soor so let's have a quick recap last CL what you discussed then we'll see this what topic we discussed yesterday yeserday we created the domain three perfect so you that again we talked about activ infrastructure which is we have the okay so three domain we calculate this so today date is 21 01 2025 recap so we talked about yesterday three domain m hello hello hello [Music] [Music] yes sir I'm here hello can I'm here yes I can hear you okay what we talked about yesterday the domain and uh so all together we can give the different domain name okay so that called as a tree domain and we understood how to create uh tree domain so overall our activate infrastructure AC infra is we have single Forest single how many domains we have now multiple domain correct multiple in this we have root domain child domain and threee domain okay so each domain there is a boundary okay each domain there is a boundary so whatever you have the in this domain you have the sides how many sides are there in the root domain we have a [Music] twoes controller correct yes MH now in the child domain how many sites are there only one sites is called UK UK we have 1 DC do and the Dom one side that is called as a Canada Canada one DC one so that is each domain you have the boundary okay each domain you have boundary in this site you would be able to see the sites and domain controller in this domain you should be able to see the domain controller in this domain you should be able to see this so whatever you're going to creating object now object means what users computer groups all are is a for domain this is my Forest my Forest this is my domain and this is my another domain child domain this is my tree domain now whatever we need to create object right here we have that is in uh two site one site second site we have the two domain controller here and here one domain controller and here one site here controller and here we have the sorry do so now when you talk about the organization point of view we need to create a user right we need to create a groups so how do you do the centralized Administration so when you take the one client machine here on one testing client machine here this site and uh if you created one user right if you created one user here this user we need to create for how do we make Administration it means so whatever you created object here those all object will be belongs to in this domain like users groups Group Policy OU OU delegation everything belongs to in this domain and same things you would be going to create your own domain other domain here also you can create a user groups right and Group Policy everything you can do it in individual domain something happen this domain there's no impact for this domain this domain so entire Forest you have the separate separate domain okay this organizational point of view we need to have this kind of a a security boundary which is created by Microsoft so today we will be we will be talking about how to create a how to create a okay users how to create groups and first we'll create a one client machine testing machine client client one client VM and this will make member server and then we'll create a user will see this is user properties how to make a centralized Administration okay how to make centralized Administration for user and computer okay now we'll talk about how to create a group how to create a Active Directory Group and will create a how to create a OU is organizational unit and how to create a group policy these are all important topic we need to talk about so what we need to do first we need to create a one client VM we need to build a 1 VM for deploy 1 VM you're recording right sorry are you recording yeah I think it's recording yeah okay deply 1 VM in the same region where you created here this one this that you same reason we need to create it which is root domain Ro domain where we created first machine first view okay then we'll take it how to make a member then we'll create a users and we'll see this user properties user groups and all we'll talk about this okay okay let's stop start the screen sharing and we'll see the lab for you go ahead is yeah I just started I get please power on the server so you need to create a one more VM you can give the name of the VM called client which is how the end user computer using right those VMS we are going to build where you going to create that VM the VM one you select created it there we need to create a which is US Central one okay is on so I should go again on trade instance in order to do that yes yes please start it how would I name that what name should I give you can give the add client one or you can say client VM BL I'm having hard time to hear you it's like you're talking too far from the microone yeah client VM Cent VM or client you can hear me right clearly no I cannot hear you clearly oh is it one second one one second one second I'm using today for Wi-Fi headphone I think it's not working give me a minute sure I will be disconnecting this oh shut yes me please yeah Marcus what's up you have an appointment today yeah okay should I order now or what you want me to do I can order now yeah okay let me do it now how about now yes sorry they was calling me from my no is no can you hear me now yes I can hear you now it's clearly yes it's it's better you can hear me clearly right yes okay thank you okay let's give the client VM just a second sir please yeah sure sure you take your time take your time um no no no that's fine okay so just give the name of the computer Cent VM CL William Cent William H client client William VM no no VM VM ah CLM okay right okay and wait wait wait now you need to create the same region where you you were created uh uh first VM which is US Central one right yeah that was us is the same region can you just verify cancel it cancel it sure okay just verify the vm1 which region it is uh yeah perfect perfect create instance Cent VM it's basically this machine should be using end user okay that's what we are giving the name called Cent here central event right and select the Region C region which region it was uh us yeah region s Zone uh it says u s one but it did not show Zone Zone which zone uh the Zone I did not pick that was any Zone it was C just click on the C huh c c c okay okay now scroll down custom is already four i Custom to CPU for [Applause] memory okay and I come on this yeah [Music] syange window now Cent VM see the Google Cloud it must be either Windows 10 Windows 11 those are the client VM right so in Google Cloud we does not have a Windows client machine so we can take the same machine as a client okay okay oh I select here right yeah that's fine that's fine Okay click select and networking hello yeah yeah perfect okay wait for a second Now log to the vm1 get to take the public IP address copy and go to the addy it's already there so we didn't save thisday add server P the public IP address and display name vm1 rdc1 uh this one yeah this one make it make it cap big property oh I don't connect it yet yeah that's Lo to that is domain password more choice I I log in first or I thought you say property yeah yeah just one minute I'll be back sure I'm back okay so now go to the DS okay DSA Ms AC computer now first most important when we are going to creating a client VM right so expand it left side I was trying to make this make yeah now just concentrate here so whatever the active director you are creating on this domain it would be in a domain controller okay where you install in the active directory all in this domain it would be in a domain controller click on the domain controller just just click on that no no just click on the domain controller did I do you you just go back to dsms yeah just click on the domain controller right you would be able to see this your site name and domain controller name so now how many how many users are there they were using their laptop and computer correct yes M so all those computer should be part of my active directory to do that you see click on the computers any of those computer computer computers above above there is a comp yeah correct you see this we have made a member of the servers right previous when we are going to connecting those domain controller now we will be making a member server client machine and those client machine should be part of in this computer in this domain to do that we process we call as a member server how to add a member server so all the windows 10 Windows 11 whoever end user using their laptop their computer Those computer should be part of my active directory and when their computer domain join that is called domain join and whoever computer you join Those computer it would be part of the computers okay now we will be going to make those computers and users how to make ad how to make centralized Administration okay and we will be creating users here users and uh those users how to log in that client computer we'll talk about okay okay now go to that uh client machine which you build it now you go back to the cent machine Cent VM where which you build now yeah I copy the public IP address still not ready wait for few second still is not ready yeah you see this comparison vm1 is a 10128 0.2 and uh you build ADC same region 10.18 0.3 and this machine also should be same that is 10.10.4 the same network MH so by looking at those what tells you that is the same network just by looking at those by looking are you saying same network you compare it on the way the numbers are display uh I didn't get you can repeat no what I'm saying you see this number you says okay 1090 10 12803 0204 is it based on that you say that is on the same network yes yes it that computer client computer would be part of my same region that why because same region Those computer should be in the same location hence that whatever computer you are going to creating the user should be in the same region we are going to login on on that computer now if you go back to the dsa.msc vm1 t.
MC or should I go back on it yeah go back and dsa.msc yeah now see here uh you need to create one right click on the domain domain controller not domain right click on the domain domain domain SEL right click there no there there only there only ah right click there correct right click new organization unit u i will be creating for the uh it okay it I yeah click okay click okay now insert this itou right click on the it new I put I see again no no no cancel it right click new user user yeah so I would be select creating for Itor 0 1 wait _ 001 copy that login name than login name yeah _ 001 copy and paste it same username and go next no no no you need to provide it uncore 001 underscore not slash underscore not hyphen yeah I can give the hyphen also that's fine okay yeah next and uh give the password and un check that password uh must login change next password uncheck uncheck that yeah I go next and finish it this user should log to this computer okay which we are going to which we going to make a member server okay so go back to the cloud Google Cloud Google Cloud okay I copied the I okay copy that and come back here no my lab my lab yeah my right click on my lab add server add server and give the paste here and display name change that client BM Cent VM click on ADD it and uh right click on the client VM left side yeah left no no no no no no cancel it on the client yeah right click connect server and take the password from the Google cloud and you have to go the all process quickly MH after login you need to go to the comput MGMT MSC and reset the password and get ready with okay I set the password right yeah please set password good now go to the compute MGMT MSC res the administrator password compute MGMT MC in the Run command type no no no no you are in outside no can close close it close it you are in outside of the VM now you need to type inside the VM compute MGMT MSC yeah right scroll down yeah yeah I'm done here right go to the windows icon on on the home compute mgm2 compute mgm2 MSC I should type it here right get it get it click on the local users and groups yeah make it than oh I'm going to click on us us double click users no double click users administrator to set the password yeah reset the password Set set set password okay enable that administrator account okay don't I go on property right yeah okay cck okay now you need to make a member server log of this machine login to administrator log off this machine no no no not this yeah right click on the Windows icon below below below down where you type the computer MGMT Ms okay right log off yeah correct run run run command sign out sign out log of sign out all all are same l o continue no no no log of
2025-01-25 19:45