The TRUE story of Nikola Tesla - told by Lt Col Thomas Bearden - Free Energy device explained

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by the way it's a pleasure to do this because  i would like to see tesla get some decent press i hope we are just helping that  well my name is tom bearden i'm a   retired lieutenant colonel presently also rather  suddenly retired from aerospace with the aerospace   stepped down widespread throughout the country  i've been doing research for many years into several areas one on some of the work of  nikola tesla one on the area of trying to   produce both a theory and some practical  results for over unity electrical machines   a small amount of work in anti-gravity and  then some medical applications primarily in   a new kind of electromagnetics i once said  tesla was a dichotomy certainly tesla had   certain idiosyncrasies which have been  played up in usually any creative genius does   if you accept those and don't dwell on those  tesla was a magnificent genius in my opinion   i think he was so far ahead of his time and what  he could do and what he understood not necessarily   in the language and the phraseology we use today  but in his own language in his own phraseology   i think he was well ahead of the times 100  years ahead of his times and now maybe in this   conversation we'll even go into that if nikola  tesla okay is what you said he is why is he so   relatively unknown to the general public through  a whole series of events you know tesla and his   life story admitted one time he had been a gambler  and then he quit because he was compulsive gambler   the last great gamble that tesla took he lost  and that of course was his great installation   on long island warden cliff he had at that time  put everything he had into you might say one   kettle it was funded by morgan there was some  struggle between morgan and another financier who   were in a great struggle with each  other it affected the stock market   it created inflation and everything  plus tesla had done a very strange thing   as a gambler he knew that morgan would never give  him his 150 000 dollars that he needed to do the   installation that he really wanted to do which  was going to cost more than that by some amount   so he had designed a smaller installation of two  transmitters when he briefed morgan and he briefed   him only on the communications aspect of it tesla  had four seen as many people had at that time but   he had clearly foreseen the broadcast industry  sending pictures and sound and music and so   forth and information through the air so morgan  financed the hundred and fifty thousand dollars   based on communications only morgan knew of  marconi's work and some others who were racing to   try to be the first wireless as they called it in  those days morgan was uh he didn't care about all   the finesse and so forth he was strictly financier  he was strictly interested in making money   and he knew this new area was going to go  and going to make money a lot of money for   whoever got there first and in his opinion  tesla had the best chance to get there first   so that's why he backed tesla tesla however  was even more interested in doing a worldwide   energy system to provide energy that would  be very cheap for everybody in the world   anywhere on the earth and so the actual  installation that he started building   was this giant's installation so well known  to the tesla fans and people who read of tesla   in the struggle between morgan and his  counterpart his counterpart almost bought morgan's   railroad company right out from under him he  bought in fact control of the voting shares   of the preferred stock but not of the common  stock and morgan issued orders from europe   to buy all the stock that could be bought at any  cost in one day the stock made astronomical jumps   the whole stock market went crazy we  don't have anything like that in our time   inflation became suddenly rampant parts and  electrical things went up three times for example   and suddenly everybody furnishing  parts there was a panic because of the   money shortage and everything and the stock  we would today call it a crash in other stocks so what happened is they begin demanding all  their money up front to the very beginning are you   saying that tesla was forgotten after warden cliff  that it was wardencliff that ruined his reputation   well it was a combination of events there were  many people who resented tesla particularly   among the academic community number one  they didn't understand at all how he worked   he didn't have the academic credentials what they  regarded the high academic credentials they had   if he of course had academic credentials he  certainly was had been very vocal that the common   electromagnetic theory which he usually referred  to as the hertz theory and hurts waves since hertz   you know proved the maxwell predicted wave uh  tesla was adamant that uh there were no transverse   maxwell hertz waves in the ether and that he  tesla was not using that kind of theory at all   that theory was very limited and  did not apply to what he was doing   and in other words he what he was saying to  the entire scientific mind of the day was that   what you're doing gentlemen is erroneous not  only that i'm proving urinary but because he had   become a household word when you do you become  a single name tesla not nikola tesla you see   and because of this kind of effect he had become  essentially the great wizard he had given us the   ac power system and everything and there was a  great deal of resentment for what they regarded   as an upstart inventor who was in fact essentially  saying i'm going to usurp your science they   would interpret it that way not all people were  detractors but many were he also was not a great   theoretician he didn't feel he didn't fill up  books with great theories and full of mathematics   and so he just didn't practice the game as it  was being practiced he was ostracized i think   primarily because of his difference and because  of his radical statements and because of his   pronouncements of great systems they didn't have  the foggiest notion of what he was talking about   he had one other unfortunate incident which today  would laugh at but it was very serious at the time   i think it was 1901 i'd have to check my records  he picked up radio signals from space you know   we know today of course that planets radiate rf  noise and so forth but when he announced this it   was uh it just caused a sensation and all the  scientists said immediately what a kook you   know what a idiot so an unfortunate reaction  occurred in the scientific community that   he had to be an utter kook because everybody knew  that there were no signals from space and that   was an unfortunate timing and contributed to his  demise nikola tesla also had an ego very big and   there there's some argument for the fact  that his ego or his vision of self may have   undone him as well could you address that  yes that's quite true he was arrogant he he knew in his mind what he had done and what he  could do he had done the experiments for example   in his few months at colorado springs which proved  that he was on the right path and he was hastening   back to new york to get the funding from morgan  and set up his warden cliff and get on