Introduction to Web Accessibility

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Hi. And welcome i'm melissa green a technology. Accessibility. Training, specialist, with, the University of, Alabama's, office of information technology. My. Team works, to ensure that all, technology users, including, those with disabilities have. A functional, and accessible technology, experience. With, our web presence and our instructional, and emerging technologies, you. Can find more information about what we do on our website, at accessibility. UA. Edu. The. University is committed to, providing, our technology, users including, those with disabilities a. Functional. And accessible, technology experience. This. Webinar will, provide an introduction, to web accessibility. Laws. And, standards regarding, accessibility in higher ed the. University's, accessibility. Guidelines. Common. Accessibility, challenges, and solutions and. Resources. And strategies. That you can use to create accessible, documents images, audio, video, and web content. First. The, case for accessibility, the power, of the web is in its universality. Accessed. By everyone regardless of, disability, is an essential, aspect. This. Quote from Tim berners-lee the, father of the internet really. Sums, up for me what this digital, accessibility stuff, is all about and that's equal access, and opportunity. Access. To information and. Communications. Is also a basic, human right according, to the UN Convention on the Rights of persons with disabilities. So. Just who are we talking, about when we talk about disability and, who. Are we leaving out when we fail to design, for accessibility. Figures. From the World Health Organization. Indicate, that about 15%, of, the world's population, lives. With some form of disability in. The. Census Bureau's latest, American Community, Survey an estimated. 13%. Of the United States population, reported. A disability. The. Latest data from the US Department of Education. Indicate. That 11%. Of undergraduates, at, degree-granting. Post-secondary. Institutions. Report. Having a disability a. Word. Of warning about stats, now that I've shared them with you they. Often, rely, on self, reporting many. Students, don't register, with, disability, services for one reason or another and, the. Definitions, of disability vary. Across measurements. So it's hard to make comparisons. Also. The, disability, experience, is diverse, and deeply. Personal and can't. Be adequately, counted, or summed up just by looking at numbers. However. Statistics. Can give us a bit of an idea of just how many people we leave out when we fail to ensure our projects, are accessible, and it, is quite a few. Designing. For accessibility, benefits, everyone. Though not, just people with disabilities, there's. A significant. Overlap between making, digital materials. Accessible. For mobile, device users and people with disabilities, for example so. Someone, that is using, their mobile phone in bright sunlight and someone. Who has. A color vision deficiency, may. Both have difficulty. Perceiving. Color. Both. The smartphone. Owner attempting, to watch a video in a loud environment and. The deaf or hard-of-hearing user, may. Be unable to hear the audio track, improving. Access for one of those users benefits. The other. Google. Also gives higher ranking, to, mobile-friendly. Sites that have these characteristics. They, avoid flash and other software, not common on mobile devices, they. Use text. That's readable, without zooming, they. Size content, to the screen and they. Provide enough space between, links, for the correct one to be easily tapped so. Those characteristics. Can. Also be applied to sites, that are accessible, or also, described sites that are accessible, and. While. Accessibility. And usability, aren't. The same thing. Everyone. Can, from intuitive. And consistent. Interactions, and elements, and accessible. Web content, is generally. More usable. Accessibility. Also increases. Findability, and, search, engine, optimization. Proper. Heading, structure and descriptive. Link texts are a boon, to both accessibility. And SEO. Alternative. Text for images and, transcripts. And captions for, multimedia, expose. Online, content, to search engines, if you. Have ever used google image search you've, benefited from this so among, other things Google. Uses, alternative. Texts to help determine, the subject, of an image and therefore the best results, to return if. Those. Reasons, aren't, compelling. Enough for you consider. This in many cases, accessibility. Is required, by law if you.

