Chicago Tonight full episode February 18 2019

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Chicago. Tonight is made possible in part by the. City Club of Chicago. Smart. People may disagree about what, makes a great city but, part of what makes Chicago great, is that we don't have to agree to run, a city like ours a lot, of issues come up the. City Club of Chicago is, a place to debate, those issues and hear from the men and women who shape the policies, lead, the industries, and tell, the stories, that define our city for. The free and open, exchange of ideas the. City Club of Chicago. Good. Evening and welcome to Chicago, tonight on this Monday February 18th. 14. Candidates, have now just, a week left to convince voters they. Should be the next mayor of Chicago, tonight, in our latest mayoral, forum we, bring you five more candidates, for mayor that is next, on Chicago. Tonight. Thanks. For joining us I'm Phil poncy ethics, the city's pension crisis. Violence. Police, reform, schools, those, are just a few of the issues Chicago's, next mayor will, have to tackle last, Thursday, we met four candidates, and tonight five, more join us to discuss these, issues and more and one note before we begin this is not a traditional, debate there, will be no opening or closing remarks. Each candidate, will not necessarily be, asked the very same questions, and while, answers, are not being timed I may, interrupt if needed in order to cover as much ground as, possible. Joining. Us in the order they appear on the ballot, are Paul. Vallas former, CEO of the Chicago Public, Schools, Willie. Wilson a businessman, and philanthropist. Tony. Proc Winkle president, of the Cook County Board, of Commissioners Bill. Daley, a businessman, and former US Commerce Secretary and, White House chief, of staff and, Susana. Mendoza, the, Illinois, comptroller and we're also joined this evening by members. Of the City Club of Chicago and, their guests our thanks to the city club for helping to underwrite this forum and welcome. To our radio listeners on WBEZ.

91.5. FM and. To everyone, watching our, live, stream on Facebook, YouTube and our. Website, you can join the conversation on, twitter at WTTW. Using. The hashtag, chicago. Tonight and again our many thanks to all of the candidates for being here I would. Like to begin with a series of yes-or-no, questions, am i yes or no I mean really yes or no the, growing federal investigation, surrounding Alderman, Burke has, put a bright spotlight, on City Hall so yes, or no as to which, ethnic, reforms, you would support yes or no beginning, with Paul Vallas a ban, on outside. Employment for, aldermen yes or no yes, Willie, Wilson, yes. 20. Truck winkled yes Bill Daley Susana, Mendoza. Susana, Mendoza yes or no reduce, the number of aldermen, from 50 yes or no no no, Bill Daley yes Tony. Proc Winkle no Willie. Wilson yes. Paul. Vallas no. Paul Vallas should. The inspector-general be, given subpoena. Power yes, Willie, Wilson subpoena, power for the inspector general yes, Tony. Proc Winkle yes Bill, Daley yes Susanna, Mendoza yes Susana, Mendoza term limits for mayor, yes, Bill. Daley yes Tony. Proc Winkle no Willie. Wilson yes. Paul. Vallas yes, last. Question Paul Vallas beginning, with you should, the automatic, privilege, be, eliminated. By. Which aldermen, can basically give a thumbs up or thumbs down on developments. Yes no yes. Willie Wilson eliminate, the privilege yes. Tony, frequent Oh No Bill. Daley yes, susana, Mendoza absolutely. But, so let's, start, by. Focusing on one of the ethical, issues that is currently, in. The news and facing Chicagoans and that is Chicagoans. Are being asked to vote for you before. Recordings. Of Alderman Burke and aldermen so. Lisa's dealings, are being made public is it, likely that you. Are on those recordings attorney. Frick Winkle. Might. You be on those recordings with, with. Aldermen Solis no, no, no. Susana, Mendoza I. Highly. Doubt it I mean if it, were it would be nothing that I would need to worry about Bill. Daley no Willie. Wilson or Paul Vallas all. Right. Susana. Mendoza, basic. Question you've, been getting a lot of attention with for this one event. Why, did you get married at aldermen Burke's house so, because in my family, my father and my father's heritage, is Mexican, it's very common, as, a Mexican, tradition that we do a small, civil, service, our. Real wedding was a week later in the church which is what we recognize as my official wedding but, instead of going to a courthouse, I had a very private intimate. Ceremony. With, justice, and Burke who presided over it where she taught, or my family heritage hosted. That event at her home you, could have honored your family heritage in any of a number of venues but, why that one because, Anne Burke has been a role model of mine for many many, many years she started the Special Olympics she's a Supreme Court justice she's, a she's, a friend and someone that I had my dearly so when she first met my husband she, said if you guys ever get married I'd love to do the civil service for you so that's how it happened it's been reported that Ed, Burke is is, your mentor is that how you would describe him. You. Know I I've had a good relationship, with the chairman I obviously condemn, his, actions and. What I would say is that I think a good pulse of where our relationship, has stood lately is the fact that I'm not his endorsed candidate, that's mr., Chico Gary Chico is the endorsed candidate, and I'm also not, the one who's listed, in a federal criminal complaint, that's president, prec Winkle for accepting. A $10,000, contribution, that's part of an illegal extortion, scheme so I've, of, course had to work with aldermen who have been in my legislative. District and as the city clerk of Chicago I had to work, with all 50 ultimate and as, the controller. Of the state of Illinois I have to work with every single elected, official but what they do wrong. Is certainly a reflection of their ethics, and their lack of conduct, not mine, tawny freckle you ought to respond to that to, the to, the what she said about the $10,000. Which has been widely reported, you. Know I think the first thing to know is that I served, with Ed Burke for almost, 20 years he, was neither a friend or an ally on divided. Votes we were on, opposite, sides I think the critical issue about Ed, Burke is the dual employment, issue you, know it's it's critically. Important, that, people understand, that our, elected officials are, serving, them their constituents, and not, their clients, so I've taken a strong position against, dual employment, and I.

