HCIA Storage EXPERT Reveals Cascade Module Secrets

HCIA Storage EXPERT Reveals Cascade Module Secrets

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[Music] hello everyone in this lesson we will  continue to learn about hard disk components   hard disk types can be classified according to  interface type size application scenario hard   disk implementation and other dimensions the  size can be divided into 1.8 in 2.5 in 3.5 in   5.25 in ETC 3.5 and 5.25 are the sizes of early  floppy discs um the floppy disc is the earliest   removable medium used in personal computers  the 5.2 5in floppy disc was the most popular  

product in the floppy disc era according to the  implementation of the hard disk it can be divided   into mechanical hard drives and solid state  drives the structure of a mechanical hard drive is   roughly divided into platters magnetic head walls  red right heads spindles hard disk interfaces and   controlled circuits Etc the platter is covered  with Magnetic material magnetic particles on the   dis surface are polarized to represent a binary  unit of information or a bit and our read WR   head is responsible for reading or writing data  to the platter storage is achieved by changing   the polarity of the extremely fine magnetic  particles on the surface of the dis through the   head and our magnetic head wall it can drive the  re right head to move the head to the specified   position components related to the spindle the  motor and bearing are underneath it it can rotate   the platter move the specified position of the  platter under the read right head the control   circuit is used to control the speed of the dis  movement of the magnetic head wall issue commands   to the Head Etc each platter on the hard dis has  two read right heads used for reading and writing   data on both surfaces of the plateau the head  floats on the plateau using air flow and does not   touch the plateau therefore it can move quickly  between tracks if the head is too far from the   platter then the red signal will be too weak if  the distance is too low it will wear the surface   of the platter therefore the surface of the  platter must be very smooth and flat any foreign   objects and dust will cause the head to rub  against the magnetic surface and cause permanent   damage to the data as for their work working  principles initially our read right head docked in   a special area near the spindle of the platter we  call it the start stop area the spindle connects   all platters and is connected to a motor the  motor of the spindle rotates at a constant speed   driving the platter to rotate when the spindle  rotates there is a very small air gap between the   red/ right head and the platter called The Flying  height of the head the re right head is installed   at the top of the head arm the head arm moves the  head to above the position of the plateau that   needs to be written or taken out the head reads  and writes data on the hard disk surface in binary   form the read data is stored in the flash chip  of the hard disk finally passed to the program to   run each platter of the hard disk has two surfaces  each surface can store data becoming an effective   platter each effective surface has a surface  number in order from top to bottom numbered from   zero in order in the hard disk system the surface  number is also called the head number therefore   each effective surface has a corresponding read  right head as shown in the figure the track is   also called track the track is a concentric ring  around the spindle on the plateau data is recorded   on the track the track from the outermost ring  to the inner ring numbered in order from zero   each surface of the hard disk has 300 to 1024  tracks the number of tracks for surface of the   new large capacity hard disk will be more usually  the number of tracks per inch on the platter to   measure the compactness of the track Arrangement  on the surface the track is invisible to the naked   eye it's just some magnetized areas on the  surface that are magnetized in a special form   cylinder in the same hard disk all tracks with  the same number on all platters form a cylinder   from top to bottom call the cylinder of the hard  disk the head under each cylinder numbered from   zero from top to bottom data reading and writing  is done by cylinder that is when the head reads   and writes data first start reading and writing  operations from the zero head in the same cylinder   then proceed in order on different surfaces in  the same cylinder only when all the heads in the   same cylinder have completed reading and writing  the head will move to the next cylinder therefore   because selecting a head only needs to be switched  electronically and selecting a cylinder must be   switched by machine and seeking usually the  position of the head in the hard disk is   explained by the cylinder number instead of using  the track number to explain sector each track it   will be divided into smaller units called a sector  the purpose of dividing sectors is to make data   storage more organized the sector is the smallest  storage unit that can be individually sought   in the hard disk different hard diss can have  different numbers of sectors per track usually   a sector can save 512 bytes of user data but some  hard diss can be formatted to larger sector sizes   such as 4 KB sectors hard disk capacity equals  the number of cylinders times the number of heads   times the