Google Hackathon on AIR - Speed Update

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Hey. Guys thanks. For tuning in to our new. Hackathon, on air today. We're, gonna speak about the SEO, speed update you've probably heard about it it's um quite, a big update that's coming in, July 2018, so. We thought it would be good to bring someone on, the. Hackathon an air that's working in the SEO. Field at Google so that's Vincent who's joining us today. In, case you want to follow us on Twitter we're all like quite, active there so if you have any questions, following, this live stream or any. Questions, related to it just you know shoot us a message follow us and we're more than happy to support. You as much as we can so as, you. Most of you know I'm Dominic I work in mobile UX in, at, Google in London and with. Us today is Dennis and Vincent, so, I'll give it over to Dublin. - so, they have a chance for you some cells. Yeah. Hi everybody thanks for tuning in again, hello, from Snowy, Dublin. He. Will be able to answer all the questions you have around mobile, speed in a mobile speed up. So. It's, in question I've been working at Google for almost six, years I work in a team called search quality team and my, job is basically to. Speak. And listen to. The ecosystems of people that are interested in the, organic search engine, that. Google, provides. To. Improve. Our products, and to make sure that the messages, that our engineering teams want to make clear to the public are, actually communicated, I usually, focus on the, French market I merge in French but basically I was invited. By, DOM and then is here to talk to all of you today, about the speed update so I'm delighted to do this it's, great to have you under stream, well. I'd say without, further ado we just jump into the content and see, what. There is we can talk about, so. I guess, most of you have heard already about, our speed update I think we announced. Like almost two months ago now I think was announced, in January so starting, in July 2018. PageSpeed will be a ranking factor for mobile searches that's, like the bottom line I guess but there. Is a little bit more to it so and if, you, want, to read more about it you just can. Follow this handy short link and. That's. Why we also brought Vincent to give you a little bit more of context, here so Vince and maybe you can tell us a little bit more, about the speed, update yeah, definitely. So, whenever. There, is an update to Google's algorithms, in the search engine, the. First question is what's changing, am i impacted, what's happening, is it a big one it's, actually much more than one question so there are quite a few questions so I'm gonna try to highlight just a few points here to, give the scope and impact of this, update. And, and. Then, and then we'll take questions later on during the during, the event. So. The, first thing of note is that. This. Is a change. That is in continuity, with the direction, that we have been going to for, the past decade, basically, page. Speed, how. Fast a URL, the contents of a URL actually load on. A user's device has, already been a ranking, factor for. Desktop, searches for, about, seven, to eight years so, it's nothing new in the desktop world, what. Is happening is that soon, in July 2018 it's going to be also, the case for mobile, queries, whatever. The mobile device so. This. Isn't this was announced in the first half of January and it's, planned. For July 2018, the, reason that we give that. Much of a heads up is that, we have heard from the, community of SEO s as. You're professionals. Website, owners small and big companies etc, is that for some of the updates they would have like more of a head up heads up so we've done this now for a few of our updates and this, one doesn't change we try to give, a heads up. Then. The, next question is. What. Sort, of impact does, it have so. Here, we. Basically, don't expect a majority. Of the queries entered by users to be impacted, by this updates it should, be a small percentage of the, we, are not really in a position to. Communicate. Specifics. Of which queries etc but know that it's it's it, should not be an change. An, update that will have a major impact on, all of your queries it's it's quite targeted. In. Terms, of what. Pages. What content will actually be impacted, by this change. This. Is an updates that is more. About making sure that the very slow pages. Don't. Necessarily, show up as much as currently. Rather. Than, making. Sure the very fast pages, show. Up so I'm not saying that you shouldn't really optimized for speed what I'm saying is that's the, only pages, that should be impacted. Are the ones that really really have a very long. Loading, time and have, a very poor experience for users so we're gonna go over some of what. That means in, terms of metrics the following etc in the next few slides so. This is the general, scope of.

