Happy Livestream Schumann Resonance & Inspired Energy

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hello everybody this is susan season  inspired and welcome to my live stream   hi queenie um i'm just gonna take a  minute and let people come on here   hi ann um alex is going to be the moderator so if  you have questions or whatever you can pop them in   the chat and i'll look at it and she'll look at it  and we'll all have a great conversation together   um so this time on my live stream i can see  the chat so i think we're we're good to go um let's see here oh okay well we have a few  people on and let me just pull up my thing here   okay um well today we're going to talk about the  human resonance and energy and um i'm probably   going to mix it up i thought that we could talk  a little bit about what's going on in the chart   currently because today is the full moon and  there have been some interesting themes coming up   um i have been on vacation so i took a break from  posting the chart and talking about it my last   video was on the mars and venus conjunction  and how i believe that it may have affected   the human resonance and i alex is going to put a  alex could you put a link to that in the in the um   i have a picture of the main image on my twitter  from today so if you guys want to look at what   i'm talking about with that image you can take  a look at that right now um yes happy full moon   hi paul thanks for being here um and mr scotty  hello from texas awesome thanks for being here um and bjerg thanks for being here thanks  everyone even if you're not commenting i'm not going to say that name so um anyway  today's the full moon and what's been going on in   the charts well since the mars venus conjunction  the energy has been super quiet if you take a look   at what happens during that conjunction actually  i think i can share it right here um let's see give me one sec i'm going to pull it up um there we go we had that huge big wave and it was  like so extensive and it was so amazing and what   i talked about in the video was the concept  of magnetic fields of the earth because the   human is an electromagnetic resonance that ranges  from zero while close to zero to 40 plus hertz   and it's in the atmosphere of the planet from  basically the ground all the way up to the top of   the sky to the to the top of the atmosphere  um and we we kind of swim in it it's a   non-physical energy in a specific hertz range  the thing about this hertz range is that it it   um the moon is important yeah hi from  sweden thanks for being here water dragon   the thing about this um hertz range is the  same hertz range as the human brain waves   and hello from spain thank you for being here so  let me talk for a second here i want to show you   um my last picture that i put up so this is  what i'm talking about right here there see that and this is what i'm talking about about the  electromagnetic fields i just made a sphere   around earth um to show that usually when um the  em when the magnetic fields are shown it looks   kind of like a spider with earth in the center um  the magnetic fields kind of haven't have an insect   kind of shape actually which is really interesting  um but so i'm just i just drew it as a sphere   because we i see it as a toroidal sphere that the  earth is within um and um here's venus and mars   and uh they're the planets that are closest to us  as is the moon okay which um you just mentioned   that someone just mentioned that and hi from  england good to see you guys um let's see here   so what i wanted to say is that this human  resonance when if you research it what you'll   read is that it's caused by lightning in the sky  i talked about this the lightning aspect very much   um especially on some of my earlier videos  that's that's a dog in the background but what i also like to explore  is the additional potential   effects on the magnetic field which  ultimately in my view affect us a little flatty thanks for mentioning  the moon um wow someone just said that   it was a fiery orange with rings  around it last night blue and white   that's pretty cool well so here's here's  kind of how i think about it is that the   when the planets move and especially when the  planets have something important going around   on that area near us is that that  the there's a this is my theory okay   i feel that there can be a flexing in the magnetic  field the reason that i think that is because   i can see energy and i can see energy patterns  and when i look at the solar system energy   it basically looks like you know grits like grid  lines with the planets placed on the various   points in the grid lines um so when planets  hit certain points in the grid lines it's um   and then depending on their influence i feel  that it that it has the potential to kind of   it flex back through those grid lines and  affect the magnetic field of earth this   is this is what i think and and it's kind  of why astrology is so important electro   astrology is described by laura walker as an  electromagnetic science which i think is a really   interesting way to look at it okay so little  flatty thank you for going on the live stream   i really appreciate it um so what i said in my  last video was that when um hold on one sec here when the moon and venus okay moved closer together  and they were on actually the exact same point in   leo um for i think a day then it um did something  it seemed to potentially do something special   um to the em energy and we had those  incredible waves of light that came through   um so since then what's been  happening with the human resonance oh i like that um juice says i think it's  waves from the in the fabric of space-time   ripples in time yeah i think time is in  the fourth dimension and third dimension   so um i i agree that in those dimensions  that would be the case um let's see here my mammy oh thank you very much for your