as long as the digital meter actually uh uh followed the international sorry the industry uh standard then you we actually can uh uh link our utomas uh uh based uh this type of the parameter yeah so uh but but if some uh so-called uh a different brand the meter that may not uh hundred percent compliant with the industry standard then what we need need to do is that uh we try to uh so-called evaluate whether the uh the meter uh actually open up the the memory address uh in the parameter so that we can actually uh do the properly mapping to get the data from uh from that type of meter yeah okay um professor kung do you have any other either sure i think uh like uh what uh dr is talking about i think johnny if you could share more i think it's easier to answer but nevertheless uh let me uh add on to what uh dr george has mentioned in the use of existing field sensors if you already have sensors implemented all right then it will be challenging for us to rewire some of these things and then in this particular case like the dr chao has shared if your controller is able to communicate to these sensors and this sensor's information is now centralized within certain server or whatsoever that you have access then you have to use different means of extraction of this data like i've shared earlier on in terms of sensors if you need to add new sensors then the question is do you want these new sensors to be in integrated to your existing controller so this part will be a bit more tricky you will have to get your original vendor to assist if not we would have to refer to some of your documentation how can we add sensors to your system in my day 2 all right what we will be looking at is more to do standalone all right for a short term uh assessment of the data collection it could be a current cram clamping to some of the power lines that you are using and then from there we would be uh acquiring this data and storing it into a different platform like the one that i've just shared will be thingspeed so that you can have thingspeak to manage and collect the data for subsequent data analysis in the future all right i hope this answers your questions if not you can post again so that uh with more details i think we can answer it better all right that's all on my site uh over back to joshua thank you so much we haven't seen any uh yeah feel free uh because today i think mini is to uh benefit yes thank you johnny for your question so uh yes today mainly is the uh we do our best to help you so that we are able to explain the benefit of this two-day uh knowledge transfer and skill transfer there's also a lot of practical uh session uh there uh inside this course yes you'll be interested to reach it for the course we learned the poor and you can carry on to type your question in the q and af box same time to do the pause to the same time uh the question here thank you thank you peter yes i had maybe i just read out the question uh is there a way that international delegates are encouraged in terms of discount to participate in this course peter maybe you you you probably know a little bit about the international uh basically discount wise is based on the whether you are a singapore citizen or you are pr okay is in a sense i think you know that you already mentioned there are three categories in an i mean maybe in the future we will consider but at the moment the policy-wise is the international participant you need to pay a full i think it's thousand seven something plus yeah you have pr or c it's not of course you've got different category if you have a sponsor by sme it's another category okay oh peter just to just to calibrate you refer to let's say i'm a non-singaporean or non-pr i'm a foreigner uh hired by a local sme sme it's based on the participants yeah so it is sent by a company yeah yeah by sme is you need to be pr and season first then you can enjoy the more funding or subsidy thanks for the baseline thanks for that yeah sure that's a lot again yes this is a roughly yeah so if the participate from the sme and but uh this is not the citizens of pr i still need to pay the uh international uh peter cry me if i'm wrong yes yeah okay for the sme sponsor exam you need to be a citizen or pr then you qualify for the 90 funding thank you peter uh so uh yes let me read the next question yeah although the course is interesting to us we as ep holder employment pass holder might not be able to convince the management to invest such money on our development so all right this is more of a company investment interest so uh ep so the uh okay um feel free to ask us because today probably uh being a short period of time we may not be able to fully address the benefit of this two-day cost but generally this is a catalyst this cost is a catalyst of uh train the trainer i would say so eventually the trainer of the company will eventually pass on all the skill to the company so if you look at the the price price line of the cost two day cost generally is a fairly position with the value there you can feel free to drop me an email uh of uh from or maybe any question from your hr or management so that i can address your concern on the value of the course yeah uh as far as the investment is concerned yeah and the return yes i hope i answered that yeah anybody want to add in also okay thank you something uh so yeah uh the two days cause this one is basically based on the market rate uh the of course that the uh the companies that top management can make the decision whether to investigate or not is depending on whether