UK Train strikes Lithuania doubles down blockade EU going back to coal US bans goods from Xinjiang

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hierdie man kan nie krag bly nie, laat ek dadelik begin deur te sê dat ek glo dat Oekraïne die oorlog verloor het, natuurlik is die oorlog nie verby nie, maar dit is verlore laat ek jou wys hoekom dit 'n artillerie-tweestryd geword het Rusland skiet 50 000 skulpe per dag 10 keer meer as Oekraïne die Washington Post sê dat Oekraïne amper heeltemal uit ammunisie is en daar is geen vervangings vir sy Sowjet-era ordonnansie op 10 Junie nie. Die pos het berig dat Oekraïne 'n duisend slagoffers per dag ly, insluitend 200 dood. verdubbel in net drie weke en Oekraïne verloor 6 000 soldate wat elke maand gedood word dit is 'n ongevallesyfer 12 keer hoër as wat ons in Viëtnam gely het dit op 'n per capita-basis dit beteken dat hul ongevallesyfer ongeveer 60 keer groter is as wat die VSA gely het tydens die baie bloedige oorlog in Viëtnam Oekraïners het met moed geveg, maar geen nasie kon sulke ongevallesyfers vir 'n lang tyd volhou nie Oekraïne is op 12 Junie gister klaar NAVO sekretaris-generaal Jens stoltenberg het alles behalwe erken dat Oekraïne binnekort gedwing sal word om vir vrede te dagvaar hy het gesê die enigste vraag is watter prys is jy bereid om te betaal vir vrede hoeveel grondgebied hoeveel onafhanklikheid hoeveel soewereiniteit is jy bereid om vir vrede op te offer stoltenberg se opmerkings dui daarop dat navo erken dat die oorlog verlore is dit het nou 'n onaangename afleiding geword wat eenvoudig toegedraai moet word wat die NAVO betref die sanksies oorlog het misluk die hele finansiële mag van die Westerse wêreld is ontketen teen Rusland vandag die roebel is sterker as voorheen die oorlog hierdie jaar was dit die sterkste van alle geldeenhede Russiese inflasie het 'n hoogtepunt van ongeveer 15 persent bereik en sal na verwagting daal , maar namate hul inflasie die toppunt bereik het Europa s'n en Amerika s'n net begin opskiet gevaarlik blind se poging om Russiese handel te wurg, het misluk ten spyte van sanksies, het Rusland sterker gesmee bande met China Indië Suid-Afrika Iran Brasilië Saoedi-Arabië belangrike lande in die globale sou Hulle weier om Washington se bevel om sanksies in te stel, te gehoorsaam onafhanklike lande is bang vir ons, maar hulle is gegrief dat hulle vertel wie hulle mag en nie mag handel dryf met die dikterende gesanksioneerde beleid aan soewereine nasies, verminder die wêreld se respek vir Amerika van die begin van die oorlog af. ervaar tekorte aan kos huisvesting verhitting brandstof of petrol enigiemand wat verwag dat Russe sal kraak van die verlies van gucci koop sitplekke of big mac hamburgers verstaan ​​nie die Russiese psige president Putin se gewildheid het gestyg tot 83 persent wat groter is as enige van sy westerse eweknieë intussen die propaganda-oorlog is besig om te ontrafel aan die begin van die oorlog die Verenigde State het versigtig georkestreerde spervuur ​​van anti-Russiese propaganda ontketen. Alle andersdenkende stemme is onlangs uit die media geblokkeer, maar nuusblaaie het begin om die moontlikheid van 'n Oekraïense nederlaag op 10 Junie te erken. Newsweek het berig dat selfs die adjunkhoof van Oekraïnse militêre intelligensie het erken dat ukraine gevaar het om die oorlog teen rusland te verloor die eerste krake vorm en binnekort moet die wêreld die werklikheid in die hande kry die oorlog is verlore goeiemôre dames en here welkom by my nuwe video my naam is aj daai clip wat julle vandag gesien het um dit was van terugkeer af, afgetrede kolonel Richard H Black, kyk na hom op YouTube as jy dit nie gedoen het nie, maar hy gee 'n baie baie waarheidsgetroue weergawe van wat in die Oekraïne gebeur en ek moet met hom saamstem die oorlog is verlore uh ukraine maak hul dood. eie mense vir geen rede nie

en dit is net 'n jammerte 'n groot skande so ek het 'n pakprogram vir jou vandag baie om oor te praat so ek gaan begin praat oor groot Brittanje of sal ek sê klein Brittanje die hele Brittanje staan ​​tot stilstand as gevolg van hierdie spoorstakings en ek gaan vir jou my storie gee van my ervaring in die spoorstakings, want ek wou by die werk kom ek kon van die huis af gewerk het, maar ek wou ervaar hoe dit daar buite is. ek het gegaan en dit ervaar en ek gaan deel dit met julle ouens ek gaan ook oor klein chihuahua praat natuurlik Litaue maar ek gaan hulle lit chihuahua noem want hulle is soos chihuahuas wat vir hul meesters blaf as die meester sê blaf hulle is soos ow hulle is soos blaf soos 'n klein chihuahua so ek gaan praat oor 'n klein chihuahua ek gaan ook praat oor hoe Europa ingaan om weer steenkool te gebruik ek gaan ook praat oor china waar ons basies geplaas het 'n paar regulasies waar hulle produkte van Xinjiang gaan verbied en ek gaan praat oor ons ons se poging om met China te ontkoppel, ek gaan vandag ook praat oor 'n paar idioot van die dae en ek is gaan ook praat oor 'n paar ander dinge wat regoor die wêreld aangaan so dit gaan 'n baie vol dag wees so as ek jy was sou ek gaan sit en ontspan sit jou oorfone op of dalk gimnasium toe gaan draf sit 'n paar oorfone op en ontspan net en luister na hierdie peul cast ek sal belowe om dit vir julle goed en lekker te probeer maak so ek moes gister werk toe gaan en soos julle weet was die hele land tot stilstand as gevolg van die spoorstakings so ek het uit my huis gegaan toe natuurlik het my plaaslike stasie probeer om 'n manier uit te vind om by die werk te kom, so ek het na die stasie gegaan, daar het treine gery, maar dit was een elke uur of iets , so ek het na die platform gegaan en daar was duisende en duisende mense op die platform daar was geen manier wat ek in daardie trein sou klim nie so een trein het gekom almal het gepak jy weet basies mekaar ingedruk dit was chaos absolute chaos so daardie trein het gegaan ek het dit gemis 'n ander trein het gekom ek het daardie een ook gemis en die derde een het gekom Ek het dit gemis, so op daardie stadium het ek gesê jy weet wat vergeet hiervan, ek gaan probeer om 'n taxi te neem, so ek het by die stasie uitgegaan en ek het probeer om 'n uber te bespreek . van my huis af en ek het probeer om 'n uber te bespreek en raai hoeveel die prys is was 350 pond 350 pond dit is meer as soos 10 15 keer die prys wat dit my normaalweg neem dit was absoluut belaglik sien al hierdie taxibestuurders