BA Hons Advertising online Open Day

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Hi everybody. Welcome, to ba advertising, open day. Um. I'm dr sevilla, schilolo, and i'm the course leader for advertising, va advertising. Course. Um today we will be giving you a little bit information, about the degree. And what we do. And how the units, are delivered, what sort of content, we cover. Within, our course. And, there will be some q a. Session as well so in the end if you have any question, please. Put it in a. Chat box. So. First of all i just want to say, why, london of. London college of communication. So, it's basically. The communication, sector, obviously, is evolving. And, what we want to do we want to enable, our students, to develop, the skills. Needed. To succeed. As future, phase and creative, through. Our industry, focus courses, in the design, school middle school and screen, school. But i will be talking about mainly. Media school but we have. Six colleges. In one university. And probably, already know that but ual, is ranked as number two. University. In the world for arts, and design education. And we have big range of international. Alumni, network. And, a. Really good range of international. Students and. Staff profile. Which i will be talking about in a minute. And we have a good range of uar, support, services, for, mcc. Students. As i said. Advertising, degree is the middle school, and, major school is basically, has a comprehensive, portfolio, expense, discipline, of publishing. Advertising. Public relations, media communication. Photography, and. Journalism. So in the major school as i just mentioned. We have. Three different, main, areas. And we are, in communication. And media. And within, our. Course we have advertising. And. Um if you want to carry on obviously, studying, and learn more about advertising, we're offering ma advertising. As well so you will have that opportunity. Too. Um, ba advertising. Uh. Is basically. Is this. Course, is to help, you. Um. Kind of, understand, the essential, gain essential, skills, you will need for successful, career, in the advertising. Industry. So it's not only advertising. Industry, if you are passionate about advertising. Is something, is definitely. You need to consider. To come here because, how we deliver, our units, is basically. We just bear this. Uh. This thing in our, mind that created, with our strategy, is just called, art, but creative, with strategy, is called advertising. So within, our course. You will have lots of, uh skills, you will start building your skills around creativity. But obviously, you will have skills, around the, strategic, skills, as well because, this is what you need. When you. Create your work and this is what you need to know that your, creative, work will work. For, your audience, or not so, that's why the strategic. Bit is really important, for this uh. Course. So, what you're going to do. When you come to. This. Course, advertising. Uh, you will be working, as a part of a team which, something, you need to, a skill you need to build. From day one because, in, in the end of your course. This is what you need to do in the. Industry. World, so it's something you need to do every single day working as a part of the team. And, to edit. Get critical, analysis, and strategic, skills, is something i just briefly, mentioned a minute ago. It's something you definitely, need to have and we really. Think. Is so important, for your career. And. Writing, and creating, your, own strategic. Briefs. And, this is something again it's really important, and we want you to experience. It in our. Course. And, then, the creative, side is mainly. Photography. To enhance, your work because. We, acknowledge, the fact that. Strategic, work, always, needs to improve, by. Visual, work so you're going to build some skills around that as well.

So To film, your own tv, commercials. And. To make podcasts. Create your own branded, content, make documentaries. Record, your own, radio, commercials. When you. The, all the things i i just mentioned, is basically, you kind of get the idea, it's quite hands-on. Course. Um and obviously, you have that strategic, side, to build, your. Uh, creative, work, so. Then what you're going to do, you're going to create your own social media campaigns. Write headlines. Uh to kind of forget. To learn. What sort of, headlines, will work for your campaign which is quite important, in the industry, as well. And then use the latest technology. Again, it's quite important. And. We, mainly, live in a technology, world now. So get lost in experiential. As i say is quite hands-on, course and you will experience. And you will. Produce. Creative, things. Uh for, advertising. Industry. Think differently. So, um. We welcome, all sort of different opinions. And this is that's why. I think it's called university. And. Uh. You are. More than, welcome, to think differently. In this course, and use research, to write briefs. Again, we. We know that, uh. The importance, of research, in your work. Um. Then to sell your ideas. Like, learn, how to create. Good pitch. Um. So, enter, awards. Is amazing, that our students, already, experienced, that which i will give you a brief information. And then, create a portfolio, of your work. And. Win them, so and then find a job, and understand, who you are. Um, so, who has studied, uh ba, advertising. So we have actually there is a wide range of students, on the course. And i'm currently, teaching. First-year, unit introductions, to advertising. And the first question when i ask, students. Why you. Want to come to lcc. And want to study, ba advertising. And. Before. They answer that question they gave me a little bit background, about. Them and what they did so we have students, like who are interested, in fashion. But they want to. Build their skills around advertising. They are here now. We have students. Who are actually. Did some media related, study. And then they want to get like, a more creative, and strategic, side of that field. Uh, we have, students, like who were interested, in photography. But again. They said. They they did some creative, works, but again, advertising. Is something i just mentioned, a minute ago is advertising. Something you need to be strategic, and, put strategy, into art so this that's why they want to come here so, we have actually a wide range of students on a course coming from different background. But the main thing is they are aware, of. They. Have to have an ability. To be creative. And strategic, thinkers. So this is the main thing. Um, so year one. Uh as i just mentioned. I am already teaching, with my colleague, steve. Introduction, to advertising. In that unit is kind of um it's like an introduction, unit so you're gonna have. A couple of lectures. Give you an idea, what's your year. Gonna look like. Um, then we have truth, insight and storytelling. We know, all these. Three, key words, is so important for the industry. Mainly, storytelling. So you're going to build your. Skills around that.

