Web Application Technologies and Django Course 1

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hello and welcome to django for everybody one  of the things that i like to do at the beginning   of each class is sort of say why why should  you take this class why did i make this class   and in particular why django there are some  questions like oh why not flask and i'll get   to that so i just want to take you back in time a  little bit three years ago i was a happy professor   i was teaching we were teaching python for  our beginning users in our data mining and   then i thought it was really important to learn  a second language and so i taught php for our   web dev i like php it teaches you like how the  web really works i taught sql and i love that   and taught about all the good stuff and then  we talked javascript jquery and json as well   and uh and i had been building that class  literally for five years i had been building   the graders for it the stuff and and one of my  metrics as a teacher is how far do my students   get at the end of class and so i look at 15 weeks  and what was the last assignment and then that to   me is the way i judge whether or not i've done  well or not and over the years i try to get the   students farther and farther and i adjust the  first part of the class to be more efficient   so that i can be more effective at the end and  so i can put more useful stuff because there's   so much in the beginning classes that is just like  oh the mechanics of it and you got to learn the   mechanics and then you can apply those mechanics  but you just can't start off and say here   cut and paste these four thousand lines  of code it does you no good whatsoever   so three years ago i had a very well developed  php class and in no not too many words i was   told that they didn't want me to teach php for web  dev anymore because everybody wanted to do python   and a lot of people were actually doing flask in  some of the more advanced classes like our mobile   application classes so i was told to switch  to python sort of told to switch to flask   i i've done ruby on rails i've done php which is  pretty raw i've done cake php which is a framework   i've done a lot of programming with and without  frameworks and i just another teacher taught a   class using flask and i didn't like how that class  turned out i looked at the end of what they were   doing at the very end and i thought whoa that's  not very much stuff but i started with an open   mind and so i actually had a whole year when i was  teaching php for one whole year they let me teach   it for the last year that's also when i developed  web applications for everybody and that's also   become a mooc as well which i love and i think  a lot of people use it they use it it's really   a great mooc and i'm still convinced that learning  more than one language is a good idea so you might   want to take web applications for everybody  after you take django for everybody so i would   go everywhere i would go i would ask everyone  that i would meet do you use flask or django   i mean luckily five years earlier there was like  25 choices in python but by three years ago it   really narrowed down to flask and django there's  other cool ones like sanic that are specialized   but flask and django are kind of like the big ones  that everybody not web to pi there were so many of   them that i'm like oh man which one am i going to  pick and that's the problem with php frameworks is   there's so many of them although symphony and  php is kind of winning so i would ask people   django or flask and people would give me very  passionate responses they would say django is the   greatest thing ever and flask is absolute trash i  would go on to the next person they would say oh   django is trash and flask is awesome you know  fifty percent of the time they would love   one thing and hate the other one it's a it was  amazing i really got no trend whatsoever and so   about halfway through that i'm like i'm getting  no data i mean i'm getting i'm getting half the   people love one thing and hate the other thing  and so i changed the question i stopped asking   whether it was django or flask because they  were saying what do you like i was really   asking what do you like better not what should  i teach and so i said look i can only teach one   django and flask and which would you teach first  and then which would you teach second what order   and then universally everybody just  had to accept the fact that django was   way better way way better to teach  in the as the first class um and so   and so i i felt i got really strong data on  that so i picked django i wanted to use django   and in retrospect it's brilliant right i've been  working on this django class for two two and a   half years now and each semester i make it better  each semester i improve the slides and i do that   thing where i try to like compress the beginning  and get efficiently done with the beginning part   so that i can do better stuff at the end and i'm  really pleased and so what you're seeing in this   django for everybody's mooc is that two years of  careful engineering of the class and i'm really   proud you can go to projects.djfree.com and see  some of the things that the students have built   i'm amazed at how much they can actually build on  their own and literally couldn't have done it with   php and couldn't have done it with flask django  is the only way that students would be able to   produce complete functioning websites with a real  user interface at the end of a 15 weeks and so   that means that to me made django a great success  i'll close with i just got done looking at the   most recent python community programmer community  survey and um i was surprised to see that the   number one use that they had of python was web  applications and the number two use that they had   was data applications which like  floored me because i know that python   is great for data applications and it's just super  dominant part of the reason that it worked out   that way is it wasn't like web was twice as much  the python is used for so many things and so you   know that there was a lot of things on the list  and then web just edged out uh data analysis by a   little tiny bit you can be critical of python web  development and my answer is if it's not perfect   it's going to be perfect because people like to  write in python and they don't want to write in   rust or elixir or scala those are harder to  learn and honestly whatever the shortcoming   of python web development um it's going to get  fixed so welcome to django for everybody i really   enjoyed and i've been looking forward to the  moment where this be was mature enough and well   enough developed to become a mooc and so here we  are and i'm glad to make your acquaintance cheers hello and welcome to the first course in  the django for everybody specialization the   purpose of this course is to in fact make it so  that the only prerequisite you need are python   skills like you might have taken the python for  everybody specialization and finish that and then   you can come here and and so i don't want to  put a bunch of prerequisites like html and css   and sql and so what i've done is i've just  covered all the foundational knowledge that   sort of uh supports the rest of the specialization  in this class we're going to use python anywhere   in this first class we're going to install  django we're going to use it for some html css   and sql assignments and so the idea  is to get everybody on the same page   when we uh when we finish this course so that  we can sort of at that point