How This 18 Year Old Kid Grew His Biz To 6 figures Whilst Living In A Warzone Identity Shift

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All right, guys, welcome to a brand new episode of client interviews today. We have UBI. So UBI has been with us for what? Six months now? Yeah. Around six months actually. Yeah, six, seven. Yeah. But we've seen you really explode when you've, when you've joined, like yeah, literally right.

About the first month when you've joined your results have just, it it's been absolutely outstanding considering what kind of situation, what scenario you are in. So just to give a brief highlight, I'm just gonna share my screen real quick. Um, Dubai joined us like maybe in OC, uh.

And joined in, uh, like our July ending. So it was August slow. Right? So he came in and he was running his own, um, agency business. And you said that you were doing like over 90 calls and you only closed one of them. And you were seeing that the biggest problem was mindset,

how you were pitching your offer and your services, but then after you joined the program, you went from doing absolutely zero to 40 grand in total revenue in two weeks and you closed five out of nine calls. So we're definitely gonna talk about that, how your sales mindset changed to helping you do that, but even more, um, impressive than that. It's like what environment you were in while you did that. So many of, uh, you guys don't know, go into too much detail about it, but UBI lives in, um, in, um, in a, in a state, in a place where it's not politically great, it's, it's a war zone. And he constantly had to be worried about his mental health, not his men, sorry, his physical health, like your own survival, because when you go out, there's, it's, it's a war torn country. Right. So if you want to elaborate a little bit about that and your experience, you know, it would be awesome. But if you don't want to talk about it,

that's completely fine too. But UBA is someone who just turned 18 and living in these conditions, which was absolutely impressive. But then we saw you transition from the agency business to starting up your own coaching offer because you saw, or that you weren't too passionate about that.

And then you grew your coaching offer to what From. And we read like 16,000 in like eight days of launching it. Yeah. And I think you just mentioned that couple days ago, you did a 10 K day. Yeah. Like literally two days for we had a 10,000 day. How does, how does, I just wanna know how, how does this 18 year old do this? I mean, honestly, uh, there is like age doesn't matter at the end of the day, it's just like, what do you do? Yeah. What do you get? It's like input and output. Right.

So I can be like 30, like I never had that age kind of limiting belief that how I'm I'm 16 or I'm seven. Like, uh, for example, when I was young, I became a software developer at a 16, like, you know, uh, I was a full stack, double uper at that time, so I never really had it. But what I had was, uh, personally, like there was just something like a whi in my head was like, you're gonna fail. And I always had that like always like, uh, all the 90 calls, it was actually 120 calls.

And every time I used to be on that colic occupant from zero to six K in, in 20 days of starting my agency business, but then I got stuck for five months and it was old because of that, one thing that one was that you're gonna feel, I'm sorry, like I'm feeling kind of nervous by saying this, but yeah, this is exactly what was the, the voice. And once I fixed that, once I reprogram online, uh, everything just, just fix itself, to be honest. That's amazing, dude. So I just wanna know, like what motivated you to jump into the program in the first place? Like, how did you even find out about this? How did you find out about me? Like, you know, and what made you at that point? Cuz I know where you live, you know, like investing what you invested in the program. It's a lot of money. Right.

But you, you know, not hesitating to do that, just going ahead, jumping on with it. Like what made you do that? How did you find out if you could give us a brief context? That would be really great. Yeah. So honestly, bro, like what, what happened? Are you there? Yeah. I'm can you hear me? Uh, I thought like Nicole ended, but honestly like true. Be told act. You saw you when I was 15. Uh,

yeah, like four years ago you had 10,000 subscribers back then, but then internet was actually banned in my place for, for two years. So 50 to 17 I had, uh, no internet at all. And a lot of progress happened with you and other people. Yes. So yeah, but what actually motivated me to join was one of your students bashing. So I just like saw his testimonial and I forgot about doing those two years and I just saw it and I just jumped in. I was like, let me see what, what he's got and had that amount of money. Like the,

the amount that Daniel pushed me, your sales guy. That was the only amount I had. But uh, in my mind I was like, what's gonna happen with. It's just like I, and I respect that man. Like the appetite, that kind of appetite for risk because a lot of people nowadays they're afraid of taking any risks. Right. And when you don't do any risks and I don't think like it should, it should never be one way or the other.

