How American Farmers Use Robots To Deal With Millions Of Wild Boars

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the rust of leaves in the Texan night  hides a nightmare 400 lb feral Hogs   monstrous and Relentless tear through  the farmlands at 30 m an hour coyotes   lurk in the shadows with their glinting  eyes killing innocent livestock Farmers   wage a Relentless War their safety and  sleep sacrificed to protect their way of life according to the US 20124 statistics baral  Hogs have killed more people than sharks in the   last 10 years there has been 1,645 attacks and  216 deaths with 38% of the victims being Farmers   their estimated population in the United States  has Bel wounded to over 9.3 million Florida and   Texas bear the brunt of the destruction with  over 3.1 million reported cases they are so   numerous that farmers in these states have  opened over 30 different Ferro hog hunting   experiences for visitors of all skill levels  these animals are ecological terrorists causing   an estimated 1 .5 billion in damage each year to  crops livestock and the environment feral Hogs   are notorious for their insatiable appetites an  adult hog can consume about 4 to 6% of its body   weight in a day with a stomach that can  hold 5 to 8 quarts this rapid digestive   system fuels their Relentless foraging turning  fertile fields into wastelands their powerful   snouts rip through the soil uprooting crops  and destroying vital root systems their waste   pollutes water sources potentially spreading  diseases like swine brucelosis to livestock   and even humans according to the Department of  Conservation a group of just 10 feral Hogs can   devastate up to 25 acres of Farmland in one  night making Farmers lose about $125,000 in   revenue from their yield a year the problem is  compounded by their ability to start reproducing   at 3 years old at an extremely rapid rate a  female feral hog can have multiple lit each   year each ranging from 8 to 12 piglets allowing  their numbers to explode in a short period of time while feral Hogs wreak havoc on crops and  soil coyotes pose a different kind of threat   these native predators are highly adaptable and  can be found in all US states even in snowy areas   Texas and California are the two states with  the largest coyote populations totaling 1.6  

6 million in 2024 unlike feral Hogs coyotes  primarily Target animals especially smaller   livestocks like chicken and lamb this coyote even  hunted down cares according to the US Department   of Agriculture coyotes are responsible for  about 60% of all Predator related livestock   losses costing Farmers millions of dollars each  year here these losses impact Farmers incomes   and disrupt local food supply chains Beyond  livestock predation coyotes have gradually   migrated into urban areas and sometimes they  even attack humans and their pets this often   occurs during the coyotes breeding season from  January to March as they may feel that their   territory is threatened coyotes have been around  in North America for around 800,000 years making   them highly skilled Hunters possessing sharp  claws and teeth they can take down prey quickly   in just seconds they typically hunt alone  making them difficult to catch and [Music] detect the fight against Ferro Hogs and coyotes  requires a multi-pronged approach building strong   hog prooof fences remains a crucial first line  of defense however these fences need to be   constructed with heavy duty materials and deeply  anchored to be able to withstand the immense power   and determination of feral Hogs electric fences  are particularly effective at keeping Coyotes out   they can even deter other Predators but can cost  between $1 and $8 per square foot which is pretty   expensive for the average Farm in the US so  the math of cost and size required for these   large scale Farms can make this a significant  challenge many farmers believe that livestock   Guardian dogs such as the Anatolian Shepherd  dogs and the Great Pyrenees are also a effective   at protecting herds from predators in the US  Farmers typically keep one guard dog for every   50 to 100 Livestock on up to 20 acres but most  farms in coyote hotspots like Texas have 3 to   five livestock Guardian dogs for extra security  trapping and hunting remains an effective method   for population control for feral Hogs automated  traps equipped with sensors and cameras are   becoming increasingly popular these traps can  detect the presence of feral Hogs and coyotes   sending realtime alerts to Farmers smartphones  or computers and allow for remote monitoring and   control a typical trap of this type can hold  up to 50 feral Hogs and cost about $75,000 corn is often used as bait to lure them into  the traps at night as this is when they are   most active if Lucky farmers can trap over 18  feral hogs in just one go some Farmers also   put corn in the automatic feeders and wait for  them to come once they are busy eating and don't   notice the surroundings the farmers will shoot  and hopefully be able to catch the biggest ones   Broken Arrow Ranch in Texas Partners with  Trappers to catch feral Hogs and sell them   to restaurants and processors for butchering  captured Hogs weigh between 80 and 180 lb and   can be sold for around 30 to 35 cents per  pound older Hogs with high hormone levels   