How Li-Fi Could Revolutionize Wireless Communications

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to it EA's very first lii live stream how lii could revolutionize Wireless Communications I'm Corey Ruth marketing and Communications manager with ITA and I'd like to thank all of you for being here today and watching whether you're watching this live on LinkedIn YouTube or Facebook or if you're catching the recording afterwards we really appreciate you being here so we're going to talk about lii you may have heard about it in the news heard people talking about it but what is it how does it work and what practical applications might it have if you're seeking answers to those questions you've come to the right place because we have experts from the it 802.11 working group who can answer these questions and more just before we get started I'd like to take a quick moment to mention that we really appreciate your feedback we want to make sure that we're providing content that's relevant and important to you so if you like what we're doing here today or if there's other things you'd like to see or other topics you'd like us to cover we want you to let us know towards the end of this video today uh we are going to put up a link and a QR code for a survey we really would appreciate if you can take just a couple of minutes to fill that out and uh provide us with uh the important feedback to help improve our content and provide things that are most relevant to you so watch for that survey at the end also you may wonder who is I SAA why are we here today well the itle standards Association or it SAA is a leading consensus building organization that nurtures develops and advances Global Technologies through itle e we bring together individuals and organizations from a wide range of Technical and Geographic Origins to facilitate standards development and collaboration with thought leaders in more than 160 countries to promote Innovation enable the creation and expansion of international markets and help protect health and Public Safety collectively our work drives the functionality capabilities and interoperability of a wide range of products and services that transform the way people live work and communicate and why we're here today as I mentioned lii all of the world's internet in one way or another traverses the 802 itle 802 Network that includes Wi-Fi and ethernet and today we're talking about a new Evolution in that technology I 802.11 bb or Wifi as I mentioned we've got a couple of great experts for you today um first off Nicola sarafa I Nicola has more than 10 years experience working in light Communications specializing in lii technology and its commercialization he's the current chair of the itol 802.11 light Communications task group

the vice chair of the itle 802.15.4 task grp on multi-gigabit optical Wireless Communications and the VP of standardization at pure lifi joining him will be tonser BAS tenser is the vice chair of the i e 802.11 Light communication task group and senior technical staff at oeno he's contributed to many standardization projects including um as I mentioned the lifi task group but also it e 802.15 3C it e. 802.11 ad and it1

19007 so without further Ado I welcome tenser and Nicola all right so I'm hoping you can give us just a quick overview of what is lifi Nicola yeah so lifi is really the high-speed Mobile Wireless Communications using light it is really designed to complement existing Wi-Fi in just using another SP part of the spectrum it is this concept that we can use light which has been around for many many years but really the Innovative element is to provide it on a networked pervasive uh approach and the entire premise behind it was you know conceived back in 2011 by Professor how house that we can have lii everywhere we can have communications using light in locations where RF is not desirable or not permitted and actually even to just help offload a lot of that congestion that's happening on your Wi-Fi medium to the light spectrum which is in itself unlicensed or licensed exempt I should say really safe and of course pervasive everywhere okay excellent and uh I wonder as well could you give us a little bit of background into the i e 802.11 BB uh standards development process how does that work how does a standard like this come about um maybe we'll have a tensor thank you very much thank you very much for having me uh i82 actually recently celebrated its 4 year during the covid year so we have a well establishment development process um in I2 there are different working groups special specializing in uh different Technologies such as 82.3 is for internet Technologies and a2.1 is for Wi-Fi Technologies a2.1 BB is a part of the Wi-Fi Technologies and in that working group we have a wireless Next Generation standing committee if you have a new idea usually you make a presentation about your idea and then if there could be a new project on this idea and Nica and I and among many people actually started giving a talk in the wireless Next Generation group afterwards since there is enough interest we started a technical interest group on the lifi systems in the technical interest group the decision was that are we going to prepare a project authorization request inside the Ia 22.11 or not and to develop that