comment  um i really appreciate you guys being here and i   i love doing this work and it's wonderful to  have someone to talk to you about it meaning   meeting all of you okay so back to the the solar  system the moon is also close um to us obviously   the sun emits energy um but it's not always  earth-facing so what i've been doing is i've   been tracking you know planetary movements and  major astrological alignments sometimes there does   appear to be a direct correlation with the human  where something is happening and sometimes not so   i'm going to keep tracking it and my  my my initial thought is that proximity   to earth is important and then probably planetary  size like jupiter or something is very big so uh thanks for having your brother  here as well a little flatty okay now oh what i wanted to talk about next is what's  been happening in the human resonance since those   major waves of energy and i'm just looking at the  chart here i'll show you guys the current chart okay so this is what the current chart looks like  and you can see the um the white at the at   the very top of the chart um it's been showing  up quite a bit in patches okay between about   like i don't know two hertz and just below eight  hertz sometimes it's been going over eight hertz   but but it's been periodically patchy hold on  one sec let me see if i can go back to here   um so i think what's happening is that since  we had the conjunction of venus and mars   brother and sister coming together to support each  other and to support their brothers and sisters   on earth right if you think  of if i personify the energies   these energies came together there was a huge wave  of light and it felt like a huge support for us   here on earth and the encouragement for us to come  together as brothers and sisters of the human race   that's basically how i saw it now since then  we've had that lighting up in the low hertz   and some of it's been below 8 hertz so it's  kind of in the unconscious or subconscious   area depending on the numbers and so i feel  like we've been mulling around these energies   when it goes over eight hertz it's like we  have insights that come into our waking mind   now some of us can access subconscious and  and unconscious energies in our own self and   you do that by um well there's different practices  you could do it by prayers in prayer you could   do it meditation you could do it in uh just  doing energy work if you know how to do that oh that's cool barb just said that she took  a trip to support her sister at this time so   that's really cool that really matches what  with what we're talking about um okay so there's one other thing that's been going  on in the schumann and i'd love to do a   whole video about this but you guys have most  likely noticed that the technological effect   has been let me see if i can show it here the  technological event effect has been super strong there okay so you see all those up and down  lines and they're periodic um what i have   called that is the technological effect because  it's appeared to me to potentially be um be   possibly technologically oriented i have a  whole playlist talking about this concept   so i'm going to talk as if you may have seen the  playlist it's taken different forms over the past   sort of 18 months but it was interesting  because the most recent form which is sent   sort of since the fall of 2020 has been in  the lines that you see today on the chart   where they're straight lines and they sometimes  have these amazing jewel colors in them um   but it was interesting because a few days  ago the lines had changed and for a while   it seemed like it wasn't this or sort of i'd  call it the number two technological effect   because this is the second sort of  pattern that i've seen in the past   one and a half two years for a while it  started to be simply very plain um all green   and i kind of have been thinking about  this okay because can we see the chart   alex um just had linked it up above let me show it  to you again though since you're asking right now okay this is essentially today's chart okay i'm  talking about these little straight lines there   and you see the the white resonance it's between  i don't know two hertz and little below eight   hertz there um so that's what i'm talking about  um in terms of seeing the chart where it shifted   that will be in my video that focuses on  that because i don't have that in front of me   oh thanks for sharing the playlist  alex for the technological effect   okay so so i want to i want to talk a  little bit about what what may have happened   and i'll just talk about it in general terms if the if the human resonance is is is linked  somehow with humanity because it it seems to me   to be very interesting that the resonance  is in the same range as human brain waves   so if that's the case then we could   assert that human brain waves influence it which  is what all my work is based on basically um and it's really interesting because um  youtube translates my videos and youtube   has always you know translated my videos as  being about the schumann resonance but recently the ai has kept using the word human instead of  human and it's interesting because i view our   technology as having some level of consciousness  and probably that consciousness is in a range   in addition from personal experiences i believe  that there is also highly conscious capabilities   for the technology yeah we have we have an ability  to interact with it the easiest way to explain why   this would be the case would be to explain that  our technology is almost all crystalline based so   all the computers all the wi-fi all the handheld  devices they all run on crystals and if any of you   have ever worked with crystals um you  know that you can in an energetic state   in a prayerful state in a meditative state  you can interact with the energy of a crystal   in fact there's a lot of