Harvest and Process Billions of Pounds of Agricultural Products In 2023 - Farming Documentary

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it's harvest time and across the United  States the race is on to bring our food   and what's fantastic about our country is  that 80 of what we eat is produced here   growers in the United States  are at the top of their game many of the crops grown by U.S Growers are truly  world class but with unpredictable weather and   changing consumer tastes on a daily basis farming  is also a tough business have we had enough Summer   Sunshine for the crop or is this year's wet  July washed away all the Harvest this is the   time of year when Growers across the land find  out whether the Blood Sweat and Tears they've   poured into their Farms has paid off from Acres  of strawberries in California to wheat fields in   Texas and sweet potato farms in North Carolina  we're tracking the harvests of some of the top   United States producers in three distinct growing  regions each with its own set of challenges who had a good year who struggled with  the bad crop now we will find out together   this is Harvest 2023. the southwest of the United States is home  to hundreds of Acres of strawberry farms   workers here are selecting thousands  of quality seedlings to prepare for a   new strawberry crop most of them are  immigrants from Mexico and Guatemala thousands of strawberry seedlings will  then be moved to Farms to start a new life as of 2022 the total area of strawberry  cultivation in California is 39   000 acres and two-thirds of that is in the  Santa Maria area every July about 8 900 workers   flocked to California Farms to grow strawberries  strawberries prefer a cool Coastal climate which   is a major reason California's strawberry fields  are so much more productive than those elsewhere currently in California there are many  different varieties of strawberries grown   so strawberry harvesting in  this state occurs all year round   despite the hot weather in California the  strawberry crop in 2023 is not affected   in particular strawberry Harvest sealed at the  present time has increased by eight percent   compared to 2022 as of August 2023 California's  strawberry Harvest is 1.4 billion pounds this is   good news for strawberry growers in California and  strawberry lovers across the United States foreign each year the lettuce fields in Arizona  provide about 23 percent of the country's   lettuce production early August is when  thousands of workers flock to the lower   Colorado River Valley area to grow lettuce  growing lettuce is often done by these Farm   Workers early in the morning to limit the  heat of the weather in 2023 Arizona is   the second largest lettuce growing area  in the United States with 26 200 Acres   the place with the largest lettuce growing  area is California with 87 000 Acres in Arizona hot weather in June and July is  a big problem for lettuce Farms in addition   dozens of lettuce samples can also be damaged if  they encounter Heavy Rain lasting several days   on some organic lettuce Farms weed control  is done manually instead of using herbicides the lettuce Harvest usually takes place  from mid-December and lasts until March of   the following year as of July 2022 the lettuce  harvest in Arizona is approximately 53 million   pounds and this is also considered a  successful crop for lettuce producers good mid-march is when sweet corn is  planted in the fields in Washington   in 2023 Washington is the second largest sweet  corn growing state in the United States with about   23 000 Acres the largest growing area of sweet  corn is in Florida with more than 37 000 Acres currently most sweet corn varieties grown in  Washington take about 91 days to be harvested sweet corn crop in Washington will be considered  a success if it does not experience intense   heat lasting more than 20 days each year  nearly 8 000 workers flocked to Sweet Corn   farms in Washington to harvest up till now the  Sweet Corn Harvest in Washington is about 757   000 tons 13 compared to the same period in 2022  I recommend traveling to the Sweet Corn Farms   during the harvest season the atmosphere there is  wonderful and will help you feel relaxed thank you in North Carolina sweet potato  planting usually begins in mid-may   in 2023 the United States has about 157 000  acres of land used for sweet potato production   of which the sweet potato growing area in North  Carolina is about 111 000 Acres 35 000 Acres   more than California Louisiana and Mississippi  combined after about three months from planting   billions of sweet potatoes here are ready to  be harvested the process of harvesting sweet   potatoes in North Carolina usually takes place  from June and ends in early July every year   around 7 300 workers traveled to sweet potato  farms in North Carolina to harvest according to   estimates by the U.S department of Agriculture the  2023 sweet potato production is 1.5 million tons   down more than 10 percent from last year and  bring in a value of about 613 million dollars this is the sugar beet Harvest going  on at Sanilac county in Michigan   in 2022 sugar beet acreage in Michigan is  about 163 000 Acres the time to harvest   sugar beet in Michigan usually lasts in  early August and ends at the end of October   it is estimated that in 2023 sugar beet  production in Michigan will reach 2.8  

