Graduate Commencement Ceremony Spring 2023

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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] laughs [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this evening [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] turkey [Music] s [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign laughs [Music] thank you foreign foreign one two three [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you right [Music] now [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you please remain standing for our national Anthem sung by Amelia Cramer Katie Wyrick and Jordan's ice thank you oh say can you see by the dawn's early life what so proudly we held at the twilight's last gleaming whose brought stripes and bright stars we watched were together I'm the Rockets [Music] for the love [Music] of the Bridge [Applause] you may be seated distinguished guest graduates ladies and Gentlemens welcome to Michigan Technological University's 2023 spring commencement exercises we also welcome those who are viewing online from around the globe good afternoon and thank you for joining us for Michigan tax first graduate student commencement ceremony now graduates congratulations on your latest accomplishment this is an important milestone in your lives it is truly a time to reflect rejoice and celebrate your hard work and your dedication now for most the road to graduation is not traveled alone there are many who partnered with you on this journey with the parents grandparents spouses children and all the special guests in the audience please stand so we can thank you please stand graduates join me in recognizing your family [Applause] to our audience members thank you for your unwavering support there's another group I would also like to recognize Michigan Tech's faculty and staff are renowned for their scholarship and research they're exceptional teachers and mentors and most importantly they're passionate about your education and success with the faculty and staff please stand congratulations thank you pleased to see you the graduates look around I hope that you remember today's celebration fondly and with true appreciation for the many people who've contributed to your educational Journey including those who could not be with us today on stage assisting in today's ceremony are members of the University Board of Trustees please hold your applause until all have been introduced chairman of the board Jeffrey Litman board member John bacon board member John gipping board member Matt Johnson and board member Monique Wells also on stage is Dr Andrew store our Provost and Senior vice president of academic Affairs Dr Michael Mullins University Marshall and our University Senate President Dr Janet Callahan dean of the College of Engineering Dr will Cantrell dean of the graduate school and Associate Provost for graduate education Dr Dean Johnson dean of the College of Business Dr Molly Cavallari interim associate dean of the College of forest resources and environmental science Dr David himmer dean of the College of Science and Arts Dr Dennis livesay dean of the College of computing and Julie Freeman president and CEO of Mima original equipment suppliers Britta Anderson vice president of the alumni board senior engineers at Consumers Energy our graduate student speaker thank you for joining us now there's a tradition here at Michigan Tech of having a student address their fellow graduates this year's graduate student speaker came to Michigan check from Nigeria and will graduate with a PhD in chemical engineering she says Google brought her here since she relied on a filtered search results but decided on graduate school and Google told her that Michigan Tech offered all she wanted in a graduate program and she wasn't concerned about the cold weather she planned to get out in it and out quickly just with a master's degree however she decided to stay longer and earn a PhD after begin studying the direct recycling of Lithium-ion batteries she's been recognized for her research with multiple Awards our speaker has also been a leader on campus she was President and Vice President of the National Organization of black chemists and chemical engineers she served as the social chair of the African Student Association most recently worked as a facilitator for the writing and discipline program in the department of chemical engineering after graduation she will begin a new role as research and development senior engineer with DuPont today graduating with her PhD our speaker feels that taking that leap leaving Nigeria and coming to Michigan Tech was one of the best decisions she ever made it's my pleasure to present to you our 2023 graduate student commencement speaker Tony please foreign president Quebec members of the Board of Trustees are not guests faculty and staff my family and friends here