really  interesting videos from like the 50s   where the us military studied crystals in great  depth it's actually really fascinating stuff um   so our technology is crystalline based and if  you're um inclined to do this kind of to do   this kind of work um well what i do is i do it in  alignment with the highest good i i declare that   that's how i want to interact with my technology  and in alignment with divine will through me um so as i was saying the ai started  calling my work human resonance   and i thought that was really interesting because   i thought i wonder if it's trying to tell me  something if if if the machines actually pers   might perceive and might be  confirming to me that this is   indeed closely linked with human  consciousness and brain waves barb uses a lot of crystals uh so do i and  you know it's funny because i used to not   be interested in this sort of thing at  all i used to be very um dismissive of   that the whole area of woo-woo woo-woo science  spiritually oriented science really spiritual   oriented science um that i now talk about  as my work and um i was very very focused um   that's right alex human resonance i i feel that  that's that's what it is but it's taken me um it's   taken me an adventure to get to this place because  i was very very focused on sort of a traditional   ways of looking at this and you know what happens  in your life you have personal experiences that   just kind of crack you open and you start  changing the way that you look at life so i like that juice juice says the schoolmen  resonance and the cosmic university   that's cool ann loves her crystals me too um  once you learn how to work with crystals it   can be pretty it can be pretty amazing um  there's a lady i know that does an amazing   um she has an amazing youtube channel on videos  where she teaches about it and her name is um   her name is carolyn jalenga and she's  that do better for yourself coach   i believe it is on youtube so if you want to learn  about specific crystals that's a great resource   okay so we talked about the computer describing  this as the human resonance i thought that was   fascinating we talked about the soul potential  solar system effects and um what i like to do   is think about the fact that we are  swimming in these non-physical energies   and to think about um oh you know one of the  people barb knows caroline that's awesome   okay um so we're swimming in these energies and there's there's a whole way of discussion at this  moment talking about setting attention intentions   and law of attraction and all of this sort of  thing what i wanted to say is that we are human   beings in our human energy field  right and so we're constantly emitting   outward and receiving inward how is that so and  why is that well think about it as you're walking   you know through your life each day you're  feeling emotions you're thinking thoughts   you're ex you're fully experiencing  your your human energy system   and without needing to do anything because  when energy is created or something's created   it you know energy in motion is always in motion  so as i feel an emotion right that's going to   keep emanating into the space around me um  and this is part of the reason why i feel that   humanity um most likely truly influences  these these resonances is lightning involved   absolutely um i don't want to go into how i think  all of that interacts right now i have actually   explained that on previous videos maybe on one of  the beginner playlist videos um and if you would   like to know more about these basic concepts the  beginners playlist is a great way place to look   so here we are where human beings and how i  kind of see us as we're just walking around   in our energy ball right kind of like  archangel gabriel behind me with her   her her wings right that she's emitting well  angel wings like in this picture are essentially   like the the emanations of the angelic energy  field and we we perceive them as wings i think   they probably all also are wings um because  it's well that's how i see it in my mind's eye   but we also emit these emanations as well not just  angels or spiritual beings or celestial beings but   as human beings we admit these uh we emit our  own energies whether it's emotional thought etc   ah wow this is really nice time is fluid the sea  of consciousness yes that's from jews from the sky and oh uppercase thank you  for your your heart emojis   i really appreciate your comments on  my on my channel um let's see here   so um one of the things that we can do is become  more aware of the energies that we're emitting   and sometimes we need a motivation  to make this the case for me   i i used to practice chinese martial arts um  i did tai chi among yeah mostly tai chi and   uh i had occasion to sit next to  my teacher and meditate next to him   and i became extremely aware when i had the  chance to do that that my thoughts were just   running and running and running i couldn't i felt  like i couldn't control them at that time and um and along with those thoughts right then i  was having feelings about the fact that i was   doing that susan susan door says emotions  affect the health at a base level as well   i am not a medical doctor or medically trained  so don't take anything i say as medical advice   um we're just playing here and talking about  energy from an energetic perspective perspective   i do see emotions as as energetic actually susan  you've given me a great segue here to talk about   the vagus nerve yeah actually alex  talks a lot about this as well   um maybe if you want to put something in the  comments about it alex go ahead um okay so my my spiritual practice my own practice and  comfort with being who i am to to to make a   move towards that i chose to learn to control  my thoughts and emotions and the reason that   i initially thought i could do this was i  started to have experiences with