How China and BRICS will surpass the West in Technology

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scen so I I mean they can't strategize all  they want at the end of the day the wars are   won by material conditions on the ground  and and that that's simply lacking in the west well you know speaking of the UK there's an  article out on the um on and this is the   headline called British Army would only last two  months against Russia now that's that's wishful   thinking because they wouldn't what is it is 7  some thousand people in the British Armed Forces   they can't fill up a stadium and this is what the  um um the the article States the military lacks   ammo and Equipment the deputy chief of the defense  staff has told MPS the British armed forces are   not prepared for a potential confrontation with  an adversary such as Russia the deputy chief of   the UK defense staff Lieutenant General Robert  megaan told a parliamentary defense committee on   Tuesday the military severely lacks the resource  particularly ammunition for any such conflict he   believes now I I won't even go any further with  that okay if you won't last two months with Russia   because of Russia's in military industrial base  how long do you think you can last fighting a war   with China with a huge unmatched military  industrial base I mean China just stopped   shipping China can just stop shipping Goods to UK  Britain's strength has always been its Navy rather   than its Army and and look at the state of a royal  Navy right now their Flagship hmsc libus went was   import for repair and then he caught fire and and  they're they're not ready these are not serious   people uh and and then you have um oh oh oh you  know right after the Obama visit uh David Cameron   for foreign secretary or the foreign minister  came out and say we are taking action against   China we are finally going to sanction China for  all these spite activity they're doing in Britain   again attacks on our democracy are unacceptable  yet that is what organizations backed by China   have done today we are publicly calling them out  and we've taken action we've summon the Chinese   Ambassador and we are putting sanctions travel  bans asset freezes on the individuals and the   group responsible such action from China will  not be tolerated we will always seek to defend   ourselves from those that threaten our values and  our democracy and we encourage other countries to   do the same it's like who the hell do you think  you are you you're not a you're not a imperial   you're not the great power anymore you hasn't  been since 1950 sus Canal Crisis you you you   are acting like you actually matter I mean okay  politicians are jokes and they're talking about   we're defending our democracy what democracy are  you talking about David Cameron who elected you   or or who elected your boss sunic you know who  elected him as a prime minister and who elected   you as foreign minister did did the British  people elect you how do you call that democracy   then it this is [ __ ] Victor G said UK is not a  competition or rival to China ch China is a fact   it's a megatren for UK to to live with and get  along with you are you guys are no competition you   know China leads in AI China leads in technology  where the hell is UK UK is nowhere to be now how   Britain looks at China it's up to the British  government and people to decide but I think it   would be completely misguided for Britain to view  China as an enemy or adversary or a competitor   what do China and Britain compete with China is  the largest am ufacturer of automobiles competing   with Britain no China is the largest exporter  of EV cars and will lead the whole world in EV   production is Britain a competitor no China will  be the biggest and most important producer and R&D   in terms of Semiconductor in no time does that  mean that China competes with Britain no China   will be the leading nation in AI Revolution  is Britain a competitor no so I think British   government should not overestimate its impact  on the global scene and view Britain as a rival   of China China is not China is a fact China is a  meat trend for Britain to live with and get along with well Carl look at this this there's an  article out on and to show   you um to cut through the US propaganda on the  Chinese and we're going to cover a lot of things   but this is what uh the title of the article  is China filed 25% more patents than the US in 2023 heavily sanctioned uh WWE LED all companies  worldwide despite banss now think about that   America tried to stick it to WWE and WWE bounces  back and leads the world in in pattern now if if   China has led the world in in the issuing of  patents how can they be stealing technology   from the West when they are the ones that are the  leaders of the patents that are you know that are   given to nations in their scientific breakthrough  Rashid rashed the US no long us doesn't have 5G   because Chinese stole it okay because China has  stolen the 5G technology that's why us doesn't   have 5G and and this is from China graduate  millions millions of engineer every year you   know just go go look up uh the statistics um  from last year there's no competition there's   no competition from from from us it's this why  do they think they have a chance to keep China   down CH one fifth of the humanity one every  five person on earth is Chinese and and why   can't China enjoy better living conditions you  know if when China even even if the Chinese per   capita per GDP reaches 25% of us in nominal  dollar terms that means Chinese economy is   already bigger than when Gina Rondo says us will  take whatever it takes to stop China's progress   this is insane this is how how how do you plan to  do that this is uh they still think they can they   can literally just dictate to the world but um  CH United States doesn't have the resources in   fact the research and development in US depends  on foreign talents it depend on those Chinese   students coming in to the US University to take  up this research and development RADS um they   don't you know most most I I went through the  US uh University system myself