project authorization request we started a study group after the study groups approval by the working group and the IAA we have a task group and the main goal of the task group is creating the draft standard the draft standard is uh finalized inside the a221 BB and we had letter ballots to check if the uh draft standard is ready for the world then comes IA and in it sa we have what we call the uh sa ballots during the sa ballots i e standards Association actually announces to whole world there is such a draft standard and if you are interested you can part of the voting committee so with the uh SP the standards Association ballot finished we finalized our work and uh the standards Association checked our whole process and recently actually approved it just to add to that t compared to some of the other standards works the itle E is UN entirely open for anyone to join participate as an individual or albe it uh if even if they're sponsored by or affiliated with an organization and this is really important because all of the work within the it certainly the it 802.11 is transparent for anyone that is interested from the very beginning from draft one of Wi-Fi all the way through today and all the work that we've done in 802.11 is publicly available and all of the comments and all of the collection can be viewed by anyone that is interested in reviewing the work and participating of course yeah then let me give the website here as well so they can go to mentor. and choose the 82 uh standards and from there actually they can see all of our documents related to 802.11 BB thank you wonderful uh so how are you more personally involved with uh with lii um we'll start with Nicola here I know you're the of course I E 802.11 Light communication task group

chair and you're also a VP of standardization at pure lifi can you elaborate a little bit on those yeah absolutely so um as you mentioned I'm the VP for standardization and Business Development within pure lifi pure lifi is the leading to provider in lii and wireless technology um it's an organization that was co-founded by Professor Harold has back in 2011 and it's been working on this technology for well over a decade now really trying to perfect bringing lifi to the market to that extent the company has gone through a range of world's first introducing the world's first lifi system the life first all the way through to the world's first fully integratable light antenna module uh the lii the lamb one which is designed to go into mobile devices and laptops and be actually integrated with the Wi-Fi chipset so pure lifi has sponsored my participation and work within the it 802.11 BB and the company has been able to make great progress in terms of resolving some of the challenges that were previously considered unreasonable or impossible to be done uh quite frankly it's a passion project uh that we've been working on to get lii to be part of this wi-fi family for many many years I think uh huner outlined the process really really well but that process was started back in 2015 um with some of the earlier prep work before that initial topic interest group so it's an ongoing process to really bring awareness to the world about the existence of lifi about how we can actually support development um and additional use cases that it opens up and to that extent pure lifi has done some of the world's first um across a range of you know hon use cases and Integrations and um technology developments and from my perspective I'm I'm really grateful to have had this opportunity to work within the itol 2011 and help support and Lead this effort to get II a standard that can seamlessly work with pretty much any Wi-Fi device out there in the world today oh amazing yeah it's so interesting hearing about uh the background of how that came about and how like you said is such a passion project for for you um that really comes comes from the heart absolutely yeah and uh for tonser uh so you're the it 802.11 light Communications task group Vice chair and you work on this as well as a senior technical staff at oino uh could you elaborate on those as well um look my uh work with the it uh standard actually started with when I was a PhD student at time ultra White Band standards was developing by the Ia as well and after my PhD I started working for the National Institute of communications technology in Japan and we were part of the a215 group and uh we developed some standards there and I had um positions like secretary and um editor uh similarly uh in 2014 I went back to Istanbul and started working as a university professor and uh I was looking for different uh areas that I can contribute for the standardization and do my own research as well and one of them was actually light Communications uh me and with the professor mad usal had a project and with that project actually we had funding to develop uh light communication systems and uh I then I became again part of the uh standardization and we actually provided the channel models that anyone in the world can download and uh check for the light Communications we worked on the use cases we worked on uh different um uh technical aspects of the light Communications as well uh afterwards actually when uh the light communication works is almost over I uh became part of the ofo and now I am working for the next generation of Wi-Fi a systems which will be the task group BN so uh using basically my um both knowledge of the standardization and my academic background I tried to help both the process of the standardization and also publish some papers uh write some patents so I I basically uh contributed all parts of the standardization I can say yeah and I just like to add tonser was great help um in many times helping steer some of the conversations uh during some of the more heated debates to make sure that everybody stayed even Keel and uh all viewpoints were considered reasonably a very important factor as well for sure absolutely so in in the last couple of weeks we put out a call on social media wondering what questions people have uh regarding lifi and one of the biggest ones that we had that came up a lot was what will WiFi look like for people in uh using it at home or in businesses like will there be a lii router uh how exactly will that work um I wonder Nicola could you uh speak to that yeah of course I mean