Advertising. Theory and context. Is something. I. I. Mention, again. Is, this unit is actually, give you, that. Critical, thinking, skills, and in this union will give you an idea, that, what's happening, behind. Advertising. What's happening behind, that shiny, advertisement. And what sort of theories, and psychology. Going on behind that. Um, then. You can quickly mention hi, i'm steve, uh spence some one of the lectures on the course. Um. I'm. I do, most. I did a lot of the work which is the making and thinking stuff so you look at professional, but two of the things we do in year one. Are professional, practice, and creative skills. Although they're separate units they do they do work hand in hand, uh creative skills is very much you know learning about the basics of copywriting. And art direction. And typography. And how to use them. Um. And then professional, practice. Goes back to that first slide you saw about. Creative. Creativity, and strategy or art and strategy. That's where we put the uh the ideas of strategy, together. With the creative skills, to, actually create a, piece of advertising, work, which is which is reflects. The industry. Um. Precisely, or mirrors what happens in industry, so that so the students have to. Get a brief they write a strategy. They research, it. And then they create their own brief, their own proper brief and then they write a piece of creativity. To fit that brief. Amazing, and then you have, an opportunity. To, actually, pick a topic, you're really passionate, about and be giving you three opportunities. In that sense, so you can either. Pick an additional, module, it can be either global media cultures. Branding and digital marketing. Or visual communication. Um, then year two when we come to u2, is what. Where we do. Lots of critical, analysis. Uh. Skills, building. Sessions. If you like, so behaviorally, inside. Again we acknowledge, the fact that we need to know. Our consumers. And target audience really well to be able to target them with the creative and strategic, advertising, we produce. So that unit is more about knowing, people. And then. Kind of. Build that target, audience. Persona. Around that and advertising, and digital, again. Is more about the critical, thinking, and in this unit, you will have an opportunity. To do. Academic. Reading. But at the same time, to think about this industry. From different perspectives. And for collaborative. Practice. Yeah commercial practice, is where we work with, um. Another, another course sometimes. Within the ual, or within lcc. Or occasionally, we work with external, partners.