with doing   the wireless but also the other energy at the  same time he was going to do it all in one stroke   and when this panic came  along and supplies went up and   finally he made the final fatal mistake  he briefed morgan in desperation   that what he was really about because he thought  morgan would appreciate that he simply did not   understand a financier who's not interested in  all of that but what is it going to do to make   me money there's nothing wrong with that i'm  just saying that's the way morgan approached it   at that point morgan also knew that marconi  was closing in on it and very close to   transmitting wireless across the ocean the  atlantic so morgan knew at that point briefed on   what yet had to be done and how much money tesla  needed and all that he knew the game was lost   from a communication viewpoint  that marconi was going to be first   so at that point morgan in his own mind wrote it  off as bad a bad investment going sour and one   thing he did not do was throw good money after bad  a perfectly sound business decision today we would   say so he simply wrote the project off tesla could  never understand for some months there after what   had happened why he couldn't get the extra money  people began to quit work because he couldn't pay   them the suppliers wouldn't send him his supplies  because he couldn't pay them upfront and the whole   thing began to sort of grind to a halt he  did get the installation in operation but he   never succeeded at what he was doing and by that  time morgan was never going to finance him again a combination of events then occurred  and within a few years of that to where   suddenly things began to shift the jealousy  of the scientific community began to suggest   that he was after all just a kooka everybody  knew that thing when warden cliff was foolish   and so he became almost a non-person in  the space of a very few years older man   living in a hotel room feeding the pigeons  with all his idiosyncrasies he really did   have idiosyncrasies he had a morbid fear  of germs he would use something like 17   white napkins for a meal that he would have and  meticulously lay one aside once he made the first   wife with it to wipe his hands or whatever he  had a lot of idiosyncrasies and of course his   autocratic pronouncements uh as you say his ego  also was there he also had quite an ego and so   people just shuttled him aside and said well  he's at best an ill egomaniac who's mistaken   and at worst he's just a lunatic when they  simply wrote out of the books what he had done i focused in on the electromagnetics because  early on in my work i also became disenchanted   with the present electromagnetic model to  understand tesla you must take seriously   i think his suggestion that the present  electromagnetic model is seriously flawed   nobody wants to take that seriously most of the  people who approach tesla use the conventional   electromagnetics and when they cannot explain what  he was talking about they say therefore the man   was a kook now suppose for a moment that he really  was correct suppose there is something wrong with   the classical electromagnetics of course you can  use the classical model to do the things we do   but it means there are many other things that can  be done that we cannot do because we have excluded   that part from our model and from our teaching  and from our knowledge and from our instruments   let's pursue that a moment the  original electromagnetics written by   maxwell himself was written in  an algebra called quaternions what we mean here is a higher topology  algebra in which you can do things   in this kind of expression of electromagnetics  that you can't do in vectors or tensors   now the real theory that maxwell had depending  on who counts the equations and what they count   uh is something like 20 equations and 20 unknowns  to give some numbers to it when heavyside got   through translating it into a much simpler  algebra called vectors which he helped create   and he wrote all the modern equations that are  used as maxwell's equations not maxwell himself   none of those ever appeared in anything by james  clerk maxwell when heavyside modified it to a   much easier algebra called vector analysis  which he helped complete the algebra itself   it consisted of some two equations or so with  an extra equation thrown in depending on the   way you want to count that again certainly if  you want to count the full thing four equations   so you can see a remarkable reduction in the  amount of variations of things you could do   and that's what i mean when i say we previously  had an electromagnetics that permitted lots of   functioning that is no longer permitted by the  kind of electromagnetics we all taught to apply   and use today it's a subset of what can be done  a scientist by the name barrett a very brilliant   scientist has done a very good analysis when  hertz announced his discovery of the maximum waves   it's in there if you read it but actually tesla  went to sea hurts to convince him of the era of   his ways and showed him experiments and everything  else to prove that the wave that was actually   in the ether was not a transverse string wave  but in fact was what we today we would call a   longitudinal sound wave a wave of rarefaction  and compraction compression he did do that   and was not able to convince hurts but hertz was  very disheartened by all this evidence that tesla   had given him but never revealed what the evidence  was let's look now and see if there's any room for   what tesla was saying and i want to tell you  a story of the greatest joke on all of science   in all of history because you'll never  understand tesla until you know this joke   when they were trying to write this the  wave equation for the plucked string   wave of course they were studying plucked  stringed instruments you have a taut string   suspended between two points you know on the body  of an instrument and they simply pluck the string   various ways and watch the waves they then wrote  equations for the tensile forces and so forth in   the string they isolated the string they assumed  that there's nothing else happening but the string   and using the forces and they still teach  the sophomore students to do it this way   they derive the string wave equation first of  all there is no such thing as a tight string   independently existing apart from a holder  anywhere in the world there never will be   there is however a tight string  which has equal and opposite forces   in the ends of the holder that's holding the  string and creating the tension on the string   if you will apply the same approach and ask  yourself the full question what system was   perturbed it was not just the tight string it was  the type string plus the body of the instrument   what comes about is that every transverse  string wave that occurred in the string   an equal and opposite highly damped wave  occurred down in the body of the instrument   every guitar picker which i'm a very poor  one knows that the body of the instrument   vibrates when you pluck the string you depend  on the characteristic of that for your sound   what happened though by throwing away the  holder and the anti-wave in the holder   every time a mathematician or a  physicist writes a wave equation   he has thrown away half