Dubai’s Expo 2020 Full Tour 192 countries

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It's been almost 10 years in the making  the first world Expo was back in 1851   and today this is the first time ever that it's  held in the Middle East. 192 countries are coming   together to address climate change, conflict,  jobs, economic growth. Every country is here   to tell their own story in their own way through  the use of architecture, technology and design   After a year delay because of  the pandemic it's happening;   and even though i'm not really sure what to  expect, i do know: this i've never been anywhere   just quite like this and i'd be willing to guess  neither has the world. Where is the russia pavilion? All right i'm gonna use this room until i get  kicked out let's just see if i can figure out   how to turn on the lights i just got into the  media center here at expo 2021, not sure if   i'm supposed to be in here but i'm going to talk  in here until someone kicks me out. Let me take  

this off this was my media badge. Today in this  video i'm going to take you into as many countries   pavilions as i can in one day and at the end of  this video i'm gonna reveal my top three favorite   countries so make sure to stick around so you can  get the analysis on which ones are the best So first of all what exactly is Expo i'm not gonna  lie this is a question i myself was wondering   up until a couple days ago. All i saw were  a ton of advertisements for it and i knew   it was going to be a big deal. Expo is a place  that's meant for countries to come together to   talk about progress, cooperation. It's supposed  to bring the world together to find supposedly   solutions to challenges that humanity is facing. So you've got 192 countries here present at Expo  

in 2013 Dubai made a bid to host it so it beat out  Russia, Turkey as well as Brazil. It was supposed to   be in 2020 but then the pandemic happened and  so they delayed it by a year. Expo is supposed   to attract anywhere from 25 million to 100 million  people which is ultimately great for the U.A.E. which  

expected to create over 275 000 jobs from this  and inject 40 billion dollars into the economy   So how does someone come to Expo? Well anybody can  come to Expo, it is absolutely open to the public   Tickets are $25 for a day pass, $50 for a one month  pass or $150 for the six month pass this is   pretty cool if you take a flight on emirates all  you have to do is bring your boarding pass and   then you can exchange it for a ticket to the expo  expo lasts from october 2020 all the way until   april 2021 and then it's over so everything you  see in today's video which is like on the scale   of disneyland is one day just not gonna be here  but maybe i'll make another video about that and   by the way the event is free for children or  people with disabilities so how do you get to   expo well technically the location is in between  dubai and abu dhabi so i actually rented a car   while i'm here in dubai and it took about almost  an hour to get here by car but to be honest i   probably next time would have just taken the train  because parking was a bit confusing and if you're   taking the train you can just do other stuff  instead of having to worry about driving i have   no idea where i parked my car and i just realized  that's probably going to be a problem once i'm   done for the day because how the heck will i know  which bus to get on and where the heck my car is   now that you have the background information  about expo let's go inside and experience   just exactly what there is to see this security  is full on it's not just like hotel security this   is actual like airport security is afghanistan  the first country in the alphabet yes oh okay this map of expo 2020 looks very similar to what  you see when you go into disneyland you walk in   there's a main street there's the castle and  then there's all the little sections i think   there's actually five sections so it's quite funny  how similar it is and then it'll be on my left   yes thank you have a good one i thought that  they're in alphabetical order but afghanistan   nicaragua and uganda certainly are not anywhere  near each other on the alphabet so let's just go   with whatever we see if i don't go to your country  please don't be offended i just didn't have time   anytime i ask people where something is  nobody knows like even the media center   which i thought would be quite well known  a lot of people didn't know that to me that   just means that it's definitely the beginning  people are still learning where everything   is even the staff this is luxembourg let's go  check it out because this is quite a building   right as you start they stop you and you have  to watch this video from the grand duke yes you walk up this circular path where the  country promotes its culture and digital   strategy and then you reach this area where you  get a choose between walking down the stairs or   taking the slide 10 minutes of  waiting for this obviously i chose   that was totally worth the adrenaline rush this  is al bake it's a popular uh fast food chain in   saudi arabia they actually just opened a location  in dubai uh in dubai mall i actually did a whole   video on that so go check it out so far the  only thing i've seen a line for is the fast   food restaurant albeit a lot of them not only have  different things from their country but they also   have food so outside of the uk pavilion you see a  stand for fish and chips super impressive outside   which is meant to represent a musical instrument  and it has a bunch of words that were submitted by   people like you and me and apparently it uses  a.i to make a poem so as you walk in you're   asked if you want to give a word any word but you  can't use your name then ai generates a poem from   that and if you're willing to wait 20 minutes  or so you'll see your words shown on the screen   there's not much else to do except walk down the  stairs this cost the uk government 60 million   dollars and was paid for by the uk department  for international trade there wasn't much going   on besides that artificial intelligence activity  don't