How to Launch & Rank Amazon FBA Products Using Facebook & ManyChat JSON Ads Tutorial

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How, do you grow your Amazon FBA business, drive external traffic and launch, your product by using many chat with Facebook Ads how do you capture your customers email address, if you want to learn more make sure you watch this video until the very end. In, this, video I'm going to be talking about mini chat and Facebook ads I have never talked about this topic on my channel before so, thank you so much for joining me here today I'm going to break it down for you guys step-by-step how, you can grow your Amazon FBA business, by implementing. Mini, chat with Facebook Ads and also how to build a landing page so, you can capture your Amazon customers, email address, if you're, new to my channel please subscribe and please hit that Bell for more videos to come for, those of you who are new to my channel and don't know me allow me to introduce myself I'm Tamara I got laid off of my nine-to-five office, job in October, of 2017. I finally, had, enough I was working at an office job for, the last ten years of my life I got laid off over, four times I think it was five times I think one time actually got fired but, my point is that I finally had enough and I finally decided to start my own online business it, first, started off with Amazon, FBA then, affiliate, marketing, then I opened. My YouTube channel for all you guys and I wanted to provide more value for. You all and really help you get rid of that 95 job or whatever lifestyle. That you have right now that you're not happy with you all deserve happiness in your life you all deserve, financial. Freedom and it is possible, that you can make this work with Amazon FBA or with any online business that you choose to do so, let's get down to it Before, we jump it's, on my computer so I can show you exactly how you use mini chat with, Facebook ads and how you build a landing page so you can capture your amazon's customers. Email address, I want to just verbally, talk about what, this means because, I think this is new, to a lot of sellers, still there's a lot of new sellers that are coming in to the Amazon FB world and you guys are confused and you don't know what to do and I'm here to clear that up all for you guys when, I first started selling on Amazon, in the summertime of 2017. I only had a one goal that one goal was to only focus, on getting sales on Amazon's. Platform, I was not driving external traffic and I did not know how to grow my brand outside, of Amazon, a lot of times we're so stuck, and focused on Amazon itself, that we forget about, our brand outside of Amazon so this video is to help you drive external traffic, to, your brand to your products so you can market to your customers again. And again there's, a lot of ways how you can use many chat with Facebook Ads to launch your Amazon FBA product, however, if you are new to selling on Amazon I strongly advise you to stay selling, on Amazon, for a little longer before, you use this strategy because. You need a customer, data when you have customer, data in Amazon, with the customers name and address. And post the code state, and country, you, can use that, data grab. All that data and build a look-alike audience, on Facebook, to, market, to them who have the same behaviors. As your customers, who, already bought your product on Amazon, Facebook super, super powerful without customer. Information it's, impossible. For Facebook to find you the right customers. To place your ad in front of I hope that kind of makes sense there are a few sellers that messaged me and they were confused, and they said that when they tried this when they started advertising their, product on Facebook, nobody, claimed. Their a promotional, code no one claimed no, one wanted their product no one clicked on their ad well that's because you're driving cold. Traffic, towards your ad cold, traffic, is super, difficult, to convert when you are trying to run Facebook ads make sure you have a solid customer base, before. You start using many chat with Facebook, Ads if you don't have customer, data then, nobody, is going to click on your ad on Facebook right so make sure you have some sales going for a few months and then you can implement many, chat with Facebook Ads to launch your product I think, it only costed, me $27. To do a full, launch using Facebook Ads with mini chat so, it's super, super powerful. And super useful to, learn and to, have within, your Amazon FB business however, you're probably wondering, okay well maybe, I shouldn't pay a launch service, you, actually should pay, a launch service as if this, is your very first launch reason, being is because customer.