This Updates and now. I'll hand over to DOM. For. For. A bit more information on the tools that exist. Yeah. Dom. So. What can we do to actually not get surprised, by the speed update in terms of how, can we maybe measure speed how can we optimize for, that to, give us a few ideas. Yeah. Sure um I think, first of all what. When Vincent, already said it's really important that we. Have given everyone a heads up so it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. However, we do know that some. People like to laugh you, know leave things to the last minute and, you. Know then obviously can, become quite tricky to to be ready for it so I think the most important, thing is to really. Understand. Where are you at with your site so, there. Are a, whole bunch. Of performance tools out there and they all do have you, know different, ways of measuring page, speed. So. We just picked four here, that. Are not all Google, owns for, example web page that web, page test is a Catholic third-party, tool, however that we do frequently. And, it's. Really important, to use a variety of tool to get a better understanding, of the current performance of your site so there's. Lighthouse, which we've. Been talking about quite, a lot recently it's. A nice. Optimization tool that sits within. Chrome, dev tools and it, allows you to run certain audits, on your sites to. Get results. About, how, do I perform in, terms of speed how do I perform in terms of accessibility. How. Do I perform in terms of SEO which is a which, is a new audit that was included in to lighthouse this, is a really great tool and it's not just for developers, because it, is sitting in dev tools and if you are familiar with dev tools definitely make use of it however, it also exists, as a Chrome extension, so. Basically, whatever URL you're on you can just hit a little icon and it will auto generate, a report giving. You a lot of information. From. Which basically you can. Create. A little road map and decide what you actually want to focus on. Another. Great performance tool is chrome dev tools itself, there. Are different tabs and you can really dig like, dig deep into performance, to, see what is going on in a browser some browsers, main thread what, is blocking the rendering the parsing, and how, can you action upon, that to make sure that you. Improve, the critical rendering path because, what really matters is that you bring content, to the screen as quickly as possible. Then there's PageSpeed, insights which probably most of you know it's. Quite. Quite, an old tool however we recently launched, a version two of it which, now includes data from the chrome user experience, report which, is really nice because for. The first time were, you know we're, not testing speed, based on some, testing. Environment. That we came up with but, we're actually taking, the real user data that accesses, your site, and. And show, you how. Long did it take for. The user to load the most critical, content so so we believe that that's a really really great tool so definitely check it out and see, once, your score for the first content full paint what. Is the school for the onload event and, then, you will also get in like. A little graph that will show you. Where do you where. You act in terms of like your competition, like where we're, showing you are you in the fast section, of your vertical or in a medium section or the slow section and. Then we'll also give you an idea whether you should focus on performance optimization, or not last. But not least webpagetest, which is a tool that, powers, currently, tests my sites the the, Google tool and web. Page test really, is. A very, sophisticated tool, that allows you to. Test. Your site under various, circumstances so. You can set, up different testing, environments, and then. You can see how you perform you, will get, back waterfall, so, you know exactly you which resource, is, being, loaded where and how does it impact just, the speed of your, speak, with your website so, really that's the the. First thing you should do is like familiarize, yourself, with the performance, tools and get, an idea where are you currently at and then, you can make the decision whether you should make. An effort to improve speed to. Be ready for July 2018, or if you're already getting. Good results then maybe you want to focus on something else like, user experience, improvement, so. There's you know there's obviously a lot of stuff you can do that. Will give you a good idea what you should focus on and prioritize. If. We jump to the next slide and, for. Those of you that want to learn a bit more on the. Performance, tools we. Have done like. We have covered all, of this content in. Previous. Hackathon, airs so I put. Those two short links on the slide there's one packet, on on the air debt covers.

Pretty Much all performance. Tools and then, there is one heck of an air that, really, digs, deep onto chrome developer, tools and shows you what's possible with, with, this performance tool so. I really, really. Suggest. That you check, it out you. Know have, a look if there are certain tools that you familiar with just you know jump, that part of the content, and see if there's anything you can extract from it we. Also have a ton of other videos on, optimization. Where. You can get, like really valuable, information that will help you to, get ready for July 2018. So. We'll just leave this maybe, for a couple more seconds so everyone can take the short links. And. Then move, on I, can't interview gotta be. The. One. Format. The. YouTube icon, appears, that you, when, you watch them you can ask questions and, people. Try to answer them live and it's the same for this, specific. YouTube live again currently. There's. Already two questions that came in in the chat but don't hesitate to add yours so that will try to answer them as we go. Perfect. Yeah. Let's jump to the next slide here, everybody. Got the chance to have a look at the short links otherwise you also will find. Our. Event page in your description, I'm, sure at least we can also just head there there you find the hole and posit, Horry of all. The videos we've done so far and mining. Might be worth having a look and see if there's something you might be interested in I think. Another really really cool feature. We just announced a few days ago is our new speeds for a card I'm actually. Sitting sitting. In our thing with Google and mobile now. I. Think it's really nice because it lets you basically compare. Your site, to, other sites of maybe 50 competitors, but. Also be subsides. Of your of your own sites of course and. It. Also uses the crux, from, user experience, reports as Tom said before you. Actually get a feeling of how does, my, side out and walk you don't have to rely on phonetic. Laboratory data this, is real actual, user data so. I think it's kind of cool you can also choose here, I think as of now we have 12 gos, edit and, there will be more but all the major. Markets should be covered already. You. Can choose, your connection, speed so. Maybe. Check, out if there's a difference between 3G. Or 4G, are. You particularly, good or maybe not so good in one of the, speeds. Itself. You. Can compare up to 10 different URLs which is kind of cool so if you're not highly competitive market, this might be very, handy as well to see like how, am i sticking up against my competition. Especially if it's like a very competitive market, usually it's and, it can be really, handy to just fast, and like just being having, a faster site can. Make a huge difference. Then. Well. Just a side, note the speed scorecard, shows the 90 percentile, of first content, field pain so, this is how the speed is actually, measured. And, the ranking is a combination. Of first, content of pain thumb counted loaded and unload, again. If you might. Want to learn more about these metrics, just have. A look at the videos we posted before I'm especially in their work performance tools, heck, Apollinaire we're, explaining a bit more like which content, or which, metric, to look at to. Pick. Certain problems, or get, certain information. I think, another cool. Thing is, yeah, it's on the same side we also released, it with, our speed scorecards, are a new impact calculator. Potentially. A bit more interesting for the marketeers, and SEO, specialists. Out there maybe, this.

