Hello World Thursday March 25 2021

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hello world hi nitia welcome to the show how  are you hi frank i'm doing good wow that was   a good entry i love it well i thought you know  i'm always very energetic but i was trying to   keep it because we have a big show today big show  a lot of news but before we we we have we share   the agenda of everything i just want to share  a few notes right so i think you i will let you   start so what news yeah you know what i'm really  excited about tomorrow right here on learn tv the   net team is doing a learn.net challenge they're  gonna walk you through a workshop and it's i think   it's starting off with micro services but what i  like about it is it's gonna be a regular series   you can join this go to any reactor page and you  can join a watch party if you want to or you can   just watch on learn tv and work alongside them  i really love this way of like going through the   content and it's going to have a cloud skills  challenge associated with it so don't forget to   check that out oh awesome today as i was reading  my news feed i i saw a very good news and i was   very excited about it and uh maybe it looks  for a bunch of different people uh like not   as big of a deal but it was a new feature  from a tool called a z copy so easy copy   it's available on all platforms so mac linux  windows and it's already you could move   file from on-prem to azure and then like even  like amazon to azure azure to azure different   account and stuff like that but now in preview  you can now bring up data from google cloud so   one tool to rule them all i put like how to get  started in the in the notes so if someone want to   start and also did a video recently about that so  i put all that in in the notes another thing yeah   that's pretty cool did you know that too no but i  remember you telling me about it so i'm gonna go   check that out i actually think the fact that  you can do it across environments is awesome   yeah it's already installed if you go in cloud  shell so you don't even need to install it it's   already there very very very powerful tool another  news a lot of people at least when i was talking   to a lot of clients clients always worry you  know to go over their budget or like to not   use at their maximum capacity uh their resources  and stuff like that so the best way to visualize   information is to use dashboard and they release  this week uh enhanced version of the the editor   for the dashboard inside the azure portal so now  you could have nice portal not portal dashboards   that you could share and customize it's very very  efficient so a very easy way to share information   for any resources in azure wow people should  definitely check out those show notes for that   but i i kind of think we're already going to have  a packed agenda today so here's one more thing   people can learn and maybe coincidentally maybe  that's something that you know we can get isaac   to do it tips and tricks thing who knows we'll put  stuff on his plate but um was there anything else   or shall i talk about what's on the toe today  yeah let's share what's uh on the show today   awesome so before i jump in i also want to give  a shout out because we are super happy because   earth day is going to be on a thursday this year  so it's in april so if you are doing anything for   earth day do give us a shout out we'd love to like  learn about what you're doing for sustainability   but today's show is packed thursdays are the best  day on hello world so we're going to kick start   this with a really good segment with isaac levin  i'm i'm gonna call it tips thursday as well now uh   followed by humans of microsoft we have a really  special guest someone who's creative that i love   then we're gonna talk certifications because  it is of course thomas thursdays and then we're   gonna wrap that up with i'm so excited about this  a new segment that we're debuting today frank is   awesome because he's gonna let me do something fun  we're gonna call it abc so wait to check that out   and i think without further ado we should start  the show so frank take it away what are we doing   so and now let's go live at azure hq with isaac  and the new tips and trick hi zach can you hear me   bonjour frank bonjour how are you doing my friend   that's right isaac levin here right in front of  azure hq and boy do i have some good tips today   this week we are talking about five things  you didn't know about azure sql database and we should see a screen right uh there it is  yeah so let's do our first five tips so number one   is the query editor for simple data querying tasks  you can use the integrated query editor that you   can find under the query editor menu authenticate  to your azure sql server and you're ready to go   you inquiry data views and execute stored  procedures you can also save queries for   later use number two power apps integration power  apps enable you to create applications without   coding from azure sql database you can easily  create power apps with the data in your database   select powerapps menu get started and select  the table that you want to create an app for   this creates a new power app that you can  connect that is connected to the table in   your azure sql database and enables you  to edit the app in the powerapps designer   how cool is that forms over data