of the problem of the  phenomena the anti-wave still exists but he threw   it somewhere usually into a highly damp system and  ignores it the way he gets by with that at the end   where he has now described his reactions with the  single wave equation the transverse wave equation   the other wave reappears and he says oh that's  newton's third law reaction force because it's   always equal and opposite well newton's  third law is not a law it's a description   it is not a mechanism for what causes something  at all if you add back in the wave that is missing   guess what you get you get equal and opposite  waves in the vacuum these waves are in fact   longitudinal waves they are more sound like and  tesla was right and all the textbooks in the world   are wrong now let's turn that from talking  sound let's turn it to electromagnetics if i   examine an atom and i see the complex assembly of  dipoles each dipole being the electron charge and   a piece of the positive charge of the nucleus  i find something very similar to the holder   and the string that is i have something very  light the electron which is perturbed and i have   something which is highly damped the very heavy  nucleus by the equal and opposite anti-disturbance   and we still know that exists but we call it  newton's third law we just invoke a description   have no idea what causes it but anyway if the wave  comes in from the vacuum and is intercepted by one   of these dipoles in addition to the disturbance  the string wave that we will see off of the   electron in we will have the anti-wave the  recall forces on the other end and so always   we get equal and opposite we do get the opposite  wave and what came in from the vacuum head both   the separation between the two charges caused the  separation of the two waves just as the separation   between the string and the body of the instrument  caused the separation of the wave in any wave in   the plucked string instrument so we still have  the same thing and we still hold to the fact   there is a longitudinal wave in the  vacuum not just a single transverse wave   now let us see what happens when we launch  a wave now that we know that from an antenna   when i launch away from a physical antenna the  matter in the antenna is made of these same   atoms in these same dipoles and in addition to  launching the wave from the electron shells and   the electron interactions there is a highly damped  anti-wave launched at much less disturbance highly   reduced of the anti-wave but as soon as it emerges  from the antenna there is no longer any damping   because there's no longer any heavy nuclear  mass and so immediately it pops to full shape   and full size and so we still have the  longitudinal wave in the vacuum that would launch   can i prove that in what we receive yes indeed  i can and you must understand this if you ever   understand nikola tesla now let me go to  the reception of this wave in a circuit   and i have some free electrons in my circuit  and then comes the way from the vacuum   the electrons in the circuit are pushing against  their brothers down the road which pushes back   and it's restrained it had very difficult for  it to move longitudinally we know that today we   know that it only moves down the wire at something  like 11 feet per hour the signal that moves down   the wire near light speed will have completely  exited the solar system gone on by that time   so as you can see we have a very sluggish  electron restrained which is spinning we know   today when they wrote those equations they  didn't even have the notion of the electron   so it acts as a gyro and by gyro theory right out  of the book when you longitudinally disturb a gyro   that's restrained it will precess sideways and all  of our instruments measure and detect the electron   precession waves that's what we put on our  oscilloscopes and what we read with our   instruments and yes and d gentlemen we do detect  the electron wiggle waves and they are transverse   waves but a gyro reaction precesses at right angle  to the actual disturbance which proves that it is   a longitudinal wave in the vacuum if you do not  believe that you must throw away all gyro theory   tesla was right every textbook in the u.s is  wrong maxwell simply assumed out of thin air   the transverse string wave because that's what  everybody was familiar with when he wrote the   first equations it's never been changed to this  day so was tesla aware of this and is this what   tesla was talking about when he talked about  teleforce it was deeply involved in it tesla   made several statements for example over and  over where he said there are no transverse   waves in the vacuum no hurts waves the waves  in the vacuum i have already proved he said is   like a gas and the waves in it therefore are like  sound waves there are longitudinal waves and he   was indeed correct today for example in modern  quantum mechanics there is a vacuum it is a medium   and it's a virtual particle flux and so indeed the  vacuum is a virtual gas by today's best physics   and tesla was right it is a longitudinal wave  and i've just explained how it's split when it's   received you do get what we measure with our  instruments because of the electron precession   and you also get the any wave at the same time  proving that it was a an extra a wave there   down in the nucleus in the materials which do  recall and we just ignore it we know it's there   we just ignore it now let's look for example  at his statement of wireless transmission   here he was talking of the transmission of energy  through the atmosphere or indeed through space   uh without loss as a matter of fact if this if  that is true then it already exists in nature   tesla had rediscovered nature as a matter  of fact today in modern theory we know   that the energy in an electromagnetic  wave transmitted is already conserved   if you take a wavelength at any length  from an omni transmitter and you take   the hemispherical shell of that wavelength  times the entire surface area of that shell   the energy that's in that shell is the same as the  energy in any other shell of any radius the energy   is totally conserved and none of it is lost we  already know that that part is absolutely correct   the energy density course goes  way down as the shell expands   so that part is unquestionable now  the question is can we direct that and   can we control it uh in a sense if we do a laser  beam we do that there's a better way to do it   if we go to whitaker's paper which was written  in 1903 and some other papers have been written   since then like by zielkowski and by sue  in the 1993 even zilkowski in the 80s   a strange thing comes about what we call the  electrostatic scalar potential that is pure   voltage to simplify it can be broken down into a  bi-directional set of wave pairs one wave going   one way the other way time reversed and locked on  it in space so what we call just voltage or just   potential is actually got a hidden set incredible  amount of waves going in both directions   and not only we consider it just a fixed value at  a point in space but as a matter of fact it's a   tremendous energy flow so what tesla really  discovered was how to combine the waves so   that they eliminated the gradients technically  speaking the gradients opposed each other but   was