Data You want that customer information from, Amazon, you pull that customer information from Amazon and then you build your audience on Facebook it's going to be super, super powerful so if you're trying to launch your very first, I actually, suggest you to pay launch service, because, there's so many hot customers, there that. Will convert. Into really, good look-alike audiences, on Facebook, so we will be diving inside of my computer in just a little bit so I can explain to you further about, everything, I just said if you, are already a student, of mine and FB winners course all of this information step. By step in video, tutorial, and PDF, reading, documents, will be available to you right now, but if you are not one of my students yet make sure you check out my course in the description, below I'll leave you guys a link this, will teach you everything step, by step with Facebook, Ads many, chat how to capture your customers email address and just basically, everything, about how to grow your Amazon, business as a, whole all right guys let's dive into my computer. All. Right guys let's, get started, how, to use, mini chat with a Facebook Ads if you are absolutely. New to selling on Amazon. This, video is going, to be a little overwhelming. For you it's a little, confusing if you are new especially so, for all of you experienced, sellers out there who already have, their first product up and selling on Amazon this, video is perfect, for you let's get started the very first thing we need to know how. To launch. A product is obviously, know which keywords, to target right. We need to know which, keywords are going after and, how many units you need to give away per, day for 8 days, please. Do not try to do, a 1-day, launch that, is totally. Ineffective, in my opinion, I've. Seen, some, sellers. Lose, a lot of money and inventory, on this so please just stick to the 8 date, launch ok so, if I'm selling the beach ball I'm going to use the beach ball as an example I'm going to find out what keywords I want, to launch with so. Let's. Go with. Beach. Balls say, I want, to rank, beach balls on to. Page 1 my, exact searches, for a month is. 3466. By the way you guys this is just an estimate, nothing. Is ever going to be accurate, especially after. Amazon, has told us there was an update lately, saying that there's, no way to actually connect, to Amazon and see exactly, how many searches there are per, month but this is an estimate. From helium 10 if you guys don't have helium 10 make sure you get started on it I'll leave the. Link, in the description. Of the video below, ok. So, we're, here is just saying that I need to give away a hundred, and four, units for, a total, of eight days. This, means it's 13, units per day every time. Helium 10 gives you an estimate of how many units to give away per. Day, also. Right here it tells you that this is a CPR, total give aways mean eight days CPR. Daily. Give aways mean how. Many you need to give away per day back. To what I was saying if they, are suggesting, 13 units I like to round up I would actually add, on a few more units so I'm going to be giving away I would, say 16. Or 17, units a day I just want to cover my butt right the worst thing that can happen is if you launch your product and you don't make it to page one because.

You Don't have enough units so in order to be safe it's, better to over estimate okay. So I, have. I know how many to give away now I'm going, to just bump this up to 125. For, 8 days. Now. I am, going to target the word beachballs the next thing you want to do is go into feedback wiz yes, you do need feedback was for this because you need to go into the reports, and download. The report, where it is grabbing, all of the customer, data as I. Was saying earlier, you. Have to download customer, data in order to build audiences. On Facebook. This is a very, crucial, important. Step please, do not try to drive cold traffic, towards. Your Facebook ad it's not going to turn out very well and you're just going to lose money so, what we need to do is download our, customer, data from, feedback Wiz this is all of your customers, information their, name their address the. Country they live in and their state everything. What, we need to do is go to choose report, type and either. Use, orders, or buyers if you have more than one ace you, need to separate, your products, so, for example if I'm selling a beach ball and I have another brand and I'm selling a garlic, press I probably, want to separate, those two audiences. Right because if I advertise. My beach ball to, my customers, who bought, my garlic press I'm very. Unlikely. To convert, you, want to convert, as much as you can by selling similar products, to your customers that you already sold to so. If you were to just, download. Buyers. Report. And I, would probably go, the, last year. So, it can have all that, customer data click, on generate report and, this. Will send the report to your, email, address this, is my dummy account so. It says processing after, it's in process you, want to open this right, here and look at the report you, also have, to format. This data, what I mean by formatting, the data is that Facebook will only recognize, your, customers, from Amazon, if you, were to upload, your data how. Facebook wants. It so if you Google Facebook, add, custom. Audience, format. They will have an excel sheet that tells you exactly. How they want you to format this information, so this information, right now is just, downloaded, from feedback whiz but, first for Facebook they want it in a certain, format, and I have this information in my course you can also find it on just. Simply by googling a Facebook ad custom. Audience data. Formatting. Or something like that and it will come up so, a lot of this information you don't need for. Example. Everything. I'm just going to delete just has to do with my order they don't need it they, obviously need. And, there's, a phone number here this. Is because this is fbm for, FBA products, there are no customer, phone numbers so I'm just going to remove that and there's. Some data here that Facebook doesn't need they. Don't need your buyers email, address because this. Is all email. These are all email addresses, that don't exist, when, you're trying to download, your customers data from Amazon. Amazon doesn't have they don't give you the customers email address right so you would delete that anyway, I'm not going to spend too much time on this just make sure you format, this. Into. The way that Facebook wants, it it's very very important. If you don't format, this how Facebook, wants, it they are never going, to fully. Match, your, customers, on Facebook. Very, very powerful stuff okay, so after you have downloaded, and formatted. Your feedback, was customer, data it's, time to create a Facebook, ad so, if I go to my ads manager account, this is my ads manager account, for summer beachballs, you, want to create a Facebook, ad where, you are telling, the customer to opt-in, to your many chat BOTS they, see your ad and, they will click on it and then, it will lead them into your mini chat sequence, now all. You do is create, an ad here, and. I'm. Not going to pick up this specifically, you, just need to, make sure that right here you're clicking off messages, because we are trying to drive the customer into our bot and then. I'm. Just gonna leave this as messages, you can even do, a. Be. Split testing, so if you want to split test ads and see, which one converts better for you you can do that as well we're not gonna do that right here click. Continue, and. Remember. That audience, that we've just downloaded and, we just formatted, we, need to upload that so right here we'll leave.