Is More like how does speed. Impact, the business side of things so. You add, a few metrics there, and. Then you can basically see, if I'll be like 1 or 2 seconds, faster what, would that - with my potential, revenue, so what would be the incremental, revenue by let's. Say increasing. My sites my. Sites loading time by 2 seconds. So. This is kind of cool especially if you need, maybe buy in to get more, development. Resources, and. You need to convince someone this could be a good way to actually start. This conversation saying. Look. Performance. Might not be the shiniest of, all things but. There is an actual return, on in this so it is really worth investing in performance, because it will increase. And. This might give. You the, option. Actually. Work on your site. Who. Am so I would like to give it back to DOM don't, maybe can maybe. You can tell us a little bit about the top speed offenders we usually call them and what. To look out for from a technical, point of view if I want to improve myself. Yeah. Sure um. Definitely. Um that's, actually a great picture and I believe Denis you took that really like, right was. From Hong Kong. There. Is a nice shot, it's. Amazing. Yeah. So what's. What's slowing down, your side. You. Know it's kind of like I think. We already talked, about it so many times yet it's you, know kind of like that the top speed offenders they don't change so. Um that's, why we want to talk about a few things that are typically, the. The reasons why your site is slow and. That, is prioritizing. Content, CSS, JavaScript, and images so, starting. Off it is incredibly, important, to prioritize, your content correctly. Purely, because if you are loading a lot of stuff, that's, actually not let's. Say visible, on a mobile device um it. Is still being downloaded in people it. Is still being prioritized. By the browser and then, maybe it's it's. You know that the browser will hide it hence, like you're kind, of like waiting for resources to be loaded and and. Then the resource are not actually shown on the screen and the, resources, that are actually, important you have to wait even longer for so, it's really really important, to focus. On what, is the most critical content, and making sure that this. Critical content is loaded it's, not at first um there. Are some ways to to give a browser a hint that a certain resource is important. Or maybe not that important, so, definitely. Check out. Preload. And prefetch, preload. Is um is, a. Value for the rel attribute that. Basically allows you to give the browser a hint and say hey this resources, is really important, please. Try to load it as quickly as possible whereas. Prefetch, is doing the opposite, it's usually used for, resources. That, might, be used you, know in the future a future navigation.

So You're telling the browser. You. Know I still want to load this resource but can you please you know load it at the lowest priority possible. Because, I don't really need it right now um we, also have a hackathon on air on that, specific, topic, so. Definitely check it out as well if you want to learn more about preload, prefetch, pre-render. Etc. And definitely, make sure that you prioritize, the content correctly because. It can make a huge difference if you do, the. Second. Thing to focus on would be CSS. Most. Of you probably, know that, CSS, blocks the rendering of the page because. Obviously the CSS and you know like layouts, the page to the browser's to wait until it's fully, loaded and and. And understood, so, definitely make sure if. You have a strategy, behind the CSS, ideally. You want to load the critical, CSS first, and if, if, you can load it in line that's even better because you're not you. Don't need, to make the the server request to, get your CSS file. If. You can load an inline fine but, definitely try to load the critical CSS first, any. Additional, CSS, it can you know you can, still load it and you, can still cache it just to make you know kinda like to make sure that you, don't sort of delay the slow. User experience, to the second or third page but. Additional CSS, should be loaded asynchronously or, by, a prefetch, so. This, is super critical and. The. Next thing you should focus on is JavaScript. The. Problem, is somewhat. Similar um, javascript. Is parser blocking so, when. The browser downloads, a document, and parses through a document and hits, the javascript, file it stops. Pausing, to. Download. The JavaScript, and. Execute, it and obviously. During that time, you. Have, delays, usually. The the blank screen and nothing. Is being rendered so. That's why we, say if possible. Of avoid, large JavaScript, libraries, of files and, purely, because of the effect that it's Parsa blocking, make, sure that you. Use, JavaScript. Only if it's really, necessary so, like no, over-engineering. Don't. Really use, it needed, and if. You, need to know JavaScript libraries, try, to load, them a single. Guarantee. That you're downloading the libraries, and you can execute them however you do all that without, blocking the parser so, definitely, look into that in case you're not familiar, with it but. It's it's crucial to paying the content as quickly to the screen as possible and last. But not least and it's probably one of the most, well known speed, offenders, its, images. Obviously. Images, are super important, and there are certain verticals where it's more important, than others, on. Average images, account for about 63. Percent of a pages weight and and. It's quite a lot and there are certain, certain. Verticals where that even goes up into the AES so. It's. Really, really important, to optimize images because, especially if you're on a slow connection it. Can delay. The rendering, process a lot because, if. You're an HTTP, 1 and if you're on the 3G connection, you, have 6 concurrent, connections if you're then downloading, large, images, you, have like a bandwidth, exhaustion, and it takes, quite a while until a. Large image is being downloaded so. Definitely. Follow the steps of reducing. The quality or possible, if. You have an e-commerce shop and say I really need high quality images.