at a fast the  third thing is automatic tuning azure sql database   can automatically tune the performance of your  database in the automatic tuning feature you   can select if you let azure sql create and drop  indexes at automatically on query performance   you can also let it judge the execution plans  of queries and use the best ones for them   four personally my favorite four is coming  up right in a second or is my favorite and   serverless tier for every sql workload you can run  it on a high premium tier that provides incredible   performance and storage capabilities or on a lower  basic tier we need less storage and performance so   i know sql server is a big deal but sql server  list is even cooler now you can also run azure   sql database on serverless chair now you have  the option to control the serverless scaling   by setting a minimum of maximum performance and  you have the database pause when it isn't being   used for a certain amount of time which means you  have to pay for it you only pay for the storage   and finally another really really great one  is azure cognitive search integration azure   cognitive search enables you to create search and  auto complete experiences for your data in azure   sql database you can easily make your database  searchable by plugging azure cognitive search in   you do that from the add azure search menu here  you can select an existing azure cognitive search   instance or create one and configure its search  index by providing it a table from your database   this couples azure cards you search with your  database enables you to search the index to search   your database super simple again adding ai on top  of data super super awesome so talked about five   really cool things with azure sql database so as  sql database has a lot of features including query   editor powerapps integration automatic tuning  our server list here and integration with azure   cognitive search go and check it out back to you  frank wow you know back in in the previous life   i used to be a dba and you know pulling my hair  to do half of what you share here and now it's so   easy or like accessible this is very good news and  like those services have done a great work to uh   make it more simple for us that's pretty cool i  mean it's it's super awesome like just you know   as somebody who has been forced to do database  things in their career like taking all of those   complex things and putting an ai on top of them  putting integrations on top of them it's super   awesome so remember that this tip as well as all  other tips are available on aka.mslash hello world   that's our show notes uh and you know there's  the tips are going to be there as well as links   to all the other tips we've done on the show  as well as on the azure tips and tricks website   this is like i need to go there and start digging  in those notes because it's so nice like the   scaling you know like it's it's so simple you  just you know pull a little thing on the side   in its scale or like having auto completion for  your data yeah yeah i think you know and i just i   i mentioned a little bit earlier like my favorite  is the serverless stuff right so being able to   only pay for the data or the storage that your  data takes up instead of having to pay for its   compute when you're not using it is super awesome  i can think of all sorts of really cool scenarios   for that right and i think you know as we close  with azure tips and tricks one of the things   that i want to call out is we have tons of tips  over 300 actually they're out there um check the   show notes akms hello world to see some more of  them thank you isaac thank you frank take care   and now we'll join lauren who's talking to  cheryl about her experience in public speaking welcome back to humans of microsoft this is a  segment where we talk to people just like you and   me but they have one thing in common they all work  for microsoft and today with me on the show there   is cheryl adams hello cheryl how are you doing  i'm well and you i'm very good thank you so much   cheryl you are a senior content developer you work  for microsoft and you are based in san francisco   or near san francisco right correct absolutely  awesome so let's go into the questions the first   question i have for you is what was a key moment  a pivotal moment if you want in your career   my key moment was really learning about technology  but the biggest moment was sharing what i was   learning as i discovered new things i felt a sense  of urgency to share that with others so getting on   the path of speaking training really helped me  share what i was learning and playing it forward   yeah that's really interesting and you do some  public speaking right this is something that that   you like a lot i do i really enjoy it the ability  to connect with people even though we're virtual   now it's so inspiring the feedback has been  tremendous and it just encourages me to do more   and speak on the topics that i'm truly passionate  about yeah this is great um if you could go back   in time like anytime you want what would you  tell yourself to help you getting started   first and foremost is to really trust yourself  a lot of times we get bogged down with worries   and concerns if we're not going to make it and  making those mistakes is perfectly okay because   it's part of the learning process we learn through  those what