I think um you know when we're looking at how routers and look like for the home and how the internet is actually developed through this process of i e and you know how it link with the rest of the world it really boils down to just the same Wi-Fi capabilities right so for example you have a customer premise equipment like Wi-Fi like a Wi-Fi router right that you buy in your home now well you you can have exactly the same capability except just bringing in wifi into that same mobile device um the big difference is potentially where you locate that right so for example U meshed Wi-Fi is really getting a a lot of momentum these days so there's nothing that actually prevents people from having that new device potentially located in the ceiling and it doing both RF and light depending on the type of device that's connecting into it depending on the channel that's open depending on what is actually the best use of the wireless uh Spectrum in terms of products again there's a range of factors that are out there and um some companies already have a 11bb pre- compliant or pre-standard products uh that that do that right they take existing Wi-Fi chipsets and they augment it through the light medium and they're actually providing that kind of broad coverage in a Zone with things that are designed to be integrated into the ceiling like light bulb effectively or just another Wi-Fi access point again we talked about some of the commercial applications well actually Wi-Fi routers in commercial buildings are very frequently on the ceiling itself already just the nature in which the the organizations build out their Wi-Fi network and how you get coverage and how you structure the connectivity well that's perfect location where you can add Wi-Fi right into ex or lii into exactly that kind of system architecture where you have these access points in the ceiling already being powered with power over ethernet again another i82 technology with a single cable providing both power and data to give you that wireless connectivity and again these will be likely hybrid um communication nodes in the same way that current routers have 2.4 and 5 GHz coming in with 6 GHz now you'll have exactly the same kind of spectral choices in addition to the light spectrum that would be used as necessary for the use cases that that make the most sense and I think uh there was a follow-up to that question which was you know how do we see that coming into the home as any technology it takes time right so we're going to talk in a in a minute about kind of use cases and and various aspects of that but at the end of the day lifi as a technology has been shown to improve Wireless connectivity from both kind of a cyber security perspective a physical security perspective a privacy perspective a data density perspective and all of these aspects are becoming increasingly important as the world that we live in grows to be more security conscious more connected more focused on the nness of that wireless link because your data is now very much your data and so to that extent lifi will probably start with you know Niche applications um into maybe you know defense space and things like that and then progress through until it reaches the end consumer environment once it's very mature is it going to be an 802.11 BB exactly I don't know I hope

so but it will definitely be something of that nature because you have to understand that standards themselves are also evolving right new technologies are coming in new capabilities are being brought in and that's why being part of the 802.11 family is critical because in 30 plus years of Wi-Fi we still have backwards compatibility and that's something that is really important for anybody that is considering getting lifi and bringing it into their Enterprise or their home network knowing that it comes from the a2.1 family ensures that compatibility and backwards compatibility in particular will be there even as the technology progress and becomes better into the future yeah that compatibility is a a big thing there for sure I mean no one wants to have uh devices that get Sunset because they upgrade something they want everything to be able to work all the time and uh having that it 802.11 uh you know background with it

people know it's just going to work so that's a great absolutely yeah so our our next question here um Nicola kind of touched on some of this but I wonder if tonser can elaborate uh looking at what are some of the use cases you can Envision uh touched on uh certainly some environments that are going to be more challenging for RF um and maybe there'll be like RF sensitive environments um what are different ways in which this could be uh this could be used um thank you as Nicola mentioned that the home and Business environments will be perfectly fine with the lifi use cases and actually when we were developing the standard we look at the requirements for home and business conference room environments as well on top of that actually lifi is well suited to the RF sensitive environments which could be uh hospitals which could be some of the factories that you don't want any uh r f uh interference that you are relate that and the second one is the secure communication anti-jamming communication where you don't want actually your uh data is going um outside of your building without your permission I would say the beauty of the lifi is that the signals will stay in one room and actually if you are arranged it correctly in one specific location for example in a museum environment which you get the the data the signal at in front of a specific place that the lifi systems will work perfectly another use cases is that for example uh the fleet of trucks so car to car or uh truck to truck communication so you don't want in such a case also uh no jamming and you want to have a