How to qualify as an international ESL teacher LIVE

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for years uh the the market of teaching has long baffled young people and especially in the area of job market we are always confused baffled pessimism optimism different types of views have always persisted uh being into the professional life of teaching it has been my experience that although it is the most demanding uh situation and a demanding position yet there are a lot of ifs and buts there are a lot of matches and mismatches and we as human beings as professionals who are trying to guide the young generation into the right direction are all often baffled we are always puzzled in order to get into the right direction today we have with us someone who would be guiding us through the process of making a carrier into esl training a person who has traveled across many countries a person who is considered as a mentor not only by hundreds but i if i'm not wrong maybe thousands a person who has helped to shape millions uh people thousands of young people in different parts of the world to shape up their future this is a great opportunity for me from asian college of teachers to welcome mr smohith the lead trainer of iec department of one of the most reputed school in thailand bangkok arun pradesh school i he is joining us directly from thailand just to give you a very brief idea about who is is the founder of zebra cross technologies india private limited is basically a kind of an educational technologist researcher and is also the lead trainer in english language in the iec department of arun private school thailand he has been conducting various workshops based on education and technology in southeast asian countries he has trained a lot of teachers around the globe and they have been he has been teaching to equip them with technology he has mentored and he has helped to shape the future of many young generation welcome mrs mohit a very warm welcome from asian college of teachers to this very special show we call it facebook live oh thank you very much sir so good afternoon everyone uh as he mentioned i live in uh thailand uh there is a small correction uh my school is located in cheburi which is like two hours uh from uh bangkok so it's not in bangkok but it's one of the oldest and most prestigious schools in the country uh so yeah thank you very much uh for giving this opportunity too absolutely so we will come directly to the point because we have a very important thing coming up today that is we have we are fortunate to get you and there i am very sure that there will be a lot of questions asked and we from asian college we will try to answer a lot of almost all of them so now considering the current situation that you are in thailand so uh my first question uh would be that i i we understand that you have been into teaching and particularly your current profile would be english teaching like but i would like to say ask you the first question is that just let us know initially what is the what how do we qualify as an esl teacher i mean to say if we can divide it into academic and professional let us take one by one and if you can explain us uh barring the personality which is all obviously an important part if you can take us through the right direction okay uh so before starting it uh i would like to inform you something and i want your perceptions to you know i want to know your perception regarding uh you know many uh teachers are always confused about e f l and e s l i know uh right now uh we are talking like our topic for the day is how to qualify as an international esl teacher right so i'm very sure you all know that esl stands for uh english as a second language and efl stands for english as a foreign language but when you become an esl teacher or if you want to become an your approach needs to be different this is the first point i want to make now i can explain it to you in very simple words so that it will be very clear so i have a direct question because uh this time i can only talk to seana so i'll be asking him so imagine uh you like you know you as a young boy you're meeting uh a foreigner a blonde hair guy for the first time a bond guy for the first time in your life okay and you're a kid what will be your reaction or how you will react to that kind of a situation you're meeting a foreign okay i think the first thing which i would think is the language that i would use how would i talk to whether he or she uh it would be like um something which would be matching uh something which i like uh i would like to see that thing if i see somebody blonde uh and somebody who has got uh something which is different uh i i would say that i i would have to maybe as a two-year-old kid i have to rethink or there would be a reaction from my side of who this person or who is that person it is not matching with my kind uh your outlook usually i've observed this kind of thing so usually the kids like to hide behind their parents when they need uh a foreigner especially like you know a european or someone uh a different looking person they like to hide behind their parents so because there is a fear inside okay this is the same scenario like change that lead to a language okay just when you consider a language as a foreign a foreign language there is fear in it okay so uh students are afraid of a foreign language so as a teacher we need to adapt ourselves where we can help them how to train such kids change that foreign to friendly language so for me efl means english as a friendly language so this is the first thing we have to do as a teacher be friendly okay english as a friendly language give them that kind of an idea to a student now how about esl it's a second