How to modernize legacy applications with Microsoft technologies

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I'm, Alan Brock and Azure infrastructure. Tech, solution professional with Microsoft and this, is going to end all the. Managing, director at capstone, consulting, we're, here to talk about legacy application, modernization, and so, typically, when we we talk about that at Microsoft, there's this focus on the cloud and Azure I know, that's what I think of that's the first thing that comes to my mind but. I've got to admit that when I first found out about Azure I learned about it back in 2009, at, an internal Microsoft event I was, just, blown away by what the possibilities would be however, as I got to thinking about some, of my customers, you, know core problem, sets I wasn't. Sure how this external cloud thing was gonna actually solve, some of their business problems I had customers, in banking, that had real-time transaction, needs that needed a local presence for what they were doing, same. Thing in manufacturing, or retail um you know if you've got a compute, need for a, manufacturing. Line there's, got to be something local, because it could you know even a minor network, outage could could create cost, thousands, and thousands of dollars or. Possibly, something where just the data, across the wire is too complex, so if I I've got a medical imaging, application, or something like that I still, need some local compute and so, what I think is great is over the years Microsoft. Has developed what I'd like to call the fog the cloud near you and. That's really kind of where a lot of our intelligent, edge and new, technologies, are coming but. Recently I was working at a cus a mutual, customer, of Glennon Heights and I, was pretty amazed, at the way capstone, was addressing. Legacy. Application, modernization. Using. Sort of an end-to-end Microsoft, approach that, Dell not only with things that could move to the cloud but the things that need to be local and providing, that that, fog architecture. So Glen why don't you take it away and and tell us about what, you're doing tomorrow modernize, legacy apps sounds good Thank You Allen for giving, me the opportunity to speak, but. We would like to start by talking about the actual business economic. Challenge, that our customers, are confronted, with, oftentimes. Our experience, is that, customers, have an extensive, amount of money that's tied up in their legacy, infrastructure. If, you notice on the curve here it's a cost benefit, curve and think. Of legacy. As a, lot, of money that's tied around. Old, operating, system old applications. Maintenance, and support for those old applications. Those. Are dollars that are tied up and are not easy to be redeployed. For, greater benefit, to the company what. We're looking to make happen here through this modernize. Legacy. Infrastructure, is to, release the potential. Of those legacy, funds, and use. Those funds to drive greater, benefit. Across the point of transition, in the, end that will translate into a much, greater time to revenue for.

The Dollars that are being spent by the customer, so, can you give me some examples, of what that might look like you know for, a customer, you, know for me a cost savings or what does that really look like if. We think of it in the overall, marketplace. There, are, 19,000. Top, enterprise, accounts, that exist globally. And there's. An estimate, according to Microsoft, of in excess of 9.5. Million. Applications. Be. They dotnet, applications. Or Java applications, that. Exist many. Of which are candidates, to be containerized, which we're going to talk about at greater length and, that, containerization. Process can happen with little or no code. Change the. Result, is through. The process of containerization. And modernizing. These legacy, applications, we, are truly unlocking. That legacy spend, so, so how do you think Microsoft's, platform can help in that scenario. Microsoft. Is a key, component in, all area starting off with the cloud, everything. That we're talking about here is dependent. On a cloud strategy, be it public, be it private or a hybrid, so. That components, in play are going to be a sure Windows. Server 2016. And, Azure stack. When. We engage with customers often we, are starting, with the infrastructure, and operation, side of the business and in. Those areas we, see infrastructure, as a service, platform as. A service, and containers. As a service, are all opportunities, for, positioning. And engagement. Most. Importantly, there is a container framework, that we recommend, starts. With doctor Enterprise Edition, but, that doctor environment. Is an. Overlay, on top of, azure Windows, Server 2016. And azure stack, so. In a typical environment what's that, kind of look like. Starting. With a blueprint, think, of it in these terms every customer that we engage with right now that has a class some form of a cloud strategy, or, a digital. Transformation strategy. Has, a public, cloud environment that, they're thinking about if not already, have in place there. Is going to be a private data center that exists, and oftenly. Often. We see remote branches, or distributed. Locations. That have to be considered either, within a region or across, all of the United States and in some cases around the world that. Infrastructure. Is frequently tied together through an overlay VPN, or an. Express route of some type but, this is the basic blueprint that we see again and again yeah. That blueprint, is pretty consistent with what I see where we've got a core, data center we've got some remote branches, and. It really doesn't matter whether it's it's a bank where you think of a branch bank but it could also be like a. Manufacturing. Facility it could be a retail store or things like that or in that branch location, and what I've seen lately a lot of is is customers, with hyper-v in the branch where VMware, might be that core in the center but, hyper-v is out there what's your experience been, our.

