here on snazzy labs in the past we've talked about Mac apps Mac tips really everything related to the Mac except for Mac packages installed via the command line what on Earth am I talking about well it's Homebrew baby Homebrew for the mac and to an extent Linux is a package manager if you're on Linux there's a lot better options out there but uh it basically allows you to install little tiny programs typically for nerds and developers via the command line the Mac OS terminal that you can run via the terminal without a graphical user interface but tools that to an extent are very very powerful some of which super cool this uh tutorial is Mac focused but pretty much all of these will work on Linux and most of them will work on Windows too you just might not want to use Homebrew and instead find another package manager for your operating system so if you are on the Mac you're going to need to download Homebrew and the easiest way is to go to their website brew. sh and you just click this little clipboard here then open up your terminal paste that command and boom baby this is a curl command which is going to basically fetch a script this file from this GitHub user domain and then it's going to run through this huge massive installer that you don't have to do anything about it does it all for itself in the background so it's going to ask for pseudo access super user access your admin password so you're just going to go ahead here and enter your computer password this script is going to install and I'm just going to say return go ahead this takes a few minutes so see you in a minute okay it's done but maybe it's not done because dependent on your machine you likely have next steps on my machine it says run these two commands in your terminal to add Homebrew to your path so I'm just going to go ahead and copy this little string these two commands just command C and then I'm going to command V to paste it I'm going to push go and there we go it's done all right now I'm finished so let's actually start installing stuff and let's start by showing you how to install something you are going to summon Homebrew by typing brew and then we need to give Homebrew a command if you want to know what the commands available are you can just type and this is true of almost all command line packages uh-h and or dhel and it's going to tell you everything that you can do with home brw so you can search for packages you can get info on a package you can install a package you can update hey install that sounds like something we need to do so I'm going to type Brew install and now I need to name the package I want to install the first one is not a fun one but it's one that you'll probably need because it's a dependency for most of the packages we're going to be talking about today and that's python python is a programming language python 2 ships on your Mac by default but Python 3 is something that we're going to need so we just type Brew install python we push enter and uh well Homebrew is going to download Python 3 and install it onto our operating system in its own little containerized package all these things kind of take a few seconds to do so uh see you in a minute again okay python is installed time for some fun if you ever get kind of overwhelmed by your terminal window if there's too much crap going on you can get rid of everything that's already been completed by just typing clear you can also close the window and open a new terminal session but clear is pretty easy okay the first app I want to show you is mail Z you install it by typing Brew install mail C and it's going to install this takes a minute and clear okay mey generates temporary email addresses this is super cool check this out m a i LS Y and we're just going to type G for Generate it's going to go out and do its little thing on the internet and create a new email address for us it is k38 C aarud have you ever been to a website that's pretty sus and you don't really want to give them any detail but you do want to sign up it's like for a mailing list or for a promo code or free trial and you don't want them bugging you and so you go to like tmail or one of those crappy websites that's infested with ads yeah here you go problem solved ad free in fact there's not even any goey so I'm going to go ahead and test this out I'm going to type this email and it does say be cautious about sending this information oh that's because of Google never mind ignore that you're you're not in a Google workspace so I'm going to say subject hello buddy and I'm going to go to sub to me on YouTube https probably don't need to type that but whatever snaz which doesn't go to my YouTube but that's fine I'm going to push send and I'm going to fetch that email by typing ma m for messages and check it out it says select an email I can just use my arrow keys to go up and down if I've got multiple it's already selected hello buddy from so I'm going to push enter it's going to fetch it again and it actually opens
in a local HTML page so it will show you graphics and pictures and metadata and everything that's attached to a regular email just here on your web page but you can see there's a URL I can click it it works and yeah that's pretty much it while not homebrew software today's sponsor clean my Mac is an indispensable app that I install on every Mac and have for years they're not paying me to say that I am actually a pain subscriber of clean my Mac and have been long before they sponsored at 10,000 fet up you push this button and it scans your system it goes through your disc and finds old library files and caches crap you just don't need anymore it scans your system for viruses and malware and it allows you to optimize your system by you know checking to make sure that you don't have log items are launch agents that shouldn't be opening anymore you can see your heavy consumers you can clear out stuff via Ram it's really you know that's what most people talk about but the three