How To Promote Digital Citizenship with K-12 Technology Integration

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Hi everyone, thank you for joining us today and it's time to get started thank. You for taking the time out of your day to join us for our December, webinar, how, to promote digital, citizenship, with k12 technology, integration, my. Name is tiara Lustig, I'm on the marketing team here at dyno and I'll be hosting today's webinar, with Chuck Holland who is the director of instructional, technology at, risk Richland. Districts. - in South Carolina, such. A digital, citizenship, is a huge topic of conversation, right now and we, wanted to sit down today with Chuck and talk about how, you can work to promote digital, citizenship, and in your school this coming year after, the new year so. Before. We dive into the webinar for. Those of you who aren't familiar with Dino Dino. Is a classroom management solution. That helps teachers defeat, device distractions. And keep students, on task in one-to-one device. Environments. On Chromebooks, PCs. And Mac books um so. With incomes. Of teachers tech coaches and administrators we. Have the resources, to be a platform for educators, to share how they maximize, technology, integration in their, schools and districts, and how they support district-wide initiatives. So, our hope with this is to give you the resources and, the tips to. Do the same and maximize your one go on device program, so. Richland district 2 has been a dino user for about a year and a half and last. Month when Dino was at SC EdTech we met with chuck and. He was talking to us about how Dino has helped them promote, digital, citizenship, in their classrooms, and so we, thought it would be a great opportunity, to go deeper into this topic on a webinar and talk about not, only how to I know can help you promote digital, citizenship, in your classrooms, but, also how you. As a district, or a school can promote digital citizenship, on a daily basis um so. Before we dive into our webinar topic I want to go over what you can expect out of today's webinar so our. Webinar is being recorded and, it will be made available to, everyone after the event um if, you registered, ahead of time or if you're currently attending, it, will be emailed to you today, and then, if you didn't register ahead of time it'll be made available on, our YouTube, channel tomorrow.

So, Keep an eye out for that and feel free to share it with anyone in your network you think, might benefit, from it um we. Also have a Q&A, portion of this webinar so you can, exit, out of your fullscreen, webinar at any time and use that Q&A, button in the bottom and. Submit a question for me or Chuck to answer and we'll take those questions at the end so feel free to submit them throughout, the whole webinar as any, questions, come to mind, um. So. As I mentioned our topic is just digital citizenship. And what. You can expect to learn today is what. Digital citizenship. Really means and how to encourage it in the classroom on a daily basis, what, technology, tools can help you teach digital, citizenship. In the classroom, and, how to move students, from just being good digital citizens. To then becoming digital leaders, in their community. Now. I'm going to jump now stop, sharing my screen so, that you can see Chuck. And I hi, Chuck like, I said I'm Sierra I'm on our marketing team Chuck, do you want to go ahead and introduce yourself explain. Your role and kind of what your, initiatives. Are right now at Richland sure. Like. The era so my name is Chuck Holland, I am the director. For instructional, technology in. Richland School District, 2 we're. Located in Columbia South Carolina where, school district of about 28,000. Students. With, about. 40 buildings. So. You. Know a good sized district. We. My. Role is we we have a technology, and learning coach at every, school we're. Very fortunate to have that and. And I support, with, my team we support, the technology learning coaches with professional, development. Helping. Them to, roll. Out all of the district, technology initiatives. You, know we are a one-to-one district, so that you know working with teachers on best practices, with technology, and, so it's just a ongoing. Every, day exciting. Day something. New kind of experience, that we get to do but mostly working with the coaches, teachers, and. Things like that as they integrate technology, into their class. Awesome. So jumping. Into the. In our interview. Portion of this and the discussion, that we're gonna have so, I understand. Digital citizenship, to be how, we teach students, to be safe and responsible and effective users, of devices. On the Internet not only in the classroom but outside of it how, do you define digital citizenship. And what does it mean specifically. At Richland. I. Agree, with everything that you just said I mean I think that's a good good. Brief description, of our definition. Of digital citizenship, but, I also think it goes beyond just how, to behave, online, and. That it goes to what, you do online as, well you know are you an advocate, for, different. Issues. You. Know so it's. It's behaviors. One thing I just I look at digital citizenship. Really as you, know. What. Do you do in a digital world what, is your life like in a digital world or are, you a positive, influence or negative influence, are.