It As click to messenger. This. Is where you will upload your custom. Audience, this means, that you, are now uploading, all the amazons customers, who bought your product and Facebook, will match those customers, to their Facebook profiles, super. Cool, stuff and then what you want to do is. Do. A look-alike, audience so this, means that Facebook's. Going to find all these different types, of people, who act exactly, the same as the customers, from Amazon, so, you can, advertise the thumb this is so powerful you guys need to start doing this anyway if, I were to create a custom audience you, would just upload, your feedback, was customer, data right here customer, file and. Choose. Click, on choose a file, or copy and paste data so. This is where you will upload your excel document, be, sure to, check. Out how. To format. It like I said, look. It's right here read best practices, preparing. Your customer data these. Are the identifiers, so, make sure you guys again. Format, it correctly and, also. I would create a look-alike, audience so that's exactly the. Same way how you would, upload it. Create. Looked like audience source, just, click your source and location, all right, so you can even put these in separate add sets and after, you have all this filled out you. Will actually go to create, your ad and. When. You create your ad, I, use, a single, image there was absolutely no problem with that you guys could cast with a video or slideshow but. You know what when you're just trying to launch your product when you're just trying to get people to opt-in to your bot a single image is more than enough so. I would just go down here and this is where you fill out the tax so here you could put are. You, interested, in, our, summer, beach. Fall. For. 75%. Off today. Only, on Amazon. Something, like that super, clickbait, so today we'll take action right now and you, want to mention to them that's on Amazon because they need an Amazon, account it's kind of obvious right and. Then you would just edit the headline again, just something that tells them, click. On. Send. Message. I'll. Leave this to you guys I have some awesome ways, of getting, the customer to physically. Click. On this hand message, button a lot of the customers would just scroll past your ad right but I have some really good. Templates, in, my course that meets, the customer click on it you cannot, bypass this, message okay so. Call to action is just send message right here you. Can if you're doing a different ad you can do sign up or subscribe apply, now this all depends what you're trying to advertise right but. We want the customers, to click into our bot so, we're just going to send message, so, if we keep going down now, we need, to install something, called, the JSON, code when.

You Are in many Chad I'm going to show you my, money chat account now. In here there are so many things that you can do I'm not going to go through everything in detail, it's pretty self-explanatory, but. Everything, step by step, my students will have access to the. Most important, thing that you, want to know. And, get. Started on though is the, JSON, code right we need to integrate. The JSON code inside, of our Facebook. Ad or else the flow will not work, it's not going to work it's, not going to link up so if we go into growth tools and. We. Just this is a growth tool that I already made as an example so, if, I click into it this. Is my, example, that I have created for my students, now if I, were to. Set. This up and get the JSON code, I'll just go back here, set. Up there. Should be a code here and all you do is copy and paste this code and, then. You, would paste it inside here custom template, and. Go. To create, new and. JSON. Right here so, if, you. Can, delete. All this and replace. It with the, JSON, code from your many chat then. It, will all link up now Facebook. Will know okay, everyone, who clicks on this, ad will. Get, sent, straight inside, of your facebook messenger where the bot can start doing its thing can start distributing, coupons, right so, let's just say everything's set up now with your JSON code and you're ready to go make sure you preview. In messenger, it's very important, and click on finish so. I'm going to click on finish but. You also want to preview this inside, of your, many, chat to make sure it works so if I get out of here. Go. Back. Into edit there's. A preview, button right here this is going to send the, message. Straight, into your Facebook messenger from your Facebook page as if you are the customer make sure everything, is up and running and it works because, if it doesn't work you, have done something, incorrectly. Let's. Talk about flows so, if I go back to flows these. Are all the, different ways that you can create a. Flow. If I, go into this specific flow this is my welcome message you guys all should have welcome, messages. Basically. What a flow is is just a, message. This, is my welcome message and there are buttons here connecting, to other messages, every time a customer clicks, on the button they'll. Get sent to a new message, you can even direct them on Amazon, direct them straight, to your product listing there's so many things that you can do for, broadcasting. You can even send out broadcasts so. If you run Facebook ads and a customer, has already opted, into your bot you, can market to them again and again by doing broadcasting.