things that I really love about clean my Mac that keep getting better and better are the uninstaller there are a lot of uninstallers for mac and there are some really good ones that are free and paid but I don't find any of them to be as good as clean my Mac when you drag an application from the applications folder to the trash it's leaving behind so much crap pist files weird old Library resources this gets rid of every everything it really uninstalls stuff and on the opposite end of the spectrum the updater is of Pinnacle Excellence not only does it update stuff from the Mac App Store because that's not special the Mac App Store itself can do that but it will go out and find updates for thirdparty software that you've downloaded from the web you don't have to go and download some creepy weird DMG and re it just does it for you in the background it's so cool the space lens is probably my favorite feature it's similar to an app that's been around for ages and ages called Grand perspective but Grand perspective is ugly and it will let you create irreversible harm to ma it will let you delete stuff that you should not delete I think this is a much better way to visually see what's taking up the most space on your system the bigger the file the bigger the bubble the bigger the resources so I can drill into my system and find out what is it that is actually taking up all the system space on my disc and the end result is that you can kind of just be messy I leave the mess to clean my Mac and it takes care of the rest there is this menu bar bar icon too that I also really like this is newer and I think super great not only can you do much of what the main app can do but you can also see information that's not presented to you from control center so I can open up this battery widget and not only see my battery health but I can see how many charge cycles I've had the temperature of my battery I can do a speed test of my network connection directly from this little pane it's always running in the background taking care of me and my Mac and snazzy Labs viewers and this sounds not that interesting it sounds like a called action it is but this is really cool okay this app doesn't go on sale that often but they are giving snazzy Labs viewers over the next 2 weeks a 20% discount on clean my Mac you should really go check it out it is genuinely an app that I've bought and paid for for years it's fantastic I don't plan to unsubscribe anytime soon and I think if you download it you'll like it you can try it free using the link below next up tasel an app that is absolutely amazing and I've been using because I hate to-do list apps they suck this one doesn't brew and install tascal this will take a minute uh nope apparently not 85 megabytes just like that isn't the modern internet amazing okay I want to show you something that you're going to want to know because if you're not familiar with Vim which you're probably not if you are not familiar with the terminal you're going to need to learn vim and or go into tasl settings to set your own key bindings for commands in navigating the tascal interface let me explain how to do this type brew and then type info because this is asking home brew hey we just installed tascal and we want information on this package we just installed so type info and then yes of course tascal we push enter and it gives us a little bit of information but what you'll see most importantly is that it gives us the directory of this installation now if you're comfortable with the uh command line here you can just CD into that directory list the files and then there you go open the read me from there if that didn't make any sense to you don't worry what you can do is go to the finder and navigate to The Go menu and then click go to folder shift command G also works and then you will paste this same string into this window and check it out this directory that we're viewing inside of the terminal is now just present in a regular finder window you're going to want to read the read me file this is in a markdown format which unfortunately Macos doesn't know how to read but it's just a text file so if you just type. txt instead then you can open this up if you have a markdown reader do it because it's much more organized and handsome looking but this gives us information about what to do and how to use this app all key commands everything you need to know and there's a settings or preferences file that you can modify to your heart's content but once you've done that I want to show you what TASC L can do because it's really powerful you prompt it by typing TASC L it's going to because I'm launching this for the first time ask me if I want to create a markdown little sheet it's technically a database just inside of a text file I'm going to push yes and this takes me to this very handsome window that if you have any familiarity with you know what's it called Trello or can band system is right that it's it's a to-do doing and done just a task list so I'm going to start typing by pushing the letter A that allows me to move my cursor into prompt this is vim stuff so learn Vim if you haven't learned Vim it'll help you a lot in the terminal but I'm going to type uh I don't know make video for tomorrow I'm going to type go to store I'm going to type go to GameStop and buy frozen ham okay then once I've done all the tasks I want to create I just push the Escape key and I can now navigate between these tasks by using my J and K keys this is the same kind of interaction method you'd have with Vim so I'm going to say okay I have some things that I need to uh have as subtest for my going to the store so I'm going to push the enter key and you'll see that it opens this new window which is pretty cool if I push the a key again I can start entering subtests this is so neat this is all within the terminal so I can say eggs beef milk cow I don't know okay and then I can push the Escape key when I'm done completing my