Live In the United States, applicable. Laws include, the, Americans. With Disabilities, Act or, a DA and. The. Rehabilitation. Act of 1973. Sections. 504, and, 508. The. ADA a is, comprehensive. Civil rights legislation, that, protects, people with disabilities, from discrimination in. Public, services, programs, and activities and. While. The ABA, doesn't, explicitly address, web accessibility, it. Does require that state. And local governments. And businesses, and nonprofit. Organizations, that. Serve the public, communicate. With people with disabilities, as effectively, as with people without disabilities. The. Rehab Act prohibits. Discrimination, on the basis of disability in. Programs. Conducted by federal agencies, and programs. Receiving. Federal financial assistance, and federal. Employment and in, the employment practices. Of federal contractors. The. Portions, of the Act relevant. To accessibility, are, section. 504, which, states, that programs. Or activities that, receive federal money, must. Not discriminate, on the basis of disability and. Section 508 which, requires, that. Information. Technology, procured. Are used by the federal government, be, accessible, to people with disabilities, including, employees. And members of the public in. Higher. Ed. Additional. Laws and requirements apply. In. 2010. In response to. A complaint, filed. By the National. Federation of, the blind the US, Department, of Justice entered. Into a settlement with colleges, and universities, that, had been using the Kindle e-reader, as part of a pilot study with Amazon, at the. Time the Kindle was inaccessible. To blind students, because. The menu and control features of the device did, not include Texas. Speech functionality. In. The. Subsequent Dear, Colleague letter. To, colleges. And universities, the. U.s. departments, of justice and, education stated. That requiring. The use of emerging, technology, that, is inaccessible, to students, with disabilities.

Constitutes. Discrimination under. Section 504, and the ABA. And. Reminded. Colleges, and universities, of their responsibility. To ensure. Students, have equal access to, technologies. Used for teaching and learning. Universities. Are now charged, with planning, for accessible. Technology tools. Services, and information. According. To the departments, of justice and, education. Public. Education, institutions. Must. Provide. Accessible. Programs and services, either, directly, or through equivalent. Facilitation. Have. A plan for, how technology. Resources, will be made accessible. Demonstrate. Progress toward, fulfillment, of that plan and keep. Lines of communication. Open and, obvious. US. Department, of Education Office of Civil Rights policy. Guidance defines. Accessible. As follows. Accessible. Means a person, with a disability is. Afforded, the opportunity to. Acquire the same information. Engage. In the same interactions. And enjoy. The same services as a person, without a disability in, an, equally, effective, and equally, integrated, manner, with, substantially. Equivalent, ease, of use, the. Person, with a disability must. Be able to obtain the information as fully, equally. And independently as. A person, without a disability. Office. Of Civil Rights resolution, agreements. Have referred, to World, Wide Web Consortium web. Content. Accessibility, guidelines. As a, benchmark, for measuring, the accessibility. Of online content, many. Colleges, and universities, also strive to meet these guidelines including. Ours. This. Is a really exciting time to be doing accessibility. Work at UA. Emerging. Technology, and accessibility has. Been leading. The initiative to provide, our technology. Users a, functional. And accessible technology, experience. With our web presence and our instructional, in emerging, technologies. Since. 2015. Ua, administration. And ua web professionals, have been making progress to. Ensure our public. Facing, and campus-wide web resources, meet. Web content. Accessibility guidelines. Over the next four years. We. Are also moving, toward a university. Web accessibility, policy, that would have adopt, web content, accessibility, guidelines. To. Address the accessibility. Of public facing, web resources, campus-wide. Web resources, and core, university. Administrative. And academic functions. So. I've referenced those, web content, accessibility, guidelines. Several, times now let's. Take a closer look at the guidelines. Two. Sets of standards. And guidelines are, most commonly, used to determine if web content, is accessible. The. Standards, specified, in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation, Act. Which. Apply to technology. Procured, or used by the federal government, and the. Web content. Ability, guidelines, the. Web content, accessibility, guidelines. Or WIC. Hag, provide. An international, set of guidelines they. Were developed, by the World Wide Web Consortium or. W3c. The governing. Body of the web, these. Guidelines are, the basis, of most, web, accessibility, law, in the world, version. 2.0. Of the guidelines, published. In December 2008. Is based. On four principles. Content. Must be perceivable. Operable. Understandable. And. Robust. Wicked. 2.0. Consists. Of three priority, levels that act as an industry standard, with a being.

