How to succeed with your agile finance transformation

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foreign [Music] delighted and excited to be here with Matt Stirrup and the two of us will be taking you through and introducing you to the agile Finance transformation certificate program my name is Ash Noah I work for the aicpa and SEMA in the management accounting Division and I'm responsible for learning education and development of programs such as these met thanks Ash so great to be here um so as I said my name is Matt Stirrup um and I'm SVP within our Global business finance team at Oracle I'm responsible for all of our enterprise-wide forecasting and planning processes as well as management reporting and analytics and I've been part of the Oracle transformation um office Finance group to the cloud over the past few years and am specifically responsible for the adoption and deployment of our planning and management reporting and analytics Tools in addition I I talk very frequently to customers and prospective customers about their transformation Journeys right so really engaged with your offering and your solution with your customers that's that's fantastic and those are the perspectives you bring to this course which has been really useful um my former role was as a CFO and I have led transformation for many years and Matt as Finance leaders and CFOs there's never been a time when we haven't been transforming there's always been a reason to transform and the reasons now the imperatives now to continue our transformation Journey are just incredible because of the changes we've been saying the volatile uncertain complex and ambiguous Journey that we're all on and for finance to lead our organizations through this is really essential so I'm really excited that we've come together as aicp and SEMA with Oracle to present this course to you so by the end of this session you should be able to really identify how you're going to go about flipping your Finance function from not just being a scorekeeper but becoming a valued partner driving strategy driving insights and driving efficiencies in the business you'll be able to identify some of these technologies that are dramatically shrinking the timelines improving the accuracy of your reporting and really enhancing employee satisfaction you should be able to recognize some of those organizational factors that are absolutely needed and are critical for a successful agile Finance transformation you will also learn a best practice approach to finance transformation articulated by aicpn SEMA with Oracle through our joint research so let's start talking about defining these terms uh agile and transformation and finance transformation that I just talked about when you think about Finance transformation what is it that comes to mind yeah so really it's a strategic initiative right that touches all aspects of finance and it's really around change um looking at your technology and really upgrading your technology to a cloud platform but then also addressing change needed in your processes um and your people right to truly become become agile so that might sound really daunting right um Sanford Katz our CEO to steal one of her phrases she says everybody loves change as long as it happens to somebody else right and there's an element of change personal change um involved in transformation but it needn't be daunting um like you say it is a continuous process and one where we can all learn and develop the the imperative for the transformation has accelerated significantly over the last especially over the pandemic but even over the last five to ten years the the technologies that are coming out and the tools and what is available to finance function to be able to move up the value curve has really enabled Finance to get out of the box of curating information correlating information accurating these reports and then performing analysis and we all know that as a finance function we spend far more time on getting information in curating this report Stan actually on analysis and so one of the things that we mean by Finance transformation is actually to transform the function where the function is spending far greater time like you said in in strategic analysis and in providing strategic actionable insights and actually engaging in execution so when you look at the role of Finance what you're looking at is finance has always been great at knowing where to go to get the data both financial and non-financial data and then we analyze it and we provide these insights to the business and then we move on to the next cycle of reporting but this transformation and the technologies that are now available some of the things that you just talked about for example Cloud um and and we'll talk about some of these other Technologies in a minute these Technologies are really enabling Finance to get out of the boxes of information curation correlation report production and really go into analysis and so think about Finance transformation as enabling your using and leveraging Technology to the extent that is available and to really drive that transformation and then doing it in an agile way is kind of sounds like it's agile methodology but I think what you mean by agile and and you know we've been working on agile Finance um research and agile Finance reports for several years we we started off in about five years ago on agile Finance revealed what is agile finance and then we after five years we we went on and looked at agile Finance Unleashed and this work has been going on with Oracle and aicp and SEMA together to bring some of these insights uh let's let's switch gears and talk about agile Finance yeah no absolutely so I mean what is it we're trying to transform to be an agile Finance uh function within the organization so as you say you know the technology is such um that it really enables us to do things faster but also many many more things in terms of being able to bring value and insight to the business more quickly so you know an agile Finance team is efficient it's flexible and it's resilient um really an agile Finance team should be able to really understand the value drivers of the business um and what the levers are to create more value Implement a planning process to really be able to charge the progress against strategic objectives that bring value to an organization and be able to continually change and to adapt so that an organization can bring products and services to Market more quickly this means a finance team really needs just to spend much more of its time looking forward and being predictive than looking backwards at what's just happened in history yeah you've hit on all the points about providing an organization forward-looking views enabling them to