get me wrong the building was beautiful the   music was beautiful it was inspiring this is a  good time to talk about food you'll see little   food stands like this everywhere they even have  like baskin robbins they have a lot of restaurants   apparently they even have like michelin star  dining here they even have a convenience store but which i think means be careful because that's  what they used to say on the metro when i   lived in singapore and then i also know selamat  which means happy new year happy new year right   indonesia is home to the world's largest  muslim population this starts with all   these digital screens which immerse you  in what it feels like to actually be there   then they showcase this new city they're building  which is literally supposed to be a forest   city and they're going to move the nation's  capital there it ends with more digital screens   showing the faces of indonesians love the vibes  of this one and the people are amazing and warm   as all indonesians i've met are i wish there  was less digital screens and a bit more to   showcase its customs and culture but overall  this is a must visit and really memorable bye it might be my favorite pavilion so far  because of the people the immersive technology   experience i don't know it really caught me by  surprise because not if i mean nobody recommended   to me to visit the indonesia pavilion so i  didn't really have much expectations but wow   that was so cool and i'm a little biased  because i love indonesia i spent months   in surabaya jakarta and of course bali yeah nice to meet maroon   the concept here is called together we walk so you  start with this room with massive digital screens   showcasing lebanon's nature and culture and  a vibe that brings you straight into bo18   the next section is where lebanese artists  showcase their work with ceramics and sculptures   and every month or two this changes the final  section has more screens and a lot of hanging   swings and it kind of reminds you of patron  this was the only country with basically zero   staff inside which was kind of cool actually to  experience it like that this was commissioned by   the lebanese government and ministry of economy  and trade but the uae provided them with the   designs and the construction it's a very immersive  experience at first i kind of felt like i was in a   nightclub in beirut i'm not sure the significance  of the swings but they make for a really cool   instagram opportunity the most surprising  thing though is that the power did not go out   the feeling that i get right now is certainly like  i'm in a desert but i'm not hot because there's a   really great air conditioning and i also feel like  a sense of modernness um so i guess at the end of   the day that's what these pavilions are trying to  create is an emotion as a feeling and right now i   feel like a place that's grounded in you know  their geographical land but also like i don't   know modern and that's just all through it through  a feeling that i'm getting just walking right now china this is one of the largest at the expo  which makes sense since almost one in five   people on this planet are chinese its goal is  to showcase itself as an economic powerhouse   and a driver of future tech gotta be honest  this one wasn't super memorable it felt more   like a conference and since china's tech is  really advanced and incredible i felt like they   undersold themselves here where are the robots  the self-driving cars the facial recognition   the ai i've been to huawei i've been to tencent  headquarters and they have by far the most   impressive technology you can imagine in terms  of ai and self-driving cars facial recognition   and this was just didn't seem anything  memorable there was nothing impressive about it   palestine this building is very impressive and  it's designed to feel like you're literally   walking in the streets of palestine there  are marketplaces and urban farms as well as   interactive stands which show palestine's history   there's also a small restaurant at the end and  you can try the food do you know where japan is okay this looks a little too official this  looks like i'm going into a courthouse   or an embassy okay this is actually crazy  but the uae paid the 60 million dollars   for the us building at expo because congress  wouldn't approve using u.s taxpayer dollars for it   it's very large as you would expect and  when you enter you stand on a conveyor belt   i'm standing on a conveyor belt kind of like  luggage or sushi so you don't have to walk at   all loving the american values they pay tribute  to american manufacturing and the invention of   cars planes and the iphone 2. then there's this  area that talks about the mission for space   and u.s colleges and institutions overall it  was a bit underwhelming especially compared   to some of the other super power countries oh  the good old united states so that was quite   interesting i loved that we got to just stand  on a conveyor belt we shouldn't have to walk it was quite cool to see so much  diversity because at the end of the day   that's what makes in my  opinion america so beautiful why did i just know that this was  korea before i even saw the sign   some stands have a qr code system so you can  actually just sign up using a qr code and then   come back in an hour or two korea is one of  those pavilions where you can just sign up   go see other things and then come  back once the time is right please thank you they give you a mobile device where you can  use throughout your time for augmented reality   where you superimpose digital  images onto your existing reality   they've created this massive  display of almost 1600 cubes   the idea here is to combine  mobility and adaptability   which is why you see these cubes constantly  changing there's also this massive open empty   space based off traditional korean  houses where many events take place   inside the feeling you get is kind of like being  trapped in toothpaste indoors and then squeezed   out for open air views when you go outside it's  pretty cool as someone who has been to korea   i will say this experience is so cool because  