The Minimum level of conformance, and triple. A being the level of conformance that, ensures access, to the greatest number of people. UA. Has been making progress toward, meeting wicked. 2.0. Double A and is, moving toward a university, policy, that adopts, these guidelines. Let's. Talk a bit more about wicked. 2.0, doublea's, perceivable. Operable understandable. And. Robust, which. Is collectively. Referred, to as, poor. An. Order. For content, to be perceivable. It must be available to the senses, through the browser or through assistive technologies. People. Who have. Full. Use of all, of their sight are able, to read, text, view. Images. Understand. Visual, cues afforded. By layouts, and, understand. The, symbolic. Meaning of colors and certain contexts, so for example, red. Means stop and green means go. People. Who have full use of their hearing are able, to listen, to audio and, video but. Since, not, everyone, has the same abilities. Or equal use of all of their senses one. Of the main keys to accessibility. Is ensuring, that information is, transformable. From, one form, to another. So it can be perceived in different ways. Text. Can be transformed, into audio by, screen readers and into, Braille by refreshable, Braille displays. Audio. Is transformed. Into text, through captions, and transcripts. And, graphics. Animations. And videos are transformed. Into something perceivable. Through text, alternatives. When. Content, is operable, users. Can interact with all controls, and interactive, elements using either the mouse the. Keyboard or, an, assistive, device. Understandable. Content, is clear, and limits, confusion. And ambiguity, and, when. The content, is robust. A wide range of technologies. Can be used to access it and not, just assistive. Technologies, but, also a, range of devices and, browsers to. Which. I. Think further illustrates, how accessibility. Can, benefit everyone. Following. HTML and. CSS, standards. Is key to constructing. Robust. Content, that is functional, across, technologies. So. How can we create content that people with disabilities. Can perceive, operate. And understand. And works, across a range of technologies, that. Is a fairly, tall order and there's. No way we can address the. Entire. Diversity. Of the disability, experience and, the range of types of web content, so. We're going to focus instead on a few fundamental. Web accessibility. Principles. These. As well as a few others are outlined, in the quick reference web. Accessibility. Principles, handout. Adding. Alternative, text or, alt text. For images is, the first principle, of digital, accessibility. Alternative. Text provides, a textual alternative. To non-text. Content and, documents and web pages and, serve, several functions. It's. Read by screen readers in, place, of images, allowing. The content, and function of the image to, be accessible, to those with visual, or, certain. Cognitive disabilities. It's. Displayed, in place, of the image and browsers, if the image file is not loaded, or when, the user has chosen not to view images and it. Can be read by search engines. Every. Image needs alternative. Text that provides. An equivalent, to the image content. You. Can present. Alternative, text in two ways, within. The alt attribute of, the image element or. Within, the context. Or surroundings, of the image itself an, alt. Text should present. The content and function, of an image not, necessarily. Describe, what the image looks like. When. Determining, appropriate. Alternative, text for images context. Is everything, the. Alternative. Text for one image may be vastly. Different, based on the. Context, and surroundings, of the image itself. Let's. Say that the image on this slide appears. On a web page about, new developments to the engineering, building the. Picture, depicts. A postgraduate. Engineering, student, working, in the new electron.