go quick to Market with their products are really going and dialing into the analysis of the intangibles the value levers you talked about and finally also giving Finance the time to engage in risk and opportunity management um so that's what we mean by agile finance that you're in a position where reports are pretty much automated absolutely um they are self-service the drill down functions exist they're all on the cloud uh you you've used AIML now we'll come come to talk about those things and you've transformed the function to an extent where you're really engaged in value creation so that's what we really mean by agile Finance driving agility and having transformed your Finance function so we talked about Finance transformation that we've been on this journey you've been on this journey for a while and the imperative for the transformation why should somebody do this course I want to highlight some of the benefits of transformation that you have achieved and and that should really drive the audience those of you who are listening to really engage with this course because there are significant benefits of this Finance transformation tell us about those Matt yeah sure so at Oracle we've been really on a journey to move all of our systems to the cloud so we've adopted Cloud technology across the Enterprise and in doing so to enable that we've really standardized and simplified all of our processes and we only spend a lot of time with our employees within the finance function enabling them um to work in this digital environment there's some very tangible benefits that we've seen so for example we announce our earnings now nine days after we close the quarter which is the fastest uh in the s p 500. um something that we're very proud of and are continually trying to improve now how have we done that well one of the ways is through Automation and really making our closed process much more efficient so for example we have we've removed 49 of our manual accounting which clearly you can see helps us to um to really get to our earnings release quicker now that's tremendous and we're really happy with the progress there for me in business finance what that means is I spend much less time now um reporting and understanding what's just happened um and much more time working with the business thinking about what the future might look like what are our opportunities and what are our risks and therefore adding much more value to the organization as a whole so it sounds like you've removed manual processes you've removed stuff that takes time and is boring and and hopefully it's allowing you to spend more time on stuff that's actually interesting and and that is Meaningful even even for your people no absolutely um and it's meant we can redeploy our people uh the employees within the within the finance function from those manual tasks to analytical activities um and really as I say work work with the business um to to try and change the outcome of the future right and then in terms of this training we want to try and help help the audience figure out who should be taking this training uh what's what's your opinion yeah well really anyone and everyone in the finance function and it also applies to people who are are outside the finance function as well and interested uh in the topic um now why do I say everyone um I think because you know change is continuous um the the the foundation now that we have with Cloud um really allows us to continually change the technology is being continually updated with new features and functions um and so really transformation as I see it is a continuous process um and so whether you're uh whether you're early or later in your career there are always things that you can learn or do or do differently right I think you you're spot on uh Matt the transformation that we're talking about touches all the levels of the organization so it's not just for leaders it's not just for those who are managers but it goes all the way down because what you're trying to do is you're trying to change top down and bottom up it's it's both ways and so the imperative for everyone to be on Common Ground to understand the terminologies of transformation to understand that when you say transformation this is what it means and to have that common understanding it's absolutely essential that a course like this can ground you all onto a common base so let's talk about what can you expect out of this training Matt when you first embarked on your transformation you only had previous experiences to go by there wasn't really a course there's a lot of material and a lot of research that talks about why Finance should transform and the imperative for transformation but there isn't anything out there yet as to how to transform and so this is a how-to guide this is a very practical how-to guide that will help those that are taking this training to get Frameworks and steps along the way and to really Drive transformation [Music] um because you're charting in you you're you're in Uncharted Territory really how did you do it before this training course existed Matt yeah I mean great question and really was one of the reasons why we wanted to partner together um was because we found there really was no training um to help with the how um I mean Oracle has a great history of change and change management we had done a lot of work prior to our digital transformation um really in in terms of standardizing centralizing automating our processes and systems on premise right so for example we had developed Global processes we'd moved to a single chart of accounts all of which were sort of foundational um to our digital transformation now we knew how to change um but really um our approach evolved as we went we had a very clear Vision about what we wanted to achieve um but you know in terms of then each step along the way we could we kind of evolved and changed we made some mistakes um we went back and we we redid things and that was sort of all part of our philosophy um however we thought this was an ideal opportunity when we think about Finance transformation to really bring some of the lessons that we've learned um to to the course yeah you've been through you've been through the transformation you're on the other side and your experiences would be absolutely priceless so the other thing you should be able to expect by taking this course is to actually getting a road map towards process excellence and streamlining your processes one of the things with these latest Technologies man that I've come across several leaders saying is that you cannot take the technology and apply it to your processes technologies that are now available are best practice and they provide you a best practice roadmap so it is important to redefine