GOTO 2019 • Technology’s Impact on Humankind and Where We’re Headed Next • Marco Gercke

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welcome Professor Dr. Marco Gercke he's  one of the world's experts in technology   impacts on human society how do you end up in  a position like this what's your background   well here comes the difficulty i don't have this  strike career where i would just do one thing and   uh and only one i've done different things in my  life i found a couple of companies i told myself   when i was very young developed a software um in  the field of detection of medical diseases and   then i started medicine in law for a while um did  a phd started teaching uh was advising governments   was advising international organization and i'm  now an entrepreneur investor and still teach   from from time to time this is this mix mixture  that i think makes it interesting for for me to   to combine those different disciplines and i guess  the general interest in the world and our history   and what does society yeah it is it is very  important to to not only focus on one technical   aspect but see the broader picture and what i'm  always interested in especially due to my work for   for governments is their real world implications  of anything you're implementing when you have a   new technology i for the the techie inside of  me the person who previously coded sees the   opportunities and the technical possibilities but  if you see as a politician they have to implement   it and when i'm drafting legislation policies for  for countries uh i think about what does it mean   to the people so bringing those different  things together is i think very important   if you look back through history we have had a lot  of you could say global technology hotspots   China, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome throughout history  what's the current hotspot in the world right now   i believe first of all it's very important to keep  in mind that there were previous developments and   there were times when certain regions of the world  were playing a leading role so this is not unique   what we have right now i think globalization  in general um leveled the playing field that it   could be any region i always seen that india was  playing a major role when it comes to services to   digital services right now you can't really say i  think there are indications that china is playing   a very strong role when it comes to development  and implementation of technology it's not   like in the past where you would say china is  just producing things as a factory of the world   when you're looking at their  investments in technology   it's amazing it's it's very interesting to  see that they're returning from a factory   to actually the designers of services and what  is maybe even more uh interesting is that they're   actually implementing this technology in the  everyday life of people so you could say it   has a hotspot there certainly silicon valley uh is  uh is important the entire field around stanford   isn't is an important uh area um but europe  also has has areas with great potential just   look at Estonia I believe you can't really  say their territories you would more look into entire regions or technologies where they  are applied. India is for the time being the fastest growing country when it comes to population birth rates in the world still many of us have a feeling that only very  few in India it's like the country is very divided   there are poor regions and there are the  industrial hotspots in India Do you see India taking over the globe? Will they succeed in making the entire country a frontrunner in the world technology-wise? I'm not sure i would say this  i would first of all say that you find the same   situation not the same but but similar challenges  differences between those big regions and the more   rural areas uh almost anywhere you find it in the  united states when you're leaving the coast area   and and turn towards the middle of america you  find it in in europe you find it even in in states   like germany uh where you have the eastern part  of germany and the west and the previous western   part of germany being complete different areas  when it comes to infrastructure and standards   of living and wages so i don't think it's only  an issue of india but being a developing country   there are certain challenges that i believe  cannot be addressed through technology   there is way more to this and and there is way  more uh necessary to harmonize standards of living   one of the challenges that we have all around the  world is that the people are moving towards the   centers they're moving towards large urban areas  where you usually find jobs you find the services   that you want what we need to need to ensure and  this is where technology can play a certain role   is that we're rolling out technology in rural  areas that are currently disconnected and that   can improve the standards of living there uh this  can build good paying jobs in these regions and   can maybe help countries large countries like  like india but also develop western countries   in further developing these rural areas i  think that's very important what you're saying   the human part of which we shouldn't forget  about that and one thing that really defines   Our identity here in the western world at  least is what we're doing in our everyday life   that's most often the first question you're met with: so what are you doing for a living? I suppose the future will change if we look at China  for instance it's really a strategy funded from the very top of the government that we need  to invest in AI because you will the society   will change and machines will take over the  jobs from human beings Is that a trend we see everywhere? Will machines take over the jobs and should we be afraid of that? first of all we've always seen ever since machines  were introduced in work spaces that machines are   taking over jobs there are some jobs that humans  just don't want to do uh these are especially   in in the in the field of production of cars when  you just look in the old days there are things   that machines can just do better because they can  lift a car it's something we we can't easily do so   i believe that this trend will will definitely  continue the difference will be that it will   not be the classical labor work the physical work  where machines will take over but it will be more   the intellectual work any any work whether it's  accounting it's law anything you can imagine where   there is a certain degree of repetition machines  will be able to do better than than humans so we   have to prepare for machines entering this field  and that will have a disruptive effect just as the   introduction of machines always had a disruptive  effect just think about farming how many people   were working in the farming industry how much more  productive it is today with very very few