How to Migrate Windows Workloads to Google Cloud Cloud Next 19

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So. The topic for today is how, to migrate windows, were close to Google cloud. And. This. Foundationally. Gets back to Google's, principle, of meeting, our customers where, they are and helping. Them migrate, to, Google cloud and a more open, collaborative, architecture. For applications, at their own pace. And, in. A in a model that is more comfortable for them some, of that is around rebuilding. Your applications, but, a lot of that is also around lifting and shifting of, your, enterprise applications, onto GCP or writing new dotnet applications, and that's the that's, the strategy behind, making. Sure windows is a Tier, one platform a first-class platform, for right running, Windows workloads, on GCP. We. Have been added for a few years now, we started, in 2015, where we launched, our, first. Windows, Windows. Server, offerings. On GCP and since. Then we. Have been. Pretty, hard at work, going. Adding. Additional capabilities, like sequel, server support, HDS aport, various. Types of clustering and failover support, as well as two links around ornate and PowerShell for, making GCP a, great, platform, for us and. Today my. Colleague Simon and I'm. Sure Wieck I'm part of the product management team and Simon is part of the engineering team we, are going to spend a bit of time kind, of walking. Through the migration journey, for, windows were close to GC p and. And. Announce, a few new products, and offerings. That, I believe will be super super, interesting, to many of you in the room. The. First of all I just, wanted to thank you for, literally tens of thousands, of customers, who are running Windows were closed on GCP that. May come as a surprise to a lot of you because, we have been kind of creeping along with a TV ad features, getting, customers, along the way I can. Happily, say that. The. Number of customers, who is running, windows, were closed and GCP is actually really sick and so if any of you are kind of hesitant, and not sure if we are going to take the first step because. You, know there is not many too many customers, on that GCP. On Windows that, should definitely not be a concern anymore right and the, conversation, here more about how, to get there and the details of the navigation, process more, so than if. So. When we go out and talk to these tens, of thousands of customers or a finality of them like you know many of you here why, are they running Windows, on GCP couple. Of couple, of course points. Come out loud, and clear so. The number one point that comes out loud and clear is, the our Google's. Position on being open know not. We, are not a vendor, who, wants to lock you into proprietary. Technology, or proprietary, platform, we are open right and I think a lot of you have, this vision of running. Your applications, in an open and dynamic cloud where. You can migrate across. Various. Public, cloud platforms, as well as, on-premises. And that's some of the announcements, that having made this week the. Second is the Google did everything we have amazing, infrastructure, network, security, efficiency. Etc etc and all, of those capabilities applied. To windows were closed as well we are not going to touch on them too much because, this is a pretty big top Windows is a pretty big topic but, those those play a big role the. Third thing that we hear is that Windows, is a big, part of any. Enterprise. Data, center, or workload so, as customers. Move as you move that, many, of your workloads, the. Windows dependency, components, need to be supported, well and that, it makes, up a significant, percentage of the workloads, and the, last one that comes, across pretty pretty frequently also is the data gravity, and. Integration. With Google applications, if, many of our customers have very significant, amount of data on, GCP as well, as they're building new your applications, with dartnet or net core and other other languages, on GCP and if, there is a Windows platform dependency. Running, them on TCP just makes it much more easier simpler secure than running, it outside so. The, question then becomes how do you get there what is the journey, right and and. Having, kind of observed this across many many customers, this, is kind of the simple pattern that we see again and again the. Journey starts, with hey, I really don't know what to start and. They go through an assessment planning, and a migration phase then. They kind, of think. About how do you operate large complex, Windows environments, on GCP and then. There's simultaneously. With that or subsequent. To that there's a phase of how, do we actually modernize. Our Windows applications, on GCP and we're going to touch on them all of these topics. Today. And it's, a pretty broad, span, of activities, and we want actually do more if you think so we would not necessarily have time to get into the details of many of these components, but there are number. Of individual, sessions, that have already happened or happening, in in the next two days to, talk about these in details.

