HIMARS Technology Tactics and Effectiveness in the Russo-Ukraine Conflict

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome to weapon review I'm luosu today our two guests in the studio are Mr way don't you and Mr by Meng Chen they will introduce various weapons and equipment provided by NATO to Ukraine the Hamas rocket launcher has been highly praised by Western media for its crucial role in the front line of Ukraine however in a recent military exercise in the Philippines the Hamas rocket launcher fired six rockets and missed completely which was quite embarrassing according to the Wall Street Journal of the American stars and stripes on April 25th 2023 during the U.S Philippines shoulder to shoulder 2023 joint military exercise the U.S and Philippine militaries used various weapons to live fire a retired Philippine escort ship the bankers say Southwest which belonged to the uspce 842 Patrol boat of World War II at the exercise a U.S Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drone Flew Over the Target in transmitted information to the U.S Philippine forces who then launched various types of fighter jets and artillery to bombard the ship to Hamas rocket launchers fired six M31 guided Rockets all of which missed the target finally a U.S Marine Corps f-315b Dropped a laser-guided Bomb to sink the 900-ton World War II era ship in response to this Lieutenant Colonel Nick Van Wyler a spokesman for the U.S Marine

Corps Pacific command said that attacking ships with shore-based Firepower was extremely difficult so what caused the Hamas rocket launcher which is known for its high Precision to miss all six shots Mr way analyzed that the Hamas rocket launcher had performed poorly during the exercise near the South China Sea normally when targeting a coastal ship like the bank assay Southwest the Hamas rocket launcher with its published performance data and capabilities should have been able to hit the target with its guided missiles which have the ability to adjust their trajectory at the end of their flight path although there may be some minor differences in the position due to the waves if there were no hits in six consecutive shots it indicates that there is a problem with the Precision of the Hamas rocket launcher this also suggests that the claimed achievements of Hamas during the Russia Ukraine conflict may have been exaggerated for propaganda purposes in addition the Hamas rocket launcher may not be as effective on the battlefield as it is touted by the U.S even a relatively stationary Target on the sea such as a ship can be affected by the waves and cause deviations in position making it difficult for the Hamas rocket launcher to achieve precise hits furthermore the failure of the Hamas rocket launcher in the Philippines military exercise highlights the importance of real-life training and experience while the Hamas rocket launcher may have impressive technical specifications it is not a guarantee of success in actual combat situations the ability to adjust to changing conditions and make quick decisions is crucial in a fast-paced battlefield environment Additionally the incident raises questions about the reliability of weapon systems in general the development and testing of new weapons are often accompanied by high levels of height and exaggerated claims however as demonstrated by the Hamas rocket launchers failure in the Philippines the performance of a weapon in a controlled environment does not necessarily translate to success in real world scenarios in conclusion the Hamas rocket launchers misfire in the Philippines serves as a valuable lesson for military strategists and weapons developers alike it is important to recognize the limitations of even the most advanced Weapons Systems and to temper expectations with real world experience only through rigorous testing and training can weapon systems be optimized for maximum Effectiveness all right since the U.S military is well aware of the Hamas rocket launchers guidance system why did they still insist on demonstrating anti-ship attacks at that time how does Mr Bai analyze this well for Hamas it's anti-ship capability was first proven during the 2020 trial in the Black Sea however the ammunition used in the U.S military's exercise should have been the m30 which is an airburst ammunition that attacks the top structure of the ship through widespread fragmentation the current version of the m30 probably contains approximately 182 000 fragments which have some killing ability against the upper structure of the naval vessels however since it doesn't directly hit the ship's body it does not ideally damage the ship's water tightness as for the launch itself even though the relevant vehicles are controlled by some countries since they don't possess the capability of guidance and information provision the actual Target information of the system is still provided by the U.S military therefore it can be said that you've purchased Hamas but the command Authority is in the hands of the Americans adding to this the mobility of Hamas allows it to be quickly maneuvered using a C-130 regarding the U.S approach they want to

temporarily control all of the Hamas rocket launchers and use the C-130 for island hopping operations from a technical standpoint Hamas is not particularly capable of targeting small moving targets and the U.S military's display was forced and not surprising to have produced unfavorable results if this incident doesn't have a significant impact on Hamas sales then the next piece of news is uncertain according to reports by several U.S media Outlets Hamas is gradually losing Effectiveness in the Russia Ukraine conflict the following short clip provides some relevant information on May 5th 2023 CNN reported that since November of last year the Russian military has significantly increased the intensity of electronic warfare on the battlefield causing the strike efficiency of the Hamas rocket launchers provided by the U.S to Ukraine to