the people who   go to engineerings are like either Chinese  or Indians exchange students they're not   people people are now going to lucrative  careers like be a Tik Tok influencer you know so so call on our screen here we see that  this says China leads the world in Hypersonic   technology and this is from Bloomberg this is  not from some French uh Eastern or or or um   Global South publication this is actually from  Bloomberg's um this in itself is   an admission because think about the the the  U intricacies in Hypersonic technology the   United States just tested one that they claimed  was a success but they didn't tell you that the   uh it did not meet all of the parameters that they  were looking for so it's still in in testing phase   and and but China has working Hypersonic Tech  technology how can they be still in technology and   they lead in pattern and they lead in Hypersonic  technolog uh I think a lot of people they kind of   their their me their mental picture of China is  literally stuck in the last century you know they   still think of China in the 1960s 1970s 1980s they  don't realize China has moved into 21st century   a long time ago and and this this is why um when  Americans do set foot in China recently I saw a a   video of American who travel back to China after  five years and he was shocked he was shocked and   he admitted that in many ways China already is  ahead of United States um in in terms of um in   terms of Not only living condition but you know in  terms of Technology adoption of Technology mobile   payments um and it's just a nice country to live  in and he said he said it's sad me to admit but   us in the last 5 years has going in the opposite  direction I'm going to tell you the seven major   ways that China has changed in the past 5 years  I've been coming here on and off for 10 years and   maybe a little B more than that and I have a lot  of stories I'll weave those stories into how the   country has changed preco versus Co number one is  automation whether you're getting on a highspeed   train or you're getting onto the subway everything  is is automated right through the use of personal   identification cards and face recognition cameras  they've got everything set up they've also got   the Chinese equivalent of Apple pay everywhere  for everything there is nothing that you want to   do in this country that you cannot do Bo used  to um without the Chinese equivalent of Apple   pay also you go into the factories and there are  robots everywhere this is important because it's   different from how we perceive China in the US  so in the US we think of China as like a cheap   labor country with um them just throwing people  at everything and them just being really cheap   but the reality is that they're automating and  they're putting robots everywhere they can at   the same time that's a huge change from 5 years  ago second big major change is electric vehicles   they're everywhere much more than in the United  States so in the US we have Tesla and then you   see occasionally a few other brands less than 10%  of the cars on the road in China it's like 30 to   40% of the cars on the road are fully electric  and it's not just Tesla Tesla is here but there   are dozens of other Chinese brands that you have  never heard of that are selling cars as cheap as   $10,000 not like [ __ ] cars you know not like a  tricycle but like a full-blown sedan for $10,000   and they're everywhere very big deal number  three they fix their air part of it is the   electrical Vehicles the electric vehicles right  because they're not putting as much exhaust into   the air but they fixed it in other ways I'm in  Shanghai right now and 10 years ago I remember   arriving um in the airport and you couldn't see  from one side of the airport to the other side   of the airport because there was actually smog  inside the building the air is not perfect um in   China especially when you go more Inland into the  country okay there's a it's still a little smoggy   and then also like but it's significantly better  it's kind of an amazing point because we think of   again in the US we think of China as a smog filled  country with no environmental regulations or   anything like that they fix the air four this one  in particular absolutely blew my mind 5 years ago   this country was not civilized what do I mean by  that people bump into you people cut lines people   spit on your feet they do an openmouth cough  into your face they piss in random places they   just drive like [ __ ] maniacs it's different now  people are civilized I'm in China I feel like I'm   in Japan now okay so like all the stereotypes of  Japan where where people are like polite and the   service is excellent that's what it feels like  in the major cities in particular in China now   that's amazing I used to [ __ ] my pants all  the time in China because there were no public   bathrooms and when you finally did find a bathroom  that was public or accessible to the public right   there was never any toilet paper in it that  has changed as well not sure how they've made   a more civilized society there were 10 years ago  5 years ago posters all over the place that kind   of encouraged people to be more civilized which  is interesting right that's not really something   that you see in the US they seem to have made the  country significantly more civilized in a bunch   of different ways so one that automation that I  was talking about earlier in the video is a big   deal I don't know how many years ago let's call  it 5 six years AG probably 5 years ago I showed   up in a smaller town in let's say the suburbs of  China and I got off the highspeed train so they   had the highspeed infrastructure back then and  I tried to hail a cab a taxi and three men who   drove taxis kind of like approached me and they're  like yeah we don't we don't run the meters in this   town so the taxi meters that you see if you like  get a taxi in New York or whatever they refused to   to run them because the taxi drivers figured that  if they could all coordinate and cooperate they   could make more money that kind of stuff has gone  down in part through the ubiquitous