start digging into   learning how python and django work together hello  and welcome to our lecture on dynamic web content   uh it may seem kind of weird to be talking about  building web applications but and to when we start   out talking about build building web applications  that we're going to talk about protocols and stuff   but in a way when you're building a web  application if you don't understand the   protocol and you just sort of say i changed  this a little bit of code and hit refresh and   some magic happened um you really are cheating  yourself in terms of becoming a really good web   application developer because ultimately these  protocols are what enable web applications and   as you go forward and use frameworks  you don't need to know all these things   in detail but when you debug your applications  you absolutely do and i don't know if you've um   had your firefox console or looked at things and  watched there's so much complexity going on and   and when you're using a web application then  hopefully everything works and that complexity   is hidden from you so if you have uh some interest  in this and want to go even lower to sort of   more than network protocols not just the http  protocols i've written a free book on networking   called introduction to networking how the  internet works that you are welcome it's   you can buy a print if you want but it's also  completely free like every book that i write these   and so if we take a look at uh what we're going  to really be talking about in this lecture and in   this web application course is the technologies  the different technologies that are used to in   effect produce a web page right so we have a web  page over here uh you go to url dub dub data i   mean data.pr.pr4.org page1.htm and you know here  comes a page and this is like a super simple page   but there are so many technologies like how  browsers work with javascript and jquery and css   and eventually vue and things like that that's  a whole set of front-end technologies and then   there's sort of back-end technologies like django  or flask and databases and we're gonna we're gonna   learn in this my focus in this class is less about  how to make it all look beautiful although that's   important um and more about how to uh deal with  the back end so what we're gonna see is these   technologies that define the look and feel and the  interactivity of your web pages but also then how   data and html cs and javascript are served up by  the remote server and so the internet here is in   the middle the browser is sitting on your laptop  or your phone or whatever and it has all these   technologies built into it it makes requests  and then the server comes back with responses   and so the simplest version of this  protocol is that you click on a tag   and when you click on that tag you get a new web  page um now if you watch your debugger console   you will see that sometimes it's 120 different  request response cycles used to construct the page   but other than but in in a sense they're all  the same now as we move to things like http 2   there are ways to pull down multiple documents in  a single connection but we'll stick with the old   http one way of thinking about it in the simplest  form the browser asks for a document and then   retrieves the document and then shows the document  and that is the basic request response cycle   so if you look at how this works that browser is  an application running inside your computer on   your laptop or your phone that is a piece of code  and in that it's got a connection to the screen or   the keyboard or the mouse or whatever and it's  watching for events meaning that you're going   to go and you're going to click somewhere and then  this application is going to respond to the events   so on a web page in the simplest case you got  stuff that you can click on and stuff that you can   can't and you go find your way through whatever  to click on part of that web page and that click   is intercepted by the application whether  it's chrome or firefox or safari running on   your piece of equipment and then that's that  application then opens what's called a network   socket a socket across the network  to a web server and sends a request   and that request as we'll see in a bit is  a specially formatted request it has a get   command and then it has the url that it wants to  get from the web server and then the web server   does a bunch of work inside itself a bunch of  work inside itself maybe reading disks files   and running programs generating what it is that  you want and then it sends the response back on   that same socket connection so there's like this  socket connection through which all of this stuff   is viewed and so the html is one that kind of  the basic thing that comes back as we go further   we'll see that it's not just html it comes back  but other things as well come back and so when   the browser receives that html then it says oh  i know what html is i've got this header one tag   here let me let me change the color  of this thing so you can see that   see it a little better yellow is way better  okay so when the browser um receives this page   it it sort of sees it and it looks at it and  then it looks at all the html and so part of   this course is to understand the syntax of html  um that itself is a you know how to build good   html and css and how to make it look beautiful  but ultimately something in that html plus it's   css plus its javascript leads to a visual display  of the page and then that's the thing that you see   and so this is the request response cycle  so up next we're going to talk about   what these network sockets are or the things that  fundamentally underlie this request response cycle so network sockets are like phone calls for  computers and literally in the 1960s when   they were designing the concept for network  software that is the concept that uh they   came up with and that is that you know in a sense  you know we make a call we talk on the call and   hang the phone up and as as computers we're going  to share data and some computers were going to   have data and other computers were going to want  data they thought oh the way to do this is not   necessarily have a permanent connection to that  data because there's going to be so many computers   and so many uh so many sources of data and so many  computers that want to consume those data and of   course in 1960 they had no imagination that there  would be billions they just thought there would be   ten thousand and they thought that was a lot but  they came up with a protocol that basically said   when you you you don't have continuous permanent  access to data you actually make a phone call you   know where you the data is at you kind of say  you dial up you grab the stuff you get it back   and then you let the connection go and so it  means that with billions of computers each talking   to each other the network isn't so complex  and so there's this connect talk disconnect   connect talk disconnect and it's the way the  phone system in our world um scales to all the   people and it's the way the internet scales to  all the people that want to use that internet   so this is made inside of software using  an abstraction or library called sockets   and sockets really are computer phone calls  you know where you're going to call you can   start the call wait for them to answer once  they answer there is a two-way communication   it's kind of like a file except that you  can simultaneously read from the file and   write from the file although it's important for  the two cooperating pieces of software to