language that means uh you are meeting a person from your own country and you may not be you know having that kind of fear so it's something a language which is used in your country as a second language and people most of the people can speak or write that language so the scenario is different so when you wanted to teach abroad especially english language first thing we have to notice like whether english is a foreign language or a second language in that country when you know very much about it that's the main part then only you can redesign your thinking you can design your approach how to teach those kids so i know most of the listeners or most of the viewers of this video are from india so here like in india english is a second language but i'm sitting in thailand here it's a foreign language so you cannot use the same approach what you use in india in thailand it will fail absolutely because it's esl versus efl yes this is the first point i want to make so that uh we can start our discussion from here on uh so yeah what's the question so i i would like to i would like to summarize for those all this the all the viewers who are watching this show so we are talking with mrs mohit joining directly from thailand now this is something really important the living learning i think is a new learning for me too so if it is a foreign language let us understand that a two years old kid is hiding behind the parents that is basically the essence of a foreign language and we have to make it english as a friendly language what mr smooth has told especially for country like india it is not a foreign language it is a second language so i would like to take a note over here that those who are watching this live talk show should uh orient them what mr smohitas rightly advise that the country that you are going what type of language is there is it a second language it is a foreign language to be very honest most of us get a kind of a no distinction between efl and esl often we say oh you know ef and asl is the same ultimately you have to do a tefl and teach english over there this is something very very important so thank you very much again for making this note my my next question is is that uh when we are talking of the let us start with the academic part uh i'm not talking of any specific language we will come to that part obviously we won't leave you it has been fortunate to get you right at this moment so if you talk about the academic part general academic how would you rate them or what would be your advice to go first the academy then we cut to the professional part okay to the academy part like see this topic is basically about esl and efo but my point will be for all teachers you don't need to be just an english teacher there are many opportunities for subject teachers too please understand that so let's divide this into you know in a broader perception so that it is beneficial for all not just for language teachers see if you want to be a teacher the question is do you want to be a teacher or not first question yes or no you need to decide it right now the second question if you are proficient in english language do you want to be an english teacher now some students might uh get confused how can i test whether i'm proficient or not in the english language so what i recommend to you is you know try to assess your cefr level okay so it's very easy for you to assess the cef on level all you need to do is uh yeah so you can see this website uh if you can switch my screen so it will be easy for them so there is a website called e-f-s-e-t dot o-r-g so if you go to this website there is a 50-minute ef set examination of tests for free of cost i recommend all those people who wish to become an english teacher try this test and if you are getting c1 level c1 or c2 start training to be an english teacher but if you are getting lower than that then you need to train yourself to improve your command power the language this is the first thing you have to do after that okay now i'm a math teacher someone is believing that he or she is the best math teacher okay no worries apply but you need a basic english level to be a mathematics teacher abroad because the medium of teaching will be english so there are many english medium or english program schools around the world where you can teach mathematics so most of the countries accept teachers with a degree okay it's not necessary that you need to have a bachelor's in education it's not necessary but after working for four or five years you are supposed to at least take a course which is related to the field of education like uh i think asian college of teachers got a lot of courses like uh postgraduate courses for teachers those kind of courses will help you to understand the concepts in the field of education for example i am not from the uh field of education but after working in thailand as a teacher for four years i realized that oh i need to upgrade my knowledge in the field of education then later i joined for a postgraduate diploma in teaching profession just to understand the concept now i'm in love with you know education and i realized you know i i learned the concept about education and everything and it helped me a lot to transform myself into a better teacher because i can experience it from my own students like you know they are getting better results so i realized that i am applying the concepts i learned from those courses and it helped me a lot so my worthy request to all the listeners is trying to get at least a diploma in the field of education if you want to become a teacher this will help you a lot right can i absolutely can i add on some more points into it why i will absolutely absolutely because once you have a