How Farmers Raise And Process Millions Of Geese - Goose Farm | Processing Factory

How Farmers Raise And Process Millions Of Geese - Goose Farm | Processing Factory

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Hello friends did you know Chinese people   earn more than 1 billion USD  in 2023 from processing Foy grass this huge number shows  the popularity of this lxury food so what makes Foy grass so  [Music] popular join me to discover   how to prepare the world's largest Goose  liver dish in the following video [Music]   first the goose was domesticated from  the European gr Goose they were later   introduced to China through trade on the Silk  Road they are raised for fur and meat bringing   a large source of income to farms in China  the most famous being the longu swan Goose   breeding Farm in Sichuan Province do you  wonder about the characteristics of this Goose they often have long neck like ostriches  it has a medium siiz healthy appearance and short   legs soft thick fur that comes in many different  colors from white black to Gray and many other variations to have a healthy Goose  breeders need to take very good   care of [Music] them on average they  consume about 3 to 4 pounds of food a day their food is usually a  growth state stimulant for meat thanks to Modern breeding methods they  contribute to the economic development of   farmers in Sichuan [Music] Province generating  a stable income from Goose farming has become   a popular business model with breeds such as  Sky grass goose and other breeds but what few   people know is that goose also contributes  to the economy bringing significant profits currently the goose is widely bred and is  considered the largest Goose species [Music] globally potential business opportunities  for those involved in livestock farming   gooses are known for their simple  breeding process and high adaptability   making them the perfect choice for  those new to the livestock sector Goose to start the incubation process  and create a baby goose [Music]   Farmers often start by collecting eggs do you  want to visit the egg collecting Farm if so leave   comment number one and you as a breeder share  the new ways of caring for geese that you are applying to get delicious dishes made  from Goose liver you should not skip the   breeding [Music] process before entering  the incubation stage the most important   important aspect is to choose eggs that are  uniform in size and shape without any signs of damage each incubator tray usually contains  hundreds of [Music] eggs the incubator is   equipped with ventilation fans to ensure air  circulation preventing eggs from being damaged   and providing the stable temperature  necessary for the incubation [Music] process after a certain period usually about 188   to 21 days people will spray  cold water on the eggs in the incubator this action helps create a temperature   Spike simulating natural conditions  and stimulating the eggs hatching process when the eggs have been  incubated in the oven for enough   time they will be taken to another  area and covered with a layer of towel spreading a towel helps  maintain humidity and warmth   creating a favorable environment for the eggs to hatch at this time the eggs will begin to   hatch into babies opening a new  cycle in the poultry production chain they will be vaccinated  before being sent to another   breeding [Music] area besides to develop  goose eggs well a stable temperature is   maintained usually around 29 to 37° F and  humidity is maintained from 55% to 60%   throughout the incubation period this is very  important to ensure the development of goose [Music] eggs the success of the incubation process  and the healthy development of the goslings   to monitor the development of the goslings [Music] farmers use high-intensity light to observe the  internal development of [Music] eggs they can   detect early signs of any abnormal egg development  or health problems so they can be removed early they are then taken to a  breeding area with electric heating   s to create a warm and comfortable  environment for the young geese especially in winter weather  it helps goslings and increases their resistance baby geese need a more careful  and digestible diet usually small nutritious granules around 4 to 6 weeks of age they will  be exposed to the natural environment and   practice resistance training to help make  the goose liver bigger and more delicious do you know the difference between raising  geese outdoors and in a barn grazing geese   outside in their natural environment can allow  geese to move freely and find food from their surroundings meanwhile raising geese in  pens typically requires providing food   and water to the geese in a controlled  environment often with pre-prepared feed do you know the difference  between raising geese and raising chickens that is the environment where geese  are raised there will be a tank for them to swim in helps them reduce air temperature in hot climates at the end of the breeding process  on the farm after about 60 to 70 days of   age when the geese have reached the  appropriate weight and size they   are brought to the Foy grass processing  area this is the period when Foy gr is   considered most suitable for processing  and use in traditional and Specialty dishes if you know how many geese  a heavy truck can transport please   comment below however before