and re-engineer your legacy processes so that you can adopt the technology can you tell us something about that yeah no absolutely and I would say it's fundamental to the approach um with Finance transformation I mean if we think back to the on-premise days um where we implemented software with hundreds if not thousands of customizations in order to kind of fit our process um really what that meant was then changing the technology became very very difficult with the cloud adopting the kind of best in practice enterprise-wide technology and then really adapting your processes to suit given the amount of kind of thought that has gone into the framework of that technology is critical the cloud then allows kind of the delivery of kind of continuous enhancements features and functionality and and then really rather than needing to continually upgrade your your process can can look at that new features and functions and and just and you can decide how to sort of adopt them and adapt to them right so instead of um adapting technology to your process you adapt to your processes and adopt technology and that's that's quite fundamental you'll be getting that very clearly in the course and also the course gives you a pathway to digital intelligence building upon this process excellence and process standardization could you talk a little bit about that yeah um digital intelligence is a really important part of transformation and the use of the technology and so really as a finance function what we're trying to do is we're trying to use our data in a fast and efficient way to really bring insight to the business to add value um so really that's a combination of having a standard centralized data set applying the technology to it and using the predictive nature and the reporting and analytical capabilities of the technology in order to deliver that intelligence to the business yeah the course talks about a connected Enterprise a standardized data model and how to achieve all of that and some insights there would be really really useful so the course also gives you some insights into how to prepare for change yeah and and this is like the most important thing how do our people embrace the change at adopt and adapt to the new technology um and so really in all of the courses throughout the series um we present these different topics in a conceptual way um but then share ideas and learnings that that we've experienced so planning for change and then managing change through the transformation is a critical aspect of transformation absolutely you'll also realize through this course that this is not just a technological shift but a major cultural shift what would you see in the course around the cultural shift Matt yeah no absolutely um and really what we're talking about here is the sociology of change um and so when we think about change management um really we need to think about you know do do our people have the right skills um are they able to adapt um and adopt the new technology and really deliver value to the business based on that um and oftentimes when we think about that we really need to think about the culture of our of our overall organization um the focus the priority of that organization and what do we really need to develop in order to fully embrace the new technology and that culture shift also then takes us to this shift from not just being scorekeepers not just providing reports and being a reporter but actually now engaging in value creation no absolutely and it's really critical to think about you know what are our objectives what are we trying to do um and at Oracle we've really kind of followed this Paradigm of moving from scorekeeper to Value business partner how do we spend less time reporting on actuals reporting on things that have happened and much more time working with the business and if we think about skill sets needed for that we need to be able to influence we need to be able to communicate we need to be able to build relationships with our business partners that are based on credibility and Trust so that when we bring our Data Insights and analytics we're then able to turn that into a set of actions with our business partners to ultimately Drive change and business growth yeah that really goes back to the original concept of aicpn SEMA a around information to Insight to influence and impact and really the information and insight as I said before is being automated and as humans we need to dial up the human skills to be able to influence and then co-create value and and actually execute yeah absolutely in our previous research that we did with Oracle around agile Finance we actually together stumbled upon and discovered this three segments of transformation uh it's around operational excellence that leads to digital intelligence and then using that digital intelligence in business influence so that is how we've structured the course and it's it's worked really well because these whilst they may seem like they are three steps um Matt you perhaps you can tell us whether these are three steps or do they happen concurrently uh what happens in process and and operational excellence um perhaps we can talk a little bit about we already talked about the digital intelligence piece um and we've covered in some way we recall I called it process Excellence before but it really is this operational excellence in all of operations um perhaps we can talk a little bit about these three steps and and how that works in practice yeah sure I mean I think it's a very helpful way to think about transformation in these three different areas um but but yeah I mean you don't do that it's not sequential you don't do one and then move on to another right for example you can work on your business influence skills like your communication the way you present things your kind of analytical approach um you know at the same time as focusing on operational excellence um and trying to improve your processes get faster get more automated um get less error prone Etc um I mean I think the three steps are highly interdependent right the better you get at operational excellence in terms of being able to produce things more quickly in a better fashion the better your digital intelligence will be um and and so consequently the better your your business influence will be yeah it's it's not that the CFO and the finance function is struggling with getting their numbers accurate right operational excellence isn't as has ensured your numbers are accurate you're not trying to tick and tie and reconcile and close the books you're actually deep in analytics and looking at what's coming next and that gives you that digital muscle the digi digital intelligence and the greater you the greater the digital intelligence is I believe