Have Never in my public life had, any job other than the job for which the people paid me and I, think that's critical people have to have confidence in their in their government, and because, government can do great things that can improve people's lives that's why I've devoted so, much of my working, life to, serving in government and in the in government, you have you, promoted, yourself as, a reformer, as a progressive, and yet, you continue to steadfastly. Support. Former. Assessor Joe Barrios, how come you know I'm president of the county and as. President the county I have to work with eleven, separately. Elected officials, one. Of those elected officials was, Joe Barrios assessor, and now that. Assessor is is Fritz cakey and I work closely with him you, know it's. Really important, that we have a fair property, tax system and that's something that fritz kg is is trying, to do then, our property, tax system frankly, is challenged. By the fact that we disproportionately. Rely on residential. Property. Holders as opposed to industrial, and commercial so that's one thing that needs to be addressed the other the other is that frankly, we, need progressive. Income and property tax revenues are not progressive, that's why I support a progressive. Income tax at the state level you. Say, you had to work with Joe Barrios but what you did. Arguably, was beyond. Support, I mean you he. Basically gave, him a port in the storm during. Concerns. About his family, hiring, about the nature of assessments. And so forth, do, you regret that you. Know I think it's really important, to understand that in my career as president the county I've tried, to address the tough challenges that the county has faced whether. It's providing access and great quality care through our public health solutions with, Joe barriers or criminal, justice reform. And and, I've also worked to address the challenges, that our property tax system faces, first, with assessor Barrios as he worked to implement the changes that were proposed, by our outside. Consultant, and now, with Fritz KD who is continuing, to work we've been proposed before Susanna Modell's you honor decisions so here's the reality I mean after the story broke from the Tribune that did an amazing investigative. Series on this and they showcased, how in. Fact, assessor. Barrios, oversaw, knowingly, a corrupt, and rigged property, tax system that has locked so. Many Chicagoans, into. An endless cycle of poverty even. After, that story broke president, crank well prep winkle didn't. Just can she didn't condemn it she actually, endorsed. Joe Barrios for re-election and then to add insult, to injury after he lost thankfully, because the voters did the right thing and elected a new assessor she, honored him with a Lifetime, Achievement Award, I mean a Lifetime, Achievement Award this individual. Is, responsible. For locking, people into a cycle of poverty in the city and is the number one reason why so. Many people feel suffocated because, of property taxes. You. Know in Cook County we. Do have not raised property taxes, since 1996. And the reason we haven't is because we know that this is one of the most progressive ways. In which government can raise revenue and we have worked to look for other sources of revenue and we have and that's not true frankly, for other units of government and I'm very, proud of the fact well let's, move on to another topic bill Dave let's talk about the front, page Tribune, article alleging, that you cheated on the in real, uh your. Insurance, exam and expert handwriting, analysis, by, the US Treasury Department show, there were two different sets of writing. An ink on the exam and according to court records you, got help did you cheat no, if you read the article, there was no allegation that I did anything in that event 46, years ago since. Then I've gone on any career been vetted to be chief, of staff to the president, eight states been, vetted by numerous, federal, agencies, to be Commerce Secretary and, I'm proud of the record that I've done over the last number of years both, in the private sector and the public sector so you did not cheat on that exam no and there's, no allegation I did. Willie. Wilson you've given cash handouts to help people pay, their property tax you've handed out $50, bills at churches, what, do you say to critics who think you're, trying to buy people's votes, well. I'd, say this major I've been running for the last 30, years, nobody. Said and damn okay. But it's different is that I used my money right. They use taxpayer, money you. Know how, do you people up here right now I need investigation, point-blank, well then what investigations. In which people Wow. Turnpike. Wantin for. Wine okay. Sue's, Mendoza number. Two if, dave was taking their associated, with birch alright, and and, the people they should be investigated, when, I was giving away money they.

