How Farmers Raise Millions Of Chickens For Eggs And Meat Without Cages

How Farmers Raise Millions Of Chickens For Eggs And Meat Without Cages

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[Music] in Asia farmers raise chickens in a  freerange system on hillsides 800 to 15500   m above sea level with this model chickens are  allowed to roam freely foraging on the hills and   mountains and are supplemented with about 20% of  their diet from cord vegetables and other feed as   a result these chickens have strong immune systems  and the incidence of Aven fluent February is much   lower compared to other farming methods although  their egg production is only around 100 to 120   eggs per year these eggs are highly sought after  due to their Superior taste and higher levels   of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins compared to  eggs of caged [Music] chickens raising chickens   under trees provides a double benefit farmers  will not only Harvest high quality eggs but   also the chicken manure provides nutrients to the  trees on the hillside causing them to grow twice   as fast as usual additionally people have also  come up with a creative way of raising chickens   in Mountain caves instead of constructing shelters  for the chickens they dig out appropriately sized   holes in the mountain side to serve as nesting  and land main areas this model allows Farmers   to harvest eggs more easily as the chickens  will lay their eggs directly in the holes   eliminating the need to spend time collecting  eggs throughout the hills as in the freerange   chicken model I mentioned earlier however due to  limited area available for digging holes Farmers   typically only race small flocks of less than  200 chickens cagefree chicken farming on pastur   is becoming increasingly popular worldwide  this is another farming model in Australia   where Farmers strive to create the most natural  living conditions for chickens the chickens lay   eggs inside the mobile Coupe and are then  collected manually like this the scale of   these chicken farms can reach up to 300 hectares  so live camera systems are required during the day   the chickens are allowed to Ro freely Farmers  have built automated systems to provide them   with food and water but they can also freely  forage in the vast pastures mobile chicken CS   are designed to be moved anywhere in the pasture  ensuring the chickens are always on Fresh grass   and not affected by bacteria from their droppings  additionally this allows grass cover to regenerate   preventing excessive eating or destruction from  the chicken adult hands lay an average of 180   to 220 eggs each year the quality of eggs from  Freer range chickens is higher this is a more   Humane farming method that over 70% of Australians  prefer for their eggs in Europe over the past 20   years the production of eggs from this model has  increased from 10% to over 50% in the US in the   past 10 years the consumption of freerange eggs  has increased from 4 to over 30% and is expected   to surpass 50% by 2025 Iowa was the state with  the highest number of laying hands in 2023 fresh   eggs after being collected are transported to  factories for processing first they are washed   and cleaned with water jets before being dried  next the workers sort them by size and remove   any damaged eggs they continue to be disinfected  with ultraviolet rays then a machine will sort the   eggs and place them in pre-prepared boxes the eggs  are then packaged and distributed for consumption   well-known Brands such as Oreo Lu biscuits and cry  dairy milk chocolate are using 100% cagefree eggs   for their products in the US Canada and Europe in  addition to fresh eggs liquid eggs are also very   popular fresh eggs when arriving at the factory  will be washed and then put into a scanner to   check the quality A specialized machine will then  separate the yolks and whites of the eggs this   amount of eggs is put into tanks where the yolks  are beaten until smooth and then continue to be   sterilized then they are poured into bags workers  label them pack boxes and distribute them for [Music] consumption this is the lion headed  geese the largest geese in the world an adult   Lin headed Goose can weigh from 35 to 47 lb with  a maximum weight of up to 65 lb they have good   resistance to diseases but if they fall ill they  can be quickly cured with medicine and vaccines   although they thrive on grass lion headed geese  require a water environment for mating and bathing   they begin laying eggs at around 6 months of age  and typically lay one egg every 2 days Lin headed   goose eggs weigh 160 to 180 g and are highly  sought after as they are believed to be highly   nutritious for pregnant women the egg production  of this