are not very palatable and are usually just  euthanized all Hogs entering the food food   chain whether farm raised or wild caught must  undergo mandatory Federal inspections to ensure safety Texas has adopted some creative control  measures for its particularly severe Ferro hog   problem here we see a professional Hunter using  a helicopter with thermal imaging cameras aerial   culling allows for a quick and precise removal  of large groups of feral hogs in a short time   a 3-hour helicopter session can eliminate over  132 feral Hogs compared to an average of only 25   when hunting on the ground farmers in California  have turned to Lego hold traps and snares in these   hot spots the leg hold traps the Traer digs a  small hole creates a scent marking spot using   lures or Predator urine and places the Trap  inside ensuring it Blends seamlessly with the   surrounding environment he can catch around 26  coyotes per week on this 320 Acre Farm with this   method hunting for coyotes and feral Hogs is done  both during the day and at night in high traffic   areas some Farmers also use predator calls to  lure coyotes within shooting range night vision   equipment allows Hunters to locate and eliminate  Predators more precisely 63 coyotes and wild pigs   were hunted on this 4,600 Acre Farm last night  while effective this approach is expensive   with Texas alone spending around 3 million  annually on control methods every step into   the night carries potential danger for Farmers  since the beginning of 2024 there have been   seven reported deaths from feral Hogs and nine  from coyotes across the US despite significant   culling efforts coyotes are not only surviving but  also expanding their range throughout the US and   Canada one study demonstrated that even continuous  removal of 75% of a coote population annually for   five decades would not eliminate them hence the  fight against these Predators it's not without its   Innovations drones have become valuable tools  in the fight against most Predators not just   feral Hogs and coyotes equ equpped with thermal  cameras and GPS drones can survey vast areas of   Farmland detecting the presence of predators  from above the loud noise or Bright Lights   emitted by drones can scare away feral Hogs and  coyotes preventing them from reaching fields and   livestock additionally motion sensor lights and  sound devices can also help deter coyotes and   other animals from approaching the Farm areas by  combining traditional and cuttingedge strategies   American farmers can continue to protect  their land and livestock for generations to come this is the animal the US wildlife services  killed the most in 2022 more than 1 million   European stylings were exter terminated nearly  10 times more than wild BS ranked right behind   it many other pest bird species also cost the  United States more than billions of dollars each   year their main food is insects but they also eat  crops while their flocks create beautiful aerial   displays they also produce up to 14,000 lb of  droppings which can spread bacteria Bird shooting   and mass killing have begun to have a positive  impact but American farmers will never be able to   catch them all because more than a billion harmful  birds are still roaming across Tennessee Georgia   and the entire country so how bad is this bird  problem really and what are farmers doing about it it's early in the morning and these Tennessee  farmers have already headed out to the farm ready   to hunt some of the most destructive birds in  America once arrives he adjusts his rifle and   takes aim at hundreds of birds perched on the barn  roof shooting birds is said to be the most common   practice but it's not easy at all especially  for smaller birds like American Robin and house   sparrow these birds can fly at speeds of up to 50  mph making it challenging to hit them unless they   are stationary larger birds like redwing black  birds and starlings are easier to hunt these two   species often Gather in large flocks called  mations which can number in the millions and   darken entire Fields stylings are particularly  Adept at mimicking the calls of up to 19 other   bird species or even car alarms to deceive Hunters  the Redwing Blackbird is a US native bird species   with males sporting a distinctive orange patch  on their black plumage according to the Red   List about 211 million adult Redwing blackbirds  are living in the US this farmer in Texas has   started weekly hunting as the harvest season is  approaching attracting lots of pest Birds to the   fields and barns rifles or shotguns are typically  used for bird hunting after 3 hours of Relentless   shooting he has managed to shoot over 122 Birds  after hunting many farmers bring the birds home   clean them and prepare them into delicious meals  for everyone on the farm if restaurants in the   US were to normalize the consumption of pest  bird meat as they did with invasive wild ball   this pest bird problem could get a lot better  do you think so one of the primary reasons these   birds are labeled as pests is their voracious  appetite for crops American Robins are extremely   fond of fruits such as berries right from an early  age according to surveys a fruit Orchard attacked   by these birds can lose up to 30% or even 50% of  its Harvest vist currently there are an