Wanted To put me in jail for seven years my own money alright so. Paddy's up. Here. Associated. With Bert all. Right they. Should be investigating if, it hadn't been me they'd. Have been investigating. Me already and Bobby didn't put me in jail all right but, they are using their taxpayer dollar and when they talking about taxes, up here let me put it this way. Donna, Primerica here tooked. And raised it shorting attack turn alright, probably, attack seven, seven thousand people home went on the block all, right eleven, thousand Lawson, I have. Paid. People, property. Taxes to keep me at home alright, and the other thing this here is that both I'm up here, you're still on payroll on, a job, that they already have in corporate. America you wouldn't that wouldn't even exist and. While you keep raising taxes, on citizen. Why don't they raise taxes on themselves yeah. I'd, like to ask, the other folks should should this practice of people candidates. Handing out money handing out cash whether, it be for property, taxes, or just a goodwill. Gesture quotes, at churches, should should that be banned Paul Vallas well. First of all Willie. Always has helped, people in need and he's been doing it for thirty years, so if Willie wants to help poor. People pay their property taxes, or he wants to help them get bail so they can get out of jail. Kennedy. Has announced at that point should-should, that, practice be banned well, you know I have no reason to second-guess what Willie's doing with his own money quite frankly talking just about mr. Wilson I'm just talking just generally, well, it's not something that I would do it's. Not something that I would do under, any circumstances. Because of potential conflicts but I, have, no reason to question Willie's, no motivation, let's. Say with you Paul fellas because in both Philadelphia and New Orleans where you served as the, head of the school's you. Advocated. And implemented. A greater privatization, of schools as mayor would would you continue to do that here well, first of all what do you mean by privatization, we. Open 15 charter. Schools in in. Philadelphia, I think we had, 225. Schools, and in, New Orleans all, the schools all the schools are open enrollment. Neighborhood, schools governed, by local, school boards those are public schools those are not privatize, schools so, to characterize, that as privatization, is, is it's. Not accurate but, probably the report sure characterized, in that way that New Orleans has now for, all intents and purposes, purposes. As a privatized, School District but go ahead oh no no no, but let's let's. Address that question when. I went to new New Orleans after, the devastation, of Hurricane, Katrina the. The, Democratic, governor and the legislature. Decided that they wanted to create a district, of independent, schools so, the, schools, reopened, one-by-one went to the state and got their own Eliezer in other words they got their own authority to open as independent, schools because, the level of corruption in the, in. The old district, was such that the FBI actually operated. Their, investigations. Out of superintendents. Bottom. Line get, all the fill just, uh forget the Norland form. Or privatize schools or charter schools well first of all you asked the question what. I have said you, did well what I've said is that we should not open up any additional. Schools. Whether they're charter. Schools or for that matter whether, they're traditional schools, because right now the, district has a hundred, and fifty thousand vacant seats and we. Would be better off looking, at putting the type of programs in those schools like the type of programs I did when I was superintendent that, would grow those schools transforming. Them back into Community Schools and putting, magnet programs in neighborhood schools to make them more attractive because during my tenure at. School enrollment, grew by thirty thousand, in fact there's 70,000, more kids in, the schools when I left and there are today because of those programs and we need to restore those programs let's move on to public safety Bill Daley you've said that you would like to have a camera on every block and use, drones, to help police officers, with, that term Chicago, into a police state no I think we, have a crime problem in every part of the city and I think people want to feel safe we obviously can, have a police officer, on every, street, but, we can give a certain level of comfort to, the people of Chicago that.

We Are doing, everything we can and we must take advantage of the technologies. We have a lot of cameras in the city but. I think we ought to look, at technology, as an advantage that we can use to. Fight this. Surge. In crime and, and. Let me just say it's not just in the neighborhoods, where, there's serious. Shootings every. Part of the city people have a concern about crime, and I think we've got to do everything we can to bring them a certain comfort and help the police department, at the same time susana Mendoza and then I'll get to mr. Wilson well obviously we need to properly train and resource our police officers, no doubt about it it was a number one recommendation of the Obama Justice Department, report but, we have to realize, that the police are just dealing with the symptom of lack of investment, in human, capital and in the neighborhoods if we want to get to the two, really solve crime in the city of Chicago which should be the number one priority, of any candidate, running for mayor we've got to get to the root cause of why this violence exists, the fact that in some of our neighborhoods, Phil. It's easier for a child to have access to a gun than it is to a new book that's, wrong I'm going to fix that the fact in some of our neighborhoods it's easier to have access to a gun than to a wrench and work in a vocational trade that's wrong I'm going to fix that but that is in large part why we have so much violence and it's spilling into the downtown area which, means that the next mayor is going to have a more difficult time recruiting. Corporations. And bringing those headquarters, to Chicago if when they turn on the TV set they're seeing that there's you know a murder or a slew, of murders, in the weekend whether it's you know on. Michigan, Avenue or in the neighborhoods of our city Willie Wilson you wanted to say something well yes. Look, and. In order to stop, crime you must add resources. All. Right yet, mr. Wilson you're the only candidate, who says you don't want to hire more detectives, to, boost the rate of solving homicides also. Called the clearance rate is that right that's correct I will not hire, not one thing a police, officer, add to the situation, you got to put job in contract, if you can put eight point five billion hours O'Hare you.

Can Put a cup of beer over here to help take care of particular. Neighborhood, you, need any jobs they, need contracts, all right and wrongs. Anything, else is not gonna work this, is Chicago, this is. Not Vietnam all. Right so, so, we went wait wait wait just be quiet man. All right all, right you. You have to take then do one thing add, resources. To those neighborhood, I've gotten a lot of people out of jail all right and the. Neighborhood's. Not, manpower. Personnel power, to, the police department, it's that what we're saying look you, you add resources. Job, and. Cut. Make. Sure crime will go down head. Add. Job, all, right contract. Put. The resource if you're gonna put those dollars and O'Haire in downtown, other areas put, them in a certain neighborhood so, we can cut the time down that's, how I would do it Tony practical sure you, know. I'm a teacher by profession and. Early in my teaching career I lost a student to a drive-by shooting you. Know she was sitting on her own front porch and she got shot, and killed and I know the, impact that these tragedies, have on everybody, whose lives are touched you. Know. This. Is a social justice issue, everybody, has the right to feel safe in their home in their community, and you. Know the best instrument. That we have to, deal with the violence frankly it's better cooperation, and collaboration between, police, and the community and you, know we see the challenge of that here in Chicago, because we've invested in shot. Spotters, and cameras, and surveillance, equipment and yet, we have three, times I mean we have more, murders than than New York and Los Angeles combined. And we. Have a 15 percent closure rate for murders I mean if. People are suspicious and wary of the police and won't talk to them the police don't have the information they need to solve crimes well which which. Leads me to the, next topic and that is that the Chicago Police Department decries. The fact that if people see, something they may not say something and yet when. Alderman. Found. Out about Danny's, at least they didn't decry, the. The. Wrongdoing. That was taking place but called him a rat. Did Bill, Daley did Danny's lease do the right thing yes. He absolutely did I mean. How, why would I even question that it's unbelievable. That in in this age and, this year that somebody would say that and feel, that it's, ridiculous. Suzanna, Mendoza like I think it was so disgusting, if. It, was bad enough that the the man is being charged with wrongdoing, it, was even worse to hear, the members of the City Council be. More concerned about the fact that he was wearing a wire than that he was corrupt that, is just as disgusting, as it gets it's the number one reason why though anyone. Who really seeks the, public's trust who is wanting to run for mayor should, absolutely be, against, alderman ik private if we have to end automatic Prag and it should be a disqualifier. To, defend the number one reason why aldermen. More often than not end up going to jail because they they abuse this unchecked, power there's only one forum relevant, on the panel Tony prep will sure look, the. Big challenge as I said is dual, employment. You know the challenge, is dual employment, we have to say to our elected. Officials in Chicago, you can only work for the people you cannot, have outside, employment because, we shouldn't be worrying about whether, or not people are serving their constituents. Or their clients and let me just say it's really important, in a democracy that people have faith in their government and these. Allegations, of corruption undermine, that faith and and, government.