decrease significantly the report stated that the Russian military is using GPS jamming devices extensively on the front lines causing the M31 Rockets of Hamas to receive no GPS signals although these Rockets have built-in inertial guidance components the errors from inertial guidance increase over time causing many Rockets to deviate from the target the effectiveness of other us-made ammunition such as the dam ER Precision guided bomb is also affected by this a Ukrainian drone operator from the Eastern Front Line stated that Hamas is facing significant interference while another drone operator from the Curson theater of operations claimed that Hamas Effectiveness has decreased significantly the Russian military has also increased the coordination between artillery units and drone reconnaissance units the artillery's response speed and ability to quickly engage and disengage have also been improved the short clip revealed that the Ukrainian Frontline soldiers and Western think tanks are also acknowed that Hamas seems to be gradually losing its Effectiveness on the battlefield due to a series of countermeasures taken by the Russian military therefore we would like to ask the two teachers to help us analyze which specific measures the Russian military has taken to counter Hamas I think the Russian response to Hamas countermeasures or countermeasures in general are still in the works combining multiple tactics the first thing to do is to strike at Hamas ammunition storage bases by directly destroying their stockpiles they will be left with no usable ammunition secondly traditional anti-artillery methods can be used against Hamas although they are highly mobile they still need to enter the launch site and their range is known since their ammunition types are limited enemy vehicles within a certain range can be tracked and attacked before they launch to achieve higher accuracy Hamas needs two things first intelligence from NATO usually obtained through reconnaissance planes or other vehicles if their eyes are destroyed their accuracy will decrease in addition their ultimate guidance process relies on GPS satellites however Russia has blown ass which can interfere with GPS signals making Hamas mid-course guidance ineffective these combined tactics have damaged Hamas Effectiveness furthermore Russia's upgrade of their anti-aircraft and anti-missile capabilities has made it difficult for Hamas to remain in one position for a long time thus they may resort to hit and run tactics however the accuracy of Hamas mid-course guidance and even the launch preparation may not meet the best requirements and the weapons power and accuracy may not match the claims in propaganda regarding the actions taken by the U.S and Ukraine to restore Hamas Effectiveness the Pentagon is focusing on military games between major powers in the conflict zone between Russia and Ukraine the first thing that needs Improvement is Hamas ability to survive on the battlefield they need to evade Russian detection and have better adaptability to achieve this the West is providing more Diversified intelligence support for example important Battlefield information regarding the deployment of Russian Artillery and precision strike ranges will be provided to Ukraine allowing Hamas to achieve hit and run tactics at the same time U.S on Steelers will upgrade Hamas guided rocket components such as satellite navigation devices and improve their ability to resist electronic interference as Russia has targeted their GPS jamming devices this will reduce the occurrence of disorientation during the final segment of the attack in addition Hamas highly mobile rocket launcher can be deployed and used as a launch platform for anti-ship missiles in the asia-pacific region because Hamas highly mobile rocket launchers will equip Precision strike missiles in the future Each of which can carry two missiles and their effective range can reach about 500 kilometers with both radio frequency and infrared guidance according to reports Hamas is using a composite guidance system with stronger anti-jamming capabilities which can strike large moving Targets in the sea within a range of hundreds of kilometers in simpler terms it is a miniature version of a maneuverable anti-ship ballistic missile that can be deployed on the move among the various countermeasures taken by the Russian military against Hamas electronic jamming has undoubtedly been very effective in the following video we will see what electronic warfare weapons the Russian military has used since the end of June 2022 when the Ukrainian military first obtained Hamas and m270 rocket launchers the Russian military has significantly increased the intensity of its electronic warfare on the battlefield after several rounds of electronic warfare battles the Russian military gradually established a means of electronic warfare mainly based on the Bora sublets II and Yeoman systems borisovlev's 2A is the main tactical electronic jamming device of the Russian army which can interfere with Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles within a range of 30 kilometers and suppress their navigation and guidance systems Yeoman is the main electronic warfare equipment of the Russian Army's electronic warfare Brigade which can effectively interfere with communication and satellite navigation systems after Improvement it can effectively suppress the Ukrainian GPS signal with a ground interference range of about 20 to 200 kilometers the previous video introduced the various electronic warfare systems used by the Russian military against Hamas we have a question will the Russian military's use of such large-scale GPS jamming affect its own operations I think the Russian military is better equipped to learn this type of electronic warfare mode in a complex electromagnetic environment therefore the targets of its interference against weapons and equipment provided by the US and the West will become very clear because as Professor dye mentioned earlier Russia mainly uses the gloness satellite navigation system and the signal of this system is strictly distinguished from that of the U.S GPS system therefore if a directional and strong interference is carried out against GPS many weapons and equipment provided by the US and the West including some guided ammunition will largely fail however some of Russia's guided weapons such as Precision guided bombs and tactical missiles can achieve even greater accuracy in addition during electronic jamming the relevant forces will also share information on when and how to conduct the jamming and for how long this way the enemy can be kept in a state of interference while one's own communication and even Battlefield liaison will not be significantly affected So based on the above points Russia has successfully avoided large-scale interference and its own navigation and positioning system is also an advantage as we mentioned in a previous episode in addition to its high precision and maneuverability Hamas was able to play a significant role due to its Reliance on NATO's aerial intelligence resources and Military communication services for the Ukrainian military so apart from the GPS jamming devices mentioned in the previous video what other measures did the Russian military use to disrupt Hamas attacks Professor by what are your insights as we have seen in previous news reports the Russian military has been intercepting NATO's reconnaissance flights including unmanned drones and manned aircrafts like the rc-135 over the Black Sea engaging in a game of cat and mouse therefore for the Russian military these NATO reconnaissance planes that provide intelligence support to Hamas have become a primary target in terms of communication we have seen that the starlink system was heavily marketed as a key component in ensuring Ukraine's communication capabilities recently the U.S has reported that