good knowledge about uh you know uh how to run a class there are some things like how to create a good lesson plan we need to learn okay we need to know how to evaluate and assess our kids it's not just correcting the answers and putting the small no we have formative assessments mental assessment so we need to know understand all these concepts then it will help actually the students a lot so we are not wasting our time we are not wasting their time too and at the end of the day we are all teachers to transform them and give them a better life so uh it's worth investing in courses like this so that there will be progress in our career too absolutely absolutely so if i may go back mrs mohit to the basics what i would like to request you uh let's say for example if i take point twice number one is a graduation what you told second would be uh bachelor's uh sorry uh diploma minimum in uh so bachelor's diploma in education number three i think uh would be a clear criminal background which i think would be essential our clearance oh no you know in order to become a teacher if you want to work abroad yes you need uh to have a criminal uh background check done from your home country and also you need to have a health certificate that you are mentally and physically fit right so if i may just repeat because this is something very important and very crucial for all the viewers one would be bachelors second would be a diploma in education third would be a clearance certificate which shows that you are not a criminal and fourth would be health certificate so we are done with the academic part yeah now if i may go to the professional part where i want to become a subject teacher reservist english teacher so i can be a maths political science social science teacher as well as i want to become an english teacher so what would you suggest would be the professional certification that we need to have and also to let us know that we need to change something based on the countries that we go if we divide it to the central european countries from germany etc and if you move to the south east asian countries uh uh before i i have a question to them like you know if they are really looking for money if their objective is money money making through teaching profession i advise them to go to middle east okay if their interest is for a good happy peaceful life come to southeast asia it's a peaceful life come to southeast asia now if you want a what you call the celeb just celebrate your life and enjoy this is what exactly i used to tell absolutely go to europe or south america now wherever you go there are risk factors there are risks absolutely what their intentions are now i can tell you one thing very clearly it's not necessary that we are i think many of us are just focusing when it comes to teaching just focusing into kindergarten and schools primary level and high schools but let me tell you if you have a master degree you are eligible to teach even in a university if you have if you have a master's you are eligible to teach even in a university but uh not as subject with teachers but if you have a phd yes of course uh you can uh work there but uh as like english teachers yes they let teachers with a good command covering english language and a master degree they led them to teach in universities across southeast asia and even in europe they don't mind now teaching uh adults and teaching kids are different scenarios like you know so so uh if you are planning to uh become a university teacher then you need to be good at academic writing okay writing is entirely a different uh you know skill set so you need if you are good at writing pieces and uh you know editing all those contents and everything then your app for that kind of a role but if your cefr level is less than uh c2 i recommend you to go for the uh kindergarten and primary level but if you have c2 level uh then go for the higher second high school or higher i will just interrupt you in between so this c1 and c2 level which we told was that website which you just uh showed us yeah the this website this website yeah absolutely yeah so we have said they can uh check it for free so yeah so this is like a 50 minutes ef set they can get their certificate and everything for free of course so they will be able to you know find it so that means yeah what you're suggesting is that if i have got an ama or an m com or msc whatever i am eligible to teach in a university but not as a subject teacher if i have a phd yes uh you know but if there is a lack of teachers or teaching staff they might hire you as like a teaching assistant or something and give opportunity to teach those are conceptions but yes as a subject teacher but uh it's always better you know uh to apply for the english uh teaching positions in university if you have a master degree and you're good at you know supporting students for writing these and what you told that if i've got a phd under doctorate that's wonderful right okay so directly applied yes so the my next question is that if i consider this part which is already we know the part what that is required bachelor's etc so that means that along with that what is what is important also is that we need to have a tefl certification yes yes yes it is it is it is required uh because uh tefl or t soul or any kind of such certification will uh help the uh hiring uh team or you call the higher manager of a school uh you know it gives a more confidence that this person and i recommend all those non-native teachers to make sure that at least you have a default certificate more than 150 hours because i do know there are teachers who will be doing it for 120 years old but then you need to have some special skills too you know okay