Goose species is only 30 to 50 eggs a year   but each egg is 20 times more expensive than  a duck egg they are often sold for around $2   per egg at the farm and $4 at stores China is  currently the world leader in Lion headed Goose   farming with over 90% of the market share this  is the only ethical Goose Farm in the world that   raises geese for Foy gr meaning fatty delers the  diet changes when the geese reach 10 to 12 weeks   old to begin the fattening process the flock is  raised freely roaming in a garden all the time   fed with natural foods like acorns and corn and  encourage to move around a lot traditionally this   fattening process is done by pumping a fatty diet  directly into their stomachs like this 2 to three   times a day for 3 weeks hence although Foy grass  is an expensive food it's a controversial delicacy   and banned in many countries it is estimated the  1.4 billion Quail are farmed annually around the   globe the majority of quail are raised in China  which has over 80% of the market share in the   United States Quail are often raised naturally on  grass but are also provided with small shelters   for protection when needed female quail begin  laying eggs around 60 days of age and can lay   continuously throughout the year however based  on long-standing experience it is recommended to   allow female quail to be 3 months old before  breeding and laying eggs breeding them at a   younger age can rapidly decline the quality of the  flock each female quail can lay approximately 27   to 300 eggs per year these Guinea fou roam freely  in spacious Gardens and feed on a natural diet   resulting in eggs of superior quality female  guinea foul begin laying eggs when they reach   6 months of age they lay in clutches of 12 to 15  eggs the guinea F laying season in the UK is from   April to June often extending into September  small scale artisanal producers hand collect   over 6,000 eggs a day that is a staggering 1  million 260,000 eggs over a 7mon laying season   egg collection typically occurs once a day  as Guinea fou usually lay up to 300 p.m. all   eggs are carefully cleaned before being packaged  [Music] China produces half of the world's pork   in guangong they build high-rise buildings for  pigs just to save space in the larger area of   Guang SE they raise pigs in a combination of pens  pastures and hills and to many Chinese people pigs   from this region make the best melting your mouth  pork belly [Music] ever the Journey of pigs begins   with breeding SS these SS must meet the standards  for breeding they must weigh 100 to 120 kg and be   between 8 and 10 months old after being purchased  the SS are marked with electronic tags for easy   monitoring and management the gestation period  of a sour is around 114 days when small amounts   of colostrum drip from the teets the sells will  give birth within 24 hours before being placed   in the fing pen the S abdomen and uter are  washed with warm water the spacious farrowing   pen is cleaned and disinfected carefully 5 to 7  days before the farrowing cells are transferred   normally pigs give birth to about 13 to 15  piglets per liter each weighing around 2 to   3 lb the technician will check on the number and  condition of the piglets cut the umbilical cord   and apply antiseptic to the cut the piglets  are weaned after 21 to 28 days of age after   that they are divided into lots and herds  for vaccination and easy care and feeding this pig farm in Gangi Province raises BMA pigs  a local specialty Pig breed free range amongst   many trees many people in the other mountainous  provinces of China also raise free range pigs on   the Hills it is estimated that tens of millions  of pigs are raised this way across the country   raising pigs this way produces high quality meat  with a lean meat ratio of nearly 100% China has   nearly 400 million pigs raised for meat each year  freerange pigs don't eat normal pig feed like this   they are free to roam and forage on hillsides and  grasslands providing them with a rich and abundant   source of natural food including grass trees  insects and spring water Farmers Only build simple   pig pens on the mountain in order to shelter  the pigs from bad weather the pigs prefer to be   in the outdoors much more thanks to a diverse  diet and regular exercise free range pigs are   often healthier less susceptible to diseases and  have good resistance to harsh weather conditions   about 1 week before being sold Farmers gather  them into a big barn in order to get them ready   for fattening here straw bedding is changed daily  because the whole process is natural farming the   growth rate of the pigs is quite slow taking  more than 10 months to be ready for Market of   course the price of freerange pigs is 2 to