number of sectors then multiplied by  500 12b they can be divided into single stack or   multi-stack the former only has one platter in the  dis body the latter has multiple but the hard dis   only allows one head to read data at any moment  therefore no matter how many platters and heads it   cannot improve the throughput and IO performance  of the hard disk it can only increase capacity   for factors affecting hard disk performance  the first is rotation speed the rotation speed   refers to the number of rotations of the hard  disk platter the unit is rpm when reading and   writing data the head will not move rely on the  rotation of the plate to sense and read data there   for the faster the platter turns the shorter the  data transmission time in the case of continuous   iio the number of seek words for the magnetic head  wall is small therefore to improve throughput or   iops value rotation speed is the first influencing  Factor seek speed in our random IO situation the   magnetic head wall needs to frequently change  tracks the time used for data transmission   compared to the time to change is very small  therefore if the head must be able to change track   at a high speed it will increase the random iops  value single butterfly capacity the higher the   capacity of a single disc prove that the larger  the data volume in the same space and the data   density is larger under the same rotation speed or  seek speed conditions hard drives with high data   density will show higher performance interface  speed the current interface speed theoretically   already meets the highest external transmission  bandwidth that the hard disk can reach   in a random I/O environment the interface speed  is even less important because the bottleneck is   almost on the seek speed the average access time  of the hard disk is composed of the following two   items the first is the average seek time it refers  to the movement of the hard disk's red/ right head   from the initial position to the disk surface  the time required to reach a specified track   is an important parameter affecting the internal  data transfer rate of the hard disk the smaller   this time the better the average waiting time  is when the read right head is already on the   track to be accessed the time waiting for the  sector to be accessed to rotate under the read   right head the average waiting time is usually  half of the time required for the disk to rotate   once therefore the faster the hard disk speed the  shorter the waiting time the data transfer rate of   the hard disk refers to the speed of reading and  writing data from the hard disk data transfer rate   includes external data transfer rate and internal  data transfer rate the unit can be characterized   as mb per second the internal transfer rate is  also known as the sustained transfer rate refers   to the maximum speed of the read i r head when  reading and writing to the hard disk it does not   include the impact of the time consumed by seeking  and waiting for the sector to rotate to the read   right head it is an ideal situation that is  is it is assumed that the Read's right head   does not need to switch tracks when reading and  writing nor does it specifically read a certain   sector only continuously Loop read and write all  sectors of this track on one track the speed at   this time is called the internal transfer rate  of the disk the external transfer rate is also   known as the burst data transfer rate or interface  transfer rate it refers to the data transfer rate   between the system bus and the hard disk cache  it is related to the type of hard disk interface   and the size of the hard disk cache the hard diss  iops refers to the input/output volume per second   it is one of the main indicators to measure  hard disk performance it is composed of seek   time rotation delay and data transfer time the  shorter the seek time the faster the I/O operation   the average seek time of current hard drives is  generally between 3 and 15 milliseconds rotation   delay refers to the time required for the dis to  rotate the data sector to the read/ right head   below rotation delay depends on the speed of the  hard disk it is usually expressed as half of the   time required for the hard disk to rotate once  for a 7,200 revolutions per minute hard drive   its average rotation time delay is 60 * 1,000  divided by 7,200 and then multiplied by 1/2 this   data is approximately 4.17 milliseconds for a half  hard disk with a speed of 15,000 revolutions per   minute its average rotation delay is generally  2 milliseconds data transfer time refers to the   time required to complete the transfer of the  requested data it depends on the data transfer   rate its value equals the data size divided by  the data transfer rate in the case of random IO   the read right head needs to frequently change  tracks the time used for data transfer is much   less than the time consumed by changing tracks  they are not on the same order of magnitude   therefore the data transfer time can be ignored  in the transfer mode of the hard disk it can be   divided into parallel transfer and serial transfer  parallel transfer has high transfer efficiency but   the transfer distance is not long the transfer  frequency is also not high using multiple lines   for long-distance transmission is more expensive  than using a single line longdistance transmission   requires thicker wires to reduce signal attention  but bundling them