Eindhoven Light Festival Live Tour - Glow Eindhoven

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hello everybody Welcome to Anton from a city in North providence province we are here in the sand room and today is a special day here and talking glove and telephone is a light festival the biggest light Art Festival of the world and I'm next to one of the projects guys by the way it's a bit crowded it's not easy to walk around today my name is Murat we are gonna walk around one hour and we will see the art projects today this Festival started today and it's going to be continuing until 19th of November I'll break it one interesting project this year I will show you [Music] [Music] on this building there is one of the project is here the window to Butterfly and they are moving thank you two shapes they are moving as if on the sky but actually they are reflected from here [Music] so you can come here and you can come on to the stage [Music] use this kind of moments and you see yourself as a special figure on the screen [Music] I think this is very creative and interesting that's so much fun according to their moments the screen shows some special figures this is only one of them there are many the the big one is around antofen Central Station and we're gonna go there give me a minute three minutes and 30 seconds later there's a countdown on the train station building the next show is going to start so in three minutes we should be there so many people coming towards to this direction there's a route [Music] there is a Roots going around all the City Central and you can check the route in the website I will put the link on the video description later but for now you can write on Google glow einthofen this is the name of the festival globe antofen check the route let me show you from my smartphone oops so Indus is something like this all the objects with detailed information when you click one of them it gives the information about that it's a bit slow but for example this one brassery Rita so it's the name of the company so many sponsors for this Festival uh it's a big project in this [Music] big city and every year is happening now I think this is the best point to see the project or the other side as you see the whole world is close to the traffic today because of the festival I think [Music] front yard of the station is already part of the project and there's a countdown as you see over there train station building one minute and 30 seconds we will see a show here and also at this building this is part of the festival Social Hub Building will be the part of the show let me check the live chat if everything is all right with you I see a Super Chat first colorful gas gift Market from Los Angeles hello good to see you ggm not because of super chat but thank you David Johnston tiborg km and Angelo is working hard we'll watch later all right Colleen Ryan hello Mark Clement London marks hello mellow families here one Tonk Thomason another Los Angeles is here so many friends are here today thanks so much for joining me in ainto from City this is not one of my favorite steebot it's so much fun here today drisper hello Davis Taylor bill mcmatt so many supporters YouTube members and patreon supporters Margaret also Patron supporter Miriam Canada hello from Brazil landro alright almost start the show let's have a check [Music] oh starting all right maybe White English is better [Music] show you like [Music] like the boat building at the same time [Music] I am also on that kind of gun oh remember the city's birthplace of Phillips company so the light is important here look at the train station and the other side is awesome also [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah say hello laughs wow that looks nice look at that time skater flying down I don't know how long translate but this is only one of them the project will continue to the right side later after this well I think it takes like five minutes look there's a railway and there is a train here and this train is going going to waste after after here after this video I will go to waste in two hours I'm two hours away from Waze this one is going to Berlin nice oh study nights almost [Music] [Music] wow this is one this one is great so realistic foreign [Music] at the same time you can see one show in two buildings [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and here right to the station [Music] those are chairs [Music] Warriors what's up stay tuned [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] effects [Music] foreign [Music] this is my heart for you [Music] and here is the hearts lines [Music] our skaters back [Music] [Music] so in transport transformed to us what do you think guys did you like this my chairs and Mountain again let's see the next one [Music] I'm enjoying the whole free vehicle rods empty I mean close to the vehicle so we can walk freely I will follow the crowd I'm not gonna even check the route actually but the next one I believe on the left or right side a bit further here from here will not be able to show all the projects to you that we will see as much as possible because I have limited time I will be traveling two ways in two hours so I have to live here lately around 9 30 I think currently it's almost eight o'clock took some Elaine how are you today now you're welcome [Music] let's see another one [Music] poppy good weekend to you also Miriam how was my evening with Roy we couldn't met we couldn't meet yesterday yeah somehow he couldn't come because of something urgent so I just returned to waste I spent some time in my local bar before going back home look how many people going to the next place [Music] as if we said demonstration but we are walking around to see the light art projects let me repeat again the festival website is a globein telephone.nl I will put the link on description later after this video and this is a free free Festival happens every year in the same days today's topic is urban skin Urban skin is the team of the festival okay people are going to that side let's follow them I'm too lazy to check my smartphone to the route it's a nice nice walk I think it's