It should never be extreme risk or no risk. It should be somewhere in between, you know, you've gotta expand your comfort zone every single day. And the only way to do that is to take risk. So I mean, I guess what I'm trying to ask is like, were you always like that? Like, did you always just jump in and you just went all in or do you feel that you were more conserved? I I'll be honest. Like, yeah. Like I always took risk since I was young. I just,

like, I dropped out of high school when I was like 50. Like I went to school since 50. So that, that kind of mindset always had it. Yeah. So I didn't really under, like, I couldn't understand when people like,

oh, I don't wanna take risk. I don't really understand that. Uh, because to be honest, don't really feel danger. I don't know why is that? Probably because I was born, like I got arrested, uh, I don't wanna say this, but I got arrested when I was young, like 15 years old. I was in jail. Uh,

so I don't really feel danger. And I think that's, that's like one of the benefits that I had, I always like to risk. I don't even think about it, so, yeah. Right, right. And um, I guess what is it like living where you're living? Because I don't think you were arrested for something that you actually did, but it was because of your environment. Yeah, honestly, man, I mean, living here is, uh, when I was eight years old, we, it was six months a total curfew. Yeah. Uh, 12, 12 years old,

uh, six months of total curfew in 2016 internet band for six month, uh, pallets guns. Like you never know what's gonna happen. Like you can just get arrested for anything even posting and social media, you can get arrested, you know, because there, there is no freedom, you know? So you can't really do anything. That's kind of crazy because I was actually talking to my dad about this.

I was like, yeah, I have, I have a client who lives here. And he knows that area very well. He's like, yeah, he, he just went from like zero to 40 K a month. And my dad was like astounded. He was like, what really? He lives in a war zone, like, cuz for most of us, this isn't a reality every day. Like we step out of the house, we don't expect to get shot or we don't expect to get caught up in a crossfire.

You know? So just changing your mindset in, in an environment like that I think is so much more impressive, you know, than just like living in a comfy cushy. Um, I don't know, like I live I'm in New York right now and I look around me. I'm like, I could just step out. There's no danger, there's no immediate danger to my health. So I guess what was it like for you? You know, like what, what sort of thoughts both through your mind every single day, because you told me the other day that one of your friends, you know, a close friend of viewers, um, he, he passed away. He committed suicide. So yeah.

Yes. It's, it's like a very low vibrational like environment that I come from. And uh, truly he told like all these bad things that happened to me. I mean, honestly I just took it like either it could be the greatest blessing of my life or it could be the, the worst curse, you know? And for example, like when I was nine years old, uh, there used to be teachers and in my school who literally used to put a hot knife, uh, on my hand and my hand used to get burned. Yeah. For weeks and weeks. And my mom used to gimme toothpaste to literally cover that pain.

So I come from that, you know, but I took that instead of taking it like, oh, it's like trauma, it's dead. I'm traumatized. I took it like, you know what, if I can bear that pain at eight, nine, I, I can do anything. So I took it as a blessing, honestly, uh, even go own the business. I'm like,

you know, if I live in a place like this and I'm surviving business is not a big deal. So perspective. Yeah. That's, that's pretty huge looking at it like that. And I, I think like in our immediate environment right now, you know, a lot of the, maybe the audience is watching this. It's very comfortable. We don't have to go through that.

So that's why the business feels huge or like the relationship problem that we have feels huge. But then when you put it into perspective of what people are actually going through, you know, every single day, some people don't even have food on the table, they have to hunt and they have to like, you know, go out of their way to find food. They don't have electricity, they don't have work water or they live in a war zone. You know, when you think about those things, it makes it feel like, all right, business is a piece of cake. Yeah. Like right now we actually don't have electricity. Like we tried to reschedule this call three times because of the electric problem. So honestly, man, like a lot of people are like,

come I'm complaining nowadays. Or like, oh this is wrong. That is wrong. But all I wanted to do is like live like a normal life. And I still haven't been able to chew that, uh, quite yet. But yeah. So it is, yeah. Okay. It's something that's really interesting.