Experience Is. Very, much on in, line, with what you're describing there and in fact what we see VMware. Is going to be the dominant footprint. That exists in a. Private, data center with, just about every customer, with which we with whom we engage it's. Very common, but the interesting, thing Alan is the fact that there's frequently. VM. Sprawl. Many. More virtual, machines that exist then. Are being used efficiently and therefore a lot of cost that's tied into that infrastructure. We. See the desire, to get to Azure cloud that's. A part of that equation in some manner shape or form and the and in these remote branches, if there's not a VMware, footprint, because of some cost considerations. As you mentioned there's, typically going to be a Windows environment that exists, so, in essence, you've stated it correctly, you know when there's a VMware, environment, there's, remote, branches, of different types and then, in some manner there's a cloud public. Cloud provider that's considered, okay. So. That. Looks like it could be pretty complex mess, to manage is that fair that's a very fair statement in fact, what we're finding is you have, disparate. Configurations. You, have different, operating systems, different types of devices in some cases you, have a VMware, environment, that exists you have Azure cloud and that means different. Api's, different. Versions of code many. Different things that have to be considered, so, if you think of, an infrastructure. And operations business model, more. Complexity. Does not make for greater efficiency, more. Importantly more complexity. Doesn't make it cost-effective either, so, with, this in mind we've. Recognized, that there is a tremendous opportunity to, unlock again, that legacy spend, in the, form of migrating, these legacy, applications, and streamlining, that infrastructure. So, when you say migrate what does that look like let's, start with a simple hybrid. Cloud environment. And, imagine, what we what we start off with is putting. Windows Server 2016. In, place in the private, data center itself and if, you notice in the diagram, there's an embedded container, technology consideration, that we're going to talk about we.

Don't Recommend, and we don't commonly. See customers. Just forklift. Remove their VMware, infrastructure, but. It is very reasonable to start off with a footprint, of Windows Server 2016, as, an, initial, point to. Begin simplifying. The infrastructure, the, benefit, is you're laying the groundwork considering. Azure cloud Windows. Server 2016, in, these remote branches, to, an all Microsoft, solution, so, you keep mentioning containers. Isn't, that now, a new add-on where I've brought it complexity, in where I was trying to simplify it yeah that you. Would think that was the case but. Here, docker. Enterprise. Edition. Licenses. Are baked, right into Windows Server 2016, so. There isn't an added. Initial, licensing, requirement, of any time you, get that containerize. Footprint. As soon, as you put Windows Server 2016, in, place, so. If. That's the case then I see a lot of Server, 2008. To 2016. Possibly, 2012, to 2016 on the, horizon does this help me with that scenario it absolutely. Does. And here's why the, transition, that we see for content are moving to containers, they deliver speed, they deliver flexibility. And they deliver savings let's, talk about availability. There's, a sixty-two. Percent reported. Reduction, in mean time to repair and, I. Get therefore a 10x, cost reduction. Just running. The infrastructure, itself so there's greater efficiency. That. Comes back to the business from an availability point of view there's, a tremendous, amount of scale that exists. 41%, of workloads, can now readily move between, the. Public cloud around. In the private cloud to include remote branches, and most, importantly, it eliminates, the doesn't. Work on my machine problem, that we commonly see, but, the key is greater, agility, for the business there, is a 65%. Reduction in developer, onboarding, time because we're, dealing with smaller, applications. Simpler. Environments. A readily. Deployable infrastructure. So there's a great amount of agility that's in play here and that, we believe is something that's going to turn out to be very compelling and it lays the foundation, for. Container. As a service, framework so, can you share some more detail here on the architecture, absolutely, so, as we mentioned earlier imagine. You have today, a remote, branch that runs Windows, Server 2016, I'm, I'm sorry Windows Server 2008. Or Windows, Server 2012. Those. Operating. Systems are, on a path to being. End-of-life. Add. To that the fact that there's many applications that are running in that environment you, have the added challenge of, an important application running.