present and those watching online and of course my fellow graduates there is a common saying to students back in my home country in Nigeria they say you should not only pass through your school you should also allow the school to pass through you this is a way to say not only should you earn your degree but you're also expected to learn an excellent culture to own other skills to prepare for the world in trying to determine how much of Michigan Tech has passed through me or if Michigan Tech has passed through me at all I figured I could start with the Michigan Tech values Community scholarship possibilities tenacity accountability and Leadership Community according to my original plan I shouldn't be here right now I was to be done with Michigan Tech by the end of spring 2020. it was the community that gave me the courage to embark on a PhD program at Michigan Tech the community and my department faculty supported me and gave me the confidence that helped me to realize my research capabilities it is also the community that made me a Nigerian that can build ice sculptures the community made me a Nigerian that can say I have swarmed in Lake Superior Cycles detect Trails kayaked on Portage Lake and skid down monthly it is the community that made me go from being an indoor person to being a nature loving outdoor person in this community I have found friendship and family the reason I'm here today is the community scholarship and possibilities I think my presence here says a lot about my scholarship value and there's no way I can talk about my scholarship experience without discussing possibilities you see I moved from feeling under qualified to doing awesome research at Michigan Tech I moved from feeling under qualified to mentoring grad student attending conferences and giving talks getting Awards having patents and Publishing technical Journal articles tenacity when you talk about tenacity just being able to wake up every morning in negative degree temperature tests one's tenacious Spirits at Michigan Tech we not only Excel at what we do but we make the most of our unique experiences here we are built to be a super tenacious Husky breed accountability and Leadership prior to Michigan Tech I typically shied away from leadership commitment but at Michigan Tech I've been able to step out of my comfort zone to the extent that I have founded and led student organizations I also took on the role of facilitator of my department writing program the success of which has confirmed how accountable I Have Become at Michigan Tech I learned values that has helped me to trust myself to lead by example to play my role as a valuable member of my community so did Michigan Tech pass through me yes absolutely me from five years ago would never be here or never try to be a commencement speaker I am here today as commencement speaker not only because I earned my degree from Michigan Tech but because in passing through Michigan Tech I learned so much more than my degree requirement the Husky spirit and values I learned at Michigan Tech has helped me to become a well-rounded being and I have no doubt it's the same for us all here without a doubt I know we are proud to be graduates of Michigan Tech and as we go out I hope we all remember that not only did we pass through a school that conferred on us our degrees we passed through a school where the warmth of the community kept us what helped us go through the harshest Winters a school that has shown us that we are Scholars and anything is possible it's cool that nurtured our tenacious husky spirit and kept us accountable to ourselves and our community a school that made us leaders let us also be assured that whatever wherever we find ourselves whatever comes our way we are fully equipped to face the world because we are built differently we have the Husky Spirit we have passed through Michigan Tech and Michigan Tech has also passed through us thank you [Applause] thank you our commencement speaker today is Julie Freeman class of 1983. Julie graduated from Michigan Tech with a bachelor's in chemical engineering and went on to earn her MBA at Harvard Business School in 2013 she was named president and CEO of Mima original equipment suppliers an association that represents Automotive suppliers and champions their business interests in this role she sits on the Ford supplier Council the GM supplier Council and the Nissan North America supplier Advisory Board additionally she serves as chair of corewell Health's board of directors corewell health is a 14 billion dollar Enterprise with over sixty thousand employees in the state of Michigan in both 2016 and 2021 Julie was recognized by Crane's Detroit business as one of Michigan's most influential women in 2015 and 2020 she was listed as one of the 100 leading women in automotive industry in automotive news it is indeed my honor to introduce our 2023 commencement