So I've always believed that it takes a different environment to change someone, a big part of identity shifting is someone's environment has to change. But when I saw how you transformed, you know, using the program, using one of the tools that kind of made me question myself a little bit and doubt myself, like, okay, well this person like didn't change his environment. He's changed himself while still being in the same environment. So I kind of wanna what it was like for you, like before you started with us, what were you like? You know, how do you, how would you describe yourself? So truth be told I was actually a skeptic of, of this whole manifestation mindset. Like I was one of the guys who was like,

mindset is BS. I'll just be super honest because I used to like, think about all the things I'd be like, oh, there's this guy who made a one of dollars, but his mindset is all like, oh, it's not good. You know? So I used to give those examples, but, uh, so yeah, I, when I hopped on the call at that time, I was actually like telling him, I was like, dude, I mean, I don't really believe in this, but I'm, I'm still gonna do it to see how it is, test it. Yeah. So I come from that, you know, now the changes that you did obviously like the first week and, and the second week Mel, when we talk about that discomfort thing that made, uh, I say most of the changes, like to be honest, I don't even do most of the exercises. That's another funny part.

I just do like 20% of the stuff. Yeah. So the internal shifts, uh, honestly, man, I think it's thinking like, I, the tools that you gave me, I just taught to them and uh, I took what, what is working like the confirmations thing, bro? Like you have that on YouTube for free. Yeah. That helped me a, a look like that. That's the, I think that helped me like 80%, you know?

So anybody who's watching this take that that's, that's good. You. Know, the confirmation. The confirmations. Yeah. That's it. Because it changes your attitude to, towards things and that's.

Can example of how, how that helps you out. Yeah. So, like I said, uh, for example, uh, I took that, so one of the con uh, affirmations I wrote, I was like, uh, I make progress fast, you know? And before that, I used to believe that, you know, I'm gonna fail. I used to have that voice, you know, I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail. And that's what used to happen. But when I put that affirmation, uh, I,

I make progress fast. And then I looked for things in past, like honestly I used to be the kid, uh, in the school who never really studied, but I still used to get like one of the, I used to be one of the topers. So I took that as a confirmation. I took, like, I became a software developer in like six months. I could, I got a job at 16,

took that as a confirmation. Uh, there was like, I went from zero to six K with my agency in 20 days. So I took that as a confirmation. I was like, yeah, like things do happen to me very fast so I can make progress very fast. Now, once that shifted, uh, then I'm from zero to four DK. I think that was like the,

the, one of the biggest things, to be honest. That's pretty huge. Like the fact that you're saying that, and I think this is like, what you mean by reprogramming yourself because it's kind of crazy to see, like when you set your mind to something and you consciously look for proof of it, then you can, then you actually start finding proof of it.

Like when you said, oh, I'm the kind of person who makes progress. Let's look for the, in the past where I've made progress and just focus on that because your previous mindset was, oh, I'm going to fail at everything that I try. And I bet when you were going through all of these sales calls that you're doing the a hundred that you did, I bet you before you were even jumping on them. You're like, yeah, what's the point. It's probably not gonna close again. Right. Yeah. I know. I, I literally used to feel that, bro, like when you say that's how I used to feel, I was like, this is not gonna close. I'm just basting my time.

So how do you feel now when you get on a sales call, like when you got into that groove and you started closing a lot more and those nine calls, how did you start feeling on every single? Yeah. So there is, there's another problem that I had was like, technically logically, like I knew, like I could get to 20 K I knew I could close. Yeah. But I, I was never really able to feel that that was a problem.

Like I was always trying to intellectually understand. I was like, oh, this is easy. I need these cause. But never really feeling that that's where the problem, uh, happen. And uh, now when I'm on sales call, I'm like the person, like the other person is, is basically, uh, I should not say like the other person is stupid if they don't happen with me because yes. That's like the attitude that I have now. That's.

