The Terrifying Secret Of The Philadelphia Experiment And Why It Was Covered Up By The US Government

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The Philadelphia Experiment. A naval military  project that took place in 1943 during World War   II. The U.S Navy was conducting experiments  aimed at making their ships undetectable   to enemy radar the project involved the  use of a range of Technologies including   electromagnetic fields in an attempt to achieve  this goal despite its controversial nature The   Philadelphia Experiment has captured the Public's  imagination and has been the subject of numerous   books films and documentaries today we will  delve into the mystery of the Philadelphia   Experiment examine these Technologies used  and discussed the impact and Legacy of this   mysterious event join us as we  explore one of the most intriguing   stories of World War II in the new  episode of secret Origins welcome The Philadelphia Experiment  an event that is key in our   history why a legend about an entire  ship being removed in space-time but   is this just a legend or is it becoming  one because the government is hiding it   from us what are the consequences and  what is the different point of view The Philadelphia Experiment are officially  known as project rainbow was a top secret   attempt by the military to make a warship  invisible invisible to radar though the ear   is 1943 right in the middle of World War II now  the experiment we're assuming you've at least   heard about involves the battleship Eldritch  according to Bob Frizzle the technology that   the military received for the experiment was  from the gray aliens and their idea was that   the US wanted to win the war with it project  rainbow is the Forerunner of today's stealth   technology as the plan was to create an  electromagnetic bottle that effectively   deflects radar waves from the ship however while  the goal is for the ship Eldritch to disappear   only from the radar range the experiment  goes in a completely unexpected and sideways   Direction it becomes invisible to everyone  and temporarily disappears from space-time   foreign the experiment was developed by Nikola  Tesla and Albert Einstein with Tesla himself   in charge at the beginning he insisted that the  experiment to be carried out without the crew but   his proposal was not accepted and he ended his  participation and was replaced by Dr John Von   Neumann what the assigned team does is to trigger  fields that spin counterclockwise along with a few   more steps involving the speed of light to go from  one dimension to another or in another reality   what is seen is a red Miss around the traveler  and the colors are constantly changing from red   to orange yellow green blue which is why it's  called project rainbow but when the colors start   to flow into each other the researchers panic  and try to turn it off only to make the situation   worse and the ship crashes interdimensionally  or disappears for a bit from our space-time the   Eldritch disappeared from the Philadelphia Navy  yard for about 4 hours and the ship also appeared   in passages due to space-time and when it returned  it was transparent when it Returns the results are   shocking humans had left the physical universe and  there was no known environment around to connect   it to on their return to Port some passengers  were stuck in the bulkheads of the ship itself   some burned some materialized and dematerialized  and some never returned at all those who survived   were mentally disoriented and terrified the  interesting thing is that none of this became   purposeful because back then the concept of  teleportation was not known to our scientists after spending considerable time in Rehabilitation  the crew was subsequently released as mentally   unfit the diagnosis mentally unfit proved very  convenient in order to cover up their stories this   of course resulted in project rainbow being frozen  and while a major breakthrough had been made there   was no guarantee that humans would be able to  survive further experiments it's interesting what   happened to two crew members who started running  at the start of the experiment they jumped off the   ship and started swimming but when they reached  land they found themselves not in the harbor of   Philadelphia but on Long Island New York 40 years  later in 1983. their names are Duncan and Edward   later known as albelek Cameron the reason is  that the project Montauk experiment was taking   place at the same time and the two experiments  were connected according to Albert there are   four bio fields on planet Earth and all four come  together at a peak every 20 years on August 12th   at these very moments a sufficiently strong energy  is created with which a hyperspace World field is   created which causes the ship Eldritch to slip  if that is what we can call it in space in 1943   Dr John Von Neumann who led the experiment was  called to work on the Manhattan Project he was   associated with the atomic bomb which became the  weapon that ended World War II although it's not   widely known the extensive research that began  with project rainbow was resumed in the late   1940s precisely with project Montauk with a hole  opened in the time space continuum although the   US Navy has explained that no such experiment  took place many researchers disagree and they   have their reasons documents from 1943 have  been found with which confirms that Einstein   was in the service of the Navy Department in  Washington Witnesses began to appear and tell   stories how they personally sold the Eldritch  disappear there even was a newspaper clipping   from those times which talked about soldiers who  got off the ship and melted right before the eyes   of the witnesses The Philadelphia Experiment is an  example of a story that just refuses to die there   is a mysterious aura about it that is constantly  exploited these words from Jackie's Valley one of   the most brilliant paranormal investigators  clearly demonstrate the skepticism of many   scientists towards the story of The Disappearance  of the Destroyer Eldritch [Music] now we're going   to go back a bit to see how it all started in 1912  the mathematician named David helbert developed   several different methods of new mathematics  one of these is known as the Hilbert space he   developed equations for multiple realities and  spaces he met Dr Von Neumann in 1926 and shared   his information with him Von Neumann took many of  the systems he learned from hellberg and worked   with them according to Einstein Von Neumann was  one of the most amazing mathematicians he had the   unusual ability to take abstract theoretical  Concepts from mathematics and apply