Google Cloud Summit Munich - Keynote

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Ladies. And gentlemen, please. Welcome, Michael. Core backer Director. Google, Cloud Germany. Austria, and Switzerland. Hats. Which will come. Welcome. To. Munich first, Google. Cloud summit. The. Future, of, cloud. Is. Now. It. Is not a question of, if it's. A. Question of, when and, when. Is. Now. I. Have. Been a, longtime. Believer. In cloud technologies. I'd. Probably date that back to the late 90s, at, that. Time I was working for a company called Compaq. Computers. And some. Of you might remember that brand. Which was then acquired by ulid packer. At. That. Time I was privileged, I was based in the south of France and. My. Job was to launch, what, was called back then an. ASP. Competence. Center, a. ASP. Stood for application. Service providers, which was the early form of what we call software. As a service, or SAS competence. Center today. And. I was privileged, because that place was located somewhere, between nice, and comes somewhere, in the hills in, a. Place called Sophia. Antipolis. And the. French used to refer to Sophia, Antipolis. As. The. Silicon, Valley of Europe. While. I was doing that. Launching. This competence, center there. Were some smart, people thousands. Of miles on the West in the real Silicon, Valley. Busy. Doing something, else. Because. They were busy, Sergey. Brin and Larry Page. Launched, in Google. Now. Do not want to compare efforts and I. Do not want to compare results. But. I would say, some. Of the ideas that we had around utility. Computing. And server. On-demand pectin, probably. Made it somewhere, into, the cloud of today for. Sure, what I have taken forward is the. Passion, for cloud. And. I'm, quite sure it's this passion, for cloud, that. Has brought me here today. My. Name is michael. Korvac ER and I'm. Running Google's, cloud business, for. Germany, Austria. And Switzerland. Now. The time has not stood still and. Google. Has progressed, and we have progressed. And. If. We look. At from, what happened. Something. Like 19, years ago, in a garage in, the Silicon, Valley where. People started pulling together, infrastructure. Held, together with legal, blocks. We're. Now looking at an infrastructure. We're. Running, numerous, services, that have on a regular basis. More than a billion users. Think. About Gmail. Think. About YouTube, think. About search think about Maps think, about play Android. And so on. What. An infrastructure. It takes and. All. That. Based. On an idea, and a mission, that. I would call rather ambitious. A. Mission. That said in a simple, form well. We're gonna we're, gonna take the internet. We're. Gonna index, the Internet. We. Let people search, that index, and we give them. Relevant. Answers, to their searches. No. Matter where they are on the planet ideally. Within milliseconds. Mmm. That was a big ambition, when you think about it to. Organize, the world's, information and. Make. It universally, accessible. And useful. That's. A very big ambition, when you think about how the internet, evolved. And how, the internet, grew. To. Make that happen there, was probably, not a lot of off-the-shelf. Products. That. Would make this mission, come true. Think. About it what file system, could actually manage, that, volume of data that you would create. What. Networking, gear, could. Actually handle all this bandwidth, required. What. Product, would I use, to. Search this amount of unstructured, data and give people. Replies. Within, milliseconds. How. Do i scale. How. Do i scale out. And. How. Do i improve, my results. Using technologies. Like. Machine. Learning or artificial. Intelligence. So. When looking at this to get to where we are today. One. Of the requirements, was to drive, constant. Innovation, to. Explore, a path that, nobody has gone before and that. Led to the development of, things like the. Google file system. When. We're talking about bigquery how, do we search large, amounts, of unstructured data. When. We think about developments. Such as, kubernetes. Container. Based technologies. How do we distribute workloads. Across servers, data, centers clouds. As. Well. As. Making. Machine. Learning. More. Accessible and. Artificial. Intelligence more. Accessible. Through frameworks. Like. Tensor. Flow. Now. The great news is in, necessity. Of fulfilling, our mission we've, created all this innovation and, we've, given it back. To. The open source community and. Now. We're. Taking all this, the. Infrastructure. That serves, billions, and the tools. That run Google and we're. Making, this available, to companies, in, the. Form of, without. Me. You might think hmmm alright. That's. Great I'm a manufacturer. I'm a retailer. I'm, a logistics, company or I'm a bank. Why. Do I care. Why. You should care. Because. If.

You, Are a traditional company. What. Has set you apart, in the past which, might be oh I've. Got a big data center and. In. That big data center I run some really big enterprise, IT IT, I, might. Have been your competitive. Advantage, in the past. For. Some of you. This. Might be a slight burden, today. Because. One of the key things, that companies need to be aware of and, that may be is your treasure. Not. Your data center, but, the data. Within. That data center and how do you exploit, how, do you use how, do you make better decision. From. That data within your data center, and. That. Often. Requires. The tools that are available in, the public cloud I. Don't. Think your sense of urgency is, to take a work load from. A to B, and, then. Save 20%, on, the way or you name it that, does, not necessarily imply, a sense, of urgency. Especially. If you think about, companies. Doing quite, well as, an average across. The region, your. Sense of urgency is a different, one you want, to be prepared, for the future and you, want to be using the tools that, your. Competition, you can use as well and your competition, might. Be somebody, that you have not been dealing, with in the past that might be that startup, company, that. Takes their credit card. Goes. To the Google Cloud. Registers. On the portal, goes, to the console, and within. 90, seconds. Spawns. Up a. Thousand. Node Hadoop, cluster. They. Use it for ten minutes and, then it, takes them 60, seconds, to shut it down that. Is your competition, today at the end of the month they. Will find an invoice on their credit card statement, for. Twelve and a half minutes, of usage. Of google cloud this. Is the environment. That were in today and, this, is your sense, of urgency whether, your startup, or whether. You're an established company, you, want to stay ahead of the competition. You. Want to do that with the latest tools available to, you. You. Want to look at how you work together and be more collaborative. Increasing. Productivity, is everybody's, challenged. You. Want to be at the end of the day, more. Agile, more. Reactive. To changes, in the business, ideally. You want to be proactive, really. And. All that as you're, dealing with security. Threats, out there on the internet you, want to do all that ideally, and be more safe and, this. Is where Google. And the cloud. Can. Help. For. Us this region, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland is. One. Of the key regions, on the planet. It's. A center, of innovation. It's. The home of many. Multinational. Companies, that have global influence. And. This. Investment, that we're making and, this importance, is reflected. By the investments. We were making and one of the investments, we've announced three months ago is, local. Computing, power is our. Data region in. Frankfurt. Which. Has dramatically, reduced the latency, and opens, up new opportunities for, application. Development, and application deployment. Within. The region and it helps, companies, to. Keep the applications. And data close to their heart. We're, completely, committed to GDP, our. Who's. Busy with GDP, are at this point in time the general data protection, regulation. Many. So, are we and we think this, is a blessing, so. We're taking what. Used to be a guidance, from the European, Union which was then interpreted. Slightly, differently, from. All the Member States and then if you look at the states within Germany they, might have had their own preferences. We're. Taking that into a general, regulation. Which can help us and which will help us and we're completely committed. To. This new, regulation. Another. Important, thing for Germany, which has an impact globally, as well is our, partnership, with sa P I've. Got sa P here as well as I'm glad to have them here and it. Spawns three areas, engineering, how. We work together to help the industry. It's. Running. Sa. Piece technology. On our Google cloud platform as. Well. As our. Partnership. Around compliance. Where. S AP helps our joint customers, by. Monitoring, services. And making sure that they are. Delivered. To the service, delivery and quality as required. Cloud. Is used by many companies across, the globe don't worry I'm not gonna talk about every logo here you. Will know most of these logos and you. Will probably think T you know some of those logos they look rather conservative. Some of those companies I didn't know that they were looking. At cloud I. Can. Tell you they are the cloud is real the. Cloud is there and the. Cloud wouldn't, be real, without. Our partners.

