How I Make Courses With Talking AI Influencers (Full FREE Process)

How I Make Courses With Talking AI Influencers (Full FREE Process)

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now it's possible to create high quality educational content with AI hello and welcome to this course I'm Susan your new instructor the online education Market is predicted to quadruple in the next decade taking it to a market size of over 800 billion what is the process for creating your own online course with AI first we're going to talk about the niche and this is where we find appropriate areas to create content for then we move on to syllabus engineering where we map out exactly what is the content of the course and there are some really useful AI tools that we can use the next step is a very fun one and that is where we get to design the instructor choose the traits the appeal of our teacher and then beyond the visual characteristics we're also going to spend some time looking at the voice design and that's a very crucial part of the process because the main way that people will be learning through these online courses is auditorally next up it's merging the two together and creating perfectly lipy synced videos and finally I'm going to give you some of the best insights that I've gathered from launching courses over the years so let's kick things off with a little bit of Niche or Niche Discovery now the first thing to consider is how are we going to encourage people to pay for our course and to do that we have to ignite one of the three main triggers of human motivation and that is we need to demonstrate how is this going to affect our students health wealth or relationships these are the key three areas of life that we can use to persuade people to invest in themselves and what you want to do is you can think about Timeless Concepts and then you want to package them in a contemporary way now what we're thinking about here is how can we tie these triggers into an existing concept so essentially with any skill that you teaching people what you want to demonstrate to them is that by learning this skill they're going to increase their capacity to charge more for a service or they're going to be able to start their own business and this has to be the transformational angle that you present for any type of skill-based learning now if you want some more ideas of trending topics you can check out the website exploding topics and this is a website that neatly presents some of the most trending topics through Google Now another one here is AI logo generator so you could take the concept of logo design and make it into a course but using AI so it could be AI brand designer another incredibly useful tool to use to find out where there is a market demand is to go onto udem which is an online course platform and they have a fantastic Insight stol where you can put in the concept of your topic and it will give you a recommendation as to how competitive this is and how much demand there is you might put in logo design for example now there is a high student demand and there is a high number of courses so the next step once you have a topic for your course is to create the syllabus now doing this we are going to take a look at a very useful AI tool inside of an online course creator called kajabi now kajabi has a free trial that you can use to create the syllabus of your course and if you don't want to move forward putting your course on kajabi you can just cancel your trial I have a link to kajabi in the description below and kajabi is the platform that I use for my courses so we can come in here and put in our title course let's call it AI course crafter and make sure you have this on below use this info to generate content and additional resources click on next next kajabi immediately takes the idea of your course and creates a course syllabus now it doesn't just create a course syllabus it actually puts this into modules and creates individual lectures for you immediately so straight away in just seconds we have a entire course outline we have four modules with three lectures in each so first of all we have an introduction to AI in online course Creation with AI in education understanding AI introduction to AI course crafter for the first version of your course I suggest aiming for three to five modules and 12 to 20 lectures if you come into any of these individual lectures you'll see that kajabi has automatically created a course description and this is perfect content for then expanding on and creating a script for our lecture so what we're going to do is we're going to copy this and we're going to come into chat gbt now you can use any version of chat GPT for this and what we're going to do is we're going to paste in the description of the lecture we're then going to use a specific prompt that I have generated now if you'd like to follow along with this process I have put together a free guide which you can download using the link in the description below and in there you're going to find a whole host of different prompts that you can use to speed up the process of creating your course you'll also have some example presenters that you can either use or have as inspiration for creating your own if you are new here I'm AI Samson and on this channel we explore the entrepreneurial opportunities in Ai and essentially all you have to do is paste in the lecture description from kajabi into the prompt as specified now a big tip for creating online courses is to keep each of your lectures short and focused on a single subject this is great for a number of reasons first it helps you to stay organized when you're creating your course content second it helps people navigate accurately through