better to walk on that side the left here Amsterdam live Festival was not crowded at all because of the pandemic restrictions but this year it's gonna be also crowded I think we will follow that one too [Music] maybe I'm following the wrong code maybe they are going back their home let's have a look to the map okay we are almost there I can see on the map that we are the blue circle we're almost there somewhere here foreign I think this is one of them [Music] so every art project has a long description has a meaning but of course I didn't memorize all if you check the website later or now you can see all the information and the meaning of the projects or on the route if you click on the thumbnails you will see the little information about that another one is a little bit further from here like 10 meters probably according to the website it takes more than one hour to see all of them about one or one and of our this is Donald Brook Donald is a river in antarcton and antofen city was built around River it's a city since 13th century a municipality actually [Music] I think the other one is this one the bridge Donald Bridge lights lights and but at the beginning it was a big one of course I think a few of them are big all others just like Amsterdam Light Festival smaller projects but it's good so maybe we can see all of them we will just follow the people and we will see the all projects where there is a circle at the end it goes back to and open Central Station Alvaro you're welcome thanks so much for watching and commenting [Music] hello Costa Rica greetings [Music] all right let's say oh there's a very nice one on the right side that building it looks nice is there anyone from anantofun or have you ever been to Eindhoven before what do you know about Andover City I think most of the people know Phillips and PS3 I'm telephone football team look at the kid [Music] he's glowing [Music] the whole building is on our project now [Music] the other side we can feel better I think [Music] this is a perfect house for children [Music] oh it's finished we are late [Music] all right where should we go now where are the people going I think to the right [Applause] [Music] oh it's so crowded [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we are on the right way but it's so crowded I will walk faster so we will not miss the next one hopefully [Music] I see another big one on the next corner [Music] by the way tomorrow we will be in Amsterdam Center class event but it's gonna be early our friends from North America or South America they will not be able to watch live I think it's gonna be at 1 30. magical Bridge [Music] [Music] so it's a bit shaky camera today because too crowded I'm trying to go faster alright this one starts uh top four minutes later I will wait for this one I think it's a good show and it's worth to wait four minutes there's a countdown it says 3 minutes and 45 seconds already let's wait a little bit meanwhile I will check your chats and if you have questions you can ask and I think hello Pablo Argentine is here [Music] I think this is not only an telephone population just like me some people are traveling to end open for this event from other cities and towns because it's a big event there are even stalls food stalls coffee stalls around hello guy though looks freezing I almost it's 8 Celsius eight or seven hello Jack Mundo which city are you on I don't know Margaret the best I I don't know I don't know much about Eindhoven [Music] but uh let's see if I can see that [Music] okay this street is uh give me a sec [Music] ant plan it's hard to see that [Music] it's fast and plan currently we are at the corner of this street [Music] and we are following the official route [Music] temperatures [Music] you spent a 99 000 in the late 70s yes it's a new modern city that's true just like Rotterdam Dan hack it was destroyed by Nazis [Music] David yes eintrofen is far from Amsterdam I came here in two hours but I have some other things to do today I was in a small village today all the day I was in a small village it's a surprise I recorded some footages in that Village and it's a special Village I will share the Vlog next week so I arrived to antofen just one and a half hour ago I spent the whole day in that Village I think it's about to start let me check I can't see the countdown now there's no high high place here to stand up let's maybe find a better place if I can you know this is the best place you can see sorry [Music] okay last uh 12 seconds almost almost start all right already it's the countdown four three two one zero all right show starts show time [Music] especially yeah [Music] all right [Music] I think I have to put up to microphone I will turn off the microphone so you can hear the music because [Music] area [Music] okay now no microphone [Music] so you can hear the Ambient sound around and the music maybe a bit far away the music but thank you [Music] what a house of fires [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] fantastic yeah I'm doing my double exercise now because I'm holding up this Gimbal and my arms are tired already frustrated [Music] I know [Music] I don't want it yeah [Music] [Music] imagine yeah okay I'm going to the next one I think it's about to finish but it takes too long so just a glimpse to the projects it's better not to watch all if if we want to see the others [Music] let's see the next one I don't know what is the next one let me check the route [Music] now we are going quite good almost on halfway now we will go straight ahead or yes but there are too many projects we have to go faster it's already 35 minutes another one is here they're watching this window thank you I forgot to tell you the opening times it starts at around six o'clock every day until 11 o'clock on the weekends 10 o'clock in weekdays the opening times so it starts after sunset eventually hello David thank you so much even from the wedding you are joining us our moderator is a hard worker thank you we should be close to another one okay beautiful oh I should I've just seen that their names are placed here next to the project fish are jumping the name of the