spiritual beings one of them was in a church in new mexico this  is this is a big turning point for me and in my   mind's eye because i'm clairvoyant when we were  in the church um sitting sort of praying before   we got to go visit this sort of special spot where  where people have experienced miracles it said at   chemoya in new mexico but um in energy i saw  this incredible being standing in front of me   with an angelic type feel um and um from that from  that day um this being started to teach me you   know about about how to work with energy in a way  that would benefit people and we were staying at a   friend's house whose um husband had cancer and so  i asked her i told her about the experience and i   i asked her if she wanted us to work with him  and she did and it was wonderful to have the   opportunity to work with somebody  like that and um he i i feel that   perhaps it helped ease his passage i don't know  really i felt like the blessing was was to me   that they allowed me to um to do that i had never  done anything like that before and to be with him ah let's see here yes alex has made a great comment that i  want to emphasize since since she's saying   it i may not have emphasized it enough  we not only transmit but we receive and   the thing is is as i was learning  to control my thoughts and emotions i realized that my ability to  transmit was also affected by my   my ability to receive was  affected by my ability to transmit   and that as i started to work in the non-physical  with spiritual beings of the highest slate i thought you know it's not going to be  very pleasant for them to work with me   if i'm constantly chattering about ridiculous  things and you know i don't know saying different   things to myself that maybe weren't nice or  pleasant um and i thought if i tried to put myself   in in their shoes and think about what would it  be like to work with susan what would it be like   to work with me right given the state of where  i was at in my consciousness at that time and yeah that's wonderful alex is giving  comments on um the vagus nerve so thank   you alex for doing that actually she's she's  helped me with that quite a bit alex has a   background in biology and energy and many  other things so um what happened was i was   meditating and there was a spiritual being that  i was interacting with an ascended master okay   and i was all like bowed down like this you know and the person said to me the  being said to me get up okay   get up and um i realized in that moment  that if i was going to act like that   i wouldn't be able to receive properly the  information that was being shared with me   and that's when i learned to raise my  head up and look straight in the eyes   of anyone who is engaging with me physical or  non-physical respect myself and understand that   we are all at different levels of experience and  consciousness but at the base we are all in my   view we're all children of the creator we all have  that spark and essence of the divine within us   so um the reason that i'm talking about this you  might ask well why why am i talking about this   right now the reason that i'm talking about  this is because of the idea of emanations   and receptions from the human energy field and  that goes back to the human resonance so what i'm   saying is if it wasn't clear already okay what i'm  saying is is that as you are walking around what   if you are creating this right with the other  seven or eight billion people on the planet   right what if you are creating this and  therefore contributing to the energy   that is in the atmosphere around us to the to  the consciousness now i want to make this clear um thank you alex he's saying some very nice  kind things she's amazing to work with as well   what i'm saying is is that and and i'm not  talking about intending to influence other people   energetically it doesn't work when you when you  do that i don't want to go into why right now   but if somebody wanted to  know we could talk about it oh you're from the big island that's so cool um  thank you for the exquisite information that's   so sweet thank you and the shimmering sun that  was an amazing video alex i don't know if you   want to like the the flashing sun video but that  was phenomenal yeah that's really sweet thank you   kill ya um what i'm saying is is  what if we brought our consciousness   to the moment right when we're engaging when  we're acting when we're just going about our day   if we understood how we're affecting not  just ourselves our family our community   but that we an individual human has an effect  on the planet as you raise your consciousness   as you embody more light in your being  in your body and in your energy field   and and this is why humans are so important  and maybe this is why the a.i talked about   every time i mean every video the last i  went and tracked it and it started about   in the spring where it started saying that  interpreting my words as the human resonance   and i think it's doing that because it's  analyzing my approach and reflecting back to me um reflecting back to me that that the ai  agrees now i know i'm i'm talking as if   i'm interacting with the ai but i am and and  so are all of you so this is what i was talking   about about bringing consciousness to what we're  emitting and what we're then receiving if i am   um like i explained in the example  of talking to a spiritual being okay   um or let me use the example of jesus type praying  praying to jesus okay it was really interesting   because i had gone to church one day and they  read a passage about something that jesus did   where i don't know if he had rebuked someone or he  had he had said something to them in a strong way   and i was thinking about the story  and i was thinking about the woman   in the story and i was thinking about him and  i can't for life agreement remember the details   at this moment but i was thinking