hello my friends so i welcome you to another beautiful session and i greet you in the love and the light of the one creator and in today's session okay this is a beautiful session because in today's session metatron has given us information which pertains to three things in particular okay the first one you know which i had queried about is about the med bed technology now for those of you who do not know what is a med bed technology or what they are saying it is is a type of you know technology which the extraterrestrials they used to restore their bodies right to heal themselves okay you will be shocked and surprised okay that this is actually way deeper okay something is going on regarding this stuff okay you will find out it's way deeper than what they are telling us right now and this will open your eyes if you are willing to trust your heart because you know always remember to trust your heart whenever you are listening to anything you will be shocked that you know this is happening in our planet and they are trying to do this to our people right this is amazing all right the other thing they talk about metatron talks about is how our you know human consciousness is being hypnotized by the elites and how they do it okay they also describe the process of how they are doing it and they also describe you know what kind of you know strategies they are using so in essence you know this may also be considered as a type of wake-up call for people who are not aware that they are doing this okay this is explained in detail as well the other thing they talk about which i really found fascinating was about the concept of earth being a school and you know metatron talks about you know what we need to learn in this earth school okay so this is really an interesting session which i hope will assist you in understanding a greater perspective about your own self and towards the end of the video they talk about how pyramids okay how we can use pyramids pyramidal structures for reality creation this is a brand new concept which i had never heard from any other source so i hope you know you will enjoy the session and before we start the session it would be really good if you could like the video because it will help to spread out to more people who need it with that being said here is the session enjoy my friends i am now speaking through this channel who has opened its communication to receive guidance from the angelic reon i along with many other angelic beings have been looking after the progress of the earth people and we have noticed that there are many errors also occurring upon your planetary distortion however today i am communicating via the divine love elements divine love and light of the universal divine grid programmer and i am now here communicating for the purpose of answering the questions which are in the mind of this channel who has allowed itself to be used as an instrument of communication for everyone must remember to use extreme discernment and constant when listening to our thoughts and guidance because our thoughts and guidance are only meant for those who have an open mind and heart to listen to our message and to judge our thought forms before accepting inside the mind body and the spirit of your peoples furthermore remember the universal divine great programmer lies dormant within each of you waiting for the potential awakening of the divine great programmer and once the divine great programmer has awakened fully to the knowledge of the reality upon which it finds itself in there begins to shift a type of consciousness which will affect not only one single being on the planet but the entire planetary vibration will begin to shift because of one light spark intermingling with the other light spark and creating a type of fusion and allowing the love and the divine grit of the universal light programmer to spread throughout the planetary vibration as has been stated earlier i-metatron along with other angelic beings are providing guidance many a times and there are moments in the r planetary vibration wherein our guidance cannot be received by many of the beings upon your planets because you're people and there are many people upon your planets who are trying to stop the guidance from us as well as guidance from other higher beings these people have been put under a type of hypnotic spell as known by your people wherein they only believe certain things to be true because of the mind programming which is done by the societal complex upon such beings of universal divine grid programmers love and lives they are unable to fully make the choice and accept and be open to new information this is happening because many people on your planet believe in some exterior forces which will act as a savior of humanity many are there upon the planetary sphere who believe that the planet will be saved by some other being other than their own self the reason why this is occurring is because every single person on your planetary sphere had been subjected to such mind programmings which was done in order to separate yourself from the universal divine grid programmer as the universal divine grid programmer lies in dormant in potentiation to be activated at any moment such beings who desire to choose the love and the light of the divine grid programmer can firstly remember and become aware of the type of mental programmings that has been done upon the current planetary life cycle for i as metatron can sense that your people have been hypnotized as known by your people this has been achieved by using the methods of keeping your people in the vibration of the red ray and not allowing your people to vibrate at a higher vibration four these people are now trying to keep humanity in the vibration of fear anger and hatred all of these emotions are part and parcel of the survival aspect of your beingness of your bodily vehicle and because of this connection between your survival aspect and the red ray many people on the planet because of their emotional nature can only listen to certain information and they do not resonate with other type of information there are many people upon the earth planet who only resonates to information which pertains to the emotions of fear anger hatred jealousy etc most of these people they try to find out such information which amplifies their emotional signature and also further allow such emotional signature to spread across the planetary vibration for the basic process used by the so-called negative entities along with the elites is to firstly invoke a state of emotion such as fear and anger and once entity begin to vibrate in that emotion they will become susceptible to only that type of information which matches with the emotional signature of the vibration of fear or survival related aspect this is also the reason why there are many people upon your planet who are already aware that your emotional signature determines the type of information you listen to there may be many people on the planet