On A legacy operating system. Proves. To be a very big challenge for the customer, upgrading. The remote branches, to Windows Server 2016. Unlocks. That container, environment. And now, we have as you, see in the diagram worker. Nodes running, in the private data center on Windows, Server 2016, we've. Opened up the, opportunity to run workloads, quickly, cleanly in efficiency, as containerized. Instances. And the remote branches, and oh by the way we, can easily move those workloads to the public cloud as well. So, do. You imagine with. This architecture in place that product. Vendors will start shipping containers, absolutely. We. Have already had conversations, with. Customers. That, are receiving. Updates for. Some. Applications. In the form of a container and all, they literally, have to do is take that container, instance, and deploy. At. The snap of a finger so. The, idea of legacy, applications, running the, idea of getting patches. Enhancements. Or upgrades in the form of a containerized, instance, is absolutely. In play here but here's the interesting part, Alan, we're, actually seeing, our, customers. Starting. To get requests. From their customers, can. You also provide to me your. Software. Your, applications. As a containerized, instance. As well allowing. Them to deploy and leverage new services, faster cleaner. And more efficiently, so it's it's a trend line that we're seeing where, everybody, benefits, from a transition, to containerization. And micro, services, on this, simplified, architecture, so. That, seems. Pretty compelling overall but earlier you mentioned Azure stack so how does that fit into the overall architecture. Azure. Stack brings, two, very important. Architectural. Benefits, to the equation, the first is, the. The. Ability to now have, a, remote. Or a private data center, be. Presented. As an enterprise availability. Zone in your, Adger environment. We, do realize that's a road map evolution. That we're all seeing unfold here, but, imagine now a very tight coupling between, on-premise. And in, the public cloud with. Almost, no lines the, more demarcation. Between the two and, you would almost think of it as a blended. Cloud on and off premarin. Elegance. To that again it's all about streamline. Efficiency. Ease. Of configuration. Consistency. Of configuration. When. You then think of the second benefit you get from Azure stack it's all about infrastructure. And platform, as a of us in. The exact same manner that we get from, Azure in the public cloud when. You've seen the user interface, and as your public, cloud it looks exactly the same on-premise, your, selections, are the same your api's are the same your, service, offerings, are similar, in terms of look and feel it just makes, the deployment, of the infrastructure, simple. Are easier, and ever more efficient, so, basically. What you're saying then is once I get that path that, the ability to drive those path services, whether it's a data, storage element, like cosmos DB or it's something like add your functions that, allows me to move to a more service, architecture is that part of the benefit that's part of the benefit absolutely, when we think about actually where the industry, is going think of phase 3 and it's, all about containers.

As A service. Containerized. Applications. Or unlocking, the power of those legacy, applications. Allen and add. To that the whole notion of server, lists compute or functions. As a service, this, is new and emerging technology. But, interestingly enough, these, functions, as a service, also, often. Run as a container so. My, legacy applications. Married--to. Functions. As a service, running in a serverless, compute, environment in the azure public, cloud makes. For a highly, dynamic, very. Efficient, very, cost-effective. Architecture. Especially, where the use case is going to be regional, banks, or, other. Business, entities that have distributed. Locations so. This. Is I you've, got me hooked I think, this can be awesome but what, if. I want to move an app is what's, that look like I mean are all apps the same in this process the, answer is no oh we've. Seen quite, a spectrum, of applications, that exist from, literally. Easy to, immensely, complex, part. Of that's because newer, applications or. Newer. Web services, have just been written in, the last few. Months maybe, even in the last year those, are going to be modular they're, gonna be efficient. They're gonna be easy to containerize and it's, very common, for us to talk to customers about starting, this journey with, those new. Or recent, applications. That have been developed but. Invariably, the. Real, critical. Applications. That exist in, a company are legacy. Heavyweight. Applications. That have been around for many many many years and people, across the business all know that those are the critical applications that. If you will write the checks. WebSphere, applications. Would be a great example of this we're, actually talking, to customers now about, taking those very heavy, very. Expensive. Very, slow, applications. And, decomposing. Those applications. Into. Bite-sized. Chunks, running, in containers, for, example, we have a customer that has an environment, that's about 10 or 12 complex. Applications. Tightly. Glued together in, a WebSphere environment, what, we're looking at is the ability to maybe begin separating. Those, services, having. Them run as individual. Containers. Shrinking. The size of, those applications, the, complexity. Of those applications. And now, speeding, the time at which you, can, enhance. Build. New functions, leverage. The content, things, along those lines so, that's a journey that we're seeing our our engagements. With customers, can be assured as a week starting, with those simple applications, and can, take as long as say a handful, of months to actually decompose, an application, and get, it into production but. What's key here Alan, is the fact that we're seeing very. Large customers, taking. A close look at, decomposing. Critical, applications, they would have never touched in the past and had, a tremendous, amount of legacy spend, associated. With it and decomposing. Those deploying. Them in this new architecture this, new hybrid cloud environment, and getting, tremendous business value, while, driving cost out of the business so. Part. Of what you mentioned there was something about velocity and I see on the slide here talking about the cic. Pipeline, and automation you. Know I'm an old school infrastructure, guy it that. Seems, a little voodoo magic to me can you tell me a little bit about how how, the DevOps, tories enhance absol in this scenario, absolutely. So first of all we would targeted, an existing, application as we mentioned and we would through the process, of container rising, that, application. And then, we would deploy it in this infrastructure, but the thing we do is we wrap around this, a fully automated. Development. Process, or DevOps, as it's commonly referred to think. Of that as a as a small piece of code that is written, and. Then checked in as a containerized, image, for.

