New s/w sound testing HJRR Live and unScripted

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Transition. So, we are live. Believe. We're gonna love ya this soldier rock and roll. Come. On touch alive. Try. This new. Multi. Stream or software. See. How it's working. Also. Why. Is your warning here. Create. Different quality versions of the same screen and send it to the destination of your choice. Audio. Bitrate is too high so so, lower. Video. Bit rate is too high so lower, it I. Know. What's happening. Transcoding. Hours. Transcoding. Hours. Hey. So this is a test video. Says. I'm offline, but I'm not lying. Am i I'm flying. Definitely. Online. This. Puppy's giving me the alert. That's. The wrong button. Here. Okay. I think. I got it. This, is going out and, I, want to see if there's any, comments. Coming. In. Oh, okay. Cool hey this. Is awesome. Hey. Michael what's happening, I see you man good good, that you chat drop, me a chat. Then. About its one periscope. Can. I guess, you can do. Something in periscope, I should see everything here this. Is a. Can't. See it but there's a chat window here and. It. Connects. To both youtube, and. Periscope. So. All the chats come into one box just kind of cool. And. There's multiple. 23. Different. Streaming. Services I could stream two simultaneously. So we're. Coming at you live it. Is. Friday. May. The 18th. About. 11 21 Central, European, Time, hey. JB. What's up JB by design, how. You doing. Yeah. I'm just really does really just test video I don't really have anything you, know super. Porter's talking about but. It's testing this out it's. Working pretty, good. It's. Obviously nighttime here and I'm just using studio lights and, this. Camera is eight. Years old it is a high-definition camera and, it's pretty decent but for. Some reason I look I'm looking orange. Even. In the last video, I, was. Looking orange I'm still looking orange and I'm not sure how to fix that but. Yeah. I'm American. What's. What. Does that mean is that making me an orange, like. Trump, people. Joke about the trouble being orange. Where. Would I find it on Twitter, or just periscope, in. A city if I could see. Sending. Tweets, tensegrities. Yeah. A long weekend just started. Yeah. He's for, some reason the lighting, because. Of the green screen I. Think. That's it's related to the green screen and I. Might get too bright then. My. Face looks green in it actually becomes, transparent, we. Just not what, you thought, right. For, some reason this I'm. Getting a periscope warning I don't know if I'm on periscope. Whatever. It. Is what it is. Oh, okay. Sorry. That's the chat. Michaels, asking JB if, he was American. Is. There a weird echo oh. You. Know why. You. Know why. It's. Using two microphones. Somehow. I have a. Wonder. Okay. That's a good good point I've been using these crappy, ass headphones. They. Look cool baby, there. They. Were cheap we, came with a kit and. With a cool, looking Mouse the. Gaming mouse these do that looks. Like a charm. Yeah. I think what the echo is is two microphones, picking in the audio and. That's. What it is let me see you know what oh you think I can, let. Me get rid of this. Okay. Good. To know guys thank you for the feedback that's good to know I can. Fix, that. Where's. Advance, on your properties. We. Can. Mute. The output. Okay.