Please. Make sure as, you're here, to step by the partners, booth and visit. Them because, they are the ones that take your. Opportunities. That take your requirements. And they make them solutions, on our. Cloud platform. I'm. Very. Happy. To. Announce one, of our most prominent, examples. On stage a. Retailer. One. Of the largest retailers, in Germany. Needless. To say one, of the largest retailers, on the planet. They. Surf businesses, and they serve consumers, and they. Have a clear vision on how. They, help their customers in. Their. Digital, transformation. Please. Welcome on, stage. The. CIO, and, the chief, solution, officer, of Metro, AG. Timo. Salceda. So. Good morning everyone I'm happy. To be here thanks, for the invitation from from Google. Michel, already mentioned, what we are doing and just to give you a bit of an overview you. See on the slide here because. Most of you should be familiar with matrons, you you know these blue boxes everywhere. Around the, major cities in Germany you. Might also know they are which is one of our brands, but not. A lot of people actually know how big we are really are so it's 36 billions, business, globally. We. Are serving 35, countries and our costs are mainly out of the b2b space so, we talk about hotels. For restaurants, caterers etc, and we serve them mostly, with food but also with non-food products, and it's. A global business as I said we, have 150, thousand employees worldwide and, within. IT we are two-and-a-half, thousand, people with a large development. Unit so we have. Subsidiaries. In, Romania. In India in China obviously in Germany so those would office our headquarters, and, we just opened recently an, office in Berlin also to attract talents in that area and the funny story was in Berlin, that, we are on a campus, with a couple of other startups there and one, of the guys approached us and asked, how's, your funding doing and actually they did not obviously know that we are that we are quite big so. So. We're doing well regarding, our funding. So. What, are the challenges and, my. Coaches mentioned, we have obviously the issue that. We are pretty, strong when it comes to offline business so our stores are going really well but. As you know the food sector is is kind of slow compared. To other areas like. Clothing. Books, consumer. Electronics etc and therefore. And we are moving also obviously into. The digital space now so the digital transformation another, buzzword used within our organization, so and, due to the fact that we have these global, operations, we have obviously a couple of massive. Challenges, so scalability. Is for us critical. Because we are present, in countries like India. And just, imagine that we're running some campaigns, on mobile devices send output push measures, and push messages, etc which. Obviously means that millions, of people will approach. Our services the scalability. Is for us really, important, the other issue is performance. Because. We, just need to make sure that our users, getting excellent performance out of our applications, and security. And, you, might have seen, in the news that Metro had also some incidents, regarding one a cry in Russia and Ukraine we, handle it quite, quite easily but at the end we are obviously. Attracted. For some of the hackers therefore security, is one of our top priorities.

The. Other thing I just mentioned, is the, digital business and you see a couple of screenshots about. Our actually. Offering for the digital space or classical, web shops and we, implement. Them basically completely, on our own solutions, that means we're not using any external software all of our offerings. Whether it's back-end solutions or internal, solutions. And, also web solutions, are implemented with our own people and obviously. We have challenges, like providing the service globally you see a nice screen shot here of one of the apps we are running in China on the, bottom right you see that's. One of our flagship, stores in France we have the self scanning devices so these little devices on the left and there's, a kiosk. System, called heavy article, kiosk on the right side so and, you might wonder why are we having a webshop within a store so, the name says is already it's in heavy article, kiosk so, if you want to order for example a beer, barrel which, is quite heavy you, order it there directly you go to the cashier, you identify, yourself with a metro card and then there's a nice gentleman, from, our staff and this gentleman is delivering, the, beer barrel, directly, to your car so these kind of service you're offering and, in, several several, stores. We. Are mainly driven obviously by innovation, innovation, about the internal services, so you see logistics, is one of the topics the. Football, fans in the room might identify one, of our customers, at the at, the top right so we are serving obviously. This football club mostly. With beer and currywurst and sometimes. That's actually also with shar-pei if they play against Dortmund, mainly and. And. Obviously also try to serve our customers when it comes to actually. The touch point with their customers, so for example within a restaurant so we're providing technology in service there and the, most innovative part, is on the bottom left it's. A self, checkout, service and just, imagine, you're, having a scanning, device or it's a mobile app you scan in the products you put it into the basket and. And. Then, you drive this card into this little device it's, a scale so it weights really what's in your cart there are cameras, on top of it it takes roughly about 10, seconds and we're doing is currently in Poland 10 seconds, and you're good to go no. Cashier, no payment, no credit card it's, in there and this just gives you an impression how. Innovative you actually are. Doing, so. What's, this partnership of Google all about and obviously. We are, very excited about this otherwise I would not be here on stage and. The. Scalability topic, is one of the major issues coming, back to the example I mentioned earlier, we're. Having, these, huge campaigns, running in these big countries, and we also serve in countries like India and Pakistan, just bring. An example, and therefore. Scalability. Is a massive, topic for us we, are very happy about the unmatched performance of, the Google Network because, we serve as, I said customers, globally and, security. Is also very well covered, by Google, and I know that Google, had a pretty hard time with our legal people, with. Our governance, people, and they. Did very well because, at the end we managed to finally sign a contract, with Google and are, now able to roll out Google. For our digital business worldwide and be, using the, Google cloud platform to, make sure that our customers get excellent service out of our platform. And. The other thing we're doing with Google is obviously engineering. As I said we have a huge, development. Community, with our own organization, this is actually one of the teams from. Us in Dusseldorf, and we're, just exchanging with. Google, how, methodology. Works for. Example Design Thinking is one of the major topics we're currently investing, in but, we're also leveraging out for our own applications. The. API is provided, by Google so machine learning is relevant for us, we're doing a lot of, natural. Language processing voice. Recognition. Image, recognition so, we are pretty well, on this on this route and therefore, using. Google as a technology. Partner is really essential for us also to drive our own applications. So. And this is obviously also something that's relevant for us innovation, drives, us massively, and, we.