speaker Julie frame [Applause] all right thank you president kobach I am so happy to be here with all of you today so thank you to the board trustees the staff and the administration to the parents and Friends and most important of all to the graduates we are so happy to see all of you today I am honored to share the excitement of today with each of you obtaining a graduate degree marks the completion of a journey that few people make and it demonstrates your inherent dedication and focus it is truly a momentous day for each of you congratulations on your outstanding achievement and thank you tinu for sharing your personal Journey I can tell it touched many here both in the audience and of course the graduates we appreciate it so I am delighted to be with you today once again standing on the Michigan Tech Commencement stage as an alumna of Michigan Tech I am proud and grateful to be celebrating the 40th anniversary of my graduation so much has changed during the years since then today I have the distinct honor of sharing a few thoughts about my journey since graduation just as you begin yours my life's journey has been one of surprises and Adventures I am filled with gratitude for my many friends and business colleagues I am especially grateful for my two grown children and my husband Robert Lawrence who is here with me today thank you rob for being my rock as we continue our journey together so looking back I could not have predicted the various twists and turns of my career other than attending and receiving my MBA my career has been in the automotive industry I have worked for vehicle manufacturers and suppliers and most recently as the leader of a trade Association supporting the suppliers in the industry and one of the most important things these twists and turns has taught me is that success in all aspects of life requires collaboration and communication you will always need to interact and rely on others a group of people working together can achieve far more than any one individual so I encourage each of you to continue to Foster the professional and personal relations and networks that you have started here at Michigan Tech the need for communication is the important skill of adapting to change and change often unexpected will be true in all aspects of your life your ability to adapt and be flexible is the best and perhaps the only way to prepare for the unknown certainly as a student during the past few years you have all had a front row seat to tremendous Global change living in and through a worldwide pandemic taught you what it means to have your life change overnight and part of what enables you to adapt to changes like this is your emotional intelligence sometimes it's called EQ and EQ is the ability to understand use and manage your emotions in positive ways they help you relieve stress communicate effectively and empathize with others your emotional intelligence is just as important as your IQ each of you has spent much of your early life honing your IQ as you continue your journey make a conscious effort to also work on your EQ my own career is an example of why emotional intelligence is so important in my current role I interface with hundreds of people at various events and activities the ability to put myself in someone else's shoes to listen and respect their position even though I may not agree is pivotal pivotal to my ongoing success and I know that each of you is fully capable of shaping your personal Journey in a way that makes the most sense for you by undertaking and accomplishing the rigorous requirements for your degree here at Michigan Tech as well as embracing and mostly enjoying the amazing up winners you have demonstrated what it takes to focus and succeed so on this wonderful day I have three suggestions for your life after graduation I call them the three G's as in the letter G Gray goals and give and I'll start with the first one Gray it seems like a very strange suggestion until you know a bit more about what it describes I want each of you to learn to live in the gray Embrace ambiguity in our fast-paced ever-changing world we tend to grave certainty and Clarity in everything we do we want to know what's going to happen next and we want to have clear answers to our questions however a need or demand for certainty limits your options and possibly even Lead You astray it prevents you from seeing the world in all of its complexity from exploring new opportunities and frankly from appreciating the beauty and richness of the unknown and the uncertain to embrace ambiguity means getting comfortable with not always having clear answers it means acknowledging the world is complicated and multifaceted and not everything can be neatly categorized or easily explained and it means being open to different perspectives and the possibility that there may be more than one right answer to a question learning