How Korean Fishermen Process Millions Of Squid, Mackerel, And Pollock In The Factory

How Korean Fishermen Process Millions Of Squid, Mackerel, And Pollock In The Factory

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the seafood industry in Korea contributes  significantly to the domestic economy and   the global seafood market the outstanding  development of this industry is thanks to   the active activities of fishermen now let's learn   how Korean fishermen process millions  of squid mackerel and Pollock in the factory quid is the main product of fishing on  the eastern coast of Korea this is also one of   the most consumed Seafood products in Korea  on average a fishing vessel catches about   520,000 tons of squid most of these boats  belong to the offshore fishing fleet after   preparing everything the fishermen were  ready to go to Sea their fishing vessels   are equipped with a powerful radar system that  can scan large ocean areas these systems provide   realtime data on the size of squid and where they  are going to help fishermen determine suitable   locations to catch them the ship is equipped  with super bright lights and bait to attract   squids eager to feed squid fishing bait does not  really require real B bit usually just plastic   shrimp with a reflective layer covering about  half of the bit when the bright light shines on   the bait the reflective part will glow attracting  squid to attack dozens of fishing lines stretch   into the water under the lines each line carrying  a specialized squid Hook when a squid gets caught   on the fishing line The Reel automatically lifts  it onto the metal rack baskets are placed here to   catch all the falling squid after the ship docked  fisherman quickly brought fresh squid ashore and   distributed it to the market this group of  workers are in charge of receiving squid and   poor quality squid are discarded the entire squid  is washed in clean water after that workers will   process and clean the internal organs they can  process around 12,000 squid each day that's work   that machines can't do and it's all done by hand  workers wash squid gently several times to avoid   damaging the skin at the same time they remove the  salty taste and remaining byproducts of squid by   soaking them in sea water workers fix the ink with  wooden sticks so that they don't bend inward the   squids are arranged evenly on the rack the squids  are then put into the drying equipment drying the   front and back evenly to maintain toughness squids  will dry at about 25° in 6 hours squid is mainly   dried and preserved for long periods of time and D  distributed as raw food as well as processed into   other products besides manual processing there  are also efforts to develop automatic machinery   for gutting or squid cutting technology will  help save time increase productivity and serve   to process more products workers arrange squid in  layers for easy cooling the weight of the trays   will vary depending on the size of the squid after  that the squid is packaged to move to the freezing stage along the Korean Coast mackerel is caught  in large quantities it is also a familiar food   ingredient that is always on people's dining  tables the meat of the mackerel caught by the net   is of unreliable quality compared to mackerel  caught by line because the fish are not bled   before processing and can lie in Nets of tropical  waters for many hours before being brought ashore   however this is still a fishing method in  the fishing nets about 80% of the total   macrol catch is caught using seam Nets the macro  fishing seat season lasts from October to march   of the following year at that time the water  temperatures increase and the macro migrate   to the West sea causing the number to increase  to its highest level fishermen here will easily   achieve a bumper harvest in 2023 Koreans caught  around 151,000 tons of mackerel after catching   fisherman will have to Race Against Time in  the distribution process the fresh mackerel   in the ship's hold is transported to the truck  large quantities of mackerel are gathered in   this area and workers begin the Sorting process in  the past because mackerel often rot quickly after   catching fishermen often preserve them with salt  salt and mackerel has become a favorite dish of   many at factories salt and mackerel is made from  premium fresh mackerel combined with traditional   fish salting Secrets the most important thing  is to maintain the freshness of the original   ingredients because mackerel rots so quickly  workers must always make sure to keep the macel   fresh the producer purchased premium mackerel  through an ction at the Busan Fish Market which   has a quick freezing facility they only bring in  enough mackerel for one production session this   will ensure workers have enough time to process  and the mackerel stays fresh throughout the   production process when mackerel is transported  to the factory workers began to separate the   mackerel's belly and remove its internal organs  the intestine is cut in the middle of the spine   after careful trimming the mackerel is placed  in a tank containing sea water and washed When   workers wash mackerel in sea water unwanted blood  and residue can be removed the cleanliness is much   higher than when using regular fresh water while  maintaining freshness the mackerel is drained   for 20 minutes and workers sprinkle 2 to 5 G of  salt applying it to the surface of the mackerel   next the mackerel is incubated for 7 hours at a  temperature of