Digital Purchasing and Automated Production Processes Run Beyond Simple SAP TechEd in 2020

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Hello and thank you for joining TechEd this year. My name is Chris Kraus. I'm at Worksoft. I'm going to talk to you about what we've done with our customers and discovery S/4HANA and then working with connective automation.

So big question we get is hey Worksoft, do you all work with companies who are already going to S/4HANA in SAP? Well of course we do. But we know this isn't the majority of people. Most people are on the journey. I mean there's great customers out there like Kontoor Brands, Accenture, Pepsi, they're on their way, but so many people are still on the journey. So when you think about that journey, there's a couple of things that people are talking about.

Most of my customers today are talking about doing a lift and shift. They're saying I want to take my existing ECC, move it to S/4HANA, I'm going to repot for my hardware at the same time or they're saying I'm going to go Greenfield and I'm going to go completely new processes. But the trick is in both cases, you have end-to-end processes that start, continue SAP and may be in there or they go to other applications.

So it doesn't matter if you're doing a lift and shift or Greenfield, the discovery of your overall business process. So do I have mainframes custom apps long there and what are the actual steps I do to complete something like a sales order or work through an invoice net. Those things that process discovery is really, really important and either way, if you're doing a fit to model or fit gap analysis, you have to figure out the process discovery. So when you think about that, there's a lot of things that could fall into there. A lot of people talk about should I shift left and start earlier in my testing and of course it's a great concept but works have started in automation, in the middle, and we've been doing that for years. And about eight years ago, we said we realized that people needed to discover what the business processes were so they could then test them and that was a big problem.

What do we actually do? What is the overall process at the highest level and then what's response, how do interact with screenings? So we started an automation and shifted left automate to discovery. After that, about three years ago, we realized there's a lot of churn and people talking about hey, I'm doing RPA light. My big concern is when I do an end-to-end test case, I have to set up test data, maybe I have to build materials of my pricing, my configuration and then I run my tests.

And what we do is we do that automatically in a test cycle but then business people call back and they type that data in in production by hand. So we said let's shift right and extend to automation. So what does that actually look like? From the Worksoft perspective, we've automated process discovery with our capture technology. So you'll use business capture to get high fidelity transactions. We also have process mining need to see your overall large structure and then what you want to do is give your business people high fidelity documentation. Will give you BPMN diagrams, you can let into solution manager for your documentation.

We'll give you Word documents and PDFs with the very high fidelity screenshots and images and how they went through steps of the screens, maybe the task level. Of course with a click, that gets converted automatically into automation we'll certify and then what we find is the world is your oyster. At that point, you have set yourself up for continuous testing because you want to run your regression tests say in your existing system to make sure that your automation works before you do a conversion in lift and shift or maybe you need to build an automation for the surrounding systems before you do a Greenfield because those data feeds are really important. And then the bonus is how can I actually leverage some of those processes as robotic processes? What's available to orchestrate those things from production? So with Worksoft, we're going to give you the ability to capture your processes with discovery, we're going to also give you documentation, BPMN, give you robust test automation we've been doing for over 20 years and then leverage that in continuous testing and then inside of your processes automation for production or RPA.

So it's one thing to see this in a PowerPoint but let's see what this actually looks like in a demo. What I'm going to show you is process discovery in action. I'll import the documents to analyze, we'll build process discovery, we'll see BPMN diagrams and such we can go in the solution manager and then the automation itself. So to build this process documentation, all we do is ask you should do your normal job. So if I come in here, I can say record and then say click into my Fiori sales order tile and start doing my job. So maybe I have a 1610, I'm moving to 1809.

Maybe I'm an ECC moving to a new system. It doesn't really matter. What we want is the user to just do their normal job. You'll notice as I enter the data, capture is figuring out that the data fields I entered and giving you the screenshots along the way. So it's pretty simple to use, no special training required and now come into the system and many times people say hey, I actually go over to Excel and I get data from there. So if I look, I can see I've got is sold to and ship to parties here.

I have a TG22. I've got one unit. So I'll go enter that data here. So I'll just come in and paste that and I just do things I can normally would.

Got my custom reference date under my material and my item and click save. So ideally, I'm not doing anything special. I'm just creating an order, use Excel to do those things. Now we can ask say hey, if you want some high fidelity and a little more information.

So show us what's important so when we create your training manuals, so your process manuals and things like that, we'll show you what's there and so you can better come and say if it's a new person, look for has been saved and keep order number. Easy enough, nothing particularly special there and maybe we go over to SAP GUI and I do our delivery there. So enter my VL and went in. So I can now enter the data here. Say, look into the 30th. Now I've got the order number I entered.

There we go and I clicked save and the delivery number has been captured over here. So we're basically done. So if I want to get my processed documentation, all I do is I send this to Analyze and what happens is we'll take this, we'll bundle it up, we'll send it up to Analyze for processing. So we can see the capture has been sent to Analyze.

But come back over to my browser, let's see. There's my new order. So I can see the beginning of the process flow. If I click this double thing, I can add this to a collection.

So maybe me my teammates are working together or adding different captures and orders there, I can actually go and I can look up the details of this order that I created. So it took me 21 seconds to enter the order types, a minute and 15 seconds when I cut and paste it and entered the rest of the order there and I went for 20 seconds into my SAP GUI. So I have documentation, the data that I might have filled but the nice thing is we can also see like high fidelity documents. So if I come and look in here, it automatically created.

You can get PDFs or Word documents, document to show me what I did. So this is something you can use for a Task Mining to understand how a business is using and actually use this for your training manuals. So I can see here's my BPMN diagram.

I can load this in the solution manager. I have my screenshots and I get the elements that I interacted with on the screen. So everything that entered with shows up, all the details themselves. If I keep scrolling down, I'll even see that interaction with the Excel spreadsheet. So there's my old tab, there's me getting my data out of Excel.

So the idea is I have high fidelity, Task Mining or process documentation was happened. Now I added that to a collection. So let's look at that collection. So I can see the list of the captures in my collection but what's most interesting to me is actually looking at the harmony view. So if you think about your process harmonization, we can see here I have 78 processes.

This was from a 1610 when I had the helper transaction turned on when I went across the system. Here's the one I captured today. If I click into here, I'll be able to see all the screens and the images. So I can see this is the images and the objects that it interacted with. I can see of this for SAP gray ones also. So it's very handy.

So I have high fidelity process documentation created. I can collaborate together to see how my processes are lined up and how similar they are. Our BPMN diagrams I can upload into solution manager and from the business perspective, I didn't have to do anything. All I do is my normal job and that got me to my process documentation. Now the neat thing is all I had to do was say create automation and mostly in the server to certify. So it works off.

Now we have automation that's been created for this document. So far that demo, it made you think about how can I include business as part of these processes. Obviously we have business capture which make it easy to capture the processes people had, that could use simple life touch, maybe annotate and get that high fidelity documentation in place and then we deliver to them those Word documents and PDF so they had high fidelity and documentation. Honestly, the BPMN diagrams are formatted specifically to be uploaded into solution manager so you have the ability to build your process documentation there for your next journey.

Now at the, end you've got your automation. So ideally, you've got your continuous testing efforts and then with connective automation, you can get to connective RPA so you'll be able to run certain processes in production. So I'd like to thank you for the time and listening. Have a great TechEd. If you have more questions, you can visit us on

or catch us on Twitter or LinkedIn.


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