Can Do a lot of good things that can improve people's lives it's why I've devoted almost, the last 30 years to public, service because I know the good things government can do ok, yes. Or no, dual. Employment, which would you allow. That should. Dual employment, be eliminated. It. Should. Totally. Xx, Krakow gorges heard you Willie, Wilson how, can I say that when they get. Another. Job. Right. And then getting paid for what right. Now but, yeah you got a lemonade but you got eliminate this too they are we getting paid on another job they need to be on a job right now not up here wait a minute did. You have other employment Tony prick Winkle beside your current job no susana. Mendoza no, Bailey you saw the private sector so presumably that should. Be working on a job again pay for. All. The time if you want to know, how. People can do both jobs just ask a woman we, have to multitask all the time a strong, woman can chew gum walk and blow bubbles at the same time and I haven't lost a beat representing. The people of this state as their controller, and I. Think, that I bring forth the best ideas frankly to move the city into the future. Thank. You very much first of all we all know what Willie's talking about I mean we have two individuals, who were playing in and running for an over there office while they were running for a specific office and at. Least one of them announced what two or three weeks after the election so we, all know what will at the point that Willie's making and I don't think you should be allowed to do that. But I'd like to I'd like to win because we missed the beam on the discussion, of this public safety issue as, Willy pointed, out there and and Susanna there's no substitution, for investing, in the communities to get at the root cause of crime we have to understand what happens to the police department over, the years they degraded, the police department, by not filling vacancies and by gutting the detectives division so it went from 1,200, detectives, of less, than 800 and the and, the clerk's rate on murders fell below 20 percent and when. You degrade, the police department you don't fill the vacancy you destroy the whole concept of community policing so, you had police officers in districts, that they're not familiar with and and, you had police officers and districts, who are not familiar with them, so what you've got to do is you've got to restore the numbers you've got to restore the ranks you've got to restore the supervision and while. You're rebuilding, the Detective, Division most, inexpensive. Inexperienced, detective's division ever you've got to do what other cities have done bring retired detectives. Back in so, that they can work these cases so you can get the clearance rates up there's no substitution, there's no substitution, for us fully staffing, and and. An appoint on finances, when I was City budget director I never paid more than thirty eight million dollars in overtime for, police because we fully staffed the police we had a record number of police one. Year they paid one hundred seventy five million dollars in overtime so it's not a case, of not having enough resources it's the proper utilization rules resources. Said. You know I've talked to somebody in, one. Of the leaders. Of the police department, and what, he pointed out was under McCarthy's, leadership, there was just a devastation, of the detective ranks and you. Know the long-term effect, of that is what, we've seen the inability to, close cases and and, and, he also shared, that it takes two or three years for a homicide. Detective to, really learn their job and so when you don't when you've decimated, the ranks and then you're bringing new people in and it takes them two or three years to kind of really get good at the job you've got some real challenges let's talk about infrastructure, I think, it's important that we invest in community policing because, that that's something that that that.

Frankly, We've, disinvested. In over time and when we don't have as I said good collaboration, between police, and the community it's very hard for them to solve crimes because people won't talk to them Bill Daley you wanted to say something yeah you asked me the question and I answered. You about technology, and using cameras. And using aerial, surveillance but, there's no question we have to go beyond that and that is the economic fiber, in so many neighborhoods we have to do that we also have to put together a real violence prevention, reduction, program, as, they have in LA and New York I've talked to the police leadership, I'm committed, to put fifty million dollars in to help these young men change. Their lives honey, Duncan's doing a plan called cred, Harlan Alliance there's a number of others but, create. A office. Within the mayor's office deputy, mayor to run a violence prevention reduction. Program put 50 million in that'll, help change some young men's lives and help, this issue we have to segue to another topic and that is infrastructures, you know infrastructure. The city's infrastructure, is now very much in the news given, the situation with, a bridge on Lakeshore Drive. Candidates. Do you support a higher gas tax to help pay, for the, ten, billion dollars that reportedly. Is needed to shore up the city's streets and bridges, how, about that Paul Vallas higher, gas tax no no, Willie, Wilson yes or no anything. I do with taxes, no. Tory. Practical no. Bill. Daley no they should have done a few years ago long gas prices, were much lower though susana. Mendoza. Chicago. Was recently rated the third most congested city in America, regarding, traffic would, you try to reduce congestion. And, the wear and tear on the infrastructure. With a, commuter, tax Susanna Mendoza, yes absolutely, not I think it's bad for business Bill Daley a commuter tax is not about the congestion on the streets okay, and that idea has been tried, I haven't endorsed, it I've put it on the table as a possibility if. We're gonna try to solve some of our economic problems, but, can just well, it's. Just bad policy. Let. Me finish in, congestion, is another issue we, have to deal with it we, have to do some, regulation, around this congestion because if you try to travel throughout the city hopefully, the state this year will pass a capital, bill and the, city will get the resources, its needs go, down the shoulders yes sir on a commuter tax go go, right I said the commuter tax ought to be on a table for consideration I am NOT I'm for, it I don't laid out a plan for 2020, practical commuter tax no willie. Wilson you said no you don't like texas let. Me tell you something okay. Raising. Taxes, run. Businesses. Out. Of, chicago, all, right, we've. Been raising taxes. What, are you gonna do run everybody cago who gonna run it you, know raising. Taxes, send, people to Gary Nana's, shop other. Station takes that major lower taxes, you attract business, into the city you, attract international, business into it your city lower. Them tax it to. Balance the budget because, more revenue comes in along. Those lines Willie Wilson let me stay with you because. You. Raise a good point but Oh Paul. Vallas going well commuter. Taxes were they've been imposed to have had I, have had negative, economic consequences that's, number one number two if you want to reduce congestion you need to do a couple things and I've laid this out my transportation, policy you need to, create. Conditions so, that people will begin, using. Public, transportation I mean, you, know the the number of people riding the CTA buses would at one time far, exceeded, the number of people riding the trains now it's about equal because people aren't using them why because, the fares are continually, going up number one number two because. A lot of times they're concerned, about safety so, if you have a comprehensive, plan, to upgrade. Transportation. Which includes improved, public, safety and if you're increasing, the number of individuals, who are using ridership, by reducing, fares or having differential, fair amounts you'll actually be able to address. The, needs. Of the public transportation system and reduce congestion simultaneously. Willie Wilson you. That. We invest in public transit it's really. Really. Wilson, Tony. Practical, Thank You Willie I'm grateful you were talking about taxes, and it sounded like a philosophical. Statement you've made about taxes. And business and job growth and so on so, forth you, supported, President Trump you supported governor rauner you've, gotten the support of various Republican.