to live in the gray can be difficult it can be unsettling to not know what is going to happen next or to not have a clear answer I would argue that this discomfort is precisely what makes embracing ambiguity so important as you grapple with uncertainty and complexity you are forced to think critically and creatively by questioning your own assumptions you may see things from A New Perspective and find additional insights and there is something else I want you to know living in the gray can actually be liberating it frees you from the constraints of black or white thinking it lets you see the world in a more nuanced and empathetic way and it opens you to the diversity of human experience and helps you find beauty in unexpected places my second suggestion for life after graduation is to write down your goals don't just think about them don't just talk about them with your friends write them down so the G in this part is easy goals writing down your goals clarifies your thinking and get you very clear on what you want to achieve it sharpens your focus and helps you identify the steps to take to get where you want to be writing down your goals also increases your motivation it is a visual reminder of what you are working toward that increases your commitment and allows you to track your progress over time you can measure how far you've come celebrate your accomplishments and when necessary even change tag early in our marriage my husband and I wrote down our goals together we determine the things we wanted to do and how we would prioritize our time our treasure and talent some of the goals were simple such as prioritizing travel with our children as they were growing up we traveled in China Australia Europe and other places other goals were more complex such as ensuring we were adequately prepared for our retirement these goals have guided us for many years and we have been able to achieve most of them this is because we took the time to agree on them and write them down together I encourage you to set goals to guide you on your journey and my third and final suggestion is to give something back this G being give there are plenty of ways to do this find a social or environmental issue that you are passionate about anything from reducing plastic waste to supporting education in your communities give that issue your time your voice and perhaps even a bit of your money or go big and identify a market need aligned with your values and passion and create a business that will make an impact having an impact is one of the key reasons I have spent the past 10 years leading an automotive Association I genuinely want to leave the automotive industry stronger and more diverse than it was when I started working in it 40 years ago another way I give back is by serving as the board chair of corewell Health carewell health is the parent organization of Beaumont health in southeast Michigan Spectrum Health in West Michigan and Priority Health insurance I do this work because I believe all people deserve accessible simple and Affordable Health Care by applying my own time talent and treasure to this organization I have the ability to help make this Vision a reality giving back to my community in the process and giving back and making an impact also occurs in the simplest of gestures for example next time you are in the drive-through getting your morning coffee pay for the person's beverage that is behind you you will instantly make someone's day and hopefully one day they will do the same for someone else every person has the desire to be seen and heard at every opportunity strive to give the person in front of you your complete attention let them know they matter and that they are appreciated people remember how you make them feel this is what creates a lasting impact so my fellow Huskies as you sit here today with your network of friends all of you just about to become alumni I hope you take my words to Heart first learn to live in the gray second write down your goals and third remember to give back or simply put the three G's gray goals and give as I close I also remind you to enjoy the journey whether you know exactly what is next or you stand firmly in the gray accept and cherish each step along the way be in the moment and be open to life as it unfolds thank you for the honor of speaking with you today and once again congratulations I wish each of you much joy and success thank you [Applause] thank you Julie the advanced degrees of our graduates will receive today stand as a testament to their outstanding academic accomplishments their accomplishments speak for themselves and need no further embellishment how are some of our graduates may be wearing gorgeous sashes signifying their involvement at Michigan Tech this includes a wide range of activities and organizations from Athletics to study abroad to University and National Honor societies