automation   right cuz now I can pay every taxi every Chinese  equivalent Uber I can pay all that stuff with my   my phone um so propaganda Automation and then also  people tell me that like the government uses a lot   of kpis in order to improve the quality of the  services so anytime you have a problem you can   call a phone number and they'll um not only try  to solve that problem for you but they'll follow   up weeks later trying to verify whether or not it  was truly soft that to me is kind of mindblowing   because it's it's one thing to throw up High-Speed  Rail train stations build these amazing buildings   and all that as they as they've done for the  past 30 years but the change the culture that's   much more difficult but they did it someone just  approached me randomly on the street like how are   you where are you from and then when I replied  in Chinese they kind of just backed off so like   things are not perfect they once they figured out  that they speak Chinese they're like okay I can't   really scam this person however they're going  to scam me I major change 5 years ago versus   today way fewer foreigners I'm probably in the  place that has more foreigners than right now   like literally I'm I'm in the Shanghai equivalent  of Time Square and there are more foreigners here   look look at the [ __ ] Sky okay like they fixed  the air they fixed it there are more foreigners   here than any other place and there just aren't  that many foreigners um there's one in front of   me but there just aren't that many there used to  be many more foreigners in China that's one big   major change uh I don't totally know what's going  on there part of it could have been the lockdowns   in the past couple of years another part of it  could be the perception of China that you get in   foreign countries that's turned negative in this  country but the foreigners are few the ones who   look like me are disproportionately Russian so  a lot of the white people you see in Russia you   look at them they look a little different they  look like they're Russian and you can verify   that when you hear them speak that's a big change  from 5 years ago six the kind of technology and   the supply chain and the way of doing business has  changed tremendous ly I visited I don't know eight   different factories factories are doing factories  are opening their own eCommerce stores and   plugging in directly into the Chinese equivalent  of Tik talk and the Chinese equivalent of Amazon   and the factories are super automated and like  it's it's not just like the technology but like   the speed of business and the way business  Works feels significant iFly more advanced   in China than it does in the United States and it  didn't necessarily feel that way 5 years ago last   thing I would say the seventh and final Point  5 years ago versus today is that my perception   before I came here and the perception generally  of Americans of China is that the place got worse   that it was some sort of like dystopian terrorized  world where you can't do anything and there were   lockdowns and all that and that's not true and  on top of that it just I'm Shell Shocked like   I'm actually blown away because in general this  country feels like for lack of a better word a over the past 5 years in this country is a  more harmonious Society I think the blips   on that the kind of things in the graph where  that wasn't really happening and not true over   the past 5 years were covid lockdowns but in  general everything here is better so what do   I mean in terms of what has changed in the past  5 years versus today it just feels like in my   home country over the same 5 years everything  got worse and that is the most powerful jarring Revelation yeah so that guy was trying to sell me  like purses and watches everything okay so again   things are not perfect here by any stret of the  imagination but it's not like that doesn't happen   in New York either obviously right and I'm in a  tourist area in Shanghai the guy was just trying   to sell me washes probably counterfeit but it  just feels in general that everything in my home   country got worse and that's brutal it's brutal to  think about that so I don't know you can interpret   this information however you feel like you want  to but the reason why I think this is so important   is that countries change and they're on different  trajectories and I don't know what the trajectory   of China will be over the next 5 years I don't  know what the trajectory of the United States   or other countries will be over the next 5 years  but it is very jaring and very powerful to feel   how different and how much better this country is  5 years later and how much worse my home country   feels over the same 5 years it's a mess and that's  the powerful lesson to you thank you for watching   bye and I mean for the people who are familiar  with bull country that's just obvious this is   this has been a fact for for a while right now but  but with politicians like Joe Biden and uh Pelosi   do you think these guys really know what's going  on in the world I mean that I mean Pelosi can be   very good at stock picking but I don't think  I don't think she has bandwidth for anything   else right now I mean she got so good at invest  investing uh she doesn't have time to devote to   other other Arenas of of expertise oh my god oh  call I tell you what call you know you can keep   it this question is for you call I mean this this  statement is for you you can answer that I mean   let let's just face it both Russia and China  leads United States in the in the Hypersonic   missile psychology well I I I I think Russia um  Russ at some point they say still lead China in   like things like jet engines uh but that's already  changing because China is catching up um one of   the one of the thing with Russia is they inherited  a lot of the advanced infrastructure from from the   former Soviet Union but during after the  Soviet collapse a lot of the kind of the   Soviet infrastructure even including the military  industrial complex the infrastructure work kind of   left crumbling so so so us so Russia in the last  10 years was trying to