taxi firmas wat voordeel trek uit die spoorstaking werklike sieklike gedrag om eerlik te wees en toe probeer ek 'n bus neem en weer was daar 'n groot tou voor die bus en mense het gedruk en gedruk en gestoot probeer inkom asof hul lewe daarvan afhang hulle moet by die werk kom of hulle gaan afgedank word so mense druk regtig in so ek kon nie in die bus klim nie, so ek het besluit om werk toe te stap en dit het my so twee ure geneem om by die werk te kom werk ek het hier gestap en dit was 'n lekker sonnige dag uh teen die tyd dat ek by die werk kom, het ek by die werk gekom ek het regtig gesweet en ek het vreeslik gevoel ek het 'n stort nodig om eerlik te wees ek kon niks doen nie ek kon geen werk doen nie ek was soos jy weet ek moet um so ek het vir my baas gesê jy weet jy weet ek kan' t werk jy weet ek het geloop ek het basies vir twee ure gestap ek is in geen toestand om enige werk te doen nie ek gaan gaan huis en die baas is soos ja goed jy weet dankie dat jy gekom het baie mense kon nie by die werk kom nie ek was een van die eerstes het eintlik by die werk gekom en ek het dit daarheen geloop en baie mense het nie opgedaag nie en um ek wou net ek kon van die huis af gewerk het ouens, maar ek wou net basies sien hoe lank dit vat en ek wou die chaos ervaar en my god het ek dit regtig ervaar dit was een van die ergste dae van my lewe so dit is vandag weer gebeur het is regtig erg en dit gaan môre ook gebeur, so kan jy jou indink die hoeveelheid geld wat die Verenigde Koninkryk deur die ekonomie verloor deur al hierdie treine wat gesluit is, ek bedoel daar moet soveel chaos aan die gang wees en baie mense wat vakansies bespreek het hulle kan nie by die lughawens uitkom nie want die spoorstawe is gesluit so baie mense mis hul vlugte so dit is net die begin ouens dit gaan baie erger word dit is net spoor werkers wat tussen sewe wil he en tien persent salarisverhoging in ooreenstemming met inflasie en ander sektore beplan om ook te staak jy het jy weet baie poskantoorwerkers en verpleegsters en dokters onderwysers elke openbare sektor werk wat hulle wil staak omdat hulle nie die lone op die oomblik kan bekostig nie met dit met inflasie wat styg en hul lone bly stagneer daar gaan 'n punt kom waar al werk jy voltyds jy nie kan bekostig om vir jou rekeninge te betaal nie jou verband jou kos of om warm te bly jy weet alles klop so jy sal baie meer mense sien um staking in die Verenigde Koninkryk en dit is net die begin, stel jou voor die hoeveelheid geld wat Brittanje deur hierdie stakings verloor is ongelooflik en Brittanje, soos jy weet, doen nie baie goed in terme van sy ekonomie nie en dit gaan dit net baie erger maak en boris is op sy laaste bene en enige soort moeilikheid enige bron van moeilikheid boris gaan net ukraine toe waar hy dink dis veilig hy kan speel hy kan speel bring n ring rose saam met sy vriend zelensky hy kan kerk toe gaan en maak asof hy t.o.v. igious as hy nie eers godsdienstig is nie en dit is 'n absolute absolute grap ouens absolute grap en ek moet vir julle sê Boris se dae is getel die pers keer hom nou en julle kan hierdie voog artikel sien iemand moet vir Brittanje vertel van die werklike koste van oorlog in Oekraïne het johnson die gesag, so die voog blameer basies vir johnson dat hy weghardloop na ukraine elke keer as dit moeilik word hy was veronderstel om sy kiesers in die noorde te ontmoet uh hy hardloop weg na ukraine eerder om ring-a-ringer rose met sy maat te speel en soos ek gesê het jy weet ek dink hy het beter ambisies hy kyk na tony blair en hy kyk na hoeveel geld hy het Tony blair is 'n miljardêr en boris johnson wil 'n bietjie daarvan hê soos ek gesê het hy het so baie kinders met ander mis sy eks mis en hy het seker soveel kinderonderhoud betalings om te betaal um hy is seker onder baie skuld so uh hy wil soveel geld maak as wat hy kan voor hy uitgeskop word so ek dink hy werk vir die n eocons en soos ek gesê het jy weet hy hardloop ook by elke geleentheid na ukraine maar hy werk ook vir die neocons want hy weet sy dae is getel en hy wil soveel geld maak as wat hy kan voordat hy afgedank word of hy kry hy is basies gedwing om te vertrek , so hierdie voog artikel sê dat hy weghardloop na Oekraïne elke keer as dit moeilik raak en hy gee uiteindelik meer en meer van ons geld weg en ernstig asof dit sy eie geld is om weg te gee dit is nie syne nie eie geld dit is die belastingbetaler se geld en die enigste rede hoekom hierdie ou nog 'n werk het is omdat daar niemand anders is om oor te neem nie ek bedoel jy kyk na die kandidate daar is skaars iemand goed in die Britse parlement ek weet nie wat het met die brit gebeur nie parlement en natuurlik toe ek 'n kind was, onthou ek Margaret Thatcher , daar was 'n paar baie goeie Britse LP's in die dag, selfs George Galloway is 'n wonderlike LP, hoekom kan ons nie so iemand hê nie, maar nou het jy 'n klomp s ilver lepels silwer lepel [ __ ] jy weet basies hulle was almal by hulle was almal in privaat skool hulle het nog nooit hard in hul lewens gewerk nie uh hulle vat seker almal een of ander chemikalie in hul neus poeier selfs jy weet hierdie ouens weet nie hoe dit is om in die regte lewe te leef hoe dit is om regtig in Brittanje te woon nie hulle weet nie hoe dit is om regtig te sukkel in Brittanje nie jy het Rishi Sunang wie se vrou 'n miljardêr is en hy nie gee om oor wat in die ekonomie gebeur solank sy vrou daar is en geld spaar dis al waaroor hy omgee hy gee nie om vir die res van die Britte nie dan het jy mooi patel wat 'n absolute rassis is jy weet sy is basies haar ouers is immigrante om hierdie land en nou breek sy elke enkele menseregte-reëls in haar boek of in uk se boeke om enige oorblywende immigrante uit die land uit te skop en al die Oekraïners hier binne te hou solank hulle blou oë het blonde hare sy is tevrede daarmee en dan jy het hierdie ben wallace ou wat nie 'n clue het wat aangaan nie um sy hele agterbanke is 'n klomp snitte ek is jammer om te sê die hele klomp snitte waarna jy kyk lys truss wat de hel het gebeur met Britse mps jy weet hulle het almal moer geraak, ek sal seker so ver gaan as om te sê 'n pakkie neute het seker meer intelligensie as die hele mps wat ons nou het dit is absoluut siek so ek gaan terug na Litaue ouens en dit is eintlik nogal snaaks en ek het gister 'n video oor Litaue gemaak en daar was so baie opmerkings in die kommentaar afdeling, dit is absoluut skreeusnaaks. As jy nie die opmerkings nagegaan het nie, moet jy dit kyk, want jy het baie Litauers daar en jy het ook baie gebreinspoelde westerlinge wat almal sê o nate gaan ons help nato gaan help ek bedoel jy weet hulle is soos o ons jy weet litaus het niks verkeerd gedoen nie jy weet ons is ons is 'n soewereine land bla bla bla jy weet en as jy die westerse koerante het, bedoel ek in Brittanje, jy weet daar was koerante wat hieroor gepraat het, kan die 3de wêreldoorlog veroorsaak. Litaue is nie die moeite werd om 'n oorlog oor te hê nie