How's. That. How's, that did that fix. Did. That fix it. Check. One two. That. Should have stopped. The. Desktop, audio from, going out now, just the two okay. Cam. And. A. Mic. That's. Good good feedback guys because. This. Is new software. And. Okay. Getting. Some good feedback. So. Maybe that's resolve that problem oh yeah I was going to show you uh so that's what the cool it was a kid it was a mouse. Keyboard. And, the, reason why I got it is because it was cheap and it. Was. Led back backlit. See here. We go oh you, see that. Backlit. Keyboard. Not. A product review it. Was pretty it was pretty cheap obviously some crap made in China, it's got these LED backlit, stuff. I. Know. Mike, you're asking about the detention I'll do a video on that because I'm gonna set it up hopefully either in this program or another record. I actually took pictures before I went live and then, they let me out right, so. I wanted. This because you. Know when you play in the evening and. Yeah. When. You play the evening you know it's kind of cool to be able to see the keys right and. This. Is really mushy cheap, I thought. I thought it would be a gaming, keyboard key pad right. It. Also came with a mousepad. Could. Be. Not. Sure. Not, sure what the deal is but. Anyhow. I, switch. Back to the just a generic this. Is also a cheap-ass, one keyboard also but. It's. It's shorter it's it's not, as wide and the, good thing about that is. And. What I want to put up another computer. On this shelf here I can, work with it much easier so, all. Right cool I'm getting some good feedback so I think we. Did identify this. Problem, and I I'll just unplug, the mic from. The system. Yeah. I mean I wanted something like on the Mac like the Mac laptops, which have backlit, keyboards, which is really nice and, I. Knew. I knew that there were you, know a couple, years ago there was some for the PC but they're very expensive and. Now. And. Now they're getting cheaper so this was a cheap one and I thought it would be a little bit better quality but, it. Ain't but, that's that's neither here nor there. How's, everybody doing. Doing. Good. Cool. Well. It's uh. Is. It a long weekend for some people what's going on what's, up this is me. I'm. So, detached, from the u.s.. Calendar. Terms. Of holidays. Dubbed, the Octomom, yakushima, did. Yeah. That's a good point Apple will be pasta, probably of the first trillion dollar market cap company within. A few months. Yeah. If you guys want to talk about Apple you know I just love the products the Apple products and I really I, should. Have bought Apple right. When. It was going. Out of business they thought right it was 10 bucks 10. Bucks this year, and. Yeah. Man Dawson, was asking about. Little. Swap. Okay. Listen I am working on the. Top 10 things i hate about poland, video because i did the top six things I love about Poland. So. I'm. Working on that from for. What. Is that zr y YT why is that untii. The. Look, the the older products right I mean this is iPhone 7, which, I got because I was forced to upgrade it was two-year contract expired and it. Was pretty reasonable, to get this here, in Poland so on you. Know basically, somebody else in the family got the iPhone 6 okay but, what I really hated is. The. There's. No phone, jack and all obviously all my headphones are normal, 3.5.

Millimeter Headphone jacks, it, does come with an adapter but. I don't like it and I don't like that the, earbuds. I like, the original. Headphones. I don't know but you guys, you. Know these of these type of original. Type. Of headphones maybe. I have big ear ear holes or something I don't know but the. Earbuds, they don't fit they don't not comfortable. What, I can say about the vanilla SWA it is a very. Pretty old. Town and. Obviously. This was I, guess you could skinny we can we say historically a German, city. Right. And then after, World War 2 the Germans that live there were kicked out basically, so that polish. People from what. Is now Ukraine Western, Ukraine could have a place to go was this massive. 12. Million people. Uprooted. And. Anyway. It. It. Reminds, me of Paul's, nod or pause and reminds me of Aswan. Really. Thought the layout and everything and again maybe it's because of the German influence in terms of the planning of the city of. The old town at least and. The thing is they have. They. Have these buildings, in the middle of the rinic in Brussels and paused on which, it. Seems kind of weird right I mean cracka. Has one building in the middle of the Rinnegan, the sukkah Nitza the old cloth market and, that kind of makes sense. You, know it makes sense from both. From. A visual standpoint primarily, doesn't, make sense, so. Yeah. So. It's, it's cool City I. Have. One. Friend at. Least one friend who lives there and I visited him quite often there. And. You know he loved the Ross while you're always talking about it. Feedback. It's. Very heavy still I. Don't. Know if you talked it to me or not oh why here dad oh here let. Me try to do. One more thing here. The. In stonyold properties. Just. You. Monitor. And output, monitor fall. Check. It out, hello. Test test one two that's, a lot better for, me I. Wish. It was a way to turn off the, desktop. Audio. Completely. Did. That make any difference I. Don't. Know if that made any difference for you guys. Yeah. So. Yeah I'm working on that. I, think. I have many. Things do I have in my list I just thought of a new a new. Thing. That I hate about Poland, let. Me say you're the guy I think. I have six or seven maybe eight. Things. I hate about Poland, there we go one. Two three four, five six. Eight. I had. Eight items so I'm looking for two more oh. I. Made it worse. Mute. Output. You. Know what hey give me one second I'm gonna pull the plug on the microphone, that's. Plunked of these headphones that. Should kill. It completely. All, right. Now. That, Shh. See, we're still getting desktop, audio oh wow I see why check. One two. I think. Right. Desktop. Audio what. The mic coming through. But. Not the desktop, audio desktop, audio I guess that's what this call D that's what they're calling it did, that fix it. How's, that how's, that sounding. To. Me it sounds flat, this is not using my kick-ass. Microphone, which I should plug in and use is, using the microphone off this camera. Which. Is I. Could. Hear it before it was picking, up the. Sounds, from the. Fan sound from the computer, wasn't. That sharp. Now. It seems to be a little bit quieter maybe because it's nighttime it is quieter. Overall. One. Fan over there running. So. Let's, turn it off okay. Okay. There was another. Filthy. Thing running that's been shut down so. I'm. Still going to seeing anything from, periscope. And. I'm what are you there of scope, it's. Only if the pair of scoots periscope. Stream. Actually. Started up or not. Normally. I would see it right. It's, not not. Showing up I, got a feeling, that some kind of the default setting. Is. Not letting me edit. Settings here we go edit settings. Oh. Here. We go speed speed. Test no I don't want to be tested. Well. That's, that's that's good to know I, don't.

