Testing Kitchen Gadgets 78

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washing up has never been so much fun I have literally just text Jamie Oliver oh that's amazing I I'm not touching that anymore that is really ridiculous hello everyone it's Barry here hope you're well today we're doing another kitchen gadget testing video so please remember before commenting down below that some of these gadgets can potentially help people they're going to struggle with certain tasks in the kitchen first up is this one this one by Oxo good grips is the water bottle drying rack so not really officially a gadget more of a kind of assistant in the washing up Department in your kitchen it is a drying rack for these water bottles that have become really common in the last few years you know how they're sort of metallic so they help keep the water cool uh when it's cold it helps keep it warm when it's hot it's genius and also it's quite good for the environment right I'll tell you why personally for us it could be amazing what happens is when we try and dry them I don't know if you can see look you can't stand them up that well so what we end up doing is literally leaving them slanted like this and you know it kind of drives and they are quite hard to dry naturally anyway so you just have to trust the process like that whereas the ability to sort of leave it stood up like this which is what the this thing should do could potentially be genius but I'm not really sure how fully to test this I think I'm just going to fill it with water and just be like yeah that works because I think it just generally will work and you've got here as well I didn't talk about this yet metal straws right also reusable every Gadget I open I normally give it a little wash but I don't tend to show that scene it's not the most exciting but with this it's kind of washing itself right so I've got some straws now what we've got is these little gaps here that it slides down into huh so they are in there in these little gaps here you see that okay like that very cool indeed and now it's these bottles that go on these hooks these two might not work these two will I'm gonna sit that on the drainer and we'll go on the side here oh it leans forward a bit look at that I thought it'd stand upright a bit more like more boom but no okay it's got a bit of a lean all good I'm getting quite excited about this yeah and this is the Kahuna this is my football soccer ball oh yes that has got four bottles stood upright and the caps and the metal straws and there is no way I could do this on this thing or some of you might not even have that on your standard drainer like that to balance them like that you probably need to not have any kids because trust me my girls no matter how much I say please don't walk past that it's gonna knock over yeah Dad yeah that kind of entices them to do it whereas this is sat on that hook and they're all there and we'll see at the end of the video if they fully drained off and dried I've got most of it dried but you'll never get it all out right let's see what happens right I am so impressed by that I know we've only just done it but I've just ordered another one because all of these gadgets get signed and the giveaway for patreon I know this is actually going to be perfect for what we need because they always fall over awesome start all right next up is one of two gadgets one of two uh from a kitchen department store Bargain Bin in their kitchen gadget section uh it was this a peach slicer by Jamie Oliver and I think this might be the first Jamie Oliver kitchen gadget although I've got some knives actually that I have ever ever done Barry Lewis come on boy let's get cooking and this is a peach slicer I don't eat that many peaches but you do have a horrible little Stony thing in the middle if you eat that stone it'll grow and you'll have peaches coming out of your stomach it does look a lot like a higher quality version of an apple slicer that I've got to be fair to a peach if I'm ever hungry and go mmm I really fancy a peach but we've also got an apple I will generally this is maybe laziness actually and maybe it's not just me I'll go for the Apple because I just can't be bothered with like the hassle of opening said Peach with the stone in the middle and the difference between that and my apple slices this bit in the middle here that is where the serration is around the bit that should hopefully stop the stone the other bits are just some sharp blades so we'll uh wash this carefully and I'll see in a sec oh I really hope this works this is do you think this is going to work okay here we go oh okay oh wow ah I don't know if you saw that but look what it's done can I take the middle out with the stone I can and then you can just pull it apart oh my goodness but this bit here if I've got to have one downside to it is there actually a stone in there oh yes there is but there is a little bit of peach You could argue that you could get a little bit more like that maybe oh but it's all nasty and Stumpy anyway and quite firm and the stone is in there that's actually amazing I want to show you that again from Ohio so it suddenly turns from a stubby Little Peach into a flower but that's the only thing that needs to have a bit of a non-slip thing on it for it to be perfect I think but I'm literally clutching at peachy straws see because it moves look at that is that the cool thing ever and the words of the presence of the USA the band millions of peaches peaches for me I love that I genuinely want to get one myself now there's that famous song isn't there Can You Feel the Love Tonight well I think it should have been called can you open a can with an electronic can opener this is by Kenwood a fairly well-known brand uh this is an electronic can opener that also doubles up as a knife sharpener nice and a bottle opener so we will open some cans open a bottle and maybe sharpen a knife maybe but it's all about the cans and if anything can this can it's a can opener with a lid retaining magnet for safe disposal of the lids oh that's good so as it takes it off it should just oh I really haven't looked at the instructions for this uh opens cans of all shapes and sizes so I bought a few different sizes and a few with a ring pool oh there's your knife sharpener because this is actually the back of it all right oh my gosh what's that in there oh let's have the bottle opener that's amazing yeah that works I love that but it is this mechanism here that opens the cans is that it right I'm gonna have a little look at these and I'll let you