Microscope, Lab if. The. Purpose, of the, image is to show off the new buildings, technologies. And spaces. Having. The alt text picture. Of a student or postgraduate. Engineering. Student won't, convey, the. Content, and function of the image effectively. More, effective, alt text in this case would be a. Postgraduate. Engineering, student, working in the new electron. Lab. Think. About what, the appropriate alt. Text might be if this same image, appeared. On the electron. Microscope. Manufacturers. Website, it's. Likely that it would be different from. If the. Image appeared, on the, engineering. Website. If. An. Image, has no relevant, content, or function, is, decorative. Or if, the alternative, text is provided in nearby text, then, the image should have a null or, empty, alternative. Text value when. Working in HTML. That's, alt equals, quote. Quote with, no space in between the quotation marks if. An. Image is a link or hotspot the alt text should, describe the links function. When. Writing alt text, avoid words like picture, of or image. Of or link, to and use. The fewest words necessary. You. Can usually add alt text by, editing, the image details. In a media library, or when, you add it to a Content or. Collection. Management, system using the visual, or WYSIWYG. Editor, the. Example shown here is the image, details, box that appears, when you edit an image in the, WordPress, visual, editor. You. Can also add alt text to the HTML. Code itself, the. Example here shows the image, element, defining. An image in an HTML. Page and, the, alt attribute of, that element, providing. A description of the image that, has been added. Essentially. You want to find out what, options for, alternative, text are available, and the tools that you use to create web, content, and put. Them to use. The. Next principle of digital, accessibility, is. Ensuring. Your content, is well-structured and clearly, written by, using the simplest, language, appropriate. For your content. And organizing, your content using true headings and lists. Someone. Who doesn't have full use of their vision can't see larger, or bold font used to indicate titles. Headings, or, subheadings, but. Can perceive, the appropriate. Markup and use it to navigate through, the document with their screen reader. Use. True, headings, rather, than simply changing, the font, enlarging. The font size and making, the text that you want to be perceived, as a title, or a heading, bold. This. Slide depicts, a document, that includes headings, added, via the Styles, function, in Microsoft Word, in, Microsoft. Word a quick way to see if your document includes, appropriate, heading styles is to, turn on the navigation, pane if, headings. Are missing, or. Improperly. Nested, you, can use the Styles, options, to fix them. Looking. At web content, where we. Frequently, see this go astray is, using, text, formatting, like font size or bold to. Give the visual, appearance of headings rather, than using actual, markup, as seen, here. Another. Common mistake is, using headings. To achieve visual, results, only so. Marking something that isn't actually a heading as a heading, because. You like the look of it or, using. The various heading levels out of order because you prefer, how they appear, if you. Want your h4, to look more like an h3, you, can accomplish this with CSS. HTML. Lists, also, convey, a hierarchical. Content, structure, so. Each of these has rules, regarding, their use. Unordered. Lists which are usually styled. Or appear, as bullets, should. Be used when there's no order of sequence or importance. Ordered. Lists, which usually, appear as numbers, or letters, suggest. A progression, or sequence. Other tips for ensuring your content, is well-structured and clearly written. Use. Empty, or whitespace to, improve, readability. Use. Illustrations, icons. Or so, on to. Supplement. Text, and check. Spelling, grammar, and readability. Another. Key digital accessibility, principle. Is helping, the user navigate, to relevant, content. This. Can be accomplished. By using the true headings we talked about, you. Should also provide a link that allows, the user to skip. Over webpage, navigation. To, the main content in the page. So. The main content, is not. Usually. The first thing on a web page, keyboard. And screen reader users, generally, must navigate a long, list of navigation. Links. Sub. Lists, of links menus. Icons. Site. Searches, and other elements, before ever arriving, at the main content, of the page. Without. Some sort of system, for bypassing. The long list of links some, users are at a huge disadvantage. Consider. Those who use computers by, tapping, their heads on a switch or, using.