project fish are jumping which one this one maybe oh I think on the left side there's a canal here I think fish jumping fishes are here I think let's see if we can see that fish yes they're jumping really fast yeah jumping fishes all right we got them ggm you are a wise man I forgot my Turkish flask at home sorry sorry for myself okay the route is going like that I mean this is the sideway it goes like that and they come around same area from the bridge they come back here so I will not go to that site I'll skip this part of the project I will go straight ahead on the same same way we fall out this is another one I think the name of it is written here maybe Loom lights look it must be Church I wanna see the church actually church was looking so great with the lights can I see that too I hope they were not having fish otherwise someone someone called it Pro herring we can go left or we can go right from here I'll choose the long layering left [Music] later we will come back to the same place the other side of the street thank you after this video when I returned to West I will go to my favorite pop and I will get some beer chair with ggm's donation thanks again it's a long day today for me since 10 o'clock I'm outside for filming this is maybe my fifth time in Ein telephone I've never seen so crowded like this except the carnival time so they couldn't block the car traffic here some at some part of the city [Music] there are some officers arranging the traffic right at the building equalizer building I will be disappointed if I don't see a donut shawarma place as part of the festival this is everywhere I expect that at this one Donal place should be part of this Festival it's amazing Donald Kebab lights very upset Japanese food where is that we'll see sorry oh my God thank you not traffic light so we are waiting the decision of this guy to cross the street yeah finally this is what happens one man decides to the rules is a totality regime here sorry I think this is a Broadway craft beer place this one thank you I think it's part of the project see I'll try to see inside okay this area is part of the festival you can get hot dog or craft beers here and there is a Terrace and hot dogs are here but we're gonna continue downstairs yeah students glowing it mobile art project no time forward I like to hear beer chair craft beer there but no time hey Alvarado thank you so much another Super Chat thank you [Music] very much I don't know where we are now be honest by the way please don't forget thumbs up I forgot to tell you again but I hope you didn't forget thumbs up are more important on YouTube to be recognized by the YouTube algorithm help me by reading your comment as many chat as possible I mean live chat or if you are watching this later you can leave your comments ask me questions give your opinions if they're similar Festival in your country or city [Music] oh wow for the crowds [Music] Let's Get Closer [Music] Mother Earth projects it's scary haunted house [Music] well there is an entrance there you can get inside I think there's something interesting at the other side however they are not allowing now it's limited place [Music] the diamonds in here at this Museum okay it's a museum it's part of the festival that he says he's too busy now they cannot allow more people they want us to go straight and then write something the thoughts so we skip this one today is the Festival so it's too crowded and it's open until 19 of November big taste will be better if you are planning to visit weekday evenings today Saturday and also too many tourists from the other cities other towns not only I enjoy from people here just like me it's got the other side follow the people okay so a colorful window here let's drive to Red Zone is having a special light vessel in his house greeting Cyprus hello crystals in poznan there is a festival live show in Lumina Park thank you for sharing that's the exit of that museum so you cannot see that we will jump to the next one it's getting colder and colder by the way well this time we are lucky just in time we arrived to do a traffic control points um oh my God people are going there but it's too crowded I will not go into that place I will show you from distance ah I think it doesn't seem it doesn't like that not that color actually only the entrance is closed there are some words over there other strands thank you I'll skip this one quickly let me check if I run the correct route still hello Israel near ABX score long time no see so I'm checking the route give me a sec okay this is the right way we're gonna continue like this don't touch it I hope we will see the church at some point I'm looking forward to see the church the old main Church in the center in the previous week previous weeks I had asked Netflix recommendation and someone told me to watch The Lost Kingdom I don't know who loved that but I'm watching that and it's a great City I like it very much thanks so much oh sorry for the camera thanks yes City hello Canada thank you Mary Jones another City have a look pass from your pants foreign thank you and jump into the next one like a jumping fish [Music] everybody um okay we go back to that right that side that will be crowded it seems [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign place save the next one is here there's another one this is awesome the people controlling to the lights turn into that Wheels is work with Manpower man or woman powers [Music] I'm skipping this part of the area is something bigger time is flying hello Andreas welcome um thank you sorry thank you description all right let's see another one that's good colors are better here after the park let's check the route where we are all right we go that way [Music] this is part of the project toilets are here allowed to go and the bar VHS we don't want probably meals wine smells wine with salt and the music can grow there's a Terrace there is a rustic stop Pit Stop thank you but I am at work [Music] I will spend my drink share time in wisp not here [Music] we don't have many left I believe I think we can complete in 30 or 40 minutes it seems maybe earlier because we