know what Um this can or can not do turns out there was another bit in the Box luckily I just checked there is the magnet here this thing okay and it goes on this whole big piece there with another stubby metal bit now that goes into this hole and it's this plastic thing that will press down on this black button to make that wheel move you see it I don't trust it you found that self-op opening jar opener before remember that thing we just stuck it on press the button and it clamped for you and spun it was amazing that has generally changed a lot of people's lives in the kitchen and I love it and I just feel like this might be a bit [Music] why is that magnet not being a magnet oh is this it oh no oh there we go I think that's got it are you ready here we go [Music] now you're not worth it now you're not working come on I'm trying to help you here [Applause] what it has taken it off but I wanted to keep going to see if I needed to keep my hand there and I didn't that magnet is blooming strong but what is holding that up because the lid is completely off oh that's amazing I don't actually know how I did it there was there was nothing there that was completely apart maybe baked beans are anti-gravity [Music] oh wow lid off um I think it's the sort of thing once you get used to it you can just jab it straight in there [Music] oh it needs help oh no I broke it oh [Applause] my gosh it does not be recommended for using it on a tin shape like that but if you're in the middle of the Jungle you've just got a tin of span you've got access to an electrical supply you can open your tin Swiss Army knives are so overrated would I recommend this it's okay but there are better ones and I've got a brilliant one coming up on one of the next Gadget videos next up from Lakeland is something called the even slice perfectly sliced bread every single time I have had the left-handed bread knife we did the left-handed Gadget video remember that this has been amazing for me so it's the ultimate test if I can use this no and the even slice to basically slice bread but apparently you can slice bagels with it and muffins so we'll do that too it's a it's basically a bread slicer primarily used for bread however it can be used for cold meats set the slice thickness by sliding the thickness plate into your selected matching pair of grooves or leaning it against the front rails oh wow you can just lean it against that okay and then you can slide it in like that okay but the one thing I will say look at that that's actually caught me out when I saw it in the shop I was like oh right that's not much of a runway for the bread see what I mean this is a loaf of bread and he wants to pull off now being left-handed as well look we can we pierce it no that's what it's supposed to do but maybe that'll Pierce better once we slice it once and what you're supposed to do is go along these lines like this follow that line to be fair that is that is a good even slice it literally is an even slice you just follow the guide so there's no sort of which is why the left-handed knife came in so good for me I found that I was sort of like cutting at an angle oh yeah that is actually perfect oh my gosh the only thing is you are left with uh slightly diagonal bread do you see the angle on that it's just going that way a little bit but that because you are following that slam I mean if you could if you have the confidence to hold it like that but I suppose here Gravity is helping you and now that we've got a bit of a flat surface for it that isn't the crust this should be a thinner slice now oh my gosh it is look at that that is genius right apparently it can do Bagels that didn't work so well actually I think it's better off with just bread and there is a bagel Guillotine that you can get and also this thing which I like so much we actually bought our own version of as well this is a bagel slicer where you wedge it in like that and you have to you might remember that one you cut it there and then straight through we absolutely love that one that that's a genius one but there is a guillotine one which just cuts it right down that was probably one of the most fun ones ever for bread yes it says muffins I don't know why you want to slice a muffin in it but um I'm sure there's probably a reason but I can't think of it right now you would want to cut a muffin in half but I can confirm it it does do that it also says oh my gosh oh um I'm gonna just skewer that because I don't trust myself here you could do that with the bread as well British Cuisine best in the world this was the other I got from The Bargain Bin along with the peach slicer this is by a company called Betty Bossy who we have actually done a few of their things before and I think I wrote on it here because it was like did have no price on it I just went to the till and she charged me four quid for it and I thought this is amazing this is a Max C spiralizer spiral vegetable and fruit cutter but basically you have the blade right at the bottom and I'm not sure entirely yet but I think that we sort of screw the actual food down onto that and I don't know what happens after that and there's possibly a reason it was four quid so we will uh let's just slice up some veg okay anyway after that and I think I think because of like the basic packaging it's just they put a sleeve over it and it's just a generic cardboard box it could have come from anywhere it's called a twister Maxi this is called the Maxi spiralizer okay it's got two different instruction manuals and what the heck's going on here oh I see the blades at the bottom look at this is like more like a kid's toy detach both blade inserts from the Twister container by turning counterclockwise [Music] what the heck and then okay you can take the blades out oh this is dangerous be careful select the required blade insert spiral or spaghetti and screw clockwise onto the clear twister container I think this is the spiral one use the holder markings as a guide for the correct length of your produce okay so the length of that our vegetables can't be any longer than that because that is the distance or the the entire width of this canister thing let's get a carrot but we shove this on there okay another stump this gets interlocked on there and then this is where the magic happens we're gonna hold this [Music] oh my gosh and now can we take this off what is that is that to do with this no um but now they're all falling out see why this was four try it with this [Music] my base fell off right lock in it's like it's falling off again oh my gosh I do