estimated   372 million American Robins in the US along with  other fruit eating birds they cause an estimated   $16 million in Damages each year considering only  Fruit Farms in New York for Redwing blackbirds and   house sparrows the Delicacies of choice are rice  sunflowers corn and other grains particularly   during their milky stage however house sparrows  are not just grain eaters they also consume   flower Buds and Blossoms essential components for  proper plant growth and timely harvests the most   annoying thing is that all these destructive  Birds only eat a little of each plant reducing   the value of the produce and attracting pests  when they can't stop them Farmers have resorted   to altering planting and harvesting schedules for  instance farms in Texas have significantly reduced   their losses by shifting their corn harvesting to  April when Redwing blackbirds have migrated North   for [Music] breeding starlings pose a threat not  only to crops but also to Livestock in many other   countries besides the US due to to their excessive  droppings that can spread diseases they also steal   grain from livestock feed causing an estimated  economic loss of up to $814 million per year   according to the Department of Agriculture they  are also the reason behind the severe invasion of   autumn Olive and Oriental bittersuite in New York  and Pennsylvania stylings aren't just a menace in   rural farmlands they're trouble in urban areas  too as they don't have to worry about food here   and worse they've caused airplane accidents  like the infamous flight 375s bird strike   in 1960 where a starling collided with the plane  killing 62 passengers today populations of house   sparrows and stylings have reached billions  surpassing even native bird populations but   they only set foot in America 134 years ago  both species are native to Europe Asia and   Africa initially house sparrow was brought  to Brooklyn New York from England first just   to control caterpillars and they did this job  extremely effectively however later on another   50 pairs were imported by a Shakespeare fanatic  pharmacist Eugene chiffon in 1890 he came up with   the idea of releasing all the birds mentioned in  Shakespeare's works in the US this included 100   starlings and they adapted very well 30 years  later they had become a serious problem in the US recognizing the threat posed by these invasive  Birds the US has allowed people to kill them using   various methods since the 1950s despite some  controversy like using a sticky gel containing   scents that birds hate there is even a poison  called stde that was specially formulated to   Target only starlings but extensive long-term  use of chemicals can harm the environment and   animals so farmers turn to more sustainable  Alternatives like hunting while hunting has   helped reduce the number of these pets best Birds  their rapid reproduction rate makes it difficult   to achieve significant control some species like  the house sparrow can lay up to 28 eggs per year   these invasive birds are also aggressive raiding  nests and competing for food with native birds   like Northern flickers or even their own kind this  is a cause for concern because according to a 2022   report by Cornell University North America  has lost 3 billion breeding birds since 1970   due to various factors already native Redwing  blackbirds are also prolific breeders according   to the Department of Agriculture Farms within a  5 m radius of their nests suffer the most damage   while they build their own nests they are  not afraid to engage in dive bombing attacks   not only against other birds but  also against humans during nesting [Music] season beyond their adaptability and  prolific breeding invasive Birds also thrive   in their new environments due to the reduced  presence of predators compared to their native   habitats this is partly attributed to DDT an  insecticide once widely employed in the US   which had a devastating impact on the eggs  of raptors like eagles and Hawks with the   band on DDT in 1972 some Farmers have begun  utilizing Raptors such as Eagles and Hawks   as a natural method of managing pest bird  populations these predatory Birds possess   exceptional hunting skills reaching speeds of up  to 242 mph they Patrol Fields daily chasing and   hunting down the pest Birds modern technology  such as GPS tracking is also being employed   to enhance the effectiveness of this method  over time the number of pest birds and their   droppings significantly decreases however these  Predators instincts also lead them to prey on   young chickens and other small pets so they requ  require specialized training from professional   bird trainers before taking on this task Farmers  also have other equally effective measures such   as netting and lasers but they can be expensive  for many small scale Farmers no matter how good   a measure is they must be strategically carried  out for the removal to be effective so when will   the US farmer get rid of all these birds this is  a difficult question to answer while sometimes   considered pests these common birds remain eye  pleasing for those who love watching nature but   there is one thing I am sure of never introduce  foreign species into your country Just for kicks [Music]


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