the company actually uh so-called the uh field of pain in the energy efficiency management like actually uh actually uh one of the cost interesting party earlier i did not talk about a lot of detail but maybe i shared with you some of my experience like that the energy consumption is not only pretty as uh have you to save with energy it's a talk about the consumer energy efficiently right so so if the company okay maybe let me uh uh so called the uh define this as a term a little bit detail consume energy more efficient meaning that uh for example these months are you your company's production uh consumer uh one thousand kilowatts hour just an example maybe it's a two two liter then uh producing the uh 1000 piece of the product right but next month uh your i need consumption uh it says still one thousand kilowatt hour but the uh production output low down up to the 500 ps only that's something wrong right if i mean the major energy consumption from those machine equipment uh et cetera et cetera are the same right then uh where is the inefficient part that consumed energy without delivering the value value value app for the company without this type of the tools actually you basically cannot capture the data or do the analysis so if the early on actually a lot of participator for the previous batches feel that they actually are short of this type of the tools that for them are to capture the data in real time at the same time do the analysis and help them out to analysis that whether i need consume efficiently this one actually is the extra value of course in order to capture the production related or throughput related or even the quality related data maybe we need to add on some other capability but i think that the value of this cause is to uh first of all to enable you to build up the system that allow you to monitor the energy at this angle because uh many years ago actually lots of companies treat the id cards as the another dimension of the total enterprise cost except for the for example the material cost machine cost labor cost raw material etc etc but right now the energy cost is a new dimension without looking at the detail of data of this new dimension you actually cannot charge whether you your company or or your whole enterprise or consume energy efficiently then the other uh second point that a lot of companies actually are requesting uh so-called to conduct the annually report to the government organization if that their annual any consumption exists a certain threshold actually if i'm not wrong it's about the uh 15 uh 15 uh uh terrier uh uh jar of the neg uh you you need to annually report your uh company's led consumption efficiency management progress to the government organization by uh uh maybe uh excel uh consolidate after that plot certain things then submit it which is very tedious and also not accurate ways the certain tools are which actually can help you a lot efficiently uh do these things then uh give you more time to do a more value-added things for the company yeah maybe i stopped here thank you thank you uh dot john i approach you do you have anything to add on i i think yeah yeah maybe just a quick one um in fact i didn't want to comment but uh in fact um it really depends on your job scope so if company if your company and yourself your jobs responsibilities does uh have access into some of these energy control then whatever materials and knowledge that you have acquired all right how you would implement to bring about some of these energy efficiency improvements those are things that you can try to sell to your management that this would be help for those who are just coming in to learn a new skill sets but you have no access to some of these facilities yourself then i think it will be very challenging to see how how are you this investment in training for your training will actually bring about the benefits to the company so all in all it really depends on your case all right with this i passed back to joshua thank you prof q yeah i actually personally uh uh uh the one of the testimony that uh dr chao mentioned the especially the chiller system the saving is tremendous so this investment is talking about uh longevity benefit not that's why i would say that to answer one question is to you you will be a very beneficial for the company investment so i move on to the last question here uh he was talking about uh we are talking about the bms system here right uh maybe i will i will give a bit of uh of my input first before uh invited other advice to come in uh i believe you are talking about many common building because in syntec we don't just look into commercial building we also looking into manufacturing industry so manufacturing industry they uh they basically don't handle just chiller alone they do a lot of equipment from manufacturing government all the way to process uh process related equipment so this system this transformation uh digitization actually is a very overview of where you can actually have a single platform digitize all the equipment together not just bms beyond bms so that is where the the uh your low-lying fruit see that you can actually trigger all the process monitoring all the way up so you probably will be seeing maybe smart building related and also uh manufacturing equipment related because one example is like for example idling time idling time usually are the killer like heater and the chiller a lot of them are losing a lot of energy but nobody know so bms cannot address the process level so there are many levels in handling