the courses and find information they're looking for and thirdly it helps give students a sense of progress so once you're happy with that you can take it and you can make any adjustments that you like now next up it's the most exciting part of the process that I enjoy the most and that is creating your own teacher this is where we get to create a personal ity a human connection for our students to relate with in their course now we're going to be using a specific tool for this and it not only allows us to generate consistent characters with AI it creates some of the most realistic outputs possible it leverages the brand new flux models for creating highly realistic AI images like this now this tool also has an inbuilt lip syncing feature which means that we can use this one tool to generate all of the images of our teacher and also generate the audio voices for our content and then even merge those together to create a live video of our teacher delivering the content for our course now render net is also the sponsor for this segment of the video so thank you to render net for allowing this content to be possible now bear in mind that the interface of ret May update periodically but the concepts that I'm explaining here will stay the same that is also a pro tip for creating any online course based around software is that you want to mention that this software May update over time but the concepts that you're learning will remain the same so come to render net make sure to use the link in the description below to get a special discount and you can go to launch app now from here we're going to go into Studio we're in studio and the first thing to do is select the flux model this is in the top tab on the left hand side second come to Magic and this is where we can find some specific styles to apply to our images now I recommend coming to realistic selecting portrait now you can also come to the Pro Tab and what I want you to select here is epic realism which is on the second row next up you want to select the aspect ratio and I recommend creating your content in 16 by 9 this is the standard size for creating video long form content so you click on aspect ratio and then select 16 by9 now I also recommend that you can create the maximum amount of images in one go this will use more credits but it will save you time time because you can quickly generate a lot more variations of your tutor now I am quite interested in evolutionary psychology and I did a little bit of research for you before this video so that you can create the most relatable and intelligent looking Professor for your video possible and I picked out a few key studies related to the physical traits of a human being and their perceived likeliness of intelligence so the first study I found was we found a positive correlation between perceived intelligence and perceived attractiveness so I recommend that we make our teacher beautiful now the second study I would like to introduce you to is this one which says that people with higher levels of cognitive function were more likely to need glasses the study suggests a genetic correlation between intelligence and myopia so there is a stereotype that people with glasses or more intelligent and this isn't just a perceived stereotype there is actual scientific evidence backing this up so next up I suggest that you put your teacher in glasses now I have a specific prompt that I have developed and that is available in the guide which you can copy and adapt for your own liking so you can specify exactly what ethnicity or gender that you would like so what you then do is paste your prompt into render net and go ahead and press generate now these take around about 20 to 30 seconds to generate and I will show you a few examples of the people that I have generated so as you can see we have our tutor on a green screen and this is key because we're going to be able to remove the background in our videos so we can put some supportive Learning Materials behind our teacher it also means that we can resize them and put them down into the corner now I had a lot of fun creating a variety of different attractive teachers who I would be inspired to learn by and I've put a collection of example tutors that I've created in the guide for you to use as well and here are some of them I particularly like her what are you going to teach me love teach me about hands now I recommend looking for an example that has a medium shot where you have the teacher with their hands visible and it's just the upper body pretty much exactly what I have here I think this is a very appropriate composition for teaching so once You' found a teacher that you like that you've created the next step is to click on the image and what we're going to do is we're going to use true touch now this is a feature inside of render net that takes our image it upscales it and adds in some fine details that really lift the realism of our character so click on this and then you're going to have to go to scale factor and for this 16x9 size of image we have to put this down to 1.5 finally we go to enhance now whilst that is generating we are going to create some more images of our teacher and to do that simply all we have to do is come into the image and then we're going to go to pose lock and we're going to select the image again and we're also going to go to face lock now at the bottom you can see that both of these are selected then we're going to keep our prompts but we're going to change the background this means that we can keep our tutor the same but we can have a few different shots that we use to keep visual variety when generating our course content now this is how our teacher has turned out and this is her in a