convince the hiring manager that you are the best okay and also one more thing is that even if a person is profound in a subject say for example masters in mathematics masters in physics masters in sociology would you still suggest that person to go for a tefl certificate uh yes because uh he got a master's in physics he's an expert subject expert in uh physics but he has no basic knowledge about our in the field of education because i did my teacher that's the first time i learned the concepts in the field of education that's the first time so it's actually a opening for you to this vast field of education so once you need a gate to enter somewhere right so people are uh whatever you call the peace all right gateway gateway to the world of education so just ha just because you are an expert in a subject it doesn't mean that you can be a good teacher especially in class trainings helps you a lot those activities help see a lot right now my next question which is i think it is a obvious question to almost all the viewers who are watching is this is that what is teaching license one second how important it is and third how can we obtain it from india uh so in india uh there is no uh system like teaching license as far as i know there is nothing like that but yes uh for uh becoming a university uh assistant of surgeries and net examination and all so this is like a national eligibility test in india right uh the similar way in southeast asia and in other countries if you have a an education qualification and experience minimum experience of two years you can apply for teaching license in some countries it's different that you need to write an examination to get that license but in some countries all you need to do is uh provide the documents and you will be able to get this teaching license so teaching license will uh be allowing you to work in that country for a long term okay okay if you don't have for example in the case of thailand i'll talk about the case of thailand because there are many uh indians and non-native teachers want to come to thailand here in thailand if you don't have a bachelor's in education or a diploma in the field of education the maximum years you can work here as a teacher in thailand is six years okay okay if you have if you have a teaching license yes you can work as long as the school is letting you work there right right so if if you can explain us really practical here i am my name is shanak and i want to apply for a teaching license i've got my tefl i've got fair amount of experience what would be the real check what would be the steps that i would do right from today uh you need to have a diploma in education at least not just uh okay tefl or tesol alone so minimum requirement is a diploma in uh education or if you have a bachelor's in education that's fine and make sure that it's not uh occurred through online means like online sometimes you know uh they don't accept so later don't blame me like oh this guy told us that uh getting uh uh uh diploma i know but if you are doing this through online and bringing it uh as a document to support them and not so that's the thing and uh you need to have a reference letter from the school where you're working uh stating that you are a great teacher and i've been working there at least for the past two years and uh you know recommendation so that uh you can process these documents okay so with those things in hand where shall i go so for oh it depends on the country so each country got their own uh you know licensed uh test and all got it some some countries they have the test for it like they need to write a test for it but uh in some countries all you need to do is go to their uh you know organization which provide this licensing uh or you know the license you all you need to do is submit the documents and they get it so uh it changes according to the countries so in different countries the laws are different so uh this is it but once you have a license from one country it will be very useful for you in the future in case if you want to move to another country so there is like a high preference for such people and there are countries which accept and give you additional license without any documentation by uh showing your you know license from the other country i got it so i have got a diploma in education i have got a teaching recommendation letter from the xyz institute where i'm working i've got a tesla and i've got a nice personality as a teacher i applied the country you need to work first in that country so then only you can apply for a teaching license you can't apply it from abroad just doing like i have experience uh working in uh uh for example i i'm from sri lanka i uh i have experience working in sri lanka two years and uh later you want to apply it in thailand no you can't you need to work in the country uh so so there are some countries which uh ask for the uh like you know their knowledge level in the regional language too okay so i with those things what you told we have in hand i applied to say for example thailand to that school i get in a normal kind of a job i work there and that school in thailand issues me a teaching license so this is the way no no no no no no that's wrong uh if you are working in thailand the school only provides you a recommendation letter and the recent organization called teachers council of thailand or in thailand so you need to apply all these documents and you know request them for a teaching visit and that body decide whether you're eligible to get a teacher's license or not uh recently i heard many of the teachers were asked to uh undergo some tests and also you know the laws changes time to time and based on so that means based on thailand when i'm