into a single cable is quite   difficult long-distance transmission is affected  by wire resistance and other factors the data of   each line arrives at the other party at different  times this leads to the receiver having to wait   for all the digits on the eight lines to arrive  before initiating the next round of transmission   serial transmission serial transmission is  obviously much less efficient than parallel   transmission but the transmission speed can be  improved by increasing the transmission frequency   overall serial transmission is actually faster  than parallel transmission serial transmission   is used for longdistance transmission currently  interfaces like PCI have switched to serial   transmission the pcie interface is a typical  serial transmission method uh it single line   transmission rate is as high as 2.5 GB per second  hard drives can be divided into IDE SCSI SATA SAS   FC hard drives Etc this method is quite common  but the difference between hard drives under the   classification is not just the interface there  are also mechanical chassis IDE and SATA hard   drives used the ATA series mechanical chassis  suitable for single task processing SCSI SATA   FC hard drives use the SCSI series mechanical  chassis can better meet the needs of server   multitasking ATA series hard drives facing large  data through put Services the speed is not as good   as SCSI series hard drives the reliability of  SCSI series mechanical chassis is much higher   than that of ATS series systems the at interface  has been developed to this day several different   versions have been released they are ata1 to ata7  the at interface has the following advantages and   disadvantages its Advantage is that its price  is relatively low compatibility is good its   disadvantage is that the speed is relatively slow  can only be used internally there are also very   strict restrictions on the length of the interface  cable in today's large Enterprises the current   transmission efficiency of ATA can no longer  meet the needs of users SATA is a Serial aaat   uses a Serial method for data transmission the  interface rate is higher than the ID interface   SATA hard drives use a point-to-point connection  method supports hot swapping Plug and Play SCSI   appeared mainly because the original ID interface  the hard disk speed is too slow the transfer   rate is too low therefore highp speed SCSI hard  drives appeared in fact SCSI is not specifically   designed for hard drives in fact it is a bus  type interface working on a bus independent   of the system its Advantage is that it has a wide  range and anti-interference ability can achieve a   longer connection distance the disadvantage is  that the price of SAS interface hard drives is   also relatively High FC and the CSI interfaces  are the same it was not originally a interface   technology developed for hard drives but was  specifically designed for networks but with   the storage systems demand for Speed it was  gradually applied to the hard dis system its   Advantage is that it has a high bandwidth the  disadvantage is that it is very expensive next   let's look at the related knowledge of solid  state drives actually for ssds it does not use   polar materials to store data like traditional  hard drives instead it uses a basic unit called   a cell of nand flash to store data nand flash is  a non-conscious random access storage medium its   characteristic is that data does not disappear  after exercise this technology can store data   information quickly and compactly SSD has no  high-speed rotating Parts it's performance is   high power consumption and no noise and it has no  internal mechanical components but this does not   mean that their life span is infinite because the  snan flash is a non-conscious medium the original   data must must be erased before writing new data  then write data but the number of erases of each   cell is limited so when the number of erased  data reaches the limit then this cell can no   longer continue to read or write data SSD is  mainly composed of control unit and storage unit   currently it is mainly composed of flash memory  particles the control unit includes SSD controller   host interface drum Etc the storage unit includes  nand Flash particles the host interface includes   the protocol and physical interface for the host  to access the SSD such as SATA SAS and pcie Etc   the SSD controller is responsible for the read  and write access and protocol conversion from the   host to the backend medium surface management data  caching and transactions are the core components   next let's look at the storage principle of nand  flash nand flash it uses floating sand transistors   to store data it's working principle is to use  whether there is charge stored on the floating   sand or the amount of stored charge to change the  voltage of the transistor the characterization of   data information is realized by reading the preal  voltage of the transistor the internal storage   unit of nand flash includes lwn plane block page  cell configuration and cell among them Aon is the   smallest physical unit that can be independently  encapsulated usually contains multiple plant   plane has independent configuration registers  block is the smallest unit that can perform eral   usually composed of multiple configurations and  the configuration is the smallest unit that can   perform programming and reading usually the size  is 16 KB cell is the smallest