still there but now hidden the net gradient  the net force field was gone we know today the   other electromagnetics is still there and  we have an energy flow in both directions   so he simply found out how to do that and yes  indeed there is no loss in that kind of potential   if you make a beam of that you can do indeed  transmit energy in a completely hidden fashion   you can stick a normal meter right in the beam  and it won't see a thing because there's no   force field and you can transmit it at a distance  how effectively depends on the ability to make   the beam how narrow you can make the beam and  hold it together and the other thing depends on   a slight interaction with the atmosphere in the  middle you'll spill a little but you can do it 98   or so which i think is what tesla said also  there's one other thing we must say about that   there is emerging in the last few years and has  emerged in orthodox science at an advanced level   what i would say is the very beginning but it's  moving pretty fast theory of force free fields   and these are getting very close to what tesla  was doing they haven't added the any way back   in yet but they're getting close at least they're  eliminating the overall force and doing something   else with the electromagnetics that remains  the other thing which must be brought to bear   and i must do this very precisely to understand  tesla is the fact that for example if you read   jackson and classical electrodynamics you will  find when he's first setting out in the first   so many pages he points out very clearly that  this theory this very beautiful theory only   holds when the background is reasonably well  behaved reasonably linear he points out that   if the background becomes non-linear that you  must then turn to the emerging field or the field   that has emerged in nonlinear optics nonlinear  optics in some fashions is an unfortunate term   because the mechanisms are fundamental they apply  to all frequencies and they apply to all kinds   of ways it's a matter of when the background gets  sufficiently non-linear to induce these phenomena   so as long as you continue to try to keep the  background linear which we're great at doing   we try really to sweep out these phenomena  tesla had stumbled into this area very early on   and mastered part of this area long  before the terminology i'm using existed   he knew how to do number one what today we call  phase conjugation he knew how to do what we call   pumped phase conjugation and he even knew how  to do what we call technically today amongst   very few people self-targeting so he had some  tools at his fingertips which he could use on   the lab bench and build equipment he worked on  an enormous number of years on which could do   things that the normal electromagnetics cannot  do we do some of them today in non-linear optics   now let me talk about self-targeting so  you can understand some of his transmission   without loss one of the problems we have like  for example in something like missile defense   if i have a spaceborne laser let me say and i  have a rising enemy booster 10 15 000 miles away   i've got a problem i've got lots of power i  can put the laser beam on to the booster but   i must hold it on one particular spot 15 000  miles away on that exact spot a long enough   time called dwell time to burn through the  casing and destroy the booster so i have a   problem how do i hold this beam there and keep it  from wandering around in the body of the booster   well it turns out you can do it very  easily with a thing called self-targeting   every signal that comes from there if i phase  conjugate and transmit a phase conjugate replica   it goes unerringly back to the spot including it  lit it a little bit because the component of its   motion was on the beam that came to me and so if  i continue to do that iteratively i can hold the   beam exactly on the booster and burn through it  so by self-targeting i can hold a laser beam on a   point it doesn't have to be a booster a defense  or anything i can hold a beam of energy onto a   point that i have at a distance that's the main  thing by self-targeting and on my own opinion   i reached the opinion that tesla in his  telegeodynamics had discovered how to do   that with the mechanical waves first of all he  could transmit the full wave through the earth   and he could cause the thing when it came back to  be faced conjugated once he had a reflection from   anywhere he could narrow immediately into that  point and put all his energy to that point and   today there is a theoretical basis for it  i couldn't build such equipment but i mean   there's a theoretical way to go to do that  and apparently according to his statements   that's my interpretation of what he was doing he  was doing it to face conjugation and therefore   able to focus his energy regardless of what kind  of route it followed to the exact point he wanted   it to go to on the other side of the earth but now  was this theoretical or was this ever demonstrated   i believe he demonstrated it uh for example  my personal opinion and i certainly cannot   prove this in the court of law and i  want to label it as a personal opinion   my personal opinion because of certain  time sequences of some of his statements   and incidents which actually happened i  think is a last desperate measure while his   installation at long island was still intact  and still in operation i believe he fired   the electrical pulse of energy that blew down  that forest in siberia oliver nicholson has   done some very good work for example to look at  the admittedly circumstantial evidence we can't   prove it at all i just happened to hold to the  thesis that it was his last ditch effort to try to   solve his problems that he'd lost with morgan  by focusing attention on to the absolute power   that could be unleashed with this and it failed  nobody was interested i was very curious about   the time correlation between his installation  still existing on long island still in operation   and this siberian particular blast and its  characteristics which was not a nuclear   weapon it was not a meteorite so uh in  doing a little work on that thanks uh   to oliver nicholson he sent me some very good  information on that and it's not the kind of   thing you can ever say with any certainty happened  certainly not but there is at least circumstantial   evidence that he may have done that in speaking  of nuclear energy and tesla's objection to it and some of the things he had in mind with energy   it's pretty obvious that tesla not only  knew how but advocated very strongly   that you could do this electromagnetically and  you could do it cleanly and cheaply without   all the nuclear residue and the nuclear waste and  the long-term effects and this kind of thing you   know it's it's tough to dispose of nuclear waste  now i have mixed feelings on this for example   i am a nuclear engineer i have a master's  degree from georgia tech but i'm not a   practicing nuclear engineer nor have i ever been  the army really didn't see fit to let me do that   nonetheless i know a little bit about what they're  about and so forth and a nuclear power plant is   not a great breakthrough in technology at all  it's a great heater and what we really do we   use the nuclear reactions to produce heat and we  either