not like this folks because you're playing around with some really sharp blades here it does say you can do it clockwise and counterclockwise now look at it though look at how on it was sort of going like this with it ah right are you supposed to sort of go like that oh okay well there we go we've got some spiralized carrot and some chopped carrot I don't know if I want to do this again but I think I've got some courgettes we'll give that a go as well just in case oh non-slip surface everywhere [Music] and it needs it it really doesn't oh for a bit that it doesn't stay non-slip forever take that off and you have got some courgetti but it feels like we might be able to take two to this because it does say to counterclockwise that and lift the container out oh oh okay I get it now so this handle here which was deceptively loose can you see that bit there when I bring that in like that that brings the thread out into this circle so it needs to be wound down so if you have it like that you can just pop this in an hour but I don't like how loose that blade is and you know we've got some courgetti there but now that we've sussed it let's just do one more courgette quickly with the ribbon non-slip styley turny turny turning oh no [Applause] woman bass fell off wind it down and it's cool it's falling out again stop falling out what's going on what the base lock that in [Music] and now my non-slip Feet's gone glimy I hate this gadget well last time my non-stick Feet's gone again come on here we go you're staying there I think [Music] right I'm going to turn you without the handle I I'm not touching that anymore that is bloody ridiculous that's one of the worst gadgets I have ever ever seen in my life and I've tried my best it did the job basically but no way it's just four pound and one of you lucky patrons is gonna get it I'm so sorry I'm so sorry just before we start this last Gadget if you've enjoyed the video don't forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you're not already uh for regular food fun content and uh check out the rest of the kitchen gadget playlist keep the suggestions coming in but check the playlist first this last one I have had for Blooming ages in fact the last three Gadget videos I've meant to do it but I've kept going nah now I'll put it on to the next one and it nearly happened today but we're gonna do it this is our last one today by vadham tease this is a funky tea maker and it's quite a simplistic one and there are no instructions with it because I opened this a couple of months ago and I remember I have to go on Amazon to tell me the instructions but I believe it's something to do with under here see that I think that brews the tea in here the tea comes out and this acts as a little filter all right yes it's basically a brewer of tea for different types I mean you could put a tea bag in there but it's really designed for loose tea because it's actually got the filter in there which should hopefully stop everything the tea gets brewed in here you can keep it on the coaster whilst it's doing that it's got some raised feet as well to keep it off your work surface and then you actually push it onto your mug or your teapot if you wish and it should then put pour water out through here and I hope because that's quite a wide area if you push it down it doesn't all like completely come out like some crazy tea waterfall which for some people is probably heaven I'm more of a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory chocolate waterfall guy but hopefully there's a little sprouty thing there it comes out of there the only way I'm gonna find out is if we use it so let's um let's get going we add in our tea leaves and I have put that right on that filter this is going to be a real test for this yeah that is right in there oh my gosh because obviously the the aim is that none of this comes through so we'll add our warm water fill it down I don't need to stir it apparently it's just gonna agitate itself don't we all and hopefully make that tea well it's actually a pretty good color on there at the moment isn't there looks a little bit like the upside down from stranger things but one thing I will say and I'm not very good at science folks it has been just over four minutes uh I haven't stirred it but I was thinking you could push that up and give it a little stir and agitate it if you want but it's brewed quite nicely now this is my fear I've got a clear mug and I've got this whole like doubt in my mind of like lifting this up and it all going everywhere okay and I'm going to place it down oh that is amazing I've got a couple of little like two drips that is amazing oh my God and there is not a single Tea Leaf left in there and it really does look like a swamp look at that a bit more confident holding it now that is proper swampy and you pretty much get although of course you know you might want to add some milk in we're going to go tough we're gonna have it as it is uh you pretty much get a decent one mug out of it oh you get a little bit you get just over and look at that foreign yeah that's that's not my favorite cup of tea but that's pretty well worked out sending right before we go let's check our bottles nothing nope a one one drip okay Wallace penguin no oh there is water though a scary amount of water hang on let me see if I can um oh my gosh that's probably about one and a bit tablespoons of water in there and a bit of what the heck is that good job wash to me so it's actually worked that is amazing I have actually already ordered my own one of those anyway because as I say all of these I have literally just signed in fact on the tea maker I've even written the instructions so good luck to the lucky patreon for that one thank you so much for the support this year folks in 2022 check out the rest of the gadget playlist now have a stonking 2023. I'll see you soon bye oh in case you're wondering Barry what is your worst Gadget today what was do you think was the worst one I don't think you need me to tell you that but in terms of my favorite I don't know for us as a family practicality wise that bottle drainer thing is going to be a life changer like literally we do it so often that sounds really exciting we drain water bottles but the peach slicer and that tea maker even the bread slice and yeah yeah those are my three favorites but if you've got a favorite do let me know uh down below but if you are watching this in 2022 enjoy the rest of 2022 if you're watching this in 2025 wow flying cars exist


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