a constant communication between those vehicles uh I know know that there are systems which are uh testing the lifi systems uh very successfully uh another uh use cases actually we were doing a project on that one is that um the in plane communication so we have the lights of the planes already there and there are systems which are checking that if we can have uh lifi systems inside the planes so as I would like to repeat that if you are in a RF sensitive environment such as hospitals if you want to have a secure environment or if you are just in your house in your conference room which you are want to keep your uh data inside you can easily use lii maybe just to to Dag on to that right in terms of use cases we're seeing a lot of these being addressed um you know with customers actually buying equipment exactly for these use cases whether it's in the defense sector or the Aerospace sector or the manufactur in sector we're seeing this increased deployment of this technology and I think the itle 2011 BB in particular is really helping accelerate some of that demand because people are now number one confident of backwards and forwards compatibility number two they know exactly how it will integrate into existing systems because pretty much everybody already has Wi-Fi deployed in one form or another so they understand from a security perspective and from an infrastructure perspective what that me means uh whether it's you in the home that plugs it in and it works or it's much more complex deployment across uh commercial consumer grade um sorry commercial grade and Enterprise grade Wireless Systems with controllers and backand Security checks and things like that knowing that you have now an 802.11 standard gives you that confidence that everything that you've done to date is a direct directly applicable whether you're using the light spectrum or the RF Spectrum and there's no difference between them and as a result a lot more use cases are opening up and people are a lot more willing to actually deploy the technology and um and really use it today um sounds like there's a lot of different potential uses for this and I mean the sky seems to be the limit uh you a lot of different things that um maybe we'll we'll discover that can end up being great use for this as well yeah you're absolutely right I think there's still a lot of use cases that we don't know right when uh I think it's pretty much the nature with every technology when it first shows up everybody says e we don't really need it and then as time goes by and the technology evolves and people's ideas of what was possible become every day right if you told somebody I don't know say 20 years ago do you need 100 megabits per second I mean I would have been the first one to laugh at the idea 20 megabits or 100 megabits why would why would you need that right um but looking back now you're thinking I'm not really too sure this 100 Megs is enough I think I probably need closer to a gig just to be be more comfortable with my online experience and even what we're doing today right uh this would be considered the effective equivalent of broadcast television and yet here we are streaming on a platform and it's likely that this content is being consumed on a mobile device uh whether it's a laptop or a tablet and it's likely or or a mobile phone and it's likely that that mobile tablet is connected wirelessly right just one example so as WiFi comes into its own as people start realizing some of the you know again security RF um um you know security and sensitive areas that that this technology can bring in and in particular as people start understanding how it can improve the information security and cyber security we're going to see a lot greater uptake of the capabilities you kind of touch on some of that here um one of our next questions is about whether this will replace or complement traditional Wi-Fi and it sounds like you know many many ways this is a complimentary um technology that will complement traditional Wi-Fi perhaps uh complement uh Cellular Systems a lot of different uh ways that this is another tool in the toolbox uh uh do you want to have a tonsor touch on that well uh I will say actually like wireless communication technologies always compl each other so it is not even like from looking from the Wi-Fi point of view we have Bluetooth Celler phones the V like the ham radio every system has its own strengths and weaknesses and with each new technology we are adding a a new feature a new system that we are going to use and we will have a better connectivity throughout the world so we are going to complement the uh Wi-Fi systems and also like even the if you look at from the Wi-Fi point of you Wi-Fi has 900 MHz systems why will Wi-Fi has 60 GHz systems and they are complimenting each other so and as a result lifi will be lifi will be a great uh complement to the traditional wireless communication systems when are we going to be able to use it uh when would might we begin to see devices using WiFi or are there even already some devices using this technology there are defin ly some devices that are already using this technology I think there's a few different providers out there in the market that are already offering lifi enabled devices uh obviously pure lifi being one of them that is offering you know 802 11bb uh pre-compliance systems moving into the future and I think that will just accelerate right um if you look at what the standard provides it really is just taking a Wi-Fi 4 Wi-Fi 5 or Wi-Fi 6 chipset like the actual Communications system and simply changing the antenna element instead of the antenna going out to be a piece of wire that is operating at say 5 gigahertz it is now connected to an opto electronic front end that is sending it through the light medium and that's you know there's really