The believ. You have in your offer. Like you're silly if you don't buy from me, if you don't buy this. Exactly. So it's like confide, like sales is all confidence. Right. And it's,

it's what you said to me on that call like a week ago. Like you just gotta accept, uh, the outcome. It can be, or it can, that's how I do it. I'm like it may close or it may not,

but I I'll just do my best. So kind of like letting that go it is, is one of the biggest parts because before hopping on, I was like the ki, so one of the good beliefs that I had was that was implanted in me when I was young, uh, by my parents. Like, no I'd giving up. Like I, I never grew up. No. So that, that was one of the good beliefs that I had that has like kept me going on since now. Uh, and because of that, it just like, there's hard line between not giving up and letting go. Right. Would, does that make sense? Yeah. So, because that always used to get attached outcome, like it used to be like, oh, I have to, I have to make this, I have to make this. And I used to make me like,

feel, uh, stressed at, and that like the access potential that, that we talk in the week four. Yeah. So. Building resistances by getting attached, and now you learned the balance of when to let go and not give up on the goal, but try a different route. A different plan of action. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. For. Sure. I learned this a hard way too, man. Like most of the times when you're a little bit analytical and you think very logically, it can be very easy to get lost in your head when you're like, all right, well, I know that in order to get successful, I have to do something. So keep doing. If I just keep doing, then I'll get somewhere.

That's where most of us get stuck in that doing paradigm. Like just take massive action, keep doing something will happen. But most of the time, it there's, there's always like, it's more than just doing right. When you think about it even more logically it's we are trying to be the most effective human beings that we can be. And we are human beings, not human doings. I learned that from SA guru, but I,

I think that was super accurate when he, when he said that and you know, it's, it's who we are, that colors, the actions that we take. So if you focus more on, okay, who is this person? How, how does this person act this ideal self, this who buy a 2.0, this quasi two point, oh, how would this person show up to the sales calls? You know, how would they communicate with the prospects when you come from that focal point of ideal self focus on the ideal self and then the doing whatever you need to take. We'll follow. Yeah. It's, it's what we talk in the program. You know, the being it's, it's perfectly crafted actually, the being doing and having exactly.

So I used to be more underdoing you're right. Yeah. Yeah. It's easy to do that because you know, when you think about being, that's something you have to think about, it's hard. Like, people don't want to think, they just want to mindlessly do it's cause we are lazy, you know, like naturally our natural state is we don't want to expend more energy than is necessary. So why would we think about unnecessary things, right. Yeah.

So I guess going back to the point of, you know, who you were Taking, those 120 sales calls and who you slowly became, what did you think like up from the confirmations, what were some of the key things that you took away from the program that helped you make this transformation to buy 2.0. So truth be told. I haven't even invented a before now. Like it's only been three weeks and I think that has caused the 80% shift. So first, like I said, confirmations, that was one of the, the biggest things and uh, actually getting myself into a state of feeling. And, uh, that comes when you be that person, you know, being, so I was in that doing paradigm and because that always like logically do stuff, but when I became that person, uh, that's where I actually used to like, feel that, Hey, I can do this. And yeah.

So adapting that paradigm, uh, confirmations and honestly man, like, uh, letting go. But when I say confirmations, uh, I don't mean just like you have an affirmation and you find like confirmations in your past also mean like changing your attitude, uh, towards like little things, like, like the example I gave you, like the hot knife thing, you know, like I, I took that. I was like, oh, if I can literally bear that pain, which was so painful back then, you know, like dude, uh, one of my teachers literally broke one of my left fingers and it's still not working like a hundred percent doctor said it, that that time it can't be fixed. So I took that as like, oh, I've gone through this pain. I,

I can do business as well. So. Yeah, that's insane if that happened in the us, that teacher would go to prison. Doesn't happen here. But that that's, that's normal. I feel like a lot of people who are watching this would, you know, probably be very shocked be because they're not like, you know, I, I feel like a lot of people wouldn't be accustomed to what's what actually goes on because we get so sheltered.

Sometimes we just get so sheltered to what's going on in other places in the world, we just like focus more on the current events what's going on with the pandemic, et cetera, you know, but there's all this other stuff that's going on too, that people don't even bat an eye toward like all the inhumanity and injustice that's going on. But. You're right, man. I mean, people are not really like grateful. Like I think people need a lot of like perspective, you know? Like let's say like where you live. A lot of people like, oh, um, this is hard. And honestly, everyone that I know want, wants to go to either, you are like everyone, I know, you know, so people, should they even take that as a confirmation? You know? So yeah, for sure. That's what I was gonna say. All right.