it it really reminds me of when i was in seoul   they've captured the energy uh the vibrant energy  of the city and put it in the middle of the desert   here in dubai i can't exactly explain why that's  the feeling but that's just a feeling i get   it really reminds me of being in seoul especially  at night especially with the nightlife and it   makes me want to go back a couple more things to  note if you're coming is that they have a huge   free wi-fi network it's incredible it's quite  fast so everywhere you go around expo you just   start automatically connected to wi-fi in fact  i don't even use a sim card when i come to dubai   because wi-fi is everywhere every building you  walk into you can automatically connect to wi-fi i finally found the iran pavilion i'm super  excited i'm originally iranian my parents   came from iran to the us and and that's where i  was born i was born in the u.s but i do get the   privilege of going to iran every couple  years but i haven't been since before kobe   this is an open air which makes you feel like  you're in iran in the summer time there are   five rooms which give you a feeling kind of like  you're on a journey but often getting lost i'm   not sure if that's intentional or not but you feel  like you're on a trip discovering more rooms kind   of by accident i'm surprised to see they have a  high tech room which is basically just a video   showcasing its tech sector they also do regular  performances here as well and there is a persian   restaurant which looks pretty popular oh and  in the gift shop of course you can hear someone   selling saffron reminding everyone that  it's the most famous saffron in the world   so that was quite interesting i loved the  vibe that it gave off i'm a little bummed   i missed the live performance that's about  in an hour and a half so that's another   thing to bear in mind that live performances  usually take place between four o'clock and   when it closes i just think you just have to get  lucky i don't i wouldn't suggest like trying to   plan on too many unless you're gonna be here for  like a week i wouldn't try to plan for any live   performance iran was the only pavilion i saw where  there were more people sitting in the restaurant   than actually taking in the culture which  goes to show how amazing persian food is   if you haven't had persian  iranian food please go and try it so talibat is like deliveroo or ubereats  it's quite common very popular here in dubai   i use it almost every day when i'm in dubai and  apparently you can literally order food throughout   expo so let's say you're working one  of the pavilions and you're craving   some kind of food you can actually order  from it and i guess it's autonomous   the pavilion here is called campus germany  right campus germany campus germany with the   idea being that it's supposed to feel like  a university campus both the building but   also the actual exhibition okay germany spent 58  million dollars on this and it's pretty remarkable   everyone that comes to germany gets a badge  with their name on it you get this name tag   which tracks you and identifies you throughout  your experience every time you switch to another   room you're asked a question and they are tracking  your answers the theme here is a university campus   so you start in a classroom setting here where  you watch a video about how we basically are   destroying the earth but there is hope we go  into this giant room where you see grown men   playing in a ball pin each ball represents an  idea on how we can deal with the climate crisis   then you go into this room where you  see the future of how we could live   um elevators that go from left to right not just  up and down there are a bunch of games that help   you learn about the climate crisis and this game  where you compete with others to balance yourself   it ends with this insane immersive light  show they show your name on the wall and then   go over the results of what everyone in the  room voted for also everyone needs to swing   to create energy for the earth usually when  we think about climate change it's always you   know pessimistic and negative for for obvious  reasons i love so much about it is that it left   you really with so much hope and inspiration  we're all in this together and we do can you   know we all can make an impact i honestly think  that this place is cleaner than disneyland it's so   pristine and i even saw a worker pick up a leaf  there is also an app called expo 2020 download it   it literally has its own gps uh and that's  how i've been getting around at first i would   ask people for help finding countries thinking  that they're going to know but a lot of people   just didn't really know so it's so much easier  if you just download the app and it's actually   fairly easy to figure out after like two hours i  would say i had somewhat of a hang on where i was i have a bottle of water jess okay and is this brownie are they good  like really good 30. no it's okay i'm thirsty

i don't think i've ever actually  had a can of water i've had water   in a cardboard box but i don't think but  i've never had just regular water in a can i guess we're uh avoiding plastics here india once you get through the lines  you're welcomed into an overwhelming   experience with loud music and beautiful visuals   they literally have a real  human chilling and doing yoga it's a massive four-story structure and starts  with aya verda and yoga themes and then merges   into nature and then space this second half  is all about its tech sector and its economy   it was cool but it felt a little  too much like i was at a conference hi what time is it uh where is the toilet where is the russia pavilion the robot is definitely disappointing  he couldn't even tell me what time it is   alexa my own alexa sitting at home is smarter  than that robot okay that sounded mean he was cute   japan okay this one probably has the longest  weight and for good reason it's the most immersive   experience you've ever seen and it's super cute  typical japan you're given this sony headset with   headphones that connects you wherever you walk  as i'm moving the voice