task and I can just same deal navigate up and down with J andk I've got my beef I've got my milk I'm ready to rumble let's say this has a due date uh actually no let's go to my make video for tomorrow because this one definitely has a due date I can type the at Key and just say this is due in one day there you go it assigns it a due date right here in the window and because this is a can band you can have a list of progress inside of this window so I technically inside of my go to store list have already completed some of the items I'm doing this so I'm going to push the m key for move and I'm going to say I'm moving this to the doing category if I want to go back to this other list and go down to GameStop and say okay well I actually bought my frozen ham I can just push move done and then I can set within the parameters of how I want this to look because again tascal is infinitely adjustable I can add more columns I can change the way it looks I can change the behaviors on when stuff moves over automatically when the list is cleared out it's so powerful and yet it's so simple it's just reading from a text document onside your local desktop and uh yeah it's the best to-do list ever there's no ads there's no bloatware it's wicked fast and if you know Vim it just uses Vim key binding it's so awesome tasel I love it if you're sitting there in your chair thinking I'm overwhelmed this is too complicated let me give you a simple one Brew install speed test- CLI okay speed test on not everyone's used it right we know it's a great service it's a good way to check out your internet speed but the browser version kind of sucks it's infested with ads it's slow to load it's server selection is oftentimes questionable and as we demonstrated in our prior video of ours if you have really fast internet the browser not your internet speed is actually the bottleneck in your results it's it's not very good and so you want to use speed test- instead you type the command and holy crap it just automatically uses the fastest server near you it starts the download speed it starts the upload speed and uh we'll see here that uh my internet here at work is a lot less good than the internet I have at home 200 megabits a second I'm also on Wi-Fi not bad this is speed test CLI of course as with everything you can go into speed test- CLI and then do space- for help and it will tell you all of the special commands you can use if you want to use a specific server if you want to have a certain package size or yada yada y it's it's really powerful but it's also really simple speed test CLI like it or not chat GPT is probably here to stay so Brew install ATA ask the terminal anything ATA is a super simple way to chat with chat GPT which at the end of the day an llm just a chat bot I don't need some super complex app I don't really want to use the web browser the terminal is the perfect place so once I've installed it I just type ATA and what you'll see is that it's prompting you to create create an example file this is a configuration file a TL file and uh it says hey do you want me to put one in your application support folder yeah great place for it so I'm just going to type yeah once I type yeah it's going to say okay I wrote that file there I'm going to copy this entire string with the quotes um because application support has a space in it and that's complicated just when you have paths and long stuff just put it inside of quotes Okay so I am going to uh use Nano or Vim to edit this file and uh there we go I've typed it out and I now have the option to insert my API key I'm just going to Arrow over and I am going to erase the your secret API key and I am going to put mine inside of quotes okay I've got it copi to the clipboard and I'm going to paste it into this field don't look at mine okay if you're using Nano you're going to press um control o to write out then you push enter and then you push command X control X to exit control command Escape op option they're all the same key all right now that I've created my configuration file I just type ATA and it's going to say hey buddy what do you want to talk about this is the prompt I'm going to clear this out just so it looks a little bit better okay just so you see what you're looking at here so there's our prompt it can tell us that we're using the GPT 3.5 turbo model but you can go between GPT 4 whatever version you want you can change the token limit size the temperature it's really really really cool because it's just a regular a you know API terminal you can do whatever you want so I'm going to go here and say I'm writing a YouTube video about how beans make people grow more bigger give me the best five titles and make them Sparkle Mr Beast style okay I push enter and it's going to respond with properly formatted answers it's really great because is whatever it responds with on the web you know bullet points indentations all of that exists inside of at it's fantastic that it writes that all out and there you go that's all I need to do once I'm done talking to chat GPT I just push command or control C The Prompt goes away and then if I ever want to speak to it again I just open a terminal window type ATA and boom I'm there it's faster than navigating to the web by like a long shot it's a fantastic way to chat with chat GPT next up has been one of my favorites for years Brew install wi-fi- password you can actually do this from within the Mac OS 10 key chain now but it's still so convoluted and confusing to find especially since they still put the keychain inside of the awful not system preferences system settings app which has been ruined inside of macas Ventura and uh somoma and whatever the heck we're on now this is a much better way to do it what it does very simply is it tells you your Wi-Fi password so I'm going to type wi-fi- password it's going to ask me for my user uh uh authentication because I am ultimately requesting you know information that's inside of my keychain