couple of different situations now the next step is that we need a short video of our teacher expressively talking to the screen which we can then use to lip sync on top of and to use this we need to use an AI video generator now there are a few options for this and they each have their advantages and disadvantages as well as different price points now if you're looking to use the most reliable one then I suggest using Runway this is also probably the most expensive now a free option that I can recommend is Luma labs and this gives you a few free credits to use every day and this is enough for finishing this project so I will show you this in both Luma and runway in Luma you can upload an image by clicking on the image icon you're then going to place the image from render net in and then we're going to use a specific prompt now this is a prompt that is also available in the guide below and what this says is it is a tripod static shot presenter stands confidently looking directly at the camera in a presentation style speaking with engaging expressions and hand gestures green screen background now this is simply to make sure that we get the perfect shot for our video and with Luma laabs I recommend that you click on Loop this is a useful feature which means that we can play the clip over and over again and you won't be able to tell that it's a new clip this is very effective for very long pieces of dialogue in our video now once you're ready you can go ahead and press send now to do this in Runway you come to the video creation settings you go to gen 3 Alpha you can also go to Turbo which is a faster version and you're going to upload your image once it's uploaded we can put in the same prompt and you can select either five or 10 seconds finally we go to generate here are a few examples that I made already in Runway and you can also find these in the collection of free materials in the link in the description below now let me show you the output this is the same image in both Runway and Luma now I would say that these have both performed adequately but I would say that Runway has a higher degree of fidelity and realism you can see specifically that Lumar is struggling with her hands and if you are looking to use a free version to do this your other opportunity is to Simply obscure the hands to only do a above the chest shot now conversely with the runway one we do not have so much hand motion but you can see that it really keeps this sense of realism alive so we're going to be using the runway version in this example now we come back into render net because we're going to leverage its lip syncing narrator feature to access that come onto the left hand side and go to narrator from here you're going to upload the video that we just created so click on that and upload the video of your individual speaking to the camera now this has to be a maximum resolution of 25560 and a maximum frame rate of 60 FPS now what's great about render net is that we can generate the voice that we need inside of the tool so what we're going to do is we are going to take our script from chat gbt now I recommend doing this in chunks you have up to a th000 characters at a time to do and this means that we don't have to wait for ages for it to render now make sure you come to select Voice who and there's a whole list of inbuilt voices inside of the tool now I particularly like Rachel you got to be careful if you don't know where you're going because you might not get there now once you've selected The Voice you've uploaded the video you can go ahead and press generate now what I recommend you do is you batch these because render net can generate different clips simultaneously so you can go in again and then upload the next section of your script and a quick tip here is to actually put a identifier at the beginning of the script to make sure that you can keep track of these easily so you might put one out of five for lesson one and here is our first output welcome to the AI course creation module so here's another awesome tip is that we can use a tool called capwing and what we can do is we can upload our video and it's going to automatically generate b-roll for us now this gives us some supplementary video footage that's going to spice up our video all you have to do is upload the video sign in go to smart b-roll now you get 10 free minutes a month now in cap you can see that it has suggested some images to add into our video and it even allows us to click on add all images and then it will place them in appropriate points now some of these might be a little bit cheesy but others work very well like this one for example a AI tools is perfect it's a really good and realistic resource that actually helps the understanding of the content once you're happy with that you can go to export project then I suggest coming into your favorite video editing software I will be using Adobe premere Pro first you're going to want to connect all of the parts of the lessons together you might want to put some Jolly intro music in and for that I will generate a quick song using udio using this tool you get 10 free AI generated songs every day I'm going to Simply have intro to online course happy learning instrumental go to create now one of the reasons we used a green screen is so that we can crop out our beautiful looking presenter so what we can do is we can come to effects we can then go to the green screen or Ultra key as it's called in Premiere use the eyedropper to remove the background and we can put whatever we like behind our creator so then you can add in any other videos that you like from free sites for example is an open source library of video content and you can find something that's sort of inspiring