So. These are some of the key questions that, we hear from our customers as they get started on migrating, their Windows Windows. Components. Or, applications. To GCP the, first one is how do I start. The. Next big, thing that is very window, specific, is how, do. I how, does the licensing, thing play out do you have to rebuy all my microsoft licenses, on GCP, and. Lastly, what exact technologies, do we use for migrating, the VMS and how do I test and make sure everything is working together and. Let's touch on those questions. But. Before getting into the details and just given the scope or the information I just wanted to highlight this migration Center website which is a, slash. Migrate, is the single place for accessing, all the information, regarding, migration. And. You can access, it at any point of time to, get additional information our about our products, our partners, products our service, indicator partners, products, and offering, so on and so forth. So. The first piece of the journey starts, with discovery, assessment, and planning and, what, we have done here is that we have closely partnered, with a large number of. ISV. Vendors. Like, large with a strategy on wrist network low demise who, have, built tools to. Discover, environment. And help in the planning process and. Many. Of these tools are free for customers, migrating, to GCP it's not free for everybody but what we have done is structured the agreement that if you want to use any of these tools just reach out to us and you can have pretty much unlimited, usage. Of many of these tools as you migrate, this these. Migrate. To GCP for, Windows and other workloads and what. These tools does is that it kind of gets you an understanding, in. A in a very non, intrusive, way, a map, of all the applications, running in your data center there's a couple of sample outputs, many of these vendors are there in our show floor you can see a demo you, can also see a demo in the infrastructure, upgrade. Pavillion. In the show floor but, it kind of lays out that what are the critical, applications what, are the dependencies. What. Other you. Know if I move this workload what, other workloads gets to us and so on and so forth and one. Of the thing that I we see a lot of our customers doing, is trying to identify those, workloads that are not highly, interlinked. Not. Highly critical to get started and then, move on to more and more complex workloads, to to to, migrate to the cloud ideal. Examples, of workloads, would include, things like test. And dev environments. Or pre-production, environments, and other things to kind of try out the how this thing works out, the. Other impressive thing that we have these. Vendors I see vendors have done working, in close collaboration with, us in, that it actually provides you, very clear TCO, outputs, of how these tools kind of as you migrate to the cloud how does this thing play out, from a financial, perspective right, so you can do a cost-benefit. Analysis virtually. Doing nothing was just moving to us. And. While talking about the. Cost benefit analysis in financials, one of the biggest things that that that are hindering or is, a concern, for a lot of customers migrating, Windows work through the cloud is the licensing, component, of it and I just wanna spend one or two minutes just talking about that in little details, the. First thing to remember is that if, you have a. Microsoft. Enterprise Agreement customer. There. Are two primary tenants. That that that applies, to license compliance, number, one is that the, licenses, that he bought from Microsoft, using enterprise. They, need to be. Need. To be used, in an infrastructure, that is dedicated to you and the, next one is, even.

When You're using let's, say Windows Server licenses. In an infrastructure, that is meant for you you, cannot move those licenses, around multiple. Servers in any time less than 90 days so, what does what, does means is that for many public cloud the. Way it is architected, we, create large, pools. Of physical, infrastructure, and move VMs around and a. Lot of times the VMS are moved around even, for upgrading. The underlying. Physical infrastructure, even if the certain, hosts, are dedicated, to you so, it's not Google specific for, lot, of will. Pretty, much all of the public cloud vendors, what it means is that you. Have to till now by something called a splat license, for, running, Windows on public cloud systems and apply, is amazing, for very specific workloads. Like, for example yeah and a slide is basically Windows licenses, or other Microsoft license you can't buy by the second, so, it's very very good for very high spiky, usages, where, you, are using something for five seconds, for hundreds and hundreds of course and don't do it use it for the year it's much very advantageous for, those types of workloads to use bla but, on the other hand if you have