them to   situations in physics Dr Livingston who developed  Livingston's equations of time also appeared in   the story he published three books which are  now rare and almost impossible to find serious   research on the issue of invisibility began in  the early 1930s at the University of Chicago Dr John Hutchinson Dean at the time was aware  of the 145 the Montauk Project work of Dr Curtin   Hower then an Austrian physicist at the University  later Nikola Tesla joined them together they   studied the nature of Relativity and invisibility  in 1933 The Institute for prospective studies was   formed at Princeton with Albert Einstein and  John Von Neumann in 1936 the project developed   even further and Tesla was appointed director with  Tesla on board partial invisibility was achieved   before the end of the year research continued  until 1940 when a full test was made at the   Brooklyn Shipyard the test was small and there  was no one on board the ship used was powered   by generators from other ships connected by  cables at this stage another scientists got   involved 2000 Brown who is known for his practical  ability to apply theoretical physics by 1941 Tesla   already had the full confidence of the rulers  and they provided him with a ship Tesla's famous   Transformers were also used on this ship as  the project developed the inventor was cautious   because he knew there would be stuffing problems  perhaps he understood it because of his ability   to fully visualize his inventions in his mind and  to always be several steps ahead of everyone else   in any case Tesla knew that the mental state and  bodies of the crew would be seriously affected   and even injured he needed more time to perfect  the experiment and try to make it safe for the   participants Neumann however strongly resisted  this and the two never got along Von Neumann was   an outstanding scientist but he did not care for  metaphysics while and for Tesla it was something   common and he had created successful inventions  based on his unique foresight part of what caused   Tesla to give up was that during his experiments  in Colorado Springs around 19 000. he said that   unintelligence from another planet contacted him  through constant signal messages this happened in   1926 as well when radio towers were erected at  the Waldorf Astoria and his New York laboratory   he claimed to have received information that  the experiment would lose people if things   did not change so he needed time to invent a new  equipment Tesla's pleased for more time however   were ignored his government had a war to win and  further delay was not in their plans Nikola Tesla   secretly sabotaged the operation in March 1942 it  is not known whether he was fired or lived alone   we can go without mentioning one more thing about  the ship Eldritch after the end of the experiment   the ship enters the Greek Fleet under the name  Leon it's interesting what the Greek journalist   pantolus discovers when he goes to find out if  such an experiment was really carried out he   inspects that the entire ship including the ship's  log book and also manages to get an interview from   two officers who served Leon one of them served  as a captain of Leon and when he realized that   the entire Greek Fleet but himself knew that the  Leon was the famous Destroyer Eldritch of the   Philadelphia Experiment he noticed two strange  things about one of them he says the following   the pages of the ship's lock corresponding to  the time of the experiment are missing they are   torn off I asked three other captains who had  served on the Leon before and they all replied   that the pages had been missing from the locks  since the ship had passed to the Greek Fleet the other strange thing the accounts of the crew  members who claim to have seen strange things   on the ship something like ghosts or Phantoms  and that several times their belongings having   disappeared suddenly were later found in another  place some claimed to have seen a greenish light   in developing the ship at night if the testimony  of this officer sounds strange the words of the   other who served on the ship as a chief engineer  are no less weird the first thing that struck me   the Sailor recalled was the unusual amount  of cables stretched throughout the ship as   if they were remnants of a complex system of  electrical equipment used here in the past this   Marine engineer added that he sometimes notices  a strange vibration throughout the hull when   the engines were running as if the ship was under  repair in dark I was with one of the officers and   I thought an earthquake was starting but then then  I realized that there was no seismic activity in   the area where we were that day he explains what  can explain all this just self-suggestion or an   ego of the strange phenomena that somehow  got ridden into the structure of the ship now we'll go back to the time of conducting the  experiment the interesting moment is that the   two brothers Duncan and Edward Cameron start  to run away from the ship they suddenly find   themselves 40 years later miles from the port in  Philadelphia the two travel through time return   and then detail classified information about U.S  projects that gives us an idea of what happened  

to the Eldritch ship and the Philadelphia  Experiment how did this happen and did it   really happen The Philadelphia Experiment took  place on August 12 1943 but 40 years later on   August 12 1983 the same experiment was conducted  again and albelek claimed to have the memories of   Edward Cameron's life as according to him the  secret government was given alien technology   with which a person could regress to any age  subsequently this statement was confirmed and   Leading Edge news contacted Al and conducted an  open interview to find out what really happened   stay until the end to hear the whole story and  see some of the predictions he made for the future   the elect told his story to an audience at the  mutual UFO Network Conference in 1990 saying not   only that the Philadelphia Experiment was real  but that he and his brother were on board when   it happened he said that none other than Nikola  Tesla himself designed the equipment that caused   Eldritch to escape from space time and that even  opened a warm hole to the Future that dropped the   two brothers into the middle of the hero Montauk  camp on August 12 1983. surely many of us would   like to be in his place at least for a while he  was born in 1927 in America and worked for various   military subcontractors he participated in secret  projects related to time travel meetings with   extraterrestrials and top secret inventions that  we either read about in the books or we see in   