The Purposes, of test and it can run through an entire test cycle in a very short period of time then. Get. In, an automated way get promoted to a user acceptance, environment, and again run a series of tests to make sure that that new change or that modification isn't, going to disrupt the, current running environment, or disrupt the customer. Use. Look, and feel and then, from there roll immediately. Into production so it's, a fully automated, process, it's all done through code and the, way to think of this alan is an. Application. Equivalent. To a sheet, of paper with, text written on it and imagine. All i want to do is modify a line or to add a, line or two and then, in doing so, bundle. It up as a, container, run. It through a series of tests, make, sure it, gets it passes, user acceptance, and then deploy into production this, is why we. See this, DevOps, impact. As dramatic. As it is driving. Great efficiency, for customers, but most importantly increasing, that agility that we mentioned earlier so, it's all about DevOps, married. Hand in glove to. A simplified, architecture, and. Containerization. So, when, I think men about you, mentioned changing lines of, configuration. Here and there and that it deploys everything, that. Really helps my security, and config management story from earlier right that, is to say I'm. Providing. This base set of security and stuff that's everything. Gets that and I don't have to worry about what, the developer did, with this container that container the core that's handled, is that right that is absolutely, correct there. There's that in the doctor environment, there's actually, some security, audits and checks that need to be considered here there. Are in, addition to that there's an entire process that. Verifies, that there aren't any exposures. That might exist. As well so, that security story is very compelling, because, the, the ability to deliver, role. Based access control the. Ability to deliver security, enhancements. The, ability to deliver all of this capability into, production is a key, and compelling. Capability, that, this architecture, brings to bear so what's that look like. Let's. Talk about role, based access control, if. You think about policy, and governance, a way of looking at it is where, do I want a workload to run number, one and where. Do, I approve. A workload, to, run number, two in the first case it's a choice in the second case it's a policy, what. We what, you have in in this docker architecture. Environment. Or this containerized, environment, is the ability to label, nodes, you, can say that a node, at one regional, bank is only designed to run a particular workload, but. Another regional, bank can't, run the, same workload, or, there. Are certain applications, that are approved, to run in a public cloud environment but. Are not allowed to run in a private, cloud environment, for. A lot of different reasons it could be PCI, related, it could be HIPAA related, in a healthcare situation, but. The ability to label, workloads, to define, by. Policy, and governance where, those applications. Can and will run and to be able to do that in a fully automated way on, top. Of this simplified, architectures, what truly makes for a compelling. Solution. For, our customers. Especially, where, the desire is a journey, to unlock, the legacy spend and that legacy environment. That's. Good but we'll pick it up with it we'll splice them together. Very. Well played sir that. Went, much, better well, it practice makes perfect right I mean. All, right. And and. Oftentimes. It's important to understand what our customers, are experiencing, from a financial, point of view. No. Problem. Do, we need to change the presentation. Format. Format. Look, at you. Okay. Okay. Okay. So you want me to pick it up from here as opposed to Alan starting okay. Just. Let me know when you're ready okay. Okay. Thanks very much Alan let's, start the conversation by looking at the, business. Economic. Challenge that our customers, are frequently confronted, with and often. Times we know or understand, that customers have an awful lot of legacy spend, that's involved in their budgets and this. Legacy spend is involved in what we refer to as a long tail of legacy, services, imagine. It's old operating, systems, imagine, it's old, applications. That may exist and those, applications can. Span, an, extended, period of time the. Key takeaway however, is the fact that for all the money that gets spent for these legacy services. There's. A tremendous amount of cost consideration. But. Not nearly the benefit, that you would get and so when you look at the curve what work what customers, are looking for is some way to unlock, that.