almost no impact on the chipset design itself actually I I'll argue there is no impact on the chipset design itself and as a result anyone that wants to spin up a company in the space is is welcome to do that um and the standard allows for that interoperability between these different systems in terms of devices coming into the market I think we're going to see the same Evolution that Wi-Fi saw in the early days at the beginning there will be dongles and that's what you have today you have dongles that are using the light spectrum using 802.11 technology to connect to to these lifi networks over time as that demand increases and as the cost and complex it of integration decreases you're going to start seeing devices that actually have it built into them you know whether that's laptops or tablets or phones that will obviously depend on the segment the interest there and the demand signal that's coming in from the customers um I would argue given the pace of development of the technology it could be as little as a as a couple of years before we see these devices available in the mass Market um obviously I wish I was a fortune teller but um I think yeah looking at the pace of change and the development of the technology it shouldn't be too far out being focused on the light visible light and infrared Spectrum uh one of the questions that comes up is does this work both during the day and at night uh does it work outside if you've got um situations where there's a lot of ambient light uh will this still work is that built into uh into the standard as well yeah absolutely I I think thuner can can expanded this but um effectively this is definitely a technology that can work irrespective uh of the background light so there's two factors for this first of all the I8 21bb specifies a light spectrum range in which devices are required to operate and that's between 800 nanometers to 1,000 nanometers and this was chosen for a range of reasons including the availability of um opto electronic elements that operate in this space that are you know cost effective and to integrate and really broadening that ability for anybody to come in and you know use that technology the second aspect of that is well at this point that's not really a factor uh whether it's day or night the infrared spectrum is something that humans can't see and so you can quite comfortably be in your darkened living room but still streaming your favorite shows on your TV using WiFi uh in the meantime offloading that high demand you know potentially 4K or some people are talking about 8K in the future from the TV you're offloading that to the light spectrum so that no one else uh in the room needs to suffer from that and they can be free to use the uh RF Spectrum for other connected devices that maybe are not as readily available and maybe are not as large of a consumption Target for data right uh think sensors think uh monitors and you know whatever range of other connected devices we have fridges TV uh sorry fridges or washing machines or whatever else so it definitely will work they are right the um aspect with respect to does it work in uh significant sunlight conditions so lifi operates by changing the intensity of the light modulation so the level of DC light let's call it that of ambient light that's present doesn't meaningfully impact this rate of change what does impact it is if you have so much light that you completely saturate the detector then it won't work you know obviously L everything has a dynamic range um you know RF antennas have a dynamic range and if you start blasting a lot of energy on the Spectrum in which these RF antennas operate you're going to jam them and the same thing can happen with light if you have a lot of optical energy that is incident onto these lifi devices then then you can blind them in the exact same way that you would blind a human or you would blind a laser of any kind or photo detector of any kind what I would argue with lifi is if you have so much energy that these detectors are blind then you can pull your curtains down and that's one very quick way of solving it or you can point them away because light is very directional it's very very directional right and so if you have these issues where you have a lot of incident light a small change in the direction of that viewing angle dramatically changes the power that is incident on on your detector so you can quite easily get away from being jammed effectively by that incident power and that's just not possible with with RF you know tonser mentioned it right at the beginning when he was talking about use cases let's take the use case he mentioned with vehicle to vehicle Communications right let's say we have a fleet of trucks and they're self-driving Vehicles right and they're moving along a road this this Convoy can be you know 5 10 20 I don't know how many vehicles long well you know if they all lose Communications and the front truck breaks and you want them really driving pretty much neck and neck really close to each other for Optimum efficiency in terms of air flow and aerodynamics and fuel efficiency things like that if the front truck breaks and that is never communicated to the second truck or the third truck it's going to be pretty disastrous I would argue right well with lifi that that blinding can't happen because you detectors are directly viewing at each other and there's nothing that can get in the middle of it that would jam that that light signal right so I think um from a spectrum perspective we're talking 800 to a th000 nanometers from a jamming perspective from a significant power yes that's always possible you can always saturate receivers with enough power but I would argue with light is infinitely easier to remove that effect whether by changing the viewing angle or by pulling down the curtains