already a like. Your basement, full of Windows licenses, or sequel server licenses, and you don't want to spend money, on rebind. Those licenses, and they can be costly they can be up to sixty percent of, the price of a VM it, can become a prohibitive, expense right so that has been historically a challenge. But. I'm happy to announce that, I, next. We, have announced, the. Beta of our, salt and and bi world offering and. This. Is really really exciting, because it allows you to bring your enterprise, license agreement, into. GCP so, what it basically means, is that you. Do not have to spend a. Huge. Amount of dollars buying slot licenses, if we have Enterprise Agreement licenses. For Windows. Server sequel, server you. Can dump. Them on GCP run, them on the salt in a node and not, only do you get benefit of the licensing, it also has a lot of the inbuilt, reporting, that, in case you get audited by Microsoft, you, can leverage these reports, for compliance purposes and, you have seen a huge amount of interesting that I'll find the beta customers we have been working with so, definitely, you know encourage, you guys to try it out and figure out you know dig into this a little bit more and, loosely. Associated with, licensing. Cost it's not necessarily, just the. Byl, the, Google cloud platform itself. Has a large number of primitive, that helps you in optimize. Licensing, and infrastructure. Cost for example things like per, second billing custom. VM sizes, preemptable, VMs, right sizing, recommendations. So that you are not using extra, cores which usually translate to extra licensing, costs so all together creates, a very. Significant. Difference. Between what you may have spent on licensing, before, to. Move to a public cloud, than. Doing. With it with us now so definitely we, are very excited and we expect a lot of customer adoption and excitement, around that. Once. You have figured out the licensing, and how to migrate, the next big thing is how. Do we actually do the migration and. I. Will hand it over to my colleague Simon to. Kind of walk through a quick demo after. Thank. You so much so. This both strata it actually makes, it very very easy to migrate your VM running on private premises all the way to Google. Clouds when. You use VAR strata you, can basically take, your applications. Which, are up and running with Windows or with Linux as well without. Installing anything, on the VM without changing your source code basically. Just taking over those VM. VMs. All the way into the clouds, now, the. Solution allows you to do, easy, testing, is the, rolling. Back if you move the, VMS, into, the cloud and then you decide to move them back you can do that too. Also, if you have waves, of machines, for, example cluster.

That Is. Multiple. VMs working, with each other with dependencies, you, can use the feature called runbook. Automation which, allows you to move all those VMs together, such. That the dependencies, will be preserved, well. I'm going to show you a small demo. Alright. Thank you so what. We have here is the, vSphere, web client and, I have we. Were a data center with multiple, VMs in, this case two windows VMs. What. I'm doing. Here in one of those we amps is running, regular, legacy. Dotnet framework application. It is hosted on is. And. Just. To. Show you what that is it's. Open. Source tool called Orkut. For content. Management. It's. Currently running on premises, and, we'll. Try to move this application. All the way into. Into. The cloud. So. I'm already have. All the setup baked, in so all we need to do is going. Into this wellö. Strata operations. Tab which, you need to install as, part of your, with. Fear ever client and then. We. Have this option of my, grades. What. It does it opens, up, a wizard, which we need. To fill up to say how, is this, we am going to be named. Once. It's ported, over to a Google, cloud and, then. What. Is the VM configuration. In terms of CPU, and RAM. This. Storage. Policy, how how, we are, going to handle all the rights and, then. The networking in, this case I'm going to create a femoral, IP. Address. So that we can try and access this VM on Google. Cloud later. On and. Then. I'm basically, going to run. This. Operation. Now, this operation can take, about. 10 minutes to complete but what. We will see eventually is, I already, have one, of those machine. Smooth I moved the wind one when. We just started this presentation. So. I can show you that this BM, one is, actually. Accessible through. The external IP address. On. Google cloud this is the machine. Ok. And all the effort that they had to do is just install, the. VMware. Extension. For Vella strata and also install. The server, side part of well strata on my project. At Google Cloud, and then, create, the. VPN. Interconnect. Between the on-premises. And the cloud I did, all the set up ahead. Of time but basically you get once.