the greater influence you're able to exercise so it is kind of sequential but it's iterative as well yeah no absolutely um and I would say that there are components of each step that stand by themselves um but absolutely it's all interrelated and then there are some technologies like you talked about the cloud and moving to the cloud really drives process excellence and then these Technologies around machine learning artificial intelligence Etc deploying these type of capabilities really drives your analytical power in your digital intelligence and then it's really all the human skills that come into play in that business influence piece yeah no absolutely so let me give you an example um really in the realm of Enterprise Performance Management um so we implemented the Oracle EPM Cloud to help our forecasting so what did that mean well we were able with the application to pull in data from a number of different sources that we needed to forecast so financial data from the GL other financial data from some of our subledges and systems and operational data from our HR System or from our our Sales Systems um that kind of the system that then curates the data in a standard way for our finance Financial analysts to look at and then interact with the financial models which are created using a number of different algorithms and formulas to then create a forecast so in in implementing EPM Cloud we've really then focused on the operational excellence of how you create a forecast um that forecast then is much more automated than it ever was with our on-premise systems we're able to very quickly create forecasts change forecasts and then use that data with the business not so much to tell them what the outcome is going to be but help Drive different outcomes that's that's critical isn't it because I remember a CFO saying Finance adds no value in the creation of a forecast it's what you do with the forecast that really creates value so that's a great example Matt thank you absolutely it's about what insights right what insights do you get from the process what action plan can you can you work with the business on to make the revenue higher or because slower to actually change the outcome exactly so Matt we have you here and we have the advantage of picking your brains on the section you presented in the training course around empowering change management could you talk about that yeah sure absolutely um I mean the technology is one thing right but really when we think about train change management um there are different things that you need to think about right people process and Technology oh really the buckets um in terms of thinking about change now there's nothing new in that per se that's a very kind of standard standard approach but critically important um so in the course we go into detail around thinking about your organization of the future how do you structure it what types of skills do you need how is that organized um and then really what processes do you need to develop adapt or change in order then to um to adopt the new technology all of those things are interrelated um and really being able to set a vision and then take your organization with you and change together is the key to key to success it's interesting how you position them people process and Technology uh usually everyone runs to technology first then to their process and then lastly people was there was there any thinking behind putting people first yeah I mean I think people is the most important thing right so if we think about the success of uh of an initiative it's really down to the people embracing that and being able to adapt and then use the technology maybe we think of Technology because it's a very tangible thing um and process sure that's all something that we're very used to working with designing a process changing a process um but it's the the softer maybe more intangible things around change management that's truly important especially for us Finance folks um we are so process oriented that we would address the process using the Technologies but now as I said before you've got a change your processes adopt the technology but the people aspect is so critical and it is amazing how many companies and how many Finance leaders will be willing to invest huge amounts on technology significant amounts on consultants and re-engineering the processes and then when it comes to the people and when it comes to training courses such as this it takes the back seat we need to flip that around yeah absolutely it's critical so we want to show you a snippet from the course uh we talked about how transformation is not just about technology but it's also about talent and so let's let's watch this video just a segment to give you an idea of the kinds of topics we address in the people skills hello and welcome to becoming co-creators of business value where we'll focus on finances contribution to the business adding value to influence decisions with data and insight I'm Andrew Hines Vice President of Finance at Oracle in my six years with Oracle I've been aligned with several of our business units supporting our sales services and development organizations I've worked with different business owners some more open and accepting of finances role as a partner in their business and some less so in those later instances I've had to earn their trust and prove the value of finances contributions so I'm very close to the topic of partnering and what it takes to become a co-creator of business value let's get started after I review learning objectives we'll introduce the growing trend of Finance being a partner to the business I'll describe the different paths for finance to establish their role in being that co-creator of value and I'll describe the broader cross-functional teams contributing to business value finally I'll share experiences and lessons that the Oracle Finance organization has learned in our 15 plus years partnering with our business leaders by the end of this session you'll understand the ways to adapt to different partnering scenarios and what questions to ask to gather a deeper understanding of the business as companies transform the trend is to move away from traditional models where Finance Works in a silo providing only numbers after they close the books instead companies are morphing into a framework where Finance is directly aligned to the lines of business and they work together in a partnership this is a major change in culture for many organizations it's best to have Senior Management introduce the finance business partnering model as an initiative designed to help improve decision making within the organization members of the finance function will be aligned and working closely with their management teams for example