en selfs Amerikaanse koerante was soos wat Litaue dit uit eie beweging gedoen het. Moenie vir Litaue sê om dit te doen nie en wat hulle doen is onwettig dit is teen internasionale reg en selfs die eu wys vingers en sê eu sê is ons het nie vir Litaue gesê om dit te doen nie hulle is 'n soewereine land so hulle doen wat hulle ook al voel nodig is en Litaue is op pad terug en sê jy weet ons doen net wat die eu ons gesê het om te doen so jy het baie vingerwysing aan die gang en almal wys vingers na mekaar maar een ding baie mense baie westerlinge stem saam dat dit baie baie vinnig kan eskaleer en ek het al baie westerse koerante gesien wat sê dat as Rusland werklik rondgaan en Litaue binneval as gevolg hiervan, hulle geregverdig sou wees en Amerika sou nie betrokke wees nie en n ato sou nie betrokke wees nie en daardie Litause wat dink dat die natuur betrokke gaan raak en hulle sal help, hulle leef regtig in 'n ander wêreld NAVO sal nooit vir Litaue kom help nie, nie oor 'n miljoen jaar nie, ek wil geen Litaus aanstoot gee nie. daar buite maar jy is nie kernoorlog werd nie , is jy nie en as jy na nato kyk nie nato is amerika amerika beheer nato het jy al die wapens in nato wat amerikaans is meeste van die NAVO is amerikaans gefinansier jy het hierdie stoltenberg ou wat 'n volledige marionet is hy volg alles wat die Amerikaners vir hom sê om te doen, so dit is aan Amerika of die NAVO betrokke wil raak of nie en ek waarborg jou Amerika sal hierna kyk en hulle sal sê jy weet wat dit nie die moeite werd is om by 'n kernkragbeurs in te gaan nie. Litaue het self in in hierdie gemors so laat hulle uit hierdie gemors kom ons wil nie betrokke raak nie Amerika kyk na china hulle wil nie in nog 'n oorlog betrokke raak nie uh grond oorlog in in die baltiese lande met rusland reg op rusland se drumpel veral wanneer Rusland geregverdig is om dit te doen, is wat Litaue doen teen internasionale reg, jy keer dat goedere en dienste van Rusland na Rusland gaan dit gaan nie na 'n ander land nie gaan van Rusland na Rusland so dit is teen internasionale reg so met al hierdie dinge druk aan die gang oor die wêreld wat doen Litaue dit verdubbel verdubbel en dit is waaroor hierdie artikel gaan Litaue brei kaliningrad blokkade uit sodat jy weet hoe al hierdie neocons verdubbel op alles wat hulle so doen wanneer die sanksies ook al doen' As hulle nie werk nie, is hulle verdubbel op meer sanksies en dit is presies die soort neocon denke en presies wat um Litaue nou doen hulle dink hulle is 'n klomp neocons of basies word hulle vertel wat om te doen deur die Amerikaners so ek weet nie baie nie, ek ken nie baie Litause nie, ek het voorheen met 'n Litause meisie uitgegaan, in die dag blyk dit 'n baie groot gemeenskap van Litause in Londen te wees en sy het my eenkeer vertel dat daar 'n soort gedenkplaat in die middel van Litaue is, een van die in die middel van die hoofstad en in die gedenkplaat het hy gesê dat die wat met Litaue rondmors, met ons rondmors en hy is basies geskryf uh deur george bush um george bush eintlik um litaue was een van die eerste lande wat george bush se um-irak-inval ondersteun het en basies op daardie tydstip het george bush gesê jy weet of iemand met Litaue mors mors met ons en hoe kan jy 'n leier volg wat 'n bloedige tiran soos George Bush waarin hy ingegaan het, het meer as 'n miljoen Irakezen gedood onder die voorwendsel van wapens en Moslem-vernietiging daar is natuurlik geen wapens van massavernietiging daar, so het 'n miljoen mense doodgemaak sonder enige rede en wat het die Litaue gedoen, hulle vier George Bush deur te plaas sy plakkaat in die middel van die hoofstad en nie net dat daar swart webwerwe in Litaue is nie, sowel as Amerikaanse swart webwerwe waarvan nie baie mense weet nie, dit is guantanamo baai tipe tronke waar hulle um hou jy ken gevangenes daar in die geheim en jy weet Litaue is so 'n marionet so 'n marionet van die Verenigde State Verenigde State gaan Litaue toe gaan mors met die China gaan aan gaan vir dit my hond en hulle wat raai wat hulle doen een manier om die Sjinese kwaad te maak, is om te praat oor die opening van ' n Taiwanese ambassade in Litaue en vergeet van die een-China-beleid waaraan die hele weste en Amerika ingesluit is en Litaue die eerste land gaan wees in die wêreld uh wat maak die Taiwanese ambassadeur ambassade oop so wat is die punt om dit te doen wat is die punt om China uit te lok wat is die punt om Rusland uit te lok en al hierdie blokkades te verdubbel wat is die punt sê vir my dat 'n klein land soos Litaue, ek bedoel, kyk jy nie na die toekoms nie, sien jy nie waarheen die ekonomie op pad is nie, jy weet China gaan die nommer een ekonomie wees en Rusland gaan 'n baie baie groot supermoondheid wees. orstep hoekom is dit die punt om al jou eiers in een westelike mandjie te gooi wanneer die weste bekend is om sy bondgenote dubbel te steek en kyk wat doen hy aan Oekraïne kyk wat het hy aan Afghanistan gedoen wanneer as Amerika verveeld raak gaan hy in die volgende speelding in. om daarmee te speel is wat met Litaue gaan gebeur ek daarom waarborg ek jou sodra ukraine verby is en jy weet jy lok 'n oorlog uit met rusland NAVO sal nooit betrokke raak nie nooit nie want Amerika beheer NAVO en Amerika sê vir NAVO wat om te doen Amerika sê vir NAVO gaan bom Joego-Slawië NAVO sal dit doen Amerika sê vir NAVO kom help ons in Irak kom help ons in Afghanistan NAVO sal dit doen al is Irak en Afghanistan nêrens naby die noordelike noordelike Atlantiese Oseaan nie weet jy wat staan ​​die NAVO vir Noord-Atlantiese Verdragsorganisasie so waar is Irak waar is Afghanistan dit is nêrens naby die Noord-Atlantiese Oseaan nie so Amerika sê vir NAVO presies wie om te bombardeer wat om te doen en hulle sal dit net doen aan swak lande mense sê artikel 5 artikel 5 artikel 5 is net teen swak lande en dit beteken nie om oorlog te voer met daardie land nie.