you may also notice a few worried red white and blue honor cords they are veterans of our armed forces and we salute their service there are any veterans graduating would you please stand today well The Graduate degrees will now be conferred upon the class of 2023. Dr will Cantrell please present the candidates it's an honor and privilege for me to be a part of Michigan Tech's first graduate commencement ceremony thank you all for being part of this special event the recipients of the doctor of Philosophy degree will now receive their academic hood the hoods are lined with the official colors of Michigan Tech and the dark blue velvet edging indicates Mastery of the discipline of learning and a record of scholarship well the candidates for the doctoral Philosophy degree and their advisors please rise chair Littman I present the candidates for the degree of doctoral philosophy in their respective fields upon completion of their required curricula these candidates are hereby recommended by The Graduate faculty to receive this degree upon the recommendation of The Graduate faculty and by the authority vested in me I hereby confer upon you the degree of doctor of philosophy with all the rights and privileges as well as the obligations and responsibilities thereto appertaining in witness whereof you will be presented with a hood will the doctoral candidates and their advisors please come to the platform for the audience please hold your applause until all the candidates have been recognized presenting candidates for the College of forest resources and environmental science doctoral philosophy and Forest science also receiving a master of geographic information science parth bot advisor Dr Ann McLean and hooded by Dr Anne McLean [Applause] doctor of philosophy in Forest science Zhang Ming on advisor Dr Mickey jarvi hooded by Dr Mickey jarvi [Applause] uh presenting candidates for the College of computing doctoral philosophy and computational Science and Engineering Joe Herr advisor Dr Hui Hua Joe hooded by Dr hoiha Joe [Applause] [Music] doctor of philosophy in computer science also receiving a master of science degree in computer science Sohail sapiar advisor Dr Scott cool hooded by Dr Scott cool [Applause] presenting candidates for the College of Sciences and arts doctoral philosophy and applied cognitive science and human factors Isaac Flint advisor Dr Kevin trawartha hooded by Dr Kevin ferrartha [Applause] foreign doctor of philosophy and applied cognitive science and human factors also receiving master of science degree and applied cognitive science and human factors Alexandra watchroll advisor Dr Kevin for wartha hooded by Dr Kevin troartha [Applause] doctor of philosophy and applied physics Tung GAO advisor Dr Isa Nakamura hooded by Dr Isa Nakamura thank you foreign philosophy and applied physics shushri dash advisor Dr Miguel Levy hooded by Dr Miguel Levy [Applause] doctor of philosophy and biological sciences Manus juareque advisor Dr rupali Dada hooded Dr rupali Dada doctor of philosophy and biological sciences Laura Shearer advisor Dr Stephen techman hooded by Dr Stephen techman foreign philosophy and chemistry Sadiq Waheed advisors Dr Christo christab and Dr Tatiana Cara bincheva christova hooded by Dr Christo Kristoff [Applause] doctor of philosophy and chemistry thusita divisikara advisors Dr Lynn montelaini and Dr Sarah Green hooded by Dr Lynn matalani doctor of philosophy in chemistry advisor Dr Sarah Green hooded by Dr Sarah Greene foreign philosophy and computational Science and Engineering darmandra Pont advisor Dr Ranjit Pati hooded by Dr ranji Pati doctor of philosophy and integrative physiology Isaac wiedig advisor Dr Stephen Elmer hooded by Dr Stephen Elmer [Applause] [Music] doctor of philosophy and mathematical Sciences also receiving a master's degree in mathematical Sciences yes yes yeah Buddha gadara maharlalage advisor Dr Alexander lebowsky [Applause] foreign philosophy and mathematical Sciences Jacob blejewski advisor Dr Cecile Perry hooded by Dr Cecile Pierre [Applause] doctor of philosophy in physics dutcha Huang advisor Dr Petra huntermeyer hooded by Dr Petra huntermeyer doctor of philosophy and physics sambawana Sharma advisors Dr yoken Yap and Dr dong young Zhang hooded by Dr yoken Yap foreign [Applause] [Music] philosophy and rhetoric Theory and culture John villain advisors Dr Marika Siegel and Dr Andrew FIS hooded by Dr Andrew FIS [Applause] doctor of philosophy and rhetoric Theory and culture April lindela advisors Dr Aaron Smith and Dr Diane shoes hooded by Dr Aaron Smith [Applause] doctor of philosophy and statistics also receiving a master of science degree in statistics advisor Dr chuying Shah hooded by Dr chuying Shah [Applause] [Music] presenting candidates for the College of Engineering foreign philosophy and atmospheric sciences Xing Chao advisor Dr ping ping shui hooded by Dr ping-pei shui [Applause] doctor of philosophy in chemical engineering although Italian Areo advisor Dr Karen held hooded by Dr Karen helt [Applause] doctor of philosophy and chemical engineering also receiving a master of science degree in chemical engineering for Leon advisor Dr lay pan hooded by Dr lay pan [Applause] doctor of philosophy and chemical engineering juding Chan advisor Dr lay pan hooded by Dr lay pan doctor of philosophy in chemical engineering Mina chandrasekhar advisor Dr Rebecca Ong hooded by Dr Rebecca Ong doctoral philosophy in civil engineering Ray samsami advisor Dr amlan Mukherjee hooded by Dr amlan Mukherjee foreign philosophy in civil engineering Darude shifa advisor Dr Brian barkdahl hooded by Dr Brian barkdoll [Applause] doctor of philosophy and computational Science and Engineering Jordan Ewing advisor Dr Thomas umen hooded by Dr Thomas uman doctor of philosophy in Computer Engineering also receiving a master of science degree in computer engineering Akil kurup advisor Dr Jeremy boss hooded by Dr Jeremy boss [Applause] thank you doctoral philosophy and electrical engineering also receiving a master of science degree in electrical engineering Jaya yela josula advisors Dr Bruce Mork and Dr Sumit padial hooded by Dr Bruce Mork [Applause] doctor of philosophy and electrical engineering also receiving a master of science degree in electrical engineering Zachary Jeffries advisor Dr Jeremy boss hooded by Dr Jeremy boss [Applause] thank you doctor of philosophy and environmental engineering Lauren mansowitz advisors Dr Alex Mayer and Dr David Watkins hooded by Dr David Watkins foreign philosophy and environmental engineering Rose daily advisors Dr Sarah Greene and Dr Audra Morse hooded by Dr Sarah Greene [Applause] doctoral philosophy and geology Beth Bartel advisor Dr Gregory Waite and Dr rudiger Escobar wolf hooded by Dr Gregory Waite and Dr Luke Bowman [Applause] doctor of philosophy and Materials Science and Engineering Wei Zhang advisor Dr Yun hung hoo hooded by Dr Yun hung who [Applause] thank you foreign doctor of philosophy and Material Science and Engineering yahuwah Faye advisor Dr Yun hung who hooded by Dr Yoon Hong who [Applause] doctor of philosophy and mechanical engineering engineering mechanics cigar patil advisors Dr Gregory odegard and Dr suzanda gauche hooded by Dr Gregory odegard [Applause] a doctor of philosophy and mechanical engineering engineering mechanics Saeed jafa Jafari Kang advisor Dr Hassan Masood hooded by Dr Hassan Masood [Applause] doctor of philosophy and mechanical engineering engineering mechanics also receiving a master of science degree in mechanical engineering rohith Sunil pandari advisor Dr Hassan Masood hooded by Dr Hassan Masood [Applause] doctor of philosophy and mechanical engineering engineering mechanics also receiving master of science degree in mechanical engineering Masa Askari sabet advisors Dr Jason Blau and Dr Andrew Bernard hooded by Dr Jason Blau and Dr Andrew Bernard [Applause] [Music] doctor of philosophy and mechanical engineering engineering mechanics also receiving master of science degree in mechanical engineering sunit girdar advisors Dr Jason Blau and Dr Andrew Bernard hooded by Jason Blau and Dr Dr Jason Blau and Dr Andrew Bernard [Applause] doctor of philosophy and mechanical engineering engineering mechanics satyam Joshi advisor Dr Jeffrey neighbor hooded by Dr Jeffrey neighbor [Applause] thank you foreign philosophy and mechanical engineering engineering mechanics upendra yadav advisor Dr suzatagosh hooded by Dr suzata gauche [Applause] doctor of philosophy and mechanical engineering engineering mechanics Divya pandya advisor Dr amitab narain hooded by Dr amantab Narayan [Applause] congratulations doctors [Applause] well the candidates for the master's degrees please rise chair Littman I present the candidates for the master's degrees in their respective Fields upon completion of their required curricula these candidates are hereby recommended by The Graduate faculty to receive this degree upon the recommendation of The Graduate faculty and by the authority vested in me I hereby confer upon you the degree of Master with all the rights and privileges as well as the obligations and responsibilities thereto appertaining well the candidates for the master's degrees please come to the platform to receive your diploma please hold your applause until the candidates have been recognized [Music] presenting candidates for the College of Business master of business administration Jake Abbott [Applause] Zachary dorkowski Matthew Hayes Jacob Davidson okay Matthew erdman's [Applause] Daniel Garcia Kendall Cruz Justin Moyle Justin Novotny Margaret Peterson Pinto revisino Eric puscola Allison Reed Alexandria rondorf foreign Brooke shower master of Engineering Management Michael Johnson Anastasia Mata of Science and accounting Elizabeth Matson Alicia chatrow [Applause] Evan