How to choose a turnstile

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Good, afternoon today we will get to know how, to choose a turnstile, turnstiles. Are installed at security, desks governmental. Facilities schools. Banks. Hospitals, universities. Sports. And entertainment centers. Turnstiles. Regulate. The stream of people control, exit, and entrance protect, from unauthorized persons, access a wide variety of turnstiles is, presented, on the security, market these are compact, tripod turnstiles. Box, turnstiles. Elegant. Speed gates full. Height turnstiles. And swing, gates we, will answer several, questions in order to select the right variant, of a turnstile, where, on which, site a turnstile, is planned to be installed which tasks, it has to complete is it an autonomous, device or part of the access, control, system the first selection, criteria. Mounting. Location, nowadays. Business. Centers, and banks impose, high demands, on design and comfort the solution, is installation. Of stainless steel and, tempered, glass speed, gates that have quite wide walkways, for comfortable, pass or classic, stainless steel box turnstiles. It. Is possible to upgrade turnstiles. By adding automatic, glass panels, for wheelchair, access and passage, with baggage. Stream. Of people at industrial, plants is higher, throughout, the working day, so. The turnstile, has to provide high throughput and improve, reliability. Box. Turnstiles, and tripods, can do that, box. Turnstiles. Form, a passage area when mounted, in a row it. Is necessary to add railing, systems to tripods. Full. Height rotor turnstiles, block, the whole height of the passage area and are usually installed, had specially, protected sites. Schools. Hospitals. Governmental. Facilities are often limited on a budget, besides, the, turnstile, installation, site is usually small so. It is reasonable to choose a compact, tripod, the. Entrance to stadiums, amusement. Parks water parks is often, located outside, it is necessary to choose all, the turnstiles, for open-air installation. The. Second selection criteria, requirements. Imposed on passage, area, arrangement. It, is necessary, to not only prevent, an unauthorized. Person passage, but, also to, provide the possibility of the escape route arrangement, in case of emergency, the. Essential, requirement, an instant. Passage clear, for, the unhindered, escape. This. Can be achieved in a number of different ways, it. Is better to choose a turnstile, that provides with wide, passage area, when the device is switched off or has, an alarm signal option, for, instance this, can be done by speed gates or motorized. Swing, gates. Turnstile. With anti, panic barrier arms or key, override, control, function will, be enough for the small facility. Anti-panic. Barrier, arms can be both automatic, and mechanical. Automatic. Anti-panic. Barrier, arms fall, in vertical, position when. Receiving an alarm signal or shut, off in this way clear, the passageway, without the need to use the key or tools. Full. Height gates are often installed for emergency, purposes as an addition to full height rota turnstiles, when, it is necessary to organize reliable. Protection from, unauthorized passage. And enhance, the security. Throughput. And passage width are important. Factors when choosing a turnstile, the. Throughput is calculated, according to peak load at the guard desk the. Passage, width effects. On convenience, and comfort for. Instance tripod. Has a passage, width of 500. To 600, millimeters and throughput. 30, persons, per minute the. Speed gate has a passage, width of 650. To 900, millimeters, depending, on the panel size and throughput, 60. Persons per minute. Next. Selection, criteria. Providing. Correct, level of security. In. Most cases it is enough to install waist, height turnstile. Tripods. Box, turnstiles, speed. Gates but sensitive facilities, require, increased, security, that, can be achieved with full height turnstiles. They. Not only just fully, block the passage but, can also work in lock chamber mode installation.

Of A canopy will protect from climbing, over the turnstile, all, turnstiles. Must, give access privileges, for, one person, not, allowing passing, one after, another using, one ID card. One. More important. Selection criteria. Way, of operating, if. Your guard desk is quite small let's, say an entrance. To a medical center then, you can install a turnstile. That works autonomously. And the, security, guard will choose operating, modes using, remote, control device, but. In this case there, is a human, factor aspect that is not taken into account visitor. Can persuade guard to let him in without, the ID card. Most, of the time turnstiles. Work, as a part of the access control system or a ticketing. System premises. Are equipped both with turnstiles, and access. Control equipment readers. And controllers. It. Is possible, to choose turnstiles. That have built-in readers, or have options, for installing, it it. Simplifies, an installation, process and doesn't, affect the design of premises. But. The most favorable, variant, IP, style, the, complete, access, control system a turnstile. With built-in controller, and readers or even a card capture, reader. In. Addition it is reasonable, to pay attention to low. 1224, voltage, of the product that ensures, safety. Smoothness. Of Bury arms rotation. Bi-directional. Passage option. Let's. Summarize. Tripod. Turnstiles. Cross-functional. Time-tested. Model, that, has a compact, housing tripod. Turnstiles, are installed at schools hospitals. Museums. Amusement, parks fitness, centers. Box. Turnstiles, are installed, for intensive, operation, at the guard desks, of the production, plants. Classic. Design of the box turnstiles, allow, us to use them in business centers and banks. Speed. Gates are designed, for VIP, entrances. In business centers offices, and banks that have to be more comfortable and stylish. Full. Height rotor turnstiles, are used at these specially, protected sites, like, factories, sports. Stadiums, seaports. Eyepiece. Tiles ready for service, access control, system controller. And two readers are built in the turnstile, post there, could also be a card capture, reader for. Guidance installation. And maintenance information, you, can always contact purko, or our regional, partners. /. Code turnstiles, are manufactured. Since 1988. And are highly reliable products, that has been proven by dozens, of thousands, of installations, in 85, countries in the world more, than 20, million people pass, through Perko, turnstiles, every, day.


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