than it would be necessarily to get rid of an RF jamming source which can quite literally be anywhere around you tonser if you want to add or clarify something on that yes and I was going to actually think about more of the outdoor implementations and we worked on those parts as well as Nicola mentioned directionality is a great help so normally like if you are talking about the Sun and if you are designing an outdoor system you know where the sun will be you know where how strong the sun is and you can basically design a shade uh in front of your receiver to reduce the effect of the Sun and uh regarding uh indoor uses and so on since Nica mentioned that we are operating in the current lifi systems mostly in uh infrared actually you don't have any uh problems for even from the Sun operation so uh you need to design your system so purely that the lifi wouldn't work but normally especially in uh professional uh deployments uh it is so easy to take care of uh such uh disadvantages so yeah sounds like there's a lot of flexibility within the deployment and within the use of it and with the complimentary uh you know bands and that type of thing that there's a lot of different ways that these can be used in in virtually any also for example the diversity is there as well so if I have multiple lights on a car each light can be used a a transmitter or I can put a multiple receivers from each light source so I can have myo communication which is part of the lifi systems as well so uh we can actually increase the diversity and increase the robustness just using M all right that's great so I think we've touched a little bit on this one already but I wonder if we can elaborate on it um how is WiFi both the same and different from traditional uh rf-based Wi-Fi that uh people may know about um niol already mentioned and actually after me maybe he can put more in details in terms of the what we have inside the chipset they lifi is using the traditional Wi-Fi chipsets so the main difference is the spectrum that we are using the traditional Wi-Fi is using the RF Spectrum whether it is 2.4 5 GHz 60 GHz 900 MHz Etc we are using light spectrum infrared Spectrum so the background Parts the mech layer and above layers are the traditional Wi-Fi systems actually and as a result it enables uh working with the other Wi-Fi systems much easier so you are using the same technology and by using a different part of the spectrum we are gaining some advantages which we mentioned as well security being robust against RF interference and uh operating in ARF sensitive environments and such as so uh if you look at the circuits basically up to the transmitter part we are the same our transmitters the end transmitters and receiver so our antennas and the circuit connected to the antennas are different we are using photo detectors and we are using LEDs so Nicola what else would you like to add on it I think that's a pretty comprehensive summary um yeah I think it's it's the same right uh with the exception being that instead of the signal going over RF it's going over the light spectrum and that introduces this range of benefits uh I don't think there's I don't think there's any major differences that are required and I in fact I would argue and that's why we did it in NATO 20111 the two are very very similar but when you're adding this significant license exemp Spectrum that's available globally to anybody with no regulatory pressures on it the device that you designed to work in I don't know say Chicago would work equally well in shenzen with no need for regulatory injections to enable that operations and when you have these systems you know when you have Wi-Fi that's running and you have WiFi offloading to the light spectrum actually makes the Wi-Fi experience better for everybody else that's there because we will never have everybody on Wifi that's just never going to happen right in the same way that my devices today have 4G 5G and Wi-Fi um will continue to be the same however if I have a lot of users on my RF Channel if I can offload them to a different part of the spectrum the performance in terms of latency Channel congestion uh you know throughput everything else improves for everybody else that is on on the RF spectrum and I think that complimentarity is really the key element and to a great extent that is possible because 802.11 BB is Wi-fi just over the light spectrum yeah I think that's a that's a great point and in some ways we're able to do that today uh my router may have uh i i e 802.11 uh 2.4 and 5 gigahertz maybe I

have my smart home devices set up for the 2.4 gahz band because they don't need as much bandwidth but maybe the smart TV and my laptop um might be on the five gigahertz band so having wifi in the mix just enables you to do more of that than you know having the most appropriate band uh or the most appropriate uh type of device for for each uh thing that you're using in your home or your business uh I think can only make things better overall to your point there yeah I mean absolutely and and you've HD the nail on the head right in in the UK we have a saying horses for courses uh which is used technology for the areas that it deals with very well so you know lii is never going to deal really well with devices that are in a person's pocket it's just you know not really going to satisfy that use case and I think it'll take a while before it's in my SmartWatch let's say right uh again you lots of angles lots of permutations but a static TV display there's no reason for that to be on a congested or increasingly congested 5 GHz spectrum and I know that 6 GHz is opening up but again if we're talking about Spectrum and duner is is uh one of the leading people that's helping the I2 in general in terms of coating spectrum and having some of those discussions but the US has let's