Now. Have obviously, use cases like you see here on the screen where. We just. Provide, to our customer services based on Google technologies, or just imagine there's a chef and, obviously. Dirty. Hands cannot type on computer or any tablet so, I know offer them services like, based, on Google homes so that they can order. Metro. Products directly, out of the kitchen so, these are the kind of services we are providing so very happy to be a partner of Google enjoy. The collaboration, very much and yeah. Thank, you for attention and have. A wonderful Google cloud summit today. We. Are very excited about this partnership as well and we're very excited to, be. Working with, you on your vision, I think. We've got to do something about that soccer club that just came to me I don't think you've been serving a lot of champagne lately, you know I think that for those I think it's cologne right. For. Those not familiar I, think the last in the league right now and they have a little bit of catching up to do so maybe with some some, initiative, we have to think of there. I'm. Excited, to announce a person, next on the agenda, who's. From our we. Call it the office of the CTO and, that's, part of the partnership, that we have with our clients, please. Let. Me welcome on stage, Paul, strong. Morgen. München negates. Good. Fantastic. That's, about the limit of my German these days. It's. Quite sad I was actually brought up in a little village called do any crime on the hähnel alarm star sir but. Unfortunately I moved back to England when I was seven and I, had no one to speak German to so. Now I have this accent. So. Firstly welcome, I think, right. Now we live, in quite, possibly, one. Of the most exciting times that I can remember in terms of the, evolution, of Technology, and. How. It is intersecting, with. Business, and with life. I think. We saw with the example, of Metro. There. Is a real transformation, taking. Place. This. Is not just, about technology. Allowing. You to do things faster. Cheaper. And more. Reliably, than you could before. This. Is not about.

Incremental. Change. Absolutely. You can use technology, to, make it cheaper faster. And, more, reliable. But. Technology today is being, used to do things differently. Fundamentally. Differently. And this is what digital transformation. Is all about this. Is not about business. As usual. This, is not like about government. As usual. This is about doing, things differently it's, about thinking about. Things differently, every. Company. In this. World becomes, a technology. Business, it's. About writing, software. It's. About getting intimacy. And insight, into your customers, in the world around, you this. Is what the digital transformation. Is. All about and it's, driven by a set of technology, trends. Many. Of them have been evolving, over many years but they've all come together at. This point in time. To. Enable true. Transformation, and. If, you think about cloud. For. Me cloud is not a destination, cloud. Is a vehicle, that takes us on this, digital transformation journey. Cloud. With the first time with cloud you. Can get technology. And. Particularly, the technology, that doesn't differentiate. You as a commodity. In the. Past you have to buy software, you. Had to buy the hardware to run it on you had to buy the people, to. Run the software and, run the hardware now. You can make it someone, else's problem, so, that you can focus on what, differentiates. You, what. Makes you, more. Competitive. This. Is what cloud allows. With. Mobility you can now engage with, anyone anywhere. You. Know you can make good guesses as to what they're, doing what, they're doing in their lives you're getting intimacy, and from that intimacy, you can get insight, and understanding, so. You can deliver better services. Whether. That's monetizing. Ads or whether it's allowing, people to do amazing, things, you see government's, who put, applications. On phones so that you. Know their customers, their, citizens, can take photographs of potholes in the road in. Malaysia and they automatically. End up, on a list of things, to be done by the Ministry of Transport. Mobility. Is changing, everything. Social. Is, changing, everything the interaction. Model way people, engage with each other is, shifting. And changing in, some, ways we talk a lot about globalization, and we think about it in terms of industry, but there's, a globalization, of friendships. My. Daughter who are one of my four daughters is. 25. She's. From England she, met friends online, she went partying, with many of them actually. In Poland, and, now. She's moved to Australia, where a whole bunch of them live. But. This whole the way people talk to each other way people engage the, way people share information and, trends. Are driven is fundamentally. Shifting, and change. IOT. Gives that same connection that you see with social, and mobile, but, not with people but with machines. I'm. Connected. I'm. A cyborg did you know that I. Happen. To be diabetic, and I have a constant, flow glucometer, plumbed into my arm, that.