Legacy Spend, using. Those funds as a way, to pay. For new. Development, new applications. And new evolving architecture, that, brings a tremendous amount of business benefit, back to the company so, Glenn why don't you talk a little bit through like what's that what's that really look like I mean is that is this, $10. Millions. Of dollars what's. This really look like it's a great question Alan. So so let's think about it in the broad for, just a minute, first, of all the, the overall opportunity. That exists, when we think about legacy applications. And spend overall there, are 19,000. Top enterprise, accounts, that exist and across. That, 19,000. Enterprise accounts, there is an estimated, 9.5. Million. Legacy. Applications. Be they dotnet, or be they Java related. That. Exists all, of, those applications, are a large portion of those applications, constitute, opportunities. For, containerization. Which we're going to talk about here in just a few minutes but, the key takeaway is, it's this, legacy, environment, these late see applications. That may exist that, really unlock the fiscal potential, of through. A transition, of modernization. So so how do you think Microsoft's, platform can help customers you, know unlock this money and find some savings okay, let's talk about the core components, to the point you just made Allen first, of all from a cloud computing point of view that the, components. That we typically see are going to be an azure cloud environment. They're going to be Windows. Server 2016, and their Azure stack, every. Part, of the. Business infrastructure. And operations that we work with typically, have three things they consider, infrastructure. As a service, think, virtual, machines in this particular case. Platform. As a service, is a new and emerging area, that we're starting to see more frequently, and then, we're gonna have a great discussion around the whole notion of containers, as a service as well so from an infrastructure, and operations point, of view those, are the key components. The. Last thing we're going to talk about is container, framework, and in, this particular case we'll have a discussion around doctor Enterprise Edition, and how, that correlates or is leveraging, Azure Windows. Server 2016, and Azure stack the, cloud computing component, that we talked about earlier so what's, that look like just at a high level I mean if we're gonna do, some kind of deployment can, you can you describe it in more detail absolutely. So, let's think of this in terms of a very basic blueprint. And this picture is intended to convey a, really, simple overview, of what we commonly see so, we know we have Azure. Cloud regions. That exist in the public cloud. Portion. Of a typical blueprint, we, also have a typical, private data center environment, that that we we see every, with every customer that we engage and then, we have remote branches, in this particular case we're gonna have a discussion around remote. Banking, if you will or a banking use case so, think of remote branches, either using, an overlay VPN, as connectivity, between the. Private and public data centers to the remote branches, or it could be an Express route that, also exists, for that, kind of connection to a remote branch okay. And that looks pretty consistent, with what I see out in the field I mean whether the branch is a, banking, branch or, it's a manufacturing. Facility there's, there's these things you, know from a topology, perspective, my experience, has historically, that was a lot of VMware let's just be honest about that right VMware. Everywhere absolutely but then I've seen lately a lot of customers trying to optimize, that footprint, by basically. Saying you know what, I do and my branch is a stamp it's always kind of the same or even a lot of manufacturing bishop facilities, are a stamp, in that facility and so they've actually gone to hyper-v, is that something, you're, aware of Glenn absolutely. Every customer, that we have a conversation with, has, what. We would refer to as a different, configuration set. Of requirements, on, premise. And in the local data center it's more, often than not a VMware, environment, it's it's very common, to see lots of virtual machines that exist and, these legacy applications, that reside within those virtual, machines for. The remote branches, in some cases we'll see VMware, in other, cases we might see Windows, environments, or hyper-v environments, that exist and then, obviously where the customer, is looking to apply an, azure cloud solution, there's, going to be as your cloud figured, into the equation, as well the key takeaway is, this, is lots, of complexity. There, are different, configuration. Requirements, for every one of these locations and in, some cases if you look at Windows, 2000.