processing  Goose liver goose is often injected into   the body with a large amount of barley or  beans to increase the size of their liver this causes the liver to swell giving a  distinctive flavor to the final product called Foy grass in the Foy Gras processing Factory  the process is carried out carefully and   professionally first the geese are hung on a  special production line staff participating in the   liver removal process will wear white protective  clothing to ensure Food hygiene and safety they will carefully separate the lower  part of the goose to access and remove   the liver thoroughly without  damaging the liver Foy grass   generally ranges in weight from about 1  to 2.5 lb depending on the size of the goose after the liver is removed the rest of the   goose will be transferred  to other lines to continue processing this may include skinning meat removal   or subsequent steps in the production  of goose meat products or other Goose byproducts at each processing  process products made from   Goose in the processing area will be  processed with modern technological Machinery are you curious about  how this food is prepared comment   number one if you have enjoyed traditional Chinese food when you use products made from Goose  liver what will you provide your body Foy grass is a rich source of protein B  vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc in particular it provides  essential amino acids and unsaturated   fatty acids which help strengthen  cardiovascular health in the immune system the cost of products made from  foas usually ranges from 20 to 40 USD per pound consuming Foy can help improve liver  function increase resistance and support digestion however it is important to use it in   balanced amounts that are  consistent with your daily diet do you have any new farming methods  for Chinese people on how to take care of geese please comment number  two if you have a new method   to exchange and share experiences with everyone thank you for accompanying me until the end of the video quickly press the like button and  channel subscription button to watch the   latest processing and breeding  processes of Chinese people on farms since the second half of  the 20th century the proportion   of chickens raised has skyrocketed about  70% of the world's chicken are raised for [Music] meat it takes only about 5 to 7 weeks to  raise chickens to the weight required for processing it would be better for them if   they lived in an environment where  their feet wouldn't touch water or [Music] feces this Farm is  one of cumberland's pioneers   of vinyl [Music] flooring it has been  researched for hundreds of hours and   tested in 2009 each plastic floor panel  can hold up to 265 lb making it very [Music] durable chickens on this Farm can  move freely and they especially do not come   into direct contact with [Music] feces thus  minimizing the risk of infections such as   respiratory diseases parasitic infections  chest blisters and dermatitis of the feet furthermore the elevated structural design   and parket Floors make cleaning and  disinfecting quick and easy [Music] the ventilation system is above the floor  providing a comfortable atmosphere for   the chickens eliminate toxic gases and  provide easy temperature control for the [Music] tropics for such a chicken farm it only  needs to be installed once and can be used for a   long time each Farm built on the model of such  an animal farm will save $88,000 for the ranch owner once the chickens gain  weight they are placed in   cages and transported to the processing plant the process of slaughtering millions of  chickens every day is carried out in a   closed manner to ensure Food hygiene and safety requirements the chicken cages will be passed  through a conveyor system through a machine   that makes the chickens lose Consciousness they  will not have to suffer during the processing chicken cages run through the  machine and into the processing plant chickens will be hung on hooks on the  conveyor [Music] belt they will continue to   pass through the hot water dispenser  to better support the next process nine feather Pickers work  together so that chicken's   skin is quickly cleaned and the skin is not [Music] torn after the chicken skin  is cleaned the chicken continues to   run along the conveyor belt to  the checking machine [Music]   the machine will check both the front and  back of the chicken to see if there are   any tears or problems the problem chickens  will be removed [Music] immediately next   the chicken will be passed through hooks  with different colors for easy tracking [Music]   at this stage the chicken will have its  internal organs removed and washed through   a layer of organic antibacterial  water to reduce [Music] bacteria   the next chicken will be refrigerated  normally chicken will be washed with   chlorine water for cooling but modern  processing plants now use 100% air for [Music] cooling it takes about 2 hours for  the chickens to move through the 2-m   conveyor belt dirty areas will be  treated immediately to ensure food [Music] safety after being cooled the chicken will  go to another room to enter the processing stage   chickens with dark white meat will be packaged [Music] whole however it is necessary to rely   on their weight chickens that  way more will be divided into [Music] Parts each bird in turn  runs through the machine to