You Doing. Inappropriate, things or appropriate, things, it's. Not about, a whole list of things you shouldn't do as much as it's about a list of things that you should be doing which is the same kinds of things we asked kids to do in. The classroom we spend a lot of time talking about behavior, in the classroom you. Know things like how you interact. With people don't interrupt, those sorts of things we, talk about those behaviors, and face to face world but. There's also a whole list of behaviors and. Interactions online. And so digital citizenship, goes way beyond just don't, do bad things you know make sure you cite your sources and things like that it goes beyond, that to your everyday interactions. Online. And I think too with today's world the way everything. Is so, intertwined. With, digital. Technologies. That. The, behaviors. Online. Are. Becoming more and more important, and. It's more responsibility. Now for for us in the education, world because we are putting devices. In the hands of these students, and we're. Just expecting. Them to act the right way, but. Online behavior, we all know is very different, than our face-to-face behavior. It's, hard for adults to, to, recognize that different, and it's. Even harder for students, to do that. Yeah. I think it's interesting because, digital. Citizenship. In definition, we're calling them citizens, in the digital world and it's a whole nother, world that, we're introducing onto they're. In different behaviors, and different ways, of life. And acting. That they have to take into consideration, so. What. Measures has Richland to taken, to promote digital citizenship, in their classroom. You, know we've we've, done lots of different things you know we rolled out one to one seven. Eight nine years ago, forget. The dates exactly, but it's it's been a long time and we recognized. Early on the digital citizenship, is it going to be key the, behavior, online. So, what we do right now is. We. We. Have an AUP. Policy. For students, which every, district, has, and. We. We spend a lot of time at the beginning of the year for all students, from K, through 12 on, what's.

Expected In that acceptable. Use policy, we. Have put together videos. That. We send out and they are geared towards, elementary. Ones, for middle ones for high there, they're leveled, based, on the audience, so that they understand, expectations. Online, we. Also provide. Every, student has to go through four, hours. Internet. Safety. Digital. Citizenship, courses. Per year. And. We level, those so and. We have a series, of four classes. That kindergarteners. Go through and then the level four classes, for first base so you never get the same class more. Than once the. Same lesson more than one time but. They're all geared around, safety. Digital citizenship, digital, literacy. Privacy. Those sorts of things so we. Do that based. On grade levels every student has to do that once a year we've. Also implemented. A. You. Know we, have those kids who make the wrong decisions, online, and. Oftentimes the initial, response is to take, the device away from them so we have now in. It's. Kind of a digital citizenship, course. That a student. Who does the wrong thing goes. Through in. Order to keep their device but more importantly, it helps them learn from. The mistakes that they made it is so, we try to take that bad experience that they've had and turn, it into a learning experience, so they go through this course and the parents, also have to go through it as well so. That they can understand, what's happening, and then the parents, is another key aspect that we begin we begun focusing, on last year. We, recognized that parents. Really do, not understand. The. Digital, world and. So, we are spending a lot of time working with parents now on, behavior. Online for, students because. Lots. Of behavior, that impacts, the classroom is coming from outside the classroom, and the. Parents, they, don't understand, they, don't understand, this you know snapchat. Or tik-tok or any other the any of the tools that are the kids, are interacting on they, just don't understand it they're not part of it and so, you know they understand Facebook but kids aren't there anymore and. So, working. With parents has been a huge, success for us this year, how. Do you do you have learning. Sessions, that parents come to that's. Required how do you educate them like that so, what we do with parents, is one leave me our. Team meets, with the our. Superintendent. Has a Parent, Advisory Council, so, we meet with that groups our.

Team Does and we go through monthly. Lessons, with them with. We put together a podcast, that they also can. Listen to and. Then each of our technology, coaches, at the school they typically, have, throughout, the course of the year what we call parent. University, nights and. So parents come in it's usually stuff it's it's things that our schools have been doing for years but, now we have that digital citizenship. Component. In there for the parents to go through as. It relates to their students, online, you know it's. Little things like how to do homework at home in an online world you know so they don't even understand, that works so going through things just as simple as that helps, parents understand. What the expectations are for from, us for students online and. What. Kind of, professional. Development do, your tech coaches provide to teachers, for encouraging, digital, citizenship, in the classroom, so. Our teachers. Are required to. Be. Technology, proficient. During. Their certification. Process, as part, of the requirements from the State Department, and many. Of our courses that teachers, are have, to go through or, relate. To digital citizenship, so. Teachers. Are getting that online learning and, face-to-face instruction. On, digital, citizenship, and. We. Offer on, a probably. About five to six times a year different, courses on digital. Citizenship. For the teachers to participate in. And. That's, probably, one of the areas that we're. Still really working on, oftentimes. Teachers don't see, digital. Citizenship. As their, responsibility, they. See it as somebody else's, like it's the librarians. It's the tech coaches, you, know that's not my area of responsibility. And. We're trying to shift that, mindset to. Get them to understand, that all behavior in, the classroom is really the responsibility, or falls. Under the domain of the teacher and. So they need to understand, some of those things as well and that's an area that we're still working on. That's. Interesting, um so. You mentioned, with, your parent, sessions, that's one way that you kind of bridge digital, citizenship, in the school and. Translate it into digital, citizenship, in students, personal. Lives at home what. Other ways do you um, strive. To promote it in the classroom and then hope, that students will take that into their lives beyond the classroom, well. You know we, we. Emphasize, teachers, having conversations, with students, you know the the best learning for, digital citizenship.