To, Uh create, a a. Project. And this year for instance we're working with, a partner, university, called based in hong kong. I'm working on a third-party. Charity global challenge belief, so the idea of collaborative practice is allows you. You know you can be you can get, you can get a feeling sometimes, that you're trapped in just working with your own with your own, you know, friends and your own. Colleagues, within, advertising, this gives you a chance to break out and and work with other students. Amazing, so, then again, you two, you have an opportunity, to get additional, module, it's, we want you to experience. Everything and we want you to give you a little bit. More opportunity. To explore. The topic you're passionate, about so you might just say. Seve, i really enjoy advertising, but i want to learn more about film theory and. Cinematic. Practice, and you have that option and if you want to know a little bit more about media relations, again, there will be an option for you. So. Then, year three, is actually we're going to come back to our. Is, only, advertising. Related, units and those, projects, are really big project and we want you to take the ownership, on that project, so, you will have an. Opportunity. To actually. Gain. Entrepreneurial. Skills. Which is in the creative entrepreneurship. And then dissertation. Is something because. With the year one and year two with those critical, thinking and critical analysis, reading. Academically. Knowing psychology. Knowing target audience. And this is the project you can actually show your skills, you build, laws. Uh you want to need. To. Um, that, big idea. Is. Something amazing. Is is. Like the, the massive big, uh creative, strategy, project. Um it comes out and a lot of you noticed on the previous slide there was that uh. Advertising, futures, is where you learn. Students that start to develop their own creative voice. And with big ideas we want you to take that voice, on, and make it stronger. And more personal. So big ideas, is you work on a massive major project. We do an awful lot of work and ultimately, the idea, is that you will start, you will be very close to creating your own, personal portfolio. That you'll leave. University. With. Um so yeah you'll have in one hand you'll have a your degree. In your hands you'll have your portfolio. Exactly, and one more thing actually stevie made a really good point with dissertation. We usually, suggest, our students, to. Work on the topic. Is actually will help them, to, build. A skills, and they can put on their cvs, and for example, if they want to work in a. Big company. Or, big agencies. Is, creative, agency, and we suggest them to, look at the topics around that so, in that case. It's your project, and it's amazing, thing to include in your cv, before you start applying, for jobs, so you will have that opportunity. As well. Um so. This is like. Where those units are locating. So, is. As we said is the first year units we already mentioned, those, anyway. So we will have different blocks. Um. And you can actually, see, where they are and, what blocks. What lecture you're gonna have. So this is your. Three, years. Gonna look like. Um, studying at university. So, we have, great. Department. To actually. Only provide, services. For students. Including. Counseling. Health. Advice. Disability, dyslexia. Support, advice, on funding, immigrations. And visa, so, we have like an amazing, group of people, we can actually, have on that. Then. This year, is we, kind of experience, i think with the whole world. We are experiencing, that blended, learning, so what we do.

Each Students, in each year each block. They have. An opportunity, to come to university. For three hours. And then the rest of the units are online but each. Students, in every single blog. Three hours they come into. Campus, and they have this like interaction, with us, they just um. Get that interaction, with their colleagues their friends. So we just followed that, um. Blended, learning. With the online. Site, we are actually. Having, lectures, and tutorials. And. Then. We have two version, of that so, mainly. Tutorials. And we call it seminar, with a small group where you practice, what you learn. They happen, in real time. And then the, lectures, is usually. Happen, mixed, kind of real time and recorded, sessions. And, obviously you have an opportunity, for you in person teaching, on campus as well. And with uh social licensing. So, uh facilities. Again, we have, a, 3d, workshop, creative, technology, lab. Canteen. We have cafe. And digital, space, gallery, spaces. Kit room. Library, services. Photography. Studios, printing and finishing, print making, and the place. So. Um. So you will have like lots of opportunity. To kind of like. Go through what you learn, in the lecture, and practice, in different, uh section, in the building. Including. The stuff i just mentioned. Um, staff expertise. We we actually, have, really, a good, mix, of. Stuff, like teaching, team. So. As you can see, myself. Um. I'm, dr sevilla, schloller, so i my background, is more academic, related. Um, so i i come from research background. And, then we have a doctor, motory. Again. Um. Zoe. And then. Steve, is coming from a practitioner. Background, he works in the creative industry. Cardiff, is the same, and then, adrian. Again. He's, he's an academic. And then we have, a sema. Lecturer, who come from. Practitioner, background, again so we have a really good mix. Um so. With the expertise, we have i just kind of put, a couple of outcome. Um. Couple of projects, our, staff worked on, so you kind of see an influencer, marketing, is the book project i was part of. It will be published end of this month and then we have zoe's, book it's more about social media, age. And then seymour, just mentioned. She's the co-founder, of optimum. Steve, is the judge for dnad. Awards. So we have like really good. Bunch of uh, stuff, or actually, expert, in different, areas. Which actually we can deliver. That. Um. Advertising. Degree, from. A practitioner. Perspective. And the academic. Perspective. So we have, a really good team to do that. Um, so, again with the collaboration. We, know like how important. To work, with. Work on live projects, so we have, really good, uh projects, we worked on. Um. With different, agencies. Uh different brands. So they usually, like um, stevie were mentioning, like a colgate. Yeah we worked with we worked, with. Some major brands colgate. Uh being colgate palmolive, being one of them, and we've worked with. A local. School. On a big project. Because we do we tried to do a lot of uh pro bono work for like you know for good, good causes so we've done stuff, for the charity. We did, uh things for a local, cinema museum and we did stuff as i said for the school, as well as like major, um, senior. Serious. Uh big global companies come to us as well yeah so we we definitely. Really. For us is really important. You, getting. Real, life. Task, experiences. And we just give, that opportunity, to our students, in that way where, they can work with clients, on live, projects.