boil water and make steam or we just use   the hot water and then it's the heat energy that  we must convert to provide our electric power   now the demand for electric power is great enough  it's a big enough problem as everybody is aware   if we must continue to furnish this electric  power at our present science level there's no   really acceptable alternative yet to the  nuclear power plant however it doesn't   mean that that's the preferable solution by  any means i think it's preferable the other   way which is why i work so hard to try to do it  electromagnetically now at this very conference   that we're at when this interview is being made  i'm going to introduce what is almost the final   results of my 30 years of work in this area and  what we have done is very similar to what tesla   did and he provided the codes the clues on which  to look what i've done is taken him to heart and   convinced myself with a lot of investigation and  study the waves in the vacuum are longitudinal   so when electromagnetic waves break loose from  their mass restriction and holding they are   longitudinal waves and when they get tied up in  mass they get split into these two waves which   one of which is acting upon the electrons to cause  them to move sideways and they slip a little bit   every once in a while down the wire creates  newton's third law reaction in the nucleus   well when you go through enough analysis  of this what you really find and what as of   friday of this week uh yesterday i have filed uh  my associates and i should say have filed a very   fundamental patent on the creation in a circuit  of longitudinal waves to flow the energy freely   literally in the tesla fashion and then use  it separately in the load the power load   technically it's still called displacement current  what we have done we have split the normal current   technically dq dt into two components  one being displacement current dp dt   and one being that mass slippage every once in a  while of these precessing electrons down the wire   and what we really have done is used a  barrier invented by bill fogel to stop the   mass flow which is all the workflow the rate  at which energy is being lost in the circuit   we allow only the flow past fogel's semiconductor  which is a patented device patented in 92   and then we use this free energy flow which is  does not disperse conventional theory already   recognizes displacement current as pure energy  transport without losses for example the way to   use it and i want everybody to know so they can  check it if i then run the displacement current   through the primary of its step up transformer  i produce ordinary garden variety magnetic field   and store that free energy in that magnetic field  that couples to the secondary which then couples   to the electrons in that circuit through the  load which are now free to move i don't restrain   them and i pump the electrons through the load  absolutely conventionally and do power and a load   so what i have is absolute conservation of  energy but i do not conserve work loss the   dissipation of the energy i take the energy in  almost freely from the battery or power source   in this case it would be an oscillator  because i'm speaking ac we can do a dc   i strip off and block the component of the current  that's responsible for all losses in the circuit   then i take the displacement current and i couple  it gather it and store it in this case magnetic   field couple it to the other side and discharge  it through the load completely separately   none of my load discharge current goes back  through my source no degradation is done to   the source and yes indeed you can legitimately  do over unity electrical systems and it's exactly   analogous to a heat pump which is a proven  over unity system that we use in our homes i just told the world how to build  a free energy machine is what i told   okay now if we assume that what i've  explained about the way we have approached   the use of the energy which is freely available  from the vacuum vacuum energy is now acceptable   even physical review thanks to some fine work  by people of the stature of al pudov for example   it's very very straightforward very technical  and it's now an acceptable thing we know   the vacuum and it is accepted is filled with  energy and tesla always said that it was   so once again tesla has been vindicated by modern  quantum mechanics after all of these years i think   if we look at some of the other incidents as  for example tesla talked about being able to   tap the energy of cosmic rays he talked in fact  his nephew reported as a child riding in the car   where tesla had put in an engine of some kind  which was self-powered so we find then later   references to tesla which suggests the harnessing  of energy from today we would say from the vacuum   so does that sound reasonable to us today from  where i'm coming from yes indeed because that's   exactly what we have done we take it in the  potential across the source we simply use the   hidden wave flow from the whitaker stuff we want  to extract that and use it in this displacement   current form while it's still energy flow and none  of it's being lost we do not wish to make work   until we store it up and discharge it in the  load separately we do it just like a heat pump   and i really think that's probably the way tesla  did it in that car engine he also knew there was   enormous energy in what was called cosmic rays  and he connected that with the whole idea of the   energetic vacuum we would say today and i think  that's just one of the ways he referred to it   for example we know from t henry mori's work  that he was inspired by tesla's statement that   the the energy of the ether itself was literally  filled with rivers of energy free for the taking   it inspired him in his great undertaking  today the fashion is to sweep that aside   and say well you know i know what he was doing  tesla just didn't know he was using this stuff   that i know all about and so i talk about the  earth ionospheric wave guide and resonance and   that's not what he was doing at all you can't  do free energy of the whole world with earth   ionospheric resonance isn't going to happen we  know about that you know it isn't going to happen   you know another area that often occurs  in discussions of tesla is the notion of   weaponization of tesla's true work that's  relatively unknown to modern science but   could probably be known to some very sharp  people that looked into it because they wanted   to make weapons tesla certainly spoke of a  very large series of very powerful weapons   i think that's a reasonable thing and let's  approach it this way certainly i'm on record   as saying the weapons exist and that several  nations have weaponized them let me explain a   little bit about what i'm talking about and a  little bit key points where you might look we   know for a fact that uh for example t henry moray  with his power supply was visited by the russians   and we know that the russians tried to in fact  take it they even tried to kidnap t henry moray   and so we know that the russians very early on  were interested in things like free energy run out   of the vacuum and they were interested in weapons  there are even reports that they contacted tesla   and i'm sure they would have he  