Because What I'm selling is a high, quality product that there are still the ability. To load a lower resolution for, a lower, resolution image first and once, you sort of like structured, your side and you show some show some content you can swap it out for a high quality image always. Make sure to compress, images. Because. You can save up to 70, 80 percent of the of the, file size by just compressing, the images damage properly, and then. It's really important to lazy load content that's below the fold we. Keep suggesting that because it, makes such a big difference if, you have a lot of images that show. Below the fold there's no need to download all of these for your users if some, of them might not even scroll all the way down so, it's, a legal, way to reduce. The server requests, and free. Up some bandwidth, for more important stuff, and. The implementation, of lazy loading is pretty, straightforward there are some very tiny. JavaScript. Java. Scripts that let you basically yeah. Lazy load by, adding a simple class tune to an image tag so, those, are the four stop top, speed offenders obviously there's much more they're like redirects. You know you could, be looking at restructuring, your, content, so. There isn't much there's, a lot more going on where you know where, you can improve but. We, would say those four focus areas if you have sorted them out you're. Probably in a really good shape maybe. One point. Just. Recently the, question. Is. There a certain threshold, where you would start lazy, loading, them is it like just below, the fold or is it one and a half above. The polls you, know what I mean and when should I start lazy, loading, because there might be users, who, actually scroll. A little bit right away so would. It make sense to, yeah, maybe yeah I have one and a half above, the poll constants not lazy does it and doesn't start yeah. I think it's a good idea definitely, um because, you do sometimes have the sensation that when you scroll down and you're lazy loading that for a short period of time you. See either a gray, background or a spinner because you were pulling, in the image at that point, so. Yeah definitely that's a great idea to say okay one and a half from. From the top I don't lazy load the images and everything. Below that I actually do lazy. Load the images so yeah thanks Dennis for for. That and I, just look at the chat and I want to pick up a question because it fits in nicely here and the. Question is coming from Muhammad. And, he's. Asking, will a MP resolve, this well. You. Know it's like. How should we answer it like a MP basically. Follows, certain. Best, practices, so if, you think about it that a MP reduces, or limits. The, file size of the. CSS, resource to, 50 kilobytes, a a. MP requires, to CSS to be inline a MP. Requires images, to, always. Have a height. And width defined. So. That the browser can layout, the page without actually. Having the. The image ready, yet so, if. You take if you keep it in mind and that. Is one, of the reasons a MP is so fast so, if you follow the same best practices. You. Can also speed, up an on a MP page, you. Know probably two up to the same standard, but sure a.m. P is um you know is great if you want to quickly speed, up your site and follow the best practices that. That. IEP requires. And. Just. Quickly before I give. It back to Dublin um in. Case you wonder back you know in the previous hackathon, on eros we always had a lot of slides and, we. Decided that this time you want to make it more interactive so that's what we have less, content from our side and we have, some questions prepared, and we're also looking at the chat so that's why you, want to make it interactive now and. Give. It up to Vincent, who will be, able to answer all the, great, questions, that are coming in so. Vincent. Please, Thank. You Don, well. It's, so once again use, the chat. To. Let, us know your live questions and we'll try to answer them the. On mobile, at the very bottom of the page. In. The YouTube app you have a, little banner that's, foldable. That says top chats and you, can chat, in there and that's cancer questions so. To. Come back as well to the two muhammad's question, about how. M fits into this this. Whole speed, update story. Moving. Away from just the performance aspect but to the to. The speed, update really the SEO algorithm, updates a question. That we that, I've had to, answer several times and that we get often in ours or forums, and in other communities, is, well. Does. That mean that if, I use M my, pages will basically not be impacted by the, speed update doesn't. Mean that Google is forcing.