O's Server 2008. Or Windows Windows, Server 2012. There's. Some legacy infrastructure, that has to be considered there as well so our, experience is lots. Of complexity, lots. Of expense associated with, that complexity, and ultimately. What the customer wants is something simpler, easier, to consume easier, to deploy yeah, I've got to agree the the typical, feedback, from customers is they're they're playing off in a lot of cases, cost. Versus, complexity, or trying, to meet requirements in a lot of different ways so so how does the the approach capstone would take how does it help simplify this this, overall, complexity, okay, let's, start with the whole idea of a simplified. Hybrid. Cloud environment. And if, you notice in the picture what we're trying to focus on in the private data center is a, Windows. Server 2016. Environment. And in, this particular case it has embedded, container technology to be considered. Oftentimes. The, question, we get asked, in this architectural. Evolution. The. Question customers will ask is are we to replace or do we have to replace our VMware. Environment, and the, answer is no you can start in a side-by-side approach. But, the ability to put a Windows Server environment, in place and have. That be a starting point to simplify, a hybrid, cloud is an, elegant first step from our point of view. So. In this case though isn't isn't adding, containers, in here you, know some complex, add-on, that's a great question Alan and and the fact of the matter is, docker. Containers. Or docker Enterprise, Edition, is baked. Right into Windows, Server 2016, so. As soon as the customer makes a purchase of Windows Server and deploys it you, already have a docker, environment, that's readily available for, you, in. That. Let's, talk a little bit about containers. As a service, and what, are the benefits that you're gonna get from a container point of view. Containers. Deliver speed, flexibility, and savings first of all from an availability, point of view we, see a mean, time. To repair reduction. So we see greater performance or greater, availability from that standpoint there's, a 10x cost reduction, in maintaining existing applications. Because, the applications, are simpler, easier. To work with easier. To repair, fix or function. Hyperscale, is in play here. 41%. Of move, workloads across private, and public clouds, and oftentimes, what, they're looking to do is eliminate works, on my machine related, issues. From. An agility point, of view 13. Times more software, releases, customers. Are trying to find ways to deploy greater, feature functionality, and to, the enterprise and for their customers, as fast. As possible, and containerization. Provides that level of agility and ultimately. They get a 65%, reduction and, developer. Onboarding, time a simpler. Environment, makes for easier deployments. And greater, productivity, well, I can, totally see how that that helps with that whole legacy app a problem. So what can you give me some more detail on what's the overall architecture and where you take this from that initial. Introduction. Of Windows Server 2016, and containers, I'd, be glad to so. Let's talk about containers. As a service, in the context, of a framework, the. The diagram, that we have in front of us now has. A, public. Cloud offering, and imagine, what we were able to do is to put docker, nodes, in the public cloud in, this, particular case we're calling them control nodes that could be UCP nodes or DTR nodes and on. The local private. Premise. Environment. We have worker nodes worker, nodes are really the engines, that are by all definition. Intended to run the workloads, themselves, in this, particular case because we have dr., environment, a containerized environment. That spans both public, and private we. Have a high degree of flexibility, in terms of where workloads, can run how. Workloads, can run and most. Importantly, the idea of, driving. Greater efficiency, for the business overall as we modernize, this traditional, infrastructure, if you. Look at the windows. Server environments. In the remote branches keeping in mind doctor is baked right in the, benefit, we now have is also, containerized. Environments. That are capable of running in that in those, remote branches, as well so. So do you imagine product, vendors will start shipping their their, products, as containers, much, like we saw you know after VMware got out there for a while we started seeing virtual appliances, are we gonna start seeing containers, as you. Know the way products, are shipped to customers absolutely. In fact Alan what we commonly see now is that, customers. Are receiving their updates, in the, form of containerized. Instances. And. In fact what we've we thought we've also seen as customers, are beginning.

To Think in terms of deploying their, services, that. Their customers. Want. To leverage in the form of a containerized, instance, as well so not, only are our our downstream, customers, seeing software. Releases that come from their vendors, but more importantly they're deploying or looking to deploy their applications, to their downstream customers, as well so it's a highly efficient, way of moving. Deploying, it drives greater agility as well awesome. Let's talk a little bit more about distributed, containerized, workloads, and and how that would look in greater detail, so, imagine what we were able to do is to take an. Application a legacy application, and containerize. It and the image we would like to think. About is something, as small as a sandwich, baggie right, and imagine. You're able to put an application within, that salmon, sandwich baggie and zip it shut so it's a self-contained, entity and, now, something, as small as that is now, capable of being deployed on, remote. Location, in remote, branches, in the, public cloud or distributed. Across multiple. Running, virtual machines, within the data center itself so it's a very very compelling. Environment. In terms of workload distribution and, how, those workloads can move from one location to another as the desire is there, so. Earlier, in the, presentation. You mentioned Azure. Stack how does that fit this overall architecture. Azure. Stack is an area that we get an awful lot of questions. About in, our engagements, with customers, and frequently. What, we're finding is, customers. Are trying to find some way to bring, their public, data center environment, and their private data center environment, much. More closely together and as, we know as your stack is, intended. To almost, bring those two together such, that the local, premise or the private data center is a. An. Enterprise, or an availability, zone, associated. With the public cloud so, think of it as a blended, cloud if you will a tightly, coupled cloud, so, now we're able to leverage all, of the benefits, of a tight coupling between public and private but. Also the, platform, as a service offerings, that we see that are available in the Azure environment.