know   who's going to read first and  who's going to write first because   it's like if you know when you pick the phone  up after it rings we all know to say you know   hello um and that's that's kind of a protocol who  talks first as a protocol like or and then the   person goes like who is this and then eventually  conversations happen pretty naturally you know   somebody talks listens someone else talks  listens and that works but there's there's   complicated protocols and you can think of this  not necessarily as the browser on your on your   laptop or phone as talking to data on the server  it actually is talking to another program so even   when it's just retrieving a file it's talking to  an application on that server and that application   is reading the file and sending it out and  we'll see that eventually how we have to do that   when we're doing things like uploading pictures we  upload pictures and then we have to actually serve   them back out we can't just say oh the pictures  are there you can grab them but sometimes not   everyone can see every picture and so part of the  software application decides if you are allowed to   see this picture i will send it if you're not  allowed to see the picture i will not send it   and so that's where it's a piece of software that  you're talking even if you're looking at a picture   sometimes that software is really simple and you  barely notice it but there is software in the loop   it's not like you just go straight to data it is  really two pieces of computer software talking   to each other and we use the internet as that  intermediary to allow that conversation to happen   so if you read my book about the tcp  you'll learn this in super great detail but every computer has an ip address it is a number  there are two kinds of addresses there's ipv4   and ipv6 ipv4 version 4 is the one that's got  four dotted numbers like you know but within each of those they have what's called  a tcp port number and because this whole internet   thing is applications talking to applications we  need to have a good way to know which application   we're talking to and that's where tcp port  numbers come in and you can think of this   as like a phone extension uh you know so you  have a phone number and then you have you know   extension 1436 and so tcp port  numbers are like that so we can   not have a specific address for every application  but an application that has an address and a port   within that address or a phone number and  an extension within that phone number and   so you can look these things up port 25 is  used for email service server communication   in the old days we use this thing called telnet  we'll talk about that on port 23. and so the the  

client is on the right hand side and it might be  it might be a computer where you've got a keyboard   and it's you or it might be a server that's got  some mail that's being forwarded from somewhere   and they all talk and they connect to an ip  address in this case 74208 28177 is the ip address   of this computer and then port 25 is the extension  where one computer sends email to another computer   and each of the arrows in between them is a  separate protocol so if you're talking to an email   server you expect to talk an email protocol and if  you're talking a login server your login protocol   that's kind of the simplest one or a web server  web server can be on port 80 if it's unsecure   preferred of course is https which is on port  443 if you have a mail application like say   thunderbird that's reading gmail it talks to ports  109 or 110 or a couple of other ones that are ways   for a mailbox application to talk a protocol  to a server-based mailbox to retrieve the new   messages or delete a message or view a message or  whatever so there are these ports on servers that   have protocols and then we can build software  on our clients that talk these protocols the   one we're going to be playing with the most in  development mode is port 80 and the production   mode port 443 for the http for you know web  documents basically in web application documents   so up next we're going to take a quick look at the  hypertext transfer protocol i also want to call   it hypertext transport protocol http and that is  the protocol that we talked to port 80 or port 443 hypertext transfer protocol is the protocol that  browsers use to talk to servers now we've used   it for all kinds of other things because  it turns out that it's a super simple and   super elegant protocol this goes to a long time  ago this protocol was invented in 1990 which is   like going on 30 years ago yeah  going on 30 years ago now or more and there were many protocols you would have one  piece of software that and their server software   and client software you had to match them up  and then you talk to the right port with this   server software and one of the inventions of  tim berners-lee and robert caillou at cern was   that we came up with this notion of instead of  lots of pieces of software we would have one   piece of software called web browser and it would  be multi-protocol and so we have this thing called   the url or uniform resource locator and we just  sling these around we just use them but these   things this was a itself an amazing innovation in  1990 because in the old days it'd be like use this   piece of software and talk to this address so the  url captured three really important very separate   things the first thing it did is it allowed for  multiple protocols now the one that you mostly   have seen is http or https but that's a protocol  ftp colon or male 2 colon might be the other   ones that you've seen and then a host and then a  document and that host is a domain name which is   a nice symbolic way to to get a server  address and that that eventually resolves   to you know an ip address like 141 206 14  22 or something and then document within   that server and that slash page1.htm is the  document in the server and i'm just saying   before 1990 there were many protocols and we did  many things but after 1990 this one protocol http   found its way into so many awesome solutions that  it's by far other than email the the dominant   protocol that we use on the internet it like i  said it was invented at cern by tim berners-lee   and robert caillou to retrieve documents and  images and and as soon as they built it because it   was all the other protocols that came to most of  the other protocols were kind of complex because   we're computer scientists and we make  complex things and we love complex things   and we're very very good at complex things um but  this was you know when the web was being built   tim and robert were not like we're going to make  the greatest thing ever we're just going to make   a simple thing so they made a simple thing but it  turned out to be the greatest thing ever because   different engineers would be like oh wow i  can use that a little different way and it   was the grounding of it was super simple and the  basic concept was you connect to a server you   figure out where it is you send a single command  with a bit of extra data and then you get back   something a document it could be an image it  could be data it could be html and it was really   amazing right and so the sockets the underlying  sockets are the things that make the phone call   http is what we do once this phone call has  been established so one of the things that   made the internet so successful starting  in the 1960s was a radical openness a very   we're all around the same campfire feeling uh very  friendly respectful uh that a lot still allowed   criticism there wasn't like