Um Study abroad, so students can study on an exchange, semester. We have. A really good record around like, our students. Study in hong kong or the students from hong kong they study with us, amsterdam, and berlin. Um, so connected to industry, so we are not only connected to industry, online projects, but we are connected to industry, on different, level. So we have really good industry. Links with, couple of uh. Councils. And, charities. Where they come and. Give our students. A. Opportunity. Where students can do internship. Uh, or work on different projects, or short term, projects, or where they can get this external. Industry. Experience. Then, with ipa. Is one of the major. Uh, professional, body, in, industry, in advertising. So we are in this stage to, get kind of a, build. Project, with them where. Our students can actually, go and get. A, professional. Certificate. From them. Uh, to kind of build their cv, when they are here. And with dn. Nad. Steve. Yeah dnad, is a, global. Awards. Um. Scheme or global. Industry, body, actually based in the uk it was designed, the reason for the british advertising, artifacts but now it's gone all over the planet. Um, it's it's, uh. The preeminence. People say. Um. Institution, of its kind, in the industry, and we do a lot of work with them, and then the college does a lot of work with them. Yes so, student work, we already have a great work. Um, anyway in previous, year you can actually, see, what they were awarded. Um. And. We have awards. From, dnad. Yeah i mean we do in, advertising, futures. Is also known in this, sort of. In-house, as the awards, unit. Because that's where we do a lot of our focus on on the. Awards, briefs themselves, coincide, with the units so we do a lot of work then, as you can see um, we've been really. Really successful, over the past couple of years, with awards, across dnad. And. Uh. White use ycn, you can now student awards. Yeah and it's just when you are preparing, your work for awards, obviously, you get supported, from us. Um. So, graduate, stories. Um. I kind of put a couple of them and we have like, more great stories, but i couldn't fit in the slides, but you can actually, see from here. We have. Graduates, works in google, amazon. Um. A great partnership. Creative, directorate. Cgi, company. New york so we have, um. Really good graduates, and just work with really big companies. Um personal, statement. So, i. With the personal, statement, what we actually expect, you to do, obviously, have a really good writing, skills but at the same time. As long as, you actually, show. That. You are passionate. About this. Industry. That fascinating. World advertising. And you just. Tell us. You are interested, in and you are open to learn you are open to changes. And. You. Really, willing, to, work in this industry, and you are really want to know more about this. World. Um. That's it this is what we expect, you to, do in your personal, statement. So i don't know, yeah i mean. Some people have asked you know, maybe maybe some of you got questions about do you need a portfolio. You don't need a portfolio, for this for this particular, course, it's not about, um, the skills you've got already, and and, you know no doubt you've got good creative skills i wouldn't be thinking of doing a course like this, but it's more about, the fact that you're. Fascinated, and curious, and passionate. About the advertising. What, what creates, it what what's behind, it, and how to make it, and if you can convince us that then that's you know that's that's. Mostly the way there. Yeah. All right so we just we just want to see how enthusiastic. You are about this, degree, and field in general, basically. All right so. That's it from me so i think we're gonna take some questions, now. And. Um. Yeah any questions. Yeah hi, uh, my name's dan i've been here in the background sort of just replying to some questions, and i'm just going to read some out to you now. Um. So, first question. Um. So, i've never. When i was at school i didn't do any creative, subjects like photography, or anything is that a problem. No, no it's not a problem. Do you want to elaborate, on that. Hello. The person is. Oh i see you know. Not crazy it's not doing creative subjects, it's not an issue here, because you're going to learn you're going to learn here yeah. Okay. Yeah so i'm just reading what comes in so um. If you feel like you need, if you need more, just, let. The crowd know and then they can put them in, um. So yeah someone has asked how large, is the course. In terms of numbers i suppose. Wow, this this is a little bit difficult, question, because. Um. It's kind of is. Changing, but we can we can give an average, number, is usually. 70. But it can be, more. But this is the average number we see, like last, well in the, year.