So now you've got your agency business and now you've started up a coaching business. What's your, like what, how did, how did you get clear on, on these different paths? Like what made you switch from one to the next, like, cuz you mentioned your way of thinking has changed, right? So in terms of finding clarity in your life, how do you get clear on these different path and how do you know when to execute and when to start them? How do I honestly, how do I know when to start them? I, I took the, the advice you gave me, like how long have you having, have you have, like how long have you had this thought? You know, example? Yeah. So I, I took that if I have something that it is bothering me for like months and months, then I know like I have to act upon like it is calling me, you know? So that's like one thing because the coaching business, honestly, dude, I've had that taught from September, but I never really did it until like a month ago. So that was one thing. The, the clarity part, I don't, to be honest, I don't really believe you can always get like a hundred percent clear until the end destination, you know, but what, what I think, uh, is becoming clear on the end destination and then reverse engineering that, and the path would always change. You know, there's always gonna be variables. You're gonna change. That's that's what I think. So, yeah.

I don't really think you can get like a hundred percent clear on the plan, but you can definitely get clear on the end goal. So yeah. So what is the end goal for you? Honestly? Uh, the end goal for me is I wanna build a technology company. Like I'll just be super honest. This may sound weird, but when I was 14, I, I read this book about Steve jobs. And since then I wanna, I wanna start a technology company. I really wanna, uh, yeah, I wanna build a huge billion dollar tech company. I'll just say that on here.

And I've been trying to do that since I was like young and I will, I would do it. I don't know if it's gonna fail. I don't know if it's gonna pass, but I'll just do my best. That's what I wanna do. And that's what you can do right at the end of the day. That's what we all can do. Yeah. So that, that ask for the, the letting go thing comes, like,

if I was like previous to me, I would be like, no, I have to do it. I have to do it. You, I have to get to like, like billion the next 20 years, but now I'm like, you know what? I'll just do what I can. And it happens if it happens, if it doesn't, it's all good.

So what were some of the biggest epiphanies you've had as you've gone through the program and as you've like become in, into a different person. Uh, what are some of the biggest I'll I'll tell you, uh, becoming comfortable with like not having the end goal that you want, so yeah. Becoming comfortable with, with failure. Yeah. Does that sense? Yeah. So I think you mentioned a little bit about this. Like when you get on the sales calls and you are like, all right, if it goes, well then great. If it doesn't then that's alright too. Yeah. So before that,

I didn't really used to have that kind of parent I used to be like, or if it doesn't go well, that, that means something is really wrong with me. And then I used to like self sabotage. I think that, I think that was the, the root pro of them. Like,

because when I used to like self-sabotage and that used to make me feel like I'm gonna fail and I used to like keep repeating itself and uh, yeah. So can you elaborate what you mean by self-sabotage? Uh, so self-sabotage is like, uh, a rep cycle of, uh, thoughts that are basically keeping you stuck in that same. No, no. No. For you, like what did, how did you self sabotage? Oh, so for me it was like, wow, I had a sales call, right? Yeah. Set up.

I got a first client for in the next, in the first 20 days I made six K I didn't got him results because I was just starting on. So I was like, I took that as a confirmation eight. This is why I'm gonna feel now I had a sales call and it didn't close. So instead of being like, oh, it's fine. It didn't close.

Next one will I'll be like, that means something is really wrong with me, you know? Right. I have to do something and then I used to, yeah, it kept feeding itself. Right. So then you entered this negative feedback loop of like doubting yourself over and over and then becoming even more uncertain on the next sales call. Like, oh,

something's wrong with me? I should and take this call. Like, you know, I might mess up on that again. And then you keep focusing on that and you move towards what you focus on. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Focus is the key, isn't it? Yeah. Always.