so I'm just going to type my username I'm going to type my password and check it out it pastes my password right here that's for my existing Wi-Fi hotspot but what if I want uh the answer to a Wi-Fi hotspot that I haven't used in a while or my home Wi-Fi or my friend's Wi-Fi well you just type wi-fi- password and then inside of quotes you put the SSID so I'm going to type the one I have at my house I'm going to type it inside of quotes and then it's going to ask me the same thing I'll have to reauthenticate I type my username and password and boom there it is that's super Neato of course you can just copy the text from right here but what you could also do if you wanted to is at the end of your argument you can just amend uh PB copy and that will copy the password to your clip chain uh it's really simple clip chain clipboard it's really simple doesn't do much just copies your password tells you what your password is but that could be handy to know especially when you got friends over this next one is one that's had its feature set massacred by Apple a little bit over the years but I still really like it brew and install Mas for Mac App Store okay I'm using a machine right now that doesn't have anything installed obviously because I use most of these utilities so this is just some laptop with nothing on it so it's not going to seem very impressive when I show you this but try it on your own Mac and you'll find that it's actually pretty awesome Mas is the Mac App Store but via the command line the Mac App Store um sucks it was designed in like 2007 and I don't think they've touched it since then it's way worse than the IOS app store and this allows you to kind of circumvent it so what I can do first of all is list the apps that I have installed by the Mac App Store again you will not have zero apps like me because this is not my computer it will list your computers out or list your uh things out what I can also do is search for a specific app that I want to install so I could say Mas uh search and then I can type the term that I want to search for so let's do slack okay it goes and then it finds a bunch of apps that match these search preferences first of which is slack so I can can just copy that app ID and then I can just go to Mas install I type the identifier ID and it is going to start to install uh slack in the background without me having to do anything I don't have to go to the store I don't have to like redownload I have to donate the cloud thing it just does it which is so so nice another really handy feature of this app sorry slack I'm going to kill your installation is I'm going to go to Mas and then type outdated this does exactly what it sounds like it will search for uh all of the apps that you've got installed on your app on your Mac through the App Store and it's going to go hey these ones not up to date and then with a single command you can just type Mas upgrade it will upgrade all of the apps that you have installed that need Updates this is super cool for a couple reasons number one I find that the Mac App Store just literally oftentimes takes hours or days to reflect on the fact that there are new updates they're installed on your machine if you go to the product page it's like open this app and then after two seconds it's like well hold on there's an update do you want the update there are some apps that I use that need updates like Fast and the MACC app store if you just leave it to autoinstall will take like days to upgrade apps even though it should be upgraded minutes after they become available you type mes upgrade it will go and permanently fetch all of those directly from the servers it doesn't go through that stupid like oh were there any updates it's it like it skips through the system it's a fantastic way to get apps updated right now it's a lot more powerful than that it used to do a lot more things but well just like every other app if you want to know what it does you type Mas help maybe not M help Mas help Mas H Mas help wow that's one of the few that doesn't use that you just keep typing until it works next up MPV Brew install MPV MPV is an open-source video player that has been popular for many many years of course there's Ena on the Mac there's the very obvious VLC that's been around for ages MPV is probably my favorite even even though the UI isn't the most beautiful I find that it works the best on Apple silicon lip syncing and um using really high resolution video that's in weird codex works better on MP MPV than anywhere else and while they have a gooey based version that you can just download and install like any other app I like the command line version it just works really really simply and it also takes apparently a really long time to install all right mod listen up you type MPV you press space you throw in whatever file you want literally any video file you want that's not natively read by Mac OS or if you don't want to open it in quick time because whoever wants to do that you push enter and boom instantly it opens and starts playing back this is MPV it is that's not me by the way that that's my brother he's cuter than me I know I've been bitter about it my whole life anyway inside of these menus you have the ability to do everything you would be able to do in the version download it from the web it supports all the hotkeys and commands you're familiar with but it just works so well audio sync is always dead on it consumes basically no system resources it's fantastic better than VLC if you ask me and better than Ena although not quite as pretty I know what you've been thinking where are the text character based games well Buddy Brew install c248 it goes ahead it installs rapidito and then you type 2048 and that's right bud it's 2048 the game you just use arrow keys to play 2048 that's literally that all is to it what do you want more is this not good enough for you it's good enough for me all right I got to beat this level see you later if