You Get this set up up, and running and we have everything, documented on a cloud of You. Can migrate your VMs for free without. Changing, anything in the source code or even without the VM being, aware. Of the fact that it's moving, moreover. There is no downtime that's. Caused by the fact that you were migrate those VM so it's really powerful solution, that you can use, even today if you want to migrate your windows. We amps onto. A Google cloud so. Let's, switch back to civic thank. Simon and this, pretty awesome and by the way just. To highlight you can see the, GCP, is automatically, recommending. How, you can optimize VM, sizes, to save certain, amount of dollars and all, of those numbers are probably going, to be doubled because it's. Going to also save Windows licensing, costs as you, as you go through this phase just wanted to highlight its. I switch. Back to the slides please. Okay. So the next piece of the journey now that we have landed, your, existing, VMs on GCP is how do we operate and manage this environment, in a day to day basis, and, over here are some of the key questions we hear is how do I deploy, new VMs on apps on GCP is, it secure how is the performance how do I manage my application, do I have to do all that stuff that I was doing in the data center on. GCP or there's better way of achieving the same thing and so on and so forth. And. A couple of points in that direction so. Once. You have migrated, you may have needs for new VMs and new applications, to be spun up and what, you will see you at GCP is that we have a very very large, library. Of, pre-engineered. Pre-tested. Pre-optimized. Google. Google. Windows images, that, you can spin up whenever you want with. Incredible licensing, and all this management, tied into GCP in. Case you can't find this. Exactly. What application, you are looking for what, you will also find is a large, number, of prepackaged. Applications. As. Part, images. That, are available in our marketplace, and the, building the licensing, the usage are all tied to your overall GCP account so, it's really really easy for you to spin up applications. That you, might want from ISV vendors as. You can see over here I. Know. Many of you are have, much more like, more strict and stringent security, requirements. I just, want to highlight that all of these VMs from us or from a marketplace can actually be done on our shielded VMs which. Makes them even more secure to run, these your, workloads, for Windows on GCP and this, is in addition to all these other great security features, we, have already tied into GCP. The. Other thing, that I want to also mine highlight, over here is our huge differentiator, for for. For, follow from an operational, lifetime perspective. Which. Is which, is live migration, so. Whenever. We have to make infrastructure. Form where, updates. To our underlying our. Underlying. Public cloud platform. Using. Live migration technology. We make sure that. Your workloads get impacted and there, is continued, operation, so if you're worried about hey I'm gonna start running my Windows applications.

Here Does, it you know is it is it reliable are you going to suffer downtime, the answer is that you can be completely comfortable they've got you covered we, have live migration and many other technologies to which applies for Windows as well as any other workloads to provide, higher uptime. So. I'm also pleased to announce a number, of new additional, services as promised. We. Are working on the GCP patch and config management, the, purpose of this is to make sure that when you are running all these Windows VMs as well as Linux and other VMs you, do not have to manually keep on patching, and extending, your own prima applications, to GCP this, is a very simple, flick, through console, integrated, into the GCP console, which, allows, you to understand, how. Many of your VMs that are running are are. At a certain patch level such, a convict, level based on best practices, and if they are not at power you can set, policies, to either upgrade, them, or take additional steps you, can also, drive. Policies. Saying that all the VMS running in a dis projects needs to have, these configurations. Because that's what you mandate that's what is secure and that's, how you, know you kind of in for standardization. Across your fleet of VMs if. We detect any of these VMs do, not comply. With these policies, you, can trigger actions, including. Like you know highlighting, them in a report, and other things so that it makes it much much easier for you to. Manage. This large fleet of VMs right, from the console without having to use third-party tools or extending, on-prem tools, and. We. Are looking for alpha partners, to test this out we expect, to get this all sometime before the end of the year and my my, colleague Ravi here just. In a stop feel free to stop by and ask him for for additional details. Also. Very very you know excited, to announce our managed. Sequel, offering. On on. GCP so, we already already had a large number of standardized, sequel images, that are applied optimized, for DCP you could have