Yeah. So I think like that, that was, yeah, dude, like focus, uh, shifting my focus, letting go confirmations. And when I say confirmations, it's not like what I said, like this is overall attitude, you know? Like overall attitude. Yeah. Respect you, man. Like, yeah. I think, yeah. Like once you,

Once you start to confirm your attitude starts to get that new attitude that you're choosing, it starts to get reinforced, right? Like the new programming, the new way of looking at life. So for example, in the past, you looked at life as like, oh, nothing goes my way. And then you found proof of that because that's what you're looking for now. You're like, I'm making progress. Everything is going way.

Then you find proof of that. And now your whole attitude changes anyways. And now it's kind of like a, you know, you're in a relationship and when you're in a relationship, you look at your partners, like little things, little flaws or something or little insecurities. And you're like, oh, that's cute because you're in love. And your love is coloring.

Like all of the insecurities and everything. That's what I was think. But then once you break up and the relationship ends, then, then you look back at those insecurities and floors that the other partner had. And you're like, oh my God, oh, why was I with this person? Oh, you know, all of these things were red flags, but you ignore these red flags when you are in love and you are colored, your attitude is colored. Yeah. So it just goes to show how subjective,

like our perceptions are. Right? Like we could overlook the bad things in our lives because we choose this new attitude with this new and we find new confirmations of it. Yeah. It's I mean, honestly, like I don't really think we can become totally unbiased. So, uh, that's used to be my position before hope and like with you. Yeah. But now like biases can either like break you or make you, so I try to be as much biased as.

Possible. Definitely. I think you should be biased. That's what reality creation is. Right. Being biased, exactly. Being subject. You're right. Reality. Subjective. Reality is subject. Yeah, it definitely is.

Hmm. So let's look at other areas of your life. Like, you know, we talked about and how that changed. So as you went through reality master, as you've gotten these tools and you've started applying them, you know, and I've also seen you become, like, I know you said you haven't like used the program a lot, but I think you've come on the Q and a calls quite a lot and asked a lot of questions. Yeah. I think that's where like most of the values. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz I believe like with the,

cause you can get direct feedback based on your own custom like question and get custom solution while the, the program itself helps you with the principles and learning those. And then you come on the calls and you get the principles applied for you. But what I was gonna ask was what other areas of your life have you seen any changes or any improvements in, because I know we were talking about health at one point, you know, um, something about maybe smoking or anything else. Yeah. So in, in terms of like personal life, uh, in terms of personal, honestly, like I'll be honest.

Like I haven't really applied that much. Like all this stuff in my personal life, it, I I've shifted my relationship to my own self. Like that has changed, you know, like how I used to treat myself. But like when it comes to other people, I'll just be super honest, man. Like I haven't really done any, so yeah.

Sorry to disappointed on that, but I haven't done. Anything. That's what we're here for. We're here to, uh, get your honest, like feedback on how your life has changed and just you honestly sharing. But how about health or any other area of your life? Have you seen anything change? Yeah, I think emotions. Yeah, definitely. That there's been a shift in my, in my emotions and uh, I'm, I'm more relaxed now. I'm more relaxed. I'm more calm and there's this like deep sense of faith in, in something that that's gonna like help me. And before that I don't, honestly,

I never really had faith. I'll just be so, you know, uh, because that's what I thought being logical means. You just have to be like always in that skeptic of everything.

But when you have that deep sense of faith, I think, uh, it shifts everything. So yeah, health has, has definitely improved, uh, when I feel more relaxed and uh, yeah, that's pretty much it. So you said that you didn't have a lot of faith before and you were more logical. What, what helped you? I, I mean, I know,

I think I know what your answer is, but for everyone watching here, what helped you cultivate that faith? Cuz we get that question a lot. Like how do you go from being so analytical, being so logical to just letting go of all of that and just having faith and just trusting. I mean, so it was, I'll be honest.

The answer for me is also like a little logical because uh, I was like, you know what? My current model of reality is not working at all. So let me like test another model. Right. And that's it. Uh, I just was like, let me see how it works. And it did work. Like I'll be honest. I come from a very, very family so that they had it. Like, my dad always used to be like, you gotta have faith. I was like, dude,

what are you talking about? Like faith doesn't help, you know, and you gotta let it go or something like that. And I was like, nah, you just gotta keep pushing. You gotta keep pushing. And uh, yeah. So, uh, I was like, let me adapt that for, for some time, let me test. And it worked. So, okay.