Allows My wife 5,000. Miles away in the United States to. Know that I'm healthy and I. Can monitor my eight-year-old, daughter who, is also diabetic, and if. My wife is a sleeper, my daughter goes low I can. Give her a call and wake her up so that there isn't an emergency. This. Connectedness. Is, allowing, us to get more data and insight. And. All. Of that big, data the job, of technologists, is to turn that data into insight, and, understanding and, then act on it to. Be able to engage again, back through. The internet of things or with mobile, this. Intersection. Of all of these technologies. Is, profoundly. Changing, everything we do in life and it says that every organization, and every, business, today is a. Technology, business your. Success. Will. Be defined, by how you use, and consume. Technology, and, your. Failure, or your epitaph on. Your gravestone will, be how you didn't. If, you don't take advantage of it. What. We see happening with this technology is, technology, is being used it. Is being used to undermine, the assumptions. The foundations. That you, build business models, on, I'll. Give you a couple of examples the. First one is a fairly famous one most of you will be familiar with the, stories of ride-sharing and. Things like uber, and lyft. What's. Interesting here is the story of how, it came about. So. Taxis, you, know. There it's an old established, business and there, are certain barriers to entry to the marketplace, if. You want to be a taxi, driver you. Have to learn your way around cities. Because, driving. With a map in your lap is kind, of dangerous. And you. Kind of want to know that you can trust the taxi driver. So. In London they have a thing called the knowledge and, you spend three years studying. All, the streets in the landmarks, around London, and. It's. Quite interesting actually so these taxi drivers, all this memorization. And recall, actually. Turns, them into mutants. So. It turns out that when you memorize, things so much it. Actually makes a part of your brain bigger. Physically. Bigger. So. The Darwin in me says that if we look at taxi drivers for long enough they'll, end up with these enormous heads. Just. Like those aliens, that you see in 1950s. Science fiction movies. But. The point is that, these businesses, and the underlying assumptions. Were, predicated, on teaching drivers, and validating. Them through licensing, now. With a mobile device. It. Has GPS, it has voice it has maps it can tell you where to go. You. Can summon your ride you can see where it is you, can give feedback at the end so, that you get a better idea of the reputation of the driver than you ever ever, could. Before. This. Is a fundamental. Shift this. Is technology. Disrupting. Established. Businesses, if you, think of the spare parts, business and logistics, 3d. Printing, means, you don't need warehouses. Full of spares, anymore. You. Can print them on demand with 3d printers and CNC, machines at the edge. This. Disruption, is coming to all of us where. Technology, is being used and, says is that assumption. That your model is built on valid, anymore in the face of technology, and, when it isn't, then. There's risk because. The small and nimble with.

Nothing To lose have access, to the same technologies. As the, largest businesses, in the world and that, is because of cloud. So. When we think about the journey going forward, the question is what does it look like what are the steps. We. Put it down into four key areas the first optimize. Get. The business of delivering IT that doesn't differentiate, you and make, it someone else's problem, make it Google's, problem, because. What doesn't differentiate, you does, differentiate, us, so. That you can focus on collaboration. Driving. Teams to work together to be more productive and more effective, and through, that collaboration, drive. Innovation, and. Then. To accelerate. Your business to be able to focus on the technology that, enables insight. And engagement, to, actually drive new value, new services, and to, take them to market and. Then. In doing all of that you need the right partner, we, believe we are that, partner, to, help you take that digital, transformation. Journey. Let's. Quickly talk about optimize, and what's happening in that space for us, Google cloud is a full suite of products going. From the low level of offering, compute, network and storage all, the, way up to work. Collaboration. Suites like G suite, when. We talk to our customers there's, a set of drivers that we see reliability. Security and, so, forth it's the classic list, that. IT want, out of infrastructure. Google. What doesn't differentiate you, you. Want to get as infrastructure, as a service I say is infrastructure. As a differentiator, for, us we. Believe and, our businesses. All of those billion, user, businesses, have driven us to deliver better infrastructure. More scalable in fact we build our own servers, if we. Sold servers, we'd probably be the world's third or fourth largest server, vendor, but we don't sell any they're. All built and customized, for Google so, that we can deliver services, that are more reliable that. Are faster, and cheaper than. We could in any other way and we were driven to do that by the growth of our, own business and the opportunity for you is, to take advantage, of that it's. Also about managing things in a different way with. Site reliability engineering. Is about taking, us to, a place when we build out infrastructure, in this new world we. Think differently about availability. It's. All about resilience. And reliability. And it's baking, it into everything, that we. The. Apps in this new world assumed, the infrastructure, brakes so. You have to build and design them differently and you have to manage them differently and, we wrote the book on it something we shared with the world and I encourage, all of you to actually get the site reliability engineering. Book and to, have a read and learn, how. Google, has figured out at least how to deliver at extreme, scale and with great reliability I always. Say one of the amazing things about Google that you can learn is we can afford to make the mistakes that you can't we've. Been very lucky we have a very successful business and we've been able to experiment and learn the lessons that otherwise would be very expensive. In. Terms, of delivering performance we. Have something rather unique. Google. Actually has a Navy I. Bet. You didn't know that right, we. Actually have, ships, and what those ships do is, they lay cables under, the ocean, one. Of our main differentiators. Is, actually, by having, our own physical. Network with the fibers, that we own ourselves going. Across the globe we. Are in a position to, make your applications. Perform, and be more reliable than, in any other infrastructure. You. Don't have to worry about. Talking. With telco, providers, for, wine connections. Because we can give you very, very fat, fast. Low latency, pipes across the world so, that when you build applications and, run them on Google Cloud they.

Can Talk to each other and get, very very low latency and in, fact today something like 40%. Of the total world's. Internet traffic goes, across Google's. Own private. Network. This. Is pretty insane by the way when I joined Google is like insane. Engineering, crazy. Numbers, we build a lot of our own networking, kit to. Allow our customers to take advantage, of this we, also now, have direct connection, capabilities, around, the world so you can place your servers, so, that they don't have the internet between them and your, services, that sit inside, Google's, cloud and. We've. Added a set of regions we talked earlier about moving. Into Germany. And Frankfurt and we're moving into other areas around, the world expanding. Very very fast all, of this is about giving you unrivaled. Performance. And scale. In fact our investment. In delivering, all of this is somewhere in the region of 30 billion. Dollars, in. Terms of a trailing three-year, capex, investment, this, is so that you don't have, to make that investment we. Invest in the infrastructure, scalable, resilient, so. That you don't have to do it and we, can deliver it in a way that is very cost effective, and very, green. And very sustainable. We. Use technologies. Like machine learning and AI to. Actually drive down the energy consumption of our own data centers, everything. You see in the services, we offer outside, we use inside, to. Enable Google to scale and be, reliable and this, is reflected, in our, performance, numbers you will generally see that Google is there or thereabout in terms, of providing the highest performing, as well as extremely. Reliable and cost-effective services. Finally. I'd like to briefly talk about security. Because ultimately what. We hear from our customers is all of this is great but without security, who, really gives a damn about all, of this right it's just, table stakes, but. Google it's. Everything that we think about, our. Entire stack is optimized, for security, we customize, you build our own motherboards. We build our own chipsets, we build our own operating, systems, so, they can be efficient, but also so. That we can get rid of all of the unnecessary components. So, that people can't attack them and, they can't be compromised. So. We end up with a very very secure, stack. We even have our own, silicon. Our own chips that we put in our devices, to, allow us to understand, their, entire, history. In. Doing all of this that security, also results, in compliance, so, with Google Cloud when. We get when. We. Satisfy. Some criteria. In terms of compliance for example here in the United States or whatever it, doesn't apply to some subset of Google Cloud it's. All of, Google Cloud and so, all of Google Cloud is essentially homogeneous, it looks same if, it's, qualified. For some criteria, then all of it is and. As. Michael said earlier part. Of that compliance story is also around gdpr and you, know when it becomes. Comes. To the fore in March next year we're, working very hard both with our customers, and internally, to make sure all of us are, ready a. Couple. Of quick areas. Around security, innovation. The. First is identity, aware proxy, now why, would you care about this well Google's kind of interesting when I work, at Google when I joined Google we. Actually don't use VPNs. To connect into Google infrastructure. We. Actually assume we have a zero trust model and, what we want is fine-grained, access to, our applications, and services inside. Google so what we do is, we actually do everything through a browser it, doesn't matter where we're the wrong Google's, Wi-Fi, or outside, on the Internet and this, actually uses a service called the identity or web proxy that, allows us, to get inside Google's, infrastructure, and to, work with all the applications and services we need to but, with very fine-grained, security, and this, we now offer as a service, for our customers.