people   working in this field so the main difference  that i see here is we can learn from the past   history does not repeat but it rhymes and you  can you can learn from those trends um and see   there is the possibility to adapt to it there  is the possibility for further development   once you have erased jobs in other areas however  it takes time and this time i believe we don't   have the time it's not like 200 years of  time to prepare for for moving from 50   work in the farming sector to 2 today we have  significantly less time now and that requires   the active involvement of politicians good  policies to to cover this process and to make sure   that this is not an unstructured  development mainly driven by the   industry but that this is a process where politics  and administration is closely involved and ensures   that we do not end up in a situation where  a lot of people are losing their job and   they don't know what to do and we cannot  provide them with any jobs in the future   How will an average working day look for  my kids in 30 years will they work from 9 to 5? it is very difficult these days to predict  what's going to happen in 30 years because   the developments that took place in the  in the last five years are so dramatic   that if we are continuing at the speed or if  the speed increases it is very difficult to   even say what's going to happen in 10 years  however i think that your kids will probably   have similarities to your life in their life  as well the only the only question is will   the dominance of work that we have right  now where you have the same job for 10   20 years and you're working from nine to  five whether this is part of their life or   if we see what we already see right now that more  people are moving into different jobs that were   unforeseeable in the future i mean if you told  people 10 years ago okay you can upload your   own videos on a video platform and you can make a  living out of this and just no you can't you need   a tv station you need expensive tv equipment to do  this you you can't afford it now all you need is   a good idea a cell phone and a platform where you  can where you can sell your content this is this   is available so maybe we see that it is not the  traditional jobs that your kids are going to do   and the difficulty is that our educational systems  are still preparing them for the jobs that we used   to have 20 years ago and not necessarily for the  jobs that we're going to have that we have right   now and that we're going to have in the future   if we look at how we have been using technology since we started walking on two legs more or less we've been using technology to develop   other technologies and use that technology  to improve technology and develop technology   Will we reach the point where the  current technology starts to reinvent itself? Absolutely i mean we're already trying  right now to use the technology that we have to develop its own things we've seen this  successfully being applied we've seen this in the   aviation industry where machines were designing  parts that were not designed by humans but we're   using technology that the technology itself  designs something i think especially machine   learning is offering great opportunities if a  designer can go through 20 or 30 different designs   every day and he has one year time to to  do something he would always stick to what   he knows to to the general things everybody  does because it just has limited resources   however if a machine can go through a million  different op different designs in in just a day   it can try new things and and we've seen that from  the design of the antennas for satellites um to   the design of components of houses and in changing  the way we can build the entire architecture this   is going to continue in the future and even  higher speed and i believe it is good because   for centuries what we're doing is things we  learned we're trying to give pass on to the next   generation we're saying this is the way you do  it copy me and and you're good and i believe that   these new approaches like machine learning enable  us to say you know what we're going to sit back   let a machine have a look at the process and maybe  come up with a completely different approach that   might be better than what we're doing all the  time because we're so stuck in what we're doing   Shouldn't we be afraid of that? When Google released AlphaGo Zero they had a machine that started with no knowledge at all and what they did was they let  it play against the previous generation AlphaGo   and over one night it reached the capability  to beat its parent 100 to 0  so basically over 24 hours it learned 3000 years of history. At some point this really could accelerate I see especially this process of  of machine learning as absolutely positive i'm not   afraid about the fact that we're undertaking a  different approach i i believe that too much in   our world is based on past and and experiences we  made it set in stone whenever you're trying to to   break free from this development whenever you say  i want to do something different than other people   it's very difficult you as long as you're staying  on the lane everything is fine as soon as you're   saying i want to try something different it is  it's a it's a problem it's not as easy and i   believe our society has always made progress when  people started to do things differently and this   is how innovation comes so i'm not afraid about  machines trying a different approach it doesn't   mean that we need to do it it doesn't mean that  at the end if the machine comes up with some crazy   ideas where we say okay they might have certain  advantages but we still like the old way we like   to build our houses the way we always did and for  historic reasons that's a good argument but just   setting us free from the past from all the  techniques that were given pass on from generation   to generation is something where i think it offers  opportunities to start with an empty page and say   let's rethink it let's rethink how we build a  building does it really need to look like the   buildings that we've built throughout the time or  can it look different and we've seen over the past   that especially those buildings those architects  that built buildings that look different from   the usual building these are the ones that are  sticking out right now this is these are the ones   that we're conserving right now But what if the machine decides the same thing? Shouldn't we release ourselves from history? If you step on an ant on the street it probably  doesn't change anything in the big picture What if a self-driving car decides that well getting rid  of one human being doesn't really change anything in the big picture? That's correct that first of  all it's not automatic that those principles and   value systems that we developed will be applied  by a machine if you would task a machine with   driving