operation insert   read unit in the configuration it corresponds to a  floating sand transistor usually it can store one   bit or multiple bits for us the basic operation  unit of programming and reading is configuration   and the basic unit of eraser is a block  the Eraser process will cause a certain   degree of damage to the insulating layer of the  floating sand transistor after a ratier failure   or programming failure the operating block will  be set as cycle manufacturers Define that when   the number of Cycles reaches a certain level  for example within 4% it is considered that   our n flash has reached the upper limit of its  service life Nan flash particles can be divided   into the following four categories according to  the different bid data stored in the cell the   first is SLC it is a single layer storage unit a  cell can store one bit of data zero or 1 mlc is   a multi-layer storage unit in mlc a Cell can store  Two Bits of data such as 00 0 01 10 and 11 TLC TLC   is a three layer storage unit in TLC a cell can  store three bits of data as shown in the figure   and qlc it is a four layer as the name suggests it  can store four bits of data four different types   of cells although the amount of data stored is  different but the cost is roughly the same this is   also a reason for the continuous increase in SSD  capacity the original SD only has 64 GB or smaller   and now the largest TLC SSD disc can reach a data  of 2 tab however different types of SSD discs have   different wear resistance capabilities resulting  in different reliability of the hard disk the wear   resistance of the SSD disk is also an important  parameter for choosing an SSD dis as shown in the   figure take a logic diagram of a flash chip as  an example each of 4,314 * 8 that is 3 4 5 one   two cells can logically form a configuration  each configuration can store 4 KB of content   and 218b of a transaction data configuration is  also the small smallest unit of I/O in the flash   ship every 128 configurations can form a block  every 2048 blocks can form a region plane a whole   flash ship is composed of two regions one region  stores odd numbered blocks the other stores even   numbered blocks two blocks can operate in parallel  next let's look at the storage address mapping   management first of all LBA is a logical block  address can point to the address of a data block   or the data block pointed to by a certain  address PB is a physical block address the   Project's host host accesses the SSD through LBA  each LBA represents a sector that is a sector the   operating system generally accesses the SSD in  units of 4K the basic unit of host accessing SSD   is called a user page that is the configuration  of the host inside the SSD the SSD master control   and Flash are accessed through Flash configur  ation as the basic unit to access flash call   flash configuration as physical page that is  physical page every time the host writes a host   configuration the SSD Master Control will find a  physical page write the data of the host the SSD   internally also enters such a mapping with such a  mapping relationship next time the host needs to   read a certain host configuration the SSD knows  where to read the data from The Flash SSD knows   how to read data from which position on flash as  mentioned before the read and write unit of flash   memory is the page and the size of the page is  either 4 KB or 8 KB but our operating system reads   and writes data it is done according to the sector  size of htd that is 512 bytes the most Troublesome   is that flash memory is removed and fast as a unit  and it can't be written in for removal this causes   the file system currently used by the operating  system can't manage s at all you need to replace   it with a more advanced and complex file to solve  this problem but this will increase the burden on   the operating system in order not to increase the  burden on the operating system SST user software   virtualize the operation of flash memory into  independent sector operations of the disk this   is FTL because FTL exists between the file system  and the physical medium flash memory the operating   system only needs to operate lb as before all the  tone table work from LB to VA all are handed over   to FTL to be responsible it is because of FTL NAD  flash can be used as a hard disk the file system   can directly use SSD as a common fast device  because FTL is the most important core technology   in SSD design manufacturers so no manufacturer  is willing to disclose this technical information   and there has been no technical specification  standard in the industry the importance of FTL   lies in determining the service life of an  SST performance and reliability once there   is a problem with FDL it will cause data read and  write errors what's more serious is that the SSD   dis cannot be accessed excellent FTL can not only  extend the life of flash storage but also optimize   read and write performance take eight channels as  an example analyze how our host reads and writes   SST the master control connects eight flash bands  through eight channels for easy explanation only   one block is drawn here for each band each small  square represents a configuration assume the size   is 4 KB the host writes 4 KB of data write a  4kb to the block of Channel Zero occupies a   configuration if the host continues to write 16 KB  of data will'll write 4kb in the block of Channel   14 the host