skipped some of them [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] right sides [Music] okay all right [Music] doesn't happen no problem [Music] [Music] one more project I see circle of light it's like this another project and Global entrepreneur will walk through the circle of Lights circle of kids so the professional artist projects are becoming children playground actually look at this that's the third side of the vessel it's happening here it is okay that is next to the left side I see foreign [Music] but it's not really light so I think the church Tower photo was from the previous years maybe [Music] thank you okay last eight or nine projects left as I see on the map doing it I remember the square it's a popular Place bar by students and young people think can't remember his name but it's a popular nightlife area and then next to the church Tower here it is without light foreign all right maybe we were here on the streets during Carnival time it was crazy to remember that again it's called but not like that time then I will go back okay yes further is again again overcrowd at the other side foreign in front of the church actually it's another artwork that is the name of the show is no show s thank you can you see the people over there wow so in 2005 2006 they excavated this area and they found 1 000 individuals characters they were Birds here between 13th century to 19th century says I don't know if they are real or imitation maybe real foreign thank you I think I'm going on the wrong way we should go to the left probably let me check I think we will go to the left here yes now that's right foreign [Music] uh [Music] February fastest middle spot um foreign [Music] foreign slowly [Music] probably in 20 or 30 minutes we will be finishing this Festival okay again I'm on the wrong way I should go to the other side and the right side sorry about that I'm checking from my other smartphone so we go to the right side because the Centrum is already crowded I cannot follow the crowd any longer I'm in the festival craft now they are mixed with the blackout um um we had walked through the street also in the carnival time it's okay well as you can imagine I'm pretty tired now it's just a long time this is a garbage project of the festival so I'm almost for 12 hours outside for the videos for the videos this burger was a model of Harmony what's the best what is this is this Five Guys yes there's Five Guys burger restaurant look at the roof the Flies many of them and they are sitting in the art project it's really comfortable to sit there very cold oh that looks nice I'll check it from here it is the best spots yeah I mean I just feel like because this is the first two years it's like really yeah I like this one also [Music] this is also a popular Square both sides that are restaurants and bars types of yourself is more popular here in antofen I see everywhere Buffalo it's a problem here I think yeah I thought that one is good beer I think better than Heineken so a beer from this territory under the butterflies our roof is mix of butterflies [Music] okay let's cut it on okay thank you let's check going back to the main street okay from now on I think we have to follow this street foreign foreign let me check if there is any left around this area so what station we're gonna go to this side I think again yes we are on the right way the last one maybe and then we will be in in Topham train station again we're gonna finish the video at the Central Station yeah on the side [Music] thank you Harmony [Music] foreign all right we are back to the same spot where we started on the screen over there she's pausing there and she said it is reflecting to do the screen [Music] since we are already in the same spot I'm gonna show you the right side because I saw a nice Christmas decoration probably surviving curve building but let's take a look together [Music] [Music] uh how much did the train cost from Amsterdam to be honest I don't know but probably not cheaper than 20 Euro one way I think I have a weekend subscription so I don't pay anything on the weekends that's why I don't know but I know that it's not cheaper than 20 Euro one way to enter from it's a long way [Music] yes that building is buying course the luxury department store so they have money to spend on the right decorations as you see that much [Music] I'll film it from the this side this is for Christmas decorations not for the Light Festival the bike building under snow and the show is still continue at the station area watch at the beginning it's nine o'clock today the shows are finishing at 11 o'clock because today is Saturday in weekdays from Monday to Thursday the shows will be finishing at 10 o'clock foreign [Music] according to the news I read there is no shortage on the gas or electricity also government is supporting uh with extra money and support the invoices for the people for example I received an email from my Energy company that they will pay about 200 euro by government decision because of the high prices however I have fixed price actually I had four-year contracts and I still have one enough here but still they they will give me for example extra money despite I already paid less than new subscribers to electricity still I will give extra money I will receive extra money that's good I'm lucky this time but the people who doesn't have contract or the one their contract finished last year they pay high prices because the companies change their contract from fixed rate to floating rates and while they were paying like 100 euro monthly they started to pay like 400 monthly 500 monthly I pay for electricity fixed price 50 euros something sometimes 40 for the gas not more than 30 Euro a monthly [Music] for water like 20 Euro okay we are going inside to the show the Central Station building [Music] now we are part of the show they are watching us so much thumbs up see you tomorrow is coming tomorrow thank you guys from the Netherlands are going back to ways I had two hours of training and I'll get a video foreign [Music] foreign train station is my home for weekends


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