certainly had plenty of headlines   so if we have that then as a starting point  we have a situation where in the late 30s   particularly in just prior to world war ii there  was at least some kind of interest in contact   we know in the case of t henry moore they very  probably got the exact blueprints how to build the   device maybe a couple things missing in here and  there but a really good lab could have eventually   put it together from there then comes along world  war ii of the beginner interruption for everyone   okay at that time after world war ii we have  a very strange situation which exists now   first thing that exists we have suddenly thrust  upon the world seeing the atomic bomb if we had   not done so we would have had a bloodbath when we  tried to invade japan so many lives were saved by   the use of the atomic bomb and i am not an  atomic bomb apologist many people who are   here today would not be here if their fathers  had been killed by the invasion of japan and   depending on who you believe the casualties  would have been about 1 million on our side alone anyway we arrived at this state in the world  where now there's a very powerful weapon which   suddenly frustrates one of the things that  stalin has planned to do stalin of course had   a spy in the atomic bomb project he knew we were  getting ready so it wasn't a big surprise to him   at potsdam when truman told him that we  had just exploded the first atomic bomb   but he had been planning after europe after the  european war and everything wound down he would   hold his armies for about two years we always  beat our swords back into plowshares and go home   historically it's the last war never going to be  another one and unfortunately human nature doesn't   change and so there is another one and stalin  in about two years would keep all his armies   intact and simply take over europe in about six  weeks that was his plan however now he couldn't   do that because if he massed his forces we would  have bombed him back into the stone age so he had   a problem there is at least reasonable reason to  believe that stalin called in his scientific heads   when he got back from potsdam and really laid the  law down to them he said the destiny of communism   has been frustrated by this great new american  development that isn't going to be the last great   breakthrough but i tell you gentlemen one thing  the next one is going to be soviet he forcefully ordered them to search for the next great area  in my opinion to look for for that breakthrough   because thereafter you find soviet scientists  combing through everything for example they   took the entire scientific literature of the west  loaded on copies onto boats took it back to russia   set up huge translations institutes staffed with  very highly qualified scientists and their job   was to go through look for anything anomalous the  anomalies they laid aside then they went through   them with a fine tooth comb and to see what looked  promising and of course they would have found such   thing we've never done anything like that they  would have found such things as the whitaker   papers a lot of marvelous things i haven't even  found yet that's in the literature that nobody's   ever paid attention to so my thesis is that that's  what happened they started into this area for   building a new super weapon immediately after  world war ii certainly they would have resurrected   this more race stuff they had gotten out  of t henry mori's lab through their agent   they would have probably resurrected other things  i don't even know about that's just conjecture but   probably so at any rate they did start such  a program the russians have always been the   greatest non-linear mathematicians in the world  they were at the beginning they are to this day   and so they would have seen much more  clearly into the non-linear aspects of   everything we were talking about than  american scientists had seen to date   which means they would have picked up the optic  what today we call the optical type functioning   which means they would have picked up the  longitudinal waves they certainly falsified   general relativity theory only later many years  later whether they openly published the fact that   it's wrong and show why it's wrong and become  you know recognized critics of the conventional   general relativity in this country we did exactly  the opposite we defended it to the last man   so they went much deeper i think during this  period into these areas than we did and i   think they started building because as you know  from my own previous publications i put together   independently a rather large body of evidence  admittedly circumstantial but real nonetheless   that can only be explained by the testing of such  weapons there is absolutely no other explanation   for it now i could be wrong on one incident  but 200 of exactly the same kind i think not   so the evidence is overwhelming and you even hear  now their own leaders like zaranovsky recently has   referred to these weapons as the ellipton weapons  there is no question today that the soviet union   has these weapons and if what i put together  is correct and i'm absolutely convinced it is   three other nations of the world also  develop those weapons and resoundingly   check the soviet union the other three are  friendly to the united states not hostile   and i think that played one great  part in the fall of the soviet empire   because their original target date as i brought  out have been 85 to achieve the freedom to move   and do what they wished in the world in 1985  and they met the schedule as i've adequately   reported but once checked then we have a very  strange situation now communism falls because   of its financial shortcomings and they just  flat can't keep it glued together anymore   and in the dissolution here we have entered what i  think is a much more dangerous world than anything   we ever thought of three other nations today are  indeed working on what i call the tesla weapons   or really scalar electromagnetic weapons and these  nations are not really friendly to the u.s at all   so it's a much more dangerous world that  has emerged the nuclear control that was   executed by the soviet union has now probably  been deluded you can hire if you're careful   you can hire some soviet scientists right off the  project many nations today are developing nuclear   weapons and they don't have to go through  the pain we did they're hiring people who   already know how to do that and have done so so  very shortly you will see emerging throughout   the so-called third world as it's so loosely  referred to you will see nuclear weapons you will   see the extended skull for example being developed  in north korea aided by the chinese and is being   expropriated to the mideast and in my opinion  you will see a nuclear and biological warfare in   the middle east in three or four years somewhere  on that time range i could be off a year or two   but it isn't going to be forever  so to me it's a much more dangerous   world that we live in particularly if we see the  advent in addition to the nukes and the biological   warfare which is certainly frightening enough if  we see the advent of several other nations now   possessing weapons of the ilk and power spoken of  although it a little bit of likely by