working i am applying for another country and that body decides whether i'm eligible to get a teaching license or not no if i didn't get to your point okay i'm what i'm trying to tell you is that once i get a job in thailand then i can apply for a teaching license in thailand and the body decides whether i'm okay whether you are eligible to possess a license in thailand like that's it that license is only for thailand not for any other country yeah yeah you will have a license that's it uh and it is like five year valid so you can renew it every five years that's all right right so i think that you have answered one of the most vital question i would again like to thank you because this has been going on in the minds of numerous people numerous audience who are actually into in india so i would just like to come to the uh next point like uh because mr smooth you have been ha you know you have uh you know traveled across countries in different parts conducted workshops etc and you rightly told that if you want a peaceful life come to the south east asian countries if you want to enjoy life out there this is a very common question i think i am iterating it for the maybe 10th or 11th time the stiff competition or you might not call it as a competition or whatever between the native and the non-natives and we know that we are non-natives what would be your expert advice in order to uh like uh get into a job especially i would like to draw the attention of south korea which has now become almost a kind of a honeymoon spot or a next way destination where all our students want to go maybe whatever the reason if you can throw something especially into south korea south korea is due to the k-pop culture and uh that's the main thing like you know many people want to be there and they love the uh k-pop artists and [Applause] it's not true there are indians who are working there as uh english teachers too but the only thing is no matter where uh you wish to work the thing is you need to be unique that's the main point uh for example like uh uh i just uh bought some of the uh you know resumes from these students uh recently and some of them were like five to six pages can you imagine six pages and nobody's gonna you know spend time to read those uh absolutely so if you can make your cv very short that's the best way so for example uh i would like to show you a sample of mine so that it will be easier for you now if you check into it uh i've mentioned my name clearly what's my you know uh the uh what profession i'm looking for that's like i want to be a communication and soft skills trainer now uh i got vast experience in different countries and i have done uh conducted various workshops but you won't find anything in it right very true because it's yes it's not necessary you if you flatter a lot of information i have won many awards i might have won i have done a lot of stuff but uh it doesn't matter because you are applying for a teaching job they just want to know what you did as a teacher they don't care the other achievements so if you really want to show off all your skill set i would recommend you a linkedin profile link there and you can you know publish all those documents and data out there and just make it simple provide the education qualification and delete all your experience which is not related to that country too so if you are applying for a job as a teacher in thailand i won't suggest you to write about your teaching experience in india because that's not going to matter you have to be very expensive you can tell that this is gonna be your first experience but if you have an online teaching experience with my kids eventually it matters right that matters but if you don't have any other you know job experience in that country then include one don't absolutely don't let the hiring manager think that you know oh you are always smart and no please don't do that it will not help you at all it will just spoil your reputation only second thing is uh i've seen this a lot uh because uh i used to check all these resume cvs we received in our department and all uh we get emails with like forwarded email kindly don't do that forwarded emails like you know you might have uh forwarded that cv to yes to another job too many other recruiters and you are just forwarding it to uh that means you have no commitment towards that job or you have no interest you are just trying to you know use that email inbox as a trash which is not you know as it has been which is not good at all because it's it's it's not the perception you should actually give to the out of the like no see spend time if you really want to get a job you need to spend time on it second thing yeah if you need to send that email to six or seven recipients what you need to do is use the bcc option in your email so that nobody is seeing it so that's the blind carbon copy option available in your email just use that don't do like you know don't send forward mails to the uh job uh listings and all that actually doesn't look good also because it shows the type of seriousness you have you need to write up with the proper salutation and address it to one particular or five particular person i think that is a very bad notion which doesn't show the amount of seriousness and that is what exactly i've been pointing out to our students with the placement webinar so i think that this is a wonderful learning from you now there one more topic is like uh regarding the introduction video the one minute introduction video yeah and most of the videos we watch uh we used to listen like i am so and so blah blah blah blah blah blah and i am an english teacher that's it see everybody is telling the same we are not there to listen the same as a