Its Technology, accelerated. Mobile pages by. Using the, speed update so, to answer, that question I would say no, because, the speed update is technology. Agnostic. If, you will, that. Means that. Basically. What's. The speed update focuses on is mostly what happens on the user's device notwithstanding. The, technology, so maybe, someone is using full. HTML. CSS. Usual. Frameworks, and their. Pages super fast and then, maybe someone, is using a MP but they implemented, it in a weird way and then, the page is actually really not loading that fast on users. On. Users devices, and then that, might be negative for them in terms of the, the SEO world, right so this. Is not as simple as a MP, equal, and safe everything, else everything, else I'm not safe I think. I not a point here which is good. To mention I'll just getting. Just from the blog post now so you might keep. Me honest here is that like it's. Still it is a ranking, the factor of course but still we would like rank content. And still. Higher so there might even be rather, slow pages, and I'm not saying just go, in and up slow page but, still confidence. King I guess right so yeah, that's that's a very fair point. Between. A. Super-fast, page that loads in 0.5, seconds, on 3G. And a. Page that loads in 10 seconds. On. 3G as well. Then. We're, not just, going to show the first one because it's super fast if that page has almost, no content, compared. To the other page which is super relevant has been existing for a while is, referenced, elsewhere on the web has. User, interaction, maybe some comments of forum whatever it is, is. Really, adding a lot of value for users that second, page even, if it's quite slow will. Probably, still continue to be showed because, ultimately. What we want to do is show your, else that, have answers. To people's questions that so you're. Very right to call this out well. It. Might be worth exploring. Em, a bit more, because often, times it depends a bit on in which vertical, you are and, it can be the easier option to, speed up your site and Tom this would also be a question. For me to you now I guess. It depends on the vertical but what is your experience with implementing. M pages, on life development. Effort, and, time it might take. Yeah. I mean it varies. Greatly so. We've. Seen we've, seen companies that, implemented, a MP. Page within a day. There, are others that obviously. Need, a bit more because the, infrastructure. Is, a bit more complex but. Typically. Amp is quite quick in a couple of weeks you can you, can implement amp, so. Yeah we I wouldn't. Want to give like a definite, answer to that but, considering, a standalone, you. Can definitely play, around with it and get, some results very, quickly and then you can see if that's a technology that works for you, yeah, I think important to re-emphasize we're.

Not Trying to push that technology on you so like if you say well I connection, live without em that's, completely fine you, know we're trying to kind. Of like set a framework of best practices, that will speed up your site and if you follow that on your own page, then, you will also see the. Positive. Speed impact so, but. Definitely I recommend to play around with it because there are a lot of cool features and, we're, developing more and were listening, to the community so. Yeah. Again like you know have. A look at it check it out and and if you think it's right for you then, it shouldn't take too much, of your time to to. Get the first release out there. Thank. You. Switching, gears a bit we have a second question from Mohammed, that was asking. Why. Does. The. Speed score scarred scorecard, sorry, does. Not, support, ccTLD, so country code TLDs I'm, not sure exactly what that question. Entails, if there are an example, if there's an example that you could share with us Mohammed and if you either, of you has heard about. What this could be related to I. Mean. You. Know we already, said that some were. Basically, we. Were taking the data from the. Chrome user experience, report and it, basically means that the. Data set is currently not large enough to include all the T of these I. Think in July. We change oh sorry in January we just added three million and we're obviously, aiming, to add much much more domains but again. Right now there's, it's, quite a large stock data set if you use. A sweet scorecard and you cannot, find your your. Your domain, unfortunately. It's probably not included, in the chrome, user experience report yet we're, working hard on it and definitely. Let us know and we'll well you try and look into you you know adding as much content, as we can. All. Right thank. You. Another. Question we can look at is. Jeremiah's. Question, which says, what. W3c. Timing, data points does page mean look at specifically, is, it page interactive, is it first right is it downloaded, so. Page. Speed obviously it's it's complex and, we're. Looking, at multiple factors. The. Best answer we can give you here is if you use the speed is the. Speed scorecard. To. Rank, domains, it's it uses a combination of, unload of Dom content loaded and on the first control first. Content full paint