Now There are rules around this just make sure that when you do your broadcast, if I click on new broadcasts, there, are rules where, you. Are not, allowed to send out some, messages, at certain amount of times so right, here it says promotional, broadcast, messages, can, contain ads and promotional, materials, but can only be sent to subscribers who are active in the past 24 hours make, sure you really read the. Terms of Service because. If you break these Terms of Service you risk getting banned, on. Facebook or they'll remove your account delete your page whatever it is make sure you know what. These mean okay going back to Facebook ads though so, let's just say that's done now and, we have previewed all you do is confirm you confirm, your ad you're, running your ad and make. Sure that in your. Many. Chat you have your coupons, already, set up right so, if I go to my growth tools. I'm. Just going to edit my flow here make. Sure that you are ready have your coupon set up and seller central, my, way of distributing, coupons, is not, by using zapier. You don't need to use a beer some, of you guys might not even know what that is but, you do need is on pages if you want to create a landing page and, distribute. Individual. Coupons if you want to do it that way and capture. The customers. Email address, you can do it this, is on pages right here it's. One dollar to get started, so if you are not familiar with this on pages I will link this in the description below as well of this video very. Straightforward stuff, we, will only be focusing on many trans Facebook ads in this video I may do a video in the future if, you are my student this information. How to build a landing page and capturing, your, customers, email address is in the course alright now, if I were to go back to, my, manage, hat I want, to stress that, for. Your coupons, make sure that it is active and it is running in seller central if it is not. Active and not running then. Unfortunately. Whoever. Opts into your bot it's not going to work your customer can't claim the code and you won't be able to launch so there are a lot of steps, that. Are, in, this, video. If, I were to go over everything step by step will probably take me a few hours so I'm not going to do that but this is the gist of it right this is how you do it this is how you set. Up mini chat in facebook and, this is exactly how it will work really, really well if you just get, your data from. Amazon. Get your customer data from feedback waves download that report upload, it onto Facebook, and then integrate, it with mini chat that's, exactly, how it works also, make sure that when, you are sending, your customers, to, your product, listing right here that, you do have, your, keywords. Attached, to your URL that you are ready for those keywords again. Or else that will not work the, beauty of launching. Your product using many chat and Facebook ads is that you can only mark your you can mark your product off at 75%, and there will be customers, claiming. 75%. Off is the magical. Percentage. Off of where I have, but, on really really good results, so I'm just going to show you some of my results so, this is my Facebook, Ads manager account, where I did my proud, launches, I did two launches here and one. Of them I did for a full eight days, it only costed, me $27. 86, cents Canadian, so that's about, 21. 22 dollars, u.s., for you guys who live in the US and you want to use many chat and Facebook ads to do your product launches it's, gonna cost you can get your price that low you're paying like 20 bucks for a full, launch this, works super, super well super powerful stuff now. These. Are my results so on. Average it's about 25. Cents, for, every customer to claim, my coupon which is super, super cheap, some, of them cost, it even lower and, some. Cost it higher depending, on Facebook's. Algorithm actually, don't know how, they determine, cost per result but, as you can see here if I go into a mini chat and look, at my audience and I, look at my subscribers. I have 256. Subscribers. That means. 256. People saw, my facebook ad saw. My product and they decided, I want it I'm going to opt in and buy, this product.

So, Now I have over, 200 people who. I can, market to over. And over again they are all in my facebook Messenger now all I have to do is send. A broadcast you, have to do this properly of course with, in terms of service but, now going for it I don't have to run Facebook, ads anymore I already have my audience and I, can sell them things again, and again and this is exactly where you want to get to I. Know that this price is really appealing to you guys you might think wow it's only like 20 bucks to do a full launch instead. Of paying a launch service, but, you, need to. Pay, launch service to get customer, data remember it's very important. That you, have your customers, from, Amazon, where you can create, that audience on Facebook so Facebook can match all, these people who are ready, and willing to buy your product do not send, cold traffic, so, again, if you are just new to selling on Amazon and this, is your very very first product, and you have not, launched yet I do suggest you paying a launch service just to get some data after. This going, forward you can start doing this you can start build. Your own customer, list you can start. Marketing. To these people over again, and again and it's, gonna cost you like literally, pennies to do this another, launched, I did costed, me. $16.24. Canadian, so, that's about. 1213. Dollars American. Just imagine, every time we do a product launch and you want to target new keywords, it's only costing, you like a little over $10 that's crazy. You guys need to start doing this you need to stop. Only relying, on Amazon's, customers, you want to build your customers, outside of Amazon to really grow your brand grow, your business for super super, cheap I mean just imagine every time you want to rank for a new keyword you're, only paying, ten to twenty dollars to, rank for that specific, keyword that's crazy, compared, to paying launch services, so, eventually you, guys want to start doing this you want to start growing your brand outside of Amazon don't just rely on Amazon, right you, want your own customer, data. You want their email addresses, which I also teach so make sure you get on this after you get some experience, selling on Amazon, okay, guys if you have any questions, for me please leave me a comment, in this video below give, this video a thumbs, up if you liked it and. Please subscribe, to my channel I'll be posting more and more videos like this.


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