spent up but, one of the things that we heard repeatedly from our customers, is, hey I have a 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 instances or sequel I really don't want to manage that once, there ever GCP you guys should be doing more of that so that I can focus more of my, efforts and higher order business business, value, generating, problems, and that's, what we have so, you can actually spin up these. Sequel, VMs and we will manage them for you under an SLA is fully compliant, to, Microsoft. Work environments. And takes, another load of you. Sam. Very. Similar. To sequel. Ad is another integral, part of, of. GCP, and. We already had any service but, we are happy to learn of the beta or coming. Soon for the beta for. The manage ad service, and I, will hand it over to my partner Simon, again to kind of walk through that and show you a quick demo, Thank. You Subic so. We've managed service. For Microsoft, Active Directory what, you get is Microsoft. Active, Directory but, hardened, and managed, by Google you. Get the. System configuration, parching. Replication. All of those hustles, that you typically need to deal with when you manage Active Directory yourself. You, get that all off set and taken care of by. Google. Operations. Team and our service, that we just, announced. Recently, and. The bet of Microsoft. Active. Directory managed, by Google is it's, gonna be announced. Very very, soon so look out for that if you want to join. The Alpha and Express more interest, there is a link on the slides that you can. Join. And get. Some more, details you can extend your existing Active, Directory, from. On premises all the way to Google Cloud and manage, the identities, in a, unified, way using. This offering. I want. To show you a small gem of that. What. You see here, is our. Cloud. Console, and on the security, tab there is a new option. Called manage, Microsoft, ad this. Is where we can create your own Microsoft. Active Directory domain. So. All I need to do just going into the create ad domain and. Add. Some name. Networking. Settings and. Which. Region, I want to deploy, this Active. Directory set up and then. I can also name the, admin, user this, admin, user is what you get so that you can manage all your, identities. Using that user you can also delegate. Starting. From this user too to, other users that you might create basically. We can use the same familiar Active, Directory tools, like Active, Directory users and computers to. Manage all your Active. Directory needs, but. This user is gonna be your gateway. Into, the manager Active Directory and, you, will get full control of all the users computers, and other, Active, Directory objects. That, you you might create once. I hit create here, it's gonna take about 40, minutes to create so I already have a few domains out there.

Once. I create this domain you can be sure that it's, all managed by Google there are multiple, domain. Controller, instances. That, we spin up so that, it's. Good for redundancy, and for. Overall. Health of your Active, Directory setup. Alright. Thanks. Thank You Simon. Okay. So. Now that we have covered the, assays, plan and migrate and operate let's talk a little bit about modernization, because. That's I I believe where all of us wants to be just, a question of when and how right. So. For modernizing, Windows, applications, on GCP or dotnet applications, on GCP so, we provide a number of instruments we, provide containers on TCP that kind of helps, you streamline, the operations and, with their vendor multiple sessions around that are, next we. Provide dotnet, client, libraries, for all GCP api's so, if you are a dotnet. Developer. Or your. Clients. Are Dornier developers, you, can rest assure that even. If they can build, in a language that's they're comfortable. And run those applications, seamlessly, on GCP and in a lot of cases even if they're not running on GCP you can still access these api's, from, on-premises. Or other clouds, it's, tightly integrated with the visual studio so, once again making sure that the. Developer, experience is, seamless as they migrate from, other. Cloud platforms, to GCP and the. Last one is we have invested. A lot in making sure our strap driver star technologies. Are integrated into the darknet platform, so, you have much more visibility, into what's going on and what's working what's just work working, not on. GCP. Now. Let's talk about how, ok so before we get into the, D so at the same now we're, really excited, to announce is the, availability, of the. Coming soon as in we are working really really closely with, Microsoft. On Windows. Server container, support in gke we, are really excited because this, allows you to provide. A seamless, operating. Experience across Linux and windows containers. On GCP and really optimize your operations, and my colleague Venkat here is. Is. It, will be around to answer any questions after. The session. So. Now that we have talked about all these instruments, that. We have at our disposal let's, talk about how. You kind, of use, all of them to modernize, your applications.