million tons and finish sugar production is about  545 000 tons up seven percent from last year foreign s are one of the most famous fruits of Washington  the end of February is when the apple tree   planting takes place on the Washington Farms these  workers will plant about 650 apple trees per acre   as of 2023 there are about 1455  apple farms in Washington State   with an area of 172 000 Acres they typically  Harvest about 10 to 12 billion apples each year in early spring when young  shoots appear a probiotic is   used to protect the buds from  Attack by insects and aphids July is usually the time when thousands of Migrant  workers from Mexico come to farms in Washington to   pick apples the wages of these workers will  be calculated based on the number of boxes   of apples that they collect on average each  person will receive about 13 dollars per hour according to the Washington State  fruit association's forecast   Apple production in 2023 will reach 1.97  million tons down nine percent compared   to 2021 because of the impact of a Long Cold  Spring this can be bad news for Apple Growers   however do not worry because the number  of apples produced was still pretty high in the next part of the video we will go  to some other farms in the United States   to see how the Harvest of thousands of  tons of fruit and vegetables happens the first place we will see in this video is   a large Vineyard in the sand  yorkin county in California between August and October each year is the time  when tens of thousands of workers flocked at The   Vineyards in California to harvest the average  wage for each of these workers is about 17 an hour according to statistics released in 2021 the total  area of Vineyards in the state of California is   895 000 Acres of which up to 73 of the area  is planted with grapes for wine production each year California grape Farms  Produce about 3.8 million tons of   grapes accounting for 92 percent  of the country's great production hundreds of tons of grapes  here after harvest will be   will be transferred to the winery to produce wine here's what's going on in a chili Farm in Florida   around 230 workers are hired to this Farm  to harvest the chili currently Florida   California and Michigan other states with the  largest Chile production in the United States in 2020 U.S Chile production is about 325   000 tons of which up to 75 percent  is produced in California and Florida thousands of Chili Peppers after harvesting   will be transferred to trucks  thanks to this conveyor system the third place we will visit in this video  is a persimmon Farm in southern Indiana   September to November every year is the time  when the persimmon Harvest takes place here Simon is a fruit with a rather  hard stem so these workers will   need to use scissors to cut it instead  of picking by hand like many other fruits   according to statistics released in 2021 the  total area planted for Persimmon in the United   States is about 3 200 acres and the yield obtained  is about fifteen thousand and three hundred tons   75 of assignment production in the  United States is consumed domestically   with the remainder being mainly  exported to Canada and Mexico now we will go to watermelon  field in Arizona to see how   thousands of watermelons here are harvested currently Arizona and Georgia as well as  Florida other states with the largest watermelon   production accounting for about 27 of total  watermelon production in the United States yes in 2021 in the US around 105  000 Acres of fields are used   to grow watermelons and the yield is  usually more than 1.6 million tons foreign the sixth place we will visit in this  video is a peach farm in the state of Georgia   oh look at these beautiful ripe peaches would  you like to come here and pick them yourself currently California produces 73 percent of  U.S Peach production however in terms of taste   and deliciousness peaches grown in Georgia  are well known and appreciated by everyone in 2021 the U.S states produced about 689  

000 tons of peaches of which up to  505 000 tons come from California next we will go to a kiwi Farm in  Yuba County in the state of California   every September nearly 4 000 workers flocked  to Kiwi farms in California to harvest millions of kiwi fruits after harvesting  will be shipped to factories for Packaging currently the kiwi fruit growing area  in the United States is about 4 500   acres and the annual Harvest is about 47 000 tons these are pictures of a Cherry Farm in Washington   currently the United States is the second  largest Cherry producer in the world after turkey in 2021 the cherries harvested in  the United States are about 266   000 tons and bring in a value  of about 522 million dollars foreign here's what's going on at  a tangerine Farm in Alabama   currently Alabama and Florida other states with  the largest Citrus production in the United States at the end of this video we'll take a look  at the Harvest taking place in several U.S   vegetable fields how do you feel about the process  of harvesting fruits and vegetables in this video   let us know what you think in the comments section  of the video goodbye and see you in the next video thank you foreign


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