attending sales meetings production meetings Logistics meetings Etc the whole point is to be more than just the finance person be an active participant in all discussions relating to all aspects of the business your Insight is valuable even when discussing non-finance topics you become a true member of the team and only if you're a true member of the team can you create value together so let's look closer at what creating value together means by definition co-creation involves more than just you it means creating value with the person you support your business partner and like all Partnerships each side should bring their own strengths but they must also be working towards the same goal it's the power that comes from working together that will make the most impact let's talk about what you bring finance's role should include seamlessly using and interpreting data you're likely the best person in the room with numbers use this skill to help others understand the data generate business insights you need to know enough about the business to figure out what the data is telling you manage multiple stakeholders there are many different people on the team many with Divergent opinions you must Factor all these different opinions when helping get to a decision set a clear agenda business discussions often go off on tangents you need to help keep everyone focused on the important issues these are often determined by the data influence actions that align with goals remember those tangents well you need to move Beyond them and drive everyone into agreed action so you don't end up in analysis paralysis shape strategy this is the Holy Grail of business partnering as a true partner you can influence the future not just report numbers from the past notice these are not finance jobs they're things all Business Leaders need to do and as a partner you need to do them too we've talked about you what about your partner not all partners are created equal so let's discuss some differences and how Finance needs to adapt to succeed with each well that was a great example um of one of one of the training courses that we have here um and you know I I hope you see that Andrew certainly is passionate about business partnering um and he's bringing really a mix of theory and then practical examples about what's worked and what hasn't worked in practice he said a really key thing that resonated with me there um that you know really our job is to be more than just the finance person in the room right to be an integrated member of the business team and really bring all of our data and insights into the conversation to help make better decisions and that really is the Crux of of good business partnering for me yeah you can't just go rushing in bull in a china shop with your numbers and your analysis um there's a way to partner there's a way to actually influence um I remember reading a book about how to influence people and and and win friends right these are the kind of skills that are so essential that Finance often don't address and so this course addresses that so Matt let's demystify some of the terms I used before I mentioned AI ml RPA these are Technologies and capabilities that have come about only in the last few years um 10 years ago when I left my role as CFO there wasn't these Technologies were not readily available um they I I know a lot of them have been in use for a long time for example machine learning is not new but the way it's presented now and the way it's been made accessible is unprecedented and and so it really provides some power to the finance function to really leverage these in order to then become that co-creator of value that we talked about could you just dive a little bit deeper into these Technologies and explain it a little bit more yeah absolutely and this is an area where I personally um I'm so excited about our digital transformation um and and and really using these Technologies in order to provide business value um you know some of these things some of the Technologies allow us to automate which is clearly um very important from an efficiency perspective but but they also allow us to do many more things from an analytical point of view which were really impossible in in our land of spreadsheets that that existed before the cloud so let's go into the this in a little bit more detail um and I'll take you through kind of some of the use cases for uh for some of this technology artificial intelligence or AI is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with Building Systems capable of Performing tasks that typically require human intelligence it's really the science and engineering of making intelligent computer programs AI can support Finance by managing an abundance of data and using predictions to automate complex or mundane tasks an example might be transaction coding of invoices or AI is used extensively within the retail sector for example helping customers through their online shopping find the best substitute for an out of stock item AI is used to consider hundreds of variables size type brand price and aggregate Shopper data an individual customer preference in a real-time way to help determine the next best available item then machine learning or ml is the subset of AI that focuses on Building Systems that learn or improve performance based on the data that they consume so machine learning helps Finance automate and speed the time to decision an example for business may be forecasting where we use machine learning algorithms to help us predict better and understand which sales opportunities are likely to be won or lost or ml is used extensively within the finance sector to help detect fraud and then finally robotic process automation or RPA which allows Finance teams to configure computer software Bots to interact with applications and perform high volume repetitive tasks rpa's usage within the finance department is growing because it can handle many tasks within payroll record keeping reporting and accounts payable an example here maybe within the health care industry where IPA can be used to automate the process of processing of claims and speed up processing time so as we look into the future there are some key things for us to be considering as Finance leaders as CFOs as those that are given responsibility for guiding the organization and also governing the organization so when you look at the role of Finance two fundamental elements is are governance and guidance research has shown that as far as governance is concerned Finance has pretty much come to the party and delivered what it requires there's only about a seven percent gap between what is required and what the business is demanding in terms of what is required and what we're delivering there's a small Gap but the