one super genius that  designed this or one company that designed this   this was a collaboration and the collaboration  was around a set of open standards and meetings   to help build these standards and they were  called rfcs they're called request for comments   and there was a group that built these called  the internet engineering task force the ietf   and the request for comments is a fun notion we're  looking here at a september 1981 document which   is 40 years old about now and it's called a  request for comments and the idea is as engineers   we might have a design that you know  everyone thinks is the greatest thing ever   but we should always question no design is perfect  no design is beyond question no design is beyond   commentary and so even when they're 40 years old  and used worldwide and dang amazing we still say   there is room for improvement and so this talks  about um i think this one's ip and there's an ipv6   there's another one if you look for uh this  rfc that we're looking at here there'd be ipv6   and you'd start reading it and it's pretty dense  reading but as an engineer it gives you all the   details to build a router or build a piece of  software or build whatever and these are 100   100 percent public documents and this the idea was  is that no company because literally the companies   that were around in 1960 if they had said  burroughs or sperry owns the internet or digital   equipment owns the internet they're all out of  business because they didn't make good choices   but the market was able to make good choices and  because the the commons were these open standards   and open specifications new companies like sun  microsystems and new operating systems like   linux could come in and even windows could come  in and participate as full participants because   they just read these specs and all of a sudden  they're interoperating with everybody else this is   fundamental and foundational to how the internet  works and i'm not saying you're supposed to go   read them but it's just fascinating to understand  that the entire technological infrastructure upon   which the internet is built is free license free  royalty free and you could build a brand new   gadget and you could hook it to the internet  by reading these specifications you don't have   to pay a developer's license or nothing it's  dang it's cool sorry i'm just a little bit too   excited about that so let's take a look at one  of these in particular now this this is probably   supplanted but we'll look at rfc 26 16. they go  up in numbers and so um this is http hypertext   transport transfer protocol and if you wanted  to build a web browser or a web server you could   read this document go ahead read the document  and if you read down far enough you'll say   oh this is how you make a request blah blah blah  it's got a header and it's got like a carriage   return line feed and then a message body and you  got to do this and this is what it looks like   this is how it works right and so at some point  you're deep in this document and you're finding   out and this page right here of this document  how your browser is supposed to format it and   this tells both the client and the server what the  rules of the protocol are now it's a lot easier to   just for me to tell you so you connect to the  server on a socket usually port 80 or port 443   and then the client is supposed to make the first  sound it makes first request it sends a line   with a carriage return line feed at the end that  has the characters there's other ones but get g   e t space a url space and then a protocol and  right now i'm using this hdb 1.0 because i can   do it by hand right and uh and so you ask for a  document and then you can optionally send some   header information uh things like what language  this browser person at this browser prefers   you know what are the capabilities of this browser  what version browser we have so there's a series   of things you say give me this document and  here's something about the browser that's   requesting the document including information  like cookies that are being said now so this   in case you want to know who is doing this  request because you've logged somebody in and   set a cookie to indicate that they're logged  in that's all sent on this get request but   we'll not send the headers there's actually  incoming headers and then outgoing headers   we'll see these when we start looking at  uh you know firefox's debugging console   and so this is an entire interaction that you can  do on your laptop now i'm not going to do it for   you but i would note that the program telnet that  this uses has been removed from most computers it   makes me sad they think of it as a security hole  because it doesn't use encrypted connections like   port 80 is generally is not an encryption cryptic  connection but um ultimately you can install go   go search on your favorite search engine and find  out how to install telnet but if you get in a   command line whether it's a windows command  line or a mac command line or linux command   line and you get telnet properly installed  you can type the following command telnet   data pr4e.org 80. then hit enter and at that  point so telnet originally was used to log  

into computers but if the server we're talking to  in the protocol that we're talking to is simple   enough and in this case http 1 is simple enough  for us to be able to do this we're actually   talking to the server because i remember i said  that these are applications they're not you're not   your browser is not talking to files your browser  is talking to an application on a server and the   server might give you back a file so it's really  talking to a piece of software and we'll see this   in more detail in the next section and so what  will happen is because the http protocol requires   that the client speak first we have to type now if  you can get this working and type wrong things and   you know type couple enters new lines um you will  see that you're talking to a piece of software and   it will say you have violated my protocol you're  not talking to a thing that has any online help   or user interface or anything like that you're  talking to a server and your job is to request   some data using the proper format because you read  the specifications about the proper format right   so in this particular one we just it's easier to  cut and paste this because some of these servers   if you don't type fast enough they'll be like  you're not a software you're a human quit playing   with me like you talk to facebook or something and  you you can talk to facebook and see what happens   on port 80 um and it will time you out really fast  so it's good to have a cut and paste buffer so   you paste this get command in and the other thing  that's important is you got to put an extra blank   line and this extra blank line is to indicate that  you're not going to send any of those headers if   we were going to send things like what language we  would prefer or what formats we would prefer as a   browser you know the browser has certain languages  and other configurations and login information   and that can get sent up to the web server  along with the request for the document   and we would be able to type them in here but  we're not going to do that in this very simple   we're just going to say enter which means no more  headers if you were putting in headers you type   header header header header and then enter on a  blank line and then the server would know that   our request was finished but we can just ask for  a page and then what the server does is it sends   us