have   its wings cut it will then pass through  the brisket purifier after being filtered   the chicken breast will be deboned so  that the meat is not affected [Music] Ed the pieces of brisket will follow the  conveyor belt through a process of manual   processing the workers here will remove  the remaining fat and Bones from the breast meat the breast meat is then reexamined  with an X-ray scanner the eyes will also   be boned and manually defatted after  going through all the stages they   will be packed they are sealed in vacuum  bags to ensure that bacteria cannot get inside the Packaging Systems in this Factory  all operate like robots on their own this is   the best because there doesn't seem  to be any use of Human Resources here this is typical of the leading modern chicken  processing plants in the United States do you   want to own such a modern Factory chain  what about the processing factories the method of producing Ducks begins with  selecting the appropriate duck species for   your production [Music] objectives there  are two types of ducks meat ducks and egg Ducks meat is often higher in bulk  and raised with the intention of   exporting products whereas duck  eggs are chosen for egg [Music] production it is critical to care for and  create an appro R living environment for Ducks   this involves supplying heating systems dining  rooms drinking water and guaranteeing hygienic [Music] conditions to thrive the  place needs a warm dry and pleasant atmosphere nutrition is equally crucial in Duck husbandry ensure that your ducks are getting  the proper quantity of nutritional formula for   development and production the particular  sort of food will vary depending on the   breed of duck you [Music] raise Medical Care  and illness control are essential for duck Health it is vital to monitor duck health and  administer medicines on a regular basis [Music]   the projected time is typically determined  by the type of duck and your [Music] goals   the posture normally begins between 5 and 7  months of age and can last for several [Music] years on most Farms they are  vaccinated as they hatch [Music] in addition to semi-free range environments  egg laying ducks can also be kept entirely in   cages feed for laying ducks can also  be provided entirely with industrial feed duck eggs will begin to lay eggs at  roughly 20 22 weeks duck egg products may   leave an indelible impact on [Music] you an Ord  Ary duck may lay 250 to 300 eggs each [Music] year time and temperature can have an  impact on duck egg [Music] products at   temperatures ranging from 20 to 25° C  the posture is typically Pleasant any   temperature fluctuation or poor  timing might reduce production they will be replaced by another flock of  ducks in around 2 to 3 [Music] years when   it comes to collecting you must be cautious  and efficient the Ducks are retrieved daily   from the nest and placed in a safe  confined [Music] setting to avoid   contamination the project must be completed  while maintaining cleanliness and Al itude protection the duck eggs are then transported to   the first process packaging [Music]  facility in this case an automated   equipment system assures that each outcome  is technically verified to verify [Music] quality any out of the ordinary or  corrupt condition will be rejected a packaging business May produce  hundreds of egg cartons every hour Automation in this process  ensures efficiency and improves   package [Music] quality this might help duck  egg exports which are a vital element of   the US Food sector [Music] every year the  United States sends a huge number of eggs   to overseas the markets therefore contributing  to International Commerce and enhancing export performance this also ensures that American  duck eggs have a significant presence in   the global market and can satisfy  the demands of customers worldwide what about duck meat are you  interested in how they are prepared handling and preparing Ducks  normally starts with cautious handling   of the Ducks they are suspended on conveyor  belts to guarantee that they are handled in   a Humane and efficient [Music] manner the  Ducks will be electrically stunned after   being placed in the Factory's stunning system  to guarantee they do not experience discomfort following the preceding processes the duck will  go through a hot water module process to soften   its [Music] feathers an epilator will be used  to efficiently remove hair while protecting the skin the duck will continue the experience once  the feathers are [Music] removed the removal   of the duck's organs and internal organs is  a critical [Music] phase the propeller is   removed and put into a screw making machine to  ensure maximum freshness by avoiding bacterial development finally the Ducks will be  passed along each row of conveyor belts   to remove any remaining water [Music]  duck meat products from processing   factories are often packaged in different  specifications to suit consumer [Music] needs freshly treated birds can be packed  whole or in smaller parts and chilled   for Quality [Music] preservation modern  processing machines handle all of these   procedures and the staff here are in charge  of controlling the chain system so that it   may run more more [Music] freely raising Ducks  collecting eggs and processing duck meat in a   contemporary industrial setting thus require  advanced technology as well