Organizations. Are you a Republican. I mean, the. Way. Hear, me clear, his. Republican, for lower taxes, on a citizen. I'm Republican, his. Democratic, for lower prices. On citizen, I'm, a democratic alright I don't. Look at name, listen. When I get in mirror office, I might add Republican. Democrat. All other, people to make part of running this city the, problem, is that people get hooked on labor why. People, over here suffering. Trying, to pay, taxes. To keep their home, kind, of like grocery, look, Republican. Got good ideas, Gemini, got a good idea we, all we must include I've, been a let me say that I've. Been a Democrat, 90, percent of my time I've given a lot of money to Democrat but let me just say this what I'm going to subject when. I ran for president United, State to, Democrat wouldn't even allow me to get on stage with him, wouldn't. Even allow me on stage with him right, now today we just had a deposition here, day, for yesterday Friday they. Wouldn't even allow me to get on this stage when. Allowed me to get in at seventy five percent of the country all. Right and then, and then Mississippi. A white. Supreme, Court told. The democratic party to make, sure that. I get on the ballot one day before Alexa, good Democrat, alright so I ain't got no problem with nobody, Republican, Democrat but help this citizen both remove all the city finances, and one. Viewer wrote, to, us saying that the. About. The city's looming pension crisis, by, the Year 2023. Which, sounds like a long time away it's just a few years, for. It and thank you the. City is going to need more than a billion, dollars more than it currently. Contributes. To pension contribution, the city, currently needs revenue I think, we can all acknowledge that, and this time honestly, seriously, a yes or no question, Susanna Mendoza do you support a Chicago. Casino, yes. Daily. Juicy, question yes, though in the casino yes, thirty, for a quick oh yes Willie Wilson yes, Paul Vallas yes but not the fun pensions. Paul. Vallas bringing, back the head tax on businesses, yes or no no Willie. Wilson you know. Just. Trying to be polite sir Tony, practical, no Bill. Daley no but I feel I think it's unfair, to ask such a question on, such an important issue and not have people explain, when, in, one. Or two-word answer that's, ridiculous. Considering how, serious this issue is all, right criticism, noted Susana Mendoza. I'll. Do it to answer heck no, all right for business head text we. Finally got rid of it if you really want to keep businesses in the city of Chicago, you can't possibly like waffle, on the head tax or the commuter tax it's a no Susanna Mendoza raising, the real estate transfer tax yes or no, they're. For mansions, over a million dollars yes and to put towards homelessness, and affordable, housing Bill Daley yes Tony. Brooke Winkle yes this is a Chicago Coalition. For the homeless plan, for, the fund housing, for the homeless Willie Wilson when, you're a taxi, pass on down to the consumer. So. Paul. Bell yes Bill, Daley last May you wrote an op-ed, saying the parking, meter deal made good, business. Sense, did. You give your brother advice about, the parking meter did not know I was not involved in that I did. Understand, I didn't. Understand why, in. The middle of the economic, crisis, people, governments. And private, sector, we're looking at extreme measures there, was a threat of 5,000, layoffs or enormous. Property, Tekken tax increase at a time people were losing their homes so. They made a judgment in. Hindsight 10, years later or whatever it is we. Can all pick it apart I understand, the motivation but you never you never your, brother never consulted, with you know. I know, the. Parking meter deal one of five votes, against the parking meter deal I thought it was a terrible deal then I think it's a terrible deal now we, never should have sold off that important, asset it, was a big mistake and and frankly we spent all the money in in. Three or four years if we in, we we gave them what a 99-year lease and we spent, all the money in in, three or four years the company. Profit, as a result of that my. Company yes no. Paul. Bells look, you know the bottom line and these are the facts JP Morgan originally. Filed a letter of intent to go, after the work and then they backed off and then he became part of the deal now. It's. My use. My. Time well first of all I showed the organizational, chart that was. That. Was presented follow, me I'm telling the truth because it's in it's, in the packet that was related to the City Council also let me point out that JP, Morgan and Morgan Stanley of, course which, had another daily working for them then went after the business in Pittsburgh and that was in the Pittsburgh Gazette and and. You have to understand you know the the, issue about the selling, off of city assets is you, know one, can argue that well, maybe, this, was a good idea or though although I thought from the beginning it was a horrible idea but the fact remains that they probably could have gotten three times or four times the amount of money that they actually did the bottom line is the only people who are profiting from the you, know from the parking meter deal are you.