say I think 1,200 um megahertz I'm not 100% sure but I think it's it's it's over a gigahertz of additional bandwith in the six gahz Spectrum right well that's not exactly the same in Europe in Europe it's just over 500 megahertz and if you look at let's say China there is no six gahz Spectrum period And if you look at India you're getting differences and so even though we talk about having this six gahz Spectrum that's that's free it's true it's free and it's freeing up but they're not the same right and the quantity is not the same and the exact channelization is not the same and all of these things are are things that are already very very well aware for the Wi-Fi community and they're they're handling them obviously right there's commercial products they're rolling out regulation is in place and things like that but as time goes by that channel will also become congested right and light is one of these things that is completely licens exempt which means if we design a system that operated at let's say 900 me uh nanometers the exact same technology identical with no changes in the transmitter or the receiver can work in your room in my room or in I I and I'll sayans and right uh all across the GL regardless of where we are and that's really really powerful because the entire kind of regulatory burden is then lifted yeah that's uh an incredible thing to have the same device be able to work uh just as well literally anywhere around the world or even in space who knows right absolutely yeah and actually there is yeah AB absolutely I mean I think uh lifi in space is I think Wi-Fi currently is in space um I'm pretty sure we were at a at a summit where Dorothy Stanley who's the chair of the it 2.11 working group and she actually mentioned that I think the ISS currently has Wi-Fi and uh it's running so you know in the future why not also complement that with uh with lifi I'm not entirely sure that congestion uh is a problem in the ISS but you know we'll see all right so what sorts of things and I think may have touched on a bit of this already but what sorts of things will users be able to do with lii that maybe traditional WiFi can't do or can't do as well today um I wonder if tonser can speak to that um we discussed U these topics uh but I want to again repeat it the one of the main things is the security so if you would like to have no leakage of your data life is a great solution it stays in a room if you are uh close your curtains uh nobody can actually get your data that's that's one of the things the second one is again the RF sensitive environments and I mentioned hospitals and similar environments but also the radio astronomy is an important topic and uh in US uh close to some radio astronomy stations you cannot have any RF transmitter so not only Wi-Fi you can cannot even have Bluetooth they they don't allow it in even in those things you can use the lifi for the communication purposes because again light is there and the the sunlight causes enough interference to the radio astronomy so your life wouldn't affect it much so this is one of the interesting things that lifei can do and uh other than that again uh if you are worried about interference to your systems like we were mentioning about the factory environments and they want to actually keep their communication interference free and uh they tested their systems they don't even they don't want also the cables like in the factory environment they don't want cables they don't want interference so in both of in both cases the lifi will be a good solution for them just to agree with everything that you've said uh lifi gives you the security of a wired system with the flexibility of a wireless Solution that's that's basically what it boils down to you know when you're talking about RF emissions or susceptibility to them it's not there and as tonser said that is important in for example manufacturing areas or MRI spaces or areas near radio astronomy right um and and a whole host of other things like we mentioned earlier right we we cannot possibly know all of the use cases um then of course there's the security aspect which is as I said I think important and likely growing more important Wi-Fi has great security don't misunderstand me it is absolutely um brilliant right lifi is just improving that from a physical security perspective yeah it's not going to help if someone has an application that's already on your laptop and you're uh you've downloaded it and it happens to be malicious however if you are someone that is concerned about jamming or RF sensitivity or you live for example in a very densely uh high density area right if we think about uh say South Korea right in some of the larger areas of Soul you'll see hundreds of Wi-Fi access point access points right and how you cope with them well wouldn't it be nice if you had a system and connectivity vehicle to just provide your critical information inside your home knowing that your data is just your own data and you have this reliable robust connections because once you establish a connections between let's say an access point in your ceiling and your TV that connection is going to stay there for a long time right um it'll be something quite challenging doesn't matter if your neighbor upstairs got a new router or not uh it's still your connection so getting that robustness that resilience is is also very important if you're a a student or a professional wanting to get in involved with the lifi development process or maybe you're just wanting to stay uh up toate on uh on these developments as they come out where should people go or or how how can they find out more about that maybe we'll start with tonser and then go back to Nikola okay uh it2 has a website and from there they can actually see all of the uh activities of the it22 and I mentioned mentor.