we call experiences whether they're   good or bad another point that i recall is really  documenting your path there once was a time that i   only documented when things were successful but i  found the most benefit was to document those areas   that were hard for me because i can reflect on  those and hopefully not make those mistakes again   and most importantly i feel is celebrate the small  wins when you've resolved an issue or even helped   a teammate congratulate yourself because that  was something that you accomplished that day   this is really cool and i feel that sometimes  just telling my team that something went well is   great because it's not bragging it's really just  like including them into the celebration right   absolutely this is fantastic can you share one  skill that you feel has contributed or still   contributes to your career the biggest skill  that i feel has contributed is really self-care   taking care of yourself is pivotal in your career  and also in your personal life as well at your   level of wellness you can achieve so much more  but i i don't kid you self-care is not easy it's   often a struggle we have many demands on our time  in our lives but it is one of the most valuable   investments that we can make this is very uh  very important especially in these days right   um what have you learned about yourself while  while you're working in the field of technology   the biggest thing that i've learned is that  i belong here and despite the challenges   and the hurdles in technology there is a  space for me and so i need to remind myself   and hold on to that belief even in  the most challenging of circumstances   well this is great and i for one am  very happy that you found this space   um what is one more thing that you want to tell  our viewers to to inspire and motivate them   i think self-talk is so important because the  stories that we tell ourselves are the things that   we hold true and so we really need to be careful  of those conversations we have with ourselves   be careful of those negative confirmations that  we tell ourselves because those become our truths   one thing that's important is to maybe  start off with something positive start   your day with something positive so that you can  reflect on that even throughout the challenges   self-talk is the loudest story that you'll hear  so we should be careful of what we tell ourselves   wow this is very very interesting well this  was very fascinating i'm so happy that we   had the time to talk thank you so much so much  cheryl for taking part to humans of microsoft   and to all our viewers out there please join  us next time for another uh segment of humans   of microsoft thank you so much cheriel thank you  wow that was great that the way she said like the   you know when she discovered that sharing was  giving her a lot of energy or what like kind of   donate with me i've actually i've been fortunate  i've seen her in a couple of events and i think   the two things i took away one is self-care i  can't tell you how important that is especially   at this time to kind of be compassionate with  yourself and with others and okay just personally   documentation yes document everything journal  your life as somebody who tries to like you know   sketch notes so i can remember things that really  resonated with me but hey i think it is thursday   right so that means only one thing i'm super  excited for this so that's thomas thursday so   i guess we're doing the next segment which is all  about certifications and i love having parmesan   because he's very systematic about it i think  the first time i heard him he was talking about   here are the certifications the second time he was  like roll base certifications so i actually did my   research and microsoft has a lot of certifications  so now i think he's going to solve the problem   of where do we start with certifications right  thomas absolutely hi media great to be here uh   today thank you for having me and i completely  agree with you first days are the best by far   so yeah today you're absolutely right we're going  to talk about um how to actually pick the right   roll burst certification uh and it's actually  funny because last week i got approached by   someone who watched the show the episode on hello  world and came and said hey thomas okay great i   want to become now certified on a specific topic  but there are so many certifications out there   can you help me pick the right one right and so  that is what we're going to have a look at today   oh awesome and i actually find this very  fascinating because when i look at searching   for certifications we can search by you know  level beginner intermediate advanced we can   search by role we can search by topic so  where do i start we're like yes absolutely   so i think the best way is really going  to this microsoft certification page   because we have everything now on on this page and  it's like you can easily go there by microsoft.com  