You Know and behavior online is when teachers talk about it in the moment so when it happens, they have to have that conversation with, this do, and. And sometimes just not with the student but the whole class at. That moment in time if somebody's done something or if something comes up in the, news that's, related, to digital citizenship, how do you fit that into the conversation. Having. Those discussions between, the teachers and the students, is really critical, in order for, these. Things for. Students to understand how to behave online we, do that with normal, everyday behavior. It's. Just getting that mindset, that we also need to have these conversations about. What. Happens in the digital world you, know I wish, I could come up with an easy way for them to recognize that. Instead. Of separating. The two it's really just one. You. Know that our world now there's this the. The distinction. Between what, happens, in the real world and the virtual world is becoming, so blurred that it's really just one behavior, but. Getting getting. That getting. Teachers to see that getting students, to see it is really difficult but. Those conversations are, critical, in order for the, students, to grasp that and then take it outside of the classroom. Yeah. It seems like definitely a transition that takes a decent. Period of time for it. Um. So. Then transitioning. To Dino. A little bit one thing we've heard more recently on events, when people stop by our booth and see our product in action they, kind of have an aha moment and they're like wow this could really help, me teach my students digital citizenship, and I think that's a testament to some of our specific features, that help teachers do that how, do you encourage. Your teachers to use Dino, to, promote digital citizenship. So. One of the things we were looking for, in a platform, when we chose Dino is you, know, first. And foremost for Dino our, interest. In them at the beginning was the monitoring. The. Devices. And. One of the things we were really interested, in was the, platform. That would monitor, students. Activity, online. Without. The teacher having to sit and watch. What was happening, they could do, it in the background, while teaching was happening. One. Of the things we learn based. On you. Know after we got Dino was that you. Know it's a great teaching tool for students. You. Know students. Are in class all. Day long and it's a long day for them and they're online and, it's. It's very easy, for them to get distracted, and, these, things happen, it happens with adults you, know I'm sure and, every meeting, that we go to we, can look around and see people who are on their devices doing something, not related to the meeting at their end and then, students, are the same way. As adults. We know when they come back and, make, those adjustments, students. Don't always have that same skill set yet because they're still developing. But, taking that and using it to help, students, is very valuable so that. The. Ability of Dino to just track every, website that was visited, gifts. Teachers the opportunity to. Not. Go and say hi I got you look at what I see that you're doing but looking. And saying okay so. Chuck. You you're in a 90-minute, class I, noticed, that 30. Minutes, of your time was, spent on. ESPN. Amazon. Or whatever else the kid is there and and, you're off task that explains what's happening and so you, can then have that conversation if, not, you're. In trouble for being our task but, what are some steps that you can take to stay on task how, do you learn how to manage your time and.