We're Now able to consume on-premise, as well so, when, you think about then from from the the PA's locally, perspective. I have something like a cosmos, DB and I have instance, of that locally what does that give me overall in the architecture. What, it gives you is the ability, to, select. A platform, as a service offering such, as a sequel, database for example and to, use that as a mechanism that, containers, would speak to where, for content, for content, access so, think and think of a web. Service, that just in a container and. Imagine. An instance of a sequel. Server that's been created as a platform as a service offering and the, ability for those two to communicate, well together it's an elegant solution it's. A it's, a simplified, environment. That we think will drive lots of consumption over the course of a period of time both on Prem and in the public cloud so, when, you think about that then part, of what we're looking at is the those things that Microsoft provides in Azure as a server list component now becomes directly available on your premises to, deal with some of those real-time closed things that we talked about that's exactly, right thank, you think of it through the lens of the. Dashboard, that you get from an azure point, of view all of the service offerings, all of the logging, benefits, the security, components, and everything else are now directly, available on premise, what, I see in the public cloud is what I see in the private cloud and my, workloads, are equally able to run in both cases so what's that look like from a topology, perspective, a way. Of looking at it now is. The. Marriage of applications. That are running in an azure stack environment, on-premise, the. Ability to run those workloads in some cases as a function, as a service and the public cloud leveraging. Something that we're seeing emerge called serverless compute, service. Compute is really the a way, of running applications. In a simplified form without, having to worry about provisioning. Environments, configuring. Environments, or managing, environments, the marriage now of containers, readily, deployable to, remote branches, on Prem, and in the public cloud as, well, as small. Little functions, that we would want to see func run in the public cloud or on-premise that. Marriage, creates a highly dynamic very. Efficient, and a very elegant solution on for our customers. Great. So how do we get started what's, this process look like I. Think the easiest way to look at it is modernizing. Applications. With docker enterprise, starts, with an existing application and, again, we go through the process of converting that application. Our, experience. Allen has been that. It's. Not really a one-size-fits-all, model in some cases customers have newer, applications that, are small and nimble, in other, cases we see a spectrum. All the way to an extreme where the applications, have been around for many many years they're. Very expensive they're very complex, and so, our goal is to work across, that landscape. Of applications. Finding, the right combination, of app of. Process. That, allows, us to convert, the applications, or decompose, legacy, applications. Run. Those in a modern infrastructure, in the hybrid cloud that we've talked about here, and then, leverage, things like DevOps or C ICD as a way to, continually. Update those applications. In a, highly, efficient, manner, the. Result, is a modern. Micro service environment, that's highly agile, very. Efficient, low cost and takes, full advantage of everything that the public and private cloud have to offer so in the real world are all, apps really the same I mean do you have sort. Of some customer, examples from like one you know maybe easy too hard or something like yeah we really do so imagine, an easy application, it's going to be something along the lines of a web service, that exists, that's. That's relatively, small in size it's, very portable by nature and it's relatively, easy to containerize, we've actually engaged with customers, and gone, through the containerization. Process in no more than a week or so so a short-term, engagement, we're, on the ground working, with the customer understanding, the environment containerize. A couple of applications give. Them an indication as to what that process would look like but, show them a value, add that comes from the engagement itself.

What. We look to do then over the long term if we think about more complex, apps is frequently. These are big heavy, legacy, apps websphere, applications, typically as an example that we see our. Goal there or the customers goal is to begin to decompose those, applications. Simplify. And by nature imagine, an application. That had as many as 10 or 12 different services, that. Constant. That were all glued together the, ability to begin breaking those out running. Those as containerized, apps simplifying. That infrastructure. Reducing. That cost and, accelerating. A deployment environment, that's typically, a longer term engagement we've. Seen some customers, go. From, the. Initial discussion, around deep, posing these legacy, apps to, actually deploying applications in, production, and as, short as four to six months but. The net results of the business is again, greater amount of agility, leveraging. The public cloud driving. Azure consumption, so, I'm an old school infrastructure, guy and when you say DevOps that sometimes, I don't quite get. How that would play out here so tell, me a little bit about this CIC, D pipeline and how this, docker, helps, make that better that's a great question so think, of DevOps as, a fully, automated, process. That, you want to go through from, the time you write a piece of code to, the time that you actually deploy that, code as a running application. DevOps. Is an environment, that allows you to, deploy. The application in, a test environment in, a very short period of time in the form of a container run. An entire series of tests around that, small containerized, app and then, go from that from the testing cycle, through, user acceptance, test and ultimately to a customer, to a production deployment, environment, think. Of also this. Process, of containerization. For a small application, as having, one sheet of paper and, that, one sheet of paper defines. What that application is, what. We're seeing now is customers, have the ability to change one line on the sheet of paper modify. One line if you will or add a line to that service, and that process. Changes. The scope and capability. Of the application, itself the, ability to make that change quickly run. Through a series of tests in an automated fashion and, then ultimately deploy, that in production, in the form of a container is a. Process. That can now happen, in, hours.