Secondly. Another area innovation, is the, data loss prevention API, which, is really around focusing, on managing, data making. Sure that only the right people can get at the right data and getting. Rid of data or getting it out of sight for. The people who shouldn't be at it and. So what I'd like to do now is to, have a demonstration and, we'll talk about DLP. And do that please. Join, me in welcoming to the stage the. Bonsoir. Thank, you for, yes. Like Paul already mentioned, now with the GDP our coming. Next year yeah we certainly need to be aware of what's, in our database, if it's, sensitive data or a personal, data in our datasets and. As. A developer, I'm always, worried, about that so luckily we now have that DOP, API data loss prevention API, which. Can help you with that and the way how it works is you pass. In a text, and then as a second, argument you, specify, some fields, where you want to scan for and these fields can be passport. Number, credit card number. Phone. Number and then, you can scan your data set whether that whether you connect it to your data, pool you. Know as a batch or, as. A call in real time and you get, back like the, data that is sensitive, you can even flag it you can even mask it to. Show that I like to show you a demo and I. Thought, I'd like to create or take a kind, of real live, demo, here like like I say a chat, application. And. This. Is just a fictional, company right, it's called Acme customer, support, and. Add. A cell and, Veliz. Hammers, that they sell in a world of warcraft, or Skyrim. And. What's. Happening here is like in the chatbox Angela. Like this it's the complaining, that the product doesn't work and that emply, asked like okay well what is your contact number and then here's the thing this is always what customers, do when there is like an input field they just. Enter. Everything they have like over here this is my phone number this is my name, this is my last name here's my credit card number here's, my passport and then. At that moment yeah, ooh. Now. That's in our data set that now that can be in our database but luckily we implemented, the DOP API here, so, what i'm doing here is when i en't the chat. There. It goes you. See it makes a call and. Immediately. It starts flagging, the sensitive, data out so did this data won't be stored and. This. Jet application, is just a nice UI but, but you can see here is the actual call, that's been made who turns Jason, and that's what you yeah this is how the API looks like and this is what you can implement, so. That's kind of cool, let's. Have, another example here, and for, this example I like to make use of the. Camera that I have your own stage and I, took here and passport. German. Passport, and then German Bank art and. We're. Gonna we. Can make a picture of it and I'll see if we in real time can yeah, mask the sensitive, data, now. In this demo, just. To show you that it works with these field names this array of fields that you pass in I can, show you the fields that we're in this case scanning, form so. I'm looking here for credit card number dry string license, numbers, faces. So pass photo. But. Also specific. For Germany, there, is a passport, field. And there we have it for all kinds of countries so for example for the Netherlands we have a PSN number which is what we put in a Dutch Passport. Alright. So. Now let's make, a picture and see what what happens here. There. You go, now. And before you guys think like this. Is probably, all scripted, I like. To welcome Paul back on stage and, we can make a selfie, here. Yes. Selfie. I like being redacted on selfie this is this gonna do alright. Thank. You thank you very much Lee. So. I think it's a very cool demo, but. What it really shows is the value as we externalize. Sets of services and, complicated. Technologies, like. Machine learning you, are able to make use of those, trivially. And simply, some. Of these in applications, and services you see built in the demos they, can be built very rapidly, and very quickly and you can get value out of them and this. Security that we talked about it's in-depth in everything. We do from the client, and chrome and Android all, the way through to GCP at. The back end. What. I'd like to do now I think. You've already heard from Metro, and I think it's great to hear the real stories, of people to transformation at. This point I'd like to welcome to stage another customer, to, share some time with you talking about how.