back two pieces of information first it sends  us headers the first header is http 1.1 200 okay   that's actually a status line now you'd have to  go read the documentation on how what that works   but for example 200 means that you got a document  another one that you might have seen is 404 it   might say 404 not found so if you go to a web page  and it doesn't exist something will save 404 in   your browser usually unless it says here's  a search box go find it but you can there's   a status and so you might the thing that you're  typing page1.htm may or may not be on this server   if it is then you'll get a 200 okay and the data  or you get a 404 not found and then we get some   response data some header response and this header  response looks pretty much like the same format of   the data we would have sent into the browser  if we were sending things like that in there   it here it's what the date is what the server  we're using last modified and one of the important   things is what kind of content are you about  to see content type in this case is tech slash   html which means the thing coming next and then  there's a blank line and the blank line is our   indication as we're reading this data that we've  finished the header which is really metadata   about the page we're retrieving and the actual  page itself and so the rest of this page is the   actual data and we know the format of it because  we are told before the page starts this could be   image slash png this could be xml application xml  and it could be json it could be like anything   and then the browser is supposed to and if you  this was an image it would be like garble garble   garble garble garble garble right it would be  all garbled stuff that we can't really see but   the browser knows what a png or jpeg looks like  and it shows it to you and it basically uses this   text html to tell you what's going on and so this  then your browser has read all this information it   has both the metadata and the data about the  retrieve page and then its job is to sort of   produce a pretty rendered version of the page and  show it to you and that is the request reset cycle   again you don't have to do this you can just sort  of believe that it's done here but if you want to   install talent on your system it's not a bad thing  to install telnet it's kind of a classic fun thing   it's far less useful than it was in the early days  because we used to use telnet to test everything   now we've got like browser developer consoles  that are way easier than uh than than telnet   but um it's kind of a cool thing feel free to do  this and you'll be like i know what's really going   on and um so i'm a big fan of using the  console of using the terminal of using   text-based interfaces i think they're actually  way more accessible i think it's awesome   and and in a way all these fancy graphical user  interfaces uh distract us from the simplicity   of what's going on inside of computers because  you think well where's the button and the answer   is oh there's probably some command inside  this computer that does what the button does   so i have a former student of mine who uh  actually wrote the the scene and i think   maybe it was made matrix two i think this  was matrix two uh yeah matrix reloaded and um   this scene where trinity is breaking into the  power grid and she is using the console and it   turned out that the way this scene was written is  it was written exactly as a hacker whether it's   a hacker with bad intent or good intent because  there are hackers with good intent who are trying   to break into your system so they can tell you for  you pay them to break into your system so they can   tell your vulnerabilities but you can take a look  at the analysis of this little scene um and just   this sort of is just one of the cool things about  me teaching people about how to use the command   line and increasingly me teaching people  about how to use linux i really think that   it's okay to know your mac and windows command  line but really increasingly the world in the   server world and we're starting to work on  web servers in this class and you might as   well start learning some linux because other  that's an important skill just writing some java   code or ruby code or django code that's a skill  but knowing how to start the server debug your   application find log files etc in the command line  is really important in real production systems   because we're going to play in some simplified  environments to make it a little easier but those   simplified environments go away once you go into  real production in a real job and so i'm really   into teaching you linux command line etc etc so up  next we're going to show you in python in effect   as few lines as i can possibly show you how a  browser works how browser sends the http protocol   how a server reacts to the http protocol and  returns documents so that's what's coming up next so now we're going to build a very simple browser  and server in python okay so import a library   import socket and that just like you know import  math or import whatever that pulls in a library   into python sockets are built into python it's  very cool um and it's very very simple so we're   sockets kind of function like files but they're  files that we can send data to and receive data to   but when you're using a file in python you've got  to first open it and so the opening of a file of a   socket is a really a two-step process first you  create the socket and that socket sort of lives   in your computer as a as an endpoint that's not  yet finished it's it's the end point that you're   going to send and receive data to inside your  computer but then we have to actually make the   phone call so so socket dot socket and don't worry  too much about this syntax we don't change it   socket.socket basically says make a phone that's  what we're making and then my sock.connect  

that second line is dial the phone and we're  dialing the phone to a to a domain name   data.pr4e.org and a port in that domain name  so that is the call now if we made a mistake   right if we had we were dialing and not talking to  the right server and or that server didn't exist   this connect would blow up meaning we'd make a  phone call a data phone call to a server that   doesn't exist that line was is what's going to  blow up but as you continue down to the next line   if you continue down to the next line if it gets  that far now you put try and accepts around this   if there was but i don't want to keep this  really short so i'm not putting in all the   stuff all the error checking so connect might  blow up socket.socket won't blow up because it's   like unless you don't have networking at all  in your computer but it's unlikely these days   um but my sock connect is like dial the phone dial  the data phone to this endpoint and it includes   the port the port 80 that we talked about before  and now we need to send a command and in this   command it's exactly what we talked about before  it's exactly what we sent by telnet it's a get   followed by a space followed by our url followed  by a space followed by a protocol http slash   1.0 and then we hit the enter now it turns out in  network world you actually hit two things it's the  