nikola tesla   i would like to explain the basis for the weapons  because it's open if you take the two papers by   whitaker that i'm so fond of quoting and all my  stuff you will find that the first one tells you   if you do it in reverse tells you how to make  if you wish a scalar beam by simply assembling   the necessary wave set the second paper will  tell you that if you then take two such scalar   beams actually hidden multi waves and interfere  them at a distance yes scalar interferometry   really exists and it's just really multiple wave  interferometry when you understand the wave sets   what will occur at a distance will be the  reappearance of the electromagnetic gradients   which we call force fields in other words  you'll create the electromagnetics at a distance   if you bias your ground potential of your  transmitters higher than the distant focal   point what we call energy heat energy exhaustion  of energy which should be called work heat energy   will emerge in the other area and scatter at that  area the energy will go in here and scatters work   out the other end it's just like you had a direct  pipeline at a distance is this indicative of tesla   of course if you bias your projectors the other  way the energy flows in the other direction in   other words you extract energy from out there and  the energy you have to do something to collect and   dissipate the heat back at the transmitter in  every transmitter is now a two-way transmitter   of energy i can make it go in one direction  by biasing and going the other at will   the weapon implications of that alone are  extremely frightening and extremely powerful   and now several nations are involved in developing  it right straight forward to the hilt very shortly   we will have an even more frightening world  emerging the other thing you can do with it which   i think tesla's alluded to at least in a  few cases when you do these things with the   potentials rather than with the force fields you  actually involve time you produce time effects or   you can produce effects on anything that exists  in time because you affect the time dimension   when you do this you can affect thought and you  can affect uh human beings where they live because   thought occurs in time it occupies time it's just  not spatial but it is timeline time like as you   can probably see if indeed the world has already  acquired several nations the ability to build   the defensive weapons in the area that has been  discussed here the tesla type weapons then there's   really no longer a great compelling need to do  any further weapons work by any private citizen   so there are some other very compelling areas  however of great need for humanity that are   directly involved with tesla's approach and  tesla's work that cry out for research and   development two of these areas are fantastic  we must have clean energy sources we must have   some source to provide our needed electrical power  cleanly and freely without polluting this entire   biosphere everybody's concerned with that the way  to do it is not to put in harsh laws that stop   all workers and everything like this and go into  absolute dictatorship that's not the way to do it   the way to do it is to do it scientifically by  striking for a great new breakthrough to where it   can be done and done cheaply and cleanly so that's  one area that you know is important and deserves   the utmost effort can be put on it another area  that is assuming ever more increasing urgency   is the area of the medical needs allopathic  medicine is failing the bugs are all changing   and they're becoming immune to all our  antibiotics the the orthodox scientific   people are saying this openly in their journals  and their articles and their editorials   even the newspaper and newsweek and so forth  are picking it up and writing articles about it   within five years you will have a serious risk  of your life if this trend continues just to   go to the hospital the number is already over  10 000 per year i don't know the exact number   since 92 but it's already well above 10 000  per year that die in the hospital because the   infection that they have absolutely cannot be  controlled there is one kind of staff for example   that nothing that we have will affect and it  has about a 30 percent lethality i'm told so   3 out of 10 who contact that diet in the  hospital these kinds of things are increasing   you now have very well recognized scientists in  the regular medical scientific community saying   allopathic medicine is failing and there's  nothing to replace it you cannot develop the   vaccines or new compounds fast enough to even  keep up with them we have lost that battle   we must change the medical approach the medical  approach if you use the extended electromagnetics   if i may use that term that tesla was talking  about we then occur there then occurs phenomena   which can be used to control and change and heal  almost any infectious disease whatsoever and cure   including a genetic disease such as where the  genetics have changed in the cell such as aids   now that is not an idle statement that is a  very rigorous statement based on some very   rigorous scientific work done in france in the  late 60s and early 70s by antoine priory and a   team of scientists that gathered and worked with  him and these were imminent scientists well-known   for example one of them was robert courier  head of the biology section of the french   academy of science and also the secretary of  perpetual of the french academy at the same time   poacherzell an imminent scientist well known  many such scientists worked with directly with   the inventor antoine priori priori completed his  doctoral thesis which was rejected because of the   violent opposition of the medical establishment  but he demonstrated under rigorous scientific   protocols that you could completely cure almost  with ridiculous ease terminal tumors in lab   animals he did it hundreds of times under  all the proper rigid controls i mean courier   personally sent his own personal assistant  to do the tumor grafts and ensure that   everything was absolutely impeccable very  simple you take 15 rats 30 rats 15 each   one control group one test group every all the  rats get inoculated or grafted with the same   terminal tumor they're going to be dead with 100  certainty in 30 days the 15 get treated the other   15 don't they stay in exactly the same room same  food same everything the 15 treated all get well   the 15 not treated on diet with another provision  you can then take another group of 15 rats with   the same tumors grafted to them you can take one  drop of blood from each of the rats that got well   and put in each one of the other rats and they  will all get well from that single drop of blood   the ordinary medical establishment  was furious when they changed the   setup of the french government to  a leftist government in the mid 70s   the priori team was just completing a very large  installation with permission to treat human   patients with terminal cancer and leukemia and so  forth now he surreptitiously treated some humans   before and carried their cancers and leukemias the  problem was nobody could understand how it worked   we didn't even have at the time the knowledge  of this new parts of phase conjugate optics that   we needed