Google Cloud has. Helped them transform. Their organization. And their business and to. Do that welcome, to the stage from Deutsche, börse Sir Thomas. Curran. So. Hello. Good morning. Deutsche. Bursa probably. None of you really know much about it, but. I'll, give you a few things one. Is if. We had a formula one of marketplaces. We'd. Be racing in it we, do about 200, million. Contracts. A month, in. Marketplace. Transactions. If. We were a bank we'd also be in the big boys, we. Have about. Thirteen. Point, one trillion, assets. Under management. So. We have the, very fast stuff and the, very big stuff and in, the middle we. Have quite. A lot of challenges. Dealing, with a very complex. Set. Of businesses. Security. Was just mentioned, I. Think. If anyone in the room can. Imagine. Themselves. Building, an infrastructure, that's more secure than Google, good. Luck, I'm. A Google, cloud junkie, and one, of the reasons is because I believe it's the most secure, infrastructure. You, can buy anywhere. That's. Very important for our business because of the size but. It's also very important, because. Security. Today is not a one-way, street, it's. Something, that you have to be able to count on over. Time and if you go and talk to Google and look at their security infrastructure. You'll. See why the, best minds. The. Best technology. Compliance. We, obviously have, a lot of rules in our business, and implementing. Those rules and doing it over time with a trusted, partner is very, important, but, also we, understand. Flexibility. Is also an issue over, time compliance, changes, because of new regulations and. New. Things that happen in markets, new instruments. Disasters. 2008. So, compliance, is a very big issue and we need a partner to deal with that and by, the way two years ago, when I brought up Google cloud I think, it's fair to say people laughed me out of the room say. That Google doesn't understand, this business but they do. Google. Is not the only cloud provider that we use the, reason for that is we. Also need to have flexibility. In the way we deliver services. And we, deliver we develop, software on multiple, platforms so Google gives us a lot of, capabilities. To move between those cloud platforms. And in, particular, what's. Very important there some of the new things that were mentioned here, the compute the compute, platform. Kubernetes. In particular so, we have these things that give, us multi cloud capabilities. And that's very important, for our business. Why, is that important, what are we doing we're building a, global platform. Deutsche, Bursa is in, 27. Countries, across. The world mostly, in Europe but also in United States and Asia and to, serve customers in those countries we, need a scalable, and resilient. Platform. To deliver our business services. On. Top of that we're building new business. Business. That relies, on it, on a cloud infrastructure. For, real-time smart, data, and analytics. Those, analytics. Are built on very. New technologies. That we deliver in the cloud and we deliver them via an API, platform and the ecosystem. Of trusted, FinTech. Companies that, we've been able to sign up and work with and it's, a growing and if you're in FinTech, please. Talk to me about it. All. Of that is new and as we already heard today multiple. Times the world is being digital, digitization, is important, and in our business, developing, new digital business, models and, delivering. New digital products, is very very. Important. To growing the business here's. One example, it's, very concrete, we have a, big giant pipeline. Of, real-time. Data, coming. Out of our trading infrastructure. Again 200, million contracts. A month those. Are not just for. Derivatives. Their cash therefore, in exchange there's, reference. Data by the way we run also the largest energy trading. Infrastructure. In Europe we, use different technology. Standards, for, instance pub/sub, from Google we, use pcap, which is a network standard, we, use CSV. We use XML. We use JSON, we, put all of those things in different formats, into a, data Lake on Google Cloud storage. That's. Very important, because again, in the past flexibility. Was. Not a given, you had to structure information to. Store it in. Large, infrastructures. Today that's, changed, lot that's changed love because you have new, technologies. That let you then transform. That information. Big Data bigquery. Tensorflow. Machine. Learning. To. Operate. In Google, Cloud we.

Use A very great invention. From Google by the way called, go language if, any of you have ever tried it I suggested. We use it because Google learned as we. Learned that, managing. Large complex. Infrastructures. You. Need to have speed and reliability so. We're building our BOTS and go. We're. Building data marts than in BigTable and then we're providing those, to. Customers, via our, digital, business platform which, is guess what also written in go, and has. Api's, that then customers, partners. Academia. People. We, never met before can, now consume, data, from, deutsche, bursar group in particular market. Data from. This, public. Data, set based, on bigquery. We're. Doing all that because, again it's not only I'm a Google cloud junkie, we're, doing it because we. See a growing and. Emerging. New. Kind of computing. Infrastructure, that. We believe will deliver better results will, deliver better security, and overtime. Gives us the reliability. We need to, build a global infrastructure. That. Will. Help our business grow. Thank. You google for having it. Let's, really. Appreciate, it and we really, appreciate, your partnership. So. This. Morning we've talked, had. Customer, examples we've talked a lot about digital, transformation, the. Stages, of the journey. Notion. Of optimize get out of the business of the IT that doesn't differentiate you. Next. We're. Actually going to explore. Collaboration. He, says if. The slide will come up. So. Optimize get out of the business of delivering the IT that doesn't differentiate and focus. On what does differentiate. And. Then, what, you really need to do is, to drive productivity and. The, environment, that drives innovation that's, all about collaboration and, to, spend some time talking to you about that and sharing where we're going at, Google and how you can take advantage of our work please, welcome to the stage bill. Hip and Mayer. Thank you. Great. To be here so. You, might ask yourself, where. Does collaboration. Fit into the power of the cloud and you know we talked about AI and, we could talk about transformation, services. Infrastructure. Capabilities and, all the things are involved in in being, able to take, workloads. From your systems, in your environment and it taken advantage, of the leverage the network that we provide in all those things why. Collaboration. Where. Does collaboration, fit in it, is our belief at Google that collaboration, is the beginning, of this, this. Transformation. Process if you think about it transformation. Is the, end result, of a, big idea where, the big ideas, come they come from the, creative, juices, and forces, that are happening within your organization. Creativity. Is all about what creativity. Begins, with engagement. Engagement. Is when one, two, three, and more people gather together and they begin to synthesize. New ideas, one, person, has a concept. A problem, a solution, some thoughts about something but, then that's immediately, impacted, by the people, and organization. Around them and ideas. Come from everywhere they come from the top of the organization where we're doing strategy. And thinking out for word they, come from the grassroots, of the organization, where in retail, stores in manufacturing. Plants, and across, the business people, are coming up with new ideas new. Approaches, and new ways. To solve problems that. Has to be facilitated. With an infrastructure, in, today's. World I'm, gonna state the obvious you're, gonna say bill we get it right, things, are moving, faster, if you, look at the innovation, cycles, in today's world if you examine, the product, life cycle and the, ability to bring new products to market you, no longer have twenty years to, bring a new BMW to, market you.

No Longer have twenty years to reconstruct new, life science, approaches, or think about new transportation. Logistics solutions, or, to, rethink, digital. Communications. Across the globe what, you must do is you must shrink, that, lifecycle, you must accelerate. Creation, and the, only way to do that we believe is to be equipped with a proper set of tools to do so. The. Google suite that we have constructed, and the. Tools that we would invite you to use are built. Around this ability to gather people together, in, real, time to, collaborate, to. Come up with the big idea, which, is going to lead to the transformation. That you're looking to do so. We have a set of tools that allow you to create and to rise that level of creation, instead of being an individual. Activity. But to make it a group activity, where you're working in real time, we. Provide tools that allow you to connect, connect. In real time exchange. Ideas and, be able to be able to riff off each other and synthesize, new thoughts, and new areas, we. Do that with, the ability to quickly search and access content, in one place held, in Google Drive and then, of course we have to give you the control the security, the compliance. The, DLP, capabilities. To be able to protect that content, so that you can be, compliant. With things like gdpr, and. When. You do it there's an impact. PwC. Adopted, the Google Apps orgy suite platform, several. Years ago they rolled it out worldwide and, they, saw dramatic, impact, in terms, of their productivity, if you, think about the world that they live in their, consultants. Are working every day both. Internally. And externally to, be able to try to advise, on. Financial. Issues tax. Issues, in a variety of other consulting, areas what. They have found is that by being. Able to reduce, the amount of travel they have through Google Hangouts and being able to connect real-time through. Collaborative, document. Editing and inviting, both the customer, and the, suppliers, that they're involved with into the conversation. They're finding that they're able to get to things things done faster, and the. Ability to be able to connect in real time those, things have led to real savings in, a, study that they did they came back and said that on average they, are saving nine hours per week per, employee and, they, have a lot of employees, that's real numbers, and the financial, people love.