Artikel 5 beteken dat al die lande saam sit en die volgende scenario bespreek of wat om te doen en ek waarborg die meeste NAVO-lede sal soos nee nee ons nie wil betrokke raak by die oorlog met rusland ek waarborg jou dat so al jou litauers wat agter jou artikel 5 wegkruip jy gaan die volgende Oekraïne maat wees jy weet dit is presies dieselfde ding wat die Oekraïners 'n jaar gelede gesê het sê o ons gaan by NAVO aansluit ons gaan by die EU aansluit ons gaan kernwapens in ons huis hê in ons tuisland wat na Rusland wys en daar is niks wat Rusland kan doen nie NAVO sal ons beskerm Amerika sal ons so beskerm waar is amerika nou waar is NAVO nou en jy kan sê o um Oekraïne is nie deel van NAVO dit maak nie saak nie NAVO lei al jare lank Oekraïnse troepe daar is NAVO wapens in Oekraïne en NAVO stuur steeds wapens na Oekraïne so moenie vertel nie my nato is nie deel van deel van um uk nie raine ukraine is vir 'n lang tyd nie-amptelik deel van die NAVO en die NAVO het gekyk na die vervaardiging van basisse en rondom krimi voordat Rusland krimina oorgeneem het, dit is hoekom rusland basies gesanksioneerde rusland gesanksioneer het en dit is hoekom rusland krimina moes neem omdat die NAVO gekyk het na om basisse in crimea ernstig te plaas die julle Litauers het julle weet julle moet regtig julle navorsing doen en julle moet regtig sien wat regoor die wêreld gebeur word net wakker word net wakker moenie nog 'n Oekraïner wees wat dink dat die weste jou sal kom red nie ernstig ouens kry lewe so dit eskaleer nou soos jy kan sien Putin kondig ontplooiing van s 500 lugverdedigingstelsels aan so hierdie lugverdedigingstelsels gaan saam in naby die Baltiese state en gaan ook langs die Russiese grens met Oekraïne ook want iets lyk asof dit gaan gebeur in Litaue en Rusland is reeds besig om voor te berei, so wat hulle gaan doen, gaan hulle al hierdie s-500's voorberei langs die grens in die Baltiese s tates um en hulle gaan dit langs die grens hê met met um met ukraine um hulle gaan hom waarskynlik in crimea hê sal hulle waarskynlik ook naby Odessa hê en as 'n groot konflik tussen Litaue en Rusland naby Kaliningrad Rusland uitbreek sal gereed wees met hierdie s-500's, so as die NAVO besluit om enige vliegtuie in te bring, weet jy, hulle sal maklik in die lug geskiet word, so Rusland is reeds besig om hiervoor voor te berei en hulle sal dit nie doen as hulle nie iets beplan het nie so as ek Litaue was sou ek nou regtig bekommerd gewees het om te sien wat sal gebeur ek bedoel as dit van my afhang jy weet ek dink net nie rusland sal nou iets doen nie want hulle is te besig met ukraine uh maar sodra hulle klaar is met dongbas sodra hulle klaar is met odessa en as hulle klaar is met wat hulle met ukraine wou doen, is ek redelik seker die volgende teiken gaan 'n landbrug wees um in Litaue en hulle sal land afneem litaue om dit te koppel aan kaliningrad so wees versigtig ouens in lith uania en moenie op die natuur staatmaak nie, moenie dink dat hulle jou verlosser is nie en hulle sal jou kom red as deel van die artikel vyf ek waarborg jou dat hulle nie sal kom nie en as daar ' n konflik in Litaus oor miskien ses gebeur maande of 'n jaar se keer en weer nato kom nie help nie jy weet net onthou jy het hierdie youtube kanaal gesien en jy het dit by my uit die perd se bek gehoor en dan kan jy een jaar later terugkom na my toe en ons kan dinge so bespreek nou gaan ek praat oor al hierdie wakker nonsens wat in die vloot aangaan en dit is hoekom die vloot nie teen die russe gaan veg nie, jy weet die russiese weermag is nie wakker nie, hulle is een van die mees doeltreffendste land-gebaseerde weermag die wêreld het nog ooit geken jy weet Hitler kon nie Rusland afneem nie Napoleon kon nie Rusland afneem nie en dink die Amerikaanse weermag hulle kan Rusland afneem nie met hierdie wakker handelaars nie, ek bedoel kyk hierna ons vloot leer sy personeel oor geslagsvoornaamwoorde en kyk na hierdie twee wat jy ken die rede waarom Amerika nie oorlog toe wil gaan nie want Amerika het nie die personeel om 'n oorlog te veg nie 'n groot oorlog met Rusland jy weet ek dink nie Amerika het vir jare 'n goeie teenstander in die Koreaanse oorlog geveg nie dalk daarom geveg 'n baie goeie teenstander en hulle het teen Noord-Korea geveg en China het vir hom 'n baie goeie een vir sy geld gegee. Viëtnam het Amerika 'n baie goeie lopie vir sy geld gegee, behalwe dat elke ander land Amerika daardie plekke letterlik doodgebombardeer het met hul lug supermoondheid jy weet hulle jy moet jou leer meerderwaardigheid en die tegnologie wat Amerika het, en dit is hoekom dit nie nodig was vir Amerika om op grondtroepe te fokus nie, want hul meerderwaardigheid was in die lug so al wat hulle moes doen is alles doen van hierdie bombardementlopies uit die lug gooi ' n paar missiele en dit is die toekenning dis al dis hoe hulle in Afghanistan geveg het dis hoe hulle in Irak geveg het dit is waar die skokkende alles kom in bom en missiel die stad aan flarde ens vernietig alles in daardie stad en trek dan in met jou troepe dit is wat dit is wat die Amerikaners sal doen en dit is 'n maklike taktiek jy weet dit gaan nie met Rusland werk nie hierdie taktiek gaan nie werk nie vir 'n aantal redes eerste van die hele rusland sal die gps uithaal al hierdie missiele en al hierdie um geleide wapens gaan nie werk nie en um en Amerika sal as 'n grondgebaseerde eenheid moet ingaan om te beskerm jy weet om um Litaue te beskerm as dit so gebeur dit is hoekom jy weet ons vloot gaan nie ingaan nie ek dink net hulle is te wakker um nato is ook baie wakker so ons is bly van 'n afstand net kyk ukrainians doodmaak hulself baklei oor Oekraïne jy weet hulle sal basies rusland veg tot die laaste Oekraïener en dit is hoe dit lyk jy weet ek kan my indink al hierdie wakker handelaars in die Amerikaanse weermag as hulle ooit in 'n oorlog teen Rusland gegaan het, kan jy jou indink hierdie uh volksters in die Amerikaanse weermag en hulle hardloop rond in die loopgrawe en um met hulle reënboog kentekens en sulke dinge en reënboog gekleurde helms en hulle hardloop rond in die loopgrawe teen skree en sê oh my god ek gaan dood ek gaan dood oh my god ek wil weg oh ek het twee ure spandeer doen my naels ek hoop nie my naels breek nie o my god is daai bom nee nee dis nie bom nie o dankie god o my god is daai vliegtuig dis goed vir n bomwerper gat nee nee dis net n voël dis n vals alarm ouens don moenie bekommerd wees daaroor nie, ok kom ons gaan sit en mediteer kom ouens julle kan dink dit gaan so wees dit is 'n absolute komedie show absolute komedie show toe sien ek hierdie artikel ook Rusland eis honderde ongevalle tydens 'n staking in Oekraïne soveel aangesien 500 Oekraïnse troepe gesterf het van 'n enkele brigade wat in die stad Nikolajef dood is, het ministerie van verdediging gesê jy weet hulle verloor tussen 500 tot 1 000 mense per dag, jy weet soos die afgetrede kolonel kolonel het gesê jy weet hierdie oorlog is dit verloor oorlog is verlore hulle Oekraïne kan nie wen nie jy weet jy moet die lewens van jou mense red, jy moet kyk na die toekoms van Oekraïne ouens as elke enkele persoon in die Oekraïne tydens hierdie oorlog vermoor word of beseer word wat meer van die Oekraïners oor is, is dit ware volksmoord die weste veroorsaak volksmoord om die Oekraïnse mense deur hulle na die dood te stuur dit is regtig baie hartseer regtig jammer om intussen hieraan te dink die brics ontwikkel 'n globale reserwe geldeenheid so die bric lande veral uh rusland en china jy het ook Indië die brics lande is meer as die helfte van die aarde se bevolking jy het 1.4 biljoen mense in China 1.4 biljoen in Indië jy het soveel mense in Brasilië ook ons ​​het so baie mense in rusland dit is massiewe massiewe magtige lande en as hulle globale reserwe geldeenheid uitwerk tussen hulle het die Amerikaanse dollar geen kans geen kans nie en reeds baie lande beweeg nou weg van