Um, First year yeah first year's usually about 70. Um. We have a you know i mean it's about it's about averaging, about. 80 to 80 across all three, all three years so you're looking at um. Probably, uh. 220. Students across the course. Roughly, a bit more maybe a bit less, three years yeah obviously all three years. Okay thank you, um. So there's a couple questions here about. Foundation, years. And if that's something that they would need to do if it's compulsory, i know it's not compulsory, but if you'd recommend. A foundation, year before starting on the course. Particularly, if you're an international, student someone has asked. Yeah i think foundation here is a great to get an idea of what you like to do creatively. Um, you know one of the problems about not doing a foundation, years you come to do a course like advertising, or you can go and do something like graphic design for instance, and realize, fairly quickly it's not what you want to do if you do a foundation, year. You get an idea about um. What, what, floats your boat creatively, so i think yes it's a good idea to do one it's not compulsory, but it's not a bad way of finding out. Where you fit, in the, creative industry mix. Cool thank you so there's a flip, of the first question i asked which was. Uh someone who was you know, maybe not a creative, at the minute. And if they can do the course so someone has asked they're a photographer, currently and they want to do in the course. So they can build up their experience of advertising, and, take a more uh creative artistic. Pursuit to their own photography, can they do that. Yeah. Yeah yeah, they can do that yeah. You know again like just go just to reiterate. It's it's about having a passion for. For. Advertising. Across. The whole, um. Of what we what advertising, is, so if you know if you've got if you've got a skill as a photographer. Fantastic, that can only help. Yeah. And as long as as i said you open to learn you open to. Read, and, know more about. Industry. Not just like creating, things. You are pretty much. There. Cool thank you, um. And then again someone is a sort of, quite similar question i suppose, is. Would they need to learn how to use, photoshop. Indesign. Uh you know the adobe creator suites because they don't know how to use that yet, that's we teach that in the first year it's in in fact it's the. I think it's in weeks six or seven within several weeks you're starting here you get taught how to use, photoshop, and, indesign, and illustrator. And. Um. Uh, the app the editing's. Sweet stuff which which is, forgotten it's across my mind but basically we teach you how to do it within the first, couple of months of you being here.

So You'd have to you'd have to come fully loaded with the skills we will teach you how to do it. Okay thank you. A follow-up to that question is is the adobe suite provided by the uni. Uh it's on all it's on all the machines, that are in the university, so you can as a student you can borrow a computer. From the library, and. Or a laptop from the library that will be that's fully loaded with the with the kit, uh at the moment. There's adobe, have a, all the universe has a relationship, with adobe. Which allows students, to to purchase. The entire, suite for for a really good price, but, we don't provide it for free now. Yeah. If, you're working at the university, all competitors, already have. But it for your personal, computer. We don't provide that. Cool thank you, um. Someone has asked what kind of experiences. You'd expect, for applicants, to have, and they've put, competitions. Um. So i don't necessarily know what that means but what kind of competitions. Or experience, might you expect an applicant to have. Yeah i wonder if it's more just about. Maybe experiences, at school, or interests. Or, um. You know because when you're at your personal statement i suppose you need to sort of put in, experiences. And things that make you like a particular, subjects. Are there any kind of extracurricular. Stuff that you'd maybe. Like to see, maybe that's sort of what it is. Well it's just it's just going back to saying you know, it's about having a curiosity. A curiosity. For the industry and curiosity, for for advertising. Anyway. So on the academic, side as well as the um, creative, side. So but you know a lot of students come to come here who've. They've seen an advert when they were like. When they were younger, and that's sort of, that's flicked a few switches they thought that looks really interesting, and.