Or A day we're. In the past it could take as long as weeks or months so. It seems like we've simplified, this, quite a bit as far as what it takes to actually get an app out there and that sort of stuff but when we think about security and configuration, management that was like our big question a few slides ago what, what does that really look like in the end in the, end it's. All about defining, what, we refer to as workload labels, for that environment so think in terms of locations. That we want applications, to run and imagine. All you're doing is putting a label for that location. Could be a remote bank that, only wants to run, application. A or I. Want to run application. B in Azure, the. Ability for us to label what those worker node environments, are like for. Those, labels, to be decision, points, that facilitate, where the applications, deploy or how many of these applications, deploy is the, power of dr.. Containerized. Applications. In addition. We, can use these labels to decide do, I want to deploy for some regional banks, specific. Applications, with a different security profile, if you will then then, another application, that may have less of a security consideration, or concern so, these workload, labels, define where, workloads, run how workloads, are run and most, importantly, define governance. And policy for the business overall so, if I if I think about this in a typical scenario what I'm really doing is I'm allowing. The developer, to develop their code in a consistent, platform that's going to show up everywhere that, containers, base config can. Go anywhere it needs to go but, at the same time security, has a play. And this is what security on this platform looks like and so it's consistent, and they don't they can empower, the developer. To deliver. Whatever they want is that fair that's a very fair way to put it role based access control is, what this is all about who, and what workloads. Run where who. Can see what workloads, and decision. Points around how those workloads are intended to run in production those. Are the key components, that you get if we, were to now go full circle back to the very beginning, and the economic, discussions, that we had Allen a couple, of things to consider in. The end this is all about driving greater cost, efficiency, for the business what. We want to do is simplify, the infrastructure, leveraging, a Microsoft, footprint, a Windows, Server footprint, that has docker containers, built right in our. Ability, to now leveraging. That standard environment. Provide. A container, as a service overlay wrap. DevOps, processes, and automation around it and drive, workloads, across the business where, you want how you want opens. The door to greater cost efficiency, for the customer, drives, greater business benefit for the customer and most, importantly, is a process, that we can rinse and repeat again and again for. Great success. That. Sounds, really amazing so. It brings up kind of the first question my customers, asked me about, all of this container, stuff is how. Real is this I mean it sounds, pretty amazing it sounds like we could you, know change the whole world here but I mean how real is it it interesting. Interestingly, we've, seen the, world of containerization. Go from. Literally. Almost no, spend, in 2014. To. A, target. Addressable market, of something to the effect of four billion dollars, of spend by. 2020. To say 2023. So if you think about that as a regression curve that's. A tremendous. Amount of growth if you, think across the landscape of nineteen thousand, customers. That exist and nine million applications. That exist and the amount of money that is pent up supporting. Those legacy, applications. It's. An indication, of where if we can just unlock the potential of those funds. Modernize. That traditional, application, of those applications, and implement. A legis an environment, that replaces, the complexities. That we've seen in the past all, of, these mechanisms.

All, Of these business, benefits. Are what's, driving this tremendous, growth that we're seeing in the marketplace so it's a real, engagement. Of real opportunity, and a, real explosion, that we're seeing with all of our customers so. So, when you say that I mean one of the things I've, heard a lot of people doing like pilots, or got, a proof of concept here they're how if you were gonna really do this kind. Of in the methodical. Manner you mentioned how portable is that POC, your thing I've already done it's a great question again so, our approach, is is typically, leveraging. A modernized, traditional, application, approach the. Way we look to do that is sit. Down with a customer, pick. A couple of applications. Typically. They're relatively, small they're. They're very relevant, to the business and we, engage over the course of a week two weeks three weeks and take, them through the journey of modernizing, the applications, deploying. A docker environment. Putting, work. Worker, nodes and control. Nodes across. A landscape via to two different data centers or maybe on-prem, and in the public cloud but, some that mimics. What their runtime, environment, is likely to what, they want it to look like I should say and through, that process we. Deliver. On the MTA we modernize the applications. We containerize, the workloads, we deploy the workloads, and then, that effect is that, customer, has the ability to see the, engagement is quick it's, efficient. I get tremendous business value, from it and the. Impact, overall, is tremendous, that, sounds awesome but, what. If my stuff's running on Linux I mean we set a lot of Windows Server Windows Windows Windows tell, me what's, the Linux story here the Linux story is there is a concept, called Linux, containers. On Windows, L, cow this, is a capability. That docker is working with right now we've. Gone through some beta testing, in that environment with them and we, and we continue, to work to help develop. A roadmap for how we can eventually get Linux. Containers. Running in an all, Windows environment, so the roadmap is there the, engagement, and pursuit, that we can engage is, there, and over. The course of a period of time the, goal will always be to have Linux, and Windows running side-by-side ok. So so, I gotta say pretty compelling story how does somebody get started the, easiest way to do that is to contact. Us. At. The following website. Wwk. On see comm and my, email I can be reached via email at Glen Tyndall at Capstone's see com all right, well. Thanks a lot Glen and really appreciate your time today it was very informative, and we. Look forward to working with you on some, of these opportunities sounds, great thanks very much Alan for having me yeah thanks.


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