around 5° C before being vacuum packaged in addition to mackerel Pollock is  also a very popular dish this fish is found WI   ly around the Korean Peninsula Pollock moves  south from the North Pacific in the fall they   reach the coast of ham Jang do province in  September or October they also reach the coast   of guango province in November or December this  abundance allows Pollock fishing activities to   often take place in domestic Waters fishermen  mainly use large scale troll fishing methods   including midline and bottom trolls this method is  effective in catching large quantities especially   in deeper waters where poock reside in 2023 South  Korea's Pollock catch was reported to be around 320,000 Pollock is caught offshore  and quickly Frozen for transport   to the drying sight because it is dried by the  Sea Breeze poock is always clean and maintains   its freshness Pollock absorbs nutrients from deep  sea water and environmental temperatures over 90   days in an outdoor environment with cold wind  after many contractions and expansions the fish   meat will have a rich flavor currently instead of  drying naturally poock is gradually dried at the   factory after removing the gills and viscera the  poock is washed and ready for drying workers use   skewers to widen the fish's body so that air can  circulate well Pollock is dried at a temperature   of around -5° C these processing plants meet  the increased demand for D Pollock and save   production time for fishermen they are widely used  in Korean cuisine and are known for their natural   sweetness and delicious chewy texture however  dried Pollock products from the factory are not   as popular as naturally dried Pollock besides  dry processing poock fillet is also popular in   Korea at the factory workers will remove Bones  from the meat the fillet is then marinated with   spices before freezing then when Frozen the  pocket fillets will be easily weighed and packaged the vast ocean where thousands of species  of seafood live when the ship set sail we can also   see the fisherman's dedication to the sea hundreds  of different fishing methods and tools in today's   video we will learn about an ancient method  that dates back to early civilizations around   the world that is spear fishing this fishing  technique includes diving and hunting with Spears   it has been practiced for thousands of years by  communities living near bodies of water for food   over time spear fishing has developed into to a  recreational sport enjoyed by people around the   world today's spear Fishers use modern equipment  such as spear guns wet suits and fins to hunt fish   this sport is also more strictly regulated to  protect the environment and ensure the safety   of divers despite modernization spear fishing  is still an activity that requires skill and   patience this is a fun way to connect with nature  and have a unique experience in the Underwater   World from the simple handheld Spears used in  ancient times fishing equipment has evolved   to more effective and Powerful Solutions spear  guns are the clearest proof it operates using   a compression spring mechanism the rubber bands  are then pulled and locked to the shaft when you   pull the trigger the spear will be pushed forward  with great Force but how do fishermen use spear   guns to take down giant fish let's follow  the footsteps of Marlon fish Hunters to find out Marlin season usually begins in late winter  and lasts Into Summer the best time to Target   with a spear is late January with the peak being  march to April hunting a Mar requires a plan of   time and a certain amount of risk they are large  fish with sharp Barbed noses that can cause some   serious injuries as well as being capable of  dragging you down an abyss if you get caught   in a fight in recent years sling spear guns  have developed which further increases hunting   performance the fisherman moved forward with the  spear gun he fired the spear hit the Marlin with   the first shot Marlon reacted by rushing away  quickly but unfortunately it was still found   first fishermen focused on catching skipjack tuna  they then usually hook it to a rope no more than   20 M long and let it swim around underneath the  boat if you're lucky the skipjack will attract a   hungry Marin to check out this is the perfect  opportunity for fishermen to take their shot   before pulling the trigger on the spear gun it  is extremely important that you check your body   for any lines as once the spear is inserted it is  very difficult to untangle any Tangles it rushed   forward very quickly seeing the hunter the Marlon  turned tail and tried to run away immediately the   fisherman fired a shot it carried the spear and  rope and swam a short distance swimming everywhere   to find a way to survive with a visibility  of about 10 m underwater thanks to the Rope   the fisherman quickly found the Marlins location  the fight went on for several minutes and in the   end the fisherman won now it's time to bring  the Maron to the boat for storage fishermen   often carry spare guns on boats with buoys and  lanyards for easy access the rule is not to try   to grab an injured Marlon they're unpredictable  and aggressive nature can easily cause fatal   injuries a large fish can wrap around you in  seconds pulling you deep before you have time to escape New Zealand waters are famous for  some of the world's largest King Fish local   and international fishermen hunt these Mighty  fish from October to April the fun begins once   the king fish has been located