through a street and it has a passenger in  the back and there is a situation where it needs   to decide between either hitting a human that  is walking on the street or are driving into a   wall and it would maybe kill the passenger in the  back if you don't teach the machine value systems   uh it would probably just say okay one human being  less that's not an issue we have enough of them however we can implement these rules we can say  there are certain rules it's exactly the same   when you're designing a house you would you would  tell the machine there are certain conditions   uh there needs to be the possibility to place a  bed in a room uh so you need to make sure that   your concrete floor is suitable of carrying  things a certain weight uh each square meter   that's something that is absolutely typical and  usual and i i believe that we need to make sure   that these rules are well defined however with  regard to many situations it is very difficult   for us to formulate those rules so going back  to my examples you have a self-driving vehicle   it is there isn't a situation where somebody is  just jumping on the road even if it uses its super   advanced brakes it would still hit the person or  it can crash into a wall and kill the passenger   how would a human solve this problem it's it's it  is basically impossible to solve this problem and   therefore it's difficult to create a rule we  cannot expect a machine to apply a rule that   doesn't exist that we can't formulate so we should  not go to the extreme when we're building those   situations but just try to teach the machine  in the everyday life where we want to apply it   what are the rules that are applying and make  sure that it follows just with regard to the human beings Exactly. At the end of the day I wouldn't like to make  a decision of weighing one human being's life over  

10 others. Should I go in that direction killing  one or that direction killing 10? I wouldn't   really like to make that decision but from a  pure rational point of view which we tend to   project on two machines, it should go for one  rather than 10. well I don't i don't agree in this regard in most legal systems that I've been working in there is this principle that   you wouldn't start counting you wouldn't say  okay there is one human casualty there are 10   human casualties so let's go for the one human casualty we don't do this if you just say   you don't teach the machine anything about  ethical principles and legal principles   it might come to the conclusion 110. it's better  to go for one however you can add this layer of   saying yes that might sound logic however the  ethical consideration and one is as much as 10.  

this is this is possible and we can even safeguard  it we have the technology today to make sure that   these ethical principles that we're implementing  are actually really applied unlike with regard to   human beings we're putting all kinds of things  in our criminal codes and say this is not a lot   this is not a lot and this is not a lot but people  are still violating it these are the people some   of them end up in prison and others not however we  can use technology that we have today to make sure   that machines do follow the rules and that we can  afterwards verify whether it followed the rules   um this this offers great possibilities i don't  want to say it is without danger i don't want to   say there are no challenges there are a hundred  hundreds of challenges ahead of us but it doesn't   mean that that we cannot address them or that we  have to say we ignore this technology i believe   it's an opportunity and apart from this it's out  there it will be used anyway so why don't we go   through a guided process where we're saying let's  use let's develop principles let's apply them and   let's make sure that we safeguard them Ethics and regulations is basically what we're talking about   and i think it's no big secret that  these are different in Europe and China   Does China have an advantage over Europe when it  comes to technology and applying technology and new technology into society? I first of all think my experience having worked with around   100 countries worldwide helping a lot of them  to develop legislation regulations policies the   there are not that many differences for example if  you're looking at the criminal law system in china   the code itself it's very much based on  the german final cut they're they're great   similarities that's that's the first thing however  there are differences there are differences in   in the way the political system works for example  and things can more easily be implemented in china   it's if you don't listen to your people uh if  you don't have processes where people can stop   certain developments by saying no no we we reject  to the idea that there is a rail track here um or   that um you're building something right in the  middle of a protected area if if you don't have   this of course the speed might be faster the  question is if the society will accept this   and if the society is happy with this and and how  the society will respond to it i very much believe   in the democratic processes i very much believe  in the in the idea that we're having different   interests that have to come together it's not only  one decision maker who says i want to do it but   i want to go through a process and therefore i'm  i'm always worried when i see processes that are   streamlined with regard to efficiency and you  don't have different interests that also exist   in china like they exist everywhere and that  you don't have them reflected i don't want to   want to bash china there there are very positive  developments there there are things that we   can see with regard to the use of technology  where they increase safety where they increase   the protection of of resources um but i believe  that there are fundamentally different political   systems and i am personally a strong believer  in in democracy and strengthening democracy   and i i also see in the western world that  some countries are trying to streamline the   processes when the president of the  united states believes he has the   power to decide whether to start a war or  not or to impose tariffs and not include   the congress that's also something where we don't  need to point to china where we can also say well   is this the right process on the other hand side  if you're looking in europe endless debates um and   where an agreement cannot be reached that can  also not be the solution we need to we need to   work on those fundamental principles but also  uh accept that some countries are different   and that some systems are different and none is superior to the other Are we becoming better at this looking back over the past 10, 20 years? I believe that we are living in a time that has never been as good before this is the best time to be alive and i believe that when you're   your kids are 30 i still hope