So. The first and the easiest case is probably new your existing app that can be rewritten or do. You want to rewrite for GCP and. Over. Here you, have GCP dotnet api is various, types of tools we, talked about later we visual studio integration and the stack drivers to. Rewrite. Those applications, and run that on App, Engine which, is entirely, cloud native you don't have to manage it you don't have to think about it it kind of Lots magically, but we also know that that's. Probably going to be a small percentage of the overall application that you manage so, what do you do with them so. There are going to be some applications that you are going to be. Running on dotnet, that, can be converted to dotnet, core applications, and we understand, that dotnet, core is not, really you know, as as, as. Expansive. As to write all applications, but a certain set of applications, you can migrate and what, you can do is that as you review, architect, your applications. To door net call you. Can actually run dotnet core on a Linux on a GK a server so, what happens is your overall operating, platform, is. Now much, more open because dartnet can, dotnet core can learn on linux and it's moving, more and more towards open source now. There are going to be a set of applications where you can't convert to dotnet this may, be traditional, dotnet, applications, maybe even windows 32 applications, what, you can do there is. Convert. Them, to gke. Containers. On, and. Run them on manage. GK service, on Windows so, what happens is that, you. Have, not it's, not completely, open it's not completely scalable you still have a Windows footprint there but, you have actually taken a lot of the pain away in custom management, of the platform, by, making it part of the overall GK solution, and, finally. There. Are going to be Windows, applications, that can't even be continued, eyes maybe, they are really old or have, some special quirks that stops it from being on their eyes and for. Those applications. You. Can still move them to GCP. Like we talked about and you still get all the benefits of. Of. Managed. Managed services. Licensing. Things. Like managing, such groups that makes it easier for you to scale up and scale down the research usage and so on and so forth and hopefully. You. Know initially when you will start most of the application, that you have are going to be in the bottom part of the slide but, as time goes by you kind of start moving, app smooth, and more up the stack and at some point of time you're, in a much more free and open world than, you, are right now so. That's how this thing hangs, together and I. Would hand over to, my, colleague for, this final, time to. Kind of walk through a demo of how all these things work, together. Thank. You so big so. Can, you switch back please. All. Right thank, you so. We are going to see a demo how some of the tools that Subic. Mentioned, earlier, for, modernization. Are, playing together when, you develop your, dotnet. Or dotnet, core application. In. Order to understand that then what we thought it's going to be very useful to see, the storyboard, first and then we actually will, go through the demo so. At first we'll see application, which is quite. Typical once, you start modernizing. Your dotnet, framework - dotnet core and this. Is the, application, with, three layers you have front-end talking to a back-end talking, to a database all. Those are. Micro, services, that run on kubernetes, cluster on. A managed, jiggy, and there. Is a problem there. In. Order to understand, and diagnose. The problem, we'll use tools, such as tag driver debugger, with lock point support for dotnet core and. We'll. Try to support the problem. Will. Then make an update, into, the code using, the tool that we are happy, to announce today called. Cloud code for Visual Studio code with. Dotnet core support, and. Then. After, the deployments, using that tool is complete, we'll see that the application is, all, opera, up and running again on Google. Cloud so, now let's please, switch back to my laptop. What. You see here is, the, guestbook application that, I just mentioned earlier so. You can type some text and. Then. You. You should be able to post this text, into, the, guestbook which should store it eventually in some database.

But. It takes some time and. Apparently. Doesn't work, so. Probably. It happened to some of you in the past that it works on my machine but, when you move it to a different environment it, stops working for some reason so the problem might be not. Necessarily relevant, to. The code but. More so relevant to the changes, between different, environments, and so. We want to understand, what the problem is. So, I open. The, tool called stackdriver debugger, stackdriver. Debugger. Is the tool that allows you to troubleshoot. Applications. Live in production, doing. What, we call snapshot, debugging, as well as attaching work points I'll talk, more about the lock points experience, with, lock points, you can add additional logging, statement, in already running application, without. Changing. Its source, code but with adding, more context, for you to travel shoot the problem what, we'll do here is adding. A, statement. On. Line. 46, this is the, code of the application that your so earlier, I'm, adding, a lock point I. Can. Make, it conditional but I'll just for simplicity, we'll add it. With. Always, true statement, and I'm. Going, to run. To. Write. Backhands. Addr. Equals, basically. There is a variable, on line 46. It's. Sending, requests, to a back-end but I don't know what back and address is that so for that I'll try to print that, value, into. Into. The log. Okay. So once we do that we. Basically. Added. A lock point without changing, a cord the way it works is that we. Which. Is stackdriver in this case, react. To callback so once the the code pass where we added the lock point is being hit there. Will be a callback that will send the log message, that we just added into, stock driver logger so that you will be able to see this additional, log statement, that wasn't, there before when, you actually deployed the application in, the first place this. Allows you to troubleshoot. Applications, without the need to redeploy, by, adding more log statements, it's it could be very useful because sometimes deployment. Could be stressful operation, also. With some of the safe deployment, practices, out there it, might take some time to, actually roll out the changes, that, you're making into, your application, so this could become very handy so.