you've ever had a problem with something on your Mac and you've gone an activity monitor to try and kill it you might notice that activity monitor is the biggest piece of crap on the planet I'm still waiting there we go it's like come on Apple what the heck uh task manager for Windows way better than activity monitor and activity monitor just continues to get worse it doesn't provide you like any useful information you can't actually kill half the system processes that it's it says you can kill it sucks and so what Apple has available inside of the terminal is called top the problem with top is that I mean look at it this thing is freaking confusing as I'll get out and it's uglier than dirt so I'm going to show you how to install something much cooler Brew install htop H stands for ha it's more better I don't actually know what it stands for but you type htop and there you go now we have a good looking list that using hotkeys alone we can sort our processes by usage we can see our per thread and per core usage up here which is fantastic you can't see that in the regular activity monitor which is freaking asinine and you can actually from a system level using pseudo commands uh kill processes that are hung up which is way better than inside of activity monitor because it's like oh I killed it but then it's still broken and then you ultimately have to restart your Mac to get things working again the htop is just so much better it takes a little bit of time to learn but it's so good just use it and be happy ah this is a really interesting video about wait this is an ad holy crap there's just like a dating ad over here Kamala 5.5 5 foot5
in slim brunette with medical degree I am a sincere kind and cheerful girl wow what has this website come to who has this as a job uh all right look here's the thing pay for YouTube premium it helps pay our bills and the bills of your favorite creators uh but if you don't want to do that I'm going to show you how to get around the system use an ad blocker and ytdl so ytdl used to called YouTube DL you type Brew install YT DLP and it will download the thing but mine's already installed because I just installed it actually with MPV MPV remember how I just said it was freaking awesome well you can actually download videos from YouTube DL directly from within MPV it's awesome but I'm going to show you how to do it the oldfashioned way type yt- DLP and then in quotes put the URL of the video you want to download you push enter and uh we'll check it out little brother it's just downloading exactly what I want to download now you'll notice that this is downloading in a webm format webm is a little bit tricky because it's not natively read by Mac OS so what you could do is throw that directly into MPV or if you want to download a specific MP4 version well guess what YT DLP has got your back because this thing can do 50 bajillion things whatever you think it can do it can do it can even by the way don't do this this is a a jerk move because clean my macx pays my bills if you don't um it even has sponsor block integration so if you wanted to cut a certain part out of a video but still download the video you could do that like this this this thing can do anything it can download any Kodak any length it can put it anywhere you want it's so so powerful like overwhelmingly so but it's cool YTD LP just pay for premium you cheap son of a gun you know how I just said ytdl is super powerful but a little bit confusing yeah well augment that by 50 billion times and you get imag magic one of the most powerful utilities I've ever used Brew install image magic if there is an image format that you have image magic can work with it it can convert it doesn't matter if it's 90 million years old it will work because the app itself is 100 million years old did you know that it's actually older than human species way older than computers you launch it by just typing magic okay and then you give it a file format that you want to convert arw is a Sony raw image file format and you can actually see here that Mac OS can native read it but this works for images that Mac OS has no freaking idea what they are doesn't matter you throw it in there and then I just type my output image I'm going to say call this one baba. jpeg okay it exports to the desktop it takes a few seconds and there you go that is a JPEG variant of the raw image that I had processed but you can go a lot further than this I'm going to take that same file type magic again and I am going to let's say resize this by a lot I want it 20 % of its original size and then I'm going to name this babab b.png and there you go I press the space bar and you can see in the quick take preview it's in the quick look preview it's much smaller because it's a much smaller sized file you can give it a lot more parameters than this not just the exact resolution you want exported but basically seriously almost anything you can do gifts you can do color management you can change the bit mapping you can do like uh decorating and you can put images on top of it you can put shapes on there you can draw on it you can do like just crazy processing you can it's insane um image magic can do anything and in fact it is often the engine that lays beneath most image conversion pieces of software so they just they take image magic which is open source and free to use and then they just put a little bit of Chrome on top a nice little window and they go thank you 50 bucks image magic is amazing it's free and there are goys available if you want some of the more powerful stuff because it gets complicated fast from the command line if you want to do crazy stuff but I use it all the time for just resizing and for changing file formats and it's fantastic well thanks so much for watching let me know in the comments down below if I've missed a Homebrew package that you use all the time thank you so much for watch I already said that get out of here stay snazzy
2024-03-15 01:30