where they can find all of the documents that we are going to have as it2 group uh on top of that we have a LinkedIn page it2 that they can join and be announce our meetings and uh one of the uh when I was a student actually I couldn't join the meetings I didn't have the financial backup I was checking for the documents because but nowadays after the co at the moment i22 allows online uh attendance to their meetings as well so if they want to attend and listen what the it is saying if they want to make presentations they can actually join it2 meetings online as well uh on top of that uh two more points that I A2 um standards is available through it which we are going to I believe provide the websites how they can buy the standard and get the standard uh I would like to call your attention to the light communication Alliance in very much the same way that the Wi-Fi Alliance or the ethernet Alliance are looking at educating the market on the value benefit and capabilities of those different Technologies the light communication Alliance is trying to do exactly the same thing for light Communications so specifically you know the light Communications is a pretty large field and it covers everything from free space space Optics which is pointto point longdistance uh Optical Wireless Communications to lifi which is what we've been talking about to Optical camera Communications which is using actually the camera on smartphones to receive broadcast messages from you know modified lights and our mission is to really try and educate uh the world on the benefit of these Technologies and of course understand some of the challenges with their deployment so we would welcome everybody to join us uh you know please visit our visit our website at the light communication Alliance um and yeah just let us know and we'll be happy to have conversations with everybody and then of course as th mentioned stay in touch with the 802.11 developments so um just as we're wrapping up here wonder if a couple minutes each if there's anything you'd like people to know about lii that maybe we haven't touched on yet or that you want to elaborate on so we'll start with Nicola and then G tenser yeah I think I guess the key message to just convey it one more time is lifi is here today right um and that's very important it's not something that it's one day it will happen it's something that's out there in the future actually it's here today and people can buy e211 BB and I'll I keep saying pre-compliance uh but compliant uh you know compant product today and that's something that is that is really important that is going to help facilitate that you know the pure lifei light antenna module is one example of an opto electronic light antenna that helps enable existing chipsets to be connected and we know that one day everything and everyone is going to be using this technology um or at least that's that's our our our belief so it's very important for us to understand that you know Wii is never going to replace Wi-Fi and I know there's some messaging out there about a 100 times faster than Wi-Fi that that's not true right we're just Engineers we're not magicians Optical Wireless Communications some of them sure they can be not a 100 times faster they can be a thousand times faster right if you look at fiber optic Communications doing uh most recently at the optical Communications conference uh in in Europe in Glasgow they were showing systems that were doing 800 gigabit over a single optical fiber right I mean if you take that you shoot it over free space uh and you call that lifi sure I mean that's uh hundreds of times faster than than lii than Wi-Fi but that's not what we're talking about here what we're talking about is 802.11 BB and lifi in real life and that is offering hundreds of megabits per second very much the same as what the Wi-Fi standards are offering it but they're offering it over a clean uncontested uncongested dedicated Channel which gives you a lot of reliability a lot of robustness a lot of security um for you know applications that that that need that so don't wait uh for the next decade and think that this is something that's going to happen eventually it's actually something that's happening right now and it's an opportunity that you know everyone can be involved in thank you oh yeah and I'd like to to say thank you I think that's really important I think um getting the i e to work with industry to develop these standards and create that platform where these standards can be discussed and use cases can be brought forward and it can be a very open very transparent um very like-minded conversation even though there might be some heated debate sometimes I think that's uh that's absolutely critical for the development of the technology and the proliferation uh of the technology throughout the world so thank you all right thank you yeah the feature is now we we love to hear it thank you I would like to talk look little bit more as the it22 public visibility standing committee chair so as we mentioned that ITA to2 is an open process and by open we mean that all of our documents are available this includes for example the channel models for the lifi systems as well so as a university Professor PhD student Master students you can download those systems and start your own simulations on top of that all of the working groups have wireless Next Generation standing committees which are Keen to listen new ideas from companies Academia Etc so uh previously uh the wireless Next Generation uh group listen uh new Wi-Fi 7 uh system models how artificial intelligence can work and so on so if they are interested in presenting their own work as IA to to we ready they can reach me from LinkedIn uh from my pages and so on and I will actually introduce them the the our wireless Next Generation uh or the Next Generation uh chairs in each specific working group for them to make the presentation so uh we are um developing Technologies for the humanity as I TR and uh we are open for everyone to join us thank you great well thank you so much uh it's been wonderful having both of you on here today um we uh we really appreciate your time and really appreciate all our our viewers for joining us be sure to check out the the survey link uh you can also sign up to get more information on this and if you're interested in buying the standard as well the itle 802.11 BB standard we'll also have that link available so thank you once again tonser and Nicola really appreciate having you here today thank you so much for the opportunity Corey thank you very much thank you [Music] all


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