learn and then find certification or you can  obviously use your favorite search engine   bing to find it as well and the first thing you  can then see when you select certifications you   can see here like different roles which we put out  there uh you can see from developer administration   administrators architects but yeah also  ai engineer and data scientist right   so obviously you could then just pick that  specific certification if this is something   you're currently doing and you want to get  certified in that or it also can be something   you want to do in the future right a lot of  people are choosing certifications for different   uh topics it can be that they want to like get  better at their job working towards a promotion   or even switching careers right so always pick  the ones where you think uh where you should go   however you mentioned an interesting part  if we scroll scroll down a little bit more   we have obviously a lot more to offer than  just like these role-based certifications   now as you mentioned before we can see here the uh  on the left side we can see here the fundamental   certifications and again we don't have them just  for azure we also have them for microsoft 365   the power platform for dynamics and many many  more so this is a really good starting point   i always recommend to everyone let's start with  one of these fundamentals and get certified there   we then also in the middle column you can  see here we offer the different role-based   certifications which actually which we just  talked about uh again not just for microsoft   azure we also offer that for many of our other  products as well and then interestingly you can   see here also something you just mentioned we  have the additional certifications so some of   them are not necessarily related uh like in a  chop roll there could be like for any or for   multiple chop rolls so for example we have one on  sap on azure so this is a speciality certification   and there you can actually then say okay hey  i i i'm like an azure administrator or i'm a   national developer but i work a lot with sap on  azure so i also want to get certified into that   and so that is that is what we can do here yeah  you know one thing that has always appealed to me   is when i do search like go look at certification  right anytime i complete a module like the modules   will automatically tell me which certification  paths those are valid for and one thing i've been   realizing recently is that once you get certified  in any one thing there's probably a few more you   could complete just by taking an additional couple  of courses or paths because they stack so well   upon each other absolutely you're absolutely so  right so like finding these different modules   and then finding the related information it  helps you so much so if we again have a look at   at the page here and quickly like look at one  for example here like at the azure developer   one if we then click on this we can find more  about this certification in particular and so   you can see here i find some information who is  that certification for but if i scroll down i   can find two other very important things here the  first one is really okay which exams do i need to   take right to actually earn that certifications  so this one for example you don't need to take   the fundamental one but you can but then you just  need to take one certification and the other one   is obviously the skills measured so all the skills  in there which we measure so you can find an   outline here and as you mentioned we have helped  you to even find the right learning paths here   this is awesome thank you so much  and before we forget you can find   all of those resources in the show notes at ak  dot ms slash hello world thanks so much thomas   oh my god frank okay now nitia now is the time  oh my god i am so nervous let's see if this works   out so hello everyone i'm super excited because  today we are debuting a new segment on hello world   and we are calling it hello world abc so i'm not  sure if you can see my slides on the screen yet   but if you can i want to talk to you about this  segment because what we want to do here is we want   to look at the intersection of creativity and  technology and you might see that abc spelt se   that's for a reason did you know that 65  of us are visual learners we kind of absorb   information by looking at things we look at the  big picture we connect the dots we find patterns   right and so part of this notion in the segment  is we want to talk about the intersection between   visual storytelling and technology learning  how do we do that three different things so one   this is what we call visualize i.t so don't  forget to check out the show notes for links   to these resources there are a whole  slew of free workshops that we've got   out there but really the focus is if you want  to start your own visual storytelling journey   learn to sketch there's a bunch  of resources to get you started   but the next step once you've learned to sketch is  something we call sketch the docs right it turns   out as a visual learner that you can make complex  technology simpler if you draw a picture so here   the goal is how do we sketch to learn if you go to  the sketch the docs come on twitter you'll find a   whole bunch of these in future episodes of hello  world come here on thursdays and we will debut   new visual guides to various technologies right  here and you can print them out in high-res later   but today we are debuting the third segment and  i am so nervous we call this show-and-tell and   the idea is can we use visual vocabularies to get  people to know vocabulary or understand terms or   concepts so let's play a game we're going to  show you a picture you're going to see if you   can guess what the term is