Know Are the investment. Companies that invested, in the deal and I'm sorry the Texas Teachers Retirement System. Because they were also in the deal so basically, our Chicagoans. Are paying the, retirees, in, Texas, Susana. Mendoza you want her to say something there's, no doubt that look. I mean for for mr. Daly to, write an op-ed just, as recently as last May, defending, the parking meter deal and saying that it was great business like it was it was good business sorry you said it was good business so, to be exact, it, was capricious, for your family it was terrible, business for Chicagoans, to do that's a lot. That, is totally, untrue, mr., Haly, here's the thing that's, about as big. Of a lie as you, telling, shock egg ones right now that you were not a key advisor to your brother I didn't during his cute caretaker. Shapiro's mare of course you were. Degree. Of separation Oh Susanna. Phil. Asked the question did you advise your brother on the parking meter deal. Well. That's your opinion and that's great. And. We'll get to that side of the side, of the podium in just a second. He. Has someone else she princess, this is how it works when you have the privilege in the name of a damaged shoes you don't have to do things yourself other people can do it for you suit, responds. And then move on to the other side as I said I. Helped. My brother get elected I was a protocol advisor I helped in each of his campaigns, I had, my own life I don't know if it did a lot of things having, nothing to do with my brother and this administration, so. Susanna to say this who worked for rich while, she was also a state rep so, she I never heard her complain. Yeah. All. Right Willie Wilson you wanted to say something sir. First. Of all you. Get rid of the parking, meter, thing I was, parked for 15. Minute one day and I got a ticket. It's, a bad deal people watch it away alright and don't forget about this to get rid of red light cameras alright, well, the parking meter deal cannot be gotten rid of worse we're, stuck with another 75, years that was attempted I believe fine but you do other things offset, it I tell. You what if. You, want take a look at it this way I guarantee. You if. You pay no taxes, for one weekend, in Chicago that. People had to pay for parking alright you, have, customer. Coming in from the suburban shopping. In Chicago, business it usually. Business, Cairo. Alright it's. Hurting to, City and. We have to take and get a hold of these things that run people, from out of the city but, bring them in to the city will, find ways I'm dealing with that city on a lot of property, alright, let's move on Tony prick quick oh we got a question. From a viewer who wants to know if you. Candidates. Support. The building of the Lincoln Yards development something. That would add some. Very high buildings, to an area, that has the potential for great congestion, is the Lincoln Yards project a, good would it have your backing one, of the things I've said is that we need TIF reform, in the city you, know we've the, TIF was, this was supposed to be a tool for economic, development and struggling communities, and yet a third, of our property, tax revenue is 31%, go, into these sequestered, TIF districts, and frankly. Much. Of our downtown the most valuable real estate in the city is now in TIF districts it doesn't make any sense at all, Lincoln. Yards project specifically. Said, that we need to put a moratorium on, these big TIF projects, until the new mayor comes in and can look at them you know I think it's really critical that we not, further. Impair. Our property, tax base with, huge, Tiff's and the estimated impact I think of Lincoln Yards is 900 million dollars something like that with. Huge tips without really careful, thought because if this is supposed to be a public benefit not just a benefit to the developers, of this particular. Site. Lincoln yard so I've said, we needed to put a moratorium on these big projects, the tips for big project Paul Vallas how about that aside, from the financing, mechanism, just the scale of it do you support it no no.

I Don't I don't fight I don't support the applying but let me point not that we're getting close to the point where we. Are diverting 700, million dollars in property tax revenues, for developments, few of which are impacting. Forest communities who have a city where 80% of, the community, 80%. Of the city has seen little to no investment, in their areas of the city going on for decades now that, are in severe depression, states I'm talking about the type of depression that you see in third-world countries just just, go to the other Michigan Avenue in the rolls and Pullman area well they're not only food deserts, they're social service deserts, their commercial, deserts their retail deserts what, I've proposed is the following I propose, that we take 1/3 of Altaf, revenue, a third. Of all turf revenue and we use that money in an equity. Fund and we invest on the west sides and the south sides the and we, invest in the hundred and thirty three opportunity. Zones those are those massive, federal tax incentives that are sitting out there waiting. To take advantage, of if you were able to divert about a billion, dollars in money over the next five to six years and get a billion dollars in private. Equity investment, two billion dollars in equity you could borrow ten billion dollars and invest ten billion dollars in capital because, these areas have been neglected, for decades you're, talking about multi-generational. Poverty all right thank you let's move on to schools, all of you support an elected school board in some form except, Bill Daley Bill Daley why not okay. I think the there's, a couple of reasons one there's no proof that an, elected or is a school. Board over. A point a school board makes any difference for the kids and that's what this should be about number, two I believe the mayor must have skin in the game for, the mayor to be able to say you know what I don't know anything to do with that that's somebody else's problem okay, it shouldn't happen because the future of this city is the, kids in the school system three, the, money that's spent already in politics, as we all know is ridiculous, there was just an election for a school board seat in LA, that, they spent 17 million dollars do, we really want seven, more politicians. Running around running, on our against. Our kids our for our kids or whatever they're gonna do raising money and the last thing is, non-citizens. Cannot, participate in, election. And we have a lot of kids in our school system whose parents, are non-citizens I laid, out a program where the mayor would appoint for, a proposal, and we would have three. Now. These come from the local, school council, system where non citizens, can participate so. The mayor would have to put those three on and that you would need five people to have a vote to pass, major, legislation. For, CPS so there have to be a compromise that solves all the problems it's, a hybrid, not a fully critical, you support, an elected school board how come you. Know I think it's really important, that people be invested, in their in their public schools and I've talked a great, deal about the importance of having strong neighborhood. Public schools and, I think the best way to ensure that is to allow people to elect representatives to, an elected school board you know we have to we, have spent a lot of time and energy and resources on magnet. Schools and selective enrollment schools, and charter schools and I'm not I'm. Not saying that was inappropriate I'm just saying we have to really invest in neighborhood public schools because they accept all of our kids they don't exclude anybody and we.