They've Sort of semi-pulled, in they've decided. Now they're going to go into college that's what they want to want to do. They, remember. The advocate, that made them, laugh or cry or whatever. So let. When i talk about experience i mean you know what have you got what something must. Trigger you to think about advertising. Bring that to the party. But also remember, that and also yeah as part of that. Person who's a photographer. You can bring that to the party but remember we're looking at everything to do with advertising. So just, just a first of a knowledge. Is a good thing to have, yeah, anyway. You know um. I think. What we want to do and what, students, are actually, prepare them for is basically. Um, they need to have that creative, skills, if they don't it's, absolutely, fine, they have an opportunity, to learn and build, build their skills. During, those their, three years. But at the same time they need to, expect. Basically. To, learn the strategic, and the psychology, side of advertising. Where. We, kind of need some academic, skills, and again. It's absolutely, fine. They will have an opportunity, to. Learn here, but the main thing i think what steve, was, actually. Uh was saying. Is as long as students, are willing to learn, and if they are really passionate, and really determined. Um, they will have an opportunity, to build their skills, academically, and practically. Oh thank you, uh someone was asked about. Kovid. And brexit, which are two sort of you know quite big, topics, i suppose. And if there are any, disadvantages. For people starting the course next year because of those two things, so for now we don't really know because, with coverage situation, everything, is changing, but i think brexit is more settling, than covet. So i think brexit, is brexit, is that. Uh but with covert situation. It's actually, every day. Every month something is changing, but at the moment. I just gave a little bit information, about how we are doing this blended, learning. So we still give, students, an opportunity, to be on site. So, each week they have even this situation. But i don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, nobody knows. But even. Under, these circumstances. We still, make sure students, have those, on-site. Experience. And online, so that's why we just do, that blended, learning and i just briefly, mentioned, a minute ago, so, every year, each, blog. Students, if you are a first year, second year third year doesn't matter. You have, three. Hours, on site. Lecture, and the rest stuff is online, so we do blended, learning in that way.

I mean Hopefully by october, 2021. We want me to be talking about this exactly, there won't be blended, learning. We're just hoping, that well, i suspect, we'll be very very good at it by then. Someone else has asked, do you have any examples. Of the types of connections, that students, have made. And they're asking about work experiences. Whilst on the course. Um. In in previous, slides. With like working with the industry, we have a really good, connection, with like, charities. And, councils, whereas, they come and, give students advice like how they can progress, in their career. And we have like internship, opportunities. As well, and recently. We have. These industry. Talks. So, where. Big companies, are coming and talking to our students, and. Recently. We have. Advertising, society. Where students are quite uh. The students, the the type of students we like are passionate about the industry. Saying they just build their society. And they're planning. Um, the plan is with the society. In inviting. Industry, people and eventually, it will just lead to some internship, and some working, uh relationship. With them so we do it in that way but we already have some connection. With the industry, in terms of. Internships. Cool, someone has asked. How practical, is the course, compared to the written research, aspects. I think it will be, called 50 50. about 50 50 yeah, yeah i mean. Um. None of the practical, stuff is done, well, well, a lot of practice, practical stuff is done in tandem with strategy. Because we that's what we believe in yeah you know we don't write you don't start writing, out unless you understand what it's for and who's it, for. Um. So. But it's mainly 50 50.. Cool thank you uh someone has asked if there are any books that you would recommend. If they wanted to sort of dig a little bit deeper into the psychology. Of advertising. Uh there was that handbook, of advertising. It's written by one of our, actually edited by, one of our professors. Jonathan, hardy. So. Advertising. Handbook. And jonathan, adi if you put those names you will see that book it's quite good book and, quite. Good and my book is going to publish so i would definitely recommend, it. November, influencer, marketing, if you want to know more about it. Uh there will be book two by me. Cool thank you very much, um, there's a few different questions in the chat box, about. Um. The tariff, points, of their. Sort of equivalent. Um, qualifications. If they're not you know doing a levels and such, and i don't necessarily. Know if either of you would be able to answer those questions but what i would say is that, you see, um, to the audience this is the general inquiries, email that's on the screen right now if you, say you're doing a swiss. Degree, or you know an international, baccalaureate, or something and you're not sure about how the tariff points. Um convert, do please just email, our general inquiries, team, and they can liaise with our admissions department get an answer for you, um, and also just, one extra thing just to address some of the questions in the chat box is that people are asking about.