recruiter or as a hiring manager they'll be looking for a person who has got the unique potential use that one minute explain how you will transform that student in the absolutes that's what we want to listen we don't want to listen your uh history we don't want to because that's the past it doesn't matter we are looking for the present what you can do right now for us as a teacher if you're joining in our team we don't care what you did in the past we can only for the present and future so always try to include what you can do absolutely absolutely i think sudeshna already has written that it is not professional to forward cds fresh emails needs to be drafted for every time uh yeah it has been pointed out by sudeshna so i think yeah yeah we are right on the point so this is very good like uh initially we are talking you showed a wonderful sample so just to summarize what to be learned for this part is that the cv has to be absolutely right to the point one whatever the experience it is better that we keep the cv to one page one a second third is that the introductory video which i have been repeating and repeating in almost all my placement webinars that that is actually the bottleneck if you have a nice introductory video i think 85 percent of your work is done but yes as mrs mohit has rightly pointed out that we need to specify exactly that what is unique in me and which is not present in others and that actually interests that how you can transform that student into the classroom nothing else you can be anybody uh i want to add one more point uh the thing is right now we are having uh like you know we are facing an antony the way the classroom is to run has changed now what will be the future future will be always the blended learning okay so then then it is gonna be blended learning be ready to be a teacher who can be an expert in that kind of country methodology so this is what you have to do train yourself you know and try to think what will happen next year and be prepared for it absolutely so if you try to study the contents like what you did in like you know in the past or your teaching methodologies in the past they may not be interested but if you can show like 10 second or 20 seconds how you plan to do the blended learning for the students they will be impressed absolutely and i think that asian college of teachers we from asian college of teachers we are actually in blended learning we we understood the position of the situation that is prevailing for this pandemic and we really transformed our online classes now into a blended learning method i think mrs knowing here i've had that the baby from asian college we are training up we are blending the online with the flavor giving to the uh to the to the online part with the classroom training so uh sir can i answer one of the uh audience comments i just found yeah there are some questions i don't want them feel like we are you know avoiding them uh so uh miss uh rasna balian but she asked iselta more popular than tesol or would either be fine so see celta is her from cambridge it's not only celta you have delta too so if you are a very serious teacher go for delta that's what i will say and uh uh tisol and celta is like if you ask me it's like uh uh asking me like is colgate or uh what do you call it absolutely the best it's up to you right it's up to you both are you know teaching certification so you have to decide you want to study on the campus go ahead nobody is stopping you now if you want to uh go with the t solo it's up to you and if you see so that's the thing but if you're a serious i recommend go for delta okay so uh i hope i i i cleared that question right uh now uh i'm so sorry if i am you know calling your name wrong because uh uh it's very difficult for me to read names uh so online default i think is valid only when from authentic institute because without giving such certificates from them here okay see uh this is about the authentic uh city of uh online certification see when we try to uh look into the profile of the student we always value uh from which institute that got that certificate so if it is from a journalism institute which got a you know a good amount of alumni then they validate that's the main thing you might even get a free kefir or t-shirt certificate so yes we consider it like that it's just free right yeah that's the question you will be asking okay uh uh sir the two years experience uh tanu ss is where the two-year experience has to be in one organization um not necessary if you have two years experience that's enough for your teaching license i hope that's a question uh for that and uh but uh if you work for one year for institute i don't think they will give you a recommendation letter that's a problem so you need to you need to uh you know create a good bond between the institute and only they will be offering you a recommendation letter and request letter asking those kind of organization to issue uh so uh that's the main thing if you are having a very good relationship within an ear then you might get it it's up to you how you deal with your goals uh okay now if there is no uh russian if okay deep clean if we want to teach english to others as esl trainer do we need a diploma in education uh to teach another you don't need any diplomas the only thing is to get a license minimum requirement is diploma in uh education education right right so so maybe uh now you can ask your question we gave you know yes we are almost uh at the close of this session before we close i have another important question which i think will be a question for all the viewers is that we have got a diploma in education we have got a graduation we have got uh whatever the things the health health