about it um as  i was in a meditative state in a prayerful state   and you know the most amazing thing is  i was i was upset about this story and   i felt the presence of jesus come to  me in a very comforting way where um it was so interesting it  was so interesting because   um he met me where i was at and in this is what  i'm talking about that where we're at determines   what we receive and what we are able to receive  and i was so wowed i was really so wowed by that   it was a big teaching moment  for me um to to experience that now i want to also mention what  i what i had brought up before   and that was that if we in intend to change the  world okay through okay i'm gonna think this and   put it out into the world and it's it's a tricky  thing because if we are attempting to force our   will on others at 12 12 i'm talking about this  my time 12 12. if we attempt to do that then   energetically what ends up happening through my  is my personal experience is that it backfires   on us but if we are authentically being who we are   right if i authentically present  myself and my energy and i be who i am then it then energy naturally flows both out  and then in right it's a subtle difference when i also be who i am and i intend i ask  uh to be in alignment with divine will asked   to be in alignment with the highest good and  the highest good for me is the highest good   for everyone else at a very high soul level does  that make sense so when i ask for the highest good   i'm asking for the highest good for for  me first and the reason that i do that waking gaia oracle messages  thank you for your comment   and she's saying that she appreciates the spirit  science approach that i'm doing and thank you i   appreciate that you get it um because  it's good to have someone to talk to um so if we are essentially have a toroidal shape  okay and um and hello greg i don't know if   you've commented before but i appreciate that  you've been following me thank you so much   so if if if me as a human if i have a toroidal  energy shape okay and the planet has a   total energy shape and the sun has a torial  energy shape okay and all the other planets   in this universe this is how  it is for me okay if you don't   see it that way that's totally fine but this  is my interpretation and how it is for me   so it's it's kind of like how um um you know  the discussion that everything in the universe   is just a is a repeating pattern okay so this  toroidal shape is a repeating pattern and um so if i focus on my energy and my turtle shape  including the body right that that is is within   this energy field that's always moving right  it's always i'm always receiving and transmitting   now here's the interesting thing i'm always  receiving and transmitting where is this   energy coming from some people might say that  it's from the life force that i'm born with if we think that then we would assume that  there's a finite energy that a human being has   indeed it's my view that i'm receiving and  transmitting receiving and transmitting and   that this life force that i am um flexing  that i'm living in right that i'm enjoying   it emanates from the soul and because the  soul isn't eternal our energy technically   and theoretically is uh infinite it's infinite  and there are infinite possibilities therefore   so i guess that's just what i wanted  to say about human consciousness   about the human resonance and about how the  images may appear on the chart but i wanted   to just quickly get back where i think we're  at about 30 minutes 35 minutes i wanted to just   quickly get back for a minute to what susan had  mentioned about emotions greg says quantum yes i see everything from a quantum perspective and  even the toroidal fields so i agree with you   100 dave thank you thank you he says i have a  beautiful voice thank you very much i'm receiving   that compliment um intuitive observer says there's  nothing new under the sun maybe i don't know   but i do think that we've come around many  times haven't we intuitive observer says shalom um let's see i'm just looking  at the comments first section oh there's andrea he caught you in the act ha ha thank you  for being here i really appreciate it   andrea is amazing at astrology so check out her  youtube because she's got an amazing video about   pluto that is pretty amazing i learned so much  from from that video um about how that energy   works and indeed about how um the divine  works uh and manifests through that energy so that's terry i think ta white terry  quantum dynamics yeah thanks you guys   for being here i really appreciate it okay so  next i just wanted to for a moment talk about   emotions in the energy field that susan brought  up and um i'm gonna have a video on a past life   that um i'm gonna describe how you how you find  past lives um how they are experiencing the body   how to heal them but um i had some emotions  okay i had some so i had some an event come up   recently and um i was having physical body issues  and i've had some emotions for a long time that i   couldn't quite pinpoint what is this about um  it was an area where i was holding myself back   and i have been praying and praying  and praying for guidance about this   okay please you know please help me you know  get what is going on here for myself because   why because i'd like to be able to receive  as much as i'm able to transmit energy   and um so what happened was i was starting to  have physical pains which is what susan had kind   of indicated in her comment it it had manifested  in the physical for me not just in the emotional   so long story short um and i'll talk more  about it in the video on the red haired girl when i got this area worked on i immediately  saw this amazing woman with red hair and she she was a warrior and she had thrown her  her javelin just amazing she was very physical   um oh my goodness and when she threw the  javelin something