A Mouth stick to, press keyboard, keys, we. Should require them, to perform, that action, over. And over and over again before reaching, the main content, on the page. There's. A number of different techniques for providing, a skip link some. Developers, will place a visible, link at the top of the page, others. Visually. Hide the links off screen, then. Make. Them be, positioned. On the screen when the link receives, keyboard, focus. No. Matter which, technique, you use the idea is to give screen reader and keyboard, users the same, capability. Of going. Directly to the main content that, sighted. Mouse users have. The, next principle addresses. Data tables, so. There's two. Basic uses, for tables on the web data. Tables, and layout, tables. Generally. Speaking you, should try to avoid using tables for layout and. Use CSS. For visual presentation. Instead. The. Purpose, of data tables, is to present tabular. Information, in a grid or matrix. And to, have column, or row headers, that show the meaning of the information in, the grid. Sighted. Users can, visually scan a table, and quickly. Make visual associations. Between data, in the table and the. Appropriate. Row and column headers, someone. That can't see the table can't, make those visual, associations. So. Proper, markup, must be used to associate. Elements, in the table. When. The proper, HTML. Markup is in place screen. Reader users, can navigate through data, tables, one cell at a time and, they. Will here the column. And row headers spoken. Aloud to them. The. Next principle addresses. The use of color, when. Working with color you must, make sure that color isn't, your only method of conveying important, information, and this. Is primarily, to ensure your content, is accessible, to people. Who have color vision deficiency, sometimes. Called color blindness, but, it's also a, principle. Of universal design for learning by. Using more than just color to convey that information, you're, providing, multiple means, of representation. When. Using color a good question to ask yourself is could. Someone, understand, this content, with the color removed. The. First image, on this slide is a map of the London Underground Railroad. Our. Distinguished. Only by the color of the lines, the. Second image on the slide is the same map but. What the color removed, and when. The color is removed there's no way to tell which, rail line is which are on which rail line a particular. Stop is located. So. One alternative, to that is to. Somehow. Imitate. The, graphic, itself. Supply. And appropriate, alt text, or the. Text in the web page to, distinguish.

Between Routes. Continuing. The map example, another strategy might, be to use different patterns for the lines instead. Of colors solid. Dash dotted. Etc. This. Slide shows. A different, transit map where this strategy, is applied so one line is a solid, black another. Is dotted black and another, has just, a black outline. Another. Approach is to use both color and pattern. This. Slide depicts colored, labels used in the Trello project, management, application. When. Trillo's, colorblind, mode is enabled a. Different. Pattern is added for each color, allowing. Users with color vision deficiencies. To perceive. Differences, among. Labels. In order. To be perceivable, your foreground, color needs, to be significantly. Different from the background color. The. Example, on this slide is, an image of text on a gray cloudy, background. And the, text reads be, someone's, sunshine, when their skies are gray, both. The foreground, text, and background are, shades, of gray except. For the word sunshine, which is yellow and, this. Combination. Is, difficult. For many of us to read but, is especially challenging for, users with low vision and, users. And bright sunlight. There. Are several, tools you can use to check for sufficient, contrast, one. Of my favorites, is the web aim a color contrast, checker which. Not only lets you check to see if your color choices meet, the contrast. Ratios, specified. By wicked, 2.0. Double A which. Is one ratio for normal text, and another for large text, but. It also helps you pick color, combinations. That provide, sufficient, contrast. To. Use it you enter the hex, or. Hexadecimal. Codes for. The background and foreground colors, if, your. Color combination. Fails to pass the test you can adjust the lightness slider to. Modify the colors, by slight degrees, until, you get a result that has sufficient. Contrast. Another. Tool our team likes is Posse alloy groups color contrast, analyzer, which. Works on the web and with documents. And images, you. Can enter hex codes to check or use an eyedropper tool, to, select, colors, to check. There's. Also a very low-tech way to see if the color contrast is sufficient. You. Can print the content, in question and greyscale. The. Next principle addresses. Forms. Everyone. Benefits from a well-organized. Useable, form especially, those with cognitive disabilities. Your. Form should be clear intuitive. And organized, in a logical manner. There should be text, labels describing. The function of each form control. Formal. Control is a text box a check box radio, button menu so. On and, that. Text, should be associated, visually. By placing, it near the form control, and non, visually, by using the HTML. Label, element. Don't. Require that form, fields be completed. Unless it's necessary and. Clearly. Identify, those fields that are required. You. Also want, to provide. Inline feedback. To users, when errors occur and when. The form is submitted feedback. About whether the submission, was successful. You'll. Also need to ensure your forms are keyboard accessible. Meaning. That they can be completed, using only the keyboard. Another. Basic principle, of web accessibility is. Ensuring. Links, make sense out of