like just like repairing   the damage um that that occurred after the  collapse of the Soviet Union you Russia is still   making steady progress but they they kind of they  got hampered they got hampered in that especially   in the last decade of 1990s when yon was in power  I mean that that that that's when the whole Soviet   Legacy of industrial production got hollowed out  and and all the equipment were sold abroad um so   so so so in the meantime what happened in China  since 1980s there was steady progress so I think   Russia and China in terms of missile Technologies  they're about like they're they're on par right   now but they're both much ahead of us much much  much more ahead of us and um I was as as you were   talking I I was looking at something to throw  in with you it says that China has nearly five   million graduates and Engineering um surpassing  India or any other nation and it says that Russia   has the highest number of engineers in the world  but China has the highest graduate so year in and   year out they're turning over uh Engineers like  like none other so isn't it ironic that the two   leaders of the bricks are building their engineer  near core while America is trying to wage war and   and using more and more debt to do that which  which will up in her um her um rule because   debt is unsustainable yeah I mean Soviet Union had  always been very good at putting investment into   in education I mean after the Cold War us actually  benefited from influx of former Soviet educated   Engineers who are now seeking jobs in the west I  knew this because I work in the software industry   you know you're my colleague are either from so  former Soviet Union from China or from India I   that's just a fact and and and and but right now  with the internal conditions in Russia improving   you know these the the the new generations of  Russians Russian train Engineers are not leaving   like like their pre Generations they're staying in  their country and developing their country and and   and Russia and and China has a they have Synergy  because their their economy is complimentary you   know there is much less dependency on the W  well there's little dependency on the West in   Russia right now because it got cut off so so  so now the rest of world is powering forward   well us is trying to build a wall around itself  and it little vassel States in Europe so what   what I see will happen in the future is you know  technologically uh the bricks countries leading   by Russia and China will continue forward while  while the West will stagnate and and fall behind   and and and you know we already seen that in a  lot of Arenas um you know like like a sustainable   energy development you know China leads in solar  wind power Hydro production China leads in um EV   production China leads in robotics now now China  is providing stiff competition to the Japanese   robotic companies uh and and they they're  they're they're proving stiff competition for   German automakers and and I don't even know what  US have to compete with at this point I was and I   was also looking down in the same um article  and it says that China and India graduate 12   times more Engineers than the United States and on  top of it let us not forget that China has set up   some acms across Africa to promote engineering  so let us not forget that while we're talking   about this what say you on this matter yeah I  mean United States is lucky in that that India   hasn't completely gotten its housing order so  the Indian TR train Engineers continually come   to us to power the US multinationals and that's  that's one of the thing that's sustaining the US   economy right now you know all these foreign tal  talents coming to us you know formerly it's Indian   Chinese but now the US government is putting the  putting the SCS on all the Chinese engineers and   researchers so so and and and China is developing  so all you know the Chinese Engineers they have   better options they have better options at home  um whereas you know Indian engineers at this   point are still choosing to come to us because  they you know can have a better lifestyle uh so   so that's that's what's keeping us still what's  keeping the US going right now I mean us still   lead in certain area of Technology like Chad GPT  um but this again is kind of the the difference   between us and focus of us and Chinese economy  and there's a difference between us and China   us is more focused on the surface service sector  right now this is why us do have a have a edge in   stuff like Chad GPT because you know us is very  good at producing word salad they're very good at   producing marketing uh uh uh ads advertisement  and this is why uh you know chat GPT has a lot   data cool to work with and also plus the English  language is still you a dominant trading language   around the world so that they have that slight  advantage over China whereas you see where China   leads they're leading in robotics in automated  manufacturing like all the things that produce   stuff because that's what China excels in China  excels in in making hard concrete object whereas   us is excelling more excelling in talking so so  so this is why you know when it comes to AI you   see the clear differentiation you know us leads  in Chad GPT and and and U and and China lead in   in in robotics and automated manufacturing I mean  I mean people have such outdated uh thinking about   China that they think China is still like sweat  shop slave labor that's producing cheap shoes   for for us just go to like any car factory in  China all the car the car factory floors are   out automated they have like machines and robots  making the cars whereas in US you still see like   people physically bolting the door on on the car  so this is like and they think that somehow China   is still like behind us it's it's crazy it's  crazy just again there's a lot of ignorance in   us that's been sustained by the constant stream  of propaganda um so that's one area us clear   lead you know the propaganda production  the copium production is off the off the charts you know


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