The Humble banana a staple in countless diets worldwide has a complex Journey from Plantation to plate each banana Bunch can weigh from 65 to 1110 lb so farmers often use foam padding to protect their shoulders during the harvesting process big Plantation has also implemented a 21.7 m cablecast system capable of transporting 75 banana bunches at a time in 2022 Global banana production reached 42.2 million to maintain high standards Farmers limit each banana plant to produce only 10 bunches allowing for better fruit development harvesting bananas is a labor intensive task typically performed during the cool early morning hours skilled workers often start their day as early as 5:00 a.m. the remaining plant leaves are cut off above the ground and eventually decomposed into nutrient Rich humus through traditional farming methods Growers can achieve yields of around £88,000 per square hectare however efficient banana farms in the Philippines the big biggest banana supplier in the world can so up to 176,000 lb per hectare or even more this is because they have developed a variety that can fight off diseases once the bananas arrive at the processing plant they undergo a thorough cleaning process workers use water pressure to remove dirt and debris while the banana bunches and processing areas are line with foam to prevent damage to the fruit specialized knives are used to separate the bananas into bunches and remove the big long stem after separating the bunches water jets then Propel the banana bunches through the cleaning Pond unlike many other producers this company harvests bananas while they are still green and with the liquid that is put on the crown before packing the banana bunches won't ripen in the next 19 days of exporting to the foreign markets upon arrival they undergo an artificial ripening process for around 7 days to reach their Peak ripeness just before being sold in supermarkets the Factory's production capacity is impressive with an average of 50,000 banana crates packaged per week in addition to Fresh consumption fried bananas are also a popular product with a market value of $2.4 billion in 2023 the green banana variety is particularly
suitable for frying due to its firmness and low sweetness once the bananas have been sorted skilled workers peel them by hand a slicing machine then cuts the bananas Into Thin even slices typically between 3 to 5 mm M thick during the frying process workers continuously stir the bananas to ensure they evenly crisp on all sides at a temperature of around 180° C A conveyor belt moves the fried slices to a flavoring station for seasoning once cooled the fried bananas are ready for packaging a production line of this scale can process up to 20 tons of bananas per day each female sugar Palm produces around 50 to 60 fruits and this is what the fruits meat looks like but today our mission is to harvest the sweet nectar that will eventually become palm sugar towering up to 30 m the sugar Palm takes a remarkable 20 years to mature and can live for over a century as Dawn breaks while many are still fast asleep these farmers are already deep into the sugar Palm Groves climbing these towering trees is no easy feat to reach the top these skilled Harvesters use long sturdy bamboo poles with notes cut into them serving as makeshift ladders in some regions they employ a more daring Tech technique wrapping a thick rope around both themselves and the tree trunk for support armed with only a knife and containers these Farmers begin the Harvest with a deaf stroke they cut off the flower B this specialized palm sugar producing region yields an impressive 12 tons of sugar per day by morning the containers placed at the top will be filled with the sweet NE done each day a worker can climb up to 100 trees often gathering over 300 L per day this sap can turn sour pretty quickly so farmers prevent this by either putting a piece of this herb or applying a lime coating inside this farmer is straining the sap through a fine mesh to remove impurities the amount of s required to produce 1 kg of sugar varies depending on the season the filtered sap is then poured into large containers and simmered for approximately 6 to 7 hours until it's reduced to a thick syrupy consistency constant stirring and skimming is essential to prevent burning and ensure a smooth texture the liquid sugar is poured into molds creating either individual bowls or a solid block within a plastic container during the dry season 7 L of sap is typically needed while in the rainy season it may take up to 10 [Music] L pineapple a tropical fruit renowned for its sweet Tangy flavor has become a staple in many diets globally pineapple farming remains a labor in ensive process with manual harvesting still the norm each harvesting team typically consists of 20 to 30 skilled workers who are equipped with protective gear to prevent injuries from the fruits sharp leaves they can Harvest 2 tons of pineapples a day the yield of pineapples per hectare varies from 40 to 50 tons the life cycle of a pineapple plant is a relatively lengthy one spanning approximately 15 to 19 months from planting to harvest mature fruits typically weigh between 0.5 and 1.2 kg the harvested pineapples are then transported to processing facilities or storage Global Production of this Delicious Fruit has reached an impressive 29.3 6 million tons in 2022 up to around 10,000 boxes are needed every day pineapples intended for fresh consumption are meticulously sorted and stored in refrigerated trucks or warehouses they are stored at a temperature of around 7 to 8° C with humidity of around 85 to 90% to maintain freshness the time between Harvest and storage should not seed 24 hours in summer or 36 hours in Spring for fresh consumption pineapples are harvested when one half of their skin has turned yellow however those destined for juice processing are harvested at a slightly earlier stage with only 1/3 of the base skin being yellow before making juice workers carefully select ripe juicy fruits while discarding those that are rotten unrip ripe or diseased some facilities press the whole pineapple like this to maximize the amount of juice produced the skin is discarded but it doesn't go to waste they are processed into soap for those with sensitive skins but some peel extract and cut the flesh thoroughly to ensure the taste is great then the flesh is transferred to the juicer and what you're seeing is the pineapple pulp finally the sterilized juice is packaged and labeled for distribution the pineapple juice Market has experienced significant growth with Revenue reaching 7.1 billion US in recent [Music] years this farmer gets paid up to $5,000 a month just to walk around an orchard and knock on this spiky fruit you're probably thinking about applying for this job right now even though you don't even know what this fruit is called today let me take you to these