three  times more expensive than that a traditional pigs   kept in cages although it is the world's largest  pork producer China also consumes a lot of pork   around 58.1 million tons each year Hunan and  sishan Province are currently the largest pig   production areas with a capacity of 129 million  pigs these provinces are the hump of the pig   farming industry accounting for a total of 20%  of China's pork [Music] Supply China accounts   for 20% of the world's population but is only  7 to 9% of its arable land therefore in late   2022 the Chinese government inaugurated a model  of pig farming in highrise buildings helping to   raise more pigs on smaller plots of land as  of early 2022 Guangdong Province alone has   more than 170 highrise pig farms these high-rise  pig farms are usually 4 to 26 stories high with   a floor area of 400,000 square m the 26-story pig  farm located on the outskirts of ESU hbe province   is the world's largest independent pig farm  with a capacity of 1.2 million pigs per year   equivalent to around 108,000 tons of meat each  year the total investment of the project is more   than $570 million us and they decided to use the  heat from the cement factory next door to heat   the pig farm in the industrial elevator with  a low capacity of up to 40 tons dozens of pigs   are pulled at the same time to the upper floors  here they will reside from insemination until   the piglets are grown normally there are three  main types of pens and they are the feeder pen   for fattening meat pigs the breeding pen for  breeding SS and the nursery pen for newborn   piglets according to data from the Ministry of  Agriculture China has about 30 million medium   and large Farms about 26 million small pig  farms because the number of pigs raised on a   farm is so large Chinese farmers use ear tagging  technology at a cost of around 30 cents per Pig   to be able to precisely monitor the physical  condition food intake growth cycle and weight   of each Pig each floor functions like a Clos Loop  farm for different stages of the Piglet's lives   they are all monitored by technicians using high  resolution cameras from a command center there   are more than 30,000 sensors throughout the  building that tell them exactly how much food   each Pig needs Chinese Farmers often integrate  fully automated Pig feeding and watering feed   is fed into giant tanks that can deliver more than  450 tons of feed through huge pipes to the floors   below each day each Pig ration contains 14 to  18% crude protein and ranges from 3,000 to 3,300 KCAL the pigs are washed weekly to ensure  hygiene in addition the pig pans are also   regularly cleaned by this fully automatic manure  cleaning machine even the pig manure is checked   for indicators collected and reused the methane  gas collected from the tri pig manure will be   used to produce biog gas and electricity farms  in China usually distribute about 1 to 2 pigs   from 40 to 120 kg per square m the floor  of a pig pen is raised about 30 cm above   the ground and it is a slope of 7 to 10° to  help the pen stay dry clean and minimize the   risk of spreading diseases the pig pens are  enclosed by walls have separate entrances and   disinfection pits at the door of each  row of pens the temperature in the pens   is usually maintained from 15 to 26.7 De  C by lighting air conditioning fans and ventilation after an average rearing period of  5 to 6 months the pig reaches a weight of around   90 to 120 kg and is slaughtered the industrial  pig slaughtering process begins with resting   and stunning the pig to lose its ability to  perceive but still maintain respiration and   circulation this helps the animal not to Panic or  be stressed during Slaughter ensuring the safety   of the slaughterer currently the most popular  stunning device is electric shock then the work   quickly proceeds to cut the throat the peig  will be hung on a conveyor belt to be torched   and then thoroughly shaved after the worker  has processed the internal organs workers   will use a big cutting machine to cut the  pig into two halves like this from here the   pork will be cut into small portions minced or  made into meat balls the final product will be   packaged labeled and sold in 2023 China raised  and produced 57.94 million tons of pork with a  

total of 72662 million pigs sold China's pork  demand is estimated to rise from 51.77 million   tons to 60.77 million tons over the next 10 years  a leading Chinese livestock equipment supplier to   the area of highrise buildings used to raise  pigs in the country has increased by 30% each   year over the past 2 years as producers trying  to better meet the country's pork demand [Music]

2024-08-29 04:28

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