continues to write in the end the  entire block will be filled when all the blocks   on the channel are full the SSD Master Control  will select the next block right in the same order   with the continuous writing of the host flash  storage space gradually becomes smaller until   it is exhausted if these garbage data are not  cleared in time our host can't ride again whether   our speed is increased by eight times depends  on the data to be read is it evenly distributed   in the block of each Channel like 32 KB of data  stored in the block of Channel 14 in the picture   then the read can only be increased by up to four  times this is why the smaller the file the lower   the transmission rate SSD performance has the  following advantages the first is short response   time the mechanical characteristics of traditional  hard diss most of the time is wasted on seeking or   mechanical delay data transmission efficiency is  severely restricted there are no mechanical moving   parts inside the SST hard drive eliminate the  seek time and mechanical delay can respond to read   and write requests more quickly High read and WR  efficiency mechanical hard drives perform random   read and write operations the head keeps moving  causing very low read and ride efficiency SSD   calculates the storage location of data through  the internal controller and perform read and right   operations eliminate the mechanical operation time  greatly improve the read and right efficiency the   advantage of less hard disk power consumption is  not very obvious when there are a large number of   hard diss the cost difference caused by power  consumption is relatively large this has also   become a factor considered by Enterprises when  choosing a Sol solution SSD storage applications   can follow two principles the first is the two  eight principle you module G electrical interface   module provides four electrical ports with a  transmission rate of 1 gbit per second can be used   for dual active materials 40G interface module  provides two Optical ports with a transmission   rate of 40 gbit mainly used for the connection  of storage devices and the line connection of the   application server 100ge interface module provides  two two Optical ports with a transmission rate of   100 JB it mainly used for the connection between  storage devices and application servers for SAS   node modules and RDMA interface modules 25gb RDMA  interface module provides four Optical ports with   a transmission rate of 25 gbit per second used for  the connection between control frames in direct   connection networking and the 100gb RDMA interface  module provides two interfaces with a rate of   gbit used for the connection between the control  frame and the switch or the connection between   the control frame and the smart Hardware frame  the S so in the label represents scale Out means   horizontal expansion and the B label represents  the backend 12 GB SAS node module provides four   transmission rates of four X12 JB per second mini  SAS HD node Port through the no Port connect the   control frame and the Rus SAS hard disk frame  is the connection point for data transmission   between the control frame and the ru SI frame  smart interface module supports 8 jbit 10 jbit   16 gbit 25 gbit and 32 gbit per second five  Optical modules mainly used for the connection   between storage devices and application servers  the speed of the optical module needs to be   consistent with the rate on the interface module  label otherwise the storage system will alarm pcie   interface module provides two pcie interfaces  the speed of the tags is consistent otherwise   the storage system will be in urgent need the pcie  interface module provides two PCI interfaces it is   the business interface between the control frame  and the data switch used for exchanging control   flow and data flow information between control  frames as shown in the figure there are the   following indicator lights module power indicator  light pcie Port indicator light a handle of the   module and the related pcie port for the 56gb IB  interface module provides two transmission rates   of 4 x14 gbi per second IB ports 16GB FC interface  module provides two physical interfaces converted   into 816 GB FC ports through a dedicated  line bar each fiber Port has a transmission   rate of 16 GB per second it is the business  interface between the application server and   the storage system used to receive data exchange  commands issued by the application server 10gb FC   interface module provides two ports with a  transmission rate of 10 gby per second it   is the business interface between the application  server and the storage system used to receive data   read and WR instructions issued by the application  server currently the 16 GBF Coe interface module   only supports direct connection networking finally  let's look at two thinking questions you can pause   the video for a moment to think finally here is  our summary in this chapter we learned about the   introduction of intelligent storage components  including control frame hard disk frame and   related interface modules among them hard drives  can be divided into mechanical hard drives and   solid state drives if you have any questions  after class you can also download our related   AP or log into our related learning website to  get more information see you in the next lesson

2025-01-07 16:55

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