Foundation, Degrees, and if lcc, has them and if ual, has them, ual, has. Two. Foundation, degrees. Which are at csm, or central samaritans, and then one at camberwell, but then lcc, specifically, has, two international, only foundation courses, which are, aimed at specific. Uh audiences, as well so. That's the kind of makeup of foundation, degrees at ual but sorry onto sort of more course related stuff, um. What type of projects. Will we be doing when we're on the course. All right, so. We. We have that a collaborative, project, is where you are actually, working, with a. External. University. So you are working on a. Brief. Uh written, by, a, charity. And. Then, they just come out with a brief and you're building your project around that so like you're just writing a campaign. For a charity, and it's just like um as steve mentioned. We're trying to work with the, um. Charities, a lot because. We want to help the society, and i'm sure you want to help. Make society's, life better. So, we we have a project, like that. And then. We have some projects, around like you need to make, a, video, around. Consumers. So like consumer, insights. We have dissertation. Is basically, this is your. Written. Project, it's all. About you, so you are the project manager, for that so you will have, us to guide you obviously. But we just let you to pick your own topic and build a good piece of work, around that topic which will help you to. Probably. Impress your future employer. And. The other projects, like we do big idea. Yeah i mean, year one there's a lot of projects in year one because we're trying to give you as much, uh exposure, to. The practical, and the theoretical. Side of, uh. The industry, and what we teach in advertising, blah blah blah, yeah two as i said before i think is more about you developing, your own so the projects, are there. Designed, to help you develop your own creating voice, whether as a, single, single creative, or, in a creative team, of two. Um so those projects, are that's what that's what they're designed for but i'm here in the year three. For bringing for professional, practice, right for big idea. There's a lot of projects in big idea but that's a deliberate, sort of a policy, and design of our side, to really make you um, you know. Drive. Your, portfolio. Development. Okay thank you, um. So, there's a few questions in, the. Sort of questions box about interviews and we've explained to people that uh you know not everyone will be interviewed and it's normally just an international audience that will be, um and if there's any advice you could give for, for those who will have to take an interview. Advice for you. I mean i don't know we. I've done interviews. In the past people especially, i normally. When i've interviewed, students, it's because, they're not they're not really sure about what they want to do. So that we interview them if we're if we look at the personal, if we look at their personal statements we go, oh are they really sure they want to do advertising, people just ask, so that's what we do interviews, i've never done the international, interviews i don't know what, how what that system is but i know the university, has a. Um. Proper policy, in place for interviewing, students internationally. But it doesn't really doesn't really filter down to courseline. So we can actually say in a way we can give you some tips that like make your personal statement, quite clear that it just actually, showed that you are really passionate about this degree and you really want to know more about, the advertising.

Degree. Uh or field in general, so. It will it will help a lot, and it's a very it's a very, it's a very in-depth degree. It's very academically. Vigorous, and it's very crazy and practical. So, um you've got to convince the interviewer, that that you know you're willing to commit three years. Uh. Doing this. Yeah thank you very much and i'm sure if you know the individual that's asking sort of about the international, interviews, you know the international, department. Are contactable, by email, i'm sure you could drop them a line and if they have any advice they can give you beforehand. I'm sure they'd be happy too, is there any extra costs, associated. With the course. I suppose it could mean, field trips. Or if they need to buy any. Books. Um. Or. I don't know sometimes. Students are worried if they need to buy laptops. I mean there's nothing specific, i mean most students who come here come with. Some with a laptop. Loaded with some sort of um. With applications, on it so that's, stranded, that's not an extra i wouldn't say that was an extra cost i think that's a a laptop, i mean a laptop in any university, these days is during ours that you've got to have one, yeah and then. We have spaces. Like with, computer, labs and everything, so you can come and work at the university. So i can't really. Think of anything, on top of my head, but, um, yeah i mean at the moment you know all this the things about field trips and all that is a little bit. You know, the world depend on what happens. Uh in the next couple of months but um, a lot of the field trips we do, fortunately, a lot of the good stuff you know we're in we're in london. So a lot of advertising, stuff is in london. And design stuff is real they've got a branding museum we've got history advertising, trust. We've got design museum we've got a lot of stuff we can go to and that's that's they're not expensive. Field trips for us they're just you know.