and relevant you can come back into Premier find the video and you're going to drag it underneath the green screen shot now what we can do with our render net footage is we can put them in the corner which makes it like a lovely little presenter down in the bottom so we're going to move them across put them down here now the other thing we can do with our presenter is we can simply have her also demonstrating slides now you might notice notice a few small issues with the green screen you can play around with the settings of the ultra key it makes it slightly more hard har or relaxed so if it's more relaxed you get more of the green screen if it's more aggressive you can see it removes more of the green screen and you can see that's looking pretty good so now I've put some finishing touches to my video and we've added in a title screen we've added in a little bit of music and I've played around with the way that we are leveraging our creator with the backgrounds and also putting them in the corner to use some visual supports let's take a look at how it turned out welcome to the AI course creation module today we're exploring how AI can revolutionize the way you design and build online courses whether you're new to course creation or an experienced educator AI tools can help you automate the process making it faster and more efficient this module will show you how to leverage AI to create engaging personalized and scalable learning experiences now what you have to do is to repeat this method for all of your lectures you're then going to come back to kajabi and you can simply upload your media into each of the lectures go to video file and once you're ready to go you can go ahead and publish it now once you've completed your course you have to launch it creating your course is less than half the battle but you can leverage a number of strategies to give your course the best chance of success now the most important method that I recommend for launching your course is to release the first entire module for free now what you can then do is you can leverage this as a short mini course that people can sign up for for free this is great because you get lots of people to use the course give you feedback and once they've taken the first module they will feel invested and have a desire to complete the entire course so what you have to do is create a separate course you make it for free and you put just the first module then the last lecture in the free mini course is saying if you want to go on and complete this course you can now sign up and pay for the rest of the course this gives you a great marketing angle for promoting on social media because you can genuinely advertise it as a free short mini course the next thing to do is don't just offer people the course you want to give them other useful pieces of content that will be bundled into the course purchase now this can include guides templates and workbooks so you're creating physical documents that help increase the value of your course you can also think about what else you can offer them this could include discounts to software or related pieces of services so if they buy the course they also get a discount for a related piece of software now you can reach out to to certain softwares and see if they'll be open to giving your customers a discount now other crucial items to include in your offer is to offer people a very generous money back guarantee so they feel that there is no risk in trying out your course you can say that there is a no risk 30-day money back guarantee and these are incredibly powerful ways to increase the conversions of your course so I would love to tell you about a very inspiring teacher that I had when I was 11 years old and he was an incredibly Paris atic and enigmatic man and he told us a story about why he became a teacher and he said that the reason he chose the profession of teaching is because it is one of the most essential and important sociological roles that an individual can play and it left a huge impression on me because he was undoubtedly a highly intelligent and talented man and he took that energy that enthusiasm and he put it into teaching and in many ways it has inspired me to pursue a career in education in in learning and here's to you Mr OD I know I was quite a difficult child but I would like to appreciate you for inspiring me to take this journey let me know if you have any inspiring teachers uh from your youth or even from the present day that motivate and inspire you to teach others now not only is teaching and e-learning a lucrative opportunity in the current economic climate but it is also a moral and ethical duty of humans and and I would like to share with you a quote and that is knowledge is power information is liberating education is the premise of progress in every society in every family that's by Kofi Anan and to me that speaks to the importance of Education the importance of knowledge the importance of teaching and sharing information of taking Concepts distilling them down into inspiring and easily to understand pieces of information and that is an art it is a inspiring act and it helps us not only connect but also grow together so if you are interested in joining my Academy the AI filmmaker Academy there is a special discount for all subscribers of my YouTube channel in the description below and in there we go in depth into the secrets of AI film making where you can generate the tools the skills and the knowledge that you need to make the most of the AI Revolution it's been a pleasure to have you with me and I wish you all the best but most of all I wish you have a delightful day

2024-10-06 19:14

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