as adherence to   cleanliness and quality [Music] standards this  guarantees that we have safe and delicious   food for our family dinners the most modern  Goose raising technology and Goose processing   line are immed mediately adjacent join us in  [Music] watching because large-scale industrial   chicken farming has long been considered  a very popular and relatively profitable business more than 37 billion chickens are raised   every year to provide an important food  source and contribute to Growing world economies especially for countries  with modern agriculture like Europe since 1960 free range chicken farming has   been practiced and up until now many  countries have been applying this model as you can see the image  of freerange chickens looks   like birds wandering around the vast  grassland enjoying a free and happy life they will have most of the day  to freely forage in the fields and   when it gets dark they will return to the farm to [Music] rest currently many farms have switched  to free range farming or farming in large barns   instead of narrow barns which is considered a  bright spot in the livestock industry in European [Music] countries according to EC estimates  the conversion rate to free range   chicken farming increased by  1.1% over the same period last [Music] year especially in the Netherlands   many poultry Farms have banned cage  models to switch to raising freerange chickens chicken farms follow a conventional   Barn model with humans setting some  regulations and the amount of food for [Music] them however for Freer range chickens  in addition to the main food being corn rice   and synthetic bran they can also find other  foods such as grass and insects to supplement nutrition after many years  of raising the experience of   Belgian Farmers chicken production has been highly effective it is necessary  to pay attention to a number   of factors when choosing breeds and arranging  [Music] cages during the farming process Farm   owners regularly check the barn and chickens  to avoid disease outbreaks in the poultry population there are almost  no General regulations for   Freer range chicken [Music] farms each  farmer will have a different approach   and this depends on the economic and  environmental conditions of their [Music] Farm normally the farm will be designed so that  chickens are raised in a dry clean environment   with enough light and [Music] wind this  purpose is to ensure safety which will   also make it more convenient for Farmers to  car care for [Music] chickens for freerange   chickens the barn model will be more  spacious can accommodate a large number   of chickens and has a ventilation system  to create a comfortable environment for [Music] them visit a Freer range chicken farm  in England you see if weather conditions allow   Farmers here will release them into  Fields or large Hills like [Music] this here the chickens can eat  drink Run and Jump freely and   then they will be brought into the  cope at night or when the weather is bad food safety requirements for poultry farmers  are quite complex therefore raising chickens not   only requires patience and hard work but  people also have to be creative to give   them space to [Music] grow some farms in Belgium  have successfully raised chickens in AGR forestry systems this creativity has helped  him achieve proud results for his farm Some Farms will prepare their own food from   agricultur natural products to  supplement nutrients for [Music] chickens similar to the agroforestry  model this helps Farmers avoid wasting   agricultural products and their  chickens also have more food sources on a small farm in eastern France  this farmer can Harvest up to 850 eggs a day if raised properly to produce  eggs the yield is very high the sad thing is that today most chickens are   raised for raw eggs on Industrial farms  and are not allowed to go Outdoors at all most of them live their entire lives in small   cages with very few hens raised  on free range Farms like ours as you can see in this video  chickens are quite sensitive   to temperature depending on their age  they will have different levels of heat tolerance longtime workers  at this chicken farm shared   that they regularly check temperature humidity and light this is the condition that ensures  chicken Health most breeders find that   Broiler chicken breeds have a relatively  rapid development process both from the   hatchling stage to the adult  stage which is about 4 to 6 weeks however egg laying chicken breeds will need  a longer development time chickens need 18 to 22   weeks to mature and the development process of  egg laying chickens will last from 50 to 60 weeks in addition Farm owners often  have to pay attention to Legal   regulations on food safety and the environment correct implementation of  the chicken raising process will help   improve productivity and economic  efficiency in industrial chicken   farming and chicken production while ensuring  product quality and food safety for customers thank you so much guys for watching this  video so since we don't really have any   clue of what kind of difficulties that  you could be facing in your Farms please   don't forget to share all the problems  you're facing and obstacles you're going   through as this will tremendously  help us with our upcoming videos

2024-06-03 16:12

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