Russia has launched a new system called topolam which is designed specifically to interfere with satellite communication this fixed system can effectively suppress the satellite communication and information support provided by Ukrainian troops in space since Hamas itself is unable to observe enemy movements Beyond 50 kilometers they are completely reliant on the intelligence provided by NATO therefore if Ukrainian communication is disrupted Hamas will not be able to obtain timely information about targets let alone carry out accurate attacks so I believe that the Russian military is taking the challenges of this new military operation in Ukraine very seriously and is actively considering various solutions to deal with them for example anti-satellite communication systems are becoming increasingly important not only for Russia but also for the US which has conducted many related tests in 2020. therefore I think that interference in satellite communication and navigation will likely become a key aspect of electronic warfare for many countries so far we have discussed various measures taken by the Russian military to counter Hamas such as disrupting their ability to locate targets or launch accurate Rockets however these measures do not guarantee a 100 success rate therefore the Russian military has also taken physical measures to intercept rockets launched by the Ukrainian military according to Russian media reports starting in December 2022 the Russian Air Defense Forces installed new software that simplifies the interception of Hamas Rockets it is reported that the fire control and search Radars of the Russian air defense systems such as the armor S1 and Panzer S2 were originally developed for various spider Jets and often filtered out Hamas Rockets with small signal characteristics as noise after several months of data accumulation algorithm upgrades and computing power improvements the Russian Air Defense Forces have significantly improved the success rate of intercepting Hamas Rockets even successfully intercepting the Ukrainian military's glsdb6 Hypersonic Glide Vehicles the latest version of the Russian armor system the armor SM has introduced small nail interceptors and each unit is equipped with up to 48 missiles greatly enhancing its ability to handle multiple targets Additionally the latest model of the day or m2u anti-aircraft missile can classify and set priorities for intercepting targets and unlocks the ability to launch missiles while on the move according to a British report the Russian military is also integrating these field defense systems with higher level s-300 and s-400 anti-aircraft systems allowing for improved interception efficiency while the Russian military previously faced limitations in their algorithms and practical experience may have since worked to fill these gaps and greatly enhance their ability to intercept Hamas Rockets however the use of anti-aircraft missiles to intercept Hamas Rockets raises cost-effectiveness concerns as Rockets are cheaper than missiles to address this issue the Russian military has taken a comprehensive approach using different systems such as dare and armor s to form multiple layers of protection ensuring a 100 kill rate for missiles including those with different ranges and kinetic energy in recent years the development of the Sam system which is designed to intercept mortar shells rockets and artillery shells has become an important direction for anti-aircraft missile defense to keep costs low the development of programmable high-altitude artillery shells and directed energy weapons such as lasers like the Israeli Iron Dome system have become increasingly popular the cost of using a single shot laser to intercept a rocket is reportedly now under 10 which is significantly lower than the cost of using missiles or traditional anti-aircraft defense systems therefore it is essential for countries including Russia to adopt new interception methods that ensure both precision and cost Effectiveness to counter the threat of precision guided rocket attacks although Hamas Rockets are no longer as effective as they were in the past it is clear that NATO led by the United States will not let their guard down so in the view of the two experts what actions will the United States take to restore Hamas efficiency or will they simply replace it with other weapons well both of these possibilities exist on the one hand the United States could provide Ukraine with more of these extended range Rockets the small diameter bombs that were previously delivered to Ukraine can now reach a maximum range of about 150 kilometers which is much farther than the guided Rockets with a range of 60 to 70 kilometers in other words Hamas can launch its long-range Firepower from a safer and more distant position this poses a greater threat to the front-line combat troops of the Russian military including artillery positions in addition Western countries have also strengthened their military aid especially in providing more long-range Precision guided missiles for instance the British Storm Shadow cruise missiles can strike targets from a range of over 200km Motors approaching 300 kilometers and its Warhead is designed with stealth technology making it far more powerful than a Hamas guided rocket however intercepting these high value targets such as Bridges weapon storage locations and command centers in russia-controlled areas May pose a greater challenge because their radar reflection signals are much smaller than those of a Hamas rocket due to their stealth design therefore the Russian military has increased its accompany and mobile anti-aircraft and anti-missile Firepower aimed at these Western long-range Precision guided missiles including some air-launched cruise missiles if the United States and its allies provide F-16 fighter jets in the future the Russian military will deploy multi-level anti-aircraft and anti-missile Firepower around these high-value Targets in the front line and in-depth combat areas in summary it is essential to no one's self and one's enemy and allocate one's anti-aircraft and anti-missile forces optimally although Hamas has been subjected to various countermeasures from the Russian military it does not mean that the Russian military can rest easy the battle between various parties over the offensive and defensive capabilities of Hamas will continue on the battlefield and we will continue to monitor the situation today's weapons overview ends here thank you very much to the two guests for coming and thank you all for watching we will see you in the next episode [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]


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