die Amerikaanse dollar en hulle kyk reeds na maniere om nie op die Amerikaanse dollar staat te maak as jou ekonomie is gebaseer op die Amerikaanse dollar en jy doen baie handel met ons dollar jy maak basies jou eie ekonomie selfmoord want die ons kan op enige stadium wat jy weet die reserwes van jou sentrale bank wegneem en hulle kan jou doodstraf en dit is dit jou ekonomie is verkrummel dit is vernietig jy weet as jy nie Rusland is nie as jy ' n klein land soos Venezuela Kuba is jy redelik vernietig en dit is wat al oor die wêreld gebeur het en jy sien baie lande beweeg nou weg vanaf die Amerikaanse dollar gaan die Amerikaanse dollar nie binne 'n jaar die wêreld se reserwegeldeenheid wees nie en ek waarborg jou binne 'n jaar sal hulle weg wees jy weet dit gaan 'n stadige geleidelike ding wees, maar binne een jaar sal jy minder en minder lande wat die dollar gebruik al hoe minder lande sal olie koop deur ook dollar te gebruik um jy het Saoedi-Arabië wat olie verkoop met 'n Chinese rmb um natuurlik verkoop Rusland sy olie en gas met sy roebel um Iran verkoop waarskynlik olie aan olie en g wat China betref wat weer die Chinese ramen b gebruik, so al hierdie groot lande en ek is redelik seker ek het iewers gehoor dat Indië ook olie en gas van Rusland koop deur óf hul eie geldeenheid óf roebel te gebruik , sodat jy al hierdie lande sal sien so baie lande regoor die wêreld, selfs Asiatiese lande , hulle beweeg almal weg van die dollar, want elke land het besef jy kan nie op Amerika staatmaak nie, jy weet jy moet na jou eie land omsien, jy moet jou eie reserwes opbou, jy kan nie hê nie enige ekonomie net suiwer gebaseer op die Amerikaanse dollar en een van die dae as die Amerikaanse departement van jou nie van jou hou nie, kan hulle sanksies op jou plaas, hulle neem al jou reserweserwes van jou sentrale banke weg en vernietig jou geldeenheid en niemand wil hê nie so ek kan sien binne 'n jaar Amerikaanse dollar verloor sy reserwe geldeenheid die stene kan die een opsie wees ander opsie dit kan ook 'n geveg tussen die roebel en die Chinese RB wees ek sê binne die volgende jaar want ons is 'n Ek gaan afstuur op 'n groot ineenstorting oor die volgende paar maande ons is reeds op pad na 'n resessie Brittanje is op pad na 'n resessie europa is redelik vernietig europa gaan absoluut vernietig word europa gaan sukkel om bymekaar te bly en ek doen net Ek dink die Europese Unie sal 'n paar jaar hou, ek dink hulle het hulself heeltemal vernietig met hierdie sanksies , maar ons sal sien ons sal sien wat gebeur, maar elke dag kan jy stories sien oor hoe die Amerikaanse ekonomie besig is om te verkrummel. die Europese ekonomie is besig om te verbrokkel en die ekonomieë daar buite in die wêreld wat nie op ons ekonomie staatmaak nie, dit is hulle wat sal oorleef en dit is hoekom Rusland 'n baie sterk kandidaat vir supermoondheid is omdat hulle nie op die Westerse finansiële stelsel en dit is hoekom al hierdie Westerse sanksies nie regtig op Rusland gewerk het nie en jy sal sien na die Oekraïnse oorlog gaan die Russe daaruit kom met 'n groot hoeveelheid vertroue dat hulle 'n ongelooflike herlewing gaan hê as 'n land , hulle is nie gebaseer op Amerikaanse dollar nie en jy sal sien want al hierdie westerse maatskappye wat uit Rusland getrek het, sal sy eie produksie eie vervaardiging hê , so jy sal sien hoe die Russiese industrie beweeg bo in die wêreld sal die Sjinese industrie en die Chinese ekonomie ook oorleef baie mense wat sê o Chinese ekonomie gebaseer op uitvoere hulle is afhanklik van die dollar op die euro goed was vroeër so maar nie meer nie weet jy onlangs dring hulle aan op 'n dubbele sirkulasiebeleid wat jy moet verstaan ​​China het 1,4 biljoen mense um as 'n bevolking en die meeste van die mense het eintlik uit armoede gekom the latest uh i you know latest phones i'm talking about latest chinese phones uh they're gonna need the latest ev cars they're gonna need the latest um gadgets tvs iot devices so china has a big enough population to survive any financial crash that happens around the world they don't care if they don't have to export their goods to america or to europe you know they have their own people they they can um service to and this is why you know people that think that china's economy is going to collapse all of these people predict predicting china's economy has is going to collapse for 20 years they've been predicting this and it hasn't because china has a very very strong dual circulation policy you know china makes a lot of money internally it doesn't need to make money from the united states or europe and china is moving up in the digital transformation they've got 5g everywhere they got ai you know they are making so much money from this new digital transformation and you got companies like huawei making a profit this was after you know america placed so many sanctions on huawei destroyed its phone business tried to destroy the company itself but last year's figures h uawei came back with a profit and huawei has restructured his business and now it's you know is very very good in terms of his digital business and he's doing a lot in terms of his infrastructure 5g networks and data centers and and a lot of other stuff that huawei is doing so you cannot stop china america has tried to stop china since the trump years and trump has placed these ridiculous sanctions on on on china and it hasn't worked in every single year the trade deficit has gone larger and larger and larger and it's come to a point now where it's absolutely ridiculous and and the americans just don't know what to do you know they just have they have no clue whatsoever and i still remember when trump said back in the day trade wars are easy to win well they're not easy to win america is losing the trade war so recently dmitry peskov has told nbc news that russia will never ever trust the west again and he's right the west has tried to humiliate russia over and over and over again they try to humiliate russia during the soviet times through through the end of the cold war and still they've tried to humiliate russia they didn't let russia join nato and all of these years the eu the the you know the usa just tried to humiliate russia and why should the why should russia trust the west ever again you know russia is also part of europe most of russia is part of europe a lot of people seem to think that russia is not part of europe of course it is and it's a shame really because russia has huge amounts of national resources cheap natural resources that europeans could could want and need i'm talking about gas and oil which comes through pipelines and it was so cheap and it helps the european industry to thrive to be competitive they're gonna lose that now so what they're gonna do when they're gonna what they're gonna do when they lose all that industry and all that cheap gas and cheap oil what they're gonna do get it from america where it costs 10 times more more expensi ve you know companies are not going to be able to survive with that kind of costs they can't you know the west or europe needs russia more than it needs ukraine you know i think this history will look back and they will look back at this moment and think you know what we made the wrong decision all they had to do was to promise russia that nato would never let in ukraine as a member and nate all that ukraine had to do was promise russia they would never join nato they would never house nato weapons and nuclear weapons in its soil pointing out russia that's all they want that's all russia wanted it could have avoided all of this mess could have avoided all of this easily nato pushed this war or usa pushed this war and now they're regretting it so i'm gonna come to my first idiot of the day i'm gonna have two idiots of the day today and first idiot of the day goes to ursula wonderland or versailles vandalia