slash r slash n is a return and a new line um  and you have to hit it twice the enter at the   beginning the first line and then remember we  had to put that blank line in because to say no   headers now we would put in between here we put  all our headers in there if we were going to do   that but we're not going to do that and then you  have to use encode and encode means that the data   sent across the internet is generally sent in  what's called utf-8 inside of python the data   is in unicode so that you can put literally any  character in a python string and then preparing   it to send it out across the internet we kind  of encode it into the more dense uh uti or you   know more compressed utf-8 format rather than we  don't send strings across the internet in unicode   in general and it's very rare but it would you'd  have to control both ends we want to send them in   utf-8 and so the string get blah blah that's in  the unicode string in python and dot encode says   convert this into a utf-8 string so command cmd  is a variable that has a utf-8 string in it and   then we say send now remember i said that you can  simultaneously send and receive on these sockets   but the protocol tells us whether the first  thing we're supposed to do is listen or talk   and we're the browser in this case and so we're  supposed to talk first so we send the request out   and that's just like you typed it in telnet  because in effect you're scripting telnet   telnet we liked telnet in the old days because  it was kind of like a socket i could connect to   any host any port and type things and see if it's  broken or not um and what and the protocol says   once the server has received the first  line any headers and then the blank line   then it's to return it so then the next part  of this is we're going to have a little loop   so the protocol tells us we are supposed to  receive data until the sockets closed and   at the bottom of that telnet you saw that  it sent a bunch of lines like four i think   and then it closed the that closed it that's  what's going on here we are retrieving data   and then this receive this actually waits if the  server is coming slower the network is slow this   piece of python will be sit sit sit sit oh got a  little bit got a little bit up to 512 characters   it will it will wait until it's gotten 512 or it's  that it's got it's done and it's got 100 or so   but the receive is a blocking waiting operation in  python says give me up to the next 512 characters   now usually the network's so fast that the python  doesn't even wait because this operating system   already has it but we get it and if the we get  uh no data whatsoever that is our indication that   the network connection the socket has been hung up  on closed by the remote server and away you go so   that's why we are going to break if the length of  the date is less than one and if not we're going   to uh simply print out the data but we're decoding  it and that's because the data that comes in   is in utf-8 but the print statement wants to print  uh unicode and so decode says here's a variable   that has utf-8 in it convert it to unicode for  printing inside of python so the because this   data is externalized to us we encode it before we  send it and we decode it when we receive it before   we use it because python inside itself doesn't  use utf-8 python inside itself uses unicode   which is awesome and a whole separate conversation  i'm just kind of bringing that up to remind you   how important it is because we're not going to  write much of this in python really and all this   stuff is taken care of for us in web servers when  we get to that point but it's just a good time   to review python's strings and unicode and  encode and decode because it's really important so if you run this and you've got it right  it's it runs uh pretty simply let's get the   color back get back to yellow here so if you  run it in your system python socket one dot py   um it will all the work is done up here before  you see your first output and then this all this   output that you see is just this loop running and  what you see is really the exact headers that are   coming from this server and then you see a  blank line and then you see the actual page   that's coming out and you don't see it but  at the end here the connection gets closed   and you break out and you're done and  then we we close our end of the socket   the socket the far end was already closed  that's how we know to stop reading data   um and then we hang ourself up so that our local  system does not end up with a bunch of half   half hung up phone calls and so that's  basically how we talk to a socket in python   now that was literally 10 years ago how i would  debug applications i would like telnet or write   a little thing like that and dump all the headers  and that got really tiring really boring really   tiring and so uh browser developer mode is going  to be your friend in a way browser developer mode   i'm going to have a separate video on this browser  developer mode lets you look at the sent headers   the received headers the receive data the sent  data what url it went to and it's super awesome   especially because a lot of web pages have like 40  to 150 request response cycles so you don't want   to bug them all by hand you just let the browser  do its thing and say what was that second one and   what went wrong in the second one i spent a lot of  time when i'm debugging web applications uh using   the developer mode and that's why i have a special  little video that gets you familiar with it i tell   you by the time you've done web stuff for a little  while you're going to know your browser developer   mode so next we're going to talk about writing  code in the server to respond to these requests so we build a browser in python it's time to build  a web server in python so remember that what we've   got here is we've got you know the browser is an  application and we've we've made this a python   application now that sends this get request so we  we have effectively like i said built the world's   simplest browser and that sends a get request  the server does something and then it sends the   response back and now we're going to kind of  change this right we're going to assume the   browser exists and it's like okay because  we're going to be the server folks right   so now we're going to look in greater detail  at what goes on in the server and so here is a   very very simple web server it's a few more lines  than the uh than the uh the simplest web browser   because we have to put a little bit of error  checking in with some tries and accepts okay so   let's let's walk through what this code does okay  um let me let me change the color again to black if you're from microsoft and you can tell  them to make a key to change the color on the   on the scribbler i'd greatly appreciate it oh and  then i went down a page too okay so we're going   to pull in some more stuff from this from the  socket we're going to pull in some stuff from the   socket right here and um so we're going to make a  function called create server that we're going to   call right down here and it's going to print out  how you're supposed to access it and then start   the server now the whole idea of the server is the  server is woke up to wait for incoming connections   so the server already exists so when you start  talking to a web server that server's in that   computer already the server software is already  running registering its interest and incoming   request so that's what we do so when this python  program starts it's going to sit there and wait   in an infinite loop for incoming requests so the  first thing we do is we're going to make a socket   this looks very much like the time we made it's an  end point it's not actually making the phone call   we're remember i said this socket call is making  the phone so we're saying we're going to make a   phone and it's up to us later to decide if we're  going to make a