energy but if you are talking about the our current cost benefit generally we are giving you a full understanding of how do you deploy digitization connectivity wireless internet and also at the same time how to how dr charles will be also guiding you how to analyze data so i would like um both uh speaker to add on to what i want i have shared okay uh exactly like the joshua mentioned that this course actually uh tracing are not uh only related with the uh building management system but also uh uh uh more uh so-called lots of focus on the uh manufacturing related but the pmi is definitely uh very very closely related with this course probably uh let me uh circle the shared uh one of the slides that i i have in the course later on but in this moment maybe uh by sharing this slide i can answer the question uh better i hope you can see the slide right okay this one is the uh our etomas architecture basically that is a partition into the cyrus three key layer the the bottom part actually is the those uh raw data are coming from the left side basically more focus on the different device equipment in my factory the right side bottom here actually you can you know you may notice that this is the so-called chiller uh system in all that different buildings environment yeah so this is a chiller system definitely controlled by the bmi system but some bmw some bmm system uh actually uh uh sometimes i do not have certain uh importer with the so-called uh the usage of the building so they keep turning on uh for example if the bm system consists of the uh firework uh cheater lana maybe uh they uh practice the uh so-called uh uh turnaround on the back cover like the uh anytime four children working then they are uh the the fifth one as a backup something like that then they do not i mean uh have the information of the actual usage then there's there there will be a lot of uh i need base data uh to supply the uh uh cool chiller uh cool air uh to certain area or maybe it's empty or or of course some bms system actually have the scheduling system according to the actual planted use but at the either actual one whether it's the same as the planted one is another matter so without so-called certain real-time monitoring uh data the bmis are still a short of the uh key information for for the system actually to to adjust a certain sighting in terms of temperature in terms of schedule yeah zondem okay so so i hope that that car actually answer your question uh of course uh the the two upper party is the uh the so called the meter that uh you you may notice that uh earlier i mentioned that the meter need to comply with the mobas standard then we are able to hook up yeah then the top layer is our system internal database and also the allow you to browse the system to see the real-time information so i stopped here to answer your question um all right thank you dr chao following that i think um let's recap on the question are we talking about bms system over here for day two um what i intend to do in the day two activities is actually to showcase to all the participants that at the lowest level the use of microcontroller how they can actually uh be implemented to capture data all right and how this data can be eventually collected for further analysis so for day two it's more on getting participants to have a broader understanding on how you can actually customize and of course in terms of customization here we are getting you to have the hands-on to go through the activities all right to see for yourself uh is it that difficult or what are the challenges involved so that as you continue all right to look for a full-fledged solution like a bms system that have a thousand over or even ten thousands over sensory point uh monitoring uh solution with dashboard and so on and so forth uh bms would be a very uh how should i put it it's a large skill all right but my day two is to really bring you down to a smaller scale one or two points for you to learn about the connectivity the interfaces and with that understanding when you scale up you would have a better idea how would you want your final bms solution if you are in the building management context if you are in a shop floor if you are controlling or managing a manufacturing plant then how would this actually help you to actually scale up in that kind of a system what would be needed how would you communicate with your vendors to to get some of this thing up but nevertheless i think my day two is more for you to to customize all right to do something small uh that you would acquire the skill set through that activities you have greater understanding on how i and how all these things are pieced together okay i hope this uh clear the difference definitely for day two you are not going to build a bms all right okay thank you thank you pro q i guess yes we have answered all the questions i really want to give thanks to all the people who have attended this and yes we have overrun a bit but i just want to wish everyone a good uh day and a good week ahead so feel free to drop us a line or contact any one of us so that we can give the best information to you yes so i would like to wish you all a very good day and uh thank you for joining us and we will i will close the webinar now so take good care and good health well thank you thank you if you got any uh question from any expected uh just send us an email or drop us whatever question your concern yeah okay thank you bye thank you thank you stay back for a while


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