certificate etc and then we apply for a country now we have often heard that any kind of uh uh what i would say english proficiency test it can be t o e i c it can be i e l t s so comparing i i would say compare i would say considering whatever you have mentioned that this is required this is required this is required how important it is in terms of getting proficiency it is it is necessary it is necessary some countries will only issue a um like a teaching visa based on your proficiency in english language so some countries recurring for their uh work permit in order to enter a work permit you need to submit your english proficiency test now the website ef said i suggested you for your self analysis like you know in in order to analyze yourself for free of course but if you really want to submit uh uh to for these kind of documentation purposes and all you need to pay free and get it from you know testing bodies there are a lot of testing bodies uh available get it and submit it it will be easier for you to get a job okay we got a relevant question this is very common ankita shetty now she's asking that i have been teach she has been teaching as a private tutor for five years this is very common mr mohan because most of our act students are homemakers i won't use the word house bike they're homemakers so they have got a kind of an experience which is totally relevant to private tuitions so how would you rate that or do you consider that to be an experience now uh regarding the online tutoring now i told you see uh in class experience is also required because we are talking about the future because i'm very sure that uh next academic year most of the school will be preferring blended learning method so in the blended learning method 50 percentages like online teaching so you lack that 50 data in class teaching so in order to overcome that you must get a default or tesol certificate with and on like in-class training then okay you know that is really good then we know that okay the student can actually do a classroom management because classroom management is also very important because in online you might be teaching uh 20 or 25 students but when it comes to a regular classroom it might be 50 students and only in international schools you will get a teaching assistant not every school will provide you a teaching assistant so you must be capable of handling all those kids and please understand you are in a new country you may not know their language and it's gonna be challenging so how are you gonna overcome that for that you repair experience this is why schools are not considering it as an experience if you only have online teaching experience okay right we have got another question from lalitha varati and she is asking is ielts 6.5 good what would you suggest uh it's a good uh it's a good score but uh seven band up is uh always better to be an english teacher and uh yes uh there are uh you know options for you you have enough time you can just improvise yourself and be a better teacher gupta she is asking that as an english teacher you need to have an english proficiency certificate to get get employed in asian or european i think it is valid for all people yeah all over the world all over the world all over the world uh now yeah uh that she's asked us no no wait we missed uh some questions regarding the uh non-native native neutral accident uh causes accent and all those things so that's a very interesting topic i i will give my view on it or take on it see uh accent is something you can actually polish means you can train yourself and create a neutral accent or you can uh try to follow american accent british accent as uh it's up to you but the reality is if your student cannot understand your accent then you need to change it for them absolutely we must create a good basement a strong basement for our students especially when we are teaching language basement of the language is very important and so our focus must be creating a good basement so that that student can learn and progress in life as a teacher as a language teacher i believe trust me i believe like this you can't teach a language you can't teach a language you can only you can only inspire one person to use a language and guide them how to use it absolutely it's a wonderful i would request you again to repeat the phrase let everybody hear that you cannot teach a language yes you cannot you cannot teach a language you can inspire a student and you can guide them how to use a language this is all we can do as teachers if you force a student to study a language i don't think he would do it so this is why our courses are becoming more effective when it comes to you might be seeing that iec out there right so this is because uh we uh gamify our you know uh this is this is us like we do things like this in our classroom so we do gamification of language and we make them uh more attractive to the student as i mentioned for us english is not a foreign language that's a friendly language and we ask of a student to use it play with it and grow with it this is what we are doing here yeah it's wonderful before we wrap up we are coming almost to an hour and it is an excellent learning it is an excellent session i have just one question to ask you mrs muy this is quite common we get a lot of uh you know students from multi failures backgrounds who are not from a teaching background bankers institute people not many now considering you like i'm considering that we are applying for jobs outside india people coming from a non-teaching background uh what would be your advice like do you consider them as potential upcoming teachers or would you advise them to undergo something so that they get oriented to the teaching