or ursula wonder crazy many people would call her and um she's won many of these awards by the way she must be the most winnable idiot of the day award she's won about six or seven of my videos already and i haven't made that many videos so um she's saying that she's had she has an idea to reduce russian gas so she says if we decrease the heating in europe by 2 degrees or the cooling less air conditioning this would compensate for the whole delivery from nordstrom one von delis told the irish times referring to the baltic sea pipelines that delivers gas from russia to germany so so her idea is reducing heating by two degrees um okay so you know i just don't see how people gonna take her advice because if you're if you're really cold in the winter and are you are you really going to listen to vonderlia's advice saying oh you know what it's freezing here but i want to turn on the heating let me just reduce it by two degrees so i'm not too cold but i'm not too hot i just hope my children don't freeze to death i mean seriously nobody's gonna listen to this bloody piece of advice this woman is totally dumb cut completely bonkers just she's talking about nordstrom one i just want to show you this funny thing here so nordstrom one is the red pipe piece you can see and north stream 2 is the blue pipe so can you can someone tell me why the heck did they ban north stream 2 because all i see is two pipes going along the same path and they're both able to deliver gas so why co if north stream one has issues there's parts that need replacing apparently there's sanctions and parts that need to be replacing from canada from siemens so obviously there's a lot of repairs going on in north stream one it's a very very old pipeline so this is why they've built north stream too so russia can send more gas into europe so why the hell did they ban nordstrom 2 it just makes no bloody sense it's absolutely ridiculous it's the most stupidest thing ever if you look at this map you have north stream one running in parallel to north stream too so if they want to ban north s tream route 2 why don't they ban both of them nordstrom one and two together why did they have to ban too it just shows it's all political they make these decisions not based on logic they don't even think about it america tells them banned nordstrom 2 at all costs and they do it this is so stupid i'm sorry to say sorry for the language absolutely stupid the us wants to cap russian oil revenues and it says the treasury department says working with allies to create buyers cartel to pay less for russian crude i'll tell you what bae this is not going to work absolutely not going to work russia is already selling lots of its oil revenues to china to india to asia other parts of the world they don't even care about the european or the american market anymore so if america decides to cap russian oil and what do you think russia is going to do say sorry may i'm not going to sell it to you i'll go to the chinese market and sell it there where i can get a better price it's like you know it's li ke me having a restaurant and basically biden comes in with his daughter on a date um i don't mean in a bad way but you know you have to see my last video to realize what i'm actually talking about so he comes in with his daughter and he says okay i want to order this from the menu i want to order that from the menu but i've only got 20 pounds to spend so give me all of this for 20 pounds that's my uh that's my budget that's my cap so all of this for 20 pounds and i'll just tell biden to sling your hook mate get the hell out of my restaurant if you don't have the money to pay don't you know go to another restaurant go to mcdonald's take your daughter to mcdonald's bloody hell you know if they're gonna put this cap on russian oil revenues it's just not going to work you know russia has the commodity russian has to say well who wants who wants to sell it to america thinks that they are the only market in the world they think they are the only people in the world this is why you have all of these neocons making all these ridiculous decisions thinking they can sanction russia to death you will destroy the ruble it will destroy the economy look what's happened it hasn't worked does it i just can't believe all of these stupid neocons still think this way that they can have all of these ridiculous things and think that russia is stupid enough to fall for their tricks it's just not gonna work so this funny story here us embassy in moscow is now situated on donesse people's republic square so i thought i'd just put this out there i just thought it was really really funny and who says that russians don't have a sense of humor and you can see that they obviously do i just found this absolutely hilarious having an embassy right in the dice oh that's so funny so i've got some bad news guys um it says basically a lot of countries in the eu including germany austria greece even britain and a lot of other countries are starting to burn a lot of coal again because they don't have th e amount of gas available coming from russia they're going to go back goods and burn a lot of coal so all of these promises they made in cop26 and in the paris climate accord they're going to try and stop all these coal factory and they're going to reduce coal usage and they're going to go carbon neutral by 2030 all of this crap it's just bs they're going to be throwing it all out the window going backwards going back to burning coal again which is the dirtiest form of uh of fossil fuels and then you have this idiot in cop26 this british guy who was the leader of cop26 cop26 and he was crying he's crying at the end here you're saying oh i'm sorry i wish i could um do more for the world but i blame china i blame india these guys are destroying the world blah blah blah but us europeans we did we were doing everything we can it's the bloody chinese it's the bloody indians are doing there louise i was crying with his crocodile tears and um absolutely ridiculous and now europe is now thinki ng of going backwards to using coal how ridiculous is that how ridiculous ridiculous is that and one thing europe can't do is they can't go to renewables because last year there was hardly any wind um happening in in europe and there's hardly any sun happening in in europe as well i mean i live in britain and we only get sun for about 30 days a year rest of the year is cloudy or is raining is you know even now even parts of scotland um is still cloudy and raining and and um you know britain is not a good place to say any rest of europe is larger apart from spain and italy and places like that obviously but that's more towards the mediterranean greece obviously and stuff like that but northern europe you know there's hardly any sun hardly any wind so they can't really focus on renewables and plus they don't have to land as well they don't have the land to focus on renewables as well where they're going to have the land i mean britain there's hardly any land available to to put renewable s around and there is an offshore wind farm that they're doing um they are also building wind farms around along the sea which is an idea as well but you know if you compare to what china's doing you know china britain and rest of europe is so far logging blocking behind in terms of renewables you know it just doesn't have the sun doesn't have the wind and it doesn't have the space and not only that it doesn't have the rare earth minerals china controls the world's most rare earth minerals and when you build these wind power stations and whim you know and wind power offshore wind power these blades they need certain minerals and you can only get that from china you know europe doesn't have its own mineral source so they're going to be struggling to get these renewable sources around europe and