Know If I will continue to use the sulfur what's cool about this software is is, it has a lot of features and. It's. Free. A. Truly. Free open-source so. And, it's. Running off a PC. Not my, normal Mac, but I think I'll switch back to the Mac and. Use the commercial software which I. Paid. For one, of them I didn't, pay for the update there's a newer, version but, I don't need the newer features still. Works. You, know what I'm wondering if, this. Streaming service, when I listen to this after. Yeah. When I listen to this after we shut down I'll. Listen because what I'm doing is I'm streaming through a streaming service which then, sends. It to both, YouTube and periscope. When, I use this commercial, software which I paid for it it, actually does, the streaming directly. Or. Tries to do it directly right and, I've had some stutter, issues, where even, though I have fiber here I guess. My upstream may may, or may not be good enough or whatever, something's there's some kind of bottleneck for the upstream downstream, is, no problem, as typically. Is. But. I haven't tried using the streaming service so, I'll try that and, get, back to you on that all right, so. Listen. I hope everybody has a good weekend I have some relatives coming into town. Fool, one, of my sons this is a celebrating his First Holy Communion this, weekend it's really critical, really important in Poland obviously being, at it's Catholic country and, in. Maybe. I'll do a whole video on that once it's finalized, because it. Has been so stressful not, for me because, when. I got first. Color community it was a pretty simple process you. Know you go into church every every Sunday after. Church you would go to Sunday, school or whatever, they call it CCD, and then. For. Like an hour or so and then, what. It came time for whole. Personal community that told you this is where you sit when, you come up for community or gonna kneel here and that, was it right, and. But. For these kids at. Least at least they'll say this church this priest it, is so. Freaking. Parent, meeting after parent meeting it's like dude just do your job you're. The priest do, your job and. Do. A dry dry, run with these kids and it should be everything should be fine it's. But anyhow maybe, I'll put that definitely. One. Of the things I hate about Poland, freaking. Bureaucracy, even in the church, which. I didn't see I. Didn't. See from from America. Okay. So. Everybody. Have a great weekend, I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll. Be tweaking. This hopefully, soon and I. Think maybe if I just kill, these mics use. My real mic and. Guess. God is good and hashtag, only Jesus Saves. Hashtag, no more words for Israel and hashtag, Islam. Sucks balls, alright. So. See. If I can. Bring. This puppy. Back. It. Has some, hotkeys. Which, I set up oh there. We go. So. Listen. Thanks everybody for watching this has been all the Joel Rockwood roll coming at you live and unscripted I want to thank you for your feedback thank, you for watching please subscribe and, support this channel any. Way you can and. There's. Information in the description box for that we got a lot of music which you heard in the opening and. You'll hear again in the close if, you'd like to support this channel directly, you can certainly go to holy joke Bandcamp. Calm, and, you can buy some, of my music you. Can listen to it all for free and. You can buy either individual, songs or complete albums or the entire six. CD. Dishonor. Fee as they call it alright, so. Have you said all that remember. To make it happen for the captain because, you're the. Captain, oh. Yeah. DJ. Trump, in the White House. Ain't. No stopping, us now. Take. No prisoners, gonna, train the suave. Term. Limits for Congress. No, more lobbying for foreign governments and, the corruption for special interest, but, Americans, first. Americans. First. The. Media is against, him the establishment. Is against, him special, interest against, him the lobbyists. Are against, him the. System, is rigged Hillary. Is corrupted. And, the IRA investigation. She will be indicted. Hey. Hey. Can you, wait again gotta make America, great big.

Man Wait again you're gonna make American, Way.


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