So you are saying that you logically thought about your current model of reality and how your current way of thinking and you were like, well, this isn't working, so let's try out a different way. Yeah. That's honestly like, I think that's, that's the best way to do it. Like, you know, I think that boils down to self awareness and understand ending like how to overcome your own rational, mind the guarded mind, because you know that you're an analytical person and therefore you need proof, right? So naturally you are, you are of the analytical nature and that's why we do the, um, the personality tests in the program. Yeah. To help you figure out like what kind of, what's your personality, what's your bias is what do you favor more? Are you more of a logical more of a feeling person? So it's a, it's interesting to see that you use that logic to your advantage rather than detrimentally working against you. Yeah. I mean deep. Do you know what, what an Axiom is? I mean.

An Axiom. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. And if you don't like epi epistemology and you can have reasonable. Uh, so I was like reading that so you can have reasonable beliefs, uh, without actually having like a, a proof about them.

So that's what I did. I was like, I just, I tried of life with more like an axiomatic. I try to live more like an axiomatic life. And for all of those people who don't know like philosophy and all that stuff and Axim is basically really like presupposed logic or there is no logic. So I tried to have that now more often, but I don't really look for logic. I just presupposed outcome. Does that, does that make sense?

Kind of an example. So like, let's say God, instead of before that I used to just like, prove this now I, I don't, I just like presuppose it. Right. That that's what faith means to me.

That it just because I can't see, it doesn't mean it's not real. Yeah. So I'm, I'm like presupposing it, but that you like finding for proof now. Mm. Well, whatever works for your individual self. And that's why I always encourage people to find out how they operate naturally what their personality types are, what are their natural biases? And then we can, we have a starting point to work towards. So do you feel that,

you know, you kind of got more self-awareness through this process of how you operate your own biases, your own ways of thinking your own beliefs. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, but honestly, bro, like when I was gonna hop in, in your program, I was talking with one of my friends and he was like, don't do it and stuff, but you're right. It definitely helped me. Uh self-awareness yeah. It's made me a lot more able to understand reality.

I think also like also posted a question about it because I'm trying to like more understand it. Yeah. So yeah, it has helped me understand reality more in how I interact with it and how actually like MYC, because before helping with you, I was like, oh, what, what is this belief and all that. It doesn't work, you know? Yeah. That's not how it works, but now yeah. It is like your beliefs are definitely gonna like shape your reality. You know? Like I think life is all in your head, you know? Yeah.

Definitely. It's a subjective, like we said, it's a subjective reality. However you perceive things, you're gonna start to look for proof of those. Yep. I'm mean even like Steve jaw's book, I read even he says like he was like the, the author that, uh, wrote it. He wrote it, he wrote multiple times that uh, the guy was delusional. So definitely.

He said Steve jobs was delusional. Uh, yeah. All of the employees and stuff they used to have, they used to call, uh, like there was one thing that they used to say, they used to be like, Steve has this, uh, delusional field, like delusional reality kind of field where, uh, he sees reality in a different manner than other people. So he used to be very delusional than other people. And that that's, that's what happened for him. You know? Like he used to be, he used to park in handicap, uh, parking spots. It's fine.

Now he used to be like rules don't apply to me. And yeah. Uh, that definitely shaped his reality. So you're right. It's hilarious. It's it kind of reminds me of, um, Elon Musk too. You know, like if you look at like, I was reading one of his order by geographies and someone, I think one of his old, his ex-wife's, um, was like, it's like you are in Elon's world and you're just, Elon has his own world and you're just a part of it. You know,

that's how they describe him. It's like, he lives in his own little world and with Mars and everything and he's like creating his own world himself. Yeah. And his like resolve is so strong. His intent is so strong that he's like manifesting it into reality. Kinda like with Jeff Bezos too, you know, they're so convicted in their own like beliefs and their own worlds.