The Impact of that. But. Why can't we just use the tools we've been using for years to accomplish the same thing. Our. Argument. And our platform says, that. The way of collaboration. That our competitors, are offering is really an old-school, style, of methods they haven't really changed fundamentally. The way you work in fact, I often, talk, to c-level. Executives, that, have adopted the competitor, platform, and I asked them this one question, what. Are you doing, different, today now that you've adopted the latest from your competitor, and how. Is that transform, the way you work and how has that accelerated. Your ideation, platform, and in. Every case they say well bill that's, not what we were about we. Wanted to eliminate, the. Impact, of change management on an organization, we didn't really want to change anything we, liked the way we were working, and, I'm like really is that what you want to do you, want to just work the way you've been working for 20 years where an individual. Creates a document, or a spreadsheet or a presentation, and then, they send it out in email, as an attachment as a way to collaborate, and, be able to exchange ideas, if. You were going to come, up with the top 10 vacation. List, ideas. In a, matter of minutes would, you get into a document. And list, the top 10 and then send it out to 10 of your colleagues, and wait for them to reply no you, would actively, engage, with them in real time most, likely in a conference room or in a Google Doc and say, let's come up with the top 10 quickly, and when everybody, is typing, at the same time and, they're, all interacting in, a collaborative, way what. Happens is you begin to raise the ideas, quickly you, begin to collaborate, and have visual. Inspection. Of what other people are doing and now, what you can do is you can avoid the, need to replicate what, greg has put down so. Greg and I are collaborating Tom and I are collaborating Alexandra. And I are collaborating and I can quickly see they, don't like Cancun Mexico. They prefer, nice, or or, Malaga, Spain to. Be able to do vacation, that's their preference they're Europeans and I don't have that experience now, I do live in London now which has been a really eye-opening experience.

And I'm really enjoying it. All. Right and then, the most important, thing that I really love about the suite is the ability to connect in real time the. Reality, is is that we, don't have to wait for the Thursday afternoon, meeting that's, scheduled, for one hour because all meetings must go an hour that's just the rule of meetings right, that's, not the case when. I can have an idea or inspiration, and I can literally reach out to Joe and Karen and say can you join me on a hangout for five minutes and let's walk through this concept, of this idea and when I ping them and they come back to me and they they, say yep I'm available and we get on a hangout in five or ten minutes we can move the idea forward, in a way that a meeting on Thursday. Afternoon, at three o'clock would not do so. The ability to instantaneously. Reach out click, of a button and connect in real-time is a powerful, capability. And that's what we're doing and. Then. Lastly, and you're gonna hear a lot more about this is the. Application, of artificial, intelligence, to this environment, AI, in, its simplest, form is really about, observing. Patterns. And then, be able to recognize the outcomes, they're associated with those patterns and then being able to do something that's predictive, and being able to actually look it forward I think of it like this if, I, asked you to be a diving judge at the, next Olympics, how qualified, are you today probably, not very well a qualified, I'm not but. If you sat with a Olympic. Judge expert, and watched a hundred, dives you'd be a little bit better what. If you watched a thousand, dives 10,000. Dives $100,000.00. Million, dives we. Are literally taking samples, from, a billion, people, that are simultaneously using. Our products, and we're, able to look at what they're doing and predict, what's next and one, of the great examples of that is it is expounded. Upon an explorer, in sheets. If, you. Regularly, get a data set maybe it's a, point of sale data and you're trying to ask a simple question like ok, Google show me, the. Highest profit, product that happened, that that was sold during, the months of September, October and, November. Across. The different states in Germany and, illustrate. The. Raised. To the top the most, duck Tavor the most the, best margin, product, during. That period you. Don't want to have to write the formula, that does that but, Google has been watching the way experts, analyze, data and from, thousands. And millions, of, examples they. Can actually we can actually predict, what's next, and offer, some. Insight, immediately, when you open up so all you have to do is hit the explore button and now, I have a set of graphs and charts and, pivots, that are already available to me to be able to examine and I, can do that without having to do any work whatsoever and, then I can start to ask questions and Google, will actually write the formula, for you so.

We're Doing a lot of work in AI and that's only one example of many x' in terms. Of what we're doing to be able to apply. Artificial. Intelligence, machine learning to. Your work as you collaborate. So. Let's not just take my word for it but, what I'd like to do is invite a customer, to come up and talk a little bit about what they're doing in the application, of G suite so I'm happy to invite Alex, Pullman, from V spawn to come and share his experience. So. Yeah welcome. Good morning from my side, I'm really, happy proud to tell you that we have gone Google this year and we have gone G sweet. It's. A digital transformation. At fist man with G sweet feet, man is a traditional. Family-owned, business, and we are producing heating. Boilers cooling systems. And. Also some industrial, systems, our, revenue, is about 2.2, billion euros, and we have, 12,000. Employees all, over the world so. We started our digital, transformation. And around. 2015. Because we saw our there, new business models came up new, competitors. Also. A company, of alphabet, nest, I've also on my slides they. Came up and they are taking, our core business and also our, thoughts, about new businesses. So. What we have done we. Are spread out a strategy for digital, transformation. In the most project, called the future workplace. So. The future workplace it's. More about at. The very beginning, it's more about. Evaluation. Of a platform solution. So we. Came. From an IBM nodes, infrastructure. We have run IBM, notes for at least 22, years and, yeah. You know it is a big. Grown infrastructure. So. Our. Talk or our priorities, also, lay on the usability because if you want to use your software and and you'll, also want to users use your software you, have to. Get them on an easy software. Functionality. Was, also an aspect also the IT security all. Of you heard about the, security layer of Google this, is maybe also one of the reason, why, we choose Google because we think it is the most, secure platform, for us to use, so. The integration part and also the costs were. Also, prioritized. In the evaluation, at the end we, decided to move to G suite and you're really happy we. Have now a workplace. That. Is easily accessible on any device, at any place at any time both mentioned our people, should and. Anytime, any place they. Should easily get, together. They. Should create, ideas, we, have no more flexibility. More security, more. Team, collaboration. And also, more transparency, at the, same cost. So. Our main achievements, like, we have started, the global rollout for Jesus with this year in June and we have, an average. 1,500. People each month coming. To G suite we, have migrated, them. 15%, of our users, are using, bring-your-own-device, services. Just, imagine, if like. 1200. People spent, 10 minutes each day in their private life with. Their work environment, that. Are like 200. Hours a day your company, will save. 1.7. Million emails, doesn't, need to be archived, anymore, NIV. Notes we had just 100, megabyte, space, left in. Your in milk's no, the storage is unlimited it's great, so. And everyone, uses to factor on technification so, everyone, can reach his work. Benefits. From everywhere. And you. Just needs to get. A smartphone, all of his trouser and say, yes I am. So. 4500. Google meets are done each month so yep. You're heard it's just six months ago we started the rollout and it's, it's pretty increasing, this number also it's. Like four thousand five hundred if you think for for four thousand five hundred if for. One, one. Google need of one hundred it's. Just a business trip you can save as a company, you will save around 45. To 50. Business trips every month and your, people could engage everywhere, everywhere at any time, so. The, last part is all about collaboration we. Don't send any. Documents. Anymore it's all like. We share it and collaborate, in one document and, all. The stuff I really like and I really would, like to thank all all, of my team colleagues, and also our.

Partner Closed verdict for the great support, we had during, the migration, but. I'm, pretty sure. That. This is just the beginning, of a big change, at our future, workplace and. I'm. Really looking forward to all the, new cool, stuff that will, come from Google in the future, thank you guys. Thank. You Alex for sharing really appreciate that so, we've talked about optimize, about. Leveraging, the power of Google infrastructure, Network and data center services hopefully. You've got some insight, into why collaboration. Is so important to us what, I'd like to do next is take, you to the next level which. Is accelerate. In acceleration. It's really about learning, and growing and harnessing, the power of Big Data machine. Learning and technologies, like that that, will really help you be able to move faster and to, move better, so with that I'd like to introduce my friend and colleague Greg, Dimas Shelley who's going to talk a little bit about accelerate. Thanks. Everyone. I'm really excited to talk about this section of the talk because as Paul said, going. Into cloud 2 just shift. A little bit of capex to OPEX or, save 5 or 10% really. Misses the opportunity that. It provides you the opportunity to, not just save money not, just to affect your cost side of the business but, to drive new business and the. Best way to think about that is to think about it in terms of how, do you get value, out of data. Think. About it as companies. We have become digital pakrats, we. Store, ever increasing. Amounts of data by. Some estimates we'll have a hundred and sixty-three zettabytes. Of data per, year by 2025. I had to Google what does zettabyte, is by the way just, in case you don't know I believe it's a trillion, gigabytes and, why. Is it that we're doing that the. Cloud has made it possible. It. Took store a petabyte of data 10, years ago you had to get a robotic, tape archive you had to spend millions of dollars on special, machinery. Now. For, a penny a gigabyte, a month you, can store every, bit of data from your factory, or your business or your retail, operation. So. The problem is shifted, from how. Do I store that data, to. How, do I find the needle of value, in that haystack of data. Now. The way this works for most of us today is Big Data right that's the answer big data, and we. Know something, about that at Google because most. Of what is in big data today dates. To research, papers, that Google published ten years ago big, data is built on a foundation of, work, that we did within Google, and. We. Went through this pattern which is we build these big data systems, we. Run them in production, the. Data grows by a factor of ten we have to re our Kotak the storage system, and the, result is if you look at most data big data projects, within enterprises today, they're not achieving. The results, that they promised, and why. Is it it's, because if you look at where you actually spend your dollars in your time it's. Not on getting insights you, spend way too much time on, building. Maintenance. Logging. Backup. Disaster. Recovery. Oh no, the data is ten times as big let me rebuild my sharding, system nobody. Enjoys doing that yet we do it time and time again you spend, too much time taking. Care of the machinery, and not. Enough time actually, understanding. The data and. Again we know this is the case because, we went through this at Google we. Went through this exact, same pattern, we, built data systems, we. Thought they were great the data got too big we had to rebuild them and we realized, we had to have a better way we had to have a different way to think about Big Data, so. We said about building out an entirely new, set of data and analytics products around the simple idea of reversing. This ratio of inverting. The amount of time you spent taking, care of the system and the, amount of time you actually spent getting insights. So. Across our entire data portfolio, you, will see, products. Built natively for the cloud where. All of the work of scaling. And infrastructure. And management and even DBA, is, taken, care of for you and.

We've. Also gone one step further because, we also realized, at Google that traditional, batch analytics. Aren't good enough the. Days when, you could have a weekly, report of your business, as and call that acceptable. If. You're a retailer, you want to know what's happening today, not what happened two weeks go if you're. A manufacturer. You want to know that you're having production, problems today not, on a quarterly, report when it's too late to do anything about it so. We built our systems around the notion that batch and streaming are the same thing that. It should be as easy to get real-time, insights, as it is to get a daily, or weekly or quarterly business, report and. So. When you look across our entire data portfolio, whether, it's bigquery, which is a data analytics, warehouse, in the cloud literally, upload, a petabyte of data write. A sequel, query done, no. DBA no, sharding, nothing. To set up or. Data, proc which, lets you take your existing hadoop, clusters, bring him in the cloud and get out of the business of managing, the hadoop infrastructure. Or. Pub/sub. And dataflow which you heard about from our customers, using, that to transform. The way you ingest, data in real time what. All these products, have in common is, they, get you out of the drudgery of maintaining. The machinery, and they let you focus on the fun part, I know of no data analytics, professional, who got into it because they like writing sharding, systems. Do. What's the fun part the understanding. The analytics, of data. And. We see this having an impact on customers. Spotify. When they join Google if you talk to their execs they will tell you the number one reason, that they wanted to use Google, was, to give them a competitive advantage in data think. About it every, time you skip. A song or you play a song or you search for a song and Spotify, that's data that, helps them predict, that next, perfect, music, for you, or. In the banking industry Lloyd's, where. They say they literally went from 96. Hours to 30 minutes, in terms, of their ability to go from an event happening, in the market to, them being able to make a decision based on that. Now. What's, the next step of this sure. We can build data warehouses. You've heard mentioned several times this notion of machine learning and artificial inte


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