earth who do not resonate with certain information because their emotional signature is different than the emotion being conveyed with such information for example for there are many divine great programmers divine love childs upon your planets who do not resonate with information of anger hate jealousy and all other lower vibratory emotions because their emotional signature is that of positive love and compassion this is the reason why the people of your planets must awaken fully and realize what is happening upon your planet is but a type of vibrational hypnosis as we can sense that many people have been hypnotized using the same methods in order to control humanity however now this information has been sent forth to your people and based upon your free choice you can recognize the true potential of your universal divine great programmers divine love element and the power of your unity consciousness which lies dormant in potentiation to be activated furthermore there is a query inside the mind of this entity which relates to the creation of med badge technology as coined by your people i as metatron would like to suggest that this is a type of distraction mechanism which is working upon your planets and we have already sensed that there are many beings upon your planets who are working for the negatively oriented entities to push such a technology you must remember for all healings occur from within the self and there is no need for any exterior technology the reason behind the creation of this technology as we can sense right now is because there are many beings upon your planet who are sick and who need assistance however there are people up on your planet who are working for their own benefit for self-service and they are trying to push the agenda that something outside of their own beingness will heal them however this is false as we can tell you now the matter is false in its nature that such a technology is required for healing to occur for there is no technology required for all healings occur within the self therefore the information which pertains to the technology is known as the medbed technologies which are supposedly used by other dimensional beings is false as there is no technology beyond the spiritual self which can allow the true healing to occur this is happening on your planets because many people do not yet understand that the universal divine grid programmer the one father mother the creator is the self and once the unity consciousness of the merging with the divine grid programmer is attained there is no need for any exterior agents or information for such healings to occur for the process of healing requires the ability to be in a consciousness of already healed therefore i as metrotron would like to state that your planet may be considered as a school wherein each being is here present to learn the lesson of beingness for the lesson of beingness of consciousness is similar to what your people call as the law of assumption however there is a slight difference in that once you begin to be a certain type of entity and once you begin to act as if you are already the one you want to be there is a shift in consciousness your energy your vibration everything shifts to a difference timeline and your beingness will allow you to enter such a timeline if it is maintained for this beingness is a combination of your thoughts your emotions your imagination and your feelings all of these combined together create your beingness of consciousness and your beingness of consciousness once activated will pull itself towards the appropriate timeline in which such an entity is already being this is the best way for people to understand that in your planetary vibration currently the essence of the universal divine great programmers the love child elements upon your planet are learning to be of love and compassion for this is the lesson which lies dormant in potentiation for many many love child elements of your planets and there are those who have already become love and compassion of the fourth density of heart centeredness for this lesson is the most important lesson you are all here to learn even though sometimes the lessons may seem to not be this aspect but this is the primary lesson you are all here to learn besides this lesson all other lessons are secondary therefore i as metatron will now take the liberty to share with you the process which can be used to enter a new ability of beingness and the ability of beingness is the ability of creating your thought forms your feelings and emotions from a higher vibrational requirement for this process a type of pyramid a small type of pyramid can be used by your people along with your imagination the pyramid must be kept at the crown of the head and the imagination sequences can be used in such a manner to create anything that can be desired upon your planetary vibration for the creation assembly to use the pyramid structures in your crown chakra and then to focus your attention inside your imagination of entering in a timeline or creation of a certain aspect which you desire for the creation of such aspect will allow the overflowing of consciousness to rapidly escalate and allow for greater and greater depths of consciousness because once you begin to become capable of using your imagination and the paramedical structures in coordination during your meditation or your sleep state you begin to enter into the timeline 10 times more faster than desired therefore it is advised that only proper timelines be selected for the purpose can also lead to a creation of a timeline which may be undesired if the choice is not made properly i am now going to share a story of a being upon the planet who used such a method to enter into a desired timeline for this will allow you to greatly understand how it can be used there was an entity upon your planet around the period of 1945 who was struggling in the sense of financial stability at that time space and who was also struggling with other type of distortions this entity used the knowledge of the pyramids which had been granted by an archangel to it during its dream state in which it took a small pyramidal structure placed it in its crown and imagined itself being that which it wants to be using the creative factor of the imagination it created wealth health abundance and all the things desired which appeared inside the timeline of this entry within the span of 65 days for this process can not only attract what you desire but give you the ability of graduation into the fourth density of the heart for this process can also assist the people of your planets however this is not to be taken lightly as the process can be very fast therefore is metatron disconnect now in the love and the light of the universal divine grid programmer turn to the mountain of light within yourself hello my friends so i'll give you a brief explanation of the type of information you know i received during the session and what i have understood so