the movies assistant created various covered and  secret programs such as psychological operations   involving search for UFOs which the Pentagon has  officially recognized as true but all this has   a price and because of this BLK is deprived of  his family memories and identity technology was   often used on him with which his memories were  erased but of course like any technology this   one also made its mistakes and after a while the  process was reversed and he not only remembered   everything erased but also received glimpses of  the future the age regression technique had been   traced back to Nikola Tesla while working on the  original Philadelphia Experiment he developed a   device to help Sailors in case they lost their  time points the purpose of this device was to   restore an individual to their normal time lock  in case they were disoriented as a result of time   travel the government or someone used this Tesla  device and developed it for temporal regression   of the body test said that if an individual's  time points were moved forward in time it could   remove H if someone's time points are moved back  20 years the body will be relative to the age   Edward Cameron has become albelek Al grew up  with his own identity in education and became   an engineer finally he started working  in Montauk here is what he explained in   an interview billek and his brother Duncan  were naval officers aboard the ship Eldritch   involved in the experiment aimed at achieving  invisibility the first test on July 22 1943   was successful in achieving radar sight and  Camera invisibility but the people on board   were badly affected by the electromagnetic  radiation leaving them disoriented and Ill   during the experiment blak and Duncan were in the  control room and were shielded from the radiation   the Navy scheduled a second test for August 12th  and set a deadline the ship was meant to shift in   time making it invisible however after about 30  seconds of the experiment starting the equipment   went crazy and builak and Duncan observed strange  effects in the control room including electronic   lights blinking in waves and high voltage arcs  appearing despite no high voltage equipment in the   room they tried to reach someone on the radio but  only heard crackling when they went outside onto   the deck they saw a greenish Miss and disoriented  Sailors running in circles bileck and his brother   decided to jump off the board and swim to shore  but they never reached the water they felt like   they were falling through a tunnel and ended  up at a military base in Long Island New York they were immediately caught by the military  police and brought underground to meet an   elderly civilian who claimed to be Dr Von Neumann  he told them that they were no longer in 1943 but   in 1983 and welcomed them to project Phoenix in  Montauk they were shown around the base and saw   advanced technology that did not exist in 1943.  Von Neumann explained to them that their ship   was still in hyperspace and the bubble around  it was growing they were sent back to the ship   to break the equipment because Monto had complete  control over space and time and could send them   anywhere at any time if they did not destroy  the equipment the bubble could Encompass the   entire planet so something had to be done to stop  it from growing they were sent back to the ship   to break the equipment Blake explains that they  were skeptical at first but they were sent back   in time to the Eldritch their instructions were  to destroy equipment any way they could so they   began smashing the equipment until the generators  stopped however before the ship reappeared in Port   they saw that some of the sailors had been  buried in the steel deck and bulkhead of the   ship including their younger brother Jim he  explained that this happened because during   the rematerialization process from hyperspace into  our reality the molecular structure of the sailors   bodies shifted causing them to remain in a liquid  state if they found themselves near a wall during   this process they got stuck in violak and Duncan  did not completely avoid this tragedy Jim died   that way stuck in the steel and Duncan jumped  again before the fields broke up and completely   went to 1983 or somewhere around that time BLX  stayed on board and the fields again materialized   you lost your two brothers and traveled  40 years in time is it enough to drive the   average person crazy yes however I remained  normal probably because of my training maybe   I was chosen for this job by someone who knew  more than myself I've often asked myself why me   when you travel in time what is considered the  present now is where you are your starting point   is where you were born there occurs a lock in  time even as you move forward or backward in   the flow of time your starting point Remains the  Same have you witnessed an alien intervention in   1943 I did not see aliens after that we realized  that they were there I have a picture of valiant   store being coming from under the surface of Venus  made on Eldritch the aliens were heavily involved   in the Montauk they were there apparently mostly  between 1973 and 1983 when they were helping with   the time tunnels when asked why the government  lets him speak so openly Bill X says he can   explain it but he has said enough things that  others have been crucified for yet no one has   said anything to him he encourages people to do  their own research and investigate as there are   enough documents available to support his claims  Blac also gives information about the future he   says that doctors of the future use vibrating  and Light Equipment for treatment which is   quite permissible and logical he also says that  the climate of the entire planet is going to be   different and the US and Europe are much changed  from what we see today the central government   will be collapsing and the world's population  reaching 300 million people be elect died at the   age of 84 or 94 if we accept his version and was  buried in Mexico whether our BLX account proves   the existence of a real-time machine space-time  travel and top secret experiments that government   doesn't want us to know about we can't say for  sure but we think that this unlike many other   topics we have considered is not a big mystery  for we ourselves know that if there is so much   information circulating freely on the same topic  even if it seems false on the surface there are   common rules and the truth is somewhere there  we bow before you and thank you for watching   another episode of secret Origins keep your  minds open and until we meet again [Music]


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