there's, there's. Not one, single metric, that. That. You should focus on because, each metric has sort of like its own importance, so, definitely. Keep an eye on as many metrics as you can. All. Of the tools will not tell you how you will rank in SEO in the end they. All therefore. Typically. Different audiences. Or depending, on if you want to real, user metrics or laboratory. Experience. For debugging and they all have like their. Cost definitely, but, none of them will really tell you if I'm good in that say webpagetest I'll be good in SEO right yeah. Pretty much the, the SEO, side of things if there's one general thing that we can say it's, that it focuses on user experience so it's, a little bit vague but some. Of the metrics, that we've been talking about are doing, just stats right so how fast does it load for the user what is really happening on the device as opposed, to on the developers, computer, on a 24. Inch screen with a really. Good landline you like connection etc so be sure to look into these when you when you think about performance, I think, another point worth pointing, out is in our. Last. Or the one before that hackathon, on air we, pointed out how can I actually check, what is my user experience, with highing analytics. Data. To. Potential. And yeah. Stuff. You can do with your besides, or let's say well, if you see your bounce rate is very high for your landing pages it's an easy one that, is probably very closely. Tied to speed whereas. Let's. Say. People. Exit. At weird points. And this might be more, of a key other PWA, thing so maybe. Check that out as well see, what you can check in Google Analytics and then just, in general I suggest. That try to improve, user experience this, should definitely, improve. Your SEO ranking, at some point as well because I think that's what, it basically comes, up to if I have a nice user experience, and provide the. Right answers, to the questions people ask this, should be, yeah. It's it's never one, to one, causality. But it's there's certainly a, logic, there, um. You. Mentioned. PWA. Is progressive, web apps there's a question there that sort, of segues into it and, that I can cover which is, why.

Would You use amp right now when, modern. Amp is slower than an optimized, responsive. Website and that comes from Antonio. So. Why use amp, well, you tell me amp. Is a framework there are many frameworks you can use and it's, not a one-size-fits-all and, it's not a magical. Solution that will solve all of your problems. So. Basically, you. Might have a reason to use anthems, only. A certain, parts of your website right you want to be you might want to be very specific you might think it's really not useful so you don't use it it's. Really up to you you have to do that analysis, and choose which, technology, fits best your, needs, one. Use case that we're starting to see more of and and that is getting. People talking these days is the, whole m2, PWA, sort, of experience, which is, that. You you can find some articles, about, this, we'll try to link to it as, well in the description maybe after that or in the comments after the hangouts. Basically. This is a way of providing. Some, amv, pages that. Would, look pretty fast maybe I don't know maybe not as fast, as a super fast responsive, for simple content etc. But. Then, that, technology, is very well, designed, to fit nicely into progressive, web apps which is another framework which enables, offline. Content which enables certifications, with so re-engagement, with users many. Different things of the modern web and AMD. Is a very nice segue into this so you might think this is a good use case even though it might be a little, bit slower. Than your. Responsive, pictures for you I think, it's also worth pointing, out, that you. Can hunt in your sites and there might be almost, as fast but it might be tricky to get the same instant. Loading experience, since amp is not just it, is a bunch. Of best, practices, but it also uses the Google cache so if you're fine with that and you're, a pre, render stuff and get it out of the Google cache. It's. Very, likely that the, loading will be faster, than even. The very, best tend to and HTML, vanilla, HTML, CSS. Maybe. That's Dom do you have an opinion on that that's usually the answer I give to my customers, as well because the Google cache is actually the second, thing that makes it as light and fast as it is. Yeah. No I mean that's. Right and but I think Vincent put. It nicely if. You feel that Amazon right for you just, don't use it we're. Not forcing anyone to use it, but. It. Is a good it is a good framework but. Yeah definitely, you need to make the call whether it's right for you or not I. Just read a question. From. Ego. She asking. The staging, Hosting affect rankings. And. Then in parentheses, shifting, from one dedicated hosting to another well. It. Depends. So. When we're talking about speed and you. Change from a really slow hosting to a really fast hosting it might change. Your rankings, if. It's vice versa it might also change your rankings the. Question is at that, at that point too broad to answer. So. If anything if everything stays the same.