Yeah. That it literally, they start to create that layer of reality in this physical, um, in, in, in its physical. Yeah. You're right. But like, well here's the thing I think like they're, they're doing it subconsciously, but what you have created, you're actually like consciously breaking it down and how to actually build that conviction. Right. And if people can apply it honestly like their, their whole life is gonna change. Yeah. Conviction is super important. Absolutely.

So I guess if you could pinpoint one thing that made the most difference, the 80, 20 let's say, what would you say that you took away from the program that made the biggest difference for you? Like the principles or, or like the whole thing? It could be anything you. Just. Honestly. That would. One concept. Q and a no. If you're talking about like say the Q and a calls, help me a lot.

But if you're talking about like the concepts yeah. Uh, like if you're talking about the concepts, let me, let me think. Give one sec. Uh, well I think, like I said, conviction, well, we were talking about the confirmation and, and having, having a certain kind of identity, which we talk, which, you know, the week too, and then increasing your conviction in it. Right. And which you're talking,

right. Like literally like two seconds for, so I think that, yeah. So guys, if you're listening to this confirmation is, and changing your attitude is one of the biggest thing that was helpful for Obi, for someone who's lived in that, you know, in that environment and still, while being in that environment, be able to change himself and achieve all of these things that he's achieved. So I guess just to really, um, conclude this, what's the next step for you? Like. For, for here? Yeah. Uh, one consulting. What.

Yeah. For your life, for your business. For my life, honestly, I wanna, I wanna, like I said, I think we talk about it a lot, but I really wanna build a consulting business to, uh, at least $500,000 per month. That may sound too much, but I want to do that.

So I can at least have a $10 million portfolio maybe in the next three to five years. And if that is possible, then I can execute the, the tech company. But yeah. So that, that's where I see myself going. But if that doesn't happen this way, then uh, I'll find another way. So yeah, helping more people with my coaching business, uh, helping them start their coaching, ES getting them results. And uh, then, then seeing if I can do something in tech.

That's fantastic. That's amazing. Then I love that you have this vision and you're going towards the, that every day. And I guess, um, just a final remark. Like if someone were watching this right now and they were on the fence, you know, they're probably in a similar situation to you, you know, they're considering, starting up their own business. They've been really struggling with the past and they've had a lot of failed attempts and they're about to give up. They don't know what to do. And they're on the fence about joining this program. What would you say to them?

Uh, first of all, I mean, uh, here's the thing. If a 17 year old kid would literally like pee in a place where people make $200 a month, like, that's, that's really, really good for people where if a person like who dropped out of high school arrested, uh, had $200 last year. If I can do it to the point where now I've invested, uh, at least $20,000, like close $20,000 in my education and stuff, uh, in just a year, if I can build like a coaching business or $33,000 in like 30 days, then there's no reason you can't. So yeah, like if I can do it from literally the worse, all, all the worst conditions, you know, all. All odds stacked against you.

Yeah. No, like even like, we didn't even have internet. Like when I first started my agency, it was last year, July, not, not last year. It was like 20, 20 July. That time we didn't have internet and all that stuff. So I had to wait. So if I didn't have internet and you know, I dropped out of high school, I went, went to school since I was like 15.

And people here are they're way more than what people are there. So that's the second, third thing, if I can do from here, this is no reason you can't. So yeah, like I'll say like, there's one code that I remember from Napoleon Hill's like successful people in may make decisions really fast. Well, people really are successful,

usually procrast in on it. So you wanna be unsuccessful, procrastinate on it, but if you don't then, then do it. So, yeah. Awesome, man. Well, thank you for doing this interview, dude. This was really,

I hope this was valuable. This was, I learned a lot from it for sure. And um, if I'll attach UBA socials in the description below, you can, you know, find him on his Facebook or Instagram or his website. And, uh, we have. Like a referral system. Hmm. Do we have like a referral system for this video?

Um, I don't know. We can talk about that afterwards, but if you guys have any comments or something, you know, it'll, you can put in the comment section or if you have any questions for Biden, you can contact him directly or post it in the comments. You have, you have a YouTube account, right? Yeah. I have a YouTube I'll I'll link down my Facebook. So that's for, I most active Facebook and Instagram. I. Perfect. All right guys. Thank you so much for watching till next time. Peace. You too.


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