context. By avoiding. Phrases, like click here and more, as link, text and this. Is especially important. Because screenreader, users, often navigate. From link to link. Skipping. The text in between or, use. A keyboard shortcut, to view a list of all links, present, on the page. When. You add hyperlink, to your content, ask yourself. If you, read the link text out of context. Would you understand, what it's for and what clicking it will do. You. Should also alert, the user when, the link leads to an on HTML. Resource, like. A PDF, Word. Or PowerPoint file. You. Can do this by indicating, the format, of the content, you're linking to in parentheses. Make. Sure the parenthetical. PDF. Or PowerPoint is. Part of the actual link not. Just unlink text, immediately following, it. URLs. As link text should, usually be avoided unless, the. URL, is relevant, content. The. Next principle addresses. Media accessibility. In. Order. To ensure, your audio, and video content is accessible, you. Must provide captions. Transcripts. And when, necessary, audio. Descriptions. Captions. Are text that, appear, on a video to match, its soundtrack. Including. Dialogue, and nonverbal sounds, like thunder, or dog. Barking. The. Screenshot on the left side of the slide shows, a caption, video playing, in the YouTube player. Captions. Appear in white text on a black background, in. The lower third of the video above, the player controls. The. Transcript. Is a. Written. Record of a video or audio recording. It may. Or may not include descriptions.

Of Filler sounds, like um. Or an. Example. Of an MPR interview, transcript, is shown on the right side of the slide. Captions. Can be built from a transcript, by breaking, the text up into small segments, called caption. Frames and. Synchronizing. Them with the media so, that each caption frame can be displayed, at the right time. Audio. Descriptions. Are beneficial. For users with visual disabilities a. Standard. Audio description. Narrates. The visual parts of the video and is played in between the videos dialogue, and other, essential. Sounds, let's. Take a look at a quick example. From. The creators, of tangled, and wreck-it Ralph Disney. A. Carrot. Nosed collide snowman, shuffles up to a purple flower peeping out of deep snow. He. Takes a deep sniff. His. Nose lands on a frozen pond a reindeer. Looks out and pants like a dog. Seeing. The reindeer slip on the ice the snowman smiles and moves towards him though, actually he's wandering on the spot. If. Web. Video is produced. With accessibility, in mind then, audio descriptions, may not be necessary, as long, as the visual elements, within the video are described, in the audio, as. Always. We are here to help we, can provide guidance, on how to use the captioning, and transcribing, features. In most. Players platforms. And lecture capture systems. And, our. Area also administers, grants, to caption, or transcribe. Ua own video, and audio that. Will be shared on public, or campus-wide, websites, and you can find information about that on our web site at accessibility. Ua. Edu. Another. Basic, web accessibility. Principle. Is to use HTML. Content whenever. Possible, so. If your web site includes, course, descriptions. Or a, code of conduct or, other policies. Offer. That content, in HTML rather. Than a PDF, or, minimally. In addition, to the PDF. Use. Built-in, accessibility features. To help you create accessible. Microsoft Office, documents, and PDFs and if, you can't make the content, fully accessible offer, an. Accessible, alternative and, in equally effective, and equally, integrated manner, a. Final. Suggestion before we look, at some resources for, creating accessible content, remove. Any CAPTCHAs, you have associated, with your website a. CAPTCHA. Is a program, that protects, websites, against, BOTS by. Generating. And grading tests, that humans can pass but. Current, computer, programs, cannot. CAPTCHAs. Are problematic. For accessibility. Because, they present an image that can't be perceived, by assistive, technology. As, users. Is, difficult, for users with low vision to see and some. Users, with cognitive disabilities to, understand. Sometimes. An audio option, is provided, but that's problematic. For others who don't. Have full use of their hearing, it's. Problematic. For others too here is a favorite, example. Hey. Everyone as I was browsing around tonight I came across one of my biggest pet peeves online, and that's the CAPTCHA, image verification I, don't know about you but I can't read these words at all I don't know if it's a G a C, an A, and R and F I really, have no idea and some of them now have audio, verification. Which is just as useless take a listen to this and tell me if you understand, this at all. First. Of all I don't want to be typing a novel, into this tiny little box second, of all what, the hell did that guy just say I have, no idea I don't know if you understand, maybe write in the comments below if you have any idea what that guy said these CAPTCHA image verifications. And audio verifications. Are completely. Useless they, definitely need a better way of verifying our, identity. So. Avoid. CAPTCHAs. Where possible, and if you must, use. Them, the newer Google. ReCAPTCHA is, generally. Considered, to be a more, accessible option. Let's. Move on to resources, you can use to create accessible. Content, so. Like the. Microsoft. Office spelling, checker tells you about possible. Spelling errors. Accessibility. Checker in Word, PowerPoint. And, it outlook, on the web tells. You about possible. Accessibility. Issues and your office files in, newer. Versions of Office you can access, the accessibility. Checker via, the review tab in. Older. Versions you would go to file. Info. Check. For issues check. Accessibility. After. You run the check the accessibility.