Not Only need to invest in good teachers at being a teacher of course that's critical for me but we also need to invest in social workers and psychologists. And wraparound, services, because, right now you, can pretty much predict, the quality of school by the zip code that the young person lives in and just. As you can predict life expectancy, on the basis of zip code and we need to have access to quality schools, for, all of our children because education is an escalator, and unless, unless there's unless there's access to great schools in all of our communities we can't have strong neighborhoods, and we can't have a world-class City let's stick to the issue about school boards Paul Vallas you support a hybrid. Appointed. And elected school, board what are your concerns about a fully elected. School board well let me explain the hybrid I'm referring to and I think there's similarities between bills a position, as, me I believe, first of all that the merits appoint for members appoint. For members and for members should be recruited, from the community, but I believe, that the four members the mayor should appoint should, come from local school councils I mean we have what thousands, of local school council members, don't. Tell me we can't find qualified individuals. Who the mayor could select and then I believe, that the council's should select, the balance, of the members so, that, way you take money politics, out of the selection of school board members and then of course the mayor because they asked to have skin in the game can, appoint, kind. Of kind, of point to chair so. What, you every, single local school council member. Is gonna be someone with a child in the school system, so they have skin, in the game so to speak got it susana medusa what can an elected, school board would you support it do that an appointed, board cannot so, first, of all I appreciate, what you said about parents, having a child, that has you know that is parents. Having skin in the game by having their children in the system how about electing a mayor that actually has their own child, in, the Chicago Public School System that is why I support a hybrid, approach to this because first of all even if I wasn't running for mayor as the mother of a child in the system I'd want to make sure that our mayor does not walk away from their responsibility. And accountability to. Leading, the system I do believe, in greater democracy, right so I think that parents administrators, teachers, should. Have an absolute, strong voice at that table which, is why I believe for that we should have a hybrid approach to this but as a mother of a child in, CPS, who's just, starting he's a kindergartner, at a local, public school system I've, never had a mayor the, people of Chicago I haven't had a bear in my entire lifetime and then some who's actually had their own child in the system and you better believe that, every, decision that I make as mayor regarding, education, is going to be viewed through the prism of cos. This decision, helped me to close the achievement gap, in the city of Chicago, which is frankly immoral, between black and brown and white children Willie Wilson you support, reopening, 49 schools that were closed where, would the students come from. Well. A. Politician. Ran him out of town. We. Got to bring them back and. We got to serve the community that still exists today you. Build smaller schools to. Fit the, city all. Right a smaller school to, fit the community, right, first, of all this shouldn't benefit, to school roughly, close down and first get go all, right. Putting. The thing frankly, I don't know nobody that really be, a politician taking, then complaining, about those 50 school that was closed down against. Ron Emmanuel. Out. Against them, you didn't, jump in there until he told you to get in there I I, objected. To the closure school, but. Let me just say this here if, that fits school should not been closed down you destroy a whole population in, this is Chicago, we were building new school we.

Were Taking bill and smaller all, right to fix, the whole situation but, I want to tell you how to fix a budget there did pension problem I want, to tell you how I will fix it that's, a businessperson, keep it short go ahead okay, oh, there. There, beside. The casino, that. The. Marijuana oven, there put beside those, there we, have to manage the budget cities, Chicago have, it rough about ten billion dollars okay, budget, seven. Billion dollars of that it's. In, payroll. Right. So, you got seventy. Seventy-five percent was in payroll, I can't run my business that way I would, take I mean I'm gonna ask you to wrap, it up because we can park on this far, thank. You so. I would take ten making sure that went cut, down was, George of that stuff is an overtime obey an hour or two is an overtime all right take, that and then you look into the corruption, and then, then investigate. Get rid of white-collar crime. All right let's. Move on Tony / quickl would, you support teacher pay, raises and promotions, linked. To performance, evaluations. You. Know I think it's it's really critical, that we respect. Our teachers and you. Know this is a matter I think of negotiation, with the teachers union you, know somebody, we can say you should respect students, and make sure the, teachers are qualified and, they're getting promotions, if they're getting pay raises it should be done because they are good teachers this is a complicated, issue because as I said earlier the, resources, are not allocated, equitably, to all of our schools if you, can predict by zip code the. Performance, of a school how can you say to the to the teachers who are in underperforming. Under-resourced. Schools that. It's all your fault we. Have to be sure that we invest equitably. In our system and frankly in, black and brown communities we, have under-resourced. Schools we, have kids who we know need, the support of social workers of ecologist, of wraparound, services, in order to succeed in school and all, of those all of those schools do not have those resources and until, we have adequate, resources to, ensure that every kid can be successful, we have to be very careful, about the way in which we, evaluate teachers. If you if you are a teacher in a in a privileged community, and the kids are doing well and you're a great, teacher in a school that's under-resourced, you know I think we have to be careful about the comparisons, we make there as you as you all know half of the mental health centers were closed by mayor Emanuel, citywide.