in my ear is changing so   it explains whatever station i'm at it's crazy  so the first section is all about living in awe   and harmony with nature you literally feel  like you're outdoors with all of that mist next it's culture and history so you get to pick  one of four doors depending on which of the four   seasons attracts your vibe the next  is all these japanese inspired objects   combined with modern day ways in which  we live then you go in here where it's   all about the problems facing the planet  and japan's economic growth challenges   at the end you go in here it's like  a combination of earth and tech   everyone has an avatar following us around  along the wall our avatar is following us   and we do this crazy dance around the globe and  then the staff applauds for you only in japan   that was super amazing i've never seen  anything quite like that thank you we like all started dancing and then we all merged  as one we basically just danced around a giant   globe i spent close to 50 dollars at the van gogh  exhibit in new york city a couple months ago and   this which was free obviously all these pavilions  are free was so much cooler than that experience   like there were so many twists and turns the  amount of detail they put into everything   was absolutely crazy it was so weird but so  cool and all i can think about right now is   how i can get into japan even though they're not  allowing tourists yet still because of covet 19.   so it was definitely a super cool experience  if you're coming here make sure that you visit   the japan pavilion it's either a long line or  they're gonna make you wait so just plan ahead   honestly guys if you come to expo i would go  straight to japan put your name on the list or get   a qr code whatever it takes because you don't want  to miss japan honestly one of the coolest things   i have ever experienced and i'm not exaggerating  like it felt like disney world but for the world   as somebody who loves to travel as somebody  who's been to a number of countries i felt   like all those countries came to us and it wasn't  just the things that they set up in terms of the   the exhibit but also even the little things like  the way that we had to wait in line or like in   japan they literally have a schedule of every tour  that's leaving and it's down to the minute it was   like 8 27 8 32. it was like a train schedule in  japan no other exhibit does that right and that's   a very japanese thing for them to do so seeing  not just the actual exhibit but also the cultures   that are running the exhibit was so cool to me  and it's time for the recap thank you guys so   much for watching this far along let me know in  the comments what other countries should i hit up   and now for the grand reveal earlier i think i  said i was gonna do my top three but i'm gonna   cheat and i'm gonna give my top five because it's  too hard to narrow down just five all right coming   in at number five is definitely indonesia that one  totally caught me by surprise i didn't even think   i would have time to visit them but they were just  so friendly and warm in that in that pavilion and   i was really impressed with their technology they  not only celebrated their culture and heritage   but really were forward-looking with that  forest future city number four is actually   gonna be lebanon lebanon also took me by surprise  i was thinking that lebanon was the least staffed   pavilion out of all of them um but that's okay  you did it actually added to the experience when   you didn't have too many people in there i really  had the pavilion to myself and it was just so cool   and beautiful and i was really impressed with the  design of the pavilion and just the overall vibe   i got being there and they did a really good job  of making me feel like i was back in lebanon if   you know my youtube channel you know i have a lot  of content on lebanon so do go and check that out   coming in at number three is south korea this one  was totally weird this one was really quite unique   from the dancing to the ar the augmented reality  like everything about it was total experience i   think this is one i'm gonna be thinking about in  a few months from now and i don't know i felt like   the whole experience was a little bit abstract  like i don't necessarily know what my takeaway was   from south korea but it was definitely a must-see  here at expo 2020. coming in at number two is none   other than germany germany this gave me a whole  new perspective of germany i've been to germany   pretty much only once to berlin and it was kind of  like museums and nightlife but this really made me   feel like germany is a world leader which i know  it is it's one of the world's biggest economies   but this really kind of put a new perspective to  germany for me in terms of making us think about   the future of sustainability it was just really  on its own caliber i love the pit with all those   balls and i thought it was so funny not just  seeing kids in there but actually like adults   having the time of their life i've never seen  anything quite like that coming in at number one   my favorite pavilion here at expo 2020 which is an  absolute must for anybody i think you know already   it's gonna be japan japan japan was an absolute  must it's actually in my top three favorite   countries and now i just can't wait to go back  because everything about it was so well thought   it was emotional it was inspirational it was  educational and i really just can't say it enough   how how much i recommend you come to expo in dubai  and go straight to the japan pavilion i am trying   something new this is my longest video i've ever  made so let me know in the comments what did you   think and should i come back to expo should i come  back and visit more countries if so what are the   countries i should visit and tell me what you  thought in general is this something that you're   going to consider coming to if so what countries  look like the coolest i can't wait to hear from   you guys in the comments find me on instagram  find me on tiktok and i'll see you guys soon you


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