The. Rankings will probably say - say - so the. Acme that, you know this the best answer I can give to that. To. Expend. A little bit of that sand talk more generally about SEO very. Quickly as a so, that's in terms of speed right and. The sort of speed that the. Hosting provider is, able. To provide to, the visitors to your website what. You would have as an SEO manager or, website owner to, pay attention to when you switch hosting providers. Is. Everything. Related to the crawling of your website so your website your URLs needs to be crawled. Properly. By the Googlebot, which is the automated. Spider. Software. That basically crawls, all the web and tries to find, all of the pages that exist online. So, when, you change hosting providers you need to make sure that you have sufficient bandwidth. For, the crawling you, need to make sure that you're not blocking specific, IP addresses, that are, used by the Googlebot. Crawler, you, need to make sure that in terms of configuration and, accessibility, of your pages nothing. Changes there so, that's in addition, to the speed update but keep that in mind. All. Right, do we have another question here did you find one done I, think. I just want to enter. To one of the questions that Heather. Submitted. Basically. Heather. Is asking, if we have any examples. Of sites. That implemented. Our. Recommendations. So. Basically. I think what, I would do in your case is why. Don't you check out the display. The, speed scorecard. And just, you know find some domains that are ranked that are like ranking. Well as in, terms of speed like but get a really good speed score and. Then you go to this page and then you have a look at what have they they done to achieve this very quick, speed score. Because. Either side gets. A really good result they definitely followed certain best practices, and I think that's where you can extract a lot of valuable information you will see that some. Of them might have a single their JavaScript, others will, have split. Up their CSS files, prioritize. The content. Improve. Their images so, that would probably be the first step I would take to just find the quickest sides and just have a look at what, are they doing and maybe certain, parts you can then. Sort. Of copy and. And do on your own side as well. -. This may be I'm. Not mistaken you also most. Countries to release the benchmark, study now as well I don't, know winning, on mobile up as, well and think with Google just as the speed scorecard where. You actually can see domains that did really well in terms of speed and user experience. There's also ranking, and a bit. More of an explanation what, went into the rankings it's not just feet it's also a lot of user experience but, this, might be worth checking it out in, the easiest way is we can either link it in the comments, or just blue winning on mobile and it should end up on, the Google, side. And. In my personal, advice as well is it's. Kind of kind of generic. Advice but just talk, to people talk to other developers, ask, them what they've tried go, to conferences, listen, to what they say there's, meetups, everywhere, there's JavaScript, meetups there's web development. Front-end. Mobile, development meetups, everywhere so just try to go to these and talk to people and listen what. They have to say. Heather, is following up with did you say benchmark, study yep, then it's I, hope, that's the official name it is a benchmark study I'm, again winning. On mobile. On think with Google should, need. You to derive. The. Depends a bit which country, you're in so I think we. Haven't released all of them. Yeah, find. At least worst. Case just studies from other markets but still if you were looking for URL examples, and from a technical side of you this will happen. We. Have another question by. Heather. Says. Christian. Asks us how, will, Google deal, in. Terms of SEO with non server-side, render pages basically. Full browser side rendering so. For. This I will answer with one, generic. Answer, again. This. Depends on how the Googlebot, can, actually render the page when the Googlebot visits your page its. Accesses. It it loads it and it renders the. Code right so it tries to interpret exactly how the page will look like for the user. It. Does this to, try to understand, your CSS, your, JavaScript, all of these resources and it, will actually in, some, tools tell you if there are resources, that are blocking this if there are problems with the rendering of. Exploring. Of. Crawling, a URL, the. NIT de thing is that Google makes available a, tool, for you to check that so it's, within the Google search console, which is the, general, set of tools used.

By A SEOs to look at their websites in terms of SEO, and. Within. That. Suite. Of tools the. Specific report is called fetch as Google so. You can go in there fetch as Google in the search console. Indicates. A URL and then ask for, fetch, and render and when you ask for fetched and render it will do exactly this automatically. At this moment so it will crawl, the page instantly, and go see what it looks like and it will show you how, the page has been rendered and then you will be able to see if there, are rendering problems or not that. Being said. It. Doesn't, see that. The Googlebot. Does not see everything, it. Is, running, of a, certain, version of chrome which is now starting to be a little bit old older. Let's say so some of the very newer, frameworks, and technologies, might, still be. Tough to interprets and, to render fully by, the by. The Googlebot, there. Is a, discussion, group that is out there where, some Googlers. From. The rendering side of things within. Our engineering teams survey. The discussion, and answer answer. What. People have questions about a certain specific, new framework etcetera so, again. We, will share, this in the the, documents, or in the, description. Later on after, this open this I, got. On it. Any. More questions. We. Have a follow up from Christian which is how, about Google Ads BOTS and, others are. They able to understand the contents I'm, not sure to be honest I don't work with the ads side, of things I don't know if you would have an idea about this either of you. Know. We all. Don't work with the ads team. More. Than happy to to. Read up on it and share it in one of the future headphone. On-air if we have any anything. Good to say here, but. Yeah. We don't want to give away information, it, might not be accurate. Sundeep, asks how to add a site into Google News that's. A bit unrelated to to, the speed update. Right. Good content and, build. A strong, website and, then. You might be picked up I also think there is actually a way to apply. To. Be included, but. Yeah. There is no magic trick on, how. To be, how. Do we get, your articles into Google News. Cool. That's yeah. Back to you Vincent I think, you have more, questions I think. We covered most of the questions. And. The points that we have prepared in case we didn't have questions, so that's really. Good the questions were actually, quite on point there's. One thing that, wasn't. Addressed, which. Is something that I hear actually quite often which. Is this. Doesn't really. Affect, me right because my users, are not on smartphones, at all I don't see visits coming from smartphones on my website so, I don't I shouldn't. Really care about the speed update right. To. Which my answer is usually say well. Why. Are they not coming to your website for mobile is it because, they're. Not searching, at all on mobile or is it because your. Website is not ready at all for mobile and basically. It's not catering to them at all they try to load it it doesn't work they just bounce away. Because. They don't want to wait 20 seconds for the page to load etc so. I, would. Say don't dismiss. Straight, away. Working. On your mobile websites and on the speed of your mobile website just, because currently, you're not seeing any. Traffic it. Might be that there is no traffic. Because, you're, not focusing on it at all.