Sorensen [Applause] Charles Weiss master of science and applied natural resource economics foreign candidates for the College of forest resources and environmental science master of Forestry Chase follow you master of geographic information science Olivia chaika [Applause] mark hainanen spievla [Applause] Sierra Williams [Applause] master of science and applied ecology Samantha kirkowski [Applause] master of science and Forest molecular genetics and biotechnology Melanie otino [Applause] [Music] [Applause] master of science in Forest ecology and management Shelby Lane Clark presenting candidates for the College of computing master of science in computer science rohith chalapali [Applause] yeshwant bundle bundela nariev Rao buenapelli Thomas griffka sidesh mahadeshwar Alexander Martin Puja with a Corey nagar harshita Chinta Shashank ready Sai Akil Von kamamidi [Music] Robert Watling master of science and cyber security Michael Bearden [Music] Trevor Hornsby Jackson Ott [Applause] master of science and data science wrinkle ogrewalt Alan Bowman Hari Krishnan C Ryan Dura evgeny sidorov [Music] Harsha ganamani Allison Gillis Charlotte Hildebrandt vidan kanal indrajeet savant master of science and health informatics Anwar shamsiya ilmira Honda Meyer [Music] master of science and mechatronics jivan Diva diva giri Ray wants nepala Evan Vanilli Prada mesh aruncar [Music] [Applause] presenting candidates for the College of Sciences and arts master of science and applied cognitive science and human factors nishad Alam Dana Pontius [Applause] Timothy Raymond [Applause] [Music] [Applause] master of science and applied statistics Jason balsano [Applause] Zachary krishak [Applause] Phi tot master of science and biological sciences Alyssa Abbas [Applause] arunima Christina booty Vanessa kubijos teas nirali Mehta Clara mosantine [Music] Haley patasky [Applause] Ocala Weatherby master of science and environmental and energy policy Courtney harshambo [Music] master of science and Kinesiology Isaac Lennox [Applause] presenting candidates for the College of Engineering master of science and biomedical engineering Braxton Blackwell [Applause] Alexia canole [Music] Jared martini [Applause] Lydia Rahel Wilson [Applause] master of science and chemical engineering kaushik barua Fatima hamanzadeh [Applause] Rachel Haslam Zachary Olsen [Applause] master of science and civil engineering Michael aboshide Samantha Johnson Madeleine writes [Music] Suleiman scherzad [Music] master of science and computer engineering rajat ankar master of science and electrical and computer engineering Nathaniel bretzman Trudy galsasi Clarence Hardwick rajut jadav thank you Manon Patel treas ready [Music] [Applause] Madeleine virink [Music] Karthik Devendra Chohan master of science and electrical engineering Brita Anderson Richard Gray ish kadam Niha patil rupali patil nias Reza master of science and environmental engineering Audra Bialik [Music] Michelle Bellini [Applause] Louis Chapin Alyssa Allison Fenton Annalee holy [Music] Tyler Le Mayhew Mata naziri Saeed Kimberly Peter master of science and geological engineering Madeleine anderla Evan riccio Hitchcock master of science and geology Elena Barth Logan Fike [Applause] Nolan gamet [Applause] [Music] e Catherine langfield foreign McPherson Paola Rivera Gonzalez [Applause] master of science in geophysics Caleb Kaminsky [Music] [Applause] master of science and integrated geospatial technology Eeyore olowatosin master of science and Materials Science and Engineering Priyanka jadav [Music] master of science and mechanical engineering shreyas from high on car [Applause] Jerome allaput [Applause] ramakrishnan Anand piyush [Applause] bagheria srivas Balaji [Applause] rupesh boyani Logan canol [Applause] Chauhan venkata Sai shaker [Applause] saraswar Das [Applause] mook [Applause] Tejas dote [Applause] Mark disa [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Fahad muscati shreyas got a car foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Devendra gudadi Karan gundry [Applause] anurag ganjal just James [Applause] Joshi [Applause] kadam Chetan Koran Rajiv Gandhi kaveri [Applause] chinmei kogalkar [Applause] Akil coma Aditya korani abhijeet Krishna Kumar renuka Kulkarni [Applause] Lucas kuznicki [Applause] Rohit madevan [Applause] AJ majathia [Applause] Rajiv Mali [Music] [Applause] Satish Kumar m dhruv Manta shreyas Maya tree caitanya Modi ranak Mori nidip Naik Aditya Nair [Applause] a ramanan NADA Rajan [Applause] rishal noendagicar Sai Kumar narala Dinesh nujala mark ustigian [Applause] oza satvik pie Hare panchal [Music] amanpreet Singh punta Rahul patikar Meat Patel [Music] [Applause] trushant Patel [Music] [Applause] [Music] ajinkya pathari Shashank patrudkar [Applause] Karthik roshakonda [Applause] Vishnu Prasad raghupati [Music] Shivani rajapati shun mogham ramasami [Applause] sudarshan Ravi Kumar yuvraj rootner [Applause] sushant sangawar jinmei satay kavan sekhar alok shailar Karan Singh when cut Meyer sista [Music] Ajay sumasundaram Nicholas cesarov [Applause] Sarah Stadler sufian Ahmed Karthik Surya narayana [Music] himanshu Swain rajat tauday shubham take calde [Music] Umesh Tendulkar [Applause] prane tawari Siddharth youthi yuthira Kumar [Applause] Karan vishnav [Applause] ashesh Verma ashitosh what party [Music] [Applause] himanshu van kill [Applause] bhupandra vishwakarma [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hussein Yasin [Music] [Applause] Abhishek wadaskar [Music] [Applause] congratulations graduates [Applause] congratulations graduates now that your alumni of our University it's my pleasure to introduce the vice president of the Michigan Tech alumni board of directors Brett Anderson class of 2015 and just recently class of 2023. Britta earned her bachelor's degree in double e for Michigan Tech and today earned her master's degree in electrical engineering from Michigan Tech they are current she's currently a senior electrical engineer at Consumers Energy throughout Britain's eight-year career with consumers she's held various commission various positions in relation to planning and design of both the low voltage and high voltage Distribution Systems Berta also championed the institution of a domestic Partners benefits and expanded the parental leave benefit to Consumers which now allow all types of families to bond with the new children in their lives Brit is passionate about Michigan Tech and has served on the alumni Board of Directors for the past five years please join me in welcoming Brita Anderson [Applause] good afternoon graduates graduation is a Monumental achievement it is a closing of one chapter and a leap into the unknown while your degree will open doors it is your experience and tenacity as a husky that will continue to propel you into excellence I could provide more accolades in my brief speech but as you sit here this ceremony undoubtedly a blur each of you know the value and honor of being a husky as the vice president of the Michigan Tech alumni board of directors I welcome you to the Husky nation of nearly 84 000 alumni and Friends the alumni board acts as a unique conduit between alumni and Friends students and the University we strive to uphold our mission of celebrate traditions and create connections we have been bonded together by the experience of building cardboard boats during homecoming that hopefully don't sink by purposely running around on ice for broomball by building intricate snow statues at Winter Carnival by braving the cold and an amount of snow that only a husky would understand by enjoying a breaker's sunset or a crisp fall afternoon of Copper Country cruising these Traditions that you've participated in have created connections that will last a lifetime and some great memories to boot in my time on the alumni board I've had the honor to interact with alumni throughout the ages and hear their stories and memories of our shared traditions we will welcome you back with open arms to share yours and create new ones for alumni reunion homecoming Winter Carnival or whenever you feel that itch to come back to this fantastic place that will always be home in our hearts while we your friends and family at Michigan Tech may be parting ways today this town and this University will always be your home there are plenty of opportunities to stay involved with Michigan Tech and showcase your husky Pride network with other alumni at local alumni events join your company's recruiting team hang your Michigan Tech flag in your office use a Michigan Tech virtual background put a Michigan tech decal on your car or get a Michigan Tech plate if you're a Michigan resident you'll be surprised at how many huskies you'll find and the instant connections you you'll Foster wherever your journey takes you where your Michigan Tech colors with pride and know that you are forever a part of this wonderful husky Nation family congratulations and go Huskies thank you so this class joins the accomplished alumni who received degrees from Michigan Technological University and now let them at every state in many foreign countries as this group of graduates leaves the campus they carry with them their well-earned diplomas and our very best wishes for every success in your chosen careers and finally to the graduating class of 2023. you've enhanced Our Lives and our Campus Community with your talents intelligence hard work creativity and service as you go on to make your mark in the world know that we are proud of you we have confidence in you and we wish you the very best with the graduating class of 2023 please stand and accept our thanks and our congratulations for a job well done congratulations [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause]


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