So. That you do become, more productive in the classroom, I think, the expectation. Of bell-to-bell, work, is kind of like a fantasy that every teacher has from students. But. I think you can have that expectation of, students being on task more, then. Oftentimes they are and being. Able to use the tool and I know that, tracks the, exact amount of time they spent on sites and showing, the students that you can see that they are off task and then helping them learn how to stay, on task is, a great way is a great tool. That we use. To help them understand, that. Distractions. Take away from the learning but more importantly. You. You now have a tool to help you eliminate. Those distractions. Yeah. We often hear the metaphor. Of like taking, the training wheels off so oftentimes teachers will start with that active. Monitoring, where they're going. And blocking, distractions, are setting up blocking plans, and then as students, become, aware that they're being monitored just letting Dino monitor, in the background collect. That data and hopefully, students, stay accountable and if they don't then teachers can like you said address that after yeah like, I encourage all our teachers and I do the training I tell, them I said don't don't set up any plans no blocking plans that will out only plans just, go the first week. Or two and just, see what the students are doing often, times students. Will. Anticipate. Problems sometimes that aren't there so, go ahead and see what's happening you. Know the other the other feature of Dino that's really great is the ability to segment. The. Students, into groups you know some. Students, need to have the training wheel so they need to be put on a plan and other, students, have learned how. To behave. Online so. They should be, rewarded. So to speak and not have to be monitored, and in the same way that every student, is monitored, set we differentiate, teaching. And sometimes we just need to differentiate how, we block. Monitor. Or allow students. Access to website, so that's another tool that we use with our teachers to really help them, teach. Our students, best. Behavior online, yeah. That's a great feature call out and not feature you know initially we thought it, would be great for test, days were half the classes to ask do they need access but it's turned into this tool that, really does promote digital, citizenship, and if. Teachers, the ability to let. The reins go a little bit for students that they have more confidence and in real during's and through those that they know. Need that little bit of a gate around them during class yeah just allowing the kid to listen to music, sometimes. But other kids not that's a big, win, for teachers, say yes, yeah. Well. We're glad the Dinos helping you promote. Digital, citizenship, in the classroom, so I. Think one, of the big things after, you. Know you've encouraged, students to become good digital citizens, is then to get them to. Be able to leave their peers into also making, those practices, in their lives so how do you um in. Your opinion, move students, from just being good digital citizens. To them being, digital, leaders. Gosh. You know when, you send me that question that was a tough one it was one of those ones that, but. It goes back to the the same kind of things that we do for students who are behaving. Properly, in, class, it's. Recognizing. Those students it's it's giving, them the shoutouts, when when they're doing the right thing. As. Students. Are recognized, for good behavior. It. Has a tendency to, get. Them to become more that, leader outside of, the adult, supervision. And. So I think the same thing has to happen in the digital world when students, are acting. The way we expect, them to act online we, need to recognize, that and, and then, the more recognition, you give to the students the more likely it is that they're going to carry that beyond the. Classroom that they're going to tell other students, hey you probably, ought not do that those. Sorts of things you know I will, say that, based on my experience that, probably works a whole lot better with. The younger students, but. Our philosophy here, in Richmond too is that if we, get the students, when they're younger and get, them to learn the best behaviors, in the digital world a, younger. Age and it makes it much easier when. They move into the secondary levels, and become less supervised, they, already have that foundation and, so. Just. That constant shoutouts. To the good behavior is always a great way to go. That's. A good good, tip and it definitely does um change. In between the different age groups for how they, call. Out each other and be, digital citizens, um so.

Then One kind of questions, wrap it up if you had a piece, of advice for, someone. In your same role or maybe a tech coach who are, newly, trying, to promote digital, citizenship, in they're too strict or school what, piece of advice would you give them for starting that off, my. First piece, of advice would be don't, expect, to change the world overnight it, this is a process, it takes a lot of time there's. A lot of ingrained, behaviors. That students. Are bringing with them to. The classroom, from. Outside, the classroom that are really, hard to break. But. I think, that the first thing that has to happen is one the teachers need to model, the behavior for. Their students. And. So that's that's an easy sell getting teachers to model it getting teachers to talk about that behavior. And. And and work, with parents because, we've. Seen the biggest change. After. We start talking to parents because the parents, or. Just. They're. Just so unaware, of what's happening, online, that. They don't even know like you know some parents were like you. Know we told we said check, their passwords, and, check their emails or their Instagram, accounts, and follow their like they, don't want me to follow them like you're the parent you, can follow or you can you know so. But. Having, parents on board is a great resource. Baby. Steps, are, really, the best way to go don't, expect change to happen overnight. Stay. Persistent, in the process, be. Intentional, about the actions, that you take and. And. And, recognize. That we're. Working with students. And. Then. Look around the room at the adults, and see how they have a struggle, with. Online, activity. Our, students, have a bigger struggle and so we got to be a little bit more patient, with them. Those. Are some great pieces of advice that I'm sure our audience will benefit from on, that. Was all of the discussion, that we had for today's webinar if, anyone has any questions now. Is your time to submit them it doesn't look like we've had any throughout. The webinar, so I'll give it about, a minute let people submit. Their questions um, we. Are always producing. New content, to. Be helpful for EdTech, initiatives, like. Digital, citizenship, for tech coaches teachers and administrators, out there so feel, free to visit, our blog on. Our website, Dino comm, follow. Us on Twitter and we are ramping, up our YouTube page so we will have some really great content on there starting. Next week um and, we can't wait to share that with you it, doesn't look like we're getting any questions, Chuck so I think we're gonna wrap this up thank. You so much for helping us host this webinar today I think we had a great. Conversation. About, digital citizenship, and some good tips for how educators. Can promote it in their schools. Um. Have. A great holiday season everyone. And have a great holiday Chuck and thank you again for participating all, right thank you all, right.


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