Although, I have to say that it's hard to find like for me it feels must. Be hard to find actually, sites with no more level, maybe, I'm a bit biased because I was usually just consulting. On mobile, use experience. Yeah. I have a certain set of. Professional. Buyers in there as well but still my. Feeling would be that most sites will have. Yep. Just generally what we're seeing of our queries, and what most of my customers tell me in. Terms of their traffic or, a lot of them actually mobile, traffic now is overtaking, coming. From Destin especially if you also count. Usually. Okay. You, have one last question from Jeremiah. Who is apologizing. About. The fact that it's the last question or about the fact that he's asking too many questions I'm, not sure he's. Asking, any. Good libraries, or strategies, for detecting, content, that is below the fold or, is it just pick a pixel Heights and run with it. I'll, take that um I, think the best answer here is just. Do a quick Google search we. Try. To avoid. Recommending. One library over the other, there. Is a lot of stuff out there especially on github so. Just. Just have a have, a browse and you will find tons of scripts and libraries that will do exactly what you need and. A, lot of them work quite well we test a few of them so, yeah I think just, Google search will will do the job here. All. Right thank you. The. Questions they keep coming that's great, so. Hi from. Nico i'd like to know if you have any advice for the running for. Sites running, on new javascript, frameworks, like, react, rjs or angularjs. Right so, this. Would be covered in this, sort of discussion would be covered in the discussion, group, that. I mentioned, a few minutes ago. That we, will share description, of this video so come back to it in in an hour or so and you. You will have a link, where. This, sort of discussion is happening how do very, modern frameworks, actually. Work. With rendering, from the Google Docs side, yeah. Just to jump in there, because. There's there's. A lot you can do when you're running a side on react or angular there, are a lot of ways you can optimize it and. Just. Recently one. Of our fellow Googlers M addy Osmani and posted. A really, cool post on. Tinder. And how they optimized, their. PWA, and that, was built with react and there, are tons, of tips in there of how you can use. Code, splitting and. You. Know optimizing, react for speed so I highly recommend this so, if you just do. A quick Google search for that post and I can, just yeah again highly recommended it's full. Of great. Content, I. Think. We're nearing, probably, the end right it's it's been almost, an hour but there's one question that is actually, pretty good for this which, is, from. Ravi so, readings, I joined this session but, I'm not able to understand the topic fully is there any update coming, from Google for SEO s or for websites or. So. My, answer. Would be this. Video. Is going to be available a couple, minutes after we finished the live version of it on YouTube, at the same address so, just, make sure to start, looking start watching for the beginning. Short. Answer is yes, there is an update coming in July right. Now. Cool. Yeah. I think that. It's time to wrap up maybe, one, more comment also. In the comments, again. You will find our event page so. If you find that helpful please, go to event page consider, signing up there if, you sign up you will just receive two emails a, month we. Just remind you that we will spin again usually it's the third week of every month, and. If you new to that usually, they'll be, most we cover mobile topics, ranging, from technical, topics, to UX topics, to now SEO topics. Usually. Try if we're not specialists, in this we're trying. To get other Googlers who are specialists, to, that on the show that, work quite well so far so, yeah please go there check the, content out there was a repository of other videos, to see if there's something helpful, for you and. Sign up if you feel like it and join us for our future screens. Thank. You again for inviting me that was a, really. Great experience thank. You for joining in Tom. Thanks. Again I hope. You're still. Good in London and not like covered, in snow already. I'm. Sitting in a room with no windows I might be covered in snow um but. Yeah, it was as always. A pleasure it was great to have you guys all watching. And definitely. Check back and most importantly follow. Us on Twitter because, we're quite active there and if you have any questions, send. Us a tweet, and we. Give our best to answer your, questions. In the future so um definitely. Try, try and stay connected to us and, yeah. Just you know follow, us and. Have. A good rest of the day I would say. Thank. You. Yes.


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