exotic tropical fruit orchards to see how Farmers Harvest and process five types of fruit you've probably never eaten before known as the king of fruits Juan is always sought after at a hefty price of around $370 per PB where it's grown and it can fetch up to $32.50 per PB on the US market with its distinctive Aroma and Rich creamy taste this fruit is often bought to eat immediately or used to make cakes sticky rice ice cream and more due to its thick spiky shell and the fact that it grows on trees about 13 to 16 ft tall harvesting jurian is extremely difficult before harvesting Juan there'll be a person called a jurian Tapper who checks on the ripeness of the Juan they will use a knife to tap on the fruit and based on the sound and the color of the shell they can tell whether the jurine is ready to be pigged this is the $5,000 a month job I mentioned at the beginning of the video If a successful fruit is found the farmer quickly cuts the jurri and stem and drops it to the ground the Pickers on the ground will quickly use a cushion Basket in order to catch it jurri and Thorns can cause bleeding so the Picker needs to wear a helmet and gloves but sometimes skill Pickers don't if the fruit is overripe it can also fall to the ground on its own usually at night when this happens the farmer just has to pick it up some Farms use strong Nets strung from trees to harvest high quality Juan after harvesting the juine is pre-processed by being washed and sorted Juan can ripen very quickly and must be consumed within about a week after ripening otherwise it will rot therefore exported Juan must be Frozen whole like this additionally they can be cut into separate segments vacuum sealed and Frozen Juri and Pulp can also be used as an ingredient for products such as ice cream cakes and Candy many people may have drunk a ly flavored drink but have never seen or eaten a ly fruit it is a fruit with a fragrant and sweet flavor with a slightly chewy flesh it sells for around $15 per pound when exported to the US and it's primarily cultivated in China and India Farmers often start harvesting L cheese between 3: and 4:00 a.m. until around 9: this early harvesting is essential to prevent the fruit from being exposed to sunlight light for too long this can cause them to dry out and lose their value these L sheet trees are over 10 years old and produce over 330 lb of fruit each year since the L cheese skin is quite thin Farmers must gently place them in line boxes after picking these Bunches of L cheese are then deafed bundled and transported to the packing facility for nearby trans pations such as to a local market the Lis are placed in plastic crates like these and transported to the market as soon as possible however for Lis destined for longdistance transportation like exports to Singapore Japan and the US they are stored in Cold Storage this facility can process up to 4,400 lb of L cheese per hour dried lchi is another popular fruit because it has a shelf life of up to 1 month L drying kills use charcoal as a heat Source Farmers dry around 18,000 to 20,000 lb of fresh L cheese at a time in this manner for around 70 to 72 hours they need to turn the L cheese every 6 hours after drying 100 lb of fresh L cheese yield around 30 lb of dried L cheese China is the biggest importer of this product with its mild sweetness and eye-catching color dragon fruit is often enjoyed fresh or as a juice additionally in Vietnam red flesh dragon fruit has been used to make instant noodles and bread as part of a movement to support farmers during the 2020 agricultural crisis Dragon Fruit Farms exporting to Europe typically Harvest their fruits 32 to 35 days after flowering dragon fruit flowers are quite unique as they only bloom at night and will Wilt normally Before Dawn attracting only nocturnal moths for pollination the fruit is harvested by hand using a sharp knife to cut the stem avoiding damage to the fruit's skin dragon fruit is an interesting tropical fruit because it doesn't grow on branches but directly on the cactus stem once cut the fruit is placed in plastic baskets lined with packing padding or left in the shade and transport it to the packing facility within 1 to 2 hours after harvesting the fruit is washed to remove dirt and bacteria from the surface then they are sorted by size and refrigerated at 5° C for transport to markets or processing plants within 42 days one of the unique Dragon Fruit Products in Vietnam is dragon fruit bread it's created by mixing traditional Vietnamese bread dough with dragon fruit juice in a mixer the dough is then divided into 36 small balls each weighing around 50 g before being shaped this Bakery produces over 45,000 loaves per day the bread is then fermented and baked at 170° C for 20 minutes each loaf sells for 24 cents right after jurian this fruit is known as the queen of fruits this is because it's the second most cultivated fruit in Asian fruit powerhouses and sells for $54.40 a pound in the
US this fruit is called Mango Steam it has a sweet and sour taste with a slightly fragrant Aroma and its seeds are edible Farmers usually start harvesting mango Steen when the fruit starts turning from light pink to Deep pink to ensure ripeness however in many places people also Harvest Green Mango Steam for making local speciality salads mango Steen trees take 4 to 5 years to bear fruit when mature each tree produces an average of 500 fruits per season the lower fruits farmers will pick them by hand but for higher hanging fruits farmers will use special specialized picking tools Fallen fruits are placed in separate containers because they will ooze sap and will spread to the other fruits reducing their value when sold Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam are the top three mango Stein producing countries in the world Americans seem to love this adorable fruit because in 2023 the US imported 889 million dollar worth of Mango Steam making it the world's largest importer rambotan is a tropical fruit with a distinctive hairy exterior it is a texture similar to lyi but offers a delicate sweetness and slightly tart flavor perhaps because they are from the same family rambutan is typically harvested in the summer when the fruit changes color from green to red or yellow Farmers Harvest rabit tons by hand with the help of ladders they will pluck entire Bunches of fruit from their branches and drop them into foam boxes on the ground rambutans are usually picked when they are just ripe if they are over ripe they will bruise easily and become soft during Transportation each foam box is filled with rambutans like this weighing around 482b Thailand is the world's largest producer of rambutans in 20123 the country harvested approximately 314 million pounds of rambatan only 1 to 2% of this product is exported as Frozen rambutans mainly to neighboring Asian countries and Europe [Music]
2024-09-07 08:56