phone call or receive phone calls   and then this next thing is like to connect  except this is i am willing on port 90 to receive   the phone calls now it turns out there's only one  program on port 90 that can receive phone calls so   this might blow up you might try to do this i mean  port 9000 and if you run this twice and you can   do it in two windows on your computer the second  one will blow up and say you can't have port 9000   because another piece of software has it but as  long as there's only one running away you go and   that's part of this whole try accepting because  it's if you run this twice it's gonna blow up the   second time because you cannot receive phone calls  on this server on port 9000 with two applications   one application gets the phone calls that's  what socket listen says the five on there says   um dear operating system uh if i'm busy handling  one phone call uh you can hold on to four more and   cue them and then i'll come back and get them for  you and that you're asking the operating system to   cue incoming calls don't just say you're busy shut  down if you didn't say this listen five if you're   busy writing the data for phone call one and  phone call two came in and you weren't ready   for it right that instant it would just deny the  phone call so that's what listen says is dear   operating system hold hold those temporarily i'll  get back to you which is how it works and then   what happens is we go into this accept now this  accept is i'm at the phone i've registered what my   number is and what my extension is and i'm ready  to pick the phone up let me know so this accept is   blocking it stops and it just sits there and and  it can sit there forever you know just literally   forever if nobody calls it nothing happens the  next line never exit never runs until you blow   it up or the server goes down so that's accept  is a blocking and the reason we do this except   well we have to establish the phone call first  right so then this next line runs only when   a phone call is received so that means that we on  the browser side we already connected you know we   made the phone call now we haven't seen any data  yet right and so this is just now at this point   somewhere out there there's a piece of client  software that has done a socket.connect and we   have done accept and our accept has succeeded  in the server the connect has succeeded and we   are ready to talk so the phone call has been made  now the question is who's going to say hello and   this is where the http protocol solves our problem  the server knows that the client must speak first   so it just does a receive now you'll notice the  receive and the send are the same function calls   because it's a two-way thing the whatever the  browser is sending the server is receiving and   whatever the server sends the browser receives  and they can do it simultaneously if they can   figure it out but usually you kind of like say  it's your turn to listen and my turn to send   and then i'll listen and usually they kind of go  back and forth in this there's only one step you   the server listens gets the get request sends the  data back and um so then we're going to uh read   some data and we're going to get 5000 characters  we're get the whole thing remember it's one line   it has a get request in it it has the optional  parameters in it and so we're going to split it   now again we've received it as utf-8 we've got it  decoded for utf-16 um i mean not utf-16 unicode   inside of um python and then we split it based  on new lines because the get request is on one   line then header header header header header and  then the blank line to tell us that we're into the   headers and we're only going to take in this we're  just going to look at that first line we're not   going to do anything with it most most servers  actually like look at the line to figure out   what document to send it's a very simple server it  sends the same document no matter what the url is   all we do with the url is we print to it print it  out to prove that we got it and then we construct   a response and in this response again go back  to rfc 260 2616 and it will tell you what this   response is supposed to look like it sends back  a 200 okay remember this is all the stuff we saw   probably i cut and pasted it from a working  thing we tell it that we're sending it back in uh   content type text html the character set utf-8  remember i was telling you that a blank line   and then some html html body hello world body and  i'm throwing in these slash r slash ends which is   the network's version of new lines and then you  will notice that i encode it before i send it   because it's unicode inside of python and it  needs to be sent as utf-8 because the phone   when you're in a socket the thing that's going  across the socket almost always is supposed to   be utf-8 so we encode it and and then because the  protocol says so as soon as we send the data we   close the connection now remember that the client  had to close the connection too so we close it   it's half closed and then the client gets all of  its data gets the indication that it closed knows   it's finished all the data and then the client  shuts its side down and so there are two hang-ups   it's kind of like a phone call the person hangs  up and then click you hang up now there you can't   really keep talking but you do want to have both  sides hang up and that shutdown is what's going on   and then the rest of this is all try except for  various things so we clean up our socket so we   don't have to restart our server when our software  blows up and so the rest of it's pretty simple and   then so this while one the first browser will talk  and then it'll send some data and then go back and   wait for the next phone call and that's what's  going on the next phone call comes in it doesn't   get sees the get request it sends the data back  then goes and asks waits for another phone call so   this is an infinite loop that sits and waits for  incoming phone calls and it you know it answers   the same thing so it's like you call this phone  number and it goes and you go i would like a pizza   and it says hello world and then click and then  you call it up and say i would like a car and it   says hello world click and then you say i would  like to register for this class and it says   hello world click so this is not a very flexible  server you will build far more flexible servers   but it's the one i could build and fit on a  single page in a slide deck so to run this   if you uh you know you download this code  and it's tiny bit of code and you run it   so you go somewhere maybe your  laptop maybe python anywhere   i don't know if it works on python it probably  doesn't work on python anymore because you can   actually talk to ports but let's just run this  on your laptop and you you start the server up   somewhere get a hold of my sample code or download  it from here server.py and it's telling you this   is just output from the server and this is the  moment at which it's waiting right it's waiting   the server could wait for hours at this point  but i just give you this in a print statement   so you can copy that and put it into your browser  so you paste localhost 9000 into your browser and   then the server is printing that it got a get  request for the slash document from this browser   that's what the browser send i mean we're talking  from firefox browser to the little web server that   we just built now there's another a second get  request that you don't even know because you   didn't ask for it and that's because the browser  is built in to ask for