that this is also  the best time in human history uh therefore i   believe yes we're getting better and and these  difficulties in in the process the need to debate   and and having different opinions also  in their opinions that you don't like   uh political processes that you don't agree to  political parties where you don't agree to having   this debate is i think something very positive  and to see that in the last european elections   there are more people participating it's something  very positive that's something where i think   you can see that this is not a trend where  the interest of the people is declining but   where there is great interest and and  we can encourage people to be even more   interested and maybe the future will allow  your kids in 30 years to spend less time   working in jobs but more time participating in  a democracy and sharpening the future Or maybe my kids in 30 years maybe they are in a world  where machines are basically taking over   most of the labor that is being  performed by human beings today   could we imagine a future where human beings are  more entertainment for the machines? well if you want to be sarcastic you could say that is already  the case because if you're just looking at some of   the the situations you could interpret them in  a way that the machines are already playing with   human beings so when you're going to to youtube  and watch a video you get recommendations and   around 70 of the videos that are watched  on youtube are based on recommendations   a machine an algorithm was pointing you towards  a video and when you start analyzing which videos   are they pointing to sometimes it's really odd  they're pointing you towards conspiracy theories   you could say okay there's an algorithm playing  with you seeing if you're gonna move into this   direction if you can present your completely  stupid videos and you're gonna watch them however   i don't see it this way if you're looking down on  the road right now there are cars driving humans   they're not walking anymore they're driving when  you're looking into how people navigate through   a building they're going to a lift or an escalator  machines are already a major part of our society i   however don't think that this necessary means that  we don't have a space i think it will just change   the perspective it will open new doors because  we don't have to do the work that we're currently   doing it would allow us to to enter new spaces and  say i'm gonna do work where previously we never   had resources to do or very very few people are  currently investing resources and we we're gonna   see i cannot anticipate the future i don't know  how it's gonna look like i'm worried about some   of the trends i'm worried about too much decisions  being taken machines and us being unable to verify   what the machines are doing however in general  i have a positive view into the future and and   i believe that there will be more of a positive  interaction and more active interaction right now   my car does not necessarily interact with  me i'm just driving it stupidly somewhere   wouldn't it be nice if there would be more of  an of an interaction of a dialogue between me   and the technology that i'm using? In a maybe near, maybe distant future we will start colonizing Mars will that be a copy of Planet Earth or will it be a completely different civilization that we're building about there? I believe that in general things like traveling back to the Moon or traveling to Mars or even other planets in  the future something important because it's   inspiring us it's it's just taking us a step  further i don't believe that building colonies   on mars is the the future of mankind i i think  it's uh it would be way more important to protect   this planet and to make sure that we can survive  on this planet than putting our hopes up that we   will build up something new on a different planet  uh there are significantly more resources required   to build up something outside of this planet um  then we would need to protect this planet and to   do better here so um i think that a lot of people  are putting hope on colonies in mars or traveling   to other solar systems that have given up  on this planet or that are not as optimistic   with regard to the future of this planet i believe  that the future of mankind is here and i'm i'm   very much i'm very thankful for the current  political movements all around the world   with regard to putting more emphasis on  protecting the environment we see this   both in the united states within british  political plans of the opposition party   we see it in europe more cautiousness of the  importance of the environment um more conscious   of the importance of the environment environment  by many people especially the younger generation   so i think this is where our focus  should be i'm open to all technical   innovations let's send people to mars if if this  drives innovation and then encourages people   to look forward but the focus should be here One final question: If you became   the president of Earth with unlimited power  how should we spend our resources and technology? I'm a strong believer that my personal  views um are not that important i'm advising   governments all the time and i'm not trying to  advise governments in a way that i want them   to do what i believe is is right but what is right  for the people and usually a politician of a small   pacific islands knows much better with his people  need than i do so i'm i don't come to places and   and tell them that my view of the world should  be what they're doing i don't know despite all   my travel i don't know the world well enough  to be able to say where where we should   put our resources if you see it from from a  perspective of a western country you might want   to invest in in cleaner air having less traffic on  the street if you're living in a rural area in a   developing country where you don't have access to  water they might say hey i i need some water first   and if you're living in an area if you're living  in one of those major uh metropoles in this world   and you're struggling to earn enough money for  your family and and send them to a college and   enable them a better future most important thing  for you might be i need income i need uh i need   proper wages i believe we have in different  parts of the world uh even in different   within countries we have different priorities and  we should address all of them there shouldn't be   this one there isn't the one thing that we need to  solve but there are a lot of micro things that we   need to solve and i believe uh in regional power  that the people that are close to the ground that   have their boots on the ground in in dialogue  with the constituencies with the people that   are living there should determine what is really  important Thanks for taking your time You're most welcome


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