Checker Task, pane shows. The inspection, results why. To fix any errors and how. Adobe. Acrobat Pro, also, offers tools to assist. Content. Authors in creating accessible, PDFs, the. Accessibility. Checker full, check and the make accessible. Action. The. Make accessible, action walks you through the steps required to, make a PDF accessible. It. Prompts, you to, address. Accessibility issues. Such. As a. Missing, document, description or title or tags it. Looks. For common elements, that need further actions, such as scanned, text, form, fields, tables, and images the. Full, check feature in Acrobat, checks, a PDF for many of the characteristics, of. Accessible. PDFs and, you can choose which accessibility. Problems, to look for and how. You want, the results. Of the check to be reported. One. Of our team's favorite, sets of tools is the wave online. Web service, and browser extensions. Wave. Stands, for web accessibility evaluation. Tool, and. Wave. Helps web developers, and content, creators make their content, morgue accessible by, providing, visual feedback, about, its accessibility. By. Presenting, your page with, embedded. Icons, and indicators. Wave. Can't tell you if your web content, is accessible, only a human can do that but. It can help you evaluate the accessibility of your web content, and teach, you a bit about accessibility along. The way. WAV, is fairly easy to use, to. Evaluate, a page you simply enter its address, on the WAV website. Or. Navigate. To the page you want to check and select, the WAV icon, in the, Firefox, or Chrome browser, extensions. WAV. Brings, the underlying, accessibility. Information of, a page to the forefront, so it can be easily evaluated, in, context. Wav. Will present, your page with embedded, icons and indicators, and, each, icon box. Or. A. Piece, of information added, by wave present, some information, about the accessibility, of your page. You. Can view a brief overview, of what each, icon or, indicator, means by selecting, it and viewing, its documentation. In the documentation. Panel. Additional. Information, is available in. The left sidebar. There's. A summary, that shows the total number of errors alerts. Features. Structural. Elements, HTML, and. Aria elements, and contrast. Errors found on the page. Selecting. Details. Represented. By a red flag, icon, shows. A full listing, of all the wave icons, on the page. The. Documentation. Panel. Represented. By a blue eye, information. Icon, provides. An explanation of, the wave icons, and how you can, make your page more accessible, what. The error or alert means why. It matters, how, to fix it and so on. Finally. The. Outline, view allows, you to see the heading structure of the webpage so. You can verify that, headings, are present, and used. Correctly. All. Members. Of the ua community, also have access to. Accessibility. Management, platform. Or amp, a, comprehensive. Accessibility. Testing, and reporting, tool. Amp. Can be accessed, via our, website, accessibility. Ua. Edu. Where. You'll also find, step-by-step. Guides to, help you get started in. Closing, the university. Of alabama is committed, to providing our technology. Users, including. Those with disabilities. A functional. And accessible technology. Experience. With. Our web presence and our, instructional. And emerging, technologies. We. Create, accessibility. And disability through. Our design choices. Let's. Create accessibility. We're. Here to help visit. Us at accessibility. Ua. Edu.


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