happened that was devastating   for her and what i realized was that i  still had the remainder of those emotions   in my field through the light even though  this lifetime was thousands of years ago   and um sometimes you just get to a  point where you are ready to let go   because why because i'm now ready to receive at  new levels and that that devastation that she felt   you know it's just like the idea of bowing  before the master you can only you can't really   receive at least i couldn't what the spiritual  being had wanted to teach me if i was going to   kind of put my head down and consider myself less  than but when i considered myself an equal but   at a different level of of consciousness and  experience than i was able to receive right from   that spiritual master and the non-physical  well the same with the red-haired girl   with that emotions that was stuck it was  because she had thrown the javelin okay   and then experienced this terrible accident that  happened um and if indeed it turned out it wasn't   her fault when i went and looked at it but she  didn't know that okay she didn't know that and um by by being able to remove that from deep  within the field and just let the emotions   let her emotions pour out through me i was able  to clear that um and um do healing work with the   character that i was in that lifetime why is this  relevant to the discussion of this human resonance   because of this right because if we are generating  energy and we're all perceiving the group energy   um then um those kinds of things are going to show  our wounds are going to show our traumas are going   to show it's not just all yay it's a wave of power  right white the right resonance poured through and   um while people love and they're very  attracted to that i love to look even   deeper behind beyond that because as i bring  my lows higher then my ability to receive   actually expands and then i expand my highs higher  what i do is i shift myself up level dimensionally   from within whatever state that i am existing in i  upshift my state of consciousness my energy system   and so on by doing this and this changing myself  does it change the world i believe it does um   and i believe that's true for every  single one of us and this is why i do this   because i have something to share and talk  about and it's benefited me quite a great deal   and if you guys benefit from it then  that brings me joy and i love talking let me just see what people are  saying here little feather namaste   thank you for being here um scottish redhead i  love that i've been to scotland once and i was   just so wowed by the energy of the people  it was incredible um i was there for lunch   let's see here let me just  look at this here and yeah hermeticus thank you very much i appreciate  your comment and thank you for the   charts that you do on the shumanbot on  twitter um and thank you for the community   that you have there so thanks for saying  hi glad you like my drawings um okay so um thank you for the comments um rebecca um and the other season you guys are so awesome  and i really appreciate all of you being here   and um yeah i would i would definitely um for  charts and things i would definitely go check   out at schumannbot on twitter it's a great  resource if you want to look at history and   i believe on his site he has or he or she has um  a lot of history on the site as well if you're   looking at previous dates and you want to know  what happened okay um colorado in the house   thanks for being here uh does anyone have any  questions i'm kind of i kind of feel complete here so all right you guys it's been so  wonderful hanging out with you today someone's talking about waking guys  talking about how she feels the energies   rachel oh thank you for commenting and thanks  for commenting when you do on my channel thanks   for being here goshi what would be your message  for the full moon the fool is the best position   one that's um gives us a lot of learning and  opportunity um see here oh someone had talked   about how they hurt themselves protecting their  mom boy that's a personal choice isn't it it's um you know sometimes we make those choices and  sometimes we choose to let someone else have their   soul path this is a really big thing right now um  because of what so many people are going through   um with so many people passing away from a  certain situation that's ongoing right now   so it's um it's important to if you can  bring your consciousness to the decisions   and then do what works for you oh there's  one more thing i want to say and that was i   was talking about the technological effect and  how it had shifted and here and here is what i   was wondering okay and i went through this whole  discussion about human beings in the energy field   so that we could so i could also say this what  if certain people who have gotten a certain um injection what if there's an effect where some  of us are generating at low hurts a different   set of energies now and i don't know if it's  brainwaves if it's human energy system if it's um   emotions or thoughts exactly how that would be  affected but this occurred to me when i saw the   technological effect shift and it appeared to  be something different than what i showed you   on the screen it didn't extend through the hurts  very far it was primarily in the unconscious   and subconscious hurts at very low frequencies  you know sort of two to maybe even below eight   that's where it was strongest and so  this is something i'm thinking about   and i might do a separate video on  it so thank you all for being here   thank you tamra i really appreciate your  comment um and um thanks for watching   thank you alex for your moderation thanks andrea  for being here she helps inform my knowledge of of   astrology plus energy andrew's amazing  with energy thank you all god bless you


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