Uh And and sometimes, if it's a special event. You know we will find, we'll find ways of of, um subsidizing. The tickets. But generally no it's not it's not uh there's not really that much of an extra cost. Cool thank you, um. Someone, has asked. Again this is maybe a question, you know only time will tell but um, with the current pandemic. Situation. If it does get better and you know the vaccine is rolled out, will the measures get more flexible, or do you think we'll always have a, sort of blended learning approach, in some way shape or form. I think we we opened the idea, and at the moment, that we have students, like they really enjoy, this, um. Blended, learning approach, but we will definitely. Um. We can going back to normal. But, it's always because, what what advertising. Is about is we we need to welcome, like all the changes, and everything, so, i think we will still use that technology. Somehow, but it's not going to be like this, obviously. Um, but maybe, there will be some. Digital. Weeks, which i usually, love to do. Where students, need to just only connect to internet they need to use those software, so they will they need to do that, blended, learning in that way. Not because, of. Covet, 19.. So, we will definitely, use technology. But not because we have to. Yeah. I mean this, interestingly enough this has been quite an interesting, learning curve, i think from an educational, perspective. What i'm finding for instance is yes i can't wait to get back to open classes. And teaching, students, you know, in a big room. But interestingly, a lot of things like this things like tutorials. Why can't we do them online. Yeah you know i'm finding them actually much more effective, online, than. In a, in a room. So we might you know there might be ways we might be in the future where we go back to being, 85, to 90. In, on campus, but something, we would have done on, some of the things we would have done on campus, like tutorials, we might do online. Yeah but it works better. Yeah i think it's worth saying as well that. If, you apply for a course and, there is a. Sort of substantial, change to any of the way it is taught. You know you'll be contacted, with that and there's also our. There's a webpage, on our. Uh website, funnily enough for um, prospective, students and coronavirus, and it explains what's been done you can also see what's been done there for current students as well, so that might be interesting for you to read if you are worried about.

Um, Coronavirus. Or how it affects anything to do with how you might be studying in the future. Um, so someone has asked if. So i just want to say ual, is very deep but ua i'll be very proactive, about. Student safety, so there's no way they'll go back to a you know. There's no way they'll adopt a policy. That isn't completely, safe, so whatever happens in the future. That would be that's the answer, actually, if, if we go back if, it's okay to go back to full classes, we will but if there's a, if there's any doubts like ual. Will make the right decision. Sorry, thanks steve. No that's fine um does the course, does the course offer a sandwich year. No, no. But we are working on that by the way. Um, so, we are we are. Always looking for improvement, on our courses, so we are looking for that opportunity, too. But not at the moment. Cool thank you, um someone has asked how much time, on the course do you discuss the future of advertising. So. Technology, and how jobs will change within the industry, et cetera. Well is you're gonna have that, uh. Part of the, advertising. Field in every single unit in a way, it's just like in a different. Scale. So you might have 20 percent in one year you might have 50, of that unit but, you can't really think. Advertising. Degree without technology. Anymore, so you will. There will be, a, different. Delivery. Of technological. Side of advertising. In every single unit anyway. Yeah i mean it's it's a continuous. Question, yeah, um because. The industry is. Changing, literally, every day. So, um, you know we don't we don't. Put it to one side and ask that question once a year, it's something, almost every, every day we come in every week we come in, we're looking at we all we're all reading, articles, we're all reading, you know the. Industry. Uh. Magazines. Online, and offline. And so that question, is, constantly being answered when i first started teaching. Um. There was there was only three, things you taught which was print, radio and television. That's so that's, exponential, now there's like 20 things now, and that will only get bigger.

Yeah. Okay. Um, so i think we are. I think we're finished we don't have any more questions in the box at the minute i think we must have covered everything so that's that's great so, just any sort of. I guess any final thoughts. Um, from you guys and then we can we can finish up. I think, we cover everything, and i just want to repeat. That, um, kind of like delivery. Vision. We have, is basically. Uh kind of, having. Creativity. And strategic, side of advertising. Together to make that course, uh. Really, well delivered. I think, and. We are. So proud to achieve that basically, in our course and. If you have any question you already have a. Lot of email address you can contact, too. But you can actually find my details, online, anyway if you have any questions directly. To me you can always email me. But, um, i just want to say thank you for your questions, and thanks for, joining, us. Today.


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