community what would okay uh i have a a small test for you i i i'm i'm hoping we have uh five minutes for it right like so uh i'll be uh asking you some questions i want you to uh answer yourself okay these are the questions you need to answer yourself you don't need to share it but you just need to answer it and i want to know how many of you got very clear answer for all those questions so my first question will be uh give me a minute okay so this is a very simple question to you okay who are you you just yeah who are you uh all you need to do it yourself you don't need to share it uh but just okay this is the first question my second question is this right what do you do or what do you love to do okay yes i hope you got the answer for this let's go for the third question yes why you do it for now who are you doing for who you do it for right okay do you have an answer for this who are you doing what those people want and need okay right and uh last one how the change has a result right so if you have answers for all these questions and if you check it clearly you will realize one fact that the first two questions is about you and the rest three are about others others right very true i realize yeah absolutely uh in most of the cases the real problem is like uh many people try to answer for us only now you are becoming a teacher you are changing your profession from banker or you are changing your profession uh from like hospitality industry because i i used to get a lot of uh teachers uh you know applications uh because uh due to this uh big situation when he lost their job so they are applying as teachers now my question is to you all is simple are you passionate enough to teach a kid be friend because you are playing with the future generation this is not absolutely teaching is a divine profession if you value it yes be a teacher if you cannot value it all you need is money then don't be a teacher this is my request to you all because you will damage the future generation so and if not you love this i would also like to add that teaching is a service it's not a profession yes it's it's it's a service uh it's something what you are you know investing for the future generation your hard work is like you being a teacher what you are doing is you are sharing your time you are sharing your experience you are sharing your knowledge and you're guiding a young kid to transform to a better person so you're molding them so you need to be very careful so please please get proper qualification before becoming a teacher get good mentors that's very important get good mentors i repeat get good mentors to become a good teacher you see the sun matter yes sandhya has already expressed her emotions to you a lot of fear regarding eligibilities but you proved to explain me to be a teacher and that's it thank you so actually it speaks uh i i think that we had a uh really i i won't say a great session i would say uh enlightening session a session which uh actually taught us on the eligibility criteria to being an esl teacher what we need from the academic part what we need from the professional part point number two there is nothing called a native or sorry it is nothing called a accent problem that we have the accent that matters is that can you communicate can your student understand there is the difference between understanding esl and efl that's i think that is a key takeaway mr mohit for me at least that this is we need to be very careful about what we are applying esl and efl really they are quite different and the last thing that you told us that it is not english as a foreign language it is english as a friendly language and i would like to add from my side it won't be english as a second language it would be english as a simple language okay it is a wonderful session like yeah we have i'm so sorry that i didn't able to uh you know uh answer many of your questions so all you can do is you can search my name i am all over in all social media feel free to message me or ask questions whenever i get time i reply to all the messages and also uh don't uh think uh wrong it's just because of our limitations and time uh because i have to uh do some other works also so this is just gonna be like a one-hour session that's what he promised and it's already one hour four minutes uh so thank we really enjoyed i think the accolades are coming tanu has uh told their super session very enlightening twinkle telling thank you for the amazing session debolina is telling session was kept realistic thank you so much so i it is not the end i can promise you mrs mohit we will keep you busy we will keep you calling for this kind of enlightening sessions so we would like to sign off and it has been real pleasure from asian college of teachers from me shawna it has been a real learning and this learning we have been i think at least from my side we have been hunting for a long time and you have really shown us the light to be very optimistic about finding out and qualifying as an esl teacher thank you from the entire family of asian college of teachers this is shawnak signing off from the facebook live session again a heartfelt thanks to mr smohith who joined us and spent such a long time enlightening us and he did that from his own school i don't credit in thailand thank you mr smith and we wish to get you on board very soon thank you very much for watching see you see you later i'll see you later thank you very much for your time yeah from asian college of teachers we are signing off and promising to come back soon with certain more interesting things to make life better during this period thank you very much and have a nice day ahead okay thank you


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