to understand it it's no wonder  they couldn't understand it nobody could   and so when they suppressed that they withdrew  the funding from the project it was funded by the   french government and when the government changed  they were through the funding every all the work   ceased the equipment later was destroyed priori  lady later died at any rate this is something   absolutely legitimate it did use the type of  electromagnetic extension that i've talked about   and if we open up that extension there  now is the explanation available of how   it worked and yes we can cure such diseases  if a proper scientific development program   can be mounted and funded and it will all  be based in part on the work of nikola tesla often there's been a great curiosity about this  strange thing the russians suddenly injected   onto the world they had done some pre-testing but  suddenly on july the 4th 1976 for a bicentennial   present for us the soviets opened up some great  new transmitters in the communication band   which because of the chirping sound and would  sound just like a woodpecker's bill hitting a   block of wood was immediately dubbed  woodpecker by all the ham radio operators who   had it interfering with their communications and  so this was really massive communication massive   transmitters lots and lots of power and nobody  could figure out what in the world was going on   it made no sense because certainly the signals  as seen could do over the rise in radar work   which you normally put in that same frequency  band but there were also apparently lots of   characteristics which didn't fit what you would  do if you were designing something was just a   over the rising radar it's all  be no need for such complexity   so there's been a lot of discussion on it and you  know i guess the official realization was that uh   calling it was to say it's just simply over  the rising radars well they built a lot of them   but if you look at it through the eyes of  the scalar interferometry and i mentioned   the two references and have cited them in various  papers there are other work on along that line too   if that approach is used in what seems  to be what tesla had done if you use the   tesla approach to interpret it now one  is dealing with scalar interferometry   and dealing with something that can do some rather astounding potential weapon effects with the  in tesla interpretation one of the things that   would result from that line of weapons assuming  they are used as scalar interferometry weapons   one of the great things that would emerge  from them would be to produce controlled   energy at a distance for example great huge  balls of controlled electromagnetic energy or   if you pulsate great blasts of electromagnetic  energy at a distance i mentioned the business   of biasing the transmitters where you can produce  either heat like an explosion or you could produce   a cold explosion the sudden explosive withdrawal  of energy from the local air from the distant area and in books cited incidents that are  representative of what one would find if those   incidents actually were occurring on that kind of  scale the incidents are there they're real they're   documented they're not just tom bearden so there  is a good solid set of admittedly circumstantial   evidence that the woodpecker signals because  of all the phenomena that can be associated   in the same time frame since they turned on these  phenomena very strongly suggest that this set   of weapons is not just over the rise and radars  at all but are really tesla weapon systems   and if they are all the rest follows they have  one other frightening area if this thesis is true   that is almost mind-boggling there is a soviet  physicist scientist named kaznashev and kaznashev   has produced a series of experiments in two  soviet military institutes before the fall there   that showed that you could transmit  any sort of disease form between cells   any sort of infectious disease or you can  radiate one sample with nuclear radiation   gamma radiation for example or deadly poison or  infection with viruses you can transmit between cellular cultures into another cell  another sample from the same culture the   same disease electromagnetically although  the organisms won't necessarily be there   that works in literature if  you pursue it because nausea   has several books out now that are available  since the russian system has loosened up a bit   that work has been replicated at the university  of marburg for example in germany it has been   replicated university of sydney in australia and  it has been replicated by at least one researcher   here in the united states he's trained to  say if there are no force fields there's no   electromagnetics he ignores the potential that's  left he just sweeps away and throws it away   from where we're coming from with the tesla  approach that is the active part that's the   part that is being interfered within the bodies  or whatever to cause whatever you wish to cause   if we couple it with the kaznasi  of stuff we are saying that such   scalar transmitters in interferometry  within the u.s embassy could indeed  

have produced any sort of disease they  wish however it would have very strange   signatures let me explain the signatures  and how such signatures actually came about first of all when nixon went as vice president  to russia and this was first detected he was   going to visit some nuclear installations and  they carried geiger counters and it was detected   on the geiger counter it's an ionization device  it detects the ionization and discharge of its   own gases and anything that ionizes gas it will  detect it doesn't have to be nuclear radiation   and so they thought at first that it  was deadly nuclear radiation because   all the counters went off and indeed it  was not they were irradiating the present   president with this stuff with the tesla  stuff to see if we knew what was going on that's a beautiful intelligence probe you pick  out a high-level target like the president or   you know the embassy you radiate and do some  things that are obvious not too bad but are   obvious so they can't be missed and then you  see what happens when the system goes bananas   trying to figure out what's going on and by  their actions there's no way to fake it you   either tell them you know what's going on by your  action or you show them you don't know what's   going on there's no way to get out of it it's 100  certain which very few things in intelligence are   however if i go back to the embassy were many  health changes and diseases and so forth you   know three ambassadors died of a leukemia-like  illness eventually these diseases occurred only   within the embassy in those areas where the force  fields were absent and the potentials were there   and the johns hopkins researchers did a beautiful  job they were expert guys of establishing the   force field electromagnetic pattern and since not  a single case occurred in that area that's by the   normal electromagnetic then reach the conclusion  that therefore could not possibly be the microwave   radiation actually that's a false conclusion  if the radiation played no part whatsoever and   you had that many changes occurred the odds  are extremely high that some of


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