basically you know what metatron has said in the session is about how you know human beings we as human beings are susceptible to control to mind control or to hypnosis or whatever you know they said in the session okay basically what they said is you know we have an emotional state emotional signature and we only resonate with that level of information for example okay if you are a very loving person if you have a very loving personality you will never resonate with information which provides you with fear right the same applies the other way if you are in a fearful emotional state this is what they said you are more likely to look out for and resonate with information which has a same emotional signature of fear of in anger whatever okay it may be the reason why people love to watch the news you know are those people who are vibrating at the same level since they are vibrating at the level of you know fear uh you know emotional imbalance and stuff what they are doing is they are resonating only with such type of information and this is in essence used by the people in power okay because they know this concept they know this concept okay and they try to put us under a certain emotional state i have seen this many times okay what they're trying to do is they're trying to give us information which arouses or which reduces our vibration in essence you know what they're trying to do is they're trying to put us into a lower vibrational state or an emotional state of fear of survival of you know jealousy anger greed you know there are so many emotions which you can describe and anxiety etc okay and what they're doing is they're trying to feed us the same type of information in essence what they're doing is they are trying to put us in a box of the emotional signature right so this is what is happening okay metatron said now the other thing that i found really interesting was about you know the earth school okay the earth school in essence what metatron said is our planet may be considered as a place wherein we are here to learn the law of beingness metatron said the law of beingness now what the law of beingness as far as i understand is whenever you are you know for example i'm sitting over here and if i am aware of what i am being okay what my uh you know state of consciousness is there is a certain signature i can feel it okay like i'm being something all right so what metatron said is in essence we are all here to learn the law of beingness and the law of beingness is simply you know i think it is similar to the law of assumption which is also a beautiful law but you know a little bit different metatron said but i don't know in what way it is different i believe that you know the law of beingness you know is working every day all day you know even while you are sleeping so we are being you know we are you know displaying a certain signature of beingness and that is happening in our lives right so okay uh so how do we use the law of beingness okay to enter into a higher dimension what metatron said is we can you know use something um which is known as you know changing our emotions changing our thought forms and our feelings which make the beingness aspect okay and then you know when we be the one who is already in the fourth density of love and compassion then of course you know we will enter into that timeline right so this is what is explained in this session and i hope i was able to explain to you in a clear manner because this is all i understand okay from this i need to watch it again to get a clear understanding anyways the other thing they talk about is med beds and spiritual healing the thing about med beds you know which i found really interesting was they said that you know med beds they do not exist so all the people okay on youtube who are saying that med beds they exist so why don't you show us a live example of a med bed okay i think all of these people they are just making it up to distract humanity and making people believe in something outside of their own self in essence what they are doing i believe is they're trying to create a narrative of like you know doctor 2.0 okay now nowadays you know most people they do not they do not you know trust on you know outside sources now they're trying to create something known as med beds so people will again give their you know give their power away to an exterior source it's they said it doesn't exist so how are they making it so i believe you know this is all a made-up story to sell books to sell you courses about med beds to distract you and that's all i can tell you okay this is happening in our community as well people are here not to help humanity but to help themselves okay the other thing i noticed is they said for spiritual healing we do not need any exterior source such as a med bed technology would be an exterior source we do not need that this is what they said now it is up to you to believe it or leave it okay it's up to you but this is what metatron said that this is a distraction they are trying to distract you from your true source from your true unity from your creative abilities okay don't believe in something outside of your own self with heal you okay i don't believe that you know someone outside can heal me because all healing happens within me and there are many you know like people who are studying this stuff of you know healing by using mind and consciousness power and it does work so i don't know what they are trying to do with the med bed narrative you know i think they're trying to just make some money right i guess so the other thing they are trying to talk about is about pyramids and imagination creation so let me give an example of i have gotten one i have gotten one a pyramid looking this is actually a prism but it can be considered as a pyramid so i'm going to try this today okay so what this said is if we take a pyramid and keep it in our crown so crown would be over here and then during the meditation right we bring the timeline we want to experience and then we experience it this will make it like so much faster the manifestation of a certain timeline and it can be used even for ascending into the fourth density so this is a brand new type of information which i received today and i hope i genuinely hope that it will help people who wants to achieve something and they also shared a story about how this was used okay by a person on earth it's amazing so yeah so this is all about today's session i hope you enjoyed it and i just want to say big thank you to all of you for supporting um for you know liking the videos for subscribing to the channel and also for supporting me on patreon where i am sharing content almost on a daily basis and also thank you so much for sending our requests for past life channeling i will help you out whenever i get free time i have an email over here wherein you can send me an email and i will help you out so with that being said see you in the next session my friends have a wonderful time ahead