One, In six hospitalizations. Are for, mental health treatment what. Do you propose. The, city do to, help people struggling with, mental illness, when the city is struggling financially bill daley look, at the state cut back from I think eight million, a year to two million okay, from the for mental health services in, the city we've got to get that funding back from the state and we also have to work with communities we have to work with a private, public partnerships, with some of the hospitals. And facilities around, the city this, is a crisis, in many communities, and some communities are taking upon themselves to create, special. Service. Districts, in order, to solve that problem for that community and we've got to encourage those and work with those. See. This very closely as controller I've had to navigate to stay through the worst fiscal crisis, in, its history I've had to prioritize. People with. Health care needs folks in nursing homes and, hospice. Care and and mental, health services that, have really taken a hit having, said that we need two distinct, eyes mental, health and we need to invest, the money in not, just the new mental health centers but also in comprehensive, care facilities, where somebody could walk in for all kinds of comprehensive, care in addition to mental health but, you know the stigmatization of, it is very real we, need you and I would say this when you ask about how are we gonna pay for this we're already paying for it but, it costs us $40,000. A year to incarcerate an, individual, many, of whom are suffering, from mental health issues. Instead. Of investing, in that which is not investing it's actually losing, taxpayer. Dollars in a really ineffective, way let's, spend, the money more wisely by, addressing. People's mental health issues and investing on the front end Paul Vallas on the oak.

Because, A public, health system we, run a public health system and you. Know. It's. Really disgraceful that this was sold to the people of the city of Chicago as a cost saving major, because it's really cost shifting what. Happened when you closed mental health clinics, and people don't have access to meds in therapy is they, end up acting, out and ending up in our criminal justice system, or they end up in crisis, in our emergency, room at the hospital and one, of the things we've done at Cook County as as. We've created our County care program our Medicaid expansion, program is provide. Behavioral health services including. Substance. Abuse addiction, you, know. Therapy. And behavioral health services because, we knew how critical, that was and particularly in light of the fact that the city has, closed 7 of its 12 mental, health clinics which is just disgraceful Paul, Vallas on the opioid epidemic, Chicago. Open, overdose. Prevention centers, where drug users, can use in a supervised clean setting using. Clean, needles and so forth look let, me answer the broader question because, we're not getting the opportunity to do that and there's more to be said on these issues and, the whole issue of social, service infrastructure, we need to rebuild. Our social service infrastructure and one of the reasons that I've said casino, money and, we, shouldn't spend it on pensions, or cannabis, we shouldn't spend on pension since because the financial plan I've laid out if we had the chance to talk about it if I could answer the question on that actually. Fully funds the pension structurally, balances the budget and kept property. Taxes what I'd rather do with, money like the casino money is to bet it's to invest it in community. Infrastructure, so we're, not borrowing to, fix our streets or to get let out of the water or and, and what, I'd like to do with with cannabis, revenues, it's useless cannabis, revenues along with report, and prioritizing, reprogramming, our existing revenues so we cannot open up mental health centers at one time there are 19, mental health centers not six, you. Know the seven of them were closed when. When, Mayor Daley when, when, Daley was mayor not bail of course obviously and and, and and. Now of course we have six and now of course we have six we need a mental health and wellness center in each of our police districts, but we also need to open up we also need to open up, opioid. And drug, diction treatment, centers so. That we there's, that infrastructure, social service infrastructure, working, with the police department working, with the schools working with the community, to provide the services, that these, individuals, critically we are unfortunately almost out of time and lots, for. The purposes of this question if you are not in the likely, runoff on April 2nd, who, is the one mayoral. Candidate, besides, yourself, that you would trust most to run the city quick, name we have 30 seconds to Zhanna Mendoza at, this point I might say Lori Lightfoot Bill. Daley I will, wait and see, 20. Prequel, I've previously previously, said Paul, Willie. Wilson I would. Change. My name run again. Short. Of that. Ok, Paul Vallas first. Of all I appreciate the gesture on Tony's part but I can't, support anyone, who entered the race after rahm emanuel. Decided. To withdraw, that's. That's, where I Fleet at Paul Vallas Willie Wilson Tony pre-clinical Bill Daley and Suzanna Mendoza and Paul Vallas you're right we did not have time, to explore all the issues as as as, much as we'd like to but, we we gave it our best shot. Thanks. Again to the City Club of Chicago for, helping underwrite tonight's forum thanks. Also to our audience, here as well, as on Facebook, YouTube and our, website plus those listening on the radio to WBEZ. 91.5. FM and. Thanks. To the candidates Paul Vallas Willie Wilson Tony prec Winkle Bill Daley and Suzanna Mendoza we are back to wrap things up in just a moment. Chicago. Tonight is made possible in part by the City, Club of Chicago. Smart. People may disagree about what, makes a great city but, part of what makes Chicago great, is that we don't have to agree to, run a city like ours a lot, of issues come up the. City Club of Chicago is, a place to debate those issues and hear from the men and women who shape the policies, levian.

And Tell, the stories, that define our city but. The free and open, exchange of ideas the. City Club of Chicago. And. That's all Cheryl for this monday night monday night, meet five more candidates, are in our final mayoral. Forum tomorrow hear, what they where, they stand on the issues and their plans should. They win the city's top job now for all of us here at Chicago tonight I'm Phil Ponce a I thank you for watching and audience members let's give all our candidates around of a potbelly. Closed. Captioning, is made possible by Robert a Clifford, and Clifford, law offices an, accredited, legal education provider and proud, sponsor, of the continuing, legal education program. For lawyers held at DePaul University College. Of Law On February 21st. You. You.


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