Gap in business guidance between especially now with what the business needs and what we are providing the Gap is 65 percent so that's a that's a big gap to address and as I look into the future and as I am designing learning courses for our professionals that's something which really keeps me awake at night how do we close this guidance Gap some of it is capability and some of it is using these modern Technologies and and it's a combination of talent and Technology again but as I look into the future I really feel compelled in terms of making sure that Finance remains relevant and courses like these enable Finance to actually be leading transformation so that they can address this guidance Gap what has been your experience and and how do you look at the future yeah yeah I mean great a very interesting thing to think about um and and I think that it sounds like we've a way to go more more generally um and and for me I think the answer really is in agile Finance right um and it is embracing the new technologies as they come um really finding better and more efficient ways to work um and continually changing and Reinventing ourselves and finding different ways to add value the world is increasingly competitive it's an increasingly Dynamic environment I mean we've had so much disruption in the last couple of years um and you know potentially that continues in different ways and we have to adapt and and develop um and you know just think about how um we can be that integrated member of the business team um and really think in terms of the future right what are our future options how might we plan um how might that plan not happen right what what um opportunities and risks are there um and and really Embrace that uh as as we go forward another aspect as we think about the future of Finance is really we talked about co-creating value we talked about you know really value partnering and when one looks at Value over the last 50 years that equation has flipped as well whereas 80 percent of the value used to be in the balance sheet in the p l in the financials and 20 was intangible today it's only 10 of an Enterprise's value is in its balance sheet the other 90 is an intellectual property it's in the intangibles and that that really is posing a challenge to finance because we typically look at balance sheets and P L's which generates not not all of the value so in order to be able to participate in value creation around the customer value proposition value is in your strategy and your ability to execute value is in your culture and and these are intangible aspects of value how do you think Finance should be getting ready to participate in these intangibles which are really a way for finance to be partnering in value creation yeah no I mean excellent question um and the way I think about this is you know an important element of agile Finance really is the utilization of an enterprise-wide data set right so it's not just financial data that we need to understand consume and find Insight in but it's combination with operational data um and the combination of those two things helps us to measure and understand a number of those intangible aspects that that you talk about things like customer relationships supplier relationships those have immense value but they're not in the balance sheet human capital is the other one right we say people are our biggest asset but they're not in the balance sheet and and these are the aspects that Finance really need to start engaging in yeah absolutely I mean how do you measure those things how do you create kpis that help you understand performance against those things I mean these are things that we really need to think about and and embrace going forward and the faster that we can pull data sets together and think about how we create value the more successful and relevant will be as a finance function to the organization and if Finance wants to participate in these intangibles I I actually believe Finance is in the best position to lead the analysis of the intangibles but you said something about data and data analytics so using technology using these modern Technologies and actually being able to analyze data not just Enterprise data but also Big Data from outside of the Enterprise looking at Trends looking at customer Trends in terms of unstructured data and all of that you know this is becoming so critical to our future yeah no absolutely absolutely so Matt I think the opportunity for finance to add value and co-create value is unprecedented and the future is bright but Finance needs to embrace these new technologies Finance needs to embrace courses such as these and so I'd hand over to you for some concluding thoughts yeah great thanks Ash um well I hope we've made our case right so Finance transformation is so critical and so important in order for us to really help the business understand value and create value what this course delivers is a structured approach to thinking about Finance transformation and change it's organized in logical modules so really any Finance user going through the training can sort of think about operational excellence digital intelligence um and business partnering and influence with with practical and useful insights from our experiences and learning and clearly there's not one way to do anything um you can do it in multiple different ways but the course hopefully provides some some really good materials to help you think about Finance change and transformation so this training consists of three learning parts and 30 modules it's designed to help us Finance professionals learn how to successfully transition to the cloud and how to drive better business results and also really provides us a great opportunity for career development the training is delivered by 38 different presenters who are all practitioners and so you get a really great variety of points of view as well so I hope this information about agile Finance transformation certificate series has been useful and informative and that you're ready to take the next step and actually register for the training the full curriculum offers 21 hours of CPE and each learning path is between 6 and 8 CPE credits now as a participant of this webcast you can receive a special discount if you enter the promotional code launch 15 to save 15 percent Matt thanks very much for your insights thanks for taking the time to tell us about the course and tell us about your journey and also for the section that you recorded in the instructional material I would like to challenge us all to think about the next steps that we need to take are you ready for the challenge ahead are you ready to invest in yourself are you ready to invest in your teams [Music]


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