and if you guess right  hello world life abc let us know or tell us right   here on the chat so are we ready frank for  the first time yeah i am ready let's bring   more guests because there's no way i'm playing  alone isaac thomas are you ready i have no idea sounds amazing and scary at the same time  yeah i feel it so nice yeah should we go   first one whoa let's go i don't even know  which one's going to show up first but   so yeah so each one of these in the corner is  going to tell you whether i'm sketching a concept   or a product and this box says whatever it  is is going to be a service or a product   so okay guess it a service okay that's that's  cool okay so it's definitely azure right yeah so the little icon there you're seeing a  lot of ones and zeros and little charts   so hopefully that gives you a hint the last  one looks like a wall okay so any any guests   hi zack thomas ah um i'm gonna  go with azure binary search the last one looked like a  wall of bricks yeah could it be   could it be azure as a data brick i think there  was a fabric also oh that's a fabric that's a   right factory factory data bricks azure factory  we're right with data bricks in fact if you pause   it and if you see it later you'll see that the  blanks tell you it was azure data breaks awesome   not bad right it wasn't that bad okay we're  getting in the zone now let's let's do another one   i'm gonna stretch now we're good i'm going to  stretch we need to pause when the whole thing   is on so the second one is also a product or  service so the box tells you that we're opening   it it's going to be a product or service this  one should be easy i think it should be easy so   you mean thomas should be able to guess it  well let's start by saying you're seeing   a monkey at a computer come on come  on oh it's like building mobile apps ah i know what it is yeah so say it say it that's  it that's xamarin that's zinnia that was xamarin   yes it was the only reason why i know that is  because i have the monkey stuffed animal the only   reason why there's one you got it i'm so happy  we got one so okay another one the last one okay   and then we will recap this one is a term  so you're kind of trying to figure out what   the terminology is no pressure  thomas yeah no pressure thomas oh i i know i i i hope everyone  else knows so what is it so i guess   it's role based certification yes  wow wait that that would have been   that would have been hard if not  even i would have guessed it right you want to make sure people are paying attention  but yes hey you literally put the slide up in   your segment today so if you hadn't got  it it would have been really really bad   but that was fun that was super  fun let us know i'm very curious   let us know on twitter and the chat and  comments let us know how do you like it   uh that game should we continue to do it i know i  liked it did you like it i think i could play that   for a half an hour or more like let's just let's  just i i will give my segment and just play with   your uh games i i'm with i'm with thomas so  like no tips and tricks we're just gonna look at   pictures and guess guess things next week that's  perfect well i'm really sad we didn't have time   because there was one based on tips and tricks  you are going to be put on the spot and you escape   we'll keep it for next week then we'll keep it  for next week then so yeah we're going to troll   yourself but go ahead frank let's recap so uh  isaac what's your call for action for today   so first off i want everybody to check  out the show notes for the entire show   um in the show notes you're gonna find  a link to azure tips and tricks which   has the tips that we just did for azure sql  database but you know previous tips we did on   the show as well as over 300 tips in general  so not just for developers not just for it   pros but for anybody who's a technologist out  there taking advantage of azure tips and tricks   wonderful of course don't forget you can contact  get in touch with sheryl adams on twitter the   contact will also be in the show notes yep and  thomas has already shared his resources thomas   any last shout outs on certification um no just  come join us next week on hello world again where   we speak more about how you can actually earn your  certifications and i hope we can call it from now   on sketchnote thursday that would be awesome that  would be cool and i'm gonna hand it off to frank   but before i do just a quick shout out tune in  at 3 30 p.m eastern time on learn tv for a really   good segment on launch space where they're going  to look at surface duo with flutter development   and i think that was it frank for me awesome  well i really like our show was good it was fun   uh coming next is azure fun bites and if you need  any data and also i want your feedback so we put   a lot of information in today's show notes we  have a little form you could feel that form   it's only four questions very easy and quick  to do feel it it's always very appreciated we   read all the comments and all the  feedback we have to get better   yeah yeah and all the notes from the show are  aka.ms hello world all the links to everything   you saw today so don't forget to check that  out excellent so now we just need to wave and   come back tomorrow for more hello  first name's the best bye everybody   you


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