they're going to be struggling a lot so only option for them to do is looks like it's going back to coal uh they can't go nuclear because opening up nuclear plants plants takes about 10 years or so and and there's obviously question marks on safety and things like that and this especially germany who's going back on using a nuclear fuel so then they're going to be using nuclear fuel for much longer and i just don't see any hope for europe to be honest when it comes to energy you know the only way they had secure cheap energy was coming from russia coming by these pipelines and now they've blown it blown that up as well absolutely destroyed it and you can see here austria puts green energy transition on hold but it's not just austria it's the rest of europe to be honest guys um it's happening everywhere you've got another american fighter killed in ukraine and i remember they told biden what's he going to do about it and braden just shrugged it off bro and they asked him you know what they're going to do with these dead american soldiers i mean and pardon just shrugged you off and he says look we're not taking any responsibility uh we told american citizens not to travel to ukr aine they went out of their own accord so it's nothing to do with us so so baden doesn't really give a crap whether you're an american whether you're an afghani doesn't even care about ukrainians guys and if you think that he really cares about you he's all fake doesn't even care about his own you know americans so um it's a shame really it's a shame all of these people are going to ukraine to their deaths you know this isn't afghanistan this isn't call of duty this is an iraq you know you're fighting a real army here so like i said russia becomes china's top supplier and it's gonna carry on becoming china's top supplier there's already infrastructure projects happening all over china and russia to link the two countries together even more last week they built a bridge going from russia to china and vice versa and there's a lot more infrastructure projects happening between the two there's a lot of rail links as part of the bri going from china through russia into europe and there's a lot more rail links in in construction as well high-speed rail links as well and these two countries are becoming very much interconnected um the west has basically pushed china and russia together and now they are inseparable partners every year the trade becomes more and more between china and russia um there's also a growing agricultural market coming out of russia as well which they're going to be selling to china china originally used to buy a lot of agricultural goods from america from usa and now things are changing they are diversifying it's not worth buying it from america anymore because america has put all these ridiculous tariffs year by year china is buying less and less from united states because of all these ridiculous tariffs america still buys chinese goods even with the even with the tariffs um china's goods are still cheaper than when if america builds build it on it by itself for example if you've been build an iphone in america it would an iphone would be three fou r times more expensive if it's built in america this is why iphones are built in china in india vietnam because it's so much cheaper and this is why americans still rely on cheap chinese goods coming out china china it's not just cheap goods but china also makes a lot of high-tech um stuff as well they also build their own chips and they build a lot of high-tech equipment they have their own phones so there's a lot of high-tech stuff coming out of china it's still cheaper than if you build it in america or europe so america needs china more than what china needs america let's put it that way china is diversifying everything that he buys from america if you look at last few years trade figures the things that chinese to buy the most from america used to be airbus i mean um boeing airplanes they don't do that anymore china's got his own airplanes now the a919 c919 i mean and china also buys a lot of agricultural goods from america that's becoming less and less they're buying more agricul ture goods now from russia china also buys a lot of lng from america as well and again china is diversifying that they built russia is building three pipelines of gas going into china so once those pipelines are finished china won't need lng products as much so that's going to be going down over the next few years china does buy a lot of um soybeans from america and again china is diversifying it as well they're buying a lot more soybeans from brazil from argentina instead and also from russia so they are diversifying that as well and americans crop this year hasn't been very good they're suffering from a lot of drought the western part of america is suffering from severe dead drought you have the lake mead lake powell and colorado river going down and this means they have placed limits on farmers basically using that water for agricultural goods so the farmers are not gaining enough water to for their crops so there's a huge huge issue in terms of agriculture in america and that's goi ng down every year so there's a lot of problems but obviously i can i need to talk about it in a separate video that's a huge huge topic so i'm going to continue guys so the us has recently i think it was yesterday they put a rule where they have banned any goods coming out of xinjiang so um so that place that rule um even though there's no forced labor there's no evidence of forced labor happening in xinjiang and china is doing everything it can to help the people of xinjiang and so many hundreds and thousands of people have come out of poverty in xinjiang and china spent a lot of money in xinjiang and over i think about 10 20 years ago there was huge terrorism attacks in in in shenzhen and and china has done a lot of work to kind of reduce those terrorism they put a lot of money into xinjiang they have built up the infrastructure built up all of the businesses around xinjiang as well the bri scheme and the whole area now is really booming you know it's really booming there's a huge c otton industry in xinjiang they also sell a lot of solar panels and poly poly polysolar um panels as well uh so there's a lot of stuff happening around shenshang as well which um and it's all the cheap cheap as well for them to build factories rather than building in shanghai or beijing it's very very expensive the rent is expensive so a lot of businesses have um you know factories and offices in xinjiang and and they employ a lot of the local people a lot of the uyghurs they employ them um because you know they are cheap cheap labor but it's not forced labor like like americans are saying you know this is all a big lie this is cheap labor they're giving the people jobs that if they're building the economy around xinjiang as well so china is doing everything they can to improve the lives lives of people in shenzhen but america decided you know they're not happy with that they want to they want to basically get more terrorism in the area they want the people to be import impover impover ished they want people to go back into poverty so this is america's way to kind of keep shinjang down and it's just not going to work so this is a article which i've seen in the global times and what china is saying is make xinjiang indispensable in the international supply chain so basically what china is saying is the world is moving towards green technology so they need solar panels uh they need wind turbines and china controls 90 of the rare earth minerals around the world and and he also controls a lot of how the solar panel products are made and they're all made in xinjiang and they also also the blades around the wind wind turbines as well so what china is saying is if the