they often  swim in groups and hunt in groups with its   curious nature Kingfish will often come close  to fishermen therefore the fact that fishermen   present themselves as strange objects in the  water is enough to attract them the best method   is to dive in the direction they are swimming plan  your descent so you can block the king fish's swim   and take your shot when stabbing fish fishermen  try to aim right at the petral fence behind the   Gill plate this will produce a high damag shot  resulting in the kingfish struggling less and   dying more quickly once a solid hit is achieved  the diver can Surface and begin the battle when   a king fish is injured it will try to swim  fiercely and vigorously often it will head   towards the Rocks below to try to to dislodge  the spear these fishermen must keep the fishing   line away from their bodies Kingfish will swim  in circles so it is important that they do the   same to avoid getting tangled in the line  and find it faster using float lines and   floats attached to your gun is a good method  used by many fishermen because thin fishing   line is dangerous and if a king fish pulls  the line away you have no choice but to let   go and lose it on the contrary fishing lines  with buoys attached help solve this situation   more easily in fact if fully equipped with tools  fishermen can hunt alone however it is wise to   have a teammate keep an eye out when diving to  the bottom to ensure the fishermen can Surface safely compared to Marlin or Kingfish red  Snapper is smaller in size this means they   are more difficult to hunt through many years of  spear fishing fishermen have found that the most   important factor when stalking red snapper is  stealth they need to be as quiet as possible in   the water when stalking red snapper red snapper  are commonly found at depths of 30 to 620 ft in   the Gulf of Mexico and along the east coast  of North America and and Central America they   often hide in the crevices of rock or Coral  structures making them difficult to detect   red snapper will be most active at dawn and dusk  as this is when they are most likely to feed with   red snapper heading straight into the current  the best approach is from the rear this means   the fisherman will have to swim with the current  and approach the red snapper from behind this is   an extremely effective tip used by fisherman  hunting red snapper a very important step is   for the fisherman to always ensure that the sun  is behind or above his back the sun hides the   shape of the fisherman's body if the Snapper  happens to turn around it will be blinded by   sunlight giving the fisherman time to make his  shot fishermen often aim for the red Snapper's   head this will ensure a quick and humane kill  and will help prevent the red snapper from   struggling and escaping successful red  snapper fishing requires a combination   of strategy patience and time in the water  even if everything goes in your favor there   is no guarantee you will succeed that is the  interesting point of this underwater hunting sport besides Snappers octopuses  are also difficult to hunt with   Spears as they are masters of camouflage it can  change color to blend in with its surroundings   and can pounce on any uny prey that Strays in its  path octopuses often hunt at dusk fishermen can   rely on this feature to find and Hunt octopuses  fishermen look for a coral reef or rocky seabed   where an octopus can make a den they will  drop the anchor into the water and wait for   the anchor to hit the bottom before diving during  diving fishermen look for cracks and possible   hiding places to find octopuses once the octopus  is found if it is in a cave the fisherman will use   a spear or Trident to lure it out of its hiding  place he poked around until the octopus took a   defensive stance and started grabbing the spear  octopuses don't always die when you shoot them   so even if you shoot Spears accurately the fight  is not over its body extends to the elbow and   immediately its long tentacles wrap around the  diver's wrist and along the arm it sprayed ink   onto the snorkel mask causing divers to lose  their Vision sometimes all fishermen have to   do is wait quietly when they realize the fishermen  aren't trying to eat them the octopus will often   come out to Che check displaying Wild colors and  flashing light patterns at this time fisherman can   seiz the opportunity and catch the octopus most  octopuses are not large enough to cause any harm   therefore compared to this tentacled creature  catching giant fish with Spears is much more dangerous fishermen swim for hours underwater  in conditions unbearable for humans they are   venturing into the playground of some of  the ocean's most dangerous predators with   just one wrong step it's not difficult to  imagine how an accident could happen the   spear gun has incredible speed enough to  provide a range of several feet underwater   the spear shot through anything that stood in  its way although its design was for hunting   spear guns can also kill people in case  the spear gun accidentally explodes or   mistakenly hits a teammate it can injure or  even kill the fisherman fisherman shared that   in some cases visibility was very bad and  their minds kept thinking about dangerous   problems if a shark appears the fisherman  will watch helplessly as it steals his bait   and end the hunting trip immediately if he  does not want to be be attacked by a shark

2024-07-16 23:30

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