a url called favicon.ixco   so that it can make an icon and that icon ends up  in the tab or wherever in your browser so that's   like an icon for the website so you didn't ask  the browser to do this but it's a thing browsers   do and you'll see when you're looking your debug  logs when you're building stuff that it's a favico   and so this this happens like blink link and  now it's waiting again right and you can hit   refresh or you can go start a different browser  and you would see these get requests every get   request you're going to see uh in your browser  and your server so it's uh so it's working and   it works really well and you're welcome to  go ahead and play with it and try it all out   so now we're going to do is build a simple web  client and that'll talk to our server so the other   web client we made talk to data.pr4y.org this  one is going to talk to yourself so it's this it   almost looks identical right we're going to make  a phone call we're making a phone we're going to   connect to localhost 12701 is the ipv4 connection  what's called loopback right to the same host   we're talking to port 9000 because that's where  we've got our web server running that little web   server we just wrote and then we're going to send  a get request a valid gut request to this thing   http one zero and then two new lines and we're  going to encode it into utf-8 before we send it   then we send it and then we just have a loop  to print it all out and then when the socket   gets closed we hit a break and then we close our  end of the socket so the server clicks the phone   and then we're know we're done with our data but  we've already printed it out and then we hang up   the phone on our end to kind of clean everything  up all the way in between everything else so this   is a very simple web client and so now you can  run the web server right just like we did before   and instead of talking in a browser we run this  client and this client gets a header of http one   okay it's content type html it gets a new line  and then the body and we're done now i mean it's   not a browser but it is client that's talking http  and so now you'll notice that this server sort of   sits and waits for incoming calls you could run  this over and over on the client run the client   over and over again right um and then you would  see more requests but in general the server is   destined to just sit and wait for  hours potentially until a client   uh connects to it and then at some point  you'll just abort this server and then if   you ctrl c or blow this up somehow this will  fail the client will fail and it will fail it will fail in this connect code so if you  want to play with it try to run this client   without running the server and you'll see that the  connect which is the part of actually making the   phone call this will continue to work which is  make me a phone on my current computer and then   connect is make a call to the remote computer that  will blow up and then if you wanted to play with   this you could put some try and accepts around it  say remote computer is not responding on port 9000   that's if you blew up you could put a try and  accept around that but i'm not doing it because it   don't fit on my slides so here is an even simpler  web client that we can use and you again you can   get this code from my sample code um we don't talk  this we there's a a higher level thing that so   the the previous client talked to sockets so  i could show you the low level but because we   spend so much time talking about to urls we then  have a url lib so i'm just going to use url lib   i'm gonna and this could be a local host or  it could be whatever i'm just going to make a   four-line url call and so i just do a url open  of that same url now we're operating at the http   level because url the concept of url is not a  socket concept a concept of url's http concept   and we just get an effect what looks like  a file handle to us and we loop through it   and print it all out so we run our server  and the server sort of says this and waits   and then we run our client it basically hits our  server and we can see in the server window you got   to do these two things in two windows right you  got to do these things in two separate windows   so in the server window you'll it'll sit and wait  and then in the client window when it runs you'll   see the client will make the request to the  server or blow up with the server not running   and the server will see the get request and then  the data will come back to the client so you sort   of do this in in two things and you can run the  client over and over and over again and you'll see   every time you run the client the uh the server  sees it responds and away you go and again our   server always says hello world no matter what  which is delightful and classic it's a classic   so you actually can um watch when you're running  django there will be a way for you to see when   you're running django locally and you start the  server up this managed three don't you we'll do   this later manage pi dot run server and then you  talk to it and you will see all the get requests   and so django when you run it local you can debug  a lot of what's going on so you see the you can   see like the favicon that it's asking for and  that is you know five or six http requests to   produce that little django webpage and so  that that will be something that you will   uh learn how to do and so so that sums up what  we're doing in this uh you know at the beginning   you look at it very simply pretty soon you'll  just be looking at the developer console and   it'll all make sense to you i want you to be able  to know that you can dig as deep as you want to   and understand all of these protocols  that are going back and forth okay cheers hello and welcome to another walkthrough for  django for everybody in this walkthrough we're   going to talk about the browser debugger console  um and so this is something that in the old days   was only in firefox but eventually everybody  built it in and used to have to build a plug-in   and um and it shows up at different places  and so in firefox it's here under tools it   turns out that you can kind of  go to any of these things because   these are the you know they're just different tabs  here in chrome we do view developer javascript   console and then you see a similar kind of thing  here right so so i'm going to do it in uh in   in firefox here and so you can see things like you  can see the document object model you can see the   javascript console this little error hardly  matters it's because it's such a simple page   you can actually debug javascript code you  can watch the network you can play with css   etc etc etc performs cookies are in here  so there's a lot of things that you can do   um i'm going to start and show you right now we're  at the very beginning class i'm just going to show   you some of the most basic things here i'm going  to clear this out um and then refresh the page   and so what you see here is you see each request  response cycle right and so i i came up here as   if i typed this let me clear it again so you see  i'm going to type this i'm going to press enter   and that tells the browser to go retrieve this  page so it connects to the server www.chuck.com  

and gets the document page1.htm this favicon.ico  that's basically getting this little favicon right   here that's the little thing that shows up in  the in the tool in the tab bar and so websites   can have a file and later we will actually make a  favicon but what i want t


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