world wants to go green if the western world wants to go green if europe wants to go green if biden wants to go green if if they need more solar panels for example or if they need more wind turbines for wind power they will need to buy from china because it's much much cheaper i mean they can make it themselve s but it's going to be so expensive and it's not going to be cost effective for example america has built this massive solar farm in california they spent billions in the solar farm and ended the day the company went bankrupt and went bust and they're not using their solar farm and it's just a waste of money because they built all of these solar panels from locally produced um companies and in the end it just didn't make it cost effective so if the world wants to go green if if america wants to go green they will have to work with china to buy all of these cheap solar panels buy all of these wind turbines that china controls and that's the only way they can go green and make it cost effective they can't put all of these ridiculous sanctions on to china messing around with the supply chains and you know the world supply chain is a very very delicate thing if you think about the supply chain it's like a well-oiled engine think about it like um aircraft engine you know the aircraft engine requires over ten not ten thousand between ten thousand and fifty thousand individual units an airplane engine has you know it has a lot of blades and things like that if one of these units breaks then the whole thing will break it's just not going to work you know every single thing has to basically work with clockwork everything has to work alongside each other and if you mess up one thing it could destroy the whole engine and it's the same way with the supply chain if you start messing about with the supply chain then it will destroy the whole supply chain it will destroy the whole economy because that's how it works and it all started with the trump uh trade wars if you think about it before trump there was none of these issues with the supply chains there was no issues with the economy there was no issues with with anything really um there was no kind of shortage of computer chips and semiconductors you know since trump placed all of these ridiculous sanctions on china started th is trade war that's when all the whole world economy problems started happening and and his and biden came on and he doubled down on all these policies and it just made things much worse and now now you have you know now you see what's happening around the world and it's all because of that trade war it all started from there and it's just biden has just made it even worse and now with this ridiculous rule he's gonna make even worse his green transition is not going to work um he can't buy things from china like solar panels from like wind turbines china's going to say well they're made in xinjiang so we're going to do you're going to ban us and china doesn't need to sell it to america you know they have they have their own green agenda you know this year china is going to spend over a trillion or probably even more on more solar panels more solar farms around china they're going to build more wind turbines around china because of all of these economic issues china's china is going to be spending a lot of money in infrastructure and most of it is is in renewable energy and china is leading the world in renewable energy so they don't need to sell all of these products to america they don't need to sell it to to europe if if america or europe wants them they're fi then yeah you can buy it but they don't need it you have india buying a lot of this stuff as well you have the rest of asia buying a lot of this stuff because the asia right now is the fastest growing block in the world at the moment you have places like indonesia you have vietnam you have even laos you have cambodia you have thailand you have philippines all of these economies are booming they're all booming they're going to all need solar panels they're going to need wind power to move into renewables you have india you have south asia you have bangladesh you have pakistan they're going to need to go green so china doesn't need to sell it to america it doesn't need to sell to the west they have enough cust omers they have enough customers for themselves and they have enough customers for their regional partners in asia so they don't need to sell to america they can just stick their fingers up to say america say you know what you want to decouple from us go ahead you're just shooting yourself in the foot and president xi came on on on in on a television broadcast and he says those who choose to uh block others are only blocking themselves and he's obviously talking about america and that's you know that's what they've done with with russia with all of these ridiculous sanctions and now they're doing the same with the china as well so those were his own words those who look to block others are only blocking themselves so i'm coming up to my idiot of the day my second idiot of the day and my second idiot of the day has to go to ben stiller and ben stiller met elensky and uh he basically told them you're my hero oh my god it's such a shame because ii used to love ben stiller he is used to be my favorite comedian and i watched him in so many funny movies zoolander was amazing something about mary you know he's been in so many amazing comedy shows he made me laugh so many times some of some of some of his films i watched you know 10 15 20 times you know this guy is like a hero of mine but now looking at him he's just a joke i mean how can he call elensky his hero i mean this and a lot you know a lot of people don't realize ben stiller is actually a jew so um so basically zielenski is basically you know he he's obviously running all of these as of militants and everyone knows there's a big nazi problem in in ukraine and zielinski is the is the basically the leader of all these nazi nazis and stuff and ben stiller he who he's a jew himself his parents have been in the holocaust is now meeting zilenski and and basically saying you're my hero when zielenski is actively supporting all these nazi groups and azovs and i just found it absolutely ridiculous this is why he goes to my second idiot of the day which is uh which is a shame really because i liked ben stiller and um it's a shame he's not my hero anymore anyway that's all for today um let me know what you guys think look forward to reading comments in the comments section don't forget to like share subscribe do what you can to help promote the channel and also if you can support me on patreon that'll be amazing really amazing and if you can also you know buy me a coffee as well and one other thing guys i'm looking to start up doing some live chats and i want to ask my patreon members if anybody would be interested interested in joining me for some live discussions um i want to kind of stop get this live chat thing started i think one of the things you know i'm good at making these videos but i think i really need to get get moving in the live chat department a lot of um channels like the duran and stuff they're very very good with their live chats and stuff but ii really have not made an impact i haven't really focused on live chats mainly because i work full-time so it's very very hard to find the time to do live chats what i do is i come home from work get something to eat go to the gym and then i try and work on a video and then i watch some tv uh spend some time with the missus then go to sleep and it's the same again the next day so i find it very very difficult to organize any live chats during that time so what i'm gonna do is maybe focus on live chats now uh i want to get started so i'm looking for um people


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