Let's Try to execute. This. Again. And. So. By, refreshing this page I'm actually trying, to execute the same code pass where. We added the. Lock point and so. Now if we refresh. We. Should. See that it actually added this log statement, back and addr. Equals. And this is the actual value of the variable which wasn't, known. Before. So, you can see here, that there is a typo, in backhand and this, is likely why the application, is not working now. I want, to deploy a change which will fix this application, so, for that I will use a tool called cloud. Code for. Visual studio code this. Is the new extension, that we are pleased to announce today it supports, for, programming, languages out of the box and. Dotnet. Core is the fifth language, that we add to that with. This extension you can browse. Your Combinator's cluster, objects. See. What. Ports, and deployments, and other objects, you have you can connect to specific, ports for troubleshooting you, can get more details, about what's, currently deployed and where, without, memorizing. All the cube CTL commands, for managing and working with kubernetes cluster so, it really streamlines, the, inner, and outer loop of your, development, experience. So, let's make a change here and. Change. Back end to back end and then. I want to deploy it in. Order to deploy all I need to do is. Starting. A new command which is cloud code deploy. What. This will do it will, ask me what profile, do I want to use so, this extension supports. Multiple profiles and, you can think about profiles, as different, environments, that you might have in your application, so, maybe. I want to deploy it to my local. Machine and see if, it works but I can also choose a different environment in my, case I choose to actually deploy it into a Google cloud and what. Happens now as I speak is that. The. Application, is packaging, all my code pushing, it into GCS, bucket. And then we, are going to invoke a, tool, called cloud wield which will try to build all all the code of my application. Create. A container, image, and then, push that container image into, my cluster. All, of that is going to happen completely automatically. Without you needing to deal with all of the smaller. Pieces. Of how, do I build how do, i D bug and how do I deploy it's, all taken. Care of by this tool now the deployment, by itself can take a few minutes here so. We'll. Just let it run but, what. What I wanted to show is basically, how handy, this tool, can. Become in your inner loop when you try to develop your application, and repeatedly. Debug. And deploy. Them all the way into, the cloud so. To, just sum, up what we saw today we. Actually can develop, applications. Using dot, and framework, move, them all the way to Google, cloud with Bella strata and then. If we want to modernize. We can move to dotnet core use, any of google, cloud public. Api using, dot and client libraries and then use. Tools such as tag driver debugger, with lock point support and. Visual. Studio code, extension, called cloud called with dotnet core support, to, be able to build, the bug and deploy your, modernized, application. On Google, cloud. Ok. So that's. All. I have and I'd, like to hand over back to sue ik Thank, You Simon. So. Hopefully. So. First once again thanking you guys for your trust many. Many of our customers and many of you for trusting your windows workloads, to be run on GCP and as you can see just this week there are six major announcements. On Windows platform, where, we are going to make it much more robust easier to manage easier to scale on. GCP the, beta for Soltan and bi o l massive. For, traditional. Windows workloads, from, a licensing, perspective cost, more for the prospective beta. Of. The. Managed IT Service primera, once.

Again Critical. Windows, workload, we. Want to make, it easier for you to deploy and manage alpha. For - sequel batch, and config management, service windows, for gke and, dotnet. Core, support, for, cloud code for visual studio and again. As you can see we have trying, and we, have executed, on and giving you everything you need from migrating. Operating, and modernizing. Your applications, and this is just the start and many more exciting things are going to come you